Steven C. Allen
decisions and policies have on firm performance. This paper surveys the
policies can have a very large effect on financial outcomes, but our ability to
estimate the magnitude of that effect for a particular policy is currently very
Steven C. Allen
Department of Economics and Business
North Carolina State University
Box 8110
Raleigh, NC 27695-8110
In mainstream economic theory, unions are viewed mainly as
institutions. Managers respond to higher wages by cutting back or shutting
down operations that are no longer profitable. Beyond this, they take steps to
offset the cost of higher wages by substituting capital for labor and
increasing the skill level of the work force through adjustments in training
resulting in greater unit costs and reduced output. Unions further reduce
This itandard view has been challenged over the last dozen years by work
Drawing from Hirschman's (1970) "exit-voice" model, Freeman and Medoff (1984)
argued that unions should be viewed as institutions that give workers voice at
management, the result of which is that decision making becomes more sensitive
impact of human resource policies on firm performance for two reasons. First,
despite the sharp drop in union organizing success, the question of what is
issue. Faced with the threat of unionization, managers must judge whether the
costs of becoming organized are greater than the costs of attempting to remain
nonunion. Today in the private sector it is quite clear that almost all
managers believe the costs of becoming organized are greater. However, there
is evidence that managerial views on this question were quite different in the
l940s (Kochan, Katz, and McKersie (1986)) and one should not totally discount
the possibility that these views may change again in the future.
(Ui') attempt to identify the key mechanisms causing any observed productivity
differences, a central issue in the new literature on human resources and firm
practices, the UP studies end up asking exactly the same types of questions as
the HRFP studies, as one can see from the surveys of the HRFP literature in
productivity, this paper surveys the UP literature. The survey focuses on (1)
The last section of the paper assesses what is currently known about unions and
productivity and discusses useful future research directions for both the UP
already been noted in the introduction: higher union wages create an incentive
to find substitutes for labor. This is but one of many channels through which
more complex than a simple change in the overall wage level. Unionized firms
run, one must consider the initial shock effect of union organization, the
constraints spelled out by the current contract, union recourse under grievance
procedures, and the desire for peaceful settlement of future contracts. Over a
longer time horizon, policies toward union cooperation or union avoidance often
to be all inclusive, nor does each factor listed in the table apply to every
this thinking than the simple textbook tale about factor substitution, it is
higher wage levels and productivity changes arising from sources other than
wage levels. This is done in the table by indicating whether the main source
one would naturally expect unions to raise productivity through higher wage
intensity and skill levels. HRFP studies will also have to make this
wage level.
Both the wage and nonwage channels of union influence should result in a
workforce with an upgraded skill level. Higher union wage levels give managers
the incentive to raise hiring standards and cut back on unskilled labor, With
the higher wage there is also generally a queue of workers wanting jobs,
Higher union wages reduce turnover, thereby increasing the incentive to spend
more on training. Freeman (1980a) has shown that the overall reduction in
turnover under unionism is much larger than one would expect from higher union
wages. He attributes this turnover reduction to the greater voice unions give
members are less likely to quit their jobs when they are unhappy with working
key route of entry into the craft. A final reason to expect workers in
Managers are likely to raise their hiring standards in order to offset union-
If work effort is a simple matter of carrots and sticks, then one would
Medoff, 1985). This does not mean that union and nonunion carrots for
time off (Freeman, 1981). Another factor that may diminish the size of the
union carrot is the less frequent use of merit pay and other incentive pay
questionable (Ehrenberg and Milkovich (1987)) assumption that such pay systems
Two other key mechanisms through which unions are believed to reduce work
effort are work rules and grievance procedures. Work rules, both written and
unwritten, result in too many jobs and too much break time, accompanied by
restrictions on output levels and management's ability to get the job done in
pay structures and promotion and layoff by seniority reduce the incentives for
The "exit-voice" model is also relevant for work effort. Freeman and
Medoff (1984) argue that unions are essential if employees are to have a true
voice in the work place. One obvious reason that unions are viewed as
who speaks out about workplace issues at a minimum risks being labelled as
noncooperative and at a maximum risks losing his job. Another reason is that
working conditions, human resource policies and the behavior of managers are
what economists call "public goods," conditions that everyone in the workplace
because the individual bears all the costs and must share the benefits with
everyone else. The economically rational individual will instead wait for
someone else to speak out about public goods at the workplace, the result being
will speak out only when the costs of doing so are offset by the expected
get around this problem in theory by sharing the costs of voice behavior
equally across all workers, changing the decision rule to a tradeoff between
nonunion firms have attempted to put their own grievance systems into place,
