10 Vivekchudamani 108 Verses Volume 06
10 Vivekchudamani 108 Verses Volume 06
10 Vivekchudamani 108 Verses Volume 06
Selected 108 Verses
Verse 100 to 108
Lecture 44
Revision - Verse 99 :
To attribute prarabdha even to the body is decidedly an illusion. How can a superimposition
have any existence? How can the unreal have a birth? And how can that which is never born,
die? So how can prarabdha function for something unreal? [Verse 462]
What happens to 3 fold Karma of Jnani?
• Special law of Karma
• Jnanam eliminates Sanchita, Avoids Agami, both Non-existent.
Everything is due to the effect of Maya—from Mahat down to the gross body. Know that these
and Maya itself are the not-Self— therefore, they are unreal, like the mirage in a desert.
[Verse 123]
• Starting from Maya which is costume of Ishvara.
• Maya Karyam from Mahat onwards till my Sthula, Sukshma Shariram, Anatma
Prapancha, is Mithya.
• Includes Karma Trayam Sanchita, Agami, Prarabda.
• All Anatma Asat, in the vision of Jnani, unreal, Mithya, as good as Non-existent.
Example :
• Mirage water appearing on desert Sand.
• Prarabda continues but unreal. 978
Negation of Prarabda, body
To attribute prarabdha even to the body is decidedly an illusion. How can a superimposition
have any existence? How can the unreal have a birth? And how can that which is never born,
die? So how can prarabdha function for something unreal? [Verse 462]
a) Sharirasthyapi Prarabda Kalpana :
• Prarabda of body is wrong
• Body, Adhyasa, Mithya, Superimposed, unreal. 980
b) Asatvasya Kutaha Satvam, Dhyastasya Kutoh Janihi?
• Real body can’t be born
• If you talk of birth of body, then you talk about Prarabda.
• If no birth, unreal, then not born, but appearance
• Child is born means child comes into existence.
• Child is existing somewhere independently = Birth
• Verb = Origination, can’t be used for Mithya Vastu because rope snake is not born.
• Rope snake is not born, it appears.
• Independent existence of Superimposed body for Mithya body (Asatasya) where is
origination, there is only appearance.
Example :
• Dream body appears and disappears
• Dream body not conceived, moment I enter the dream, I have an adult body
Dream Body Waking Body
- Projected - Maya Projection
- Can talk of appearance of body,
not Origination of the body
Vichara Sagara Students :
• These verses are seed verses for Drishti Srishti Vada. 981
• Shankara does not consistently discuss Drishti Srishti Vada
• Later Acharyas have Crystallized a Vada, a teaching.
• Body does not Originate
• Body is projected by my own Maya
• For an unreal body, there is no Origination, only appearance.
C) Ajatsya Kutoh Nashaha :
• Once you understand rope snake is an appearance, you can’t talk of death of rope
snake also
• No question of date of birth, death
• When I understand rope - Snake, I understand there is no rope snake for dying.
• Death - Only for an existent body.
• Rope snake - Does not exist, it appears for sometime
• Origination and elimination of world is a mystery
• No origination, death of appearance thing, Mithya thing
• Don’t ask too many questions of world appearing, disappearing
• No death of body which is never born and to talk of Videha Mukti
• Videha Mukti only from Ajnani’s standpoint.
Ajnani thinks
• Ajnanis angle, he feels there is body existent now, it is going to die later.
Jnani :
• Do lot of Mananam.
• New student postpones this, read these verses after Mandukya Upanishad.
Verse 100 :
If the effects of ignorance are completely destroyed by Knowledge, how can the body continue
to exist? Sruti, from a relative standpoint, postulates the concept of prarabdha for the ignorant
people who entertain such doubts. The idea of prarabdha has been expounded by the
Upanishads not for proving the reality of the body etc., for the wise----because the Upanishads
are without exception striving to point out the one Supreme Reality. [ Verse 463 and 464]
• Big question by other commentators, Non Advaitic Scholars.
Jnani Ajnani
- Body, world - Does not Originate - Talk of Origination of world, body
- This is the truth - Prarabda is cause of Origination
Mandukya Upanishad 2nd and 3rd Chapter :
• I say world is Originating, out of ignorance.
• How does Veda itself talk about Origination of the world, Body, Karma, Punyam,
Papam, Sanchitam etc? 985
• Veda talks about Srishti
• How dare you say - world does not Originate?
Mandukya Upanishad :
The Scriptural statements illustrated by the examples of earth, iron, sparks, etc., regarding the
idea of the world created or otherwise - Can serve ultimately the purpose of explaining only
the unity of the individual Self with the Universal-Self. In fact multiplicity does not exist at all.
[3 - K - 15]
• Veda talks about Origination, provisionally, temporarily for Student at lower level.
If in the beginning if Veda Says :
• World does not exist, student will say Vedanta does not exist.
No Student can accept :
• Negation of the world
Example :
• Person sure, that there is snake
• Frightened, sure it is poisonous, running.
• If you say no snake, will think it is consoling statement, will say ok, ok and continue
running. 986
Teacher :
• Yes there is a Snake, will ask how it Originates?
• Talk of cause of Snake
• Thoughts in the Mind, Avarna, Shakti, Vikshepa Shakti.
