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Grade 7 Science eclipses

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Lesson Plan in Science Grade 7 Earth and Space

Content standards: The learners demonstrate an understanding of occurrence of eclipses.

Performance standards:

Learning competency: The learner should be able to explain how solar and lunar eclipses occur, and collect,
record, and report data on the beliefs and practices of the community in relation to

Quarter: 4 Week: Day:

I. Objectives:
At the end of 45 minutes, 100% of the learners are expected to:
1. Knowledge: Explain how eclipse occur, compare and contrast solar and lunar eclipse.
2. Skills: Skillfully demonstrate the model of the sun, moon, and earth, aligned during eclipse.
3. Attitude: Show appreciation on the beliefs and practices of eclipse in the community.

II. Content:
Subject matter: Occurrence Eclipses
Teaching Strategy: Differentiated Instruction
References: Science 7 Teacher’s Guide
Other learning materials/resources: Power Point Presentation; Activity Cards; Activity Materials;
Blackboard and Chalk.

III. Procedures/ learning tasks:

Teacher’s Activity Learners’ Expected Responses

Preliminary Activities: Preliminary Activities:

Everybody please stand, and let us pray. Student stand for the prayer.

Good day class! Good day Ma’am!
Before you take your seats please align your chairs (Student arranged their chairs and picked up pieces
following the ones in front of you and pick up pieces of of trash)
paper and trash under your chairs.

Checking of Attendance:
I have here the attendance kindly sign if you are present Student pass the attendance.
and pass it next to you.

Setting of General Rules and Guidelines: Setting of General Rules and Guidelines:
- Listen Attentively - Listen Attentively
- Refrain from talking unnecessarily. - Refrain from talking unnecessarily.
- If you have something to say or ask, just raise your - If you have something to say or ask, just raise
hands to be recognized. your hands to be recognized.
- Be respectful all the time. - Be respectful all the time.
- Participate in the class. - Participate in the class.

ELICIT (Reviewing previous lesson or prior knowledge.)

To elicit prior knowledge, the teacher will demonstrate the (Learners observed the demonstration).
formation of shadows.
What to do:
1. Make two openings on the shoebox, one on top and
another on the bottom (see figure below).

Wax paper

2. Cover one opening with wax paper (or white paper) and
secure it with tape.
3. Hold a flashlight inside the box and shine the light on
wax the paper.
4. Place the mystery object close to the flashlight. (The
shadow will appear very big.)
5. Ask students to identify the shadows viewed on the wax
paper. (At this distance, students cannot guess the shadows
6. Slowly move the objects away from the flashlight to
make the shadow of the object clearer. (This time, students
can now accurately guess the shadow.)

Ask the following questions: (Learners answer may vary).

1. What is projected on the paper? 1. Shadow.
2. The shadows are formed when the light was
2. Based on the activity, how are shadows formed?
blocked by an object.
3. What are some things you noticed about shadows while
3. As the object moves, its shadow moves too. As the
the object changes its distance from the flashlight?
object move away, it becomes clearer.

(learners answer may vary).

Are there shadows in space?
We will discover if there is also a shadow in space.
Are you ready class?

ENGAGE (Motivating and establishing a purpose for the


The teacher will group the students into three and instruct The students will listen to the teacher and participate
them about the activity. on the activity.

Activity: Picture Reveal Game Activity: Picture Reveal Game

1. Are you familiar with the picture? 1. Yes
2. What is it? 2. Bakunawa
3. Can you give me an idea about the 3. Bakunawa is believed to devour celestial bodies
bakunawa? such as the moon and sun.
4. What occur when bakunawa eat the 4. Causes darkness. Causing eclipses.
moon and sun? 5. No
5. Is "bakunawa" really the cause of eclipses?
(Yet learners’ answers may vary)

Eclipses is similar to the concept of shadows.

Today we are going to discuss what is eclipses and how
eclipses occur!

The teacher will present the topic or subject matter.

