Question Bank Subject - Environemtnal Law Class - LL B Iii & LL B V

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1. The word 'Environ' is of _________ origin.

A. French

B. Latin

C. English

D. American

2. The word 'Environ' originally means-

A. The atmosphere

B. The nature

C. The surrounding

D. The study of nature

3. Environment includes-

A. Living things

B. Non-living things

C. Energies

D. All of the above

4. The natural resources which can be regenerated or reproduced or are freely available

nature is called as-

A. Renewable resources
B. Non-renewable resources

C. Both of the above

D. None of the above

5. Which of the following is an example of non-renewable resources?

A. Sunlight

B. Wind

C. Ground Water

D. Coal

6. The physical environment of the earth can be broadly categorized into-

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 5

7. Which Section defines 'Environment' under the Environmental Protection Act, 1986?

A. Sec. 2(c)

B. Sec. 2(d)

C. Sec. 2(a)

D. Sec. 2(b)

8. "Environment is the sum total of conditions surrounding men in space and time".

A. Britannica
B. Jeremy Bentham

C. Plato

D. CC Parker

9. United States Council on Environmental Quality defines 'Ecology' as-

A. Study of living organisms

B. Study of non-living things

C. Study of living & non-living things and their interaction with one another

D. None of the above

10. Which of the following may not come under the study of ecology?

A. Grassland

B. Forest

C. Desert

D. Aquarium

11. Bridges, Dams, Roads are the examples of _________ components.

A. Biotic

B. Abiotic

C. Biotic Community

D. Ecology

12. Lion, Tiger, Elephant are the example of ______________.

A. Biotic
B. Abiotic

C. Biotic Community

D. Ecology

13. Which part of the earth's surface consists of various gases?

A. Hydrosphere

B. Lithosphere

C. Atmosphere

D. Ecosphere

14. The concept of 'Sustainable Development' was firstly introduced in-

A. Rio Declaration

B. Stockholm Declaration

C. Brundtland Report

D. World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED)

15. The basic idea behind 'Sustainable Development' is-

A. Development at all cost

B. Environmental protection at all cost

C. Liberalisation, Privatisation, Globalisation (LPG) at all cost

D. Environment & Development should go hand in hand.

16. The concept of Sustainable development was firstly adopted by the Indian Judiciary

A. Ganga Pollution Case

B. Taj Mahal Pollution Case

C. Vellore Citizens Case

D. Coca Cola Case

17. Which of the following is an essential of the Polluter Pays Principle?

A. Duty to anticipate environmental degradation

B. Duty to take care

C. Duty to attack environmental pollution

D. All of the above

18. Which of the following is an example of the Precautionary principle?

A. Special Economic Zone

B. Danger sign on electric DP

C. Fire extinguisher in factory

D. All of the above

19. According to Justice Kuldeep Singh, Polluter Pay's Principle includes-

A. Absolute liability for pollution caused.

B. Compensation to victims of pollution.

C. Restoration of health or property damaged by pollution.

D. All of the above

20. According to the Doctrine of Public Trust, ________ is the trustee of all the natural

resources falling within the State.

A. Public

B. Industries

C. State

D. United Nations Organization (UNO)

21. Which Section defines 'Environment Pollutant' under the Environment (Protection)

Act, 1986?

A. Sec. 2(a)

B. Sec.2(b)

C. Sec.2(c)

D. Sec.2(d)

22. Which of the following is considered as the major source of environmental pollution?

A. Industrial gases

B. Agricultural waste

C. Plastic

D. All of the above.

23. Pollution has been basically categorized into:

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 0
24. Artificial pollution can be sub-categorized into:

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 5

25. The most important layer of atmosphere for the survival of living organisms is-

A. Ozone

B. Troposphere

C. Stratosphere

D. Exosphere

26. Which Section defines 'Air Pollution' under The Air (Prevention and Control of

Pollution) Act, 1981?

A. Sec. 2(a)

B. Sec. 2(b)

C. Sec. 2(c)

D. Sec. 2(d)

27. Which of the following is an essential of 'air pollutant' as per Sec. 2(a) of the Air Act.

A. Solid, liquid or gaseous substances

B. Noise

C. Injurious to Living & non-living things

D. All of the above

28. Which of the following is not the primary source of air pollution?

A. Industrial gases

B. Meat industry

C. Welding activity

D. Dumping grounds

29. Which of the following is the minor source of air pollution?

A. Agarbatti

B. Perfumes

C. Smoking

D. All of the above.

30. The most direct effect of air pollution, on human health, can be seen as -

A. Mental imbalance

B. Cancer

C. genetic defects

D. Respiratory disorder

31. Sec._____ defines 'water pollution' under the Water (Prevention and Control of

Pollution) Act, 1974.

