PN Portfolio 5
PN Portfolio 5
PN Portfolio 5
Name: Aaliya
W/O: Ahmed
Age: 27 years
Religion: Muslim
Sex: Female
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: house wife
Educational Level:
Address: Sukkur
Ward: Antenatal 2
Bed Number:07
Operation: c section
Medical Diagnosis: spontaneous abortion
Date of Admission: 25 -11- 2024
Mode of admission (OPD or Emergence):
Time of admission: 9 : am
Registration Number:89703
Emergency Contact Name/ Mobile Number
History of Present Illness: A 27 years old 32 weeks pregnant female patient Aaliyal came here via opd with the complain of vaginal
spotting and abdominal cramping and SpottingFetal movement,and Normal vaginal bleeding .she has also a gestational diabetes,
and mild tenderness in lower abdomen.
Past history illnesses: She had a previous pregnancy 2 year’s ago with c section and also hypertension during
Immunizations: 2 dose of coronavirus has completed.
Allergies to drugs, animals, insects, or other environmental agents: she has no any allergies from animals and other environmental
Hospitalization for serious illnesses: she visits sometimes in hospital when she is ill but she was admitted in hospital before 2 year’s
when she had c section.
Medications/ Drug history: She is not using any other drugs or medication.
Family History of Illness: Her mother has also diabetes and hypertension and their is nothing any other family history.
Life Style : she belongs to Middle class family but her way of dressing was nice and hygienic she was taking her
proper diet.
Personal habits: She is a house wife and she takes care of her house including her childrens and husband she wakes up early
morning and she likes to cook food and she also watches tv when she is Free at home.
Diet: she is taking simple diet like wheat, rice , vegetables and sometimes she eats non vedge
Because she is Hindu she is taking 3 time meal in per day or 2 cups of tea daily.
Sleep patterns: she sleeps 7 to 8 hours in night daily but now she sleeps uncomfortable because pain and spotting and abdominal
Activities of daily living (ADLs):
Instrumental ADLs: she is not using any instrumental ADLs.
She watches tv shows sometimes and some time she aplic some clothes when she is Free at home.
Elimination Pattern:
Her elimination pattern in not stable she has frequent urination and burning sensation in urine when she urinate regularly and she
has excessive urination.
✓ Temperature:98.6 f
✓ Pulse:100 beat per minute
✓ Respiration: 26 b/min
✓ Blood Pressure:140 /90
• Patient Problems:
Vaginal spotting
Abdominal cramping
Tenderness in lower abdomen
Gestational diabetes
Drug card
Allergy to mifepristone,
misoprostol, or other