- Occurrence of Eclipses

The teacher will present the following objectives to the

1. Explain how eclipse occur, compare and contrast solar
and lunar eclipse. The learners will listen to the teacher.
2. Skillfully demonstrate the model of the sun, moon, and
earth, aligned during eclipse.
3. Show appreciation on the beliefs and practices of eclipse
in their community.

EXPLORE (Discussing new concepts and practicing new


Before the activity, the teacher will ask the learners, “What Learners’ answers may vary.
are the things we need to do when doing a group activity?” (e.g.) “Cooperate with the group.”, “Avoid
unnecessary noise.”, etc.

The teacher will present the following general instructions The learners will listen to the teacher’s instructions.
to the learners to be guided throughout the activity.

General Instructions: General Instructions:

1. You will be divided into three as to which you are 1. You will be divided into three as to which you are
assigned with your designated differentiated activities. assigned with your designated differentiated
(“Illustrate The Solar Eclipse”, “Demonstrate The activities.
Lunar Eclipse”, and “Lunar Vs. Solar”) (“Illustrate The Solar Eclipse”, “Demonstrate
2. Choose a leader, secretary and a reporter. The Lunar Eclipse”, and “Lunar Vs. Solar”)
3. Activity cards that contains instructions, and learning 2. Choose a leader, secretary and a reporter.
materials will be provided. 3. Activity cards that contains instructions, and
4. Take down notes for key words or concepts in order to learning materials will be provided.
answer the guide questions. 4. Take down notes for key words or concepts in
5. After you finish the activity, answer the guide questions order to answer the guide questions.
on the activity sheets provided by the teacher. 5. After you finish the activity, answer the guide
6. Show in front of the class how you did your work and questions on the activity sheets provided by the
explain the answers on the guide questions. teacher.
6. Show in front of the class how you did your work
and explain the answers on the guide questions.

Note: see attached activity sheets. Note: See attached Activity Sheets.

EXPLAIN (Processing and discussing the concept. Should

include interaction between the teacher and students).

The teacher will listen to the report of the group. The learners will share their work to the class, as
Group 1: Illustrate The Solar Eclipse well as their answers to the guide questions.
Group 2: Demonstrate Lunar Eclipse Group 1: Illustrate The Solar Eclipse
Group 3: Lunar Vs. Solar Group 2: Demonstrate Lunar Eclipse
Group 3: Lunar Vs. Solar

The teacher will give commendations, constructive Learners will listen and take down notes to what the
feedback and address misconceptions to each of the group. teacher is saying.

