Reaction Rate

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The key takeaways are that concentration, temperature and catalyst affect the rate of reaction by increasing the number of collisions between particles.

The objectives are to determine the effect of changing concentration and the effect of changing temperature and catalyst on the rate of reaction.

Concentration, temperature and catalyst increase the rate of reaction by increasing the average kinetic energy and number of collisions between particles.


Index Objectives Summary Introduction Materials and Apparatus Procedures Results Discussion Conclusion Recommendation Tutorial References

1 2 2 3-7 8 9-10 11-13 14-17 18 19 19-20 21


OBJECTIVE 1. 2. To determine the effect of changing of the concentration of solution to the rate of reaction. To determine the effect of changing of the temperature and catalyst of reactant upon the rate of reaction.

SUMMARY Part A: Determination the Effect of Concentration on the Rate of Reaction First, five 250mL beaker were obtained and labeled with number 1 to 5. The first beaker was poured with 25mL sodium thiosulphate. 5mL solution of sodium thiosulphate was deducted in every beaker. Each beaker except beaker 1, was added an amount of distilled water to make the total solution on each beaker become 25mL each. Then, a white paper was marked with X marked and beaker 1 was put onto the X mark. A 5mL of hydrochloric acid was added to the beaker and a stopwatch was started immediately. The stopwatch stopped when the X mark was completely cannot be seen through the solution. The steps were repeated for the other beakers. Part B: Determination the Effect of Temperature and Catalyst on the Rate of the Reaction 20 test tubes were obtained and each five of it was labelled with A1, A2, B1, and B2. 10 test tubes labelled with A1 and A2 were poured an amount of 10mL of oxalic acid each. While 2|Page

the B1 and B2 test tubes were poured with 10mL of sulfuric acid and 5mL of potassium permanganate and for test tube B2, 5 drops of manganese (II) sulphate was added. All test tubes with its pairs were put in the water bath starting from 30C. Then, when the solution temperature was reached as the water bath temperature, the A1 solution was poured into B1 solution and the stopwatch was start. Stopwatch was stopped when the solution turn to colourless. These steps were repeated by the A2 and B2 solution. The data recorded on a table. These steps were repeated by using water bath at 40C, 50C, 60C, and 70C.

INTRODUCTION Reaction Rates The kinetic theory of gases describes a gas as a large number of small particles (atoms or molecules), all of which are in constant, random motion. The rapidly moving particles constantly collide with each other and with the walls of the container. Kinetic theory explains macroscopic properties of gases, such as pressure, temperature, or volume, by considering their molecular composition and motion. Essentially, the theory posits that pressure is due not to static repulsion between molecules, as was Isaac Newton's conjecture, but due to collisions between molecules moving at different velocities. While the particles making up a gas are too small to be visible, the jittering motion of pollen grains or dust particles which can be seen under a microscope, known as Brownian motion, results directly from collisions between the particle and gas molecules. As pointed out by Albert Einstein in 1905, this experimental evidence for kinetic theory is generally seen as having confirmed the existence of atoms and molecules. [2]

Collision theory is a theory proposed by Max Trautz and William Lewis in 1916 and 1918 that qualitatively explains how chemical reactions occur and why reaction rates differ for different reactions. For a reaction to occur the reactant particles must collide. Only a certain fraction of the total collisions cause chemical change; these are called successful collisions. The successful collisions have sufficient energy (activation energy) at the moment of impact to break the existing bonds and form new bonds, resulting in the products of the reaction. 3|Page

Increasing the concentration of the reactants and raising the temperature brings about more collisions and therefore more successful collisions, increasing the rate of reaction. When a catalyst is involved in the collision between the reactant molecules, less energy is required for the chemical change to take place, and hence more collisions have sufficient energy for reaction to occur. The reaction rate therefore increases.[3] Collision theory is closely related to chemical kinetics.