A. Sec.2(a)

B. Sec.2(e)

C. Sec.2(i)
D. Sec.2(o)

32. Which of the following is an essential of water pollution as per the definition of 'water

pollution' under the Water Act?

A. Contamination of water

B. Discharge of any substance in water

C. Creating nuisance or harm due to contamination or alteration

D. Causes injurious to living and non-living things.

33. Which of the following is not the industrial cause of water pollution?

A. Cooling of machines

B. Food processing

C. Petroleum or Oil Spills

D. Untreated Sewage

34. Which of the following is/are the major types of water pollutants?

A. Sewage

B. Excessive use of fertilizers & Pesticides

C. Thermal heat discharge

D. All of the above

35. The most direct effect of water pollution is upon-

A. Plant life

B. Animal life
C. Aquatic life

D. Human life

36. __________ is a disease that causes severe watery diarrhoea and which can lead to

dehydration and even death if untreated.

A. Cholera

B. Dysentery

C. Jaundice

D. Malaria

37. Which of the following constitutes Land pollution?

A. Reduce the productivity of land.

B. Demolish the surface of earth.

C. Both of the above

D. None of the above

38. Which of the following is the major reason behind land pollution?

A. Plastic

B. Chemicals

C. Acid Rain

D. Smoking

39. Food pollution means the presence of-

A. Chemical contaminants in food

B. Biological contaminants in food

C. Both of the above

D. None of the above

40. Which of the following is an auditory effect of noise pollution?

A. Annoyance

B. Interference with speech

C. Deafness

D. Psychological changes

41. Contamination of food from sources such as- yeast, parasites, viruses, bacteria, and

mold falls under-

A. Chemical contamination

B. Biological contamination

C. Both of the above

D. None of the above

42. Which of the following is an essential of noise pollution?

A. High intensity sound

B. Unpleasant auditory effect

C. Undesirable to some

D. All of the above

43. A boy is busy playing PubG throughout the day and uses headphones for the same. If
he continues to do the same for the next few years he may suffer-