The teacher will discuss the eclipses and how they occur. Learners will listen and take down notes to what the
Key Concepts: teacher is saying.
What is an eclipse? Key Concepts:
- An eclipse is a celestial event in which light is What is an eclipse?
temporarily blocked or dimmed as one celestial body - An eclipse is a celestial event in which light is
passes into the shadow of another. temporarily blocked or dimmed as one celestial body
Why eclipse happened? passes into the shadow of another.
An eclipse is an event that obscures the light of the moon Why eclipse happened?
when it’s in Earth’s shadow or light of the sun. An eclipse an event that obscures the light of the
The moon casts two shadows Called the umbra and the moon when it’s in Earth’s shadow or light of the sun.
penumbra: The moon casts two shadows Called the umbra and
UMBRA the penumbra:
-The umbra is the central, darkest part of a shadow where UMBRA
the light source is completely blocked. It is the region -The umbra is the central, darkest part of a shadow
where no direct light can reach, resulting in total darkness. where the light source is completely blocked. It is the
PENUMBRA region where no direct light can reach, resulting in
-The penumbra is the outer part of a shadow where the total darkness.
light source is only partially blocked. It is lighter than the PENUMBRA
umbra and results in a partial shadow. The penumbra -The penumbra is the outer part of a shadow where
surrounds the umbra and creates a transition zone between the light source is only partially blocked. It is lighter
fully illuminated and fully shaded areas. than the umbra and results in a partial shadow. The
Partial Solar Eclipse -happen when the moon comes penumbra surrounds the umbra and creates a
between the sun and earth, but the moon only partially transition zone between fully illuminated and fully
covers the sun’s disk. shaded areas.
Annular eclipse -An Annular Eclipse is a type of solar Partial Solar Eclipse -happen when the moon
eclipse where the Moon doesn't fully cover the Sun, comes between the sun and earth, but the moon only
leaving a ring of sunlight visible around the Moon's partially covers the sun’s disk.
silhouette. This happens because the Moon is farther from Annular eclipse -An Annular Eclipse is a type of
Earth, so it looks smaller in the sky, and doesn't completely solar eclipse where the Moon doesn't fully cover the
block out the Sun. Total solar eclipse -When the moon Sun, leaving a ring of sunlight visible around the
covers the entire disk of the sun. Moon's silhouette. This happens because the Moon is
Total Lunar Eclipse -occurs when the moon and the sun farther from Earth, so it looks smaller in the sky, and
are on exact opposite sides of Earth. doesn't completely block out the Sun.
Partial Lunar Eclipse -happens when only a part of the Total solar eclipse -When the moon covers the
moon enters Earth’s shadow. entire disk of the sun.
Total Lunar Eclipse -occurs when the moon and the
sun are on exact opposite sides of Earth.
Partial Lunar Eclipse -happens when only a part of
the moon enters Earth’s shadow.
If you talk about eclipse in your community did you hear
different beliefs about it or superstitions?

Now let’s see what are those.

(Show different superstitious beliefs about the eclipse) Learners’ answers may vary.
(e.g.) “I heard from my parents ma’am that it is bad
for pregnant women”.

ELABORATE (Students apply the information learned

and deepen their understanding).

Let’s have a game called Answer Me!

The mechanics of the game is;

I’m going to say the group number or group name and you
will stand together, for those who are late to stand will be
the one to answer.

QUESTIONS during the activity:

1. What is an eclipse?
2. What are the two types of eclipse? (The learners participate the activity, answered the
3. Show me what happened during Solar eclipse. question and demonstrate the models)
3. Show me what happened during Lunar eclipse.
4. What are the 3 types of Solar eclipse?
5. What are the 3 types of Lunar eclipse?
6. What are the two shadows the moon cast?
7. What is the difference between solar and lunar eclipse?
8. Why eclipses happened?
9. Why do we need to study the eclipses?
EVALUATE (Evaluating or assessing learning).

Direction: Read and understand the following statements.

Write the letter of the correct answer in your ¼ Direction: Read and understand the following
sheet of paper. statements. Write the letter of the correct answer in
your ¼ sheet of paper.
1. What is an eclipse?
a. A celestial event where planets align 1. What is an eclipse?
b. A phenomenon where light is temporarily e. A celestial event where planets align
blocked as one celestial body passes into the f. A phenomenon where light is
shadow of another temporarily blocked as one celestial
c. A rare occurrence of meteor showers body passes into the shadow of
d. A gravitational disturbance in space another
g. A rare occurrence of meteor showers
2. Why do eclipses happen? h. A gravitational disturbance in space
a. Due to the gravitational pull of the planets
b. When the Moon orbits too close to Earth 2. Why do eclipses happen?
c. An event that obscures the light of the moon e. Due to the gravitational pull of the
when it's in Earth's shadow or the light of planets
the sun when the moon is between it and f. When the Moon orbits too close to
Earth Earth
d. Random fluctuations in Earth's atmosphere g. An event that obscures the light of the
moon when it's in Earth's shadow or
3. Describe the umbra. the light of the sun when the moon is
a. The outer part of a shadow between it and Earth
b. The region where no direct light can reach, h. Random fluctuations in Earth's
resulting in total darkness atmosphere
c. The central, brightest part of a shadow
d. A specific type of cloud formation 3. Describe the umbra.
e. The outer part of a shadow
4. Explain the penumbra. f. The region where no direct light can
a. The darkest part of a shadow reach, resulting in total darkness
b. The region where the light source is g. The central, brightest part of a
completely blocked shadow
c. The outer part of a shadow where the light h. A specific type of cloud formation
source is only partially blocked
d. A type of lunar surface feature 4. Explain the penumbra.
e. The darkest part of a shadow
5. What happens during a Partial Solar Eclipse? f. The region where the light source is
a. The Moon fully covers the Sun's disk completely blocked
b. The Moon partially covers the Sun's disk g. The outer part of a shadow where the
c. The Earth casts a shadow on the Moon light source is only partially blocked
d. The Earth fully covers the Sun's disk h. A type of lunar surface feature

