Nikola Tesla's most significant contribution was not AC power, radio, or the induction motor, but what we call the Tesla Coil - a tool which allows for the power of the aether to be unleashed and harnessed. Now being launched through an open source project.
"We've all heard of 'Tesla Coils', but this outstanding report brings a level of clarity and relevance hitherto unseen. We now call for a peaceful revolution to see this technology finally implemented for 1) harnessing aetheric energy, 2) superluminal communication, 3) wireless transmission of power through any barrier, 4) anti-gravity capabilities, and 5) creating defensive shields to make conventional war obsolete. And we are pleased to announce an open source project to facilitate that." -- Sterling D. Allan
The inventions of Nikola Tesla are numerous. He invented radio, teleautomatics (remote control technology), poly-phase alternating current, the induction motor, and many other innovations that established the foundation for our modern civilization. However, the true significance of his greatest discovery - the "Tesla Coil" goes mostly unrecognized. This tool provides a way for humanity to tap into the wheelwork of our universe--what many describe as the "aether." There are many misconceptions about Tesla coils and their intended use. The light shows that can be produced by them are spectacular, but these stunning visual displays have little to do with their true function and capabilities. In addition, many people consider them as nothing more than high voltage transformers. But a Tesla coil is not a conventional transformer and does not utilize magnetic induction. Tesla coils have capabilities beyond even
the highest voltage transformers of our day, because they are something far different. Their emissions of longitudinal impulses can exceed the speed of light, can penetrate all known materials (including Faraday cages), travel great distances without their intensity diminishing, power remote devices, and allow for "overunity" gains of energy.
Radiant Blasts When an electrical switch in an electrical circuit is opened or closed, a spark of high voltage can be created. In Tesla's day, engineers and workmen had to be very careful of this phenomenon when working with high voltage DC generators. A sudden closure of a circuit The Tesla coil, wireless aetheric power being powered from a dynamo capable transmitter described in Steve Jackson's of generating a few thousand Watts, open source project. could produce electrical discharges of several hundred thousand volts. These discharges were often fatal to those who were exposed to them. This phenomenon interested Tesla, and he began to research what he called, "disruptive discharges." In his lab, Tesla would utilize a dynamo to produce very quick pulses of high voltage direct current. He noticed these pulses could completely vaporize thin wires. In addition, these pulses could produce what seemed like pressure waves that would induce stinging sensations. At first he thought these blasts waves were composed of tiny particles of the vaporized metal. This possibility was ruled out when he noticed nothing could shield them, including glass or even copper sheets. If these were high speed particles of some sort the glass should have shielded him from them, and if they were purely electrical the metal should have blocked them. However, they penetrated any barrier!
He continued testing with larger wires, faster pulses, and with higher voltages. Before long, he started to gain an understanding of the variables that controlled the intensity of these disruptive discharges. Eventually, he did away with the wire and utilized a simple spark gap. By increasing the voltage from the dynamo and shortening the length of the pulses he could make these discharges much more powerful. He could feel them from all the way across the room! Many more variables came into play. By adding one or more capacitors (he called them condensers) between the dynamo and spark gap, he could intensity the effect. Additionally, he was able to prevent a "back rush" of current across the spark gap with a variety of techniques. This was important because any flow of current reduced the maximum intensity of the disruptive discharge. As one example, he used a magnet to rapidly quench or magnetically "blow out" the arc across the electrodes to prevent such current flow. He could also use this system to increase the frequency of his discharges. In other setups, he put the spark gap in oil with a high dielectric value or had heated air flow through the spark gap. There were benefits and drawbacks to each method.
Decoupling Aether and Electron Current A very interesting effect was creating these powerful discharges. When the high voltage input jumped across the spark gap the conducting material's resistance created a delay that would prevent current (electron flow) from instantly flowing. With sufficiently rapid pulses, current could be completely prevented from flowing in the conductive material. This would produce a decoupling of the current and voltage. The pure voltage potential became untangled or unbounded from the current, and would produce a shock wave that would move out in all directions nominally perpendicular to the spark gap. It is theorized by many that electrical voltage is in fact a form of "aether" bonded to the current flow in a conductive material. The aether was thought to be a gaseous atmosphere of tiny (potentially much smaller and less massive than the electron), energetic (traveling at speeds faster than the speed of light), and penetrating (capable of traveling through solid matter) that fills our universe. Tesla and other men of science considered the aether to be the medium in which electromagnetic waves flow. Some individuals theorized it could be the true source of gravity, what produces radioactive decay in elements, and the fundamental "stuff" of which all matter in the universe is composed.
Tesla's disruptive discharges produced longitudinal waves in the aether. Unlike transverse waves that vary in amplitude up and down, longitudinal waves only move in the direction of propagation. They could be described as a series of compressions and rarefactions in the atmosphere of aether. These longitudinal waves are sometimes called, "scalar waves." However, this is not a precisely correct description. Technically, the term "scalar" describes a constant value that does not change. A longitudinal wave is periodically expanding and contracting in the direction of propagation, so this term does not fit. Despite the inconsistency, the terms "scalar wave" and "longitudinal wave" are used interchangeably by many.
