6th Class Solutions ( All Lessons )
6th Class Solutions ( All Lessons )
6th Class Solutions ( All Lessons )
2. loaf ਰੋਟੀ
4. creature ਜੀਵ
5. moving ਚੱ ਲਦੀ
6. cheese ਪਨੀਰ
7. delicious ਸੁਆਦੀ
8. underneath ਹੇਠਾਂ
Activity 2
Choose sounds of animals from the given box. Write in the given blank. Two
examples are given below.
Activity 3
Fill in the blanks. Select suitable words from the story.
1. Rajinder was very happy because his parents had moved to the village.
Activity 5
Read the story and answer the following questions:
5. What does the boy say about the cow at the end of the story?
Answer . He says that cows are his friends.
Activity 6
Look at the table given below. All the words are nouns. Add some more to the table.
Activity 7
Write common nouns in the space given and make small sentences
Amit sells (ice-cream)in the Atal park. His (ice-creams) are of different (flavours) (strawberry, vanilla,
chocolate) and many more. Harjot wants some (ice-cream). He tells his (mother), "I want to go to the
(park) to buy (ice-cream)." Harjot's (sister),Jyoti laughs and claps her(hands). She also loves
(ice-cream). (Mother) says, "I have to go to the (grocer's) and also to the (supermarket). So let's go by
our (jeep). We will go to the (park) by Gandhi Road. There is less (traffic) there. We will reach the (park)
soon and then we can buy (ice-cream) there." Harjot and Jyoti are very happy.
Activity 9
Look at the picture given and list the common and proper nouns in the table given
below :
Activity 10
Choose the correct option :
(a) five
(b) three
(c) four
(d) six.
(a) true
(b) false
(c) not given
(d) none of these.
(a) virus
(b) bacteria
(c) saliva
(d) none of these.
Activity 11
Meaning of the words as used in the lesson.
The teacher will read out the story to the students. Listen to the story carefully and write the
names of the people/animals from the story . The first letter of each word is given.
Examples :
1. I ………..lion
2. g………..goat
3. h………..horse
4. r ………..rabbit
5. k ……….kids
6. d ……….duck
7. m ……….mother
Activity 12
Speak five sentences about cow in your group using the following hints:
3. It moos.
4. It gives us milk
5. We get many delicious things like cream, butter etc from a cow.
Activity 13
Fill in the blanks using the information given in Activity 12.
Now remove the numbers and put the sentences above in a paragraph form.
A cow is a kind animal. It gives us a lot of milk. It gives us other gifts too. We can make many
delicious things from cow’s milk like custard and cream and butter. Though it has big horns,
we should not be afraid of it. It is a friendly animal.
Activity 14
Have you seen a buffalo ? How does it look like? Write 5 sentences on a buffalo of your own.
Prepared by :
Mr.Manpreet Singh, English Master
GHS Pandher Kalan
Majitha - 1 , Amritsar
Activity 1
Meaning of the words as used in the lesson.
1. Tummy ਪੇਟ
2. nibbles ਕੁਤਰਨਾ
4. conversation ਗੱ ਲਬਾਤ
7. growls ਗਰਜਣਾ
8. frown ਗੁੱ ਸਾ
9. treat ਪਾਰਟੀ
Activity 2
Give the rhyming words of the following words:
Activity 3
Read the following words/phrases and use them in meaningful sentences:
5. He is small in size.
Activity 5
Read and answer:
Sr No Verbs
1 Love
2 Growls
3 Nibbles
4 Looked
5 Finds
6 Tears
Prepared by :
Mr.Manpreet Singh, English Master
GHS Pandher Kalan
Majitha - 1 , Amritsar
Activity 1
Meaning of the words as used in the lesson.
