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Treasure Island is a Ravenloft Domain inspired by the
Wonderful World of Darklords Podcast "Episode 07,
Treasure Planet."


Treasure Island (1950), Treasure Planet (2002) and all

affiliated characters and settings property of Disney.

All Art taken from the Met Gallery's Open Access

Collection and Creative Commons commercial use
archive. Adobe InDesign template by Nathanael Roux at
Treasure Island
Domain of Piracy and Obsession

Darklord: John Silver

Genres: Ghost Stories, Psychological Horror

Hallmarks: Piracy, betrayal, hidden treasure

Mist Talismans: maps, gold coins, compasses

When my skiff landed on the island of

Crescentia, I felt the same level of culture
shock that visitors from the most sheltered
and human-dominant domains must feel upon Noteworthy Features
arriving in Martira Bay. Elves, dwarves, and Those familiar with Flint's Archipelago know the
gnomes seemed banal in comparison to the following facts:
variety of residents in Flint’s Archipelago;
the small number of humans sat shoulder to • Flint's Archipelago is a collection of dozens of islands of
shoulder with tabaxi, tortles, warforged…a all sizes.
Lamordian laboratory could scarcely have had • The Archipelago is a center of trade routes from many
more variety. other Domains, and for the islands of the Archipelago
Crescentia was a rough port, and I felt a • The Imperium is the monarchial central government of
constant sense of looming danger…although the Archipelago, but struggles to maintain any kind of
that may have been a lingering reaction to taxation, law or order in this vast expanse of ocean.
my latest correspondence with my illustrious • The flow of goods and money through the Archipelago
patron. I never told you about my brother, has also made it a center of piracy and smuggling. The
Yensid. I never told you anything about that Etherium is pocketed with pirate bases and hideouts, and
night, and I have never told a living soul the is home to a thriving black market dealing in stolen and
details of how it ended. You seem to know smuggled goods.
more about me than anyone has any business • The most feared pirate of the Archipelago, Captain
knowing, and yet you have not seen fit to tell Flint, died some years ago, and his treasure, "the loot of a
me as much as your actual name. Do you delve thousand ships," was never found.
this deeply into the lives of everyone in your I knew that my skiff was no match for the task
employ? Who have you been talking to, and why? of carrying me throughout the archipelago; I
I can think of a few ways and reasons you may needed a crew with knowledge and experience,
have sought out this information, and I care for andI had been in touch with a sailor named
none of them. I am grateful for the tutelage you John Silver who offered just that. He and his
have given me, but if you have done this much crew were on a journey to map some unexplored
research into my life, you know better than to islands in the far corners of the realm; Silver
test me where my family is concerned. assured me that so long as I pulled my weight,
bringing me along would be no extra trouble for
At any rate, as mentioned, Crescentia had a them and would allow me to take in the various
sense of danger in the air, and I made sure islands along the journey.
that my hand never strayed too far from my
purse as I searched for the ship I had hired. Silver ran what appeared to be a clean,
People scuttled away like roaches in the light respectable inn at the heart of Crescentia, and
whenever the warforged constabulary appeared, I found myself liking him immediately–although
and I overheard several muttered conversations recent circumstances should have taught me
about shipments of contraband, the sailing to be more sparing with my trust. Several of
schedules of wealthy merchant ships from his limbs had been replaced by bizarre bits
Port Ivy, and the details on the fortifications and pieces from warforged or other inorganic
of nearby ports. I soon learned that, while constructs, gifts from a Lamordian doctor
Crescentia wore its criminality on its sleeve that had saved his life after multiple mishaps
far more than the other islands, piracy rotted at sea. I noticed some secret rooms in the inn
in the heart of Flint’s Archipelago, with greed, that likely had a less savory purpose, but in
treachery, and a lust for plunder ensuring that Crescentia, a little smuggling or bootlegging
if anyone presented an open hand, the other was seemed to go with the territory. His crew
concealing a dagger behind their back. was a rough lot, more in line with what I was
accustomed to seeing in Crescentia, but he was


The capital of the Imperium, Parliament is the monarchical
residence, seat of government, and central harbor of the
Imperial fleet. Theoretically Parliament is concerned with
all of the islands of the Archipelago, but usually occupies
itself with only the richest and most prestigious islands,
preoccupied with the sniping and greed of the nobility.

