An obscure mining island on the Hinterlands of the
able to pull them back into line with a word or Etherium, Montressor is a an often-ignored world of the
a look–at first. Imperium. Montressor is primarily noteworthy for it's
proximity to Crescentia, the port built to ship the mineral
The longer our voyage went on, the more wealth of the island. The combination of Imperial neglect
distracted Silver appeared–cutting his eyes in an island adjacent to a major port make it a center of
to the corners of the rooms as if seeing piracy and smuggling, and even the most respectable
something, speaking too loudly as though trying citizens of Montressor probably have goods in their home
to drown out an interruption that I never made. whose provenance is not fully legitimate. The major
At the time,I chalked it up to the stresses settlements of Montressor are seperated by long and lonely
of the voyage. It is a testament to Silver’s roads, dotted with small villages and inns like the Admiral
charisma that no other possibility occurred to Benbow. Any number of fugitives and pirates can be
me until it was almost too late. found living lives of seclusion in the more isolated parts of
the planet.
The treasures and riches that flow through the ports of Treasure island
the Archipelago are a poisoned prize, offering a life of Treasure Island is the (current) resting place of Flint's
luxury and comfort but inspiring bloodshed, betrayal, and ship, the Kraken–and with it, his horde, the loot of a
obsession. thousand ships. After his final battle with the Navy,
the rogue Illithid pirate captain Flint used his converted
Nautilus ship to teleport to his secret bolthole within the
was theirs by right. The source of the voice
was nowhere to be seen. I resolved from then on
to sleep lightly and with my spell components
close at hand.
John Silver
The distinctive cyborg owner of the Spyglass Inn, Silver
claims he received his Lamordian clockwork cybernetics
after being injured while serving under the legendary
admiral Hawke. Actually, he was the quartermaster of the
infamous Captain Flint on his converted Nautilus ship,
island. Dying of his wounds, he had his Autognome, BEN, the Kraken. Even among those vicious cutthroats, Silver
load the stashed treasure onto his ship. His first mate stood out for his cold-eyed brutality and ease with killing.
Billy Bones is the current owner of the stolen enchanted The crew whispered that he was the only man who Flint
map that shows the way to Treasure Planet and Flint's feared–a fear that proved well-founded.
trove, but even he doesn't know that Flint booby-trapped
the ship. If anyone disturbs his treasure, the ship's Believing that Flint was withholding his fair share of
teleportation engine will power up and randomly activate, the loot, or perhaps simply coveting the entire horde for
taking it away from the would-be treasure hunters. After himself, Silver led a group of Flint’s men to betray the
that, the bombs Flint planted around the port will take care Kraken to the Imperium, then made off with the map
of them. to Treasure Island. Even for a pirate, betraying his own
shipmates and friends to the authorities was a supremely
While Crescentia was more rough and tumble evil act, and the Mists brought the Archipelago into the
than most ports, piracy seemed to be the rule
of the archipelago rather than the exception–
and not only for those who proudly declared
As Flint lay dying, surrounded by the corpses if his crew,
themselves to be pirates. Tolls and fines varied
the Kraken limped away shattered and burning, making
tremendously from one point to another, and I one final jump to Treasure Island. However, before he
suspected that the difference went straight
could follow it, Silver himself was betrayed by Billy Bones,
into the pocket of the toll-taker. If I’d caught
one of his mutineers, who ran off with the map.
a whiff of perfume, I would have thought that
Silver had taken me to Borca by mistake. Even Silver led the rest of the group in hunting Bones, spending
the archipelago's common name reflects its
years tracking down any trace or sighting of him. During
larcenous nature; while its technical name is
those years, Silver became owner of a successful inn
"The Imperium," everyone knows its true master at Crescentia and turned his old crew into a profitable
was Captain Flint, a legendary and bloodthirsty
criminal network smuggling and fencing stolen goods.
pirate who left the islands' residents quivering
However, he could not let go of his obsession with Flint’s
in terror during his reign on the seas. Flint
treasure. He had sacrificed his limbs for that treasure,
vanished some time ago, taking his treasure
he had betrayed his captain and his friends for that
with him, and the residents of the archipelago
treasure, he was owed that treasure. And so he hunts it
have whiled away many an evening swapping
still, chasing down any lead or hint of its whereabouts,
theories about its ultimate destination.
holding the murderous and mutinous crew in check with
a combination of threats, promises, and charisma. He
Our voyage took us past islands with bustling
has come close, sometimes almost holding the map in his
ports and with only a few shepherding villages,
hands. But it always slips away.
with lush jungles and with nothing but a
single lighthouse overlooking a barren rock.
The silhouettes of great marine beasts swam Silver's Powers and Dominion
beneath the waters: massive sharks, dragon
turtles, even something that could only have
been a kraken.
6: Oracoke
Unlike many settlements, Oracoke is proud of their
piratical past. The town was primarily settled by the
surviving crew of the legendary Captain Thatch, and the
Buccaneer Inn is even built from the remains of Thatch’s
ship, the Adventure. The Inn, managed by descendants of
Thatch’s crew, is falling deeper into debt to a local crime
boss. The innkeeper, Emily, has been researching the
legend that Thatch’s treasure is hidden somewhere in the
Inn. However, the legend also says that Thatch’s ghost
guards his treasure from any interlopers.
7: Botany Bay
This desolate hunk of rock is the maximum security prison
island of the Imperium, a collection of the Archipelago's
worst scum and villainy. Of course, the problem with
putting the worst of the worst in one place is that you
have created a powder keg, and a mass breakout would
instantly create the most vicious, cutthroat crew of pirates
ever known.
8: Table Bay
Table Bay is an important, if treacherous section of the
Trade route to the wealthy port of Cape Hope. They say
that when the mist is heavy, sometimes a phantom ship,
“The Fligende Hollander” appears. According to the tale,
over one hundred years ago, captain Van der Decken
struggled against a storm keeping him from entering the
Bay. He swore to the stars that he would make it to Cape
Hope that night, or never for all eternity. They crashed,
and he and his ship are thus cursed to wander for all time.