• Introduce rope, from rope snake came, Sustained…
Taittriya Upanishad :
To him (Bhrgu) he (Varuna) Again said: “That from which these beings are born; that by which,
having been born, these beings live and continue to exist; and that into which, when
departing, they all enter; That sleekest thou to know. That is Brahman”. He, (Bhgru) Performed
Penance; and after having done Penance….. [3 - 1 - 2]
• Guru Validates students perception.
Vedanta talks of Srishti - Sthithi -
Laya of
Body which cannot Originate Body which cannot die also 987
• Cause = Karma = Adhyaropa, temporary teaching for a Frightened student.
• For Junior students Vedanta is called Adhyaropa, Accepting Origination of snake,
Vibhuti and Vishwaroopa Darshanam.
• Origination of Snake, world
• Reveals rope and then says - Snake was never born, existed, will die
• Reveal Brahman as one’s real nature, Chaitanyam - Sat - Chit - Ananda Svarupa and
world never born, Exists, resolves.
• World appears temporarily in waking state.
• For senior student, Apavada Vedanta
• Adhyaropa Apavadam Nishprapancham Prapadyate…
From that (Which is ) this Atman, is space born; from Akasa, air; from air, Fire; from fire, water;
from water, earth; from earth, herbs; from herbs, food; and from food, man. [2 - 1 - 2]
• Anna = Body
• Veda confused? Ignorant?
• Veda comes down to students level, and validates students perception.
Ultimate Vedic Teaching : Katho Upanishad :
By mind alone could this (Brahman) be obtained (realised) ; then there is no difference here at
all. He, who sees any difference here, goes from death to death. [2 - 1 - 11]
Kaivalyo Upanishad :
From Him are born the Prana (life), the mind (Antahkarana), all the organs, the sky (Akasa), the
wind (Vayu), the fire (Jyotih), the water (Apah) and the earth (Prthivi) which supports all.
[Verse 15]
1st :
• Pancha Buta Srishti . 989
Kaivalyo Upanishad :
For me there is neither Earth nor Water nor Fire, nor Air, nor Ether. Thus realising the nature of
the Paramatman… the one who is in the cavity of the heart, who is without parts, without a
second, the Witness of all, beyond both existence and non-existence, one attains the very
nature of the Paramatman. [Verse 23]
• All these are appearing but on close observation, they disappear.
Scientist :
• Thought there was tangible world, first.
• Then intangible atoms, energy, field… Keeps on disappearing, Maya Appearance, not
a) Jnanena Agyana Karyasya Samulasya Layo Yadi Tisthatyayam Katham Dehah :
• Students intelligent question
• Jnanam destroys Ajnanam and its Karyam
• Ignorance and products of ignorance will go by Jnanam.
• Rope knowledge will remove, Rope ignorance and its product rope snake.
Standard Law of Advaitam :
Jnanam Removes
- Jnani has body for Sometime - After death, no rebirth for Jnani
after Jnanam - Later unembodied
- Now Jnani embodied 994
For senior Student :
• I didn’t have body at any time
• After Jnanam - I have become Nitya Videhaha
• I am unembodied consciousness
• Sadeha, Videha, Mukti for others
• I am Nitya Videha Muktaha
Vedanta - 2 Stages
Brahman is
The final opinion of all discussion of Vedanta is, That the Jiva as well as the entire universe are
Brahman alone, that liberation means to be rooted in Brahman, the indivisible entity. (The
statement) That Brahman is Non-dual has its authority in Sruti. [Verse 479]
a) Esha : ¾ of Sloka
• From Braheiva onwards 2nd, 3rd, 4th Quarter
b) Vedanta Siddanta Niruktihi :
• Following is Vedanta Siddanta essence. 996
• Niruktihi capsule form of Vedanta, Sara
c) Brahma Eva :
• One Non-divisible Brahman alone through, Maya, appears as 3 fold.
Trifurcates - Appears as
Appears as 3 Bavas in 3
Jagat Ishvara
Appearance - 3 Bhedas - 3
Máyá which is skilful in accomplishing the impossible brings about the distinctions of the
world. Èshvara, and jèva in my consciousness, which is unique and eternal, partless and
impartite, and which is free from all distinctions. [Verse 1]
• Glory of Maya
• Nirupama… I am Akhanda Chaitanyam, indivisible consciousness. 999
• In that consciousness, Sarva Vikalpadi Shunya
• There is no Jiva, Jagat Ishvara Vikalpa in me as I am Ghatayita….
• That Maya Shakti in me is Mithya, Creates 3 fold division
• Projects - 3 fold differences, Ghatiyati
Ghatita Ghatayati Patiyasi :
• Maya is capable of doing the impossible
• Divisioning the indivisible
• Mortalising the immortal
• That is the glory of Maya
I can Say
Brahman Appears as 3
Bavas in 3 Upadhis
The Blessed Lord said : Many births of Mine have passed as well as yours, O Arjuna; I know
them all but you know them not, O Parantapa (scorcher of foes). [Chapter 4 – Verse 5]
I am the Kratu ; I am the sacrifice; I am the offering (food) to pitrs (ancestors); I am the medicinal
herb, and all plants; I am the mantra; I am also the clarified butter; I am the fire; I am the oblation.
[Chapter 9 – Verse 16] 1001
• I had Many Janmas.