Parliament is a viper's nest of warring factions and

cutthroat (sometimes literally) political conflicts. More
than one corrupt highborn noble or lord-admiral of the
fleet funds their ambitions through blood money.

An obscure mining island on the Hinterlands of the
able to pull them back into line with a word or Etherium, Montressor is a an often-ignored world of the
a look–at first. Imperium. Montressor is primarily noteworthy for it's
proximity to Crescentia, the port built to ship the mineral
The longer our voyage went on, the more wealth of the island. The combination of Imperial neglect
distracted Silver appeared–cutting his eyes in an island adjacent to a major port make it a center of
to the corners of the rooms as if seeing piracy and smuggling, and even the most respectable
something, speaking too loudly as though trying citizens of Montressor probably have goods in their home
to drown out an interruption that I never made. whose provenance is not fully legitimate. The major
At the time,I chalked it up to the stresses settlements of Montressor are seperated by long and lonely
of the voyage. It is a testament to Silver’s roads, dotted with small villages and inns like the Admiral
charisma that no other possibility occurred to Benbow. Any number of fugitives and pirates can be
me until it was almost too late. found living lives of seclusion in the more isolated parts of
the planet.

Settlements and Sites Crescentia

The Archipelago is home to scores of ports, along with Montessor's port town, Crescentia is a bustling, rough-
uncountable villages, islands, and pirate holdings. Port and-tumble sprawl. Goods can be bought from dozens
cities such as Arcturus, Port Iberia, Castle Cape, and of worlds, some of them even legitimately. The center of
Kozekhode give merchants and traders access to the the widest web of piracy and smuggling is "The Spyglass,"
riches of their islands, and ships of every size and type an inn owned and managed by John Silver. Silver is a
fill the seas. Those ships travel between the islands and friendly and charming host, as well as a gifted cook. The
the Domains, carrying cargoes ranging from precious
metals and crystals to spices and rare beasts to textiles and

The lords of the Imperial Navy ostensibly try their best to

keep the taxes payed and to maintain a modicum of order,
but there are numerous pirates, smugglers, and other
disreputable sorts constantly shadowing the merchant
fleets and Arcturian treasure ships, looting and plundering.
While many of the more respectable citizens of the
Imperium maintain the facade of morality and propriety,
this respectibility is often just a mask over a darker, Spyglass is neat and well-provisioned, a jarring contrast
colder truth. to the tough customers who fill it every night. Many
totally innocent visitors have passed an enjoyable evening
The Archipelago is a realm of the greedy, the corrupt, with a mug of ale, a bowl of bonzabeast stew, and Silver's
and the desperate. This greed and desperation touches charming company. Meanwhile, crimes, heists, murders,
everyone from the lowliest cabin boy to the merchant and other dark deeds were being quietly negotiated by
princes and high lords of Parliament. Silver and the regulars behind closed doors.

The treasures and riches that flow through the ports of Treasure island
the Archipelago are a poisoned prize, offering a life of Treasure Island is the (current) resting place of Flint's
luxury and comfort but inspiring bloodshed, betrayal, and ship, the Kraken–and with it, his horde, the loot of a
obsession. thousand ships. After his final battle with the Navy,
the rogue Illithid pirate captain Flint used his converted
Nautilus ship to teleport to his secret bolthole within the
was theirs by right. The source of the voice
was nowhere to be seen. I resolved from then on
to sleep lightly and with my spell components
close at hand.

