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Q. Bank for MBBS Students- Dept

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Vithalrao Vikhe Patil Foundation’s

Medical College, Ahmednagar
Department of physiology



1. a)What is hypovolemic shock ? Explain the compensatory mechanisms of shock in the body

2. a) Define cardiac output . Describe factors affecting cardiac output

3. a) What are baroreceptors ? Describe their role in regulation of blood pressure

4. a) What is hypovolemic shock ?

b) Explain in brief compensatory mechanism in non-progressive stage of shock.

c) What is the physiological basis of treatment of hypovolemic shock?

5. a) What is cardiac output ? describe factors affecting cardiac output.

6. a) Enumerate functional tissue of heart (specialized conducting tissue )

. b) What is the role of A-V node and Purkinje fibers?

7. a) Define cardiac output and peripheral resistance

b) Which are the factors affecting cardiac output

c) Explain Fick’s principle

8. a) What are the causes of heart sounds

b) Describe Ist and IInd heart sounds

c) What are murmurs?

9. a) What are the peculiarities of coronary circulation?

b) Add a note on angina pectoris.

10. Describe origin and spread of cardiac impulse.

11. Describe the pressure changes occurring in right atrium during cardiac cycle.

12. Venous return.

13. Factors affecting stroke volume.

14. Describe the events in cardiac cycle occurring in the ventricles.


1. Define cardiac impulse .Describe production and propagation of cardiac impulse in detail with
applied aspects.
2. Enumerate various mechanisms for regulation of mean arterial blood pressure.
Discuss Sino aortic mechanism in detail. Add a note on Hypertension.

3. Describe ventricular pressure and volume changes occurring during cardiac

Cycle with the help of diagram.

4. Explain Starlings forces in tissue fluid formation .Add a note on edema.

5. Enumerate the mechanisms of regulation of blood pressure .Explain short term Regulation
mechanisms of blood pressure.
6. Describe a cardiac cycle stating various phases, pressure and volume changes, Heart sounds and
7. What is cardiac output? How is it regulated? Give any one method of its Measurements in man.
8. Draw and label neat diagram of ECG in lead II .Explain various waves, intervals, their significance
and applied aspects.

9. Define heart rate. Describe the factors affecting and regulating heart rate?

10. Define shock. What are the stages of shock? Describe the mechanisms involved in restoration of
blood volume and blood pressure in hypovolemic shock. Give physiological basis of its management.


1. a) Explain the production of sub atmospheric intrapleural pressure and state its

b) Show diagrammatically changes in intrapleural pressure during respiratory cycle.

2. a) What is type of hypoxia produced at high altitude?

b) Explain various changes during acclimatization at high altitude?

3. a) What is lung compliance ?

b) Describe factors affecting lung compliance

4. a) Define hypoxia

b) What are the types of hypoxia?

c) How can hypoxic hypoxia are treated

5. a) What is surfactant ?

b) Describe the functions of surfactant.

c) What would happen if surfactant secretion is deficient?

6. a) Define dyspnea .

b) What are the causes of dyspnea?

c) What is dyspneic index?

7. a) Enumerate pulmonary function tests .

b) Explain vital capacity and dyspneic index.

8. a) What are the various centers for respiratory regulation ?

b) Explain their role in regulation of respiration.

c) Define respiratory acidosis and alkosis

9. a) Draw and label oxygen dissociation curve

b) What is shift to left and right?

c) Which factors shift the curve?.

10. a) Define intrapleural and intra-alveolar pressure

b) Explain the functional significances of intrapleural pressure.

c) How is its measured?

12. a) What are the forms of carbon dioxide transport ?

b) Explain the role of hemoglobin in carbon dioxide transport.

13. a) Define acclimatization to high altitude

b) Explain the compensatory mechanism during acclimatization

c) What is acute mountain sickness?

14. a) What is respiratory dead space?

b) Describe the method at its measurement.

15. What is Respiratory Quotient? Describe the Haldane effect and Bhors effect.


1. Describe oxygen and carbon dioxide transport in body.

2. Describe the role of different centers in regulation of respiration.

3. Describe lung volumes and capacities with their significance. How are they measured?

4. Describe the central mechanism of chemical regulation of respiration .Add a note on periodic
breathing and Kussmaul Breathing”.