• As Rama also
One reality Brahman :
• 3 Vyavaharika Appearances
• Krishna uses - 1 Paramartikam I
- 3 Vyavaharika Krishna, Jagat, Ishvara
Svetasvatara Upanishad :
Ignorance Mis-conception
• Freedom from intellectual and emotional Samsara.
Last Question :
• How do you know that there is a Non-dual Brahman behind this triangular
Experientially I am always
Lecture 45 (Verse 101 to 104)
Revision - Verse 101 :
The final opinion of all discussion of Vedanta is, That the Jiva as well as the entire universe are
Brahman alone, that liberation means to be rooted in Brahman, the indivisible entity. (The
statement) That Brahman is Non-dual has its authority in Sruti. [Verse 479]
• Shankara has completed last topic in form of Jeevan Mukti and Videha Mukti.
Jeevan Mukti Videha Mukti
Explicit Indirectly
• This Division only from Ajnani, Laukika Drishti, worldly, angle from Jnanis own
standpoint, Shastric Standpoint, there is no difference between Jeevan Mukti and
Videha Mukti.
• Both from standpoint of the Availability of the body.
Jnani :
• Presence or absence of Physical body makes no difference at all. 1006
• Continuity of Movie or end of Movie does not make any difference for the Screen.
• Screen is ever free from the movie, whether the movie is on the screen or not.
• Jnani looks upon himself as Nitya Mukta… Whether the body is Present or not.
Vivekachudamani :
• Dehasya Moksha Na Mokshaha
• Dropping the body not Moksha, figuratively called Moksha from Agyanis angle.
• What is real Moksha?
• Avidya, Hridaya Granthi, Moksha
• Dropping Avidya Granthi knot of ignorance in the heart because of which I am tied
down to the body.
• Knot has to be removed
• Only a Jnani knows - How to remove the knot of 3 Sharirams and remain free.
• Jnani alone knows whether he has dropped or not.
• It is a subjective view
• People talk of Jivan Mukti and Videha Mukti from the standpoint of body, whose
existence and Non-existence is not relevant to a Jnani.
• Jeevan Mukti and Videha Mukti from Laukika Drishti
• Nitya Mukti from Shastriya Drishti (Verses 97 to 100) 1007
Revision - Verse 101 :
The final opinion of all discussion of Vedanta is, That the Jiva as well as the entire universe are
Brahman alone, that liberation means to be rooted in Brahman, the indivisible entity. (The
statement) That Brahman is Non-dual has its authority in Sruti. [Verse 479]
Completed teaching Sara :
a) Vedanta Siddanta Nirukta Sara
b) Braheiva :
• There is only one indivisible Brahman, Paramartika Satyam, Absolute reality.
One Brahman - Through Maya Prism appears :
Jiva Jagat Ishvara
Panchadasi - Chapter 1 :
One Brahman appears as
Blessed am I , I have reached the Fulfiment of my life and am free from the ‘Shark’ of
transmigration. I am the embodiment of eternal bliss, I am the infinite, all by your grace.
[Verse 489]
• Words of sishya.
a) Aham Dhanyaha :
• I am most fortunate, made use of 3 Advantages, I am Jeevan Muktaha, Jnani.
Verse 2 :
Very rare indeed are these three things and happen only due to the utmost Grace of God—a human
birth, a burning desire for liberation, and the blessed refuge of an illuminated sage. [Verse 3]
Person is fortunate :
i) With Human birth
ii) Having Desire for liberation
iii) With an Opportunity to be Guided.
• Make use of Mahapurusha Samshaya.
• Don’t waste Advantage
Study Group :
• Each student takes one verse
Chapter 14 - Are you Gunateeta?
• Shishya convinced - Most fortunate, teaching has fructified for me, tells to Guru.
b) Kruta Akrutyoham :
• Completed primary duty of human being.
• Krutyam = Karyam = Vihitam
• Duty in society, important, not discharging leads to Pratyavaya Papam. 1012
• Duty discharged social, religious, family, dharma Shastram - Veda Purva Bhaga - Feels
Veda Purva Vedanta
Gives duties towards dharma Gives duty to myself as Jiva,
imprisoned individual
• Free yourself from Prison called Samsara, Jeeva Bhava.
• Possible only in Human birth
• Discover Brahman Status, Brahma Bhava.
• It is your responsibility to release yourself from the Prison of Jeevan Bhava and
discover Brahma Bhava / Status.
Vedanta :
• Fulfillment of duty is preparation for fulfilling this Primary duty.
• Rinani Trini Kritye…
• Primary duty = Self enquiry
• Discharge this duty, then fulfillment is immeasurable.
You can truly Say :
• Aham Kruta Krityaha
• I have discharged all my duties.
• Even if deficiencies in other duties, I am not able to discharge, failed partially. Regrets
will go away. 1013
Taittriya Upanishad :
Such thoughts “Why have I not done what is good? Why have I committed a sin?” certainly do
not come to distress a man of experience of the Truth. He who knows thus, regards both these
as the Atman. Verily, both these are regarded by him who knows thus, as only Atman. Thus
ends the Upanishad. [II – IX – 2]
• Duty caused Burden goes away once this primary duty is fulfilled.
The Purusa who remains awake shaping (all sorts of) objects of desires (into dreams) even
while we are asleep – verily, that is the Pure, the Brahman, and that is also called the
Immortal. In That rests all the worlds and none can transcend That. This verily is That (which
you asked for). [2 - 2 - 8]
• No World can stay outside me
• If they go outside me, they can’t exist.
