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EM-III(Assignment 7)

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Probabiti isthi A discrete randam variable has the probabilit ity Function given below [x TEVlae soni Pashe | 1 |Pcx=x)]o2 | « loi | ar | on 2r | Find i)k 1) PCK<1) i) POX% 2) iv) P22 X22) race = pCxiy=9 O.2 + o+07) + 2k HO} +2 = 1 Skto4 =) ) Sk = 1-04 Sk= OE K = 02 PCx<1) = Pexs-2) + Pox's =1) + PCxrm\a) = Ot ktOrn = O.24+ 012 +01 fece 21) = 0-42] IG minnn ass) iDoty Rok a = 2k +O +2 Ds 12) +.0-1 + 2.60119) [Poo aor BiG? s5) iv) PCOK* <5) Since , a = pcxi) =1 1 3 Kt oie + 3k +12 HKetK + 2e2A7+4GK? = 1 =e sik © f Sk*+7K-1 = 0 a Bk7+8k-Kk-1l = oO BkKCK+i)-1CkK+)) = 0 | (8k -) Ce +!) = 6 | # K+l=o & ea] PCx <5) = Peven + Perea) + Pere iz D4 Pexeay SK 42K tae ter ae feces Ss) = 49 Sale PCx>5)= Pcx=) + Pex=7) eae tases SU OIKE ENG Y (AINE (4) [ecx > y= 3 | 32] v0 I~ iO IN x, iN es " = Pex=n + Perea) +Pcxza) + Pexsu) + Pores) fo Dike + Sheth ee Fike Fie eA ae ah = 7 L\ 42 EN S Se; IPCog x < 5)= 24 " CF) A discrete random vangble has the probability density Fonction given below =~ a ee es ee [Pcx=x)| Sm leS alba | ee4| 3¢5| fea |ee [72 +¢| Find iyc ji)PCx6) WIRCI ees pu) =1 i 1 1 255i {I v foc24 Fez 1 loc?#+#9S = 1 =o | OCF HIOG =F >L = oO loc (c+) =1Cc+1) = Oo ——_—_—— G@loc-t) Co+) = 9 —— Milciea lacus tia cp) = OC — aa | & esos — 10 As we Know pCxi) % 0 a c=-1l 1s not possible i PCx <6) = PevwoitPeren + Pexs2) + Pexsa2 + Pcxeqy a staPey= si = 0 Heit eetacit Bre tc? re Bete : T as LYNE JEN Cie] to) PCx<6) = 81 ] eek Pix><) = Pexzs) + Pex) a = 2c + 724k ea Geet i : eel 2 al SanERSLSZameer fecr ree s] 100 ‘ | P(t ven M= Average number of Phone call 0 i hr By USING Pdissan's distribution , Rlexeigy = em ve 25*"5 (2.59% rh x! i) Pero phone calls) = (Pex =o) Senate Gores oO! . P Cno phone“calis) = 90-0821 ii) PCexactly 3 calls) = Pcx=a) 3! O-2138 " : P Cewactly 3 calls) mee two wil Given ’ Poe= 0) + Pex ery + Pexe, ©YC2)* 4 ©-203)! + | Je! a 27G»y p22! Q.10\|| Weights \of 4000 stvdents dre found to be Mormatiy distrputed wilh mean Sdkgs . And Stondard deviahon Ska s ) Find the A i Stvdents with weights . ee thon 5 ii) between 45 and 60 kgs) CGiven: Fot_a s-N.v. = aoreg under the curve betwen 2=90 ond 2=1 i6 023413 ond that between 2=0 and z=2 | Os Lalo = || Given 3 N = 4000 m= SOkg c= Skg S By Using norma) distr putian = =r a Z2 = x -SsO 5 i) less than 45 kg Z2 = 45-50 5) Seed ple cu erPCepece Dice SSS Bcreng) = pz =) 0-5 =— 0.3413 ecx%s4s5) = O-1537 1 6 34.8 Y 6. i) bet? 43 ond 60 kg a +. Number of student. =Nx«O-15 87 =4000K0.1537 ae 3S = EE\WS-gO = =I Ss ze GO So! = 2 s sins | ees P C65 < x<60)= PC-1<2 <2) 1 eee J 1 / 1 PC4s5< x< 60) = BGs 25 = 0-3413 + By 57> | PCys< xX £60) = 0.8185 a Ne SNe SESE per). 2150.6 zs t = NX 0.9185 = 4000 O-BI&S = 37 S724 Oui.l| The life tyme of certain type of fattery ha mean life 4 oo hours and vigtion Of S60 hours. As soming the istb vt10n of life £0 be normal, Find The per centoye of patheries: Which have Inte time of More than 356 hours i) The percentage of battenes whch have jife Hime between 0d 8 | .S00 hours’. Cowen for S.N.v drea betwen zp=5 2 zai Or BHIZ And z=o-2 ws > tSEO4772). = || Given m = 4oo hrs a = 50h By sing” Norma) ay stn hoton ze x-m r Z= x-400 oe. i) more thon 3506 hre:- 2 = 350=400== =1 7 50 PCR> 350) =°9PC 2 > -1) PCx> 3s0) = PC zr! PCx> 350) = 0.9413 : = 0-84) = 84.137 J. Percentage of batteries e413 5 i) bea® 369 and Soo hrs Za 300 = 400 = So mre SOO -—40O. = 2. So PEP ( 300 4 m<.so00)t = P Crm <2) PC300< x

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