5. What is lung compliance? Enumerate and explain the factors affecting lung Compliance. Add a
note on hyaline membrane disease.

6. Describe neural regulation of respiration .Add a note on Hering –Breuer reflex and Ondine’s curse.
1. a) Define deglutition .

b) Describe pharyngeal phase of deglutition.

c) How is this phase regulated?

2. a) Enumerate the various phases of gastric secretion .

b) Describe the factors affecting the gastric secretion.

3. a) Enumerate the movements of small intestine

b) Describe the process of peristalsis.

4. a) Enumerate pancreatic enzymes

b) How is pancreatic secretion regulated?

5. a) What is the composition of gastric juice ?

b) What are the functions of HCl?

c) State physiological basis of treatment of peptic ulcer

7. Enumerate four gastro-intestinal hormones. Write their functions in brief.

8. a) What are functions of bile ? Describe the entero- hepatic circulation?

9. a) What is mechanism of HCl secretion in gastric juice ?

b) Describe in brief cephalic phase of gastric juice secretion

10. a) Enumerate the movements of the stomach . Describe factors regulating gastric emptying.

11. a) Describe the movements of large intestine .

b) What is defecation reflex? How is it control?


12. Describe the mechanism of HCL secretion in stomach. Give the causes and physiological basis of
treatment of peptic ulcer.

13. Describe the composition and the functions of saliva.

14. Describe the hormones secreted by Gi tract.



1. a) What is diabetes mellitus ?

b) Explain the physiological basis of polyuria and glycosuria in diabetes mellitus

2. a) What is gigantism?

b) Give physiology of characteristic of typical giant.

c) Give reason for diabetes in giant .

3. a) What is myxedema ?

b) What are causes of myxedema?

c) Describe the physiology of classical features of myxedema.

4. a) What is thyrotoxicosis ?

b) Describe its clinical features.

c) What is the possible method of treatment?

5. a) Enumerate hormones secreted by adrenal cortex .

b) Describe the actions of aldosterone .

6. a) Describe the relationship between hypothalamus & posterior pituitary ?

b) Explain milk ejection reflex

7 a) Explain the action of ADH

b) What are factors regulating ADH?

c) Describe the diabetes insipidus ?

8. a)Enumerate the hormones secreted by anterior pituitary.

b)What are the physiological actions of growth hormones

9. a)Which hormones are secreted by endocrine pancreas?

b) What is the role of insulin in metabolism ?

10. Cushing’s syndrome-cause , features , treatment .

11. a) What is acromegaly ?

b) Describe the clinical picture

c) What is its cause and treatment ?

12. a) What are the actions of parathormone in the body ?

b) What is tetany ?

c) How will you treat it?

13. a) What are the metabolic effects of growth hormone ?

b) Name the clinical conditions that result because of excess secretion of growth hormone .


1. Describe biosynthesis and actions of thyroxine .Add a note on myxedema.

2. Describe actions and regulations of secretion of growth hormone .Add a note on acromegaly .
3. Enumerate the hormones secreted by adrenal cortex. Describe the actions of glucocorticoids .Add
a note on Addison’s disease.



1. a) Define ovulation .

b) Describe the mechanism of ovulation.

2. a) Describe immunological pregnancy test .

b) How is it interpreted?

3. a) What are oral contraceptives ?

b) Describe the physiological basis of their action?

4. a) What are methods of contraception?

b) Explain mechanism of action of IUCD

c) What are the advantages &disadvantages of IUCD?

5.a)What is ovarian cycle ?

b) Describe the hormonal regulation of ovarian cycle.

6. a) Define menstrual cycle.

b) Describe various phages with its hormonal regulation.

7. a) What is spermatogenesis ?

b) Describe the hormonal factors affecting spermatogenesis.

9. a) How is lactation initiated ?

b) What is mechanism of milk ejection?