• I am the one who gives existence to all Lokas.
• Sarve Lokaha Tasmin Sritaha…
• 14 Lokas in me
• Parallel Universes - Grand design by Stephen Hawking. 1017
• Gist of modern cosmology
• 10 x 500 Universe - One followed by 500 Zeros
• Farthest universe within me
• I don’t lack anything, miss anything - Aham Poornaha Asmi…
f) Tvad Anugrahat :
• I am able to declare all this in front of you, because of your teaching, not seeing,
touching - Tava Anugrahat.
Verse 103 :
Taittriya Upanishad :
With the word Bhuh, he stands in fire; in the air in the shape of Bhuvah; as Suvah in the sun; in
the Brahman as Mahah. He obtains self-effulgence. He obtains Lordship over minds; he
becomes the lord of speech, lord of the eyes. Lord of the ears, the Lord of knowledge. Then he
becomes this Brahman, whose body is space, whose nature is truth, who sports in dynamic life
Prana, whose mind is bliss, who is full of peace, who is immortal. Thus, oh descendant of the
ancient Yoga culture, meditate. [1 - 6 - 2]
Chandogyo Upanishad - Chapter 7 :
Next is the instruction on the Self: The Self is below; the Self is above; the Self is behind; the
Self is in front; the Self is to the right; the Self is to the left. The Self is all this. He who sees in
this way, thinks in this way, and knows in this way, has love for the Self, sports with the Self,
enjoys the company of the Self, and has joy in the Self, he is supreme and can go about as he
likes in all the worlds. But those who think otherwise are under the control of others. They
cannot remain in the worlds they live in, nor can they move about in the worlds as they like
[i.e., they are under many limitations]. [7 - 25 - 2]
Svayam Rajate, Prakashate iti Svarat Svarajyam have got Brahma Status
O Noble one! Beholding the self, always contemplating upon the self which is non-dual and
enjoying the bliss of the self, you should spend your time. [Verse 525]
• Our Guru - Shishya relationship was to transfer this knowledge and it has fructified.
• We need not physically maintain Guru - Sishya relationship.
• All Sadhanas meant for Moksha. 1023
• Brahmacharyam, Grihastha, Vanaprastha, Sanyasa - Duties are spiritual sadhana.
• Vividisha Sanyasi = student sanyasi
• 3 Ashramas - Sacred thread - Binds one to duties for spiritual growth.
• Danda binds sanyasi - Paramahamsa Sanyasa…
Guru :
• Don’t require Nididhyasanam, keeps Danda, gives up Danda.
Dandi Sanyasi Danda Rahita
- Amukhya Paramahamsaha - Parivrajaka Vidwat Jnani
- Mukhya Paramahamsa Sanyasi
- Free from Rules Regulations
• Vedic injunctions Non-relevant, lead life as per your Vasanas.
Guru offers Suggestion :
• Practice Nididhyasanam as a source of Joy.
• Enjoys Jeevan Mukti with Nididhyasanam not as Sadhana but as Atma Ratihi, Atma
Truptaha, Atma Santushtaha
• Sapta Bhumika - 7 Stages
• 4th Stage - Jnana Yoga completed
• 5, 6, 7 Stages - Not compulsory, Practice Yogic Meditation Variyan, Variha, Varishtaha.
• Available for self enjoyment. 1024
a) Svameva Sarvatah Pashyan :
• Parivrajaka free traveler, No family, house, Ashrama
May you not forget :
• You alone are appearing everywhere with different Nama Rupa
Previously :
• Bhagawan appears as the world
Now :
• I am appearing as the world
• Under all circumstances, you see yourself behind all Nama-rupas in the form of
existence principle
b) Maya Manaha Svam Advayam :
• Look upon yourself as pure existence which is Non-dual
• Pot is, Chair is
• Pot - Chair - 2 Names
• Isness - One all pervading existence in inert universe
• One all-pervading consciousness in all living beings
• Existence consciousness is Non-dual, You are Sat chit Ananda Atma
c) Sva Anandam Anubunjanaha :
• invoking your higher nature. 1025
Gita :
When the mind, restrained by the practice of Yoga, attains quietitude and seeing the Self by
the self, he is satisfied in his own Self; [Chapter 6 – Verse 20]
• Sit and enjoy your glory as revealed in Vedanta
• Continuously enjoying your own higher nature
d) Kalam Naga Mahamate :
• Rest of your life - Spend in joy
• On great disciple, with great wisdom - Brahma Jnanam
• Guru addresses Sishya as great jnani
• Guru and Shastram give freedom to Jnani to lead any type of life that he wants.
• Nistrigunye Nishadam ko Vidhi - ko Nishedaha
• No rules, regulations
• Will not total freedom lead to licentious life?
• Yateshtachara - will jnani lead licentious life - No sacred thread, no Danda… 1026
• Veda is convinced, Jnani does not require external control
• Invisible Jnanam gives self restraint, will not do any adharma
• If person abuses freedom given, Bhagawan knows - You are pseudo jnani = Ajnani, will
get agami Papam.
• Quacks in Vedanta not model
• Externally controlled dharmic person or Internally controlled dharmic person.