John Silver
The distinctive cyborg owner of the Spyglass Inn, Silver
claims he received his Lamordian clockwork cybernetics
after being injured while serving under the legendary
admiral Hawke. Actually, he was the quartermaster of the
infamous Captain Flint on his converted Nautilus ship,
island. Dying of his wounds, he had his Autognome, BEN, the Kraken. Even among those vicious cutthroats, Silver
load the stashed treasure onto his ship. His first mate stood out for his cold-eyed brutality and ease with killing.
Billy Bones is the current owner of the stolen enchanted The crew whispered that he was the only man who Flint
map that shows the way to Treasure Planet and Flint's feared–a fear that proved well-founded.
trove, but even he doesn't know that Flint booby-trapped
the ship. If anyone disturbs his treasure, the ship's Believing that Flint was withholding his fair share of
teleportation engine will power up and randomly activate, the loot, or perhaps simply coveting the entire horde for
taking it away from the would-be treasure hunters. After himself, Silver led a group of Flint’s men to betray the
that, the bombs Flint planted around the port will take care Kraken to the Imperium, then made off with the map
of them. to Treasure Island. Even for a pirate, betraying his own
shipmates and friends to the authorities was a supremely
While Crescentia was more rough and tumble evil act, and the Mists brought the Archipelago into the
than most ports, piracy seemed to be the rule
of the archipelago rather than the exception–
and not only for those who proudly declared
As Flint lay dying, surrounded by the corpses if his crew,
themselves to be pirates. Tolls and fines varied
the Kraken limped away shattered and burning, making
tremendously from one point to another, and I one final jump to Treasure Island. However, before he
suspected that the difference went straight
could follow it, Silver himself was betrayed by Billy Bones,
into the pocket of the toll-taker. If I’d caught
one of his mutineers, who ran off with the map.
a whiff of perfume, I would have thought that
Silver had taken me to Borca by mistake. Even Silver led the rest of the group in hunting Bones, spending
the archipelago's common name reflects its
years tracking down any trace or sighting of him. During
larcenous nature; while its technical name is
those years, Silver became owner of a successful inn
"The Imperium," everyone knows its true master at Crescentia and turned his old crew into a profitable
was Captain Flint, a legendary and bloodthirsty
criminal network smuggling and fencing stolen goods.
pirate who left the islands' residents quivering
However, he could not let go of his obsession with Flint’s
in terror during his reign on the seas. Flint
treasure. He had sacrificed his limbs for that treasure,
vanished some time ago, taking his treasure
he had betrayed his captain and his friends for that
with him, and the residents of the archipelago
treasure, he was owed that treasure. And so he hunts it
have whiled away many an evening swapping
still, chasing down any lead or hint of its whereabouts,
theories about its ultimate destination.
holding the murderous and mutinous crew in check with
a combination of threats, promises, and charisma. He
Our voyage took us past islands with bustling
has come close, sometimes almost holding the map in his
ports and with only a few shepherding villages,
hands. But it always slips away.
with lush jungles and with nothing but a
single lighthouse overlooking a barren rock.
The silhouettes of great marine beasts swam Silver's Powers and Dominion
beneath the waters: massive sharks, dragon
turtles, even something that could only have
been a kraken.

The mood of the crew became more tense the

farther west we traveled, and while Silver
continued to claim that they were on a simple
mapping expedition, none of them seemed to know
how to use cartographer's tools. At one point,
I was awakened in the night by an unfamiliar
voice crying for help; when I followed it, I
found several members of the crew discussing,
in low tones, whether I could be trusted, saying
that Silver couldn't let me have a share in what


drubloons of the loot. He can search for it, see it, but
never touch it.

Second, as he gets closer to the Treasure, his powers of

persuasion and deceit will fail him. His men will grow
mutinous, those he has deceived will start to realize the
truth, and all will eventually turn on him.

