121102170404SS 578-2012 - Preview PDF
121102170404SS 578-2012 - Preview PDF
121102170404SS 578-2012 - Preview PDF
SS 578 : 2012
(ICS 13.220)
Use and maintenance of
portable fire extinguishers
(Formerly CP 55)
Published by
SPRING Singapore
1 Fusionopolis Walk
#01-02 South Tower, Solaris
Singapore 138628
SPRING Singapore Website: www.spring.gov.sg
SS 578 : 2012
(ICS 13.220)
Use and maintenance of
portable fire extinguishers
(Formerly CP 55)
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this Singapore
Standard may be reproduced or utilised in any form or by any means,
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permission in writing from SPRING Singapore at the address below:
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Singapore 138628
Tel: (65) 6278 6666 Fax: (65) 6278 6667
Email: standards@spring.gov.sg
ISBN 978-981-4353-40-3
SS 578 : 2012
This Singapore Standard was approved by the Building and Construction Standards Committee on
behalf of the Singapore Standards Council on 3 October 2012.
First published, 1991
First revision and re-numbered as SS 578, 2012
The Building and Construction Standards Committee, appointed by the Standards Council, consists of
the following members:
Name Capacity
Chairman : Mr Goh Peng Thong Member, Standards Council
Dy Chairman : Er. Lee Chuan Seng Member, Standards Council
Dy Chairman : Mr Tan Tian Chong Member, Standards Council
Secretary : Ms Lee Hiok Hoong SPRING Singapore
Members : Mr Boo Geok Kwang Singapore Civil Defence Force
Er. Chan Ewe Jin Institution of Engineers, Singapore
Mr Chan Kok Way Individual Capacity
Er. Chee Kheng Chye Housing & Development Board
Mr Chng Chee Beow Real Estate Developers Association of
Mr Paul Fok Land Transport Authority
Mr Anselm Gonsalves National Environment Agency
Mr Desmond Hill Singapore Contractors Association Ltd
Er. Ismadi Mohd Ministry of Manpower
Mr Benedict Lee Khee Chong Singapore Institute of Architects
Ms Andris Leong Building and Construction Authority
Assoc Prof Leong Eng Choon Nanyang Technological University
Dr Lim Lan Yuan Association of Property and Facility
Er. Lim Peng Hong Association of Consulting Engineers
Mr Larry Ng Lye Hock Urban Redevelopment Authority
Assoc Prof Gary Ong Khim Chye National University of Singapore
Mr Davis Ong Wee Choon Singapore Manufacturing Federation
Dr Tam Chat Tim Individual Capacity
Er. Tang Pei Luen JTC Corporation
Mr Teoh Wooi Sin Singapore Institute of Surveyors and
Member : Prof Choo Yoo Sang National University of Singapore
SS 578 : 2012
The Technical Committee on Building Maintenance and Management appointed by the Building and
Construction Standards Committee and responsible for the preparation of this standard consists of
representatives from the following organisations:
Name Capacity
Chairman : Dr Lim Lan Yuan Member, Building and Construction
Standards Committee
Dy Chairman : Er. Tang Pei Luen Member, Building and Construction
Standards Committee
Secretary : Ms Barbara Bok SPRING Singapore
Members : Mr Eric Chan Kim Mun Association of Property and Facility
Assoc Prof Chandra Sekhar National University of Singapore
Mr Bernard Cheng Kwang Meng SETSCO Services Pte Ltd
Mr Chue Fook Chee CNA Group Ltd
Er. Fan Foo Whai Housing & Development Board
Mr David Goh Fire Safety Managers Association
Dr Kang Kok Hin Institution of Facilities Management
Mr Kua Soo Chong EM Services Pte Ltd
Er. Callan Lam Association of Consulting Engineers
Mr Lee Wee Keong Singapore Civil Defence Force
Mr Leo Hee Long Energy Market Authority
Mr Lim Chong Yong Building and Construction Authority
Mr John Min Singapore Institute of Building Limited
Er. Ng Eng Kiong Singapore Green Building Council
Mr Ramahad Singh Public Utilities Board
Dr Sun Qiqing TV SD PSB Pte Ltd
Mr Tan Ann Kiong Singapore Contractors Association Ltd
Mr Tan Chee Hoon Public Utilities Board
Er. Joseph Toh Institution of Engineers, Singapore
Members :
Mr K Ramanathan Individual Capacity
Er. Yeow Mei Leng Individual Capacity
The Working Group appointed by the Technical Committee to assist in the preparation of this
standard comprises the following experts who contributed in their individual capacity:
Convenor : Mr K Ramanathan
Members : Er. Gn Chiang Yam
Mr David Goh
Maj Han Fook Kuang
Ms Kee Su Yin
Mr Kenneth Lim Kok Kheng
Mr Thomas Ng
Mr Tan Kim Heng
Mr Tan Yang Yang
SS 578 : 2012
The organisations in which the experts of the Working Group are involved are:
Fire Armour Pte Ltd (Singapore)
Fire Safety Managers' Association (Singapore)
Institution of Engineers, Singapore
Lingjack Engineering Works Pte Ltd
National Environment Agency
Singapore Civil Defence Force
Singapore Manufacturing Federation
The Institution of Fire Engineers (Singapore Branch)
SS 578 : 2012
Foreword 7
1 Section One - General
1.1 Scope and purpose 8
1.2 Normative references 8
1.3 Definitions 8
1.4 Designation of classes of fires 11
1.5 Classification and ratings of fire extinguishers 11
1.6 Classification of occupancy hazards 12
1.7 General requirements 12
2 Section Two Selection of extinguishers
2.1 General requirements 13
2.2 Selection by hazards 13
3 Section Three Distribution of extinguishers
3.1 General requirements 15
3.2 Fire extinguisher size and placement for Class A hazards 16
3.3 Fire extinguisher size and placement for Class B fires (excluding fires in flammable
liquids of appreciable depth) 17
3.4 Fire extinguisher size and placement for Class B fires in flammable liquids of
appreciable depth 17
3.5 Class B fire extinguishers for pressurised flammable liquid fires 19
3.6 Fires involving fats and cooking oils 19
3.7 Three-dimensional Class B fires 19
3.8 Fire extinguisher size and placement for live electrical hazards 20
3.9 Fire extinguisher size and placement for Class D hazards 20