(a) water
(b) another place to go
(c) solution
(a) a mountain
(b) a huge rock
(c) on the back of the elephant king
8. What did the little rabbit say to the Elephant King?
(a) that the elephant herd had soiled the water of the holy lake
(b) rabbits, were under the special protection of the moon
(c) both ‘a’ and ‘b’
(a) a lake
(b) another forest
(c) none of the above
Activity 4
Answer the following questions:
5. Why did the elephant king believe that the Moon had become angrier?
Answer : Because the water moved, the king elephant believed that the Moon had become
Activity 5
Change the gender ( Sometimes the word is slightly changed before -ess is added )
Masculine Feminine
God Goddess
Waiter Waitress
Tiger Tigress
Lion Lioness
Prince Princess
Emperor Empress
Host Hostess
Duke Duchess
Actor Actress
Activity 6
Change the gender ( Many nouns have different words for the Masculine and the
Feminine )
Masculine Feminine
bull cow
son daughter
horse mare
uncle aunt
nephew niece
sir madam
brother sister
father mother
male female
husband wife
goose gander
Activity 7
Change the gender ( Sometimes half the word that shows gender gets changed )
Masculine Feminine
milkman milkmaid
landlord landlady
peacock peahen
he-goat she-goat
father-in-law mother-in-law
grandfather grandmother
son-in-law daughter-in-law
grandson granddaughter
policeman policewoman
Activity 8
Change the gender ( Some words change but their patterns are different )
hero heroine
lad lass
bridegroom bride
widower widow
sultan sultana
czar czarina
magician wizard
Activity 9
Some words are common to both genders. These words can be used for both males
and females. Such words are called Common Gender.
Common Gender
pilot friend
bird parent
baby teacher
doctor member
child candidate
animal orphan
cook dancer
passenger player
Activity 10
Some words have no gender. Such words are called Neuter gender
Neuter gender
chair mountain
paper fan
book computer
school camera
pencil photo
map table
scooter rickshaw
Activity 11
Fill in the blanks using the correct option:
Activity 12
Write the opposite gender :
1. husband — wife
2. master — mistress
3. milkmaid — milkman
4. Peahen — peacock
5. nephew — niece
7. president — president
8. queen — king
9. goose — gander
Question 1.The argument between the king and the minister was about
(a) law and order issue
(b) religious issue
(c) war issue.
Question 2.The king ordered his guards to put his minister in prison because the minister had
(a) failed to reach the palace on time.
(b) not obeyed the king’s orders.
(c) argued with him on law and order issue.
Prepared by :
Mr.Manpreet Singh, English Master
GHS Pandher Kalan
Majitha - 1 , Amritsar
Activity 1
Meaning of the words as used in the lesson.
1. Swing ਝੂਲਣਾ
2. trunk ਤਣਾ
3. branch ਸ਼ਾਖਾਵਾਂ
4. business ਕਾਰੋਬਾਰ
5. sail ਜਹਾਜ਼
6. resource ਸਰੋਤ
Activity 2
Write two meaningful sentences using each phrase:
1. climb up:
a. I can climb up a tree.
b. He climbed up the mountain.
2. cut off:
a. He was cut off in the middle of his talk.
b. Do not cut off my class today.
3. cut down:
a. He is able to cut down the tree.
b. Cut down the intake of sugar.
4. stay away:
a. Stay away from bad company.
b. He stayed away from home for a long while.
5. take away:
a. He took away my book.
b. Please take it away with care.
Activity 3
Read the story carefully and answer the following questions in 'Yes' / "No':
Question: Did the boy love the tree when he was a child?
Answer: Yes, he did.
5. Did the tree allow the boy to sit down on the stump?
Answer: Yes, she did.
Activity 4
Answer the following questions:
Activity 5
Fill in the blanks with the words given below. You can use each word twice, if
(sailed, tree, stump, grew, happy, climb up, swing, house, tired, apples)
3. The tree asked the boy to climb up and swing from her branches.
7. The boy made a boat from the trunk of the tree and sailed away.
9. The boy came back to the tree. He said that he was tired.
Sr No Word Opposite
1 happy sad
2 give take
3 sell buy
4 come go
Activity 7
Add '-ed' to the following words and write a meaningful sentence:
Sr No Word Sentence
(a) he
(b) Aman
(c) Meena
(d) they
(a) Rosy
(b) my friend
(c) he
(d) this statue
(a) anyone
(b) they
(c) someone
(d) it
5.We enjoy the roses so much _________ really make the garden beautiful.