but unless such systems are subject to outside arbitration or a balanced review
panel containing both workers and managers, workers still may view such systems
the firm and the workforce. Grievances and contract negotiations also give
workers a voice in how the workplace is run. If more voice at the workplace
managers dispute this theory, pointing out cases where unions have created
conflict where none previously existed and other cases where dissatisfaction
Livernash and Clark (l9BOb) note that in many cases there are often dramatic
production scheduling and quality control. There are also usually some
personnel changes; frequently the plant manager is replaced and supervisors are
place under unionism. Union and nonunion managers alike almost always claim
optimally assign workers to jobs. Fluctuations in the demand for labor result
counterparts. These include promises to workers that they will not be laid off
Unions can also influence the amount of resources the firm allocates to
recntiting, hiring, and training costs; the union even performs a number of
higher union wages also imply a queue of applicants that must be screened more
the higher wages, but union work rules may limit this type of adjustment. Over
a longer time horizon, managers must trade off the gains from R&D oriented
toward further reductions in labor intensity against the risk that the union
draw any general conclusions about the overall impact of unions on productivity
studies have tried to address is to determine the net effect of the nonwage
to learn whether the productivity gains are large enough to offset the output
than increased wages, the procedure most commonly used in the UP literature is
log of output per hour or employee on the log of the capital-labor ratio, some
control variables for labor quality, and a unionization variable. Two types of
data have been used in these studies. Brown and Medoff (1978) and Allen (1984)
use Census data broken down by two-digit industry and state or region,
supplemented by data on percentage union members and labor quality from the
public use tapes for the Current Population Survey. This type of data set has
been widely used by economists to study such issues as the effect of education
of using such data is that they are comprehensive, reasonably accurate, and
All other studies use some type of micro data, usually collected from
variables than the Census reports and the results are free of any possible
heterogeneous establishments.
(dollar value of output minus expenditures for materials) per hour or employee.
Most studies done in the l980s have used some physical measure of output. In
theory the value added concept allows the researcher to compare output and
In practice there are two difficulties with using value added as an output
geographic location, and time. This requires some type of price deflation to
make sure that the variation in value added reflects output variation rather
than price variation. A related concern is that value added not only equals
the value of output to buyers, but also equals the cost of labor and capital to
producers. Higher union wages translate into higher labor costs as long as
claim that the studies are actually reporting wage equations, not productivity
the studies. Also, some studies report results for both value added and some
systematic upward bias seems to have unnecessarily limited the scope of recent
conclusions from the private sector UP studies summarized in Table 2. The most
under unionism, even after one controls for the greater capital and skill
productivity gains associated with the voice and shock effects discussed above
and that the productivity losses associated with union work rules, reduced
Brown and Medoff (1978) was the first published study to show productivity
evidence was provided in Frantz's (1976) study of the furniture industry. All
of these studies used value added as their output measure. Clark (1980a,b)
found similar conclusions in the cement industry in both a cross section study
plants unionized between 1953 and 1976. Clark was the first to report results
Clark's (1984) study of lines of business in 902 large corporations and Kaufman
and Kaufman's (1987) study of 37 auto parts manufacturing plants. Almost all
examine firms of all sizes. If the union productivity advantage found in other
Another possible explanation for the difference between Clark's results and
those of Brown and Medoff is that tiP studies are very sensitive to different
finds that unions reduce profit rates in unconcentrated industries but not in
of unionization and profitability using Census and stock market data. Further
restrictions based on firm size in generating these two very different sets of
explanations for the findings of Kaufman and Kaufman, except to note that there
every setting.
private sector work, the productivity of union contractors is much greater than
productivity difference in projects completed for the public sector. These are
the same unions and the same contractors. In the hospital and nursing home
sample, they are the same types of structures. Two key reasons for the
in the public sector and prevailing wage laws that effectively prevent
can change dramatically over time. Connerton, Freeman, and Medoff (1983) found
that in 1965 productivity of union mines in the bituminous coal industry was 25
to 30 percent greater than that of nonunion mines. A mere ten years later,
largely to changes in the leadership of the United Mine Workers (UMW) union.
Until 1960 the union was run by John L. Lewis. Operations were centralized and
internal dissent was not tolerated. After Lewis' retirement there was frequent
Boyle for ordering the murder of his opponent Joseph Yablonski) and a breakdown
construction industry. My l988a study shows that for the entire industry union
key factor behind this change seems to be the rising share of union members
working for nonunion contractors, which has offset the lack of training
would expect when higher wages are no longer offset by higher productivity.