Safety Enhancements Over the course of his investigations, Tesla realized that the duration and frequency of his pulses were of tremendous importance in terms of safety. Slower rates of these discharges would produce stinging and painful effects. Moderate rates of discharges eliminated the stinging, but could produce a thermal sensation. If properly controlled, this thermal sensation would not burn, but could actually be pleasant and therapeutic. At very high rates of discharges the stinging and thermal effect vanished. A physical "pressure" could still be felt from the area around the spark gap, but sensations of needles or heat were gone. At these high rates of pulsing, the visual arcs and streamers of pure voltage from his device were actually safe to interact with (at least that is what he concluded). In many experiments and demonstrations, he allowed these pulses of purified aether to flow across his body. No detectable harm came to him when utilizing these high frequencies. This energy could flow through him and power light bulbs. If traditional current had been flowing he would have been killed, but this flow of energy was truly something unique. Tesla was still utilizing high voltage dynamos and spark gaps which were an obvious safety concern. The electrical energy running through them could easily electrocute a person. He took great care during his testing and experiments to avoid accidents. Anyone trying to replicate Tesla's work or experiments should be aware of the dangerous electrical forces involved. Although at certain high pulse rates the radiant energy produced was relatively harmless, the setups to create the discharges were still potentially lethal.
Continual Development These disruptive discharges emitting longitudinal waves in the aether could produce many unique effects. Tesla could power a light bulb by connecting it to his device with a single thin wire or sometimes in combination with a metal plate. In addition, when placing a plate of metal close to the discharges from the spark gap, he could see electrical arcs and streamers dancing on it. He could also hold a capacitor in proximity to the spark gap and charge it to a very high capacity. In fact, he could charge them until their capacity was exceeded and an explosion would occur. Considering all of these effects, he realized this technology would allow for the wireless transmission of power. By this time, Tesla had already succeeded in developing conventional poly-phase alternating current transmission systems. They were being implemented in areas such as those near the Niagara Falls power station, where he designed the generators that converted the energy of the falling water into electricity. He felt that a wireless transmission system could exceed his previous accomplishment. During interviews and in his writings, Tesla described how his new discoveries could be used to power the entire world. To accomplish this, he would need to improve his technology even further. There were still additional optimizations that could be made. One of these improvements was the design of what we would today call a "Tesla Coil." He designed and patented a setup in which the "disruptive discharges" flowed across the surface of two bars of a conductor. This was the "primary" of the setup. These bars would wrap loosely (only a few turns) around a "secondary" coil that would be positioned inside the diameter of the primary. This "secondary" was composed of a flat "pancake" style core of many more turns than the primary. The wire used in the secondary was much thinner than in the primary. He matched the total weight of the primary and secondary windings so the two would be in a state of resonance. One end of the secondary could be grounded and the other end of the secondary would rise above the coil. The impulses from his spark gap would flow over the surface of the primary and then across the windings of the secondary. In doing so, the voltage would climb tremendously. Huge discharges would appear at the end of the secondary wire. The already magnified voltage produced by the disruptive discharge was being increased
even more! Somehow the longitudinal waves or impulses of "aether" were concentrating on the surface of the secondary windings and magnifying or focusing themselves. Gerry Vassilatos, author of "Lost Science" and "Secrets of Cold War Technology" (both of which are excellent sources of information on Tesla's aether technology) stresses that although Tesla's system increased the output voltage, it was not in anyway a conventional transformer. He describes it as a system using electrostatic induction. Gerry and other researchers have made many valid distinctions between Tesla's system and a traditional transformer. There was no current flowing through his primary and secondary of his setup. Tesla made great efforts to prevent such electron flow. Traditional transformers absolutely require electron flow. Due to the fact there was no electron flow there was no magnetic induction, which is the principle by which transformers operate. The primary and secondary of his setup were loosely coupled, in that there was a significant space filled with air between his primary and secondary coils. The primary and secondaries in traditional transformers are usually tightly coupled for efficient operation. Tesla coils can be made of non-conductive materials. This eliminates the possibility of any conventional transformer effect utilizing magnetic induction. The flow of voltage or aether would not follow the path of least electrical resistance. This should be the case if current was actually in the circuit and electrons were moving. However, the radiant impulses of Tesla's system would ignore almost zero resistance shorts to flow across higher resistance paths across resistive elements such as light bulbs. An example of this is Tesla's "hairpin" circuit.
Getting Ready for Broadcasting Tesla continued to prepare for his global power broadcasting system by further developing his technology. For example, he discovered by placing a round conductive sphere on the elevated end of the secondary winding the impulses were magnified and more evenly broadcast. Another improvement was made by adding additional coils to the secondary or changing the shape of the secondary coil. In one setup, above the "pancake" portion of the secondary was an additional coil in the shape of a solenoid. One of his most effective secondary shapes was that of the cone.
It provided a tremendous increase in voltage. The shapes of his coils were not the only improvements he tested. He would place the secondary of a system in liquified air which super-cooled the copper winding. For some reason, this amplified the voltage increasing effect without inducing an unwanted current (electron) flow. By utilizing combinations of these methods he was able to produce gigantic outputs of several million volts. Of course to broadcast power it had to be received. He designed a variety of receivers. Some of these receivers were composed of metallic plates. When the longitudinal waves impacted them a current would be induced that could power lights or motors. Tesla actually discovered that he could focus the output of his device into a narrow beam utilizing a special tube. This allowed him to specifically direct the longitudinal waves in the aether at target plates. Interestingly, after such a beam had been active for an extended period of time, he could turn off his apparatus, but the flow of aether would remain. He could place another receiver in the path of the beam and power light bulbs without the device being turned on! Apparently, the aether has a property that allows for a sort of momentum to accumulate. Once the aether is flowing or pulsing it starts to build up an inertia or a self sustaining effect. In many tests, his systems would continue transmitting power after his apparatus was cut off from input power. Additionally, sometimes an illuminating glow around his setups would continually grow and expand. This happened around his giant transmitter towers in Colorado and New York. The longer he left his transmitters on, the further the column of light would expand. In one experiment, he connected his transmitter to a balloon and allowed it to float in the sky. Over a period of time, the glow that originally followed the line to the balloon expanded and illuminated the entire area. Tesla also realized if he built receivers composed of similarly designed coil setups, they could resonate with the broadcasting unit. This condition resulted in more power being "received" by these units from the transmitter and/or allowed them to collect the longitudinal waves and magnifying them once again. Hence, a gain of energy from "aether" may be experienced both in the transmitter and receiver coils. In the receiver, what would normally be the inner coil of thin wire becomes the primary. The longitudinal waves then flow out to the thicker copper windings, and then into loads connected across them. They could then power light bulbs, motors, or other devices.