Chemical reactions require varying lengths of time for completion, depending upon the characteristics of the reactants and products and the conditions under which the reaction is taking place. Chemical Kinetics is the study of reaction rates, how reaction rates change under varying conditions and by which mechanism the reaction proceeds. The more concentrated the faster the rate (note in some cases the rate may be unaffected by the concentration of a particular reactant provided it is present at a minimum concentration). For gasses, increasing the pressure simply increases the concentration so that's the same thing. There are some factors that effecting rate of reaction:

1. Temperature. Usually reactions speed up with increasing temperature ("100C rise doubles rate"). 2. Physical state of reactants. A greater surface increases the contact area between reactants thus increasing the rate of reaction. 3. The presence (and concentration/physical form) of a catalyst (or inhibitor). A catalyst speeds up a reaction, an inhibitor slows it down which is providing an alternatives pathway for the reaction to occur (lowering the activation energy). 4. Light. Light of a particular wavelength may also speed up a reaction


Concentration In order for any reaction to happen, those particles must first collide. This is true whether both particles are in solution, or whether one is in solution and the other a solid. If the concentration is higher, the chances of collision are greater. [1] When the concentration increases, more particles of reactants are present in the same volume. The particles are more likely to collide or the frequency of collision increases. Therefore, the number of effective collisions also increased. Rate of reaction will be increase.

Temperature effects on rates Temperature usually has a major effect on the rate of a chemical reaction. Molecules at a higher temperature have more thermal energy. Although collision frequency is greater at higher temperatures, this alone contributes only a very small proportion to the increase in rate of reaction. The increasing of temperature increased the average kinetic energy of reacting particles. This will cause more molecules will have higher energy than activation energy. The frequency of collision increased. Therefore, frequency of effective collision also increases. Thus, the rate of reaction increases.

Much more important is the fact that the proportion of reactant molecules with sufficient energy to react (energy greater than activation energy: E > Ea) is significantly higher and is explained in detail by the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of molecular energies.


The shaded area represents the number of molecules possessing kinetic energy equal or greater than activation energy. The relationship this illustration with the temperature as factors effecting reaction rate is when higher temperature, high number of molecules moving at higher speed with high energy. Thus, more molecules achieved activation energy for reaction to occur.

Catalysts and inhibitors The reaction energy path controls the speed of the reaction. The molecules follow the path of least resistance, but this path may still require a lot of energy. The activation energy for the path may be high and then the reaction will be slow.

A reaction pathway can be altered by adding non-reacting compounds to the reaction mixture. These molecules can sometimes alter the pathway so the energy needed for reaction is lowered. When this happened, the reaction rates are faster. A material that lowers the activation energy is called a catalyst. A catalyst works by providing an alternative reaction pathway to the


reaction product. The rate of the reaction is increased as this alternative route has lower activation energy than the reaction route not mediated by the catalyst.

Potential energy diagram showing the effect of a catalyst in an hypothetical exothermic chemical reaction X + Y to give Z. The presence of the catalyst opens a different reaction pathway (shown in red) by lowering the activation energy. The final result and the overall thermodynamics are the same.

MATERIALS Part A: Determination the Effect of Concentration on the Rate of Reaction 1. Sodium thiosulphate, Na2S2O3 (0.15M) 2. Hydrochloric acid, HCl (6M) 3. Distilled water


Part B: Determination the Effect of Temperature and catalyst on the Rate of Reaction 1. Oxalic acid, H2C2O4 (0.25M) 2. Potassium permanganate, KMnO4 (0.02M) 3. Sulfuric acid, H2SO4 (2M) 4. Manganese (II) sulphate, MnO2 (10%) 5. Distilled water

APPARATUS Part A: Determination the Effect of Concentration on the Rate of Reaction 1. Beaker (250ml) 2. Stirring rod 3. Graduated cylinder (50ml or 100ml) 4. Timer 5. White paper Part B: Determination the Effect of Temperature and catalyst on the Rate of Reaction 1. Beaker (250ml) 2. Test tube (12 test tubes) 3. Water bath (30oC, 40oC, 50oC, 60oC, 70oC ) 4. Timer 5. White paper

PROCEDURE Part A: Determination the Effect of Concentration on the Rate of Reaction 1. 2. Five beakers were obtained and labeled as 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The amounts of sodium thiousulphate solution and distilled water were added to each beaker by followed this table: 8|Page

Beaker number 1 2 3 4 5

Volume of Sodium thiosulphate (ml) 25 20 15 10 5 Table 1.0

Volume of distilled water (ml) 0 5 10 15 20

3. 4.