• Every one should continue to be dharmic
• No scope for licentious life
• Jnani incapable, will withdraw from life and will be Vedanta Vakyeshu Sadha
• If he has such tendency, may serve society as Loka Sangraha
• What you feel you do, you are free now.
• Guru Summarises teaching as Parting advice.
• Remember the teaching, like Krishna teaches in Chapter 18
• Remember teaching, spend rest of life in Nididhyasanam, dialogue over in Verse 524.
Verse 105 :
Hearing the words of the teacher, the disciple prostrated to him with reverence, and obtaining
his permission, went his way, freed from bondage. [Verse 577] 1027
• Shankara comes up and winds up Vivekachudamani teaching.
• Next 2 Classes will complete 108 Verses
• 40 Meditation verses from Vivekachudamani - Aids for Vedantic Meditation -
• Every student has to come to Nididhyasanam, these verses will be useful.
• What is significance of Nididhyasanam taught in 40 Verses.
Lecture 46 (Verse 104 to 108)
Revision - Verse 104 :
O Noble one! Beholding the self, always contemplating upon the self which is non-dual and
enjoying the bliss of the self, you should spend your time. [Verse 525]
• Verse 102 and 103 - Shishya came back after Nididhyasanam and said Tat Tvam Asi
teaching has worked and shishya is able to clearly Claim.
• Without doubt, reservation, can claim I am Jagat Karanam.
• Aham Satyam, Jagat Mithya, world comes out of me, existing in me and because of
me, will resolve into me = Fact.
• When world Drama is happening around me, I am untouched by all events.
• All Points clear to me, your teaching has worked.
• I look upon myself as a liberated one.
• Teacher winds up, concludes
• Summarizes teaching and says now you are free to move around in the world.
Shankara Visualizes dialogue :
• Between 2 Sanyasis.
Guru Sishya
- Vidwat Sanyasi - Vivididha Sanyasi till now
- Jnani - Had desires for learning
- Srotriya Brahma Nishta - Veditum Ichha Vividisha
- Parivrajaka, keeps moving without - Becomes Vidwat Sanyasi
staying in one Place - Stays in Gurukulam
- Practices Sravanam and Mananam
- Becomes Parivrajaka Sanyasi and
freely Moves about
Sishya :
• Not with Vidhi or Nisheda.
• Goes as per Vasana, Svabava as long as you require Nididhyasanam, let
Nididhyasanam continue in and through Vyavaharika.
• Life becomes sitting - Moving Nididhyasanam, for one to enjoy Jeevan Mukti.
Revision - Verse 104 :
O Noble one! Beholding the self, always contemplating upon the self which is non-dual and
enjoying the bliss of the self, you should spend your time. [Verse 525]
a) Svameva Sarvata Pashyan :
• Whatever you are doing, remember you are seeing yourself.
Dakshinamurthy Stotram :
He who experiences at the time of realization his own immutable Self-in which the Self alone
plays as the universe of names and forms, like a city seen in a mirror, due to the Maya power
as though produced outside, as in a dream, to him, the divine teacher, Sri Dakshinamurthy, is
this prostration. [Verse 1]
• I am all pervading consciousness appearing as the Pluralistic world with different
Nama - Rupa.
• Svam Eva Pashyan
• Atmanam Pashyan, need not tell outside people but may you not forget that.
Anatma Nama Rupa Sahita Atma
Observed Atma Both observed and
observing one, Atma
• Observing Atma (Ekatma) and Observed Atma. 1031
b) Svam Advayam Manyamana :
• Looking at yourself as Non-dual self.
• Your have nothing to be frightened of Brihadaranyaka Upanishad :
Then they said to this vital force in the mouth, ‘Chant (the Udgītha) for us.’ ‘All right,’ said the
vital force and chanted for them. The Asuras knew that through this chanter the gods would
surpass them. They charged it and wanted to strike it with evil. But as a clod of earth, striking
against a rock, is shattered, so were they shattered, flung in all directions, and perished.
Therefore the gods became (fire etc.), and the Asuras were crushed. He who knows thus
becomes his true self, and his envious kinsman is crushed. [1 - 3 - 7]
• No 2nd thing.
You are
Is Happy Is Happiness
c) Sva Anandam - Anu Bunjanaha :
• Invoke your own Ananda Svarupa and enjoy that Ananda.
d) Kalam Naya :
• Throughout life, this is one option.
• 2nd Option : Do Loka Sangraha by teaching, Writing or help others.
• If student is Grihastha Jnani continue duty - Family, functions.
• Can renounce Grihastha Ashram and take up Sanyasa Ashrama. 1033
• Jnani Grihastha has to do a lot of acting, Do Pretention.
Example :
• Parent interacts with baby, When he chooses to be with the Joy of the body.
• Pretend sad incident, compassionate, not hypocrite.
• Others interested in the world not in Vedanta, you are interested in Vedanta but have
to live together.
• Be prepared, pretend, use diplomacy, don’t talk Vedanta.
Gita :
Of one who is devoid of attachment, who is liberated, whose mind is established in knowledge,
who acts for the sake of sacrifice, all his actions are dissolved. [Chapter 4 – Verse 23]
• Go through Pancha Maha Yagya at skeleton level = Loka Sangraha
• Doing Puja or any work, knows I am not doing anything.