He was able to transmit large amounts of power to receiver units over many miles of distance. In one experiment, he powered a small building full of one hundred watt light bulbs from a distance of over twenty seven miles. Motors and heating elements were also powered.
Tesla's Final Years This technology was the focus of Tesla's final decades of life. He considered it his greatest accomplishment. Everything before had been trivial compared to the potential of his new wireless energy broadcasting system. As history records, the powers that be fought against his efforts to commercialize the technology. His main laboratory in New York was burned down, and funding for the Wardenclyffe tower was cut. Later, the Wardenclyffe tower was destroyed all together. The power barons of his day did not like the idea of free energy being beamed across the world. They wanted to sell metered power to increase their earnings and wealth. Tesla's system was a threat to their financial empires. Tesla gradually moved away from large scale transmission systems and worked on smaller units. Eventually, he designed a small device that he claimed collected energy from the, "aether all around us." He connected the small box to a Pierce Arrow modified to use an electric motor and announced, "Now we have power." The vehicle zipped around at high speeds of up to ninety miles an hour! For reasons not quite understood, the technology that powered the Pierce Arrow was never commercialized. We do not know if it was directly suppressed, if he was simply not able to get the funding to mass produce it, if he chose to keep the technology to himself, or if some other event transpired. To this day, little is known about the small box other than a few brief words on the electrical components it utilized. Sadly, Tesla died alone and poverty stricken in a small hotel room in New York City. The mayor at the time made a radio address in honor of his life, inventions, and contributions to modern civilization.
Tesla demonstrated many amazing properties of his coil setups, but now others have done the same. Numerous individuals have built and successfully replicated the effects he was able to produce. A few of these individuals are Eric Dollard, Steve Jackson, and Konstantin Meyl. They have verified the stunning effects and properties of these systems that Tesla demonstrated so long ago. Let's review these stunning properties. 1) The coils of a "Tesla coil" amplify the voltage from the "disruptive discharge." The final voltage at the ends of the secondary can be thousands of times larger than the voltage of the input (for example from a dynamo). This takes place in a setup with loose coupling between primary and secondary, and without magnetic induction since no electron flow (at least in an optimized system) is taking place. 2) The longitudinal waves of aether (voltage potential decoupled from electron flow) can be broadcast to power devices such as motors, lights, and heaters over very large distances. They can also remotely charge capacitors at a distance. 3) These longitudinal waves to not diminish exponentially with distance. They do not diminish in strength according to the inverse square law that governs ordinary transverse waves. For example, if the distance between a Tesla transmitter and receiver is doubled the power output of the receiver does not drop by a squared function. In the worst case, it will barely drop at all. In the best case, (if the transmitter and receiver are kept at resonance) the output of the receiver can stay the same over extreme distances or increase. 4) These longitudinal waves can penetrate any barrier including insulators or conductors. They can transmit information and power directly through Faraday cages and solid metal containers. This is not possible with transverse waves. 5) Amazingly, longitudinal waves seem to have some sort of momentum. Once a flow of longitudinal waves has been established it seems like the same flow wants to continue. Perhaps a good description would be that these waves are "self reenforcing." These waves of aether seem to collect energy from the surrounding aether. 6) Longitudinal waves can travel at superluminal speeds. Perhaps most importantly....
Overunity Energy Gains It is possible to obtain free energy (or actually energy extracted from the aether) with Tesla coils. These gains of energy are fairly simple to reproduce and have been demonstrated repeatedly. Konstantin Meyl has built and tested numerous such systems that demonstrate "overunity" gains of energy. However, these gains of energy manifest in many ways. Let's explore them! The first way a Tesla coil produces a gain of energy, is the obvious increase in voltage produced by the disruptive discharge. A certain quantity of voltage is pulsed across the spark gap. This produces a blast of longitudinal waves that is far higher in voltage than what was capable of being produced by the dynamo or capacitors that provided the input. A second way a Tesla coil produces a gain of energy is the increase in voltage as the longitudinal waves or "aether" flows across the secondary windings. As it flows across the secondary, voltage increases to extremely high levels. In this step, the "gain" of the system is further increased. This voltage increase is taking place without any magnetic induction or conventional transformer effect. The third way a Tesla coil produces a gain of energy is during the broadcast of longitudinal waves. As Tesla demonstrated, longitudinal waves have a selfsustaining or moment effect. Flows of aether seem to gain strength as they travel and want to continue even when the input of a system is cut off. As the waves travel between the transmitter and receiver they may increase in power. The fourth way a Tesla coil can produce a gain of energy, is when a receiver is in resonance with a transmitter. In this situation a receiver can collect longitudinal waves and allow them to magnify themselves as they flow over the inner coil. In a sense, a receiver is not only "receiving" power from the transmitter, but is also amplifying that power. This produces an even larger gain of energy. Many overunity technologies are emerging in our current age, but Tesla's technology represented a simple and straightforward way to produce gains of energy over a hundred years ago. Just imagine the potential of his technology when combined with
modern material science, electronic components, and micro-processor controls. The potential of the technology is limitless.