A. Partial or complete deafness.

B. Lack of concentration

C. Annoyance

D. Whistling or buzzing in ears.

44. Which of the following can be safety equipment for a worker against noise pollution-

A. Ear buds

B. Headphone

C. Monkey Cap

D. Helmet

45. Which of the following can be considered as the most polluted food that we see


A. Apple

B. Banana

C. Grapes

D. Papaya

46. Under which section of Environment Protection Act, definition of ‘Environment’ is


A. Sec 2 (a)

B. Sec 2 (b)

C. Sec 2 (g)
D. Sec 2 (j)

47. A combination of biotic community with physical environment is called as

A. Ecology

B. Biomes

C. Ecosystem

D. Biosphere

48. What amongst following is natural pollution?

A. Population Explosion

B. Industrialization

C. Automobiles

D. Desertification

49. The basal part of atmosphere which is about 20kms above the Earth surface is-

A. Stratosphere

B. Troposphere

C. Mesosphere

D. Ionosphere

50. Which among the following are air pollutants?

A. Nitrogen Oxide

B. Particulates

C. Hydrocarbons

D. all the above

51. Which component of air protects Earth’s surface from severe radiation damage?

A. Oxygen

B. Carbon

C. Ozone

D. Hydrogen

52. The principal form/s of water in nature is/are

A. Atmospheric moisture

B. Precipitation

C. Soil water

D. All the above

53. Heating or cooling of water which drastically alter the biota in water body is referred


A. Water Pollution

B. Thermal Pollution

C. Heat Pollution

D. Temperature Pollution

54. Land pollution means

A. Making bad & harmful use of land

B. Addition of unwanted substance in indefinite

proportion on land

C. Both A & B
D. None of the above

55. Solid waste, agricultural operations, mining etc. are major sources of

A. Air pollution

B. Water pollution

C. Soil pollution

D. Noise pollution

56. Which among the following can cause radiation pollution?

A. Uranium

B. Ozone

C. Sulphur

D. Methane

57. Noise is

A. Unwanted sound

B. Undesired sound

C. Unpleasant sound

D. All the above

58. Through which medium sound cannot pass?

A. Air

B. Vacuum

C. Water
D. Solid

59. Noise pollution (Regulation & Control) Rules are framed in

A. Year 1999

B. Year 2001

C. Year 2000

D. Year 2002

60. How much area around hospitals, educational institutes, courts etc. is “silence zone”?

A. 100-meter area

B. 200-meter area

C. 500-meter area

D. 1 km area

61. Air pollution can affect

A. Human beings

B. Plants

C. Monuments

D. All the above

62. Which court have developed Public Trust Doctrine?

A. Indian Courts

B. American Courts

C. British Courts

D. German Courts
63. By which Constitutional Amendment Art 48(A) is inserted in Indian Constitution?

A. 42nd Amendment

B. 47th Amendment

C. 56th Amendment

D. 74th Amendment

64. Under which provision of Indian Constitution, the fundamental duty of environment

protection is casted upon Indian Citizens?

A. Art 51(A)(j)

B. Art 51(A)(f)

C. Art 51(A)(k)

D. Art 51(A)(g)

65. Which offence under IPC have its bearing on environment?

A. Public Nuisance

B. Mischief

C. Both A & B

D. None of the above

66. Union Carbide Corporation Vs Union of India is the case popularly known as

A. Ganga Pollution case

B. Bhopal Gas Leak Disaster case

C. Taj Mahal case

D. Doon Valley case

67. Sustainable Development means

A. Suspension of development for environmental


B. Separation of development & environment

C. Integration of development & environmental


D. Division of Development & environmental


68. The Stockholm Conference on Environment & Development 1972 was held under the

auspices of





69. Water containing foreign substances which alters physical, chemical or biological

properties of water is

A. Clean water

B. Dirty water

C. Fresh water

D. Polluted water
70. The Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act is legislated in the year

A. 1972

B. 1974

C. 1984

D. 1986

71. Under which provision, the Central Government can establish a ‘Central Water

Laboratory’ under Water Act?

