MY 2 Integrated_Science MID TERM EXAM
MY 2 Integrated_Science MID TERM EXAM
MY 2 Integrated_Science MID TERM EXAM
March 2014
Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer an
Sample Item
Which of the process is associated with the removal of waste substances formed by the cells of the body?
Sample Answer
1. The part of the cell which controls (c) Water moved by active
all activities is called the transport from the cucumber to
(a) Nucleus the bowl.
(b) Cytoplasm (d) Water entered by diffusion.
(c) Mitochondrion 5. The best way to de-starch a leaf is to
(d) Chloroplast (a) Place the leaf in complete
2. The cell membrane serves to darkness for at least 24
(a) Make proteins hours
(b) Control the movement of (b) Place the leaf in boiling water
substances into and out of (c) Place the leaf in a salt solution
the cell. (d) Add insulin to the leaf
(c) Provide energy for the cell 6. The purpose of chlorophyll in
(d) Help in cell division plants is to
3. Oxygen enters the red blood cells by (a) Trap Carbon Dioxide
(a) Diffusion (b) Trap solar energy
(b) Osmosis (c) Trap water molecules
(c) Active transport (d) Trap oxygen
(d) Passive transport 7. A positive test for starch
4. A cucumber was cut and placed in occurs when
a bowl with salt. After a few (a) A blue black colour
minutes water was present in the change occurs
bowl. Which statement correctly (b) A reddish brown colour
accounts for the presence of water change occurs
in the bowl? (c) A brick red colour change occurs
(a) Condensation of water (d) A violet colour change occurs
vapour occurred 8. The disease that occurs due to a
(b) Water moved by osmosis lack of Vitamin C is called
from the cells of the (a) Rickets
cucumber into the bowl. (b) Scurvy
(c) Marasmus
(d) Beri Beri
9. The teeth responsible for 13. Absorption of digestive
crushing and grinding food are products occurs in the
(a) Molars and pre-molars (a) Gastric glands
(b) Incisors (b) Colon
(c) Canines (c) Villus
(d) None of the above (d) Rectum
10. Lifestyle diseases have 14. Atmospheric air contains
which common causative (a) 20 % Carbon Dioxide
factor? (b) 4 % Oxygen
(a) High levels of stress (c) 79 % Nitrogen
(b) Lack of sleep (d) 21 % water vapour
(c) High levels of exercise 15. In order to reduce the carbon
(d) Low levels of nutrition dioxide content of the
11. Digestion of proteins in the atmosphere, we must
stomach involves the enzyme (a) Complain to the government
(a) Amylase (b) Carry out violent protests
(b) Lipase (c) Plant more trees
(c) Pepsin (d) Allow the next generation to
(d) Ptyalin find a solution
12. The part of the alimentary 16. The process of gaseous
canal where peristalsis occurs is exchange occurs in the
the (a) Bronchi
(a) Stomach (b) Trachea
(b) Small intestine only (c) Alveolus
(c) Oesophagus and small intestine (d) Bronchioles
(d) Oesophagus only
17. The purpose of the diaphragm in 21. The blood cells which
the respiratory system is to engulf bacteria are called
(a) Create a moist surface (a) Red Blood Cells
(b) Contract to force air into (b) Phagocytes
the lungs (c) Lymphocytes
(c) Contract to force air out of (d) Basophils
the lungs 22. Which statement about
(d) Relax to force air out of the lungs Blood Vessels is true?
18. Respiration occurs in (a) Veins transport blood under
which organelle high pressure
(a) Nucleus (b) Arteries have thick
(b) Cytoplasm muscular walls
(c) Mitochondrion (c) Capillaries have large lumens
(d) Ribosomes (d) The Aorta is the major vein.
19. Which of the following ailments 23. The main type of tissue found in
is directly linked to air pollution? the heart is
(a) Coronary Heart Disease (a) Epithelial Tissue
(b) Obesity (b) Cardiac Tissue
(c) Asthma (c) Nervous Tissue
(d) Chronic Arthritis (d) Connective Tissue
20. The following are all functions 24. A person has the blood Group
of blood except O. This person can receive a
(a) Protection of the body blood transfusion from
(b) Transport of oxygen, (a) A person with blood group AB
carbon dioxide and (b) A person with blood group O
nutrients (c) A person with blood group A
(c) Transport of starch and cellulose (d) A person with blood group B
(d) Transport of Hormones
25. A vaccine is (d) Provide a sense of confidence to
(a) Antibodies from males
another organism
(b) A modified form of the
pathogen to stimulate antibody
(c) Antibodies from the pathogen
(d) Antigens from the blood cells
26. Two waste products of
flowering plants are
(a) Glucose and Oxygen
(b) Carbon Dioxide and
Water Vapour
(c) Oxygen and Starch
(d) Starch and cellulose
27. The part of the flowering plant
containing the male gametes is
(a) Ovary
(b) Anther
(c) Filament
(d) Petals
28. In man, the position of the
scrotal sac outside the body
functions to
(a) Excite female curiosity
(b) Provide a lower temperature
for sperm formation
(c) Provide sperm with a
warmer temperature
29. The retina of the eye contain
which type of neurones?