6. Define an Annular Eclipse. 5. What happens during a Partial Solar Eclipse?

a. The Moon fully covers the Sun's disk e. The Moon fully covers the Sun's disk
b. The Moon partially covers the Sun, leaving f. The Moon partially covers the Sun's
a ring of sunlight visible disk
c. The Earth casts a shadow on the Moon g. The Earth casts a shadow on the
d. The Sun fully covers the Moon's disk Moon
h. The Earth fully covers the Sun's disk
7. When does a Total Solar Eclipse occur?
a. When the Moon is too far from Earth to 6. Define an Annular Eclipse.
completely cover the Sun e. The Moon fully covers the Sun's disk
b. When the Moon covers the entire disk of the f. The Moon partially covers the Sun,
Sun leaving a ring of sunlight visible
c. When the Earth is positioned directly g. The Earth casts a shadow on the
between the Sun and the Moon Moon
d. During a full moon phase h. The Sun fully covers the Moon's disk

8. Describe a Total Lunar Eclipse. 7. When does a Total Solar Eclipse occur?
a. When the Earth is positioned directly e. When the Moon is too far from Earth
between the Sun and the Moon to completely cover the Sun
b. When the Moon is too far from Earth to f. When the Moon covers the entire disk
completely cover the Sun of the Sun
c. When the Moon and the Sun are on exact g. When the Earth is positioned directly
opposite sides of Earth between the Sun and the Moon
d. When the Earth is positioned directly h. During a full moon phase
between the Sun and the Moon
8. Describe a Total Lunar Eclipse.
9. What is a Partial Lunar Eclipse? e. When the Earth is positioned directly
a. When the Earth is positioned directly between the Sun and the Moon
between the Sun and the Moon f. When the Moon is too far from Earth
b. When only a part of the Moon enters Earth's to completely cover the Sun
shadow g. When the Moon and the Sun are on
c. When the Moon covers the entire disk of the exact opposite sides of Earth
Sun h. When the Earth is positioned directly
d. When the Moon partially covers the Sun's between the Sun and the Moon
9. What is a Partial Lunar Eclipse?
e. When the Earth is positioned directly
between the Sun and the Moon
f. When only a part of the Moon enters
Earth's shadow
g. When the Moon covers the entire disk
of the Sun
Answer key: h. When the Moon partially covers the
Sun's disk
1. B- A phenomenon where light is temporarily
blocked as one celestial body passes into the
Answer key:
shadow of another
1. B- A phenomenon where light is temporarily
2. C- An event that obscures the light of the moon
blocked as one celestial body passes into the
when it's in Earth's shadow or the light of the sun
shadow of another
when the moon is between it and Earth
2. C- An event that obscures the light of the
3. B- The region where no direct light can reach,
moon when it's in Earth's shadow or the light
resulting in total darkness
of the sun when the moon is between it and
4. C- The outer part of a shadow where the light Earth
source is only partially blocked
3. B- The region where no direct light can
5. B- The Moon partially covers the Sun's disk reach, resulting in total darkness
6. B- The Moon partially covers the Sun, leaving a 4. C- The outer part of a shadow where the light
ring of sunlight visible source is only partially blocked
7. B- When the Moon covers the entire disk of the Sun 5. B- The Moon partially covers the Sun's disk
8. A- When the Earth is positioned directly between 6. B- The Moon partially covers the Sun,
the Sun and the Moon leaving a ring of sunlight visible
9. B- When only a part of the Moon enters Earth's 7. B- When the Moon covers the entire disk of
shadow the Sun
8. A- When the Earth is positioned directly
between the Sun and the Moon
9. B- When only a part of the Moon enters
Earth's shadow