10. a)Describe the hormones secreted by placenta at different stages of gestation.

b) How a placental hormone is useful in early diagnosis of pregnancy

16. a) What is parturition ?Explain role of oxytocin in parturition .

17. Describe the actions of testosterone.


1. Describe the phases and hormonal control of menstrual cycle with the help of diagram.
2. Describe actions of ovarian hormones .Add a note on oral contraceptives.
3. Describe actions of testosterone. Add a note on spermatogenesis .
4. Describe the physiological changes occurring during pregnancy
General and Muscle Physiology


1. a) Enumerate various transport mechanism across the cell membrane .

b) Describe in brief primary active transport .

2. a) What is sarco- tubular system in skeletal muscle ?

b) Write in brief the process of excitation contraction coupling.

3. a) What is myasthenia gravis ? Describe the causes ? What is the physiological basis of its treatment.

4. a) Define diffusion , Describe facilitated diffusion with example.

5. a) Draw and label neuro –muscular junction .

b) Describe various events at neuro-muscular junction .

6. a) Enumerate the methods of transport of substances across the cell membrane .

b) Explain sodium - potassium pump.

7. a) What is sarcomere ?

b) Explain the role of calcium irons in skeletal muscle contraction.

8. What is the difference between isotonic and isometric exercise? Explain the effect of isotonic
exercise on blood pressure.

9. a) Draw a neat labelled diagram of nerve action potential.

b) Describe its ionic basis .

10. What is action potential ? What are the phases of action potential? How is action potential


1. Give an account of process of neuromuscular transmission in skeletal muscle. What are the drug’s
acting on NMJ? Briefly explain myasthenia gravis.

2. Describe origin and propagation of nerve impulse in myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibre .

3. What is sarcomere? Describe the molecular basis of skeletal muscle contraction and relaxation.

4. Define resting membrane potential ,Discuss ionic basis for development of resting membrane
potential and action potential .


1. Classify WBC . Describe the different functions and properties of WBC

2. a) Define anemia .

b) Enumerate different types of anemia

c) Describe the causes and treatment for megaloblastic anemia.

3. a) Enumerate the different blood group systems ?

b) Describe hemolytic diseases of the new born .

c) What is clinical importance of blood groups?

4. a) What is hemostasis ?

b) Describe intrinsic pathway of coagulation?

c) Enumerate anti-coagulants used in vitro.

5. a) Enumerate the stages of erythropoiesis .

b) Describe the regulation of erythroposis

6. a) What is Landsteiner’s Law ?

b) State its application of blood groups.

c) What are the effects of mismatched blood transfusion?

7. What is normal platelet count ? Describe the role of platelets in blood clotting .

8. Explain the formation of memory cells in the immune mechanism . Give its clinical significance .

9. Define and classify immunity . Explain role of lymphocytes in immunity .

10. What is acquired immunity ? Describe the role of B-lymphocytes in acquired immunity?

11. What are the functions of platelets? How are platelets formed? What is thrombocytopenia?


1. Discuss A-B-O blood group system. What are the hazards of mismatched blood Transfusion?
2. Define and classify immunity. Describe cell mediated immunity in detail.


1. a) What is referred pain?

b) State two examples of referred pain.

c) Describe the theories of referred pain?

2. a) Define speech .

b) Describe the physiology of causes of Aphasia?

c) What are the differences between aphasia and dysarthria?

3. a) Describe briefly the role of cerebellum in control of voluntary activities .

b) Enumerate the signs of cerebellum disease.

4. a) Define stretch reflex .

b) Describe the role of Gamma motor neuron in stretch reflex ?

5. a) Enumerate the different components of basal ganglia .

b) Mention important connections and functions of basal ganglia .

c) What is the cause and treatment of Parkinson disease ?

6. a) Define muscle tone .

b) Explain the spinal reflex in regulation of muscle tone.

c) What is decerebrate rigidity ?

7. a) Enumerate the stages of complete transection of spinal cord .

b) Explain the stage of spinal shock .

8. a) Enumerate the functions of hypothalamus .

b) Describe briefly any two homeostatic functions .

