ECE584 Labs Intro

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ECE 584 Microwave Engineering Laboratory Experiments

D. M. Pozar E. J. Knapp 2004 Updated Summer 2011 by Tom Hartley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Massachusetts at Amherst

The Experiments
1. The Slotted Line (waveguide hardware, measurement of SWR, !g, impedance) 2. The Vector Network Analyzer (one- and two-port network analysis, frequency response) 3. The Gunn Diode (the spectrum analyzer, power meter, V/I curve, mixers) 4. Impedance Matching and Tuning (stub tuner, !/4 transformer, network analyzer) 5. Cavity Resonators (resonant frequency, Q, frequency counter) 6. Directional Couplers (insertion loss, coupling, directivity)


General Comments

Lab Organization: There are a total of six laboratory experiments described in this manual. The first three involve basic microwave measurement techniques for power, frequency, wavelength, standing wave ratio, impedance, and S parameters. The last three experiments deal with the characterization of some basic microwave components, extending the techniques learned in the first group of experiments. Each group of students will have two weeks in which to complete each of the six experiments. The first three experiments will be set up during the first six weeks of the semester, and the last three experiments will be set up during the following six weeks. Every two weeks each group will rotate to a new experiment station. Be sure to completely read the description of each experiment before beginning the experiment. This will help you to see the overall plan of action, and should decrease the likelihood that you will do the procedure incorrectly, or forget to do part of the procedure. Some of the laboratory experiments will involve material that is out of sequence with the classroom lecture, and you will be covering topics that have not yet been discussed in class. In these instances, it is crucial to read the text material (Microwave Engineering, 3rd edition, by D. M. Pozar) ahead of the lecture schedule so that you have a better understanding of the experiments you are performing. Prior to going to your first lab, you should read over the description of the first three experiments in the lab handbook. Also, make sure you read pages 3-10 of the lab handbook, since they contain general information that you need to know. It is very important to have a strong intuitive understanding of power ratios and decibels. Specifically, if you are unclear about the difference between dB and dBm, you will get incorrect results and possibly damage laboratory equipment. As a rule of thumb, 30 dBm is equal to 1 watt. Note that the difference from 0 dBm to 3 dBm (3dB) is 1 milliwatt, but the difference from 30 dBm to 33 dBm (also 3 dB) is 1000 milliwatts. You will be performing Labs 1, 2, and 3 through the first half of the semester, and Labs 4, 5 and 6 will be completed during the second half of the semester. The size of each lab section will depend on the lecture class size. Generally, there will be three lab groups for each section consisting of three students. Labs can generally be accomplished by the end of the scheduled section. It is mandatory to attend your scheduled lab section. Once an experiment set-up has been disassembled, you will not have a chance to perform that lab. There will be two bench setups for each of three experiments on any given lab day, so two lab groups will start with Lab 1, and the other two groups will start with either Lab 2 or Lab 3. For this reason, it is very important that you read over the first three experiments (slotted line, vector network analyzer, Gunn diode) prior to coming to your first lab. You also need to study ahead in the text material, as required for these labs. Lab Reports: Lab reports are required of individual students, and are due two weeks after the corresponding experiment has been completed. The Teaching Assistant will collect lab reports at the beginning of the 2

lab period. Labs are graded on a scale of 1-10. Late reports will result in an automatic deduction of 2 points. Students are encouraged to keep a lab notebook to record original data, equipment layout, and notes about the experiment. Reports should be neat and clearly organized. Excel (or comparable program) should be used to plot data. Please no hand drawn graphs. Each axis of a graph must include a title and units. Lab grades are based solely on the lab reports, not on the lab experiment itself. Make sure every detail of the experiment is outlined and clearly explained. Do not just copy and paste from this manual. You must show that you understand the purpose of the experiment and the data collected. Often times, an experiment will not result in expected results. This is OK but must be explained. In some of the experiments topics for optional work are suggested - you should consider these options, if time permits. Students are also encouraged to try out their own "what if? ideas. The following is the suggested format for your reports: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction (purpose of experiment) Procedure (equipment used, configuration, unexpected problems) Results (measured data, relevant calculations) Discussion (interpretation of results) Conclusions (what was learned, recommendations)

Care of Equipment: Please be very careful with the microwave test equipment, as it is very delicate, and expensive to repair or replace. (Microwave network analyzers cost approximately $70,000 each; microwave connectors and adapters range in cost from $10 to $200 each.) If you suspect something is not operating correctly, report it to the lab technician or Teaching Assistant. Be especially careful when using connectors to avoid breaking pins and cross-threading. If at any time you are uncertain about lab safety, please ask the Teaching Assistant before proceeding. Lab Support: There will be a Teaching Assistant assigned to each of the Lab Sections to help with questions about experiment setup and measurements. If you are unsure how to use a particular piece of equipment, ask the TA for help.