The total volume in each beaker was noted as 25mL. A small X was made on a sheet of white paper with a pencil. A beaker containing the sodium thiosulphate was placed over the X. 5mL HCl solution was added and the timing the reaction was begun as soon as the acid touched the sodium thiosulphate solution. The reaction was stirred at a constant rate throughout the reaction.

5. 6.

Timing was stopped when the X under the beaker was no longer visible through the solution. This time was recorded in data table. The remaining samples were repeated steps 2 to 5.

Part B: Determination the Effect of Temperature and catalyst on the Rate of Reaction 1. 20 test tubes were obtained. 5 test tubes were labeled with A1, 5 test tubes as A2, 5 test tubes as B1, and another 5 test tubes as B2. The amounts of oxalic acid solution, sulphuric acid solution, manganese (II) sulphate and permanganate solution were added to the test tube by following below table: T/oC Test tube Amount of oxalic acid Amount of sulphuric acid (2M) Amount of potassium permanganat Amount of mangangane se (II) 9|Page

e (0.02M) A1 A2 B1 B2 A1 A2 B1 B2 A1 A2 B1 B2 A1 A2 B1 B2 A1 A2 B1 B2 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Table 2.0 2. 3. The mixture of solution of B1 and B2 was stirred with glass rod. 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

sulphate (10%) 5 drops 5 drops 5 drops 5 drops 5 drops






All the test tubes were boiled at temperature 30oC, 40oC, 50oC, 60oC, and 70oC. After t hat, A1 solution was mixed to B1 solution and A2 solution was mixed to B2 solution. The time was recorded starting from the addition of two solutions together until the solution become colourless.

RESULT Part A: Determination the Effect of Concentration on the Rate of Reaction Beaker number 1 2 3 4 Volume of Sodium thiosulphate (ml) 25 20 15 10 Volume of distilled water (ml) 0 5 10 15 18.5 23.96 33.67 55.34 0.05405 0.04174 0.02970 0.01807 10 | P a g e T (s) 1/ T (s-1)

20 Table 3.0



Time taken (sec) against volume of sodium thiosulphate solution (ml)

Graph 1.0 Part B: Determination the Effect of Temperature and catalyst on the Rate of Reaction Temperature / C 30 40 50 60 70 A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2 Table 4.0 Test tube B1 B2 B1 B2 B1 B2 B1 B2 B1 B2 Time (s) 98.58 27.16 40.98 16.08 18.16 8.24 8.15 3.56 3.08 1.25

Samples without catalyst:

Time taken (sec) against temperature (C)

Graph 2.0

Samples with catalyst:

Time taken (sec) against temperature (C) Graph 3.0

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DISCUSSION Part A: Determination the Effect of Concentration on the Rate of Reaction According to the observation from experiment in part A, the rate of reaction was affected by the concentration. In this experiment, sodium thiosulphate used was in different volume mixed with distilled water. The stopwatch was started when the sodium thiosulphate solution was mixed with hydrochloric acid solution. The solution turned cloudy and the X mark under the beaker slowly disappeared through the solution. The stopwatch was quickly stopped once the X mark was no longer visible. Na2S2O3aq+2 HCl H2Ol+Ss+SO2(g) In order for those is true solution, solution collision and concentration particles whether or the is are any reaction to happen, must first collide. This both particles are in whether one is in other a solid. If the higher, the chances of greater. aq2NaCl aq+