4 Section Four Inspection, maintenance and recharging
4.1 General 20
4.2 Inspection 21
4.3 Maintenance 22
4.4 Recharging 23
SS 578 : 2012
5 Section Five Hydrostatic testing
5.1 General 25
5.2 Frequency 25
5.3 Testing pressures 26
5.4 Test equipment and procedures 26
A System of rating extinguishers by fire tests in SS EN 3 27
B Examples in the application of the recommendations for minimum provision
of extinguishers 28
C The practical effectiveness of extinguishers and derivation of Table 2 32
D Maintenance procedures 34
E Features of common types of extinguishers 39
F General safety guidelines for recharging 42
G Hydrostatic test Proof pressure test method 43
1 Travel distance to extinguishers for different hazards 17
2 Maximum area of Class B fire (of appreciable depth) for which extinguishers are
suitable 18
3 Maximum area of Class F fire (cooking oil) for which extinguishers are
suitable 20
4 Requirements for recharging gases 24
5 Hydrostatic test interval for extinguishers 25
A.1 Dimensions of Class A test fires 27
B.1 Tank arrangement in Example 3 29
C.1 Dimensions of Class B test fires 32
E.1 Stored pressure powder extinguisher 39
E.2 Stored pressure mechanical foam extinguisher 39
E.3 Stored pressure clean agent extinguisher 40
E.4 Stored pressure clean agent extinguisher with fixed nozzle 40
E.5 Cartridge-operated water extinguisher 41
E.6 Carbon dioxide extinguisher 41
G.1 Hydrostatic testing of extinguisher bodies Proof pressure test method 44
SS 578 : 2012
This Singapore Standard was prepared by a Working Group appointed by the Technical Committee
on Building Maintenance and Management which is under the purview of the Building and
Construction Standards Committee.
This Code covers the requirements and procedures on the selection, installation, inspection,
servicing, maintenance and recharging of portable fire extinguishers used in buildings. It is intended
to complement the SS EN 3 series of standards for portable fire extinguishers and provide guidance
to persons who need to use and/or maintain portable fire extinguishers.
The main changes made in this revision are as follows:
(a) The classification of fires has been updated in line with British and European Standards. It
now defines classes of fires according to the materials undergoing combustion.
(b) The classification of hazards has been updated and quantified.
(c) Selection of fire extinguishers for Class A hazards has been simplified in line with British and
European Standards.
(d) More detailed requirements/recommendations are given for selecting extinguishers for Class
B, C, D and F fire hazards.
(e) All references to halon gas based extinguishers are removed.
(f) More examples are given in the Annexes to assist the user in selecting and locating fire
extinguishers according to the occupancy.
In preparing this standard, reference was made to the following publications:
(1) BS EN 2 : 1992 Classification of fires
(2) BS 5306-3 Fire extinguishing installations and equipment on premises
Part 3 : 2009 Code of practice for commissioning and maintenance
of portable fire extinguishers
Part 8 : 2000 Selection and installation of portable fire extinguishers
(3) NFPA 10 2010 Standard for portable fire extinguishers
(4) SS EN3 series Specification for portable fire extinguishers
(5) Code of Practice for Fire Precautions in Buildings 2007
Acknowledgement is made for the use of information from these publications.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this Singapore Standard may be the
subject of patent rights. SPRING Singapore shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all of
such patent rights.
1. Singapore Standards are subject to periodic review to keep abreast of technological changes and new
technical developments. The revisions of Singapore Standards are announced through the issue of
either amendments or revised editions.
2. Compliance with a Singapore Standard does not exempt users from legal obligations.
SS 578 : 2012
Code of practice for use and maintenance of portable fire
Section One General
1.1 Scope and purpose
1.1.1 Scope
This Code covers the selection, installation, inspection, testing and maintenance of portable fire
extinguishers and the requirements given herein are minimum. Portable fire extinguishers are
appliances to be used as a first line of defence against small fires. They are essential even if other
forms of fire protection equipment like hose reels, sprinklers and rising mains are installed in the
1.1.2 Purpose
This Code is prepared to assist in selecting the appropriate extinguishers as well as to install and
maintain them correctly. The requirements are general in nature and not intended to supersede the
specific requirements of relevant authority for specific occupancies.
1.2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this standard. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
BS EN 837-1 Pressure gauges Bourdon tube pressure gauges Dimensions, metrology,
requirements and testing
SS CP 12 : Part 1 Filling, inspection, testing and maintenance of containers for the storage and
transport of compressed gases Part 1: Seamless metal containers for gases,
excluding dissolved acetylene
SS EN 3-7 Portable fire extinguishers Characteristics, performance requirements and
test methods
SS EN 3-8 Portable fire extinguishers Additional requirements to SS EN 3-7 for the
construction, resistance to pressure and mechanical tests for extinguishers with
a maximum allowable pressure equal to or lower than 30 bar
SS EN 3-9 Portable fire extinguishers Additional requirements for SS EN 3-7 for
pressure resistance of CO
SS EN 3-10 Portable fire extinguishers Provisions for evaluating the conformity of a
portable fire extinguisher to SS EN 3-7