(a) they
(b) its
(c) someone
(d) flowers
6. Aman isn’t an architect ______ is an engineer
(a) he
(b) they
(c) it
(d) she
(a) he
(b) she
(c) we
(d) it
8.My doctor was born in London ________ teaches language lessons in his spare time.
(a) they
(b) it
(c) she
(d) he
9. All my teachers are from Europe _______ come from all over the continent.
(a) she
(b) we
(c) they
(d) them
10. Our friends are athletes. All of _______ are either strong, fast, or both.
(a) We
(b) they
(c) them
(d) you
Activity 9
Fill in the blanks using demonstrative pronouns. Choose the best answer to complete
each sentence.
(a) that
(b) these
(c) those
(d) such
(a) that
(b) them
(c) those
(d) this
(a) that
(b) those
(c) such
(d) this
(a) such
(b) those
(c) this
(d) none
5. Because of their bad behaviour, _______________ of the children were given allowances.
(a) none
(b) that
(c) those
(d) them
6. _________ of them had seen it before.
(a) those
(b) neither
(c) such
(d) this
7. Is ______ yours?
(a) this
(b) those
(c) these
(d) such
(a) that
(b) such
(c) none
(d) neither
(a) that
(b) those
(c) this
(d) such
(a) this
(b) that
(c) these
(d) such.
Activity 10
Fill in the blanks with an interrogative pronoun.
(a) who
(b) what
(c) which
(d) whose
(a) who
(b) whom
(c) which
(d) whose
(a) which
(b) what
(c) whose
(d) whom
(a) whom
(b) whose
(c) what
(d) who
(a) who
(b) whom
(c) what
(d) whose
6. ______ did you tell?
(a) whom
(b) what
(c) whose
(d) which
(a) what
(b) whom
(c) whose
(d) which
(a) what
(b) whom
(c) who
(d) whose
Activity 11
Did you like the story ? Talk to your partner and discuss two things you liked and one
thing you did not like in the story. After discussion, add another paragraph to change
the ending of the story.
The boy sat there thinking. He thought of trees who give something to man all through
their lives. They give their all happily and become a stump. They give the message :
“Real happiness lies in giving’. But it is a pity that man cuts down trees unwisely. He
has no regard for their usefulness and selflessness.
Activity 12
Write a letter to your friend inviting him for the birthday party.
Golden Avenue
March 12, 20…
My dear Manvir
You will be glad to know that my birthday falls on March 20. I am planning to celebrate
it at home. There will be a programme of dance and music. A dinner will also be
served. All our friends are coming to the party. I hope you will also join us. I am sure
you will enjoy yourself.
Yours sincerely
Activity 13
Write whether the statements are ‘True’ or ‘False’ in the given space.
2. The tree liked the boy to swing from the branches of the tree. True
3. The tree became sad whenever the boy came back. False
7. The tree allowed the boy to cut down her trunk. True
8. At last, the boy wanted a quiet place to sit and rest. True
9. The tree refused the boy from sitting on her old stump. False
Prepared by :
Mr.Manpreet Singh, English Master
GHS Pandher Kalan
Majitha - 1 , Amritsar
Activity 1
Meaning of the words as used in the lesson.
1. rain – main
2. heat – cheat
3. roofs – hoofs
4. out – shout
5. lane – rain
6. pours – roars
7. wide – guide
Activity 3
Read the poem and write answers to the following:
1 beautiful lovely
3 fiery burning
4 street lane
5 lane street
6 clatters clanks
8 gushes rushes
10 swift fast
Activity 5
The teacher will read the following passage once. Students must complete the
following blanks:
Rain comes as a great relief after the heat and dust of the summer. Rain is a wonderful gift of
nature to all creatures. If there is no rain, crops will not grow. All vegetation will wither away.