This is aided by the third part of the Torment. Silver

is literally haunted by the ghosts of those he betrayed,
murdered, and sacrificed in his quest for the Treasure.
Most of the time, he alone can only occasionally see and
hear them, but as he gets closer to the Treasure, the ghosts
get stronger. They start to work their influence on Silver's
companions, sowing mutiny and incompetence among
his crew and distrust among his companions. The more
Silver has stats similar to a Bandit Captain with the Silver hunts the treasure, the more stains he has on his
features of both the Sailor Background and Criminal conscience and the more ghosts he adds to his haunting.
Background, but with the following special powers
stemming from his supernatural connection to the
Roleplaying Silver
“I speaks nothin' but me heart, at all times…” Silver is Roleplaying Trait. “You just stick to the plan, you bug-
incredibly charming and able to win the trust of most brained twit.”
people. He has Advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) rolls
and can cast Friendship as well as Charm Person at will Ideal. “You got to take the helm and chart your own course.
without components. These powers diminish as he gets Stick to it, no matter the squalls!
closer to the Treasure.
Bond. “Now mark me, the lot of ya! I care about one thing,
“Disobey my orders again, and so help me!” Silver is the and one thing only: Flint's trove!”
unquestioned leader of the a criminal network of pirates
and smugglers. However, as he gets closer to the Treasure, Flaw. “That treasure is owed me, by 'tunder!”
his crew becomes more and more restless, rebellious,
greedy, and thoughtless.
Adventures in The
"Sometimes - plans go astray.”" Silver is slippery as an eel,
and always finds the angle to get out of a tricky situation.
On the fifth day of our voyage, a cry of
He has the benefit of the Lucky Feat and the Alert Feat.
excitement went up from the crew. At the
beginning of the journey, I would have thought
“Those gears and gyros clickin' and whirrin' like the devil
that we had caught sight of our first uncharted
himself!” Silver's Lamordian clockwork prosthetics have
island; now, I could only hope it would lead to
a variety of uses. He can use a bonus action to activate
an opportunity for escape.
his artificial eye for one of the following abilities: he can
have Darkvision for 60 ft for 10 minutes, cast True Seeing
As the crew prepared to land, Silver
with components for a duration of 10 minutes, or use
approached me and said that he'd been watching
True Strike with components 3 times a day. Additionally,
me during the voyage, that I was a "dab hand,
Silver can use a bonus action to activate his arm and
by tunder," and that he wanted me to help him
reconfigure it to any weapon or tool he has proficiency
with their true goal: finding
Flint's treasure.
in–a longsword, cooking utensil, etc.
He looked perturbed when I laughed in relief.
A treasure hunt? Was there any more mundane
Closing the Borders. When Silver closes the borders, the
reason for an adventuring crew to set out
oceans at the edge of the Archipelago become filled with
on a journey?
heavy mists, and ships can’t leave the Archipelago due to
the tides and wind.
Let my patron note that if the crew had been
honest with me from the beginning, I may have
signed on to what I believed to be a jolly
Silver's Torment adventure and accompanied them to the island
Silver's Torment is threefold, but all three parts extend with no fears. Remembering their lies and
from his obsession with his Flint's Treasure. plotting, however, I could not make myself
believe that they would share the treasure
First, he will never get the Treasure. If he were to find once it was found, or that they would believe I
the Planet, the Kraken would teleport away all but a few had no interest in it; fewer surviving treasure
hunters meant a larger share for those who


lived. No sooner had I thought this than I
spotted the spectral figure of a man in pirate
garb over Silver's shoulder, a hole in his chest,
shaking his head at me in warning.

I knew a refusal would be more than my life was

worth, so I immediately agreed to join Silver
on his treasure hunt. Later, when the crew was
in a rum-soaked stupor, I stole a jolly boat and
rowed as quickly as possible toward the Mists.