Only one study has been done of the impact of unions in the service
union wages. The most direct way of examining this question is to estimate a
cost function, a relationship linking total costs to input prices and output.
The cost function evidence is mixed. My 1987 study finds that average cost per
square foot is about the same for office buildings constructed by union and
projects. The same study found nonunion contractors had a cost advantage in
been done for hospitals. Salkever (1982) and Sloan and Adamache (1984) both
total costs. Estimates of the impact of unions on wages almost always come
from data on individual workers, whereas the productivity results are based on
overestimate" (1986, p. 45) the true union impact. Without knowing the impact
comparisons generally find that when unions are associated with higher
productivity gap, implying that union and nonunion costs are comparable. Of
The most relevant "bottom line" measure from the firm's point of view is
Freeman and Medoff (1984, ch. 12) and Addison and Hirsch (1989). The profit
studies all reach the same conclusion: unions reduce profits. Whether this
and Hirsch.
varies across different sectors of the economy and over time within each
sector. Yet it does not reveal any information about the mechanisms through
which these productivity adjustments take place. In fact, many of the studies
summarized above make no effort to account for the sources of the reported
more than a label on a black box, inside of which are hidden the true
three points should be noted. First, the reaction of most academic economists
incredulous. This meant that the authors of the earliest studies had to devote
efforts seem to be much more appreciated within the economics profession than
secondary data sources and in many cases the party collecting the data was not
for the researcher to derive any statistical conclusions about what is going on
inside the black box. Third, it can be argued that the black box criticism
applies across all research areas in labor economics, not just the UP
literature. Why are education and experience correlated with earnings? Why
are real wages procyclical? What determines when a person will retire? Many
other fields of research in labor economics have not advanced very far beyond
unionization and other variables or, equivalently, to split the sample into
smaller groups and compare the union coefficients of each group. For instance,
greater in the Southwest than in the South or North Central regions and is
positive for new plants but near zero for old plants. Noting the prevalence of
nonunion plants in the Southwest, Clark points out that union plants in that
this approach is my 1988a study, in which the union coefficient varies with the
results showed that the union productivity advantage is much smaller in areas
where a large share of union workers are employed in the open shop. This
suggests that worker characteristics such as training and experience are key
tested whether the union coefficient varied with the market share of the firm
or with percentage of the firm unionized but found that neither factor had any
impact on the size of the union coefficient. Graddy and Hall tested the impact
of the size of the bargaining unit and the maturity of the labor-management
variable had any explanatory power. Other researchers have no doubt tried this
far has yielded a couple of useful clues about possible sources of union-
add these variables to the model. This is based on the premise that the union
productivity effect varies within the sample and that some of this variation
reflects differences across both union and nonunion firms in such causal
theory one could account for how much of the union productivity advantage
coefficient when that variable is added to the model. For instance, suppose
This approach was first used by Brown and Medoff to determine how much of
reduced turnover. When they added the quit rate to their model, the union
coefficient dropped from .205 to .160, indicating that lower turnover accounts
for 22 percent of the overall effect and that other factors (communication,
finding that productivity declined the most in states where strikes increased
most rapidly.
industry. In my 1984 study using Census data, I added the ratio of production
workers to total employment and the fraction of workers who have completed
apprenticeships to the model. The first variable was meant crudely to adjust
quality associated with experience and education was already in the model)1
whereas the second reflected training practices. These two variables accounted
The data set analyzed in Allen (1986a) was collected by the Bureau of
I added the ratio of supervisor to total hours and found this accounted for 10
A unique aspect of this data set was that the interviewers asked the
important factors, one would think ex ante that some of this information would
out to be very little difference between the responses of union and nonunion
contractors. "No effect" was by far the most common response for every factor
on the survey. The factor that seemed to have the biggest impact on
productivity in the contractors' minds was the weather, especially among union
finding that when each factor was added to the model, its coefficient almost
always turned out to be zero. The only reportable result I obtained from this
analysis was a finding that the greater tendency among union contractors to
as 8 percent of the overall effect. Combining this with the supervisor ratio
and two other variables (ratio of unskilled and semiskilled hours to total
Kaufman and Kaufman also tried this approach and came up emptyhanded.
found union plants made greater use of seniority in promotions and layoffs and
were more likely to have restrictive work rules, grievance systems, and job
posting systems. Union plants were less likely to have profit sharing plans
and managers in those plants had less ability to reassign workers or use
variables were at all related to productivity. Granted the sample size was
small (30 plants for this part of the analysis), but it is naive to think that
anyone looking into these issues is going to have the CPS-esque luxury of
thousands of observations.
