procurement ToR
procurement ToR
procurement ToR
10. Distribution of tender Schedule: Tender Schedule will be available from 17-11-2024 to 27-11-2024 (10.30
am- 4.00 pm) from ICT Division.
b) The bidders are advised to submit their tender, mentioning "Technical Offer" & “Financial Offer"
separately in 02 (two) separate envelopes and both should be dropped in the Tender Box entering into a
single bigger size envelope. You have to submit the soft copy of the bid in Pen drive for the use of the Bank.
12. Opening of Tender: Tender Box will be opened on 28-11-2024 at 3:30 PM in presence of the bidders (if any).
13. Submission of Papers: Any quotation found using the name of a company of which the Bidders/Vendors are
not the owners, will not be accepted. The following documents are to be submitted:-
a) Work completion certificate
b) Local office address, contact number and profiles of technical personnel, who will provide instant local
support and Services
c) Valid Trade License, TIN & VAT Certificate
d) Valid certificate of Reseller/Authorized Dealer/ Supplier from the manufacturer (OEM)
14. The Bank reserves the right not to accept the lowest bidder and to reject any Tender or part thereof or whole
tender without assigning any reason whatsoever. Any decision of the Bank in this regard shall be final, and
binding on the bidders.
15. The Bank reserves the right to relax, change or drop any of the terms and conditions of this tender schedule
without any further notice.
16. After receiving work order, vendors cannot deny to supply ordered products. Such refusal will be considered as
unprofessional business attitude and Bank may Blacklist such participants.
Payment will be made by Jamuna Bank PLC after successful installation, online operation and submission of bill.
The whole project is under single package. Detailed scopes are as follows:
Conduct ISO27001 gap analysis based on the ISO 27001:2022 requirements (To be conducted by
proposed Certification body)
Develop policies, Procedure, standard & other documents required for ISMS
Preparation of Statement of Applicability
Remediation support to implement controls by proven consultant
Conduct risk assessment
Support internal audit
Certification audit by Certification body
Perform surveillance audit
Required Activities:
Identifying and documenting the scope of ISO 27001 certification.
Service Provider needs to identify functional areas and processes to be covered in the scope and
documenting the scope as per ISO 27001 certification requirement.
Reviewing of ISMS policy, processes and systems and procedures relevant to managing risk and improving
information security to deliver results in accordance with the organization‟s overall policies and objectives.
Conducting of ISO 27001 Gap assessment. Service Provider shall conduct gap assessment against the
ISO 27001 standard and provide the current status of ISMS to Jamuna Bank management. The identified
service provider (Local company) is required to provide assistance to Jamuna Bank internal team for
closure of audit findings.
Preparation of guidelines, procedures and other subordinate documents. The Selected Bidder would have
to revise or formulate new required documentation such as IT Security policy, Standard & guidelines,
Procedures, subordinate documents, Baseline security etc. The required documentation should also include
the steps to be performed for ongoing ISO27001 compliance.
The successful bidder must review and update existing documents (where available) as needed or formulate and
deliver following mandatory documents:
Bidder should also review (where existing documents available) or formulate the following documents:
Bidder should also formulate any other policy and procedure, which is required to ensure compliance with ISO
Information security Policy should be aligned with ISO 27001, PCI DSS, SWIFT CSP and Bangladesh Bank‟s ICT
Security guideline. Bidder should provide detailed and specific compliance mapping addressing which section covers
relevant section of ISO 27001, PCI DSS, SWIFT CSP and Bangladesh Bank‟s ICT Security guideline.
Tender Evaluation
The method of evaluation of Tenders shall follow the „Quality and Cost Based System‟ (QCBS). Evaluation will be
done as per the prescribed marking format mentioned in the tender document.
The weightage of evaluations of Technical and financial offers shall be 80% and 20%, respectively. The technically
responsive & financially lowest bidder shall get the total marks in the financial offer among the responsive bidders,
and the others shall be evaluated on relative grading. Finally, to obtain the Ranking of the Bidders, both the
Technical and Financial grades shall be summed up. To be noted, the lowest bidder will not necessarily be awarded
preferential consideration.
3. Tender Evaluation
The method of evaluation of Tenders shall follow the „Quality and Cost Based System‟ (QCBS). Evaluation will be
done as per the prescribed marking format mentioned in the tender document.
The weightage of evaluations of Technical and financial offers shall be 80% and 20%, respectively. The technically
responsive & financially lowest bidder shall get the total marks in the financial offer among the responsive bidders,
and the others shall be evaluated on relative grading. Finally, to obtain the Ranking of the Bidders, both the
Technical and Financial grades shall be summed up. To be noted, the lowest bidder will not necessarily be awarded
preferential consideration.
4. Financial Offer
4300 (Dedicated
scanner specifically
Vulnerability Assessment
allocated for Jamuna
Bank premises)
Note: Rescan and Revalidation will have to be performed within 15 days after fixation of findings
taken by Bank
a. HTTP Referrer, User Agent,
b. Cookie, Header, Data, URL
c. IP
d. Domain
a. File Hash, Name, Extension, Path and Size
b. Registry Hive, Path, Key Name, Value Name, Value Type, Value Text, Value Data
c. Process Name, Arguments,
d. Handle Name, Handle Type
e. Service Name, Description
a. Certificate Alias, Serial, Issuer, Subject,
b. Start Time, End Time, Version, Handshake Type, Publickey Algorithm,
c. Signature Algorithm
Bidder must mention system requirement to run NG-SIEM software, Bank will provide
necessary VM (Computing and Storage) for Installation Software Bundle.
A. K. M. Atiqur Rahman
DMD & CITO (Head of ICTD)