Gita :
I do nothing at all, thus would the harmonised knower of Truth think – seeing, hearing,
touching, smelling, eating, going, sleeping, breathing... [Chapter 5 – Verse 8]
Speaking, letting go, seizing, opening and closing the eyes – convinced that the senses move
among the sense objects. [Chapter 5 – Verse 9]
Ajnani :
• Dvaita Bhakti
• Does Puja
• In end remembers, Bhakta Jiva and Pujya deity (Worshipped) are empherical
manifestations of me who am Brahman.
• Meditates at end of Puja nothing to ask god.
• Thank you, I have this knowledge.
• Aham Akarta, Abokta, don’t have Punya - Papam.
• Don’t want Punya Papam for which Karta status required.
• Grihastha has 2 Channels running Parallelly.
Grihastha - Hybrid
Awareness is there
• After waking up, imagine you are going back into the dream again with total
Awareness that it is a Dream.
• Waker continuing dream is super waker Jnani continuing a grihastha life.
Jnani - Never forgets Advaitam
Grihastha Sanyasi
Hearing the words of the teacher, the disciple prostrated to him with reverence, and obtaining
his permission, went his way, freed from bondage. [Verse 577]
a) Iti :
• Part dialogue is over
• Ends entire dialogue Started in Verse 21 to 104
b) Guroho Vakyam Srutva :
• Having heard teachings of guru and Parting Advice. 1037
c) Prashra Yena Krutaniti Abavatu :
• Prashra Yena : reverentially, Kruta Natihi, Sishya offered Sashtanga Namaskara.
• Anatihi = Namaskaram.
Real Solid Namaskara
I have no fear of death, nor (have I) any distinction of caste. I have neither father, nor mother
nor (even) birth, no relation, nor friend. For me there is no Guru and no disciple. I am pure
Knowledge and Bliss, I am all auspiciousness, I am Siva. [Verse 5] 1038
• In Vyavaharika Drishti he will still be Guru.
• Bavat Dvaitam Sada Kuryat.
• Kriyat Dvaitam Na Karhichitu Advaitam Trishu Lokeshu
• Na Dvaitam Guru Na Saha…
• May you remember Advaitam within only.
• In transactions respect differences in duality and relate appropriately.
• In Vyavahara no Advaitam
• Advaitam is the truth in all 3 Lokas but even after Jnanam, when you meet Guru, do
Sashtanga Namaskara for worldly purposes, relationship continues.
f) Saha Nirmukta Bandanaha San Yayan :
• Bandah = Mistaking Jiva Bhava as myself, self misconception is gone.
• One who has dropped Shackles for good.
• Muktah Purusha.
• Yayau - He went away, Parivrajaka Sanyasi
• Vidwat Sanyasi - Rainy season stays in one Place, Danda means discipline, Follows
Chaturmasya Vratam.
• After dropping, need not follow disciplines.
• Now all stay in Ashrama, Take spirit of Sanyasa, rules not followed now. 1039
• Parityajya Vajati, gives up everything.
• Books Pramanam, till I get Prama.
• What he remembers, uses for Nididhyasanam.
What does guru do?
• Guru looses status of Guru
Verse 106 :
And the teacher, his mind immersed in the ocean eternal bliss, forever wandered about,
indeed blessing the whole world. [Verse 578]
a) Evam :
• Like disciple, Guru also left the place.
b) Nirantharam Vichachara :
• Moved about continuously without Break.
• 1, 3, 5, 7 - Nights stay in one Place.
c) Vasudam Sarvam Pavayan :
• When Shishya comes, guru Shares knowledge.
• Teaching also Samsara, some don’t teach.
• Some remain in cave, Observe Silence. 1040
Model :
• Can be comfortable living alone
• Pavan Sanctify, purify, Punati, Pavayati, through teaching
• All time immersed in teaching, Looking at himself as Nirgunam Brahma or Saguna
Ishvara, and looks at whole world.
• Looks at wonderful sunrise..
• Mind has only one Pre-occupation - immersed in teaching.
Looks at himself
- Jagat Appearance
Gita :
- Vibhuti Yoga (Chapter 10)
- Nature Admired
Bhakta Jnani
Admires world as Admires as my glories
Vishwaroopa Ishvara
• Appreciation, Admiration, Joy continues for the world.
d) Sada Ananda Sindau :
• In the ocean of Ananda
e) Nirmagna Manasaha :
• His mind immersed, soaked, drenched, Gulab Jamoon in Syrup.
• Jnanis mind in Syrup of Ananda - Sada always
• Sindou = Ocean
• Nirmagnah = Immersed
• Manasam = Mind
• With mind immersed in Brahma Ananda, Guru moves about, Sanctifying the earth.
• Dve Rupe Vasudevasya Charachara Meracha….
Bhagawan has 2 Versions
Mobile Immobile
Thus, by means of a dialogue between the teacher and the disciple, the Atman has been
indicated for the easy comprehension of Seekers after liberation. [Verse 579]
a) Iti :
• In this Manner Guru and shishya have left
• Shankara addresses students.
b) Atma Lakshanam Nirupitam :
• Through Vivekachudamani, 577 Verses, 106 Verses.
• Atma Svarupam, nature of Atma has been revealed with the help of Shastra
• Atma = Self showing Mirror of Shastra.
Example :
• Can’t see my face by any amount of effort.
• Using eyes, can’t be seen
• Seer can’t be seen.