(a) Motor neurones
(b) Sensory neurones
(c) Relay neurones
(d) Intermediate neurones
30. A stimulus can be defined as
(a) A response to a change
(b) A change in the environment
(c) A change in a response
(d) A change caused by a response
31. What is meant by ‘centre of gravity?’
(a) All weight is in the middle
(b) Balance point
(c) All weight acts through this point
(d) None of the above
32. Which of the following is not a
type of force?
(a) Friction
(b) Magnetism
(c) Mass
(d) Weight
33. Hormones can be defined as
(a) Useless chemicals
(b) Products of digestion
(c) Chemical messengers
(d) Reactants in the cytoplasm
34. The Hormone responsible for 38. The human ear contains three
regulating the sugar content bones that are used for
of blood is (a) Support
(a) Thyroxin (b) Protection
(b) Testosterone (c) Hearing
(c) Insulin (d) None of the above
(d) FSH 39. All of the following involve
35. The process of regulating the asexual reproduction EXCEPT
heat content of the body (a) Grafting
operates by (b) Layering
(a) Hormonal Control (c) Formation of pollen grains
(b) Positive Feedback (d) Budding
(c) Negative Feedback 40. The main advantage of
(d) Nervous Control breast- feeding is
36. The part of the eye which controls (a) The milk is free
the amount of light entering the (b) The milk is naturally made
eye is the (c) The milk contains antibodies
(a) Cornea to boost the immune system
(b) Retina (d) The milk has no
(c) Pupil artificial additives
(d) Blind spot present in it
37. The lens which bring light rays 41. Which of these human activities
together to a single focal point is likely to have a positive impact
is on the environment?
(a) Concave lens (a) Generating electricity using coal
(b) Biconcave lens (b) Recycling of materials
(c) Convex lens (c) Removing forested areas
(d) Biconvex lens (d) Using petrol driven cars
42. Which is a biotic feature of a river 46. Evaporation of sweat from the
or pond environment? body allows the following to occur
(a) pH of the water (a) Moisturising the skin
(b) Algae growing in the water (b) Cooling the body
(c) Size of soil particles (c) Heating the body
(d) Water Temperature (d) Cleansing of the blood
43. A student wanted to separate a 47. Which thermometer contains
mixture of various types of a constriction?
alcohols. The best method to (a) Laboratory thermometer
achieve separation is (b) Clinical Thermometer
(a) Simple distillation (c) Minimum and
(b) Fractional distillation Maximum Thermometer
(c) Decanting (d) Digital Thermocouple
(d) Filtration 48. The soil with the highest level
44. Refraction of light involves of drainage is
(a) The light bouncing off a surface (a) Clay
(b) The light bending (b) Sand
(c) The light diffusing (c) Silt
(d) None of the above (d) Loam
45. Identify the item which fails 49. A suitable method of preventing
to operate using a feedback soil erosion is to
mechanism. (a) Pave the surface of the land
(a) Human Body (b) Plant more trees
(b) Thermometer (c) Dig drains for excess water
(c) Oven Thermostat to run
(d) Electrical Heater Thermostat (d) Build retaining walls
50. A student was playing in the lab 53. ONE Negative effect of using
resulting in the lit Bunsen burner plastics is
falling on his hands. What should (a) They are not bio-degradable
he do immediately? (b) They are light-weight materials
(a) Remain quiet so that he doesn’t (c) They can be moulded
get into trouble into various shapes
(b) Immediately place his (d) They have a high resistance
hands under running water to wear
(c) Run out of the lab and 54. When a metal reacts with and
inform the principal acid, the products are
(d) Complain to the Teacher (a) Salt and hydrogen gas
in charge (b) Salt and water
51. ONE HAZARD of poor disposal of (c) Salt and carbon dioxide
electrical devices such cell phones (d) Salt only
is 55. The following factors are needed
(a) Radiation for corrosion of iron except
(b) Electrical Shock (a) Light
(c) Food Poisoning (b) Water
(d) Microbial Infection (c) Oxygen
52. Which of the following is a (d) Exposed metal surface
poor conductor of electricity? 56. The examination of a soil sample
(a) Diamond showed that it was acidic? The
(b) Graphite best way to reduce the acidity is
(c) Aluminium by:
(d) Salt Solution (a) Adding lime
(b) Removing lime
(c) Adding water
(d) Removing water
57. Which household chemical results 59. Electro-magnets can be found in
in the death of micro-organisms? (a) Thermostats
(a) Disinfectants (b) Relay circuits
(b) Antiseptics (c) Electric bells
(c) Deodorisers (d) Electronic Ignition systems
(d) Insecticides 60. Which group below correctly
58. Ohm’s Law can be represented as represents the primary colours
(a) V=IR of light?
(b) F=ma (a) Red, Green, Blue
(c) Q=It (b) Red, Orange, Yellow
(d) D=m/V (c) Red, Blue, Yellow
(d) Cyan, Magenta, Yellow
Total 60 marks
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