Q.2 In which of the given year does the amendment of the Forest Conservation Act take place?
A. 1976
B. 1988
C. 1980
D. 1971
A. Food contamination
B. Water-borne disease
C. Air-borne disease
D. Both (A.) and (B.)
Q.4 Mention the category that is the worst sufferer of destruction of environment :
A. Moderate class
B. Rich
C. Poor
D. All of the above
A. Earthquake
B. Flood
C. Tsunami
D. None of the above
A. 34
B. 30
C. 35
D. 36
Q.7 State the name of the drug that is associated with the plant source of coffee or tea.
A. Camphor
B. Opium Poppy
C. Caffeine
D. Thorn Apple
Q.8 Name the day that is celebrated as the World Environment Day.
A. June 5th
B. June 6th
C. June 8th
D. June 10th
A. Destruction of life
B. Little impact
C. Reduction in termites
D. No effect
A. Overgrazing
B. Human population growth
C. Soil erosion
D. Over extraction of groundwater
Q.13 What’s the reason behind the blue color of the sky?
Q.16 Name the instrument that is used to measure temperature, pressure as well as humidity at
numerous altitudes within the atmosphere.
A. Altimeter
B. Barograph
C. Radiosonde
D. Aneroid Barometer
A. Sargasso Sea
B. Red Sea
C. Sea of Japan
D. Arabian Sea
A. Oxygen
B. Carbon Dioxide
C. Nitrogen
D. None of the above
1. Odum
2. Elton
3. Arthur G Tansley
4. Clements
Q.20 All species on earth with each other along with their respective environments collectively
constitute :
A. Biosphere
B. Atmosphere
C. Hydrosphere
D. Lithosphere
1. Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of the earth’s climate system
2. Eutrophication is observed in water bodies
3. The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon
4. Ozone is harmless to breathe
2. Areas that are under the influence of DDT may observe a decline in the population of birds. This is
due to the fact that
1. Soil Pollution
2. Noise Pollution
3. Thermal Pollution
4. Radiation pollution
5. The primary agenda of the Kyoto protocol is
1. Zygosporangium
2. E.Coli
3. Deinococcus radiodurans
4. None of the above
7. Eggshells of birds become unusually thin when exposed to the pesticides in their environment. The
protein that gets affected is ________
1. Calmodulin
2. Cysteine
3. Serine
4. None of the above
8. Lichens are good bioindicators for
1. Environmental radiation
2. Soil pollution
3. Water and air pollution
4. None of the above
9. A moth having a speckled wing, able to blend into its background due to its dark colouration is
1. Industrial melanism
2. Adaptation
3. Predation
4. Evolution
10. Carbon dioxide is primarily called a greenhouse gas because
1. Traps heat
2. Traps light
3. Traps warm currents
4. None of the above
11. Trichoderma harzianum is a ________ that is predominantly used as a fungicide
1. Virus
2. Fungus
3. Bacteria
4. Protozoa
12. Greenhouse gases are those that absorb and emit infrared radiation. Examples inlude__________
1. Nitrogen
2. Ozone
3. Argon
4. None of the above
13. Depletion of the ozone layer is damaging to human health. Negative effects include
1. Skin cancers
2. Osteoporosis
3. Dyspepsia
4. None of the above
14. __________ is an organism used to gauge the quality of an ecosystem.
1. Decomposers
2. Predator
3. Bio-remediator
4. Bioindicator
15. _________ is a waste disposal method where solid organic wastes are converted to the residue and
gaseous products through combustion.
1. Incarnation
2. Incineration
3. Incarceration
4. Incubation