We cannot think of life in this season without rain .
Activity 6
Students will work in pairs to do the following activity. You may take notes of what your
partner says. Just write points:
1. Do you like the rain? Why?/ Why not? Tell your partner about it.
Answer : I like the rain. Without rain, no life would be possible on the earth. Most of the agriculture of
India depends on the rain.However, excess rain often causes havoc. It leads to floods and then great
destruction happens. But in spite of all this, we cannot live without the rain.
2. Why is the rain like 'tramp of hoofs'? Discuss with your partner.
Answer : 'Tramp of hoofs' means the sound of a horse galloping. When the rain falls on some hard
surface, its drops make noise that appears like the 'tramp of hoofs.
Activity 7
What words would you use to describe the rain ? Make a list.
Answer: Lovely, pouring, welcome, heavy, beautiful, cooling, gushing, roaring, clattering, overflowing,
flooding, graceful, soothing, life-giving etc
Activity 8
Use Capital letters where needed in the following sentences.
Prepared by :
Mr.Manpreet Singh, English Master
GHS Pandher Kalan
Majitha - 1 , Amritsar
Activity 1
Meaning of the words as used in the lesson.
9. apologized ਮਾਫ਼ੀ ਮੰ ਗੀ
Activity 2
Look at the following pairs of words. They have the same meaning but different
forms. Column 1 has the second form and column 2 has the first form. Fill up blank
spaces in Column 2 with the first form of the given words. A few have been done for
1 lived live
2 liked like
3 wanted want
4 looked look
5 said say
6 wished wish
7 saw see
8 got get
9 collected collect
10 stuck stick
11 flew fly
12 felt feel
13 started start
14 accepted accept
15 thought think
Activity 3
Read and write answers.
Activity 4
Who said to whom ?
1. "You look so dull and plain. Look how beautiful the peacocks are."
Answer . The crow to other crows.
2. "Look at my beautiful feathers. I don't belong to you anymore. So, stay away from me."
Answer . The crow to his friends.
5. "You will not be able to fly properly with these stuck on your body."
Answer . The old crow to the crow
Activity 5
Complete the sentences in the following blanks.
1. One day, perching on his tree, the crow saw many peacock feathers on the ground.
3. The peacocks knew that he was not one among them. He was a crow.
4. He tore off the entire peacock feathers that were stuck to his feathers.
Activity 6
Put comma, fullstops, capitals, question marks in the sentences given below
wherever required.
10. Please get biscuits, vegetables, fruits and some nuts from the market.
Activity 7
Read the following story.
1. The cub realized that it was not a sheep but a mighty lion .
3. One should keep trying to realize one’s worth and hidden skills.
Question 1.The cub saw his reflection and realized that it was a……. ?
Answer: Lion
Question 2.The lion caught the cub. What did he say to the cub ?
Answer: Why are you running with the sheep ?
Activity 10
Look at the picture given below and describe it in your words.
This forest is beautiful. It is covered in a lot of giant trees. In a tree, a crow is seated. In its beak, he is
holding a slice of cheese. Under the tree, there is a fox. The cheese fell to the ground. The crow went to
pick it up and as soon as the crow picked the cheese, it got taken away by the fox.
Prepared by :
Mr.Manpreet Singh, English Master
GHS Pandher Kalan
Majitha - 1 , Amritsar
Activity 1
Meaning of the words as used in the lesson.
Activity 2
Read the meanings and sentences of the following words. Make one sentence of your
own and write in the given space.
1.) breath (n): the air that goes in and out of mouth/nose
Activity 4
Select the correct word from the box given below and write it in the given space:
9. This person makes sure that rules are followed on the cricket ground. referee
10. This is the place where players rest and get ready for the game. pavilion
Activity 5
Fill in the blanks with 'a'/ 'an':
5. A fly is an insect.
Activity 6
Fill in the blanks with ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’.
