Du ng cmbBiid rhe tu.l
(hi{ur ofh}ircnt r) rs *.Ih
oridd ncm lan ) ro fom produ.rs
of combuflion . The producb ar nor
ulually tumcd in liigt chenical
lil Edioi rh. ircl conpon.nc dd rh.
oxi,.d otut reo a *nB @'im [?].
'In. cmhdid mod.l mrloy.d
he.. ir. r.hrivdy simpl..hemically
slsrem (SCRS), which
a$u'n.s innanbieos E crion wnh
The vel@iri.s ii
fluid layen paEll.l
ro, &d idnediot ly adjoinin8, a *all
o&t o nodified loganlhnic k* ' law
, =L.[,.]
a ir dE kmn Eleily
The ti',e meaD\ valu. olthe
nixrure d.Eny n detmined
l.l.: r&!aqdi!!ar!
ih.lcngihoflhc reror irow and lhis
due h incre ing in kindi. energv ol
dr flow. 11 citr & rei lom rh$e
difrcr. tlal .quario^s.i.
The set ol figure also the valu. ofex( velociry
fi61 toCuced tu finire diFrr.n e as labeied in figua is suiuble tor
equarior exhihnrns upwind lomaiion l[bLn. nage rvhen inld M.ch number
oflhc coeiriient Ealrl l.,nd rhen aboul 0.1. Thsc fielres givu, good
solve'l iteralively by the 'SIM?LE lg'eemeir for ihe vrltre of v.locir,
pocodue ref I14l.A deuiled lmh dE idd to exn oa lhe
descriprion of rhe pdicule soldion cofrb60r, lor e\impL., nsu'e (1)
p'nedure enployed here i5 prcsent'l ilere the inpur veLsirt 137 dq d,e
in rcr[]5l. e\n \rlocny 561 mh and rhe$ vclues
is re$onable for the p.rfotrii.. of
eas remlaBrure contouA are
numqicall! od f.r E@rng iLLLsnaled in liglrcs (6i0) For rlE
n.s wnh ad wnhout 'udulefu
h6! rB$rer rwo cdes to be nudkd the values ol
under the @nditions illEtmred in rhe rempecrure is iicmsd when
forgoj.g scc{ions whsE lhc ni{se licE6ing Ti\ f/A Flios, and tuel
fldw of an and ft'el ins de gas lulbine ryp* -Ihis is becaus. iicrea\irg in
combdor is buned a diskncenear 1lt encr8) inpur o rc th3 flos .For
$c inler ni{m thek Bulrs
olth. erampG in fism (6,rhe contod line
lnclude rh? flN fie il ad rh.nizl flmbe. ll. the t.mpemru.e vslre is
chaacrr;nnr lni difcarr iild l5;i x $hih in ficu.e (?-231 the
tmf*atures ro rhe .ombu5lor tm. conrou lire .unber 13, rhe
(631,656-673 K"), Jiferd tuelan k peniurcis 2531 (". This
otio (001 0013,0.016), rnd te lilBlsin3 in tieLd ftmpesnre
rudulence quanlles lor diileEar sp..i.lly ii the cxil ol lhe combunor
n nsesary bsBusq it sires ene+y ro
Fisures 1l-51 prsenl thc vdocio rhe Ilos. burrhh i0crcasingis limired
vedor plor, md dea y indiic rhe ro P.rm;sible vtrlue for lhe Mbne
sinilanq in ,o* behavior fo. nlo bLade. ad lins !!ll. Aho when
cises ro be iudies. 1 lE mdn ledlri nrusing F/A niio to cedin ifritto
orthe now panem, Nch .s r lesal i': srihncd n ble, ls! combu io., and
dre pr:mary zone.j.t pendrlion, md lo* pollurio.. The b.havior of field
dre flo$ ar.elemriotr lo&rd rh. .\n i.mp$aiua h esonrble evcrywheE
ofconbu or. a( de ly indicatd ir TIE tuel rich mixluE prevailinC iD ihe
rhcir fieur.s. lhe h.havio, of no$ in prifraq D$ ol $e combdor rcsuhs
illrcsions lnrhe conblnor ihat nly in hish 8as emp€Bnft ii lhis zne
.oftain ner{rrgnanl uo* prclid.s due ro .ombErion prdce$ 6 lhe
viudble rsisr.trcc. IrcD rlresc $lrh hea( bei.g added al rh.
