Arnis Rules and Regulation
Arnis Rules and Regulation
Arnis Rules and Regulation
Arnis Pederasyong Internasyonal, Inc.
or (“i-Arnis”) have prepared these
rules andregulations as a standard in
the conduct of Local, National, and
International tournaments in Arnis
Sport. In 2015, these rules were first
presented and approved by the i-Arnis
Board of Directors .
Basic Rules
Arnis is a combative sportplayed by two individuals
in a court measuring 26.24 Feet(8 meters) into
26.24 Feet (8 meters), with a smooth and clean
Players are paired / matched according to the
division of weight categories.
The minimum temperature for an outdoor
competition shall not be below 25degrees Celsius
(77 degrees Fahrenheit) and for indoor
competition; the temperature should not be above
25 degrees Celsius (61 degrees Fahrenheit).
Lighting apparatus is located above the free space.
Before the game starts, players must be positioned in
the playing area so that the red-coded player is on
the right side of the referee and the blue-coded
player is on the leftside
MEN's team may consist of a maximum of
eleven players, one player per weight
division, one coach, one trainer, one medical
doctor and two ociating Review Judges
(“RJs”) licensed by i-ARNIS (Same
composition for WOMEN's team, BOY's team
and GIRL's team)
Participants Qualifications:
The players shall meet the requirements
of the weight division in which they are to
The player should be physically and
mentally fit to compete and submit the
medical certification with the tournament
A sex test may also occur if a player's
identity (Real Sex) is in doubt.
Drug tests may also take place if in doubt.
World Eskrima Kali Arnis Federation
(“WEKAF”) System
The participants wear padded vests with skirts and
sleeves and headgear that resemble the one used
in Kendo.
Participants are forbidden to hit their opponents
below the thigh.
According to the "Four-Second Rule" implemented
in the system, no points are awarded if the same
strike is repeated more than twice in succession.
On violating any rule, the ocials warn the
participants and can be disqualified if they
continue violating the format despite two
Arnis Philippines System (“ARPI”)
In this system, participants fight with al lightly padded
stick that flexes hard impact.
Headgears can be used for protection and hitting in the
back of the head is strictly prohibited as the headgear
is open from behind.
A large groin guard is required for male participants.
The ghts are observed by multiple judges stationed at