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The pictures above show the reaction of two particles with different concentration. Two at the top pictures show the reaction between two different solutions with different concentration while two at the bottom pictures show the reaction between a solution and a solid with different concentration. Suppose that at any one time 1 in a million particles have enough energy to equal or exceed the activation energy. If had 100 million particles, 100 of them would react. If there are 200 million particles in the same volume, 200 of them would now react. The rate of reaction has doubled by doubling the concentration.[1] When concentration increased, more particles of reactants are present in the same volume. The particles are more likely to collide or the frequency of collision of the particle will increase. Therefore, the number of effective collisions also increases. Thus, the rate of reaction will increase.

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So, at the end of the experiment, the graph of experiment part A shows that the higher the concentration of sodium thiosulphate solution is used, the less time taken for the X mark under the beaker to disappear. The rate of reaction is depending on the concentration of a solution. Part B: Determination the Effect of Temperature and catalyst on the Rate of Reaction According to the observation from this experiment, it can be conclude that the reaction rate of any process is affected by temperature and catalyst. Based on the theoretical part for this relation, the increase in temperature and catalyst present will increase the rate of reaction and vice versa. For most reactions, the rate of reaction will doubled for every 10C increase in temperature. According to the collision concept, if the temperature increased, the molecules will move faster. From that, the collision will be rapid and this will make any reaction faster.

Usually, an increase in temperature is accompanied by an increase in the reaction rate. Temperature is a measure of the kinetic energy of a system, so higher temperature implies higher average kinetic energy of molecules and more collisions per unit time. Once the temperature reaches a certain point, some of the chemical species may be altered and the chemical reaction will slow or stop. A catalyst is a substance that provides an alternate mechanism with a lower the activation energy. As the result, a catalyst increases the rate of reaction but does not consume itself in the reaction. The presence of catalyst will shorten the time of the rate of reaction From the result, when the catalyst is added, less time taken for the reaction to occur Catalysts lower the activation energy of a chemical reaction and increase the rate of a chemical reaction without being consumed in the process. Catalysts work by increasing the frequency of collisions between reactants, altering the orientation of reactants so that more collisions are effective, reducing intra molecular bonding within reactant molecules, or donating electron

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density to the reactants. The presence of a catalyst helps a reaction to proceed more quickly to equilibrium. Graph 2.0 shows that the absence of catalyst in the sample solution against the temperature (OC). The gradient obtained from the graph is -2.2383. While Graph 3.0 shows the presence of catalyst of the sample solution against the temperature ( OC) and the gradient obtained is -0.6434. Hence, the gradient of the graph 2.0 is steeper than the gradient of the graph 3.0. This shows that the rate of reaction without catalyst is lower compared to the rate of reaction with the presence of catalyst.

There are few points why the lines of the graph deviate from the best fit line. i. The mixture has contaminated during the experiment. ii. The volumes of the mixtures are incorrect due to parallax error during measuring the mixtures. iii. Different view of observer might cause the different observation. For example, the intensity of yellow colour appear in the test tube might be different if we use different observer. iv. The solution may vaporize due to the property of strong oxidizing agent. Vaporization may cause the volume of the solution being reduced without any notice. v. Different surrounding temperature. Should be conducted in a closed room with a stable room temperature. vi. The solutions were mixed outside the thermostat. So, the temperature of the solution may decrease a little before the solutions were mixed.

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There are few precautions and safety steps that need to be taken when conducting this experiment. 1. 2. 3. 4. Avoid skin contact with acid (use gloves when handling the acid). Reaction should be carried out in the fume cupboard (or hood) because some poisonous gas SO2 (g) is produce. Wear googles throughout the experiment. Do not lean over reaction vessel too closely as the X mark under the beaker is observe.