Adventure Hooks for The

Because it is a center of trade and piracy, there's a number
of ways your PCs could end up in Flint's Archipelago.
They could journey there working on a ship or be cast 2: Lafitte's Landing
there by a storm. It's possible they find a clue to the Once a pirate colony, Lafitte's Landing has now grown
location of Treasure Planet, perhaps meeting Billy Bones into a prosperous, honest trade port, at least on the surface.
and playing the "Jim Hawkins" role. Flint's trove includes While the residents prefer to forget that their wide streets
many magical items, and it's possible they find out a and stately manors were paid for with blood and plunder,
particular item they are looking for is stashed away on most of the “respectable” families still have a few skeletons
Treasure Planet. in their closets (sometimes literally). One public reminder
of the town’s dark and violent past is the old abandoned
Treasure Island Adventures manor house. This was the mansion of the infamous
Captain Gore, and it stands as a testament to the obscured
past of Lafitte’s Landing. They say that Gore’s treasure is
The Archipelago can be the site of any number of piratical still hidden somewhere in the house, but that it is guarded
adventures for your PCs, in any number of genres of by the ghosts of his victims, the same ghosts who drove
horror- slasher, cosmic horror, disaster horror- nautical him to the grave.
horror can accommodate all of these. You can adapt any of
the islands from the Sea of Sorrows in Van Richten's Guide
to Ravenloft as locations in the Archipelago. 3: The Sargasso
The Sargasso is a weather anomaly that disables or vastly
Silver is the leader of a gang of smugglers and fences so slows ship movement. Ships trapped within the anomaly
its very easy to have the PCs get to know Silver in that drift, helpless, hoping their supplies hold long enough for
context. The core adventure is the search for Treasure them to reach the edge of the anomaly or rig up some sort
Island. Perhaps your PCs join an expedition and Silver of crude propulsion. Some say sinister predators roam
works to undermine them and betray them, or perhaps the Sargasso, feeding on the disabled ships. Others tell
they are recruited by Silver to infiltrate a crew and join in tales of ships trapped there for years, degenerated into
a mutiny. cannibalism. But the greatest danger of the Sargasso is
always within: the boredom and desperation combining
with dwindling resources to supercharge all of the
pressures and tensions within the ship.
Islands of the Archipelago
4: The Dry Tortugas
These dangerous rocks is at the intersection of two major
1: Porto Dorado trade winds. They are often used as a pirate base, ships
full of buccaneers waiting among the rocks to prey on the
The capital and trade center of Isla Tesoro, Porto Dorado
merchant fleets. The pirates are not the only danger, as
is also the last known location of the legendary pirate
the rocks themselves are treacherous. Dozens, possibly
ship The Wanton Wench. Many years ago this ship
hundreds of shipwrecks rest among the rocks, including
disappeared during a sudden storm after looting Porto
(legend says) the Urca. The Urca was one of the Arcturian
Dorado, its hull loaded with wealth. The magistrate of
treasure ships that got separated from its convoy and lost
the city has unearthed a lead on the ship's location, and is
among the Dry Tortugas. The remains of the Urca have
looking to quietly hire a crew to recover the treasure so he
never been found, and it is one of the great lost treasures
does not need to turn it over to the Imperium. However,
of the Archipelago.
word is starting to spread through the underworld about
the Magistrate's actions, and it's only a matter of time
before pirates come looking for him, possibly in force.


5: Cauldron Point
The main settlement of Isla Astoria, Cauldron Point was
built to take advantage of the abundant natural resources
of that Island. Cauldron Point is a bustling sea port where
loggers, fishers and trappers sell their wares. Cauldron
Point was also the last known sighting of the Inferno, ship
of the infamous one-eyed Captain Pordobel. Decades ago,
the Inferno was lured into a trap by the Imperial Navy,
who harried the ship along the coast for days. Burning
and blasted, Pordobel steered his ship into the treacherous
sea caves near Cauldron Point. The Navy ships fired
on the cave mouth to smash it shut, then left, assuming
the Inferno had been crushed to pieces in the caves. But
the wreckage of the ship was never found. Perhaps the
Inferno, loaded with treasure, still waits in those caves,
guarded by the skeletal remains of Pordobel and his crew.

6: Oracoke
Unlike many settlements, Oracoke is proud of their
piratical past. The town was primarily settled by the
surviving crew of the legendary Captain Thatch, and the
Buccaneer Inn is even built from the remains of Thatch’s
ship, the Adventure. The Inn, managed by descendants of
Thatch’s crew, is falling deeper into debt to a local crime
boss. The innkeeper, Emily, has been researching the
legend that Thatch’s treasure is hidden somewhere in the
Inn. However, the legend also says that Thatch’s ghost
guards his treasure from any interlopers.

7: Botany Bay
This desolate hunk of rock is the maximum security prison
island of the Imperium, a collection of the Archipelago's
worst scum and villainy. Of course, the problem with
putting the worst of the worst in one place is that you
have created a powder keg, and a mass breakout would
instantly create the most vicious, cutthroat crew of pirates
ever known.

8: Table Bay
Table Bay is an important, if treacherous section of the
Trade route to the wealthy port of Cape Hope. They say
that when the mist is heavy, sometimes a phantom ship,
“The Fligende Hollander” appears. According to the tale,
over one hundred years ago, captain Van der Decken
struggled against a storm keeping him from entering the
Bay. He swore to the stars that he would make it to Cape
Hope that night, or never for all eternity. They crashed,
and he and his ship are thus cursed to wander for all time.

Many ships tell of seeing the Hollander, glowing in the

mists. Others report a strange, old-fashioned ship meeting
with them near Cape Hope and passing over letters for
delivery, letters addressed to people long dead. All the
stories agree that encountering the Hollander is a sure
portent of doom.