The only other way to determine the sources of union productivity effects
the case study. The case study will rarely produce quantitative evidence, but
it holds some promise in regard to its ability to determine whether a
practices. When they were nonunion, plants tended to have no formal grievance
procedures (and thus very few grievances); promotions, layoffs, and recalls
manager was brought in and foremen were either replaced or retrained. In most
performance. One plant manager noted that ".. .before the union this place was
run like a family; now we run it like a business." Clark concludes that these
Clark had nothing to draw on except interviews with union and management
often differed.
seemingly comparable union and nonunion establishments. The sign and the
have a productivity advantage when they must compete on equal terms with the
nonunion sector. The two studies that have examined unionism and productivity
Faced with this evidence, it would seem very difficult to deny that
encouraging signal for the HRFP literature. The prospect that human resource
economists today remain far from convinced that such a conclusion can be drawn
Here I will focus on what I believe to be the two most serious contentions.
One reason behind this skepticism is that information about labor quality in
experience. If this were all employers really needed to know about the
potential contribution of a job applicant, they would not have to spend any
resources on screening. Of course, we all know that employers learn much more
than this about all applicants and employees. This information, known to the
employer but not to the person analyzing the data, is usually referred to as
unobservable labor quality. The problem this poses for the UP literature is
that under the greater competitive restraint imposed by higher wages, managers
in the union sector should tend to hire more productive individuals than those
difference has not been at all sensitive to the inclusion of observable labor
quality control variables in any UP study. If the estimates are not sensitive
believe they will be more sensitive to some missing variable. Observable human
sets used in the UP studies generally do not contain information on those that
case outlined above is one of positive selection bias where the "best plants"
are the ones that get organized. Yet from a logical standpoint, one must also
admit the possibility of negative selection bias where the "worst plants" get
will tell you that today it is the "worst plants" that stand the best chance of
getting organized. Whether this was true fifty years ago when CIO-affiliated
unions were organizing the likes of U.S. Steel and Ford is more questionable.
The observed distribution of union and nonunion establishments in any data set
Empirically, note that Clark obtained exactly the same results in simple
More fundamentally, many studies of the union wage effect have attempted to
isolate a positive selectivity bias in OLS wage equations generated by the same
summarized in Lewis (1986), have failed to produce any agreement about not only
whether the bias is small or large but also whether it is positive or negative.
Even if one accepts the conclusion that the UP literature has firmly
productivity differences, the one discouraging signal for the HElP literature
is the extremely limited knowledge that has been obtained about the mechanisms
through which human resource policies and outcomes affect productivity. The UP
unsuccessful. Clark (1980b) obtained some useful conclusions about the impact
of unionization on management from interviews, but even here one is left with
changes in managerial personnel? Recall also that the interview approach was
experimental design. One can point in some cases to the use of secondary data
would then be sensible to conclude that one way to increase the odds that
future studies will be more successful is to provide those doing such studies
with more resources and to direct those resources toward collecting more
This very well may be the ticket, but after reading Katz, Kochan, and
the United States and Canada. They were able to examine how four productivity
measures (supervisors per 100 production workers, labor hours per vehicle,
adjusted labor hours, and a product quality index) were related to grievances,
absence rates, relative wage levels, local unemployment rates, and responses to
participation, and the use of teams. The data sets used in even the best UP
Did "more data" break open the black box? The first new challenge the
authors faced was a surplus of data, more variables than observations napped
raises the hackles of economists, who always go for Colonel Sanders and pass on
the McNuggets. Focusing on the results rather than the processing method, one
productivity variables. Except for the absence rate, which was related to two
productivity variables, the other variables were either only weakly correlated
The message here is not to belittle the final product. The findings on
managerial discretion and work pace are a very important contribution to the
literature. The point here is simply that new, bigger data sets are not a
Katz, Kochan, and Keefe's study is that the linkages between human resources
and productivity are very difficult to sort out and that models that try to do
the whole job in a single step (equation) may not be up to the job.
