coordination compounds III.pptx
coordination compounds III.pptx
coordination compounds III.pptx
• This effect is observed when two axial bonds can be shorter or longer than those of the
equatorial bonds.
• Stability and degeneracy are not possible simultaneously unless the molecule is a linear one.
• The lowering of symmetry always occurs in a manner that results in decrease in the energy of
the system.
Asymmetrically occupied electronically degenerate orbitals
• An electronically degenerate state represents the availability of more than one degenerate orbital for an
electron. In this condition the degenerate orbitals are said to be asymmetrically occupied.
In octahedral symmetry, the d1 configuration is said to be electronically degenerate since three t2g orbitals
with same energy are available for the electron to occupy. In this condition, the degenerate orbitals are also
said to be asymmetrically occupied by electrons.
Whereas the d3 configuration in octahedral geometry is non-degenerate and symmetric. It is not possible to put two
electrons in one orbital, which is against of Hund's rule of maximum multiplicity.
Statements of Jahn-Teller distortion
• The last electron may occupy either dz2 or dx2-y2 orbitals of eg set.
• If it occupies dz2 orbital, most of the electron density will be concentrated between the metal and the two ligands on the
z axis.
• Thus, there will be greater electrostatic repulsion associated with these ligands than with the other four on xy plane.
• This asymmetric distribution of the electron density may increase the overall energy of the system.
• System will try to decrease the energy by removing the degeneracy of the molecule.
• The degeneracy of orbitals can be removed by lowering the symmetry of molecule.
• This can be achieved by either elongation of bonds along the z-axis (Z-out distortion) or by shortening the bonds along
the z-axis (Z-in distortion).
• Thus an octahedrally symmetrical molecule is distorted to tetragonal geometry.
• To get rid of this, the complex suffers elongation of bonds on z-axis and thus lowers the symmetry.
• Conversely, occupation of the dx2-y2 orbital would lead to elongation of bonds along the x and y axes.
Tetragonal elongation
Elongated z orbitals
Z-out distortion
Degerate d orbitals
dxz, dyz
t2g dxy
One peak and one shoulder present in the spectrum. For octahedral symmetry there is one electronic transition
in the visible region. After jahn –teller distortion there are two electronic transitions in the visible region and one
in the infrared
Crystal field splitting in square planar complexes
Crystal field splitting in square
planar complexes
Ni2 +
ms = + ½
S= ±½ Microwave energy
In the absence of
magnetic field ms = - ½
In presence of
magnetic field
Magnetic field
Ir electronic configuration = [Xe] 5d7 6s2
Ir4+ electronic configuration = [Xe] 5d5
t2 e
g g
Magnetic field
The nephelauxetic effect refers to the
phenomenon in transition metal complexes
where the binding of ligands to a metal ion
results in an expansion of the d-orbitals of
the metal. This expansion is attributed to the
electron-electron repulsion between the
electrons in the metal's d-orbitals and the
electrons donated by the ligands.
The Racah parameters (B) are a set of parameters used in atomic and molecular spectroscopy to describe the
amount of total electrostatic repulsion in an atom that has multiple electrons.
It is observed Racah parameters for complexes are less for complexes compared to free ions.
This indicates the delocalization of ligand electrons via covalent bonding.
Experimental evidence for metal – ligand covalent bonding
Nuclear magnetic (NMR)spectra
ms = + ½
S= ±½ Radiofrequency
In the absence of
magnetic field ms = - ½
In presence of
magnetic field
Magnetic field
Experimental evidence for metal – ligand covalent bonding
Nuclear magnetic (NMR)spectra
In NMR spectrum shift of spectra occurs due to the spin of electron surrounding it.
If there is no covalent bonding or delocalization, shift of NMR spectrum of ligands are only due to spin of
ligands and shift of signals in metal spectrum by spin of electrons on the metal atom.
NMR signals of some ligands in metal complexes are remarkably affected by the unpaired electrons
present in the central metal atom.
