Wireless Communications csheet (1)
Wireless Communications csheet (1)
Wireless Communications csheet (1)
base station typically used to improve indoor data, protecting it from unauthorized access
mobile phone coverage. *two examples of and tampering.
public cloud. - Amazon Web Services (AWS)
and Microsoft Azure. *full form of MQTT is-
Message Queuing Telemetry Transport.
*Scalability refers to the ability of an IoT *LoRaWAN* vs *Sigfox are both Low Power
system to handle a growing amount of work or Wide Area Network (LPWAN) technologies
its potential to accommodate growth. designed for IoT.*LoRaWAN: Operates in
*RFID modules are used for wireless unlicensed bands, supports long-range
identification and tracking of objects using *Mesh Topology: In a mesh topology, communication (up to 15 km in rural areas),
radio waves. *modulation technique is used devices are interconnected, allowing data to and provides high capacity with the ability to
in Bluetooth is- Frequency Hopping Spread be relayed through multiple paths. This handle millions of messages. It uses a star-of-
Spectrum (FHSS).*A private cloud is a cloud enhances network reliability and coverage, as stars topology with gateways relaying
computing environment dedicated to a single devices can find alternative routes if one path messages between end devices and a central
organization, offering greater control and fails. *ZigBee Coordinator: The ZigBee network server.*Sigfox: Also operates in
security compared to public clouds. coordinator is the central device in a ZigBee unlicensed bands and offers a similar range
*Home automation using IoT involves network. It initializes the network, manages but with lower data throughput compared to
connecting various household devices to the device joining, and stores information about LoRaWAN. Sigfox focuses on very low power
internet, allowing remote control and the network, ensuring communication consumption, making it suitable for devices
monitoring of home systems such as lighting, between all connected devices. that send small amounts of data infrequently.
heating, and security. *A smart irrigation system uses IoT devices It uses a simplified protocol with a single
like soil moisture sensors, weather data gateway to handle all communication.
*A scatternet is a network of multiple inputs, and automated water valves to - In summary, LoRaWAN offers more flexibility
interconnected piconets in Bluetooth, where optimize water usage in agriculture. Sensors and higher data rates, while Sigfox excels in
devices from different piconets share data and placed in the soil measure moisture levels, simplicity and energy efficiency.
communication. *RFID systems can be sending data to a central controller. Based on
limited by their range, interference from metal this data and weather forecasts, the controller *GPRS (General Packet Radio Service)
and liquids, and the potential for security decides when and how much to water the enhances GSM networks with packet-
vulnerabilities.*Frequency reuse is a crops. The system ensures efficient water switched data capabilities, enabling services
technique used in cellular networks to improve use, reducing waste and improving crop yield. like internet access.*Architecture
efficiency by reusing the same frequency -[Include a diagram showing sensors in the Components:- Mobile Station (MS): The
channels in different cells separated by field, a central controller, weather data inputs, user's device, which accesses GPRS
sufficient distance to avoid interference. and automated irrigation valves.] services. - Base Station Subsystem (BSS):
*Star Topology: In a ZigBee star topology, all Includes BTS and BSC, managing radio
devices communicate with a central *GSM (Global System for Mobile communication and handovers. -Serving
coordinator. This topology is simple and easy Communications) is a standard for mobile GPRS Support Node (SGSN): Handles data
to set up, ideal for small networks with networks providing voice and data services. packet delivery, mobility management, and
minimal data traffic. *Tree Topology: The tree *Visitor Location Register (VLR)Temporarily session management. -Gateway GPRS
topology has a hierarchical structure with a stores information about subscribers currently Support Node (GGSN): Connects the GPRS
central coordinator and multiple routers. Each in the service area of an MSC, aiding in call network to external IP networks, routing data
router can have its own child devices, forming routing and service delivery. *Home Location to and from the internet.-GPRS Backbone
a tree-like structure. This topology allows for Register (HLR): A database that contains Network: Interconnects SGSNs and GGSNs,
more devices and extends the network's permanent subscriber information, including facilitating data transfer within the GPRS
range. *Cluster Tree Topology: Similar to the account status, service profiles, and location network.*Explanation:The MS sends data to
tree topology, but with multiple coordinators information for billing and authentication. the BSS, which forwards it to the SGSN. The
forming clusters. This increases the *Equipment Identity Register (EIR): Stores SGSN manages the session and routes data
robustness and scalability of the network. information about mobile equipment identities to the GGSN. The GGSN interfaces with
to check and control the use of stolen or external networks, enabling internet access.
unauthorized devices.*Authentication Centre This architecture allows efficient data
(AUC): Provides authentication and transmission and supports mobile internet
encryption data to ensure secure services.
communication and prevent fraud.
