Collaborative Research
Collaborative Research
Collaborative Research
Research Institutes
1. a. Sub-project Title:
d. Entity:
2. Implementation Period:
a. Commencement b. Completion
20/01/2025 20/01/2025
3. Total cost:
(i) In Takas (BDT Lakh) (ii) In USD
6. General Objective of the Sub-project
Please note that a general objective is a statement that communicates the overall goal of a
research or study project in a single sentence. Briefly mention the general objective that are aimed
to be achieved:
(iii) What makes the industry interested in developing the proposed technology?
(iv) How will the proposed technology create value addition in Bangladesh economy?
(ii) What is the advantage/competitive edge of the proposed technology over existing technology?
(iii) Point out the market demand and the market size of the proposed technology/product as per
market survey conducted.
(viii) Mention if the university can establish a commercial arm for starting business under the legal
framework of the institution and country.
(ii) List the patents filed by the SPM/SPMT during the past ten years.
(iii) Plan for patenting the product/process that would be the outcome of the joint research work.
3. Logistics available to the members of the SPMT in the entity for carrying out the proposed
21. Please give justification of any item and its cost if it exceeds 15% of the total budget.
22. Summary of Estimated Budget
Please furnish summary of estimated revenue expenditure and capital expenditure for acquisition
of assets in Table 2 below. This table should mention only the major heads of expenditure and not
a detailed list of all goods, services and works that will be procured under the sub-project. Excel
format for the detailed estimated budget is given ATFOM Annex 22.
Sub-project Title:
Total Revenue
Capital Expenditure
Total Capital
24. Sustainability
Please provide a summary of a sustainability analysis for this sub-project, e.g., what measures and
budget provisions the entity/university is likely to commit to sustain the activities and outcomes
after the completion of the sub-project;
Please state
(i) if project of similar nature was implemented earlier or/and
(ii) is under implementation by the proposal submitting entity or
(iii) by any of the members of the Project Management Team? If so, mention the name of the
project, cost, duration and major outcomes. Also please mention whether there will be duplication
of activities and surplus funding for undertaking the THEF Sub-project.
27. Sustainability
Please provide a summary of a sustainability analysis for this sub-project, e.g., what measures and
budget provisions the entity/university is likely to commit to sustain the activities and outcomes
after the completion of the sub-project;