Five Tips For Listening Well
Five Tips For Listening Well
Five Tips For Listening Well
Calvin Coolidge once said, “No man ever listened himself out of a job.” You
certainly know people have talked themselves out of work, and perhaps some have
missed opportunities because they weren’t listening closely enough. Don’t let this
happen to you. Refine your listening skills with these five tips.
Be Prepared
“Where observation is concerned, chance favors only the prepared mind.” -- Louis
A great athlete doesn’t become a great athlete on game day; he prepares himself to
be ready for a great performance on game day. You may have thought being a truly
good listener was going to be easier than this. Sorry.
Shut Up
How’s that for straightforward? Clearly, you’re a far more effective listener when
you’re not talking. Sure, it’s important to speak up, but remaining silent the majority
of the time can put an exclamation point on the things you do say. Being quiet and
listening intently brings with it a good aura.
This is the most obvious -- and most broken -- rule when it comes to listening. Be in
the moment. Put other thoughts out of your mind. You can feel when people aren’t
truly listening to you, and you know when they are. Make sure whoever’s speaking
feels you are really listening.
Focus on what people are saying, and don’t let yourself get stuck on any one point.
Don’t try to answer your question in your own mind while the person is still
speaking. If you have to, make a note on a piece of paper about a question
regarding what’s been said, but don’t let it debilitate you from listening to the rest of
the conversation.
Likewise, conquer your own defensiveness. If someone says something that sets
you off, let it go. Move on, and continue to listen to what he’s saying. This is a
challenge to the most mature among us. Being able to mentally process criticism
openly and maturely is one of the best career moves you’ll ever make.
“Everyone and everything around you is your teacher.” -- Ken Keyes Jr.
You may absolutely despise your coworker, but to be a good listener, you must
always listen with empathy. It’s easy to let your mind chew on a point of
disagreement if you hear something that bothers you -- or if you just don’t like the
person who’s speaking -- but you’ll miss what’s being said. Try to see the world
through the speaker’s eyes. Think of it as a practice run for when you’re in
discussions with people you like and respect.
“He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool
forever.” -- Chinese Proverb
Reporters often say their jobs require them to be experts for a day depending on the
story: one day an expert in aviation and the next an expert in politics. The truth is,
their main expertise is asking insightful questions. And it’s the same for successful
listeners. Like a reporter, you must learn to put people at ease and ask questions
that illicit revealing responses.
Ask “how” and “why” questions that require a certain amount of elaboration
as opposed to questions that can be answered with a yes or no.
It often times helps if you share a little bit of yourself while asking questions.
Example: “I have been having a hard time getting productivity out of my
workers. How do you suggest I deal with it?”
Ask tough questions, but do it with a smile. You can ask difficult or even
awkward questions without being confrontational. When you’re asking killer
questions, kill them with kindness.