Potential of Tesla Coils and Aetheric Technology The potential capabilities of Tesla coils are almost limitless. They are a source of free energy, allow for superluminal communication, allow for wireless transfer of power, and are speculated to be capable of even more exotic feats. Nikola Tesla proposed using such systems to produce force fields to protect cities from enemy attack. He even suggested medical applications for the technology. In fact, he mentioned how if someone could manipulate the aether, gravity manipulation could be possible! Mastering and cracking the mystery of the aether can substantially help us to understand how our universe truly works. When that is accomplished, our wildest dreams have the potential to become reality. The stuff of science fiction could become absolute reality. Perhaps when other civilizations beyond our planet recognize we have mastered this technology, open contact will be made. No wonder we appear to have so many visitors from other realms. Perhaps the preferred method of communication across the vast distances of space is not via the transmission of slow transverse waves, but by faster than light longitudinal impulses in the aether. Maybe this technology could give SETI (the search for extraterrestrial intelligence) a new tool by which to "tune in" to the universe (that is if SETI isn't just a window dressing operation to make us feel like we're at least trying when in fact the black ops have had the real technology for decades). Due to modern technology, building a Tesla coil is simpler, easier, and safer than ever before. Instead of using potentially dangerous high voltage dynamos and spark gaps, solid state function generators can be used. The same effects can be demonstrated with these lower power systems that use a few volts instead of thousands to millions of volts. Advanced electronic tools such as oscilloscopes can allow for more precise observations of the impulses generated and received. There is no excuse for modern day scientists, engineers, technology enthusiasts, and even garage tinkerers not to develop this technology. This field is wide open. Further development and enhancement of this technology,
perhaps even beyond the dreams of Tesla, is certainly possible. All it will take is for people to recognize its significance and get to work producing replications, finding applications, and designing products. Tesla spent most of the last half of his life working on perfecting this technology. With the wonderful possibilities it has to offer, it is easy to understand his dedication and obsession. Who among us will step up and continue the work he started?
Open Source Steve Jackson in coordination with PES Network is launching an open source project that will offer plans, instructions, and kits to help with such replication efforts. This open source project will allow anyone with even a modest degree of technical know how (who can follow written instructions) to reproduce Tesla's power broadcasting technology. Let's get serious about developing the potential of Tesla Coils so we can harness the power of the aether and all its auxiliary capabilities including harnessing of aetheric energy, superluminal communication, wireless transmission of power through any barrier, anti-gravity capabilities, and creating defensive shields to make conventional war obsolete! Jacksons_Tesla-wireless-coil_instructions_Apr-21-2011.pdf (2 Mb) - complete instructions with appendices. (April 21, 2011) OS:Tesla, Meyl, and Jackson's Wireless Aetheric Power Transmission - open source project page at PESWiki - OS forum Tesla's Scalar Field Still Beaming On! - IEEE engineer, Steve Jackson, discusses and demonstrates how superluminal scalar or longitudinal waves can be utilized today. (PESN; March 26, 2011)
Contact Steve can be reached by email at ### This story is also published at BeforeItsNews.
Featured / OS: Wireless Transmission / Electromagnetic > Scalar > Solid State > Tesla > Coils > Jackson > Jackson's Wireless Aetheric Power Transmission Open Source Project - To facilitate the replication of these plans, as well as to characterize, optimize, improve, and come up with the zillion applications that can come from it, including: 1) harnessing aetheric energy, 2) superluminal communication, 3) wireless transmission of power through any barrier, 4) anti-gravity capabilities, and 5) creating defensive shields to make conventional war obsolete. (PESWiki; April 21, 2011)
Are you interested in building a Tesla Coil to produce stunning effects that violate the "established" laws of physics, but are somewhat less than technically savvy than a rocket scientist? Then you are in luck, because this article is for you!
WARNING Tesla Coil construction can be dangerous. This is especially true when building, testing, or operating higher powered systems. Life threatening electric shocks and burns can take place if proper safety precautions are not taken. Possible damage to the eyes is possible if someone stares into a powerful spark gap for a long period of time. Some setups (especially those that use spark gaps) can be very loud and could potentially cause hearing loss after extended exposure. Ozone can also be created by these systems. Tesla coils can also create other health and safety hazards. In addition, improper use of Tesla Coils can damage home wiring and electrical equipment, presenting a fire hazard. If this document inspires you to build a Tesla Coil please realize your life and safety is your responsibility. PESN and myself do not accept any responsibility or liability. Also, please realize this document is not all-inclusive, so before attempting to build a Tesla Coil, please perform your own due diligence when it comes to researching all safety measures that need to be taken and implementing them.