Microwave Radiation Hazards

Excessive exposure to electromagnetic fields, including microwave radiation, can be harmful. Although the power levels used in our Microwave Instructional Lab are very low and should not present a health risk, it is still prudent to: be aware of the recommended safe power limits be aware of the power densities with which you will be working use good work habits to minimize exposure to radiated fields

The question of what is a "safe" radiation level is controversial; like highway speed limits, all we can say with total certainty is that less is safer. Microwave radiation is non ionizing, so the main biological effect is induced heating, which may occur relatively deep inside the body to affect sensitive organs. Health risks increase according to the power density and the duration of the exposure. The eye is the most sensitive organ, and studies have shown that cataracts can develop from exposures as short as 1.5 hours to power densities of 150 mW/cm2. Thus, using a safety factor of more than 10, the current US safety standard, C95.1-1991, recommends a maximum exposure power density of 10 m W/cm2, at frequencies above 10 GHz, with lower levels at lower frequencies. By comparison, the power density from the sun on a clear day is about 100 mW/cm2, but most of this power is beyond the microwave spectrum, and so does not enter deeply into the body. The sources used in the Microwave Instructional Laboratory, such as sweep generators and Gunn diodes, have power outputs in the 10 - 15 mW range. In most cases, there is little danger of being exposed to radiation at these power levels because our experiments use coaxial lines or waveguide, which provide a high degree of shielding. It is possible, however, to encounter power densities near the US recommended limit at the end of an open-ended coaxial cable or waveguide. Such power densities exist only right at the open end of the coax line or waveguide, due to the 1/r2 decrease of radiated power with distance. Even though there should be little danger from microwave radiation hazards in the lab, the following work habits are recommended whenever working with RF or microwave equipment: Never look into the open end of a waveguide or transmission line that is connected to other equipment. Do not place any part of your body against the open end of a waveguide or transmission line. Turn off the microwave power source when assembling or disassembling components


Overview of Microwave Test Equipment

A key part of the microwave laboratory experience is to learn how to use microwave test equipment to make measurements of power, frequency, S parameters, SWR, return loss, and insertion loss. We are fortunate to have a very well-equipped microwave laboratory, but most of the equipment is probably not familiar to students. Here we briefly describe the most important pieces of test equipment that will be used in the laboratory experiments. More detail on the operation of this equipment can be found in the Operation Manuals in the Microwave Instructional Lab. The Appendix of this manual contains a list of the major pieces of equipment in the Microwave Instructional Lab. Sweep Generator: The source of microwave power for most of our experiments will be supplied by a microwave sweep generator. We have several sweep generator models, including the Hewlett-Packard 8350B, which uses plug-in modules to cover specific frequency bands. These generators can be used as a singlefrequency source (continuous-wave or CW), or as a swept source, where the frequency is varied from a specified start and stop frequency. The 8350 units use electronically adjustable frequency ranges. The 8350 also includes digital readouts for frequency and output power. The sweep generator has a switch on the plug-in unit to turn the RF power on and off. To obtain the best frequency stability it is recommended that the AC power for the sweep generator be left on during the lab period, and the RF power switched off at the plug-in module when re-arranging components. Power Meter: We can measure microwave power with the Agilent E4418B power meter. This meter uses a sensor head that converts RF power to a lower frequency signal measured by a calibrated amplifier. Before using, the meter should first be calibrated with the sensor connected to the calibration port on the front panel. Once a zero / span power relationship is established, the meter uses frequency response data stored in the sensor's EEPROM to correct measurements. You must also enter the actual signal frequency into the meter. Frequency Counter: We have several microwave frequency counters, including the HP 5342A, the HP 5350B, and the HP 5351A. These give precise measurement of frequency using a heterodyning technique, followed by a high-speed digital counter. Spectrum Analyzer: The spectrum analyzer gives a frequency domain display of an input signal, and allows measurement of power of individual frequency components. This is especially useful when a signal contains components at several frequencies, as in the case of the output of a mixer. We will use an HP 8592L 22GHz spectrum analyzer to make measurements at X band. Vector Network Analyzer: The vector network analyzer is one of the most useful measurement systems in microwave engineering, as it can be used to measure both magnitude and phase of a signal. It is usually arranged to measure the S parameters of a one- or two-port network, but this data can easily be reported as SWR, return loss, insertion loss, and phase. We will primarily use the Agilent E5062A 3GHz vector network analyzer in our work. This is a modern instrument with an internal Windows computer for error correction, instrument control, and data display. The lab instructor will walk you though the necessary calibration that must be performed prior to each use. SWR Meter: The standing wave ratio is measured using the HP 415E SWR meter in conjunction with a slotted waveguide line and detector carriage. The RF input to the line is modulated at 1 kHz by the microwave 5

sweeper source. The amplitude of the electric field in the slotted line is sampled by a small adjustable probe, which drives a detector diode. The output of the detector is a low-level 1 kHz signal, which is amplified, filtered, and displayed by the HP415E SWR meter. The scale on the SWR meter is calibrated to read SWR directly. 4. Resources

Here we list some of the many resources that can help you with your work in the microwave laboratory: Manuals for laboratory equipment - kept on the shelves in the Microwave Instructional Laboratory Your textbook - describes S-parameters, operation of network and spectrum analyzers, microwave couplers and resonators, and more The library - many good references on microwave measurements and microwave theory Lab Teaching Assistant - for help with procedures, faulty equipment, etc

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