Italian learners english mistakes
Italian learners english mistakes
Italian learners english mistakes
- Confusing the words advice (single abstract noun) with advise(s) (verb)
- Confusing the words dress and clothes
- Problems choosing past simple or present perfect
- The difference between fun and funny
- Overusing the definite article “the”
- Misusing the article “to” especially with the phrase “go to home”
- Mixing up easily confused words like speak/tell, look/see, good/well
Confrontare to compare to confront affrontare
Crema custard cream panna
Crudo raw crude volgare
Educato polite educated istruito
Educazione good manners education istruzione
Eventuale any eventual finale
Fabbrica factory fabric tessuto
Fastidioso annoying fastidious pignolo
Fattoria farm factory fabbrica
Firma signature firm azienda
Gentile nice gentle delicato
Libreria bookstore library biblioteca
Magazzino warehouse magazine rivista
Morbido soft morbid morboso
Noioso boring noisy rumoroso
Parente relative parent genitore
Patente license patent brevetto
Petrolio oil, petroleum petrol benzina
Polizia police policy piano, politica
Portafoglio wallet portfolio portadocumenti
Pretendere to expect to pretend fare finta
Sometimes it
means ”to
process” but to process elaborare
usually “to put
on trial”
Rotto broken rotten marcio
Rumore sound, noise rumor voce
Sensibile sensitive sensible ragionevole
Simpatico nice sympathetic comprensivo
Spillo pin spill versare
Stormo flock storm temporale
Straniero foreigner stranger sconosciuto
Tappo cork tap rubinetto
Ultimo last ultimate fondamentale
Vacanza holiday vacancy posto vacante