CONCLUSION To conclude, in Part A the concentration of the sodium thiousulphate (Na2S2O3) solution affect the rate of reaction. The higher the concentration of the sodium thiousulphate (Na2S2O3) solution, thus the rate of reaction increases. When the concentration increased, more particles of reactants are present in the same volume. The particles are more likely to collide or the frequency of collision increased. Therefore, the number of effective collisions also increased. Hence, the rate of reaction of the sodium thiousulphate (Na2S2O3) solution will be increased. In Part B, the temperature and presence of catalyst totally affect the rate of reaction of the mixture. As discussed in the introduction, the relationship between temperature and reaction rate is explained through the Collision Model and the Kinetic Molecular theory. These two theories justify the corresponding increase of both factors. The Kinetic Molecular Theory states that temperature is a measure of average kinetic energy of the particles. Thus, due to the increase in temperature the average kinetic energy of the particles increases proportionally thus resulting in higher overall entropy. Therefore due to increase in average kinetic energy of the particles, the collision rate increases proportionally resulting in a higher rate of reaction. 16 | P a g e

The presence of the manganese (II) sulphate, MnO4 (acted as catalyst) in the mixture provides an alternate mechanism with lower activation energy. As the result, the catalyst increases the rate of reaction of the mixture but does not consume itself in the reaction. So, the rate of reaction of the mixture will increase more. Hence, this experiment was conducted to determine the relationship between concentration, temperature, catalysts and reaction rate. collisions. It showed that concentration, temperature, catalysts and rate of reaction increased proportionally due to a greater numbered of

RECOMMENDATION To run this experiment, there are few recommendations that need to be followed to ensure the result of the experiment follow theory given. 1. 2. 3. 4. Stir the solution to make the reaction faster. Make sure the eye level and the meniscus of the solution is perpendicular to prevent the parallax error. Before use the apparatus, make sure that the apparatus is cleaned perfectly by using distilled water to remove impurities. Start the stopwatch immediately once the solutions are mix up.


What the relationship exists between the volume of sodium thiosulphate solution used and the time it takes for the reaction? The volume of sodium thiosulphate solution is inversely proportional to the time taken for the reaction to occur. The greater the volume of sodium thiosulphate solution (Na2S2O3) the less time taken for the reaction to occur.


What the relationship exists between concentration and time? 17 | P a g e

At high concentration, the particles collide more frequently, thus increasing the concentration of the solution used, the less time taken for the reaction to occur.

rate of

reaction. Hence, the time taken for the reaction is shortening. The greater the


What the relationship exists between temperature and catalyst? The increase in temperature increases the rate of reaction while the catalyst provides on alternate mechanism with lower activation energy. Both temperature and catalyst increase the rate of reaction. As the temperature increase, the average kinetic energy of reacting particles increases too. More molecules will have kinetic energy higher than activation energy, Ea. The frequency of effective collision is increases. Thus, reaction rate increase. A catalyst provides an alternative pathway for the reaction to occur. More molecules have higher kinetic energy and activation energy. The frequency effective collision between reactant increases. Thus, the rate of reaction increases.


What the relationship exists between catalyst and time? A catalyst is a substance that provides an alternate mechanism with lower activation energy. As the result, a catalyst increases the rate of reaction but does not consume itself in the reaction. The presence of the catalyst in the solution shortens the time of the rate of reaction.


What the relationship exists between temperature and time? At high temperature, there are greater fraction of molecules and overcome the activation energy in a collision. Plus, as the temperature increase, the average velocity of the 18 | P a g e

molecules is increase too. Hence, the rate of reaction of the solution is increase. The chemical reaction approximately doubles for each 10oC rise in temperature. So, the higher the temperature, the lesser the time takes for the reaction to occur.

REFERENCES 1. Effect of Concentration on Rate of Reaction,, 8th September 2011/20:14 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Kinetic Theory,, 9th September 2011/ 00:08 Collision Theory,, 9th September 2011/ 00:20 Concentration,, 10th September 2011/ 10:39 Catalyst,, 10th September 2011/ 12:14 Physical Chemistry Laboratory manual

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