productivity but do not attempt to go further and show how that mechanism is
selected studies are reported in Table 3; Freeman and Medoff (1984) contains a
more comprehensive set of references. These studies have shown that unions are
in staffing, more work effort, less overall job satisfaction, reduced wage
findings at this stage seem very robust; each is derived from a number of
One way of integrating the results of the UP studies with those of studies
textbooks on human resource management. Companies make choices about how they
hire, train, pay, and manage their workers. This in turn determines human
costs and turnover and by not so easily measured variables such as effort and
outcomes with other firm decisions (e.g., marketing) and the external
human resource policies associated with unionization. The studies that focus
obvious gap is that our knowledge of how these intervening variables are
related to firm performance indicators is very limited. Some progress has been
made along these lines in the studies of turnover, absenteeism, and work rules
Even though the UP studies indicate that human resource policies and
outcomes have a large influence on firm performance, the challenge facing the
HRFP literature is to develop testable hypotheses that will advance the theory
appropriate for testing them. Economic theories about labor markets and
perhaps even the retooling of some existing models could lead to new insights
In other cases, the empirical implications of the model are quite clear,
but appropriate data for empirical testing are not available. More data
route that shows promise. The development of closer linkages between academic
establishment data.
Table 1. HoR Productivity Chanlee Under Unionism
Type of
(Nsage, Impact on
Variable Union Effect N=nonsage) Productivity
A. Skill levels
1. Hiring standards •Raised to offset increased labor costs N Positive
•Raised to offset restrictions on N Positive
managemenVe ability to re-assign
or terminate
B. Effort Level,
Table 1. (continued)
Type of
(Nwae. Impact on
Variable Union Effect Nnonwage) Productivity
C. Management
Type of
(Rnage, Impact On
Variable Union Effect Nnonwage) Productivity
Sample Type of Data Measure Results Source
Manufacturing, State by industry Value added 1972:10 to 25% Bronn and Kedoff (1978)
1972—1977 aggregates 1977: 31 Freeman and Nedoff (198k)
Sample Type of Date Measure ResultS SoUrce
Nanagement Union end nonunion establishments in aanu- Freeman and Hedoff (1982)
flexibility racturing have equal flexibility in adjusting
capital—labor ratios, but union establishments
have loss flexibility in adjusting ratio of
production to nonproduction labor.
Work effort Union members report greater work effort, more Duncan and Stafford (1980)
difficulty in getting a couple of hours oft'
work, less choice in how they can do work,
and less ability to refuse overtime without
,Job satisfaction Union members report more satisfaction with Kochan (1979),
bread—and—butter aspects, but less satis— Freeman (1978)
faction with promotions, supervisors, job
content, and resource adequacy. Overall
levels of job satisfaction are lower for
union workers.
Table 3. (continued)
Rage dispersion Union cage policies reduce cage dispersion Freeman (1980b, 1982)
cithin and across establishmente.
Retired union corkers receive larger benefits Allen and Clark (1986)
upon retirement and larger benefit increases
after retire.ent. Union iorkers retire
earlier, allocing them to collect benefits
over a longer period.
Investment Unionized firms invest less in capital Bronars and Deere (1987),
Hirsch (forthcoming)
Abraham, Katharine G., and Medoff, James L. "Length of Service and Promotions
in Union and Nonunion Work Groups." Industrial and Labor Relations Review 38
(April 1985): 408-420.
Hospitals and Nursing Homes." Journal of Labor Research 7 (Winter 1986): 59-
68 (b).
Allen, Steven C., and Clark, Robert L. "Unions, Pension Wealth, and Age-
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University of Claifornia, 1987.
Brown, Charles, and Medoff, James L. "Trade Unions in the Production Process."
Journal of Political Economy 86 (June 1978): 355-378.
Connolly, Robert A.; Hirsch, Barry T.; and Hirschey, Mark. "Union Rent Seeking,
Intangible Capital, and Market Value of the Firm." Review of Economics and
Statistics 68 (November 1986): 567-577.
Duncan, Greg J., and Stafford, Frank P. "Do Union Members Receive Compensating
Wage Differentials?" American Economic Review 70 (June 1980): 355-371.
Hirscbman, Albert 0. Exit. Voice, and Loyalty. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard, 1970.
Katz, Harry C.; Kochan, Thomas A.; and Keefe, Jeffrey H. "Industrial Relations
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Activity (1987:3): 685-728.
Kleiner, Morris M.; Block, Richard N.; Roomkin, Myron; and Salsburg, Sidney W.,
eds. Human Resources and the Performance of the Firm. Madison, Wis.: Industrial
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Kochan, Thomas A. "How American Workers View Labor Unions." Monthly Labor
Review 102 (April 1979): 15-22.
Kochan, Thomas A.; Katz, Harry C.; and McKersie, Robert B. The Transformation
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