Sanjay lives in a small house. It is an old house, but Sanjay is very happy there. The
house has a nice garden with a mango tree in the centre.
Activity 7
Select the right article:
2. Raghav recommended a good dentist, but the dentist doesn't have time for the next two months.
3. Mt. Everest is the highest peak in the world. It is a very beautiful mountain.
4. Uma recommended a book to Babli. She didn't like the book at all.
5. Do you have a vacuum cleaner? I dropped a piece of cake on my carpet, and I need to clean it up.
6. Rosy, where's the leash? I have to take the dog for a walk. I can't find it. It was in the balcony, but
now it's not there.
8. Do you have a passport? You need a passport to travel outside the country.
9. There's a big dog in the lawn. I think the dog wants something to eat.
Activity 8
Pick out suitable words from the lesson for the following expressions.
Activity 9
Based on your reading of the chapter, complete the following sentences:
Conversation 1
Rewrite the above conversation. Replace the words in bold with words from the
Conversation 2
2. It is a team game.
Activity 13
Write 60-70 words on Kabaddi. Write neatly. Leave space between each word.
Kabaddi is an interesting game. It is one of the favourite games of Punjab. There are two teams. Each
team has seven players. A player requires strength and energy to play the game. He should be quick
at feet. The players of the opposite side come and go across the line one by one saying
‘Kabaddi-kabaddi’. One has to come back to the team without being touched. The players touched
are declared out.
Prepared by :
Mr.Manpreet Singh, English Master
GHS Pandher Kalan
Majitha - 1 , Amritsar
Activity 1
Meaning of the words as used in the lesson.
Activity 2
Make meaningful sentences of the following words.
Activity 4
Pick out adverbs in the following sentences.
1. loudly
2. rudely
3. bitterly
4. early
5. kindly
Activity 5
Find any five ‘describing words’ from the poem and write them in the space provided.
Also, write the word that it describes.
For example : Once there was a big green tree. Little boy played under its cool shade.
1 big tree
2 little boy
3 cool shade
4 dearest mummy
5 long sheet
6 new pen
7 right address
8 evening post
Activity 6
Make sentences about yourself using adjectives.
My name is……
1. I am a good boy/girl.
Activity 8
Complete the following sentences by using the correct form of adjective given in
2. Here is Laxmi. She’s five years old. Her brother Ram is ten. Ram is older .
3. Anita has an interesting hobby, but my sister has the most interesting
hobby in the world.
4. Last holiday I read a good book. My father gave me an even better book last weekend.
8. We live in a small house, but my grandparents’ house is even smaller than ours.
Activity 9
Underline the adverbs in the following sentences:
Activity 10
Meaning of the words as used in the lesson.
Sr No Verb Adverb
1 kept carefully
2 walks gracefully
3 took timely
4 wakes always
5 came early
6 checked thoroughly
7 come quietly
8 walked slowly
9 went yesterday
10 write clearly
Activity 11
The poem is about writing a letter. Write the steps of writing a letter mentioned in the
poem. One is done for you.
Activity 13
Let's read a telephonic conversation between Navneet and Vineeta:
Activity 14
You are the Principal of a school. You have received a phone call from a students’
father. The name of the student is Amrinder. He studies in 6th class. His father has
said that Amrinder’s grandmother is not well and he should reach home quickly.
Write a message for the student.
12 p.m.
This is to inform sixth-grade student Amrinder that his uncle is ill and his father wants him to return
home as soon as possible.
Prepared by :
Mr.Manpreet Singh, English Master
GHS Pandher Kalan
Majitha - 1 , Amritsar
Activity 1
Meaning of the words as used in the lesson.
4 crime (n) an act for A crime can never remain hidden for a
which you long while.
can be
punished by
5. Mini's father could not afford the military band on her marriage. Why?
Answer : Because he had given some money to the Kabuliwala.
