1- DDS, MSc, Graduate student, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Orthodontics and Community Health, Bauru School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo,
Bauru, SP, Brazil.
2- DDS, MSc, PhD, Professor. Private practice, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
3- DDS, MSc, PhD, M.R.C.D.C. (Member of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada), Professor and Head, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Orthodontics
and Community Health, Bauru School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo, Bauru, SP, Brazil.
4- DDS, MSc, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Orthodontics and Community Health, Bauru School of Dentistry, University of São
Paulo, Bauru, SP, Brazil.
Corresponding address: Dra. Fabiane Louly - Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru - USP - Departamento de Odontopediatria, Ortodontia e Saúde Coletiva -
Disciplina de Ortodontia - Alameda Octávio Pinheiro Brisolla, 9-75 - Bauru, SP - Brazil - 17012-901 - Phone/Fax: +55-14-3234-4480 - e-mail: fablouly@terra.com.br
Received: June 26, 2009 - Modification: March 16, 2010 - Accepted: May 25, 2010
O bjective: This study evaluated dental arch dimensional changes of Brazilian children.
Material and methods: Dental casts were taken from 66 children (29 males; 37
females) with normal occlusion selected among 1,687 students from public and private
schools aged 9, 10, 11 and 12 years, according to the following criteria: Class I canine and
molar relationships; well-aligned upper and lower dental arches; mixed dentition; good
facial symmetry; no previous orthodontic treatment. Dental arch dimensions were taken
by one examiner using the Korkhaus’ compass and a digital pachymeter. ANOVA test was
applied to compare the arch dimensions at the different ages and the t-test was used to
compare the arch dimensions of male and female subjects. Arch forms were compared by
means of chi-square tests. Results: Only the maxillary anterior segment length showed a
statistically significant increase from 10 to 12 years of age. Males had a significantly larger
maxillary depth than females at the age range evaluated. The predominant dental arch
form found was elliptical. Conclusions: In the studied age range, anterior maxillary length
increased from 10 to 12 years of age, males had larger maxillary depth than females and
the predominant arch form was elliptical.
clinical treatment. the total length and the anterior segment length of
Not only it is obvious that the clinician treats the the arch (Figure 1).
individual and not a segment of population, but it is The intercanine width was observed by the
also true that people from different ethnic groups distance between the cusp tips of the right and left
present different modal conditions. The clinician canines. Inter-first-premolar width was given by the
should anticipate the differences in size and form distance between the central sulcus of the right and
rather than treating all cases with a single ideal. left first premolars or primary second molar. Inter-
A number of researches have attempted to first-molar width was evaluated by the distance
identify dental arch characteristics, which have between the central sulcus of the right and left first
been unique to a certain ethnic group. Nojima, et molars. Inter-second-molar width was observed by
al.20 (2001) compared Caucasian and Japanese the distance between the central sulcus of the right
mandibular clinical arch forms. Defraia, et al.11 and left second molars (Figure 1).
(2006) studied dental arch dimensions in the mixed Maxillary depth (Figure 2) was measured from
dentition of Italian children. Lindsten, et al.16 (2002) a line which connects the occlusal plane up to the
evaluated transverse dental arch dimension and greatest palatal depth. The form of the dental
dental arch depth dimensions in mixed dentition of arch was defined based on cusp tips and incisor
Norwegian children. Yuen, et al.30 (1988) performed edges and then classified as: ellipse9, parabola13,
a mixed dentition analysis for Hong Kong Chinese segments of circles joined to straight lines, or
children. Burris and Harris6 (2001) evaluated the modified spheres5,26.
maxillary arch size and shape in American Black Some maxillary and mandibular second molar
and White children. widths were not measured because these teeth
The Brazilian population, which has a great were not present yet.
ethnic diversity, can present different characteristics
from those observed in the studies carried out in Error study
samples of Caucasian countries, Eastern countries Every 66 dental casts were measured again after
or other countries. Based on the hypothesis that 10 days from the first measurement, by the same
these dental occlusion maturation characteristics examiner. The casual error was calculated according
could have been influenced by this ethnic diversity to Dahlberg’s formula (S2=Σd2/2n), where S2 was
pattern and that occlusal changes could have the error variance and d was the difference between
occurred even in patients with normal occlusion, the
aim of this study was to evaluate the changes that
could occur in dental arches, in the mixed dentition
of Brazilian children.
Table 1- Means and standard deviations of age and results of ANOVA test
Descriptive statistics and comparisons of the length greater than 10-year old children (Table
males and females in each age-group (according 1). Significant changes occurred in the dental
to independent samples t-test P<0.05) were arches during the early mixed development period.
described in Table 2. Males showed a significantly Eruption of the permanent incisors resulted in an
larger maxillary depth than females to 10 years
of age (Table 2). The ellipse form9 was the most Table 3- Form of the dental arch (chi-square test)
frequent dental arch form found in the sample
studied (Table 3).
Form Females Males Total
Table 2- Descriptive statistics and comparisons of the males and females in each age-group (according to independent
samples t-test P<0.05)
Arch total Anterior Posterior Intercanine First First molar Second Maxillary
length segment segment width premolar width molar depth
length length width width
Maxillary measurements
9 years
M=3 40.00 14.50 25.50 27.99 36.89 48.06 --- 11.00
F=5 38.40 13.30 25.10 27.04 35.89 45.74 --- 9.40
p 0.056 0.159 0.558 0.450 0.277 0.251 --- 0.159
10 years
M=7 39.00 13.57 24.42 26.72 35.28 46.69 50.70(n=1) 11.71
F=11 39.36 14.09 25.27 26.73 36.06 48.05 52.16(n=3) 9.72
p 0.602 0.379 0.850 0.994 0.481 0.288 0.745 0.042*
11 years
M=9 39.05 14.27 24.77 26.56 35.57 47.14 52.02(n=4) 11.00
F=13 39.76 14.63 25.13 26.91 36.14 48.47 52.98(n=7) 10.84
p 0.462 0.564 0.567 0.686 0.482 0.223 0.535 0.877
12 years
M=10 40.45 15.37 25.08 26.51 36.48 48.93 53.44(n=8) 12.20
F=8 39.87 15.12 24.75 25.78 36.47 47.61 53.56(n=5) 10.87
p 0.618 0.773 0.734 0.488 0.982 0.320 0.908 0.241
Mandibular measurements
9 years
M=3 36.66 9.66 27.00 22.73 31.30 43.26 ------- ------
F=5 35.60 9.90 25.70 21.43 29.69 41.69 47.00(n=1) ------
p 0.206 0.789 0.321 0.336 0.156 0.258 ---- ------
10 years
M=7 34.78 10.28 24.50 21.79 30.45 42.80 47.67(n=4) ------
F=11 35.13 9.86 25.27 21.42 31.99 43.03 47.90(n=5) ------
p 0.667 0.387 0.422 0.727 0.411 0.828 0.920 ------
11 years
M=9 35.22 10.44 24.77 21.04 30.45 42.13 47.42(n=5) ------
F=13 35.76 10.55 25.21 21.34 31.16 42.79 47.68(n=9) ------
p 0.499 0.769 0.542 0.704 0.461 0.525 0.855 ------
12 years
M=10 35.95 10.35 25.60 20.96 31.65 43.48 48.63(n=9) ------
F=8 36.12 10.87 25.25 20.46 31.13 43.37 49.18(n=8) ------
p 0.862 0.252 0.700 0.329 0.418 0.882 0.745 ------
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