6)Square Wave Generator
6)Square Wave Generator
6)Square Wave Generator
1) To study the working of square wave generator circuit.
2) To study effect of feedback resistor on the output.
3) To measure the output signal frequency & compare with calculated one.
Bread Board, Components(IC 741, Resistors, Capacitors, Pots), Connecting Wires,
Dual Power Supply, CRO with its probes etc.
Circuit Diagram:
10K D1
Rf D2
0.1MFD +Vcc
2 Vout
R2 10K
R1 81K
In contract to sine wave oscillators, square wave output are generated when the op-
amp is forced to operate in saturation region, i..e. output of op-amp is forced to swing
repetitively between +Vsat (+Vcc) and –Vsat (-Vee) result in the square wave output. These
square wave generator is also called as free running or astable multivibrator the output of
Thus net difference. Voltage Vid= V1-V2 is –ve which holds output of op-amp in –
ve sat. The output remains in –Vsat, until C discharges & then recharges to –ve volt.
Slightly higher than –V1, now as soon as capacitor voltage V2 becomes more negative than
differential Voltage Vid becomes +ve and drive output of op-amp back to its positive
saturation these completes one cycle with output and +Vsat voltage Vf at non-inverting
input is given by V1 = R1/ (R1+R2) (+Vsat)
Time period T of input waves is given by
T = 2RC. ln[(2R1+R2)/R2]
Fo = 1/2RC. ln[(2R1+R2)/R2]
These equation indicates that the frequency of output is not only function of RC time
constant that also of relationship between R1 and R2.
If R2 = 1.16R1,
Fo = 1/2RC
Smaller RC time constant will result higher output frequency and vice-versa. As
with the sine wave oscillator the highest frequency generated by square wave generator is
also set by slew rate of op-amp. An attempt to operate circuit at relatively higher frequency
causes the oscillator output to become triangular. In practice each inverting and non-
inverting terminal needs Rs to prevents excessive differential Current flow because input of
op-amp are subjected to large diff. Voltage. Rs should be 100 kΩ or higher a reduced peak
to peak output swings can be obtained in square wave generator by using back to back
zeners at output terminal.
1) Design the square wave generator circuit for desired time period
2) Assemble the circuit on the bread board.
3) Switch on the power supplies & observe the OUTPUT on the CRO.
4) Observe the wave across capacitors also.
5) Calculate the observed frequency & compare the same with calculated one.
Study Question:
1) Explain in short the capacitor charging and discharge mode in case of
square wave generator.