• Knower can’t be known 1043
• I have no way of knowing who I am
• I require mirror called Shastram.
• Nature of self, Atma Vidya has been imported.
• In what manner?
c) Acharasya Sishyasya Samvadena :
• By Means of dialogue between Guru and Sishya, like Krishna - Arjuna Samvada.
Nature revealed for Whom?
• Not freely distributed, then value will go away.
• Youtube - Free, Value goes down
• Unless person specifically asks and Guru makes it difficult, to check sincerity of
d) Mumukshunam :
• For those who seek Moksha…
e) Sukha Bodha :
• For effortless understanding
f) Upapaddaye :
• Summarized Vedic teaching in this Vivekachudamani.
Verse 108 :
For those who are afflicted in this Samsara by the burning pains caused by the scorching
sunrays of the threefold sorrows (Adhyatmika, Adhidaivika and Adhibhautika), and those who,
in delusion, roam in a desert in search of water, for them here is the glorious message of
Shankara pointing out the ocean of nectar, the non-dual Brahman, within easy reach, in order
to lend them to liberation. [Verse 581]
Shankara Asks?
• What is the relevance of Vivekachudamani for the humanity?
• Ancient, old become obsolete
• Gadgets - computer, mobile in 2 Years - Obsolete.
• Metaphoric verse imagery example, some crossing Vast desert to reach other side of
• Walking from morning, Noon, tired, in the Middle of desert, Summer, Scorching rays
of sun, sand Radiating heat, Calculations gone wrong, ration of water exhausted.
• No water in hand, have to go long way.
• May not survive, in the Middle of Desert.
• Looking for water see mirage water, disappointed, more thirsty because of running.1045
In Desperate situation :
• Guru comes shows where water is, Dig underneath - Pure water is there.
• Gives knowledge and goes
• Dig and get water, get back life, which was almost gone.
• What is the relevance of words of guru for thirsty person?
• What money you have to pay?
• You wont know Value because you sit in A/c Room with water bottles around.
• Similarly Samsaris are those who have understood problem of Samsara and are thirsty
for Moksha.
• Samsari’s, Travellers, Anaadi Kala, Travel body to body.
• World, desert, Has no water, Has no peace and Joy
Scorching Sun
Causes Pain
3 Fold Tapah
Water Immortality
• For thirsty people, words reveal water body.
• For Samsari Jivas, words revealing water body called immortality, Ocean.
• Where is the ocean?
• Adhi Asanna : it is extremely close by
• Desert people travelling all over but water under their feet.
• Similarly, I am travelling all over for happiness.
• Right under the Panchakoshas is the Ocean of Immortality, Happiness
• Fountain of Atma Ananda is Available.
g) It is Sukha Kharam :
• Source of infinite Ananda. 1049
h) Advayam Brahma :
• It is the only source called, Non-dual Brahman - Ocean of Joy
i) Shankara Bharati Darshayanti :
Shankara Bharati
Lecture 47
Summary - 108 Verses :
3 Fold Tapah
( II ) ( IV )
That by which one understands the exact import of the scriptures as well as the pregnant
words of advice of the preceptor is called Sraddha* by the wise; by this alone does Reality
become manifestly clear. [ Verse 25]
i) Ko Nama Bandaha?
• What is Bondage? Samsara?
• Mistaking Body - Mind sense complex as I
• Self mistake, Misconception, Adhyasa, Jiva Bhava, Ahamkara, well Crystalized
• Mistake is in intellect
• Samsara is an intellectual problem, intellectual study, knowledge important to remove
ii) Katham Eva Aagathaha :
• How did self mistake arise?
• Self mistake because of Self ignorance. 1055
• Atma Agyanat - Anatma Abhimana.
• Self ignorance did not come it just “is”
• It never came, it has been there like any other ignorance
iii) Katham Asya Pratishta?
• How does it persist so long?
• Everything in creation Perishes in time
• Whole universe perishes, self ignorance and self Bondage perpetuates itself.
• Tree - 10 Comparisons.
Verse 43 :
Ignorance is the seed of the tree of samsara, the worldy existence. Body-identification is the
sprout, desires are its tender leaves, actions are its water, the body is the trunk, the Pranas are
its branches, the sense-organs are its twigs, the sense-objects are its flowers, different miseries
born out of the varieties of actions are the fruits and the individual soul is the bird perched
upon it. [Verse 145] 1056
Self ignorance self
Intellectual Samsara
Preparatory steps
(I) ( II )
Sruti Yukti
i) Sruti Pramanam :
• Taittriya Pancha Kosha Viveka - you are not Annamaya
Taittriya Upanishad :
Other than that (soul) made up of the essence of food there is an inner soul (Sheath) made of
the Prana. With it this is filled. This (Pranamaya) is of the same form as the previous. Its human
form is exactly as the human form of the former. Of that, Prana is the head, Vyana is the right
side, Apnana the left side, Akasa is the trunk, earth is the tail or the support about this also
there is the following Vaidika Verse. [2 - 2 - 2]
Of that former (Annamaya), this Pranamaya is the Atman. Different from this Pranamaya – Self
made up of the Pranas, there is another self constituted of the mind. With that self made of
mind, the Pranamaya is full. This also is of the form of man. Its human form is according to that
of the former. Of it, Yajus is the head, Rk is the right side, Saman is the left side, the scriptural
injunction (Adesa) is the trunk and the group of hymns of Atharva-Vada is the tail and the
support. There is the following Vaidika Verse about it. [2 - 3 - 2]
Taittriya Upanishad :
Different from that made up of mind (Manas) is another inner soul made up of intelligence
(Vijnana) and by that this (Manomaya-self) is filled. It also has the shape of Man. According to
the human shape of the Previous, is the human shape of this one. Faith (Sraddha) is its head,
righteousness (rtam) its right side, truth (Satyam) Its left side, Yoga is the trunk and total
intellect (Mahah) is the tail and the Support. There is this following Vaidika Verse about it.