9. Brown –Sēquard syndrome .

10. Parkinson’s disease .

11. a) Draw and label Broadman’s areas seen on lateral surface of the brain .
b) Describe the connections and functions of prefrontal cortex .

12. a) Describe the inhibition achieved in synapses ?

b) Give two examples with their physiological significance.

13. a) Describe synaptic transmission in flow chart .

b) What are the various types of the synaptic inhibitions ?

14. What are different types of synapses ? describe the properties of synapse .

15. Compare and contrast between fast and slow pain mechanism.

16. Define memory. Enumerate types of memory. Describe the physiology of Alzheimer’s disease ?

17.a) Describe the function of Thalamus.

b) Describe thalamic syndrome


1. Describe the connections and functions of basal ganglia .Add a note on Parkinsonism.
2. Describe origin, course and termination of pathway for fine touch and crude touch sensations.

3. Describe connections and functions of cerebellum.

4. Describe origin, course, termination and functions of corticospinal pathway .add a note on
hemiplegia and paraplegia.

5. Describe in details the pathway along which pain sensation is transmitted and pain sensations are

6. Define muscle tone .Describe how it is regulated.

7. Define reflex action .What are the properties of reflex action? Describe myotatic reflex in detail

8. Describe the physiology of complete transverse section of spinal cord.

9 Define synapse. Give structure of chemical synapse .Describe mechanism of synaptic excitation and
inhibition .

10 .Describe nuclei, connections and functions of hypothalamus.

11. Draw diagram of dorsal column medical lemniscal pathway. What types of sensation are carried in
this pathway? What are the characteristics of transmission in this pathway?

12. Define posture. Describe briefly the reflexes which regulate postures.


1. a) Enumerate the errors of refraction .

b) Describe the type of error seen in old age? How is it corrected.

2. Enumerate functions of middle ear . Describe impedance matching and its significance

3. What is dark –adaptation ? Describe the role of photo pigments in dark and light adaptation.

4. a) Draw optic pathway .

b) Describe what will happen to the field of vision if there is damage to left optic nerve and optic
chiasma .

5. What is hypermetropia ? Describe physiology of its cause? How is it corrected.

6. Describe the theories of color vision. What is color –blindness? Give its cause

7. Give the structure of Organ of Corti . Explain its role in hearing. Define nerve deafness and mention
tests to detect it.

8. a) Define accommodation in eye .

b) Describe the changes that occur during accommodation ?

c) What is amplitude of accommodation.

9. a) What are the types of deafness ?

b) Enumerate the tests to differentiate the types

c) Write in detail about any one test .

10. Describe the pathway for taste sensation. Enumerate basic modalities of taste and type of papillae.

11. a) Name the osscicles and muscles present m middle ear.

b) Describe attenuation reflex.


1. What is organ of corti? Describe mechanism of hearing in detail.

2. Describe the photochemistry of vision. Add a note on dark adaptation.


1. a) Enumerate the causes of dehydration ,

b) What is osmosis?

c) Explain physiological basis of correction of dehydration.

2. a) Describe the dynamics of GFR .

b) Enumerate the factors affecting GFR .

3. Describe the functions of Juxta Glomerular apparatus .

4. a) Enumerate different clearance tests .

b) Describe any one of them .

5. Describe the role of proximal convoluted tubule in urine formation .

6. a) Write innervations of urinary bladder .

b) Explain micturition reflex .

c) Name the abnormalities of micturition .

b) Describe one method to determine GFR .

7. a) What is the nerve supply of urinary bladder?

b) What is atomic bladder and automatic bladder ?

c) Draw a labeled diagram cystometrogram.

8.Describe counter current mechanism.


1. Describe in detail the mechanism of formation and concentration of urine. Add a note on
Artificial kidney.
2. Define Milieu interior .Explain the role of kidney in maintaining the osmolarity of body fluid .
3. What is glomerular filtration rate? How is it measure? Explain various factors affecting GFR.


1. a) What is hyperthermia

b) Describe the physiological basis of treatment of hyperthermia?

c) What is heat stroke?

2. Describe Mechanisms of heat loss from body. Add a note on pyrexia.

3. Explain the role of hypothalamus in body temperature regulation . .

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