Planning Sports Facilities

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(Planning sports facilities)

Group members:-

Hamza faraz 211

Jannat zahid 216
sadia zahoor 212
tasneem riaz 210
khalid asghar 214
 Facility & Sports Facilities
 Sports Research
 General Consideration
 Laboratory & its purpose
 Teaching and Research
 Specific Laboratories
A Facility mean something (such as building or large
piece of equipment) that is build for a specific purpose
that makes an action, operation ,or activity easier.

Sports Facilities
Sports facilities means enclosed areas of sports
pavilion, stadiums, gymnasiums, health spas, boxing
arenas ,swimming pools ,rollers and ice rings ,billiard
halls , balling alleys, and other similar places where
engage physical exercise ,participation in athletic
competition .
Facilities at different Levels
 International
This category relates to the lowest level of International
 Premier

This category relates to a Premier / National League Club

competing in regional or inter county competitions.
 Club

This category relates to a local club competing in District

and County League competitions.
 Community

This category relates to school and community use where

there is no formal competitive structure / no specific need
for space for officials or spectator accommodation.
Sports Research
Sports research is designed to explain the
under lying mechanics about how athletes
function. It gives coaches and athletes a
way to gain solid information and apply it
to sports performance. They study specific
aspects of sports performance from within
a very narrow scope.
What is general consideration?
A General Consideration is situational
analysis highlights key characteristics of the
programme including the risk factors.
 consideration when building a new sports
 seasonal consideration for sports facilities.
 considerations when designing multiple
purpose facility
Consideration when building a new
sports complex
 Activities
 Contractor selection
 Building regulation
 Turf selection
 Irrigation and draining
 Severe weather safety
 Lightning
 Parking
Seasonal Consideration for
sports facilities
 Planning for sports facilities
through the season
 Planning and strategies
 Seasonal considerations
 Sports facilities advisory advise
and support
Consideration when designing a multi-
purpose facility
 Design consideration for multi-purpose
 Multiple demographics
 Large crowd
 Flexibility
 Sustainability
 Multi-purpose facility design at
SFA(sports facility advisory)
A laboratory is a facility that provides controlled
conditions in which scientific or technological
research, experiments and measurements may
be performed.
What is purpose of a laboratory ?
 The main purpose of laboratory work in
science education is to provide students with
conceptual and theoretical knowledge to help
them learn scientific concepts.
Scope of laboratories
 To obtain a baseline understanding of their current
health and fitness status, with the goal of preventing
disease and improving health, fitness, and quality of life.
 Help you determine ideal body weight, the level of
fitness you should aim to achieve, appropriate intensity
levels for workouts, and also help you set goals for
 Help to develop an appropriate, individualised exercise
training program to reach fitness goals, but include a
range of tests that give an overview of current general
health, help to identify any key future health risks, and
offer practical lifestyle advice to encourage behaviour
change that could lead towards a fitter and healthier
Teaching laboratories
The teaching laboratories is place where students
learn, investigate, analyze and reflect. They test
and apply theories and make concepts.
 Course planning
 Choice of projects
 Integration with theory
 Group work
 Appropriate equipment
 Plan each experiment
 Reviewing each experiment
Research Laboratories
 Research laboratory is a workplace for the conduct of
scientific research.
 Sport, exercise and rehabilitation sciences mostly deal with
scientific research and their faculties have well equipped
laboratories with modern technologies.
 It includes teaching and research laboratories for
physiology, biochemistry, psychophysiology,
biomechanics, sport psychology, motor skills, immunology,
muscle mechanics and the neurophysiology of movement.
 The faculty’s laboratory facilities include human
performance labs, bio analytics labs, and technical labs.
Research lab (conti….)
 Having own labs and equipment, our
researchers have access to the
Experimental Laboratory Unit of the
Department of Biological and
Environmental Science and some of the
Psychology department’s infrastructure,
where various devices are developed,
including those suitable for measuring
Research lab (conti….)
 In the human performance labs we can perform a diverse
range of research projects. The research infrastructure can
be applied to the study of performance in different
populations, as well as to study the effects of various
training interventions.
 A measurement protocol could include a vast range of
measures such as forces, motion analysis, sensory tests or
body composition.
 Using the facilities at the disposal of the bio analytics labs,
we examine the effects of exercise and other interventions
from the perspective of overall body composition down to
the level of tissue and even cell architecture.
Specific laboratories
 Pathology Lab
 Exercise physiology Lab
 Orthopaedics Lab
 Psychology Lab
 Sports Biomechanics Lab
Pathology Lab
Pathology is medical specialty that is
concerned with the diagnosis of disease
based on the laboratory analysis of body
fluid such as blood and urine, as well as
tissue using tools of chemistry,
microbiology, hematology and molecular
 Complete Blood testing Unit
 Complete Urine testing unit
 Muscle biopsy Testing
Blood Test Unit
 A scientific examination of a sample of blood typically for
diagnosis of illness or for the detection and measurement
of drugs or other substances.
 Blood testing is most important ways to improve, facilitate,
recovery and monitor training.
 CBC Test (complete blood count)