*The Z-Wave transport layer ensures
reliable data transmission between devices
within a home automation network. It handles
the segmentation and reassembly of data
packets, ensuring that large messages are
split into manageable pieces and correctly
reassembled at the destination. The transport
layer also implements error detection and
correction mechanisms to maintain data
integrity. It uses an acknowledgment system
to confirm the successful receipt of messages,
and if an acknowledgment is not received, the
message is retransmitted. This layer also
to 3 Mbps).- Primarily used for direct device-
to-device communication.- Common in
*type of RFID tag uses battery-Active RFID consumer electronics like headphones,
tags. *name of the topology not supported keyboards. *Zigbee:- Longer range in mesh
by Zigbee network. - Bus topology. networks (up to several kilometers) - Lower
*M2M communication Machine-to-Machine data transfer rates (up to 250 kbps).
communication refers to the direct exchange - Designed for low-power, low-data-rate
of data between devices without human applications.- Common in home automation
intervention.*two challenges faced while and industrial control.*three segments of
implementing IoT.- Security concerns and GPS.- *Space Segment: Consists of satellites
interoperability issues. *Secure connectivity orbiting the Earth, transmitting signals with
in IoT ensures that data transmitted between precise time and orbital information.- *Control
devices is protected through encryption and Segment: Ground-based stations that monitor
secure protocols. Secure data storage and manage the satellites, ensuring their
involves safeguarding data at rest using proper operation and accuracy.-*User
encryption and access control mechanisms to Segment: Comprises GPS receivers that
prevent unauthorized access.*Disadvantages process satellite signals to determine the
of Zigbee.- Limited data transfer rate (up to user's location, velocity, and time.
250 kbps) and short range (up to 100 meters),
making it unsuitable for applications requiring *advantages of wireless communication.
high-speed data or long-range - Wireless communication offers mobility,
communication. ease of installation, and the ability to cover
large areas without physical infrastructure
*Sources of GPS errors include atmospheric constraints. It supports flexible and scalable
delays, multipath effects, satellite clock networking, making it ideal for diverse
inaccuracies, and ephemeris errors (errors in applications from personal devices to
satellite orbital information). *Classes of industrial automation.*Compare wired and
GPRS devices. Class A devices support wireless communication.-*Wired
simultaneous voice and data services, Class Communication:- Reliable and stable
B devices can switch between voice and data connections.- Higher data transfer rates.
but not use both simultaneously, and Class C - Requires physical cabling, which can be
devices can use either voice or data services, costly and difficult to install.- *Wireless
but not both at the same time. *“Handoff” in Communication:- Offers mobility and ease of
cellular telephony system. Handoff, or installation.- Generally lower data rates and
handover, refers to the process of transferring more susceptible to interference.- Ideal for
an ongoing call or data session from one cell remote and mobile applications.
or base station to another without interruption
as a user moves through the coverage area. *M2M (Machine-to-Machine):- Focuses on
*explain architecture of smart home direct communication between devices.
system.- A smart home system includes - Typically used in industrial and business
various IoT devices like smart thermostats, applications.- Often limited in scope to specific
security cameras, smart lights, and appliances tasks or processes.- *IoT (Internet of
connected via a central hub or controller. Things):- Encompasses a broader ecosystem
These devices communicate through Wi-Fi, of interconnected devices.- Includes
Zigbee, or Z-Wave protocols.- *Central Hub: consumer, industrial, and infrastructure
The brain of the system, connecting and applications.- Supports advanced analytics,
controlling all smart devices.- *Smart Devices: cloud integration, and extensive data
Sensors, lights, locks, and appliances that can exchange.
be remotely controlled and automated.
- *Communication Protocols: Wireless
technologies (Wi-Fi, Zigbee) enabling device
communication.- *User Interface: Mobile apps
or voice assistants allowing users to monitor
and control the system remotely.