Introduction More and more people are becoming interested in Tesla Coils these days. This makes sense, because there are many reasons to be fascinated with them. These systems can
produce "longitudinal" impulses that can transmit power and information through solid metal containers (Faraday cages), travel long distances without any drop of intensity, and produce "overunity" gains of energy. With a simple set of Tesla Coils, you can perform experiments that will perplex even the most skeptical folks you may run into! To be clear, these exotic properties of Tesla Coils are not myth, but established facts that have been replicated countless times by researchers, engineers, and scientists around the world. One such scientist is Prof. Konstantin Meyl from the University of Applied Sciences in Furtwangen, Germany. He has experimentally confirmed the above mentioned properties of Tesla Coils, and has demonstrated his setups many times. Additionally, he has published a number of books and papers detailing how they work. Another researcher in the field of Tesla Coils is Eric Dollard, an absolute expert in the fields of electronics, antenna design, and radio. He built many systems utilizing Tesla's technology, and has verified Tesla's claims. You do not have to be a genius to build a Tesla Coil. They are fairly simple devices. What is required is the willingness to do research, the ability to learn, and the common sense to take all proper safety measures. Safety must always be a priority! The purpose of this document is to give an overview of Tesla Coils, their components, their construction, and their special properties. A special emphasis will be placed on Steve Jackson's Tesla Coil plans that have been open sourced at PESWiki. By the time you have finished reading this document, it is hoped you will have a very good idea about what is involved in building a Tesla Coil
What is a Tesla Coil? Over a hundred years ago, Nikola Tesla discovered that when a high voltage circuit is opened or closed, a brief pulse of high voltage is created. In his age, these pulses of high voltage were killing linemen and technicians who were working on early electrical transmission systems. He also noticed that these pulses of high voltage created discharges of "something" that could be felt on the skin. At first he thought these discharges could be tiny particles of physical matter, because in some of his experiments he vaporized thin wires with these high voltage pulses. However, if these discharges were composed of matter, a physical barrier should stop them; but no such barrier could stop them. Next, he thought that these discharges were of an electrical nature. However, even a shield composed of a conductive metal would not
stop them. He concluded these discharges or impulses were truly unique. Before long, Tesla went from simply opening and closing a high voltage circuit to allowing a high voltage to cross a gap between two electrodes. Eventually, he produced a system where these impulses flowed across the surface of two stout bars of copper. By placing light bulbs between these bars he could make them illuminate without any wires. He noted many other interesting effects in his lectures and notes. Tesla concluded that these impulses attracted by and flowing over the surface of the copper bars, were a pure type of voltage decoupled from electron flow or "current." In his opinion, voltage in an electrical circuit was a form of compressed "aether." The aether is considered to be an atmosphere of very tiny (smaller than an electron), very energetic (traveling faster than light), and penetrating (capable of moving through matter) fundamental particles. These particles of aether not only fill the vacuum, but also compose the elementary particles found in atoms. The final step that resulted in the creation of what we call a "Tesla Coil" was the placement of a flat spiral coil of wire between the two bars of copper. The two bars of copper became a "primary" and the additional coil was considered the "secondary." The high voltage produced by the spark gap would flow up the primary, and then be increased to an even higher voltage by the secondary. He would connect one end of the secondary winding to a ground and the other end to a sphere elevated above the setup. The "Tesla Coil" was born! Over the years, Tesla would improve and add to this setup. He used it to transmit information and power over long distances. In addition, he could transmit through any barrier, including Faraday cages! Although additional Tesla Coils were frequently used to "receive" power and information, they were not always required. He devised systems in which the output of a Tesla coil could be channeled into a tube which would produce a laser like "ray" of aether. When this ray hit certain electrical conductors, electrical current could be generated. This electrical current could then be used to power lights, motors, heaters, etc.
Not a Transformer Despite the fact a Tesla coil utilizes a "primary" and a "secondary", a Tesla Coil is NOT a transformer. This is a fundamental and important distinction that must be made! If it was a transformer, none of the astounding effects it produces could be
possible. First of all, a transformer utilizes a *tight* coupling of magnetic fields to manipulate voltage (volts) and current (amperes). A Tesla Coil is very different, in that the windings of the primary do not have to be extremely close to the secondary coil. In fact, Tesla incorporated a significant gap between the primary and secondary coils. This represents a very loose coupling. Secondly, the secondary coil of a Tesla Coil is "open" and not "closed." In a conventional transformer the primary and secondary coils must both be "closed" for any effect to take place. If a winding in a transformer is open, then no current can flow through it, no magnetic field can be produced by it, and no coupling can exist between the primary and secondary! The transformer is completely non-functional with an open coil. Conversely, a Tesla Coil is designed to utilize an "open" secondary. One end of the secondary is connected to the ground and the other end is connected to an elevated sphere. The ends are not physically connected. No closed circuit for electron flow is present! Third, conventional current or amperes (electron flow) does not flow through a Tesla Coil. Tesla measured this, and determined it to be the case. The electron flow cannot keep up with the massive build up of voltage passing over the conductive material. Voltage is continually increased without any conventional transformer effect making it happen. The fact that no current flows can be proven beyond any doubt by building a Tesla Coil out of glass tubes which provide a wave guide effect, but are completely non-conductive.
Basic Tesla Coil Components and Design There are many plans for Tesla Coils on the internet. Many of them are high powered and utilize a spark gap like Tesla's system. A few of them (such as Steve Jackson's open source plans) do not utilize a spark gap, but use solid state components. Later in this article I will discuss Jackson's plans. For now, I will try to describe a more typical system. A Tesla Coil setup needs a power source. Tesla and many "coilers" today utilize high voltage transformers. Many folks track down older neon sign transformers or "ignition coil transformers" to produce the high voltage they need. These transformers convert the fairly low voltage of mains power (120 volts) into high
voltage (many thousands of volts). Although these high voltages can allow for very high powered setups, they also present safety risks. They must be used with care. There are lots of high voltage transformers that can be used as the first stage in a Tesla Coil, but please research each possibility before making any purchase. For example, some types of transformers such as ignition coils may require a special method of limiting input current to be utilized. Otherwise, they could burn up quickly, start a fire, and destroy the wiring in your home. Additionally, older and newer transformers (even those built for the same purpose) can have important differences. Some older ignition coil transformers can be used for extended periods at a time, while some newer ones can only be used for limited periods.
