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Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility

for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement.

OVERSEAS REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENT This announcement is made pursuant to Rule 13.09(2) of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. Set out below is the Announcement in Respect of the Winning of Overseas Project Bid and the New Overseas Contract of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited published on the website of the Shanghai Stock Exchange and newspapers in the PRC on 15 February 2012 by China Railway Construction Corporation Limited, for your reference only.

By order of the Board China Railway Construction Corporation Limited MENG Fengchao Chairman Beijing, the PRC 15 February 2012

As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises Mr. MENG Fengchao (Chairman and Executive Director), Mr. PENG Shugui (Vice Chairman and Executive Director), Mr. ZHAO Guangfa (President and Executive Director), Mr. HU Zhenyi (Executive Director), Mr. ZHU Mingxian (Non-executive Director), Mr. LI Kecheng (Independent Non-executive Director), Mr. ZHAO Guangjie (Independent Non-executive Director), Mr. WU Taishi (Independent Non-executive Director) and Mr. NGAI Wai Fung (Independent Non-executive Director).

Stock Code: 601186

Stock Name: CRCC

No.: Lin 2012- 003

China Railway Construction Corporation Limited Announcement in Respect of the Winning of Overseas Project Bid and the New Overseas Contract
The board of directors (the Board) of the Company and all the directors warrant that there is no misrepresentation, misleading statement contained in, or material omission from this announcement and jointly and severally accept responsibilities for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the contents herein.

Recently, China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (hereafter as CCECC), a subsidiary of the Company, had successfully won the bid and entered into a contract of the following overseas projects: CCECC had won the bid of a project of a 14.8 km highway under Phase 2 of the Badagry Expressway in Lagos, Nigeria, with a construction period of 3 years and the contract value of 141.2 billion Naira (approximately equivalent to US$941 million). Thus far, a prepayment of 4.0 billion (approximately equivalent to US$26.67 million) Naira was received. CCECC and the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Djibouti entered into a railway contract in respect of the implementation of the Djibouti-Essex border railway project at Djibouti, the capital city of Djibouti. The contract involves engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) with the total contract value of US$505 million and a construction period of 60 months. The ratio of prepayment is 20%. CCECC will assist in the implementation of the project though project financing. The above projects amounted to approximately US$1.446 billion, which is equivalent to approximately RMB9.101 billion, accounting for approximately 1.94% of the Companys operating income for 2010 under the PRC Accounting Standards.

The Board of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited 15 February 2012

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