A. Sec 51

B. Sec 52

C. Sec 16

D. Sec 17

72. As per Wild Life Protection Act, hunting of wild animal is permitted for

A. Scientific Management

B. Entertainment

C. Both A & B

D. None of the above

73. Who use to the Chairperson of National Board for Wild Life?

A. President of India

B. Prime Minister of India

C. Minister in charge of Forest & Wild Life

D. Director of Wild Life Preservation

74. Who can declare an area as Sanctuary as per the provisions of Wild Life Protection


A. Central Government

B. State Government

C. President of India

D. Forest and Wild Life Ministry

75. Which among the following is not permitted under Wild Life Protection Act?

A. Killing of wild animal in defence

B. Wounding a wild animal in good faith

C. Hunting for collection of specimens for recognized zoo

D. Capturing a wild animal for trading

76. Which among the following is not an artificial pollution?

A. Population explosion

B. Industrialisation

C. Urbanisation

D. Floods

77. Global Warming is due to

A. Depletion of Ozone layer

B. Greenhouse gases

C. Both A & B
D. None of the above

78. Environment Protection Act is legislated in

A. 1974

B. 1972

C. 1986

D. 1984

79. Livestock means

A. Wild animals

B. Captive Animals

C. Farm animals

D. All the above

80. An establishment whether stationary or mobile, where captive or wild animals are

kept for exhibition to the public is known as

A. Zoo

B. Circus

C. Both A & B

D. None of the above

81. The Environment protection Act was enacted for

A. Regulation of discharge of environmental pollutants

B. Handling of hazardous substances

C. Speedy responses in the event of accidents threatening environment

D. All of the above

82. The Central Government shall have the power to take all such measures as it deems

necessary or expedient for the purpose of

A. Protecting and improving the quality of the environment

B. Preventing, controlling and abating environmental pollution

C. Either A or B

D. Both A and B

83. No person carrying on any industry, operation or process shall discharge or emit or

permit to be discharged or emitted any environmental pollutant

A. Less than the standard as may be prescribed

B. In excess of such standards as may be prescribed

C. Equal to such standards as may be prescribed

D. None of the above

84. No person shall handle or cause to be handled any hazardous substance except

A. In accordance with such procedure as may be prescribed

B. After complying with such safeguards as may be prescribed

C. Both A and B

D. Neither A nor B

85. As per section 11 of the Environment Protection Act, the person taking the sample

under sub-sec (1) shall collect the sample for analysis

A. In the presence of the occupier

B. In the presence of the Agent of the occupier

C. In the presence of the person of the occupier

D. In the presence of the occupier or his agent or person

86. The Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette establish

A. One environmental laboratory

B. More than one environmental Laboratories

C. One or more environmental Laboratories

D. None of the above

87. Any document purporting to be a report signed by a Government analyst may

A. Not be used as evidence of the facts stated therein in any proceedings under

Environment Protection Act

B. Be used as evidence of the facts stated therein in any proceedings under

Environment Protection Act

C. Be used as evidence of the facts stated therein in any proceedings under any

D. None of the above

88. Sewage effluent means

A. Effluent from any sewage system

B. Sewage disposal works

C. Sullage from open drains

D. None of the above

89. Sewer means any conduit pipe or channel, open or closed

A. Carrying sewage

B. Carrying trade effluent

C. Carrying sewage or trade effluent

D. Carrying nothing

90. Trade effluent does not include

A. Domestic sewage

B. Any liquid, gaseous or solid substance which is discharged from any premises

used for carrying on any industry, operation or process or treatment and

disposal system

C. Both A and B

D. None of the above

91. The maximum number of members which the Central Board may consists of

chairman) is

A. 20

B. 16

C. 15

D. 10

92. The chairman of a State Board may be

A. A full-time chairman
B. A part-time chairman

C. A full-time or part-time chairman

D. None of the above

93. A member of a board other than a member secretary shall hold office for a term of

A. Three years from the date of his nomination

B. Four years from the date of his nomination

C. Five years from the date of his nomination

D. Six years from the date of his nomination

94. A member of a board may be removed before the expiry of his term of office after

giving him a reasonable opportunity of showing cause against the same

A. By the Central Government

B. By the State Government

C. By the Central or the State Government as the case may be

D. By the High Court

95. A causal vacancy in a Board shall be filled by a fresh nomination and the person

nominated to fill the vacancy shall hold office

A. Only for the remainder of the term for which the member in whose place he


B. For a fresh period of 5 years

C. Either A or B

D. None of the above

96. No person shall be a member of a Board who

A. Is or at any time has been adjudged insolvent

B. Is of unsound mind and stands so declared by a competent court

C. Is or at any time has been convicted of an offence under this Act

D. Has any one or more of the disqualifications mentioned from A to C

97. The result of any analysis of a sample of any sewage or trade effluent taken under

Section 21(1) of Water Act shall

A. Not be admissible in evidence in any legal proceedings

B. Be admissible in evidence provided certain conditions are fulfilled

C. None of the above

D. Both A and B

98. Whoever damages any works or property belonging to the board shall be punishable

with imprisonment for a term which may extend to

A. 3 years

B. 3 months

C. 6 years

D. 6 months

99. Whoever contravenes the provisions of section 24 of Water Act shall be punishable

with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than one year and six months but
which may extend to