Capacitors The next step is connecting one or more of the high voltage transformers to one or more capacitors. A capacitor is a device used to store and release electrical charge. In a very simple form, it can be composed of two plates of conductive material with a plate of insulating material (dielectric) in the middle. When a difference in voltage is placed across the two conductive plates a charge is built up between them. This charge can be released to power a load; or in our case, produce a spark between two electrodes. There are all sorts of capacitors out there. It can be difficult to figure out exactly what you need. This is another example of when it makes sense to contact someone who has previously built Tesla coils and/or review the plans on the internet that have already been used to build successful systems. For example, is important to match the specifications of your capacitor to the specifications of your transformer. The transformer is being used to charge up the capacitors, and you do not want to damage them! Capacitors can actually be made yourself. There are plans on the internet that explain how to build home made Leyden Jars (the earliest form of capacitor) that can be used in a Tesla Coil setup. Nikola Tesla built some of his capacitors in a similar manner!
The Gap, Electrodes, and Quenching After obtaining the proper transformers and capacitors (some circuits require only
one of each, and others require a pair of each) the spark gap needs to be designed. This is where the action begins! The gap represents an insulative barrier for the high voltage released from the capacitors to cross. An increased length of gap represents a more insulated barrier that requires a higher voltage. A reduced length of gap between the two electrodes represents a decrease of insulation that allows less voltage to be applied. You will have to vary the length of your gap to find the distance that matches the amount of input voltage from your capacitors. The material that composes your electrodes is also important. Copper electrodes seemed to produce qualities that polluted the "purity" of the aether radiated from the gap. Eventually, Tesla started using carbon and other materials for his electrodes instead of copper. When the spark crosses the gap between electrodes, energy from the capacitors is pushed into the primary. This energy can try to flow back and bounce back and fourth between the electrodes. Just like the giant sparks produced by some Tesla Coils, this is a waste of energy. To reduce this loss mechanism, Nikola Tesla would utilize methods to "quench" the spark between electrodes. These methods of quenching would allow the energy to pass between the electrodes, but would not allow it to flow in reverse. There are many ways of accomplishing this. One way is by allowing a stream of air to flow between the electrodes to removed the ionized gas molecules. Another method is by placing a magnetic field from a permanent or electromagnet between the two electrodes. Tesla also placed his electrodes in various types of oil or other liquids.
Primary and Secondary Coils The primary coil needs to be connected to the circuit that powers the spark gap. In some setups, the ends of the primary coil are connected to the capacitors of the circuit. How the primary coil is connected will be different depending upon the construction of your setup. The function of the primary coil is to guide the pure voltage (unbound from the current or electron flow), aether, or longitudinal waves along it's surface and then resonate with the secondary. Resonance is a phenomenon in which energy transfer is maximized if each impulse of energy is properly timed. For example, consider pushing a child on a swing. If you push at the proper moment it's easy to make the swing go very high. However, if you push at random times it can be very difficult.
The same basic concept applies here. Resonance between a primary and a secondary in a Tesla Coil is a function of many variables. Two of these variables include the physical length of the primary and secondary windings, and the frequency at which the primary is pulsed. There are mathematical equations that can allow you to calculate these factors ahead of time. With this information you could design a setup that will resonate at a specific frequency. Otherwise, you would have to experiment to determine at what frequency your primary and secondary resonate. You may or may not be able to achieve this frequency with your setup. At resonance, the voltage from the secondary will peak and when completely out of resonance it will drop tremendously. As already mentioned, to transmit power, Tesla often utilized a second Tesla Coil as receiver to collect it. For power to be efficiently transmitted, the receiver needed to be in resonance with the receiver. One way of accomplishing this is by making the receiver an exact copy of the transmitter. This can simplify the process. However, receivers and transmitters of different sizes can resonate with each other. Modern day testing has proven this, similar to how certain notes resonate musically. This is an area that needs further research and testing! Another factor Nikola Tesla discovered was that the mass of the primary and secondary coils work best if identical. This would result in a thick and larger diameter wire being used for the primary, and a thinner or smaller diameter wire being used for the secondary. When matching the mass of the wire he would produce the best results. Today, many people think that the actual wire mass does not need to match, but the surface area of the primary and secondary windings need to be the same. [Editor's note: these relationships will probably be shown to work in harmonic patterns similar to music, and that exact matches are not the key, but harmonic pairing is.]
Bifilar Wound Secondary An interesting issue to consider is whether to use a single wire wound or a bifilar (two wire) wound secondary coil. You can see a bifilar wound secondary in one of Tesla's patents here. He determined that a bifilar wound secondary would allow for a much more rapid increase in voltage. Modern experimenters have determined a bifilar wound secondary allow for an exponential increase in voltage while a single wire wound secondary only allows for a linear increase. Here is a quote from his
"Let A, Figure 1, designate any given coil the spires or convolutions of which are wound upon and insulated from each other. Let it be assumed that the terminals of this coil show a potential difference of one hundred volts, and that there are one thousand convolutions; then considering any two contiguous points on adjacent convolutions let it be assumed that there will exist between them a potential difference of one-tenth of a volt. If now, as shown in Figure 2, a conductor B be wound parallel with the conductor A and insulated from it, and the end of A be connected with the starting point of B, the aggregate length of the two conductors being such that the assumed number of convolutions or turns is the same, viz., one thousand, then the potential difference between any two points in A and B will be fifty volts, and as the capacity effect is proportionate to the square of this difference, the energy stored in the coil as a whole will now be two hundred and fifty thousand as great. Following out this principle, I may wind any given coil either in whole or in part, not only in the specific manner herein illustrated, but in a great variety of ways, well-known in the art, so as to secure between adjacent convolutions such potential difference as will give the proper capacity to neutralize the self-induction for any given current that may be employed. Capacity secured in this particular way possesses an additional advantage in that it is evenly distributed, a consideration of the greatest importance in many cases, and the results, both as to efficiency and economy, are the more readily and easily obtained as the size of the coils, the potential difference, or frequency of the currents are increased."