Activity 4
Put a tick (✓) or a cross (✗) against each sentence :
2. The Kabuliwala and Mini would sit and chat for hours and crack jokes with each other.
Activity 6
Underline the conjunctions in the following sentences:
Activity 8
Match the Columns to make meaningful sentences.
Answers :
Sr No Column A Column B
1. What are the names of 4 cereals that children like in the bar graph?
Answer: Corn Flakes, Cherries, Life and Kix.
12. The father then told his sons the importance of standing with one another. [ 13 ]
Activity 11
Get into pairs and tell each other a joke or a short story in English. After listening to the story, you
must ask each other some questions. The questions will be on something that you do not
understand in the story.
You must write those questions in the space given below for your teacher to check. You will also write
the answers your partner gives you.
1. Once there was a wise crow. He was very thirsty. He flew in search of water. But he could not get
water anywhere. At last he reached a garden. There he saw a pitcher of water. But the water was very
low. His beak could not reach it. He saw some small stones near the pitcher. He put them into the
pitcher. The water came up. He drank the water and flew away.
2. Once a fox was very hungry. It went here and there in search of food. But it did not get food
anywhere. At last it reached a garden. There it saw a crow sitting in a tree. The crow had a piece of
cheese in his beak.
The fox said to the crow, “Your voice is very sweet. Please sing me a song.” The crow was happy. He
opened his beak to sing. The piece of cheese fell down. The fox ate it up and went away.
Answers :
My Questions
1. The crow is a wise bird. Then why did he open his beak ?
2. How did the fox know the art of flattery and its power ?
My Partner’s answers
Prepared by :
Mr.Manpreet Singh, English Master
GHS Pandher Kalan
Majitha - 1 , Amritsar
Activity 1
Meaning of the words as used in the lesson.
Example: Flowers: yellow, beautiful, smell, lovely, soft, pretty, bunch, bouquet, etc.
river : water, clean, long, deep, blue, ducks, birds, animals, etc.
Activity 3
Read the story and answer the following questions
One of the two pots had a crack in it but the other pot was perfect. The cracked pot was half
filled but the other pot had full water when the water-bearer reached his master's house. For
two years, this went on daily. The bearer delivered only one and a half pots full of water to his
master's house. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of itself. It was perfect for what it was
made of. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its crack.
Activity 5
Who said to whom?
1. For these past two years, I delivered less water than the other pot because of this crack in
my side.
Answer . The cracked pot to the water-bearer.
2. My water leaks out all the way back to your master's house.
Answer . The cracked pot to the water-bearer.
3. You don't get full value for your efforts because of my crack.
Answer . The cracked pot to the water-bearer.
4. Today when we return to the master's house, I want you to notice the beautiful flowers
along the path.
Answer . The water-bearer to the cracked pot.
5. Did you notice that there were flowers only on your side of the path?
Answer . The water-bearer to the cracked pot.
Activity 6
Select the right option from the three given :
(a) two
(b) three
(c) one.
(b) knew
3. The cracked pot took notice of _______ on their return from the river.
Morning Evening
I prepare my bag for school every morning I go to the garden every evening
I polish my shoes every morning I help my mother in the kitchen every evening
Activity 8
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb (present simple)
Question : Do you like biscuits ?
Answer : Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
Question : Do you think India will win the game ?
Answer : Yes, I do. / No. I don’t.
The Principal
[Name of the school]
Sir / Madam
I beg to say that I will not be able to attend the school as I am down with viral fever. I have been advised to rest by
the doctor for at least 3 days. Therefore, kindly grant me leave for 3 days. I shall be really thankful to you.
Thanking you
Yours obediently
[Your name]
[Class and section]
[Roll No.]
Prepared by :
Mr.Manpreet Singh, English Master
GHS Pandher Kalan
Majitha - 1 , Amritsar
Activity 1
Meaning of the words as used in the lesson.
Activity 2
Pick up words from the text that match the rhyme of the following words.