I had thought Flint's treasure a ghost story
at first, but having encountered an actual
ghost–to say nothing of the backstabbing
My petulant servant, your indignation is quite
and skulduggery the hoard engendered–I now
apparent in this bereft report. My methods, just as
believe otherwise. Silver is a clever man, and
his wisest course of action would have been my name, are earned and not freely given. However,
you may rest assured that I am fully cognizant
to tell me the truth of their mission from the
start, then kill me once we found it. I can think
of only two reasons for the deception: either
Silver is the sort that loves a lie so much that
of your undying devotion to your family. They, as
it comes more naturally than the truth, or the
treasure is cursed in some way, leading seekers
you, are under my protection so long as my little
to sabotage or betray one another. Perhaps scholar remains in my charge.
Flint's malevolent spirit is still protecting his
trove from any who might wrest it from his Once again you have let your nerves hinder your
grasp, and those who fail return as ghosts to
haunt new treasure-seekers. abilities to thoroughly research the situation at
Of course, I have no doubt that my patron can
hand. I have gifted you with the means to protect
imagine a cornucopia of other reasons why
one might lie about one's true intentions for
yourself and you should rely upon them. For now,
no apparent purpose, and I eagerly await his
we must speculate on what Flint’s treasure holds
insight on the matter.
and why Silver is obsessed with obtaining it for his
Although I feared Silver's ship would overtake
me, I rowed my skiff into the Mists without own. I suspect that your cursed treasure theory
incident. Clutching my rose Mist talisman in
my hand, I peered through the swirling Mists,
may be close to the truth, but for now it shall
looking for a glimpse of something there that
wasn't there before.
remain as buried as Captain Nathaniel’s treasure



Other Works: https://www.amazon.com/Mother-Ghost-Nursery-
This domain write-up is based on Episode 6 of our podcast
"Wonderful World of Darklords." It's a monthly podcast
For more D&D specific spooky kids stuff, Rachel and I
where we adapt a Disney movie into a Ravenloft Domain
wrote a guide to children’s horror games. We go through
of Dread. You can find it at
each of the “Genres of Horror” from Van Richten’s Guide
to Ravenloft and discuss how to adapt them for young
players. We look at examples of each genre from books,
shows, or movies of children’s horror, and then discuss
adapting a couple famous children’s horror stories into D
For more "adapted media into horror gaming." I’ve
and D adventures. This is going to very useful for running
adapted John Carpenter's 1980 nautical horror film “The
any of these Disney Ravenloft adventures for kids.
Fog” for three adventure settings. Something in the Fog
is setting neutral, Fog Over Saltmarsh for Ghosts of
Saltmarsh and Fog over Barovia for Curse of Strahd.
On the topic of kid’s horror, I did a guide to running a
more young player friendly version of Curse of Strahd
with guidelines on horror-themed games for young players
(ages 8-12) called “Strahd gives me Goosebumps.” It can
be useful for running with adults if you have some players
who are not comfortable with all the child murder.
Speaking of John Carpenter, I also adapted the original
1978 "Halloween" for two settings. "You Can't Kill the
Speaking of Curse of Strahd I’ve also got a re-write of
Boogeyman" is setting neutral and "Barovian Boogeyman"
Death House for Curse of Strahd on the DMs guild.
is for Curse of Strahd.
It’s made to be a better introduction for new players.
It’s a totally new, tighter, less lethal ghost story (the
chambermaid is the stepmother is the murderer is the
boss ghost, no cult, no dungeon) with ghost PC rules and
resurrection at the end.
A final note on John Carpenter, I also adapted "Prince
of Darkness" (1987) for two settings. Setting Neutral
Happy Gaming!
("You Will Not Be Saved" and Strixhaven ("Prince of



Just to prove I don't only do John Carpenter, I adapted

the classic story "Legend of Sleepy Hollow" into two
adventures. Setting Neutral ("Sleepy Hollow") and Curse
of Strahd ("Headless Horseman of Barovia").



If you’re the kind of person running spooky adventures,

and you know kids, there’s a good chance you’re in the
market for Halloween and spooky stuff that’s kid friendly.
I’d like to pitch Rachel’s amazing Halloween Mother
Goose book.



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