The "Extra Coil" In addition to the secondary winding, Tesla sometimes employed an additional coil. This coil would be positioned in series between the secondary and the elevated sphere. It is usually wound not as a flat pancake like the secondary, but often as a solenoid. There is a lot of speculation as to why exactly he utilized this extra coil, but the consensus is that it was important. Although a Tesla Coil can function and produce truly anomalous effects without one, such an extra coil allows for an even larger increase in voltage.
If the primary and secondary have a loose coupling, the "extra coil" has almost zero coupling with the primary or secondary. As the longitudinal waves of aether of flow across the windings the voltage increases even more. By this stage, any tiny quantity of conventional current flow that may have existed in the circuit is removed. Only a pure longitudinal flow of aether remains that is focused or enhanced by this coil. In at least a few of his tests, the "extra coil" was wound in the shape of a cone. This shape is claimed by many experts to be the most optimum. It can produce huge increases in voltage, which is of course what we want! The more aether from the environment we can tap into with this system the more power it can produce or transmit (or waste in the form of giant sparks or "streamers.")
Spheres and Grounds Tesla determined that many benefits could be produced by adding a sphere to the very top end of the secondary wire. One of these benefits was the prevention of sparks and streamers which waste energy. The sharp tip of the wire could easily produce such streamers, but by utilizing the smooth surface of a sphere such beautiful displays were prevented. Hence, losses were minimized and more power could be transmitted. Just adding any sphere was not enough. Tesla determined that even a metal sphere at extremely high voltages could produce streamers, sparks, and even "darts" of energy. He learned that by coating the sphere in an insulator such as wax, these losses could be reduced even more. Eventually, he found that by using a carbon shell as a sphere, the losses could be reduced dramatically. Glass globes filled with different inert gases (or vacuum) were also tested and found to help prevent the loss of energy. The sphere (regardless of the material it was constructed from) also served to evenly distribute the transmissions of the system. Instead of the emissions having some directional component, they were emitted in all directions. This was important, because he wanted to power the entire world with such a power broadcasting system! In addition to the sphere, he connected the bottom portion of the secondary to a "ground." Quite often, he used the Earth itself as a ground. Since he considered the Earth to be a giant reserve of aetheric energy, it could have been attempting to tap
into it to make his transmissions that much more powerful. This seems to be the case, because receiver units with a ground collected more energy than those without one. Tesla seemed to be broadcasting energy both through the air and through the Earth. By tuning into both broadcasts, a receiver could become more efficient!
Shattering Physics With a set of Tesla Coils (one transmitter and one or more receivers) you can produce many effects that are considered to be "impossible" by mainstream science. For example, you can put a transmitter in a metal box (Faraday cage) and a receiver in another metal box. Modern science would claim no transmission could be made between the two. However, it has been demonstrated repeatedly that the longitudinal (non-transverse) waves emitted by the transmitter can penetrate any material. In this case, power would be transmitted directly through the metal boxes! Another interesting feature of a Tesla Coil based power transmission system is that the signal does not weaken over distance. This is far different than transverse waves weaken rapidly over distance, due to the inverse square law. However, the power transmitted between two Tesla Coils can remain constant regardless of distance! This transfer of power without losses will continue, regardless of distance between the units, as long as the transmitter and receiver stay in resonance. Longitudinal waves can also travel at superluminal speeds. This has been tested by multiple scientists and researchers. The exact speeds measured vary. Some researchers claim the speed is almost infinite and others claim 1.5 times the speed of light. Probably, the speed of longitudinal waves of aether depends on the "pureness" of the impulse. If it contains any transverse components, it probably does not travel at a near infinite velocity. Finally, flows of aether seem to have a sort of momentum. Once you get the aether moving it wants to continue. Tesla was able to cut off power to his systems and they would continue operating for a period of time. In addition, he once produced a ray of aether from a tube connected to the output of a Tesla Coil. He used this beam to power light bulbs and other loads. After he turned off his coil and removed the tube, light bulbs would still illuminate in the path the ray had been traveling. This effect continued for hours! This momentum effect was also demonstrated by a glow that would grow around his
devices. The longer his giant transmitters were active, the larger this bubble of illumination would become. In one experiment, he connected the output of a large transmitter to a wire lifted into the sky by a balloon. A glow was produced along the wire which grew in volume over time. Eventually, the glow illuminated the entire area!
Free Energy from the Aether Tesla's system could also produce gains of energy. If a certain quantity of energy was used to power his transmitter, much more energy could be collected by receivers. From the moment his primary was pulsed it seemed a gain of energy was taking place. As the voltage increased along the secondary coil the total energy of the system was increasing. When the flow of aether collected and magnified along the windings of the "extra coil" there was another gain. The transmission of this flow of aether through space to the receiver also seemed to produce a gain. This gain was also magnified after it was collected by the receiver, and traveled across it's coils. These gains of energy have been verified by countless replicators. At times, it seems the energy collected by a receiver can be ten times more than the energy consumed by the transmitter. If you have more than one receiver this gain can be multiplied! Somehow, energy is being collected from the aether, which is everywhere, unlimited, and inexhaustible! The reason people should build and test Tesla Coils is not to produce beautiful light shows, but to develop methods of producing free energy to power our world!