1. Me : see, be
Activity 4
Read the poem and answer the following question:
Activity 5
Make a list of the things that the poet says about herself:
Activity 9
Write a short paragraph on ‘What I like about myself’. You may use the sentences
given in the chart for guidance.
God gave my parents the beautiful gift of me. God has blessed me with a lot of good things. I am
strong. I’m witty. I’m a hearty person. I am useful. I am kind and compassionate. I strive because I have
faith in my abilities. I have a lot of confidence. I bravely take on every challenge. I am a wonderful guy
all around. There is no one else like me, so I am unique. Because I can improve the world, it needs me.
I obviously stand out. No one can make me change who I am.
Activity 10
Complete the following worksheet.
My Name : ________
My colour : _______
My hair : _______
My hobby : ______
Share your sheet with your partner. Are your answers the same? Are they different? In what
ways are you both different from each other? The beginning is given:
Our names are different. My name is _______. His/her name is _______. Our age is different. My age is
_____ years. His/her age is ______years. Our heights are different. My height is ____feet. His/her height
is ___feet ____inches. Our colours are different. My colour is _____. His/her colour is ______. Our hair
are different. My hair is _______. His/her hair is _______. Our hobbies are different. My hobby is _____.
His/her hobby is _______. Our favourite books are also different. My favourite book is ‘_______ Stories’
whereas his/her favourite book is ‘______ Stories’. We like to play different games. My favourite game
is _______. But his/her favourite game is ________.
Prepared by :
Mr.Manpreet Singh, English Master
GHS Pandher Kalan
Majitha - 1 , Amritsar
Activity 1
Meaning of the words as used in the lesson.
5. dangerous : unsafe
Activity 3
For each word given below, find a word from the lesson that sounds the same:
1. wood : would
2. two : too
3. board : bored
4. site : sight
5. no : know
What did you notice? Each pair of words has the same sound but different meanings. Such pairs of
words are called homophones.
1. eight : ate
2. hair : hare
3. made : maid
4. night : knight
5. peace : piece
Activity 5
Say 'True' or 'False' for the following statements:
2. Aunt Teena told her to go out and throw stones into the lake. False
4.) The stone made a _______ sound when they touched water.
Answer : Splash
9.) Rosy caught onto Nessy’s strong _____ to sit on her back.
Answer : Horns
Once an elephant lived in a village. He became friends with a tailor. The elephant used to go to
a river for a bath. After drinking water and taking a bath it passed by a tailor’s shop and the
tailor gave it something to eat. One day the tailor was in an angry mood. The elephant came
that day as usual. The tailor pricked the elephant’s trunk with his needle. The elephant felt
pain. He made up his mind to teach a tailor a lesson. He went to the river, had his bath and
then filled up its trunk with muddy water. He stopped at the tailor’s shop and threw the
muddy water on the clothes in the shop. The clothes were spoiled with mud. He felt sad for his
misdeed. But it was too late.
Activity 8
Given below are some newspaper headlines. Change them into Simple Past
5. Bachendri Pal becomes the first Indian woman to scale Mount Everest.
Answer : Bachendri Pal became the first Indian woman to scale Mount Everest.
Activity 9
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow :
1. Now answer the questions :
(c) Who were the first people to set foot on Mount Everest?
Answer: Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hilary.
(d) What was the name of the first Indian to scale Everest?
Answer: Avtar Singh Cheema.
(e) What is the name given to the snowman that some people believe lives there?
Answer: Yeti.
Activity 10
Match the following phrases with the right pictures and write them in the space given
under the pictures/symbols.
Write the following sentences from the messages in the correct group (Message 1 and Message 2).
Message 1 Message 2
The woman says thank you for the birthday The message was at a quarter to five.
message. The Woman describes the house.
The woman talks about a swimming pool. The woman gives directions.
The woman talks about a bank.
Prepared by :
Mr.Manpreet Singh, English Master
GHS Pandher Kalan
Majitha - 1 , Amritsar