CBC is a blood test used to evaluate overall health and

detect a wide range of disorder.
Urine Test unit
 The units can detect and quantify a number of
analyses including bilirubin, protein, glucose and
red blood cells.
Muscle biopsy Testing
Muscle biopsy is a widely used technique in protocols
aiming at studying physical capacities and fibres profiles of
athletes, and muscular adaptations to exercise (Marin et al

 a defect in the way your muscles metabolize, or use,

 a disease that affects blood vessels or connective tissue,
 an infection related to the muscles
 a muscular disorder, including types of muscular
Muscle Biopsy System
Exercise Physiology Lab
Exercise physiology is the study of the body's
response to physical activity. The response including
changes in metabolism and physiology different areas
of the body like heart, lungs, muscle and structural
change in cells.
 Endurance and Metabolic Testing System
 Blood Lactate and Glucose Analysers
 Body Composition Instruments
 ECG Monitors
 EMG Monitors
 Emergency monitors (biomarkers for injury)
 Special Sports Watches
Endurance and metabolic testing system
 Metabolic exercise testing measures
and analyzes the air you breath out at
different exercise intensities.
 Metabolic testing provide information
about your current fitness level.
 The test can be performed walking or
running indoor treadmill or on your
bicycle which will attach to a stationary
 During test wear heart strap to monitor
heart rate and also wear a mask that
cover your mouth and nose during test.
 The test typically about 20minute in
Blood lactate and glucose analyser
 performs simultaneous measurements
of glucose or lactate in blood or plasma
at optimized speed and performance
Body Composition Instruments
 Skinfold Calliper
 Bioelectrical impedance analysis
Body Composition Instruments
Underwater weighing
ECG(electrocardiography) recording
 A recording activity of heart.
ECG is a simple procedure.
Electrodes are placed on the
skin of the chest and connected
to a machine when turned on,
measurement electrical activity
all over the heart.
 Help to assess cardiovascular
health for sports participation.
EMG (electromyography)
 EMG is a non
invasive technique for
measuring muscle
electrical activity that
occurs during muscle
contraction and
relaxation cycles.
Emergency Monitors
Special Sports Gadgets/Watches
Orthopedics Lab
Orthopedics lab use a variety of
diagnostic tests to help identify the
specific nature of musculoskeletal
injury or condition.
 X-Ray machine
 Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry
X-Ray Machine
Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry
 uses radiation to produce pictures of the
inside of the body to measure bone loss.
 Measure the bone mineral density
 assess an individual's risk for developing
Psychology lab
 Sports psychology is the study of
psychology influence sports, athletic
performance, exercise and physical activity.
 Sports psychologists work with professional
athletes and coaches to improve
performance, recover injuries and increase
 Biofeedback
 EEG is test used to evaluate the electrical
activity in the brain.
 Brain cells communicate with each other
through electrical impulses.
 EEG tracks are records brain wave patterns.
 Small flat metal discs called electrodes are
attached to help scalp with wires.
 EEG test used to help detect problems in
Sports biomechanics Lab


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