figures ir cai bs s.cn rhar the value oI .nrane, The slbscquen! admissioi
velocit)' incrssed \hei in rc!*d olan do\cn{rsm bingr Ihe mixiure
Tin.dnd F/A ftrios rd ( is .lear tio'n nL.oolerrcsions in ornhuhr mrrhe
*!lk Th. Egiois summdiiB rh. losn vdlue dE ro nixirg wilh th.
.rir of s4hcB is Eldn€lt hich.r mixrurc. Sell .dd ofoxxln ma$
in r.nlpaituE rhan ftar ol dr ull, n dioi \vi$ incr6inB i.kr
bui h 16r fian the rgion n.0 rhi r.mpcdrue and F/A rarlo. ol lhc
.nrra,e. ll shotrr Sndu,lly d@,
fDm aYis ol5}1nfr.tt to ttE sdl. !ig@ (15) .ho$5 6. tulbdor
Tlr t@sp.n df nEl is illunBr.d by kineic mrgy dirrihnjoi !r difl.rcnr
lh. mntour plob ol l-u.l m6s lEdion veldcir) i6rio5 (u,/ui). 1hc rulbulenr
in fielm ( r l.t 2)- Two €s6 e ro bc kidic !n6$ o.ar5 d llN i6.n!1
sudi.d. dilt Ed inl.r rsp.rdur., lnd :h. rhe Ciluio. ho,.s and Ih6
and difi.rcir F/A fttio. Snill dsi..s apidly and spEadr
incrcasing in f@l m4! fidion ibout dor6iMfr $. r.eio. snh fte jeB
loya by ircEinA inld @p.r.lE combied x is rcGd ,trr rh. .trd. of
ol fi. ninuE ard ft.| O/pe dlc ro v.laio Bli6 ir w, smll
h.d addilion io lh. now withour everywh.rc exccpr 01 rh. .ntry retioi
ircftsin3 ln m6s no( ol ihe and dis du. !o diltrcice in
rniiG. Ii. iD@in3 of F/A dio ,6ludior hsp.( otrd dissiprio
non 0.016 r. 0.{D }irr ii.ai. rh. oi kidi. turbul.nt s.E, b.Men
vJlue of luc hN iB{o. b} 15% rh. rhe F:rs oi fic cn1r, j.$
dE to ifr.rirg rfi. qun.ill/ of tu l Midd uirh difiedr v.leiry
di6. Fi3. (16), ..d (17) lhos d.
.ombdion value abov. l% @6 prcdi.a.d 6ffi ol tudulcnr
only lnii r]t pimlry zone olihc viscoliry for diftrcn! T,, and F/A
.orb6u The nd j.L unihl. to Btio. lr ir evidcnt for i(83*d I"
P.tr.Ed. rh. roroid.l v@x and F/A rb. li.ld iurbuloi visdirY
Prcvailin* in .ombunor head, nrirs incrcls.d, Fton fiese fiEu6 i( en h.
rifilhe lwirler flor aid .r.pr r..n rhar rh. v!lu$ ol scoriry
beNcn rhe dn.r ieG. b.ii! ch E InrcUh rh. no* fi.kl shich
rdpon d n.ar Lt ulllnh Eds.d imE6in3 in ?on6 ol hi8h tn6Ihnr
mixins wilh lhe cenl l cor. ot rhe kineric ctr*p/ did ligh tcrpeBtue
Ror, aorm.J nainlr b] prihrry jet du. ..hbBtion ol miitore and
nlid I. rhc dildio, reid! rhc i.b, dcEing trnh ircdsd of .ri.l
blclur ol rhsn $c!ld pen.l.alion dkiane du. b ..hanc. th. nirin8
dive llE tlcl tosdd d. cenrerlim. b€.w..n 6ry lnd dilution potu.