A. Six years and with fine

B. Five years and with fine

C. Three years and with fine

D. Four years and with fine

100. The Central Board or Joint Board under Water Act may be superseded by the

A. State Government

B. Central Government

C. High Court

D. Supreme Court

101. A State Board may be superseded by the

A. State Government

B. Central Government

C. High Court of that state

D. Supreme Court

102. The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 was enacted for the

A. Preservation of the quality of air

B. To control air pollution

C. Both A and B

D. Neither A nor B
103. Air pollution means

A. Presence in the atmosphere of any air pollutant

B. Absent in the atmosphere of any air pollutant

C. Either A or B

D. Neither A nor B

104. Approved appliances mean any equipment or gadget used for the burning of any

combustible material or for generating or consuming any fume, gas or particulate


and approved by

A. The State Board for the purpose of Air Act

B. The Central Board for the purpose of Air Act

C. Both the Governments

D. Either of the Governments

105. Automobile means any vehicle powered by

A. Internal combustion engine

B. By any method of generating power to drive such vehicle by burning fuel

C. Either A or B

D. Human power

106. Control equipment means any apparatus, device, equipment or system to control the

A. Quality of emission of any air pollutant

B. Manner of emission of any air pollutant

C. Neither A nor B
D. Both A and B

107. Emission means any solid or liquid or gaseous substance coming out of any

A. Chimney

B. Duct

C. Flue

D. Chimney, duct or flue.

108. Industrial plant means any plant emitting any air pollutant in the atmosphere and used

for any

A. Industrial or trade purposes

B. Industrial purposes

C. Trade purposes

D. None of the above

109. The main functions of the Central Board constituted under Air Act is

A. To improve the quality of air

B. To prevent, control, abate air pollution in the country

C. Both A and B

D. Neither A nor B

110. The Central Board under Air Act may

A. Lay down standards for the quality of air

B. Collect and disseminate information in respect of matters relating to air


C. Plan and cause to be executed a nationwide program for the prevention,


or abatement of air pollution

D. All of the above

111. The functions of a State Board under Air Act shall be

A. To plan a comprehensive program for the prevention, control or abatement of

air pollution and to secure the execution thereof

B. To advise the State Government on any matter concerning the prevention,

control or abatement of air pollution

C. To collect and disseminate information relating to air pollution

D. All of the above

112. The State Government may

A. Alter any air pollution control area whether by way of extension or reduction

B. Declare a new air pollution control area in which may be merged one or more

existing air pollution control areas or any part or parts thereof

C. Both A and B

D. Neither A nor B

113. No person shall, without the previous consent of the State Board

A. Establish any industrial plant in an air pollution control area

B. Operate any industrial plant in an air pollution control area

C. Establish or operate any industrial plant in an air pollution control area

D. All of the above

114. A person operating any industrial plant in an air pollution control area immediately

before the commencement of Sec 9 of Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution)

Amendment Act 1987 may continue to do so for a certain period. This period is

A. 6 months

B. 3 months

C. 2 years

D. 1 year

115. The State Government, to carry out the functions entrusted to the State Air Laboratory

under Air Act may

A. Establish one or more State Air Laboratories

B. Specify one or more Laboratories or Institute as State Air Laboratories

C. Neither establish for specify

D. Either establish or specify

116. Any document purporting to be a report signed by a Government analyst may

A. Not be used as evidence of the facts stated therein in any proceeding under Air


B. Be used as evidence of the facts stated therein in any proceeding under Air Act

C. Be used as evidence of the facts stated therein in any proceedings under any

D. None of the above

117. Whoever damages any works or property belonging to the Board under Air Act shall

be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to

A. Three years

B. Three months

C. Six years

D. Six months

118. Cattle includes

A. Elephants, camels, buffaloes, horses, mares

B. Geldings, ponies, colts, fillies, mules, asses

C. Pig, rams, sheep, lambs, goats, kids

D. All the above

119. Forest produce includes

A. Timber, charcoal, wood, oil, resin, natural varnish

B. Trees and leaves, flowers and fruits

C. Plants not being trees (including grass, creepers, reeds & moss)

D. All the above

120. River includes a

A. Natural stream, canal, creek or other channels

B. Artificial stream, canal, creek or other channels

C. Natural or artificial stream, canal, creek or other channels

D. Neither natural nor artificial

121. Timber includes trees when they

A. Have fallen

B. Have been felled

C. Neither A nor B

D. Both A and B

122. When a forest offence has been committed in respect of any forest produce, such

produce together with all tools, boats, carts or cattle used in committing any such