EXTEND (Deepen conceptual understanding through use

in new context). Direction: Explore the technology used to study and
observe eclipses. Research and present on different
Direction: Explore the technology used to study and technological advancements that have enhanced our
observe eclipses. Research and present on different understanding of eclipses and enabled scientists to
technological advancements that have enhanced our make valuable observations.
understanding of eclipses and enabled scientists to make Provide pictures and a short description, and pass it
valuable observations. in a short bond paper.
Provide pictures and a short description, and pass it in a
short bond paper. The learners will bid goodbye to the teacher.

The teacher will end the lesson for the day and will bid

A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ____
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: ___
C. Did the remedial lessons work? ___
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: ___
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: ____
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? ___
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve? ___
H. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with other teacher? ____

ML (Mastery Level): ____________________

ID (Instructional Decision): ________________

Prepared by:


Pre-service teacher

Checked by:




“Illustrate The Solar Eclipse”

General Instructions:
1. You will be divided into three as to which you are assigned with your designated activities.
2. Choose a leader, secretary and a reporter.
3. Activity cards that contains instructions for the simple activity and the learning materials that you will perform will
be provided.
4. Take down notes for key words and concepts that best describe the process of different phase changes in order to
answer the guide questions.
5. After you perform the activity, answer the guide questions on the activity sheets provided by the teacher.
6. Show in front of the class how you did your work and explain the answers on the guide questions.

Activity Instruction:
1. You are provided with drawing materials.
2. Illustrate creatively the solar eclipse.
3. Post your illustration on the board.

Guide Questions:

1. What is eclipse?

2. What is umbra?

3. What is penumbra?

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“Demonstrate The Lunar Eclipse”

General Instructions:
1. You will be divided into three as to which you are assigned with your designated activities.
2. Choose a leader, secretary and a reporter.
3. Activity cards that contain instructions for the simple activity and the learning materials that you will perform will
be provided.
4. Take down notes for key words and concepts that best describe the process of different phase changes in order to
answer the guide questions.
5. After you perform the activity, answer the guide questions on the activity sheets provided by the teacher.
6. Show in front of the class how you did your work and explain the answers on the guide questions.

Activity Instruction:
1. You will be provided some materials you needed for the model;
‘3 balls representing as an earth, moon, and sun.’
2. Correctly positioned it to correspond with the lunar eclipse.
3. Demonstrate your model in class.

Guide Questions:

1. What is eclipse?

2. What is partial solar eclipse?


3. What is annular eclipse?


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__________________________________________ _______________________________________
__________________________________________ _______________________________________

“Lunar Vs. Solar”

General Instructions:
1. You will be divided into three as to which you are assigned with your designated activities.
2. Choose a leader, secretary and a reporter.
3. Activity cards that contains instructions for the simple activity and the learning materials that you will perform will
be provided.
4. Take down notes for key words and concepts that best describe the process of different phase changes in order to
answer the guide questions.
5. After you perform the activity, answer the guide questions on the activity sheets provided by the teacher.
6. Show in front of the class how you did your work and explain the answers on the guide questions.

Activity Instruction:
1. You will be given keywords for the Venn diagram.
2. Set up your diagram on a flat surface that’s big enough to hold your finished product.
3. Sort the keywords with your desired strategy.
4. Place all the keywords that corresponds to Solar or Lunar Eclipse.

Guide Questions:

1. What is total solar eclipse?


2. What is total lunar eclipse?


3. What is partial lunar eclipse?


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