Specific Plans There are many plans for Tesla Coils on the net. Most of these setups are used to waste energy and produce long streamers or sparks. However, they could work well for wirelessly transmitting energy if modified to prevent such losses. By doing some simple online searches you will find a wealth of information that can help you design your own setup. Also, you will find many words on safety guidelines you should follow! Hopefully, this guide has given you an outline of how a Tesla Coil is constructed, it's components, how it functions, and the physics busting feats it is capable of performing! Next, I will be providing a few comments on Steve Jackson's open source
Steve Jackson's Open Source Plans Steve Jackson has developed a set of plans for a Tesla Coil setup. Instead of using extremely powerful high voltage transformers and capacitors, a solid state arbitrary function generator is used to pulse the primary. This provides a vast improvement in safety (using a few volts instead of thousands). Despite the fact this is a lower power system than many Tesla Coil setups, the anomalous effects of Tesla Coils can still be demonstrated. An additional benefit of his system is that by utilizing an arbitrary function generator, it is much easier to find the resonance frequencies of the primary and secondary coils. Downloadable software can allow you quickly search through the frequencies, and an oscilloscope can allow you to see the voltage peaks that occur at resonance. Tesla did not have these advanced electronics to aid his research. Thankfully, we do! A PDF containing details plans can be found at the following link. Please download and open the document, because I will be making a few comments about it and providing additional thoughts. I will be listing my comments according to page number. His plans allow for the construction of a low power (safer) system that can allow you to confirm the wondrous effects of Tesla Coils. I advise anyone interested in Tesla Coils to start by following these plans to build a small-scale and low-power unit. By doing so, a lot can be learned (in a safe way) before you experiment with higher powered setups. --
be transferred to a receiver. Interestingly, this issue might be overcome without any additional input power. It might be possible to just increase the number of turns in the secondary winding to increase the final voltage of the system. In addition, by adding one or more "extra coils" of various shapes, more aether might be collected by the system to increase the output. Remember, we are not dealing with a conventional transformer here. The output is not limited by the input. There is a clear decoupling between the two. The gain of voltage by the secondary and extra coils represents a gain of aetheric energy! Page 2 The document states that the wire sizes may change. One thing to notice is that the surface area and/or mass of the primary and secondary windings are not the same in this setup. It might be worth experimenting with primary and secondary windings of equal surface area and/or mass. By doing so, Tesla was able to maximize the efficiency of his systems. Also, as the document states, proceed at your own risk! Page 3 Heathkits were electronic kits distributed by the "Heath Company." Page 4 If you do not have access to a power tool, a cheap hack saw could be purchased to make the cuts to the boards. This would take more effort and time, but could save money. Page 5 Not everyone has a power drill to make a hole in the baseboard. I know there are small manual powered tools out there that allow you to make a threaded hole. They look something like a screw driver. Such a tool may or may not work. Page 7 If you do not want to buy a pair of digital calipers to measure the thickness of your
wire (which is best), there are online charts that give the thickness or diameter of various wire guages. Also, you might be able to source wire that comes with detailed specifications. Page 8 The three ring binder reinforcement ring idea is brilliant! Page 10 Soldering is a very useful skill to learn. However, some folks may not want to learn this skill or don't want to invest in a soldering iron. One potential solution might be heat-less soldering products. Wire Glue To strip the wire, an alternative to buying a wire stripper might be burning the insulation off with a cigarette lighter, candle, or small torch. Please be cautious, because the fumes of burning insulation can be toxic and fire can burn. Also, if not careful you could melt the wire! Page 11 More drilling and cutting. If power tools are not available hand tools could probably get this done, but with a lot more work and time required. Page 16 The secondary coil in this document is a single wire coil. Tesla and others have discovered the bifilar coils allow for much larger gains of voltage. After you have tested a single wire coil, it might be interesting to test a bifilar wound one. Page 27 The aluminum foil on the elevated sphere is very wrinkled. This could allow for more points where sparks/streamers could emerge. Even though this is a low powered setup and visible streamers would not be as obvious, these sharp points could allow energy to be wasted. One solution could be to coat the ball with some sort of liquid or powered conductive substance. Perhaps a type of paint or powder. Another
possibility, is insulating the aluminum foil covered ball with wax to prevent losses. Of course, like the document stated, this might not matter much. ###
Feel free to view/post comments down below. This one came in by email: On April 30, 2011 4:38 PM Mountain; Patrick Flanagan (who has wirelessly transmitted 1MW through a mountain) wrote: I am happy to provide answers to the question of the solenoid coil above the primary and secondary. The length of the total secondary should be 1/4 wavelength of the desired resonant frequency. The capacitance of the sphere and the length of the secondary are matched for resonance. The difference between an ordinary transformer and a Tesla coil is that the Tesla coil is a resonant transformer. The Q of the system, i.e. multiplies the voltage. Sharply resonant system could have a Q of 10,000. Meaning that at resonance, the Q factor will multiply the voltage by 10,000. It is really very simple. In addition, only by loose coupling can the secondary resonate at high Q. Tight coupling at the primary will reduce the Q of the secondary. The spark gap should be tight quenching as this gives a sharp Dirac pulse which allows maximum transfer from the capacitor to the coil. The faster the discharge, the more power transferred. ****
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