1h. 6doui plc in fieus (ll-l,r)
st!* of, orreln msi 6-&rior The
c.s.s de ro h. $udi.d, difleEnr inld Nu..ial inwnir3do! ot flow fi.ld
r.mperaorc. ditGrelr F/A 6rio, dd insid. ea tudi.c combunor i!
ditr mr irl
q?€. Ih6. 6glB m p€rfom.d. Thc n@i.d nudy h
.6ily sho! ihar rh. oxygo m6 dN !y slvine dE goEning
tr@idn valu.s above 80 percnt in tlar are bascd on rh.
equ iotu
rh. r.Eions n.ar d ilur iotr hole b.o6. oamion ot EN l@L ond matrcr,
no fEl Th. r.gi6! ol pd,!ur-- e 6ing 6nir ditr rcn6 tcchnjqE.
aid axis ofcomhNrd haE Eldiv.rv Finn. domain compurer pBsm ind
could tEndl. E Ddblcm h I I- TlE irctui4 oa F/A rdio vill
d.Elopol re c.s ft inc@ lhc vilu. of tuel md
inv*tiCard: dificEd inld 6!ciio. by 15% Vile abov. l%
khFElw. and difi.rc.r F/A Brio o.cE only wnhin rh. primary @n.
The dktribuion .f velairy,
cohposirion va rhh, .ddy vn.osiry. l:- Thi orygcn mBr imclon vaLuct
nd odld flor Drood, ciY.n in m 8bov. 30 Erc.nr in tn. fsions
rh. gnpuinin. TIE Ein
@nd6iG ol$is wk &: - ll- The edds .f Dlimdy are ud
l. h. cfier ol Gleiry ari6 i! qis ol .mburb, hr,. EldiEU
v.ry snatl everylh.r. er.pr o1rh. loser dE oioitFn mas n&don.
14-Small .6*t oi o:ygen mss
2. Inc'e6ed l^ 6nd F/A Nill
fimtlon qnh incHsine inL.i
d&E6e :h! ,i.ld ludul.Dt vhcosi!.
l. Th. pek ot rulhrld ki'Eric
.ncr8! of j.ts d6., mpidly .!d !r-a!cEEr!Cd9!!:
In lhis slion s@ p.rpc.k &
spHd fith do{a.tu dislre i.
ln.rcgionBIE rh. j.ls iombimd. n.d. fn irprcving ed .n ,rding th.
4- The hlu.r ol vhcosily cha8. p6enr nm. cll modcl. Th6.
thrduEn rhe flow frcld which
lncE6ing i. zor$ ol hilh rulbuhni
I ExGtrd rhe pescnr model 10
Fieurc (2) Velert) veclor ld T"= 613 K' Fieu (5) Vde ry vedor for T"- 614 K"
and F/A= 0 02
Fieurc (,11 velocily retur for-f"- 673 K' Ficurc (61 Temperarorc co our 1or
,nd f1A- 0 02
lisurc(7)TenpcEture.o ou. IorT -655(' FiEUre(9) lempdarure conlour
FiCtrE(3) Temp.EiuEcouour iir T,=673 l.' Fieurc( lO) T.mpeBtue coitour lor T"= 6l{ K"
NY---trf i
'gl/^\=--l ! I
(r2) rud s! rra Loi diftmr
Fisudl4) xye.i rGi
fitrrion tu'
r/^ htid G) P^-0 0: o) r/ . 0.0 r 1
ditii*d Fr^ 6rio IrA=0.02 (b) F/A