NMR studies of flouro complexes of paramagnetic clearly indicate that the spin of unpaired electrons of
the metal ion interact with the nuclear spin of 19F . The interaction of electron spin and nuclear spin is
possible only if unpaired electron spends more time on 19F nucleus. This is possible through the
overlapping orbitals of ligand and metal ion through covalent bonding.
Ligand Field Theory
A third model, based on molecular orbital theory, was therefore developed which is known
as ligand-field theory.
The ligand-field theory is more powerful than either the valence-bond or crystal-field theories.
Unfortunately, it is also more abstract.
Ligand field Theory
• The two major aspect of ligand field theory is σ bonding and π bonding.
• CFT works well with small ligand like F-, Cl- and H2O but not with neutral ligands like
carbonyl (CO).
• Ligand field theory explains well the π bonding nature of CO and CN ligands
Ligand Field Theory
Molecular orbital theory – Recap
• If “n” no of atomic orbitals overlap with each other, then “n” no of molecular orbitals are formed in which
half are bonding molecular orbital (BMO) and half are antibonding molecular orbitals (AMO).
• Atomic orbitals overlap to form molecular orbitals only if the participating atomic orbitals must
1. Have similar energy
2. Have similar symmetry
3. Overlap appreciably
• In case of polyatomic molecules, peripheral atoms will first combine with each other forming group orbitals.
Rule of thumb
The bonding orbital looks more like the lower energy component
The antibonding orbital looks more like the higher energy component
Consider for an Octahedral complex(Oh): In an octahedral complex there are six sigma (σ) bonds. The
formation of this six (σ) bonds takes place as:
1. The central metal atom of transition elements contains 9 valence atomic orbitals say one ns, three np
and five (n-1)d. They are ns, npx, npy, npz, (n-1)dxy, (n-1)dyz, (n-1)dzx, (n-1)dx2-y2 and (n-1) dz2 Out of
these 9 orbitals, only 6 orbitals should overlap with the ligand orbitals to form six σ bonds (because
there are only six ligands in an octahedral complex).
2. According to the symmetry, the nine atomic orbitals of metal atom in an Oh complex can be
transformed as
S orbital as → a1g
px, py, pz as → t1u
dxy, dyz, dzx as →t2g
dx2-y2, dz2 → eg
3. As ligands are approaching along the axes in an octahedral complex, the six atomic orbitals i.e, a1g, t1u,
and eg can form σ bond as their lobes are along the axes whereas the three atomic orbitals say t2g remains
as non bonding since their lobes are between the axes. However they can form П (pi) bond by sideways
overlapping if there exist possibility of П bonding.
4) The orbitals of ligands are combined to overlap with the metal orbitals to form σ bonds, they are
collectively called ligand group orbitals (LGO) and hence they should have the same symmetry as a1g, t1u,
and eg.
5) As ligands orbital contained electrons and donated to the central atom in the formation of σ bonds their
atomic orbitals are lower in energy than the metal atomic orbitals.
6) As the overlap of 4s and 4p metal orbitals with the ligand orbitals is considerably better than that of 3d
(eg) orbital, the bonding a1g, and t1u molecular orbitals are lowest in energy and the antibonding a1g * ,
and t1u * are highest in energy
Octahedral -ML6
Σa1g Σ t1u Σ eg
6 ligand orbitals
Metal orbital which lie in between axis will overlap with ligand orbitals.
Tetrahedral ML4 complex
Ligand field Theory
Octahedral -ML6
z -axis
a – singly degenerate
e - doubly degenerate
Ligands approach along the axis
t - triply degenerate
Since the ligand is approaching along the axis metal orbitals which are along the axis will form bonding and antibonding
molecular orbital with ligand orbitals.
a1g T1u eg
Ligand field Theory
Application of Ligand filed theory to octahedral complexes
σ bonding
Spectroscopic term symbols for different orbitals
t1g Σ t1u
Ligand field Theory
Application of Ligand filed theory to octahedral complexes
σ bonding
Spectroscopic term symbols for different orbitals
eg Σ eg
Ligand field Theory
Application of Ligand filed theory to octahedral complexes
σ bonding
Spectroscopic term symbols for different orbitals