offence may be seized by

A. Any forest officer

B. Any police officer

C. Forest officer or police officer

D. Neither forest officer nor police officer

123. A State Government or other authority can make an order directing that any forest

or any portion thereof may be used for any non-forest purpose

A. Without prior approval of Central Government

B. With prior approval of Central Government

C. With prior approval of State Assembly

D. With prior approval of State Legislative Council

124. Animal article

A. Does not include ivory imported into India

B. Includes an article made from ivory imported into India

C. Includes ivory imported into India

D. Both B and C are correct

125. Captive animal means any animal specified in schedule I, II, III or IV which is

A. Captured only in captivity

B. Bred only in captivity

C. Kept only in captivity

D. Captured or kept or bred in captivity

126. Dealer means any person who deals with any captive animal, animal article, trophy,

uncured trophy, meat or specified plant by carrying on the business of

A. Buying and selling of such animals or articles

B. Buying only of such animals or articles

C. Selling only of animals or articles

D. None of the above

127. Habitat is the natural home of any wild animal which includes

A. Land

B. Water

C. Vegetation

D. Land or water or vegetation

128. Meat includes

A. Blood, bones

B. Sinew, eggs

C. Fat and flesh

D. All of the above

129. Taxidermy means

A. Curing, preparation or preservation of trophies

B. Curing of trophies

C. Preparation of trophies

D. Preservation of trophies

130. Trophy means the whole or any part of any captive animal or wild animal other than

vermin, which has been

A. Preserved by artificial or natural means

B. Kept or preserved by artificial or natural means

C. Kept or preserved by artificial means

D. Kept or preserved by natural means

131. Uncured Trophy includes

A. A freshly killed wild animal

B. A freshly killed ambergris

C. A freshly killed musk

D. A freshly killed wild animal, ambergris musk

132. Vehicle under Wildlife Protection Act

A. Includes a buffalo, bull, bullock, camel, donkey, elephant, horse and mule

B. Does not include buffalo, bull, bullock, camel, donkey, elephant, horse and


C. Both A and B are incorrect

D. Both A and B are correct

133. Weapon includes ammunition, bows and arrows, explosives, firearms, hooks, knives,

nets, poison, snares and traps and any instrument or apparatus capable of

A. Anaesthetizing an animal

B. Destroying or killing an animal

C. Injuring or killing animal

D. Anaesthetizing, decoying, destroying, injuring or killing an animal

134. Wildlife includes

A. Any animal, bees, butterflies, crustacea, fish and moths

B. Aquatic or land vegetation which forms part of any habitat

C. Both A and B

D. Neither A nor B

135. Function of State Board constituted under the Water Act are specified under

A. Section 17

B. Section 18

C. Section 20
D. Section 21

136. Who is empowered to control sanctuaries under the Wildlife Protection Act

A. Forest officer

B. The State Government

C. The Chief Wildlife Warden

D. The Collector of the District

137. Any wild animal killed or wounded in defence of any person would be

A. The property of the person killing or wounding that animal

B. The property of the Chief Wildlife Warden

C. The property of the Central Government

D. The property of the State Government

138. Wild animal includes

A. Cow

B. Buffalo

C. Elephant

D. Dog

139. The Wildlife Warden in each district is appointed by

A. The State Government

B. The Chief Wildlife Warden

C. Wildlife Warden
D. The Wildlife Advisory Board

140 Whoever contravenes the provision of Sec 25 or Sec 26 of Water Act shall be

punishable with imprisonment for the term which shall not be less than

A. One year and six months

B. Six months

C. Two years

D. Three years

141. The power to declare certain areas as Sanctuary under Sec 18 of Wildlife Protection

Act has been conferred on

A. The Collector

B. The Central Government

C. The State Government

D. The Tahsildar

142. National parks are declared by

A. The State Government

B. The Collector of the District

C. The Chief Wildlife Warden

D. None of the above

143. The Sanctuaries are controlled by

A. The collector
B. The Chief Wildlife Warden

C. The District Superintendent of Police

D. Revenue Secretary

144. The Supreme Court held that an enterprise engaged in hazardous or inherently

dangerous activity is strictly and absolutely liable for the harm resulting from the

operation of such activity in the following case

A. M V Sharma Vs Bharat electricity Ltd

B. M C Mehta Vs Union of India

C. V Lakshmipati Vs State of Karnataka

D. Rural Litigation and Entitlement Kendra Vs State of Uttar Pradesh

145. The first case in India involving issues relating to environment and ecological balance


A. Rural Litigation and Entitlement Kendra Vs State of U P

B. Ambica Quarry Works vs State of Gujarat

C. Ratlam Municipality case

D. M C Mehta Vs Union of India

146. One of the following Section of Wildlife Protection Act deals with immunization of


A. Section 32

B. Section 33

C. Section 31
D. Section 33-A

147. The Wildlife Advisory Board shall meet

A. At least thrice a year

B. At least twice a year

C. At least once a year

D. At least once a quarter

148. The Central Board constituted under the Air Act is bound by the direction given by

A. The State Government

B. The Central Government

C. The President of India

D. Any person authorised by Central Government

149. Under Water Act, State Water Laboratory may be established under Sec 52 of the Act

A. By the State Board

B. The State Government

C. Central Board

D. The Central Government

150. One of the following Articles of the Constitution of India gives a clear mandate to the

State to protect and improve environment and to safeguard the forest and wildlife in


A. Article 20
B. Article 51(A) (g)

C. Article 54

D. Article 59

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