CP 48-2005(plus)Amd1-4_Preview
CP 48-2005(plus)Amd1-4_Preview
CP 48-2005(plus)Amd1-4_Preview
(ICS 91.140.60)
Published by
CP 48 : 2005
(ICS 91.140.60)
Code of practice for water services
ISBN 9971-67-998-1
CP 48 : 2005
This Singapore Standard was approved by the Building and Construction Standards Committee on
behalf of the Standards Council of Singapore on 4 March 2005.
The Building and Construction Standards Committee appointed by the Standards Council consists of
the following members:
Name Capacity
Chairman : Mr Goh Peng Thong Member, Standards Council
1 Deputy
Chairman : Dr Tam Chat Tim Member, Standards Council
2 Deputy
Chairman : Mr Tan Tian Chong Member, Standards Council
Secretary 1 : Mr Kenneth Lim See Khoon SPRING Singapore
Secretary 2 : Ms Lee Hiok Hoong SPRING Singapore
Members : Mr Boo Geok Kwang Singapore Civil Defence Force / Fire Safety and
Shelter Department
Mr Chan Kok Way Individual Capacity
Dr Jimmy Chen Wie Ying Individual Capacity
Mr Chin Jen Chyi Building and Construction Authority
Mr Chong Kee Sen Institution of Engineers, Singapore
Mr Desmond Hill Singapore Contractors Association Limited
Mr Joseph Lai Kuong Kiu JTC Corporation
Mr Benedict Lee Khee Chong Singapore Institute of Architects
Assoc Prof Leong Eng Choon Nanyang Technological University
Mr Lim Bok Ngam Land Transport Authority
Mr Larry Ng Lye Hock Urban Redevelopment Authority
Assoc Prof Gary Ong Khim Chye National University of Singapore
Er. See Sing Kok Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation
Er. Shum Chee Hoong Housing & Development Board
Dr Tan Guan Association of Consulting Engineers, Singapore
The Technical Committee on Building Services appointed by the Building and Construction Standards
Committee and responsible for the preparation of this standard consists of representatives from the
following organisations:
Name Capacity
Chairman : Dr Jimmy Chen Wie Ying Individual Capacity
Secretary : Mr Kenneth Lim See Khoon SPRING Singapore
Members : Mr Bok Chee Meng Building and Construction Authority
Prof Bong Tet Yin ASHRAE, Singapore Chapter
Mr Chai Ng Fook Housing & Development Board
Mr Chue Fook Chee CPG Consultants Pte Ltd
Mr Kang Ngek Kong Energy Market Authority
CP 48 : 2005
The Working Group appointed by the Technical Committee to assist in the preparation of this standard
comprises the following experts who contribute in their individual capacity:
Convenor : Er. Tan Heng Wee
Members : Mr Chua Cher Cheow
Mr Kuang Kim Yaw
Er. Ng Kim Leang
Mr Ramahad Singh
Er. Roland Tan Juay Pah
The experts of the Working Group are nominated/recommended by the following organisations:
CP 48 : 2005
Foreword 6
1 General
1.1 Scope 7
1.2 Definitions 7
1.3 Preliminaries 9
1.4 Standards of materials and fittings 10
2 Distribution
2.1 Pipework 11
2.2 Choice of materials for piping 12
2.3 Mains 13
2.4 Services 14
2.5 Hot water supply systems 16
2.6 Mode of water supply 17
2.7 Distribution in tall buildings 18
2.8 Fire-fighting services 18
3 Storage
3.1 General 19
3.2 Storage capacity 22
3.3 Storage tanks 22
4 Fittings and appliances
4.1 Rates of flow 23
4.2 Fittings 24
4.3 Appliances 26
5 Work on site
5.1 Jointing of pipes 28
5.2 Connections between different materials 30
5.3 Jointing pipes to cisterns and tanks 30
5.4 Mainlaying 31
5.5 Service pipes 31
5.6 Meters 32
5.7 Pipework in services 33
5.8 Draw-off taps 34
5.9 Sterilisation of installation 34
CP 48 : 2005
A Sterilisation of installation 40
1 Mode of water supply to water fittings located below 125 m reduced level 43
2 Mode of water supply to water fittings located above 125 m reduced level but below
137 m reduced level 44
3 Mode of water supply to water fittings located above 137m reduced level 45
4 System for raising and distributing water in high rise buildings with
multi-stage pumping 46
5 Water meter in chamber 47
6 Water meter in chamber (with separate underground valve chamber) 48
7a Water meter and valves in chamber 49
7b Water meter and valves in chamber (alternate view) 50
8 Meter fixed horizontally and enclosed in gate pillar (for landed properties) 51
9 Sub-meters fixed vertically and enclosed in service duct 52
10 Sub-meters fixed horizontally and enclosed in service duct 53
11 Installation of water saving devices for various taps 54
12 Installation of water saving devices for showers taps and mixers 55
CP 48 : 2005
This Singapore Standard was prepared by the Technical Committee on Building Services under the
purview of the Building and Construction Standards Committee.
The requirements under this Code are supplementary to the Public Utilities (Water Supply)
Regulations and subsequent amendments and any guidelines which the Public Utilities Board may
issue from time to time. Where any requirement of this Code conflicts with any specific requirement
specified in the Public Utilities (Water Supply) Regulations and subsequent amendments or any
guidelines issued by the Public Utilities Board (PUB), the requirements stipulated by PUB shall prevail.
This Code is based on the 1981 edition of the Public Utilities Board Code of Practice on Water
Services and is intended to provide guidance to Professional Engineers, Registered Architects and
Licensed Water Services Plumbers in the design, installation, fixing, testing and maintenance of water
services in all residential, commercial and industrial buildings/premises.
In preparing this Code, reference was also made to BS 6700 “Specification for design, installation,
testing and maintenance of services supplying water for domestic use within buildings and their
Acknowledgement is made for the use of information from the above references and the publications
listed at the end of this Code.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this Singapore Standard may be the
subject of patent rights. Enterprise Singapore shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all of
such patent rights.
CP 48 : 2005
1 General
1.1 Scope
This code deals with services for the supply of potable water to all residential, commercial and
industrial buildings/premises. The scope of the Code extends from the Authority’s water supply to the
point where the water is drawn off for use, including storage. It does not cover all aspects of services
for the supply of water for fire fighting.