[2 - 4 - 2] 1065
Taittriya Upanishad :
Of that, of the former, this one verily is the embodied self. Different from this self made up of
intellect (Vijnanamaya) is another self within, formed of bliss (Anandamaya). By this, that is
filled (By Anandamaya the Vijnanamaya is full). It also has the shape of man. According to the
human form of that is the human form of this. Of it, Joy (Priya) is the right side, Rejoicing
(Moda) is the left side, and bliss (Pramoda) is the trunk. Brahman is the tail support. There is
this following Vaidika Verse about it. [2 - 5 - 2]
Atma = real you is not :
• Anna / Prana / Mano / Vigyana / Ananda Maya
• 3 Sharirams introduced as 5 Koshas.
• Use - Neti - Neti method given by the Veda
ii) Yukti - Logic :
• Drk Drishya Viveka. 1066
i) Law :
• I am always different from what I experience
ii) :
• Drk is changelessly experiencing Drishyam
iii) :
• I experience table, chair, Body, Mind, I am not any one of them.
Drk Drishyam
- Chaitanyam - Mind - Body - world
- Ultimate knower - 5 Koshas
• Internally I know sense organs, whether they see, hear, feel, smell, taste or not.
• In deep sleep state, I experience the Karana Shariram.
• Through Karana Shariram, I register the absence of all experiences in the Karana
o Karan Shariram
o Object of Chaitanyam
o Blankness or Avidya
• Therefore I observer am different from all Observed.
• I am Pancha Kosha Vilakshana, different from 5 Koshas, Sharira Traya Vilakshana,
Avastha Traya Sakshi (Witness), observer of all Anatma.
• I use Body - Mind - Sense complex but I am not them. 1067
• This is a huge progress
• I know Answer of 7 Questions
Next enquiry : Topic iii :
• Verse 61 to 82 - Jiva Ishvara Aikya Vichara - Mahavakya Vichara
Jiva Ishvara
Created individual Creator God
• Both are one and the same according to Upanishads
• Revealing sentence = Mahavakyam, Central theme of teaching.
How to identify Central theme?
• Mimamsa method, Science of Vedic interpretation, Tatparyam - 6 Markers - Clues
• Shad Lingani
Brahma Sutra :
But that Brahman (is known from the Upanisads), (It) being the object of
their fullest import. [I – I – 4]
• Gist of enquiry
• Created individual and creator can’t be equal on Superficial observation.
Individual God
- Miserable - Omniscient
- Omnipotent
- Anantha Kalyana Guna
- Has Auspicious Virtues
• Inferior qualities of individual and superior Virtues of god are not intrinsic.
• Intrinsic nature of Jiva and God is only one Principle.
• Behind changing Jiva and God, there is Changeless consciousness.
• God changes as Srishti, Sthithi, Laya Karta, Waking, dream, sleep, Prapanchas. 1069
Active God Passive God
- Srishti - Pralayam
- Yoga Nidra
• We sleep - Nidra
• Behind changing Ishvara there must changeless Principle, which alone can be called
Real Bhagawan.
Jiva God
4 Examples
Gets - 2 Names
Jiva Ishvara
• Remove Shariram and Maya Mentally, consciousness is like space, one indivisible,
• From Medium Angle, different
• From essential angle, they are identical.
Upadhi Drishtya Upahitam Drishtya
Bheda Abheda
Last Question :
Jiva - Ishvara
Bheda Abheda Vada Refutation
- Bheda - Unreal - Products of Maya
- Difference - w.r.t Consciousness - Unreal
- Belongs to Mithya - World
Prapancha - Body
- Unreal
- w.r.t Consciousness
• Brahma Satyam, jagan Mithya
• You can have Mithya Bheda and Satya Abheda = Advaitam
• Don’t be carried by unreal differences
• Use unreal differences for transactions like watching unreal movie for entertainment
but don’t forget the real Screen.
• Use the Upadhi, see the differences and transact.
• In and through all transactions, see Non-changing Brahman.
Gita :
I do nothing at all, thus would the harmonised knower of Truth think – seeing, hearing,
touching, smelling, eating, going, sleeping, breathing... [Chapter 5 – Verse 8] 1073
Gita :
Speaking, letting go, seizing, opening and closing the eyes – convinced that the senses move
among the sense objects. [Chapter 5 – Verse 9]
• Don’t forget Aham Akarta - Abokta, Nitya, Mukta, Brahma, Asmi
• Aham Brahma Asmi - Aikya Jnanam gives me liberation.
• Helps me to discover : Real I was never bound, to be liberated
• Bondage, I superimposed by mistake, and I removed the Superimposition and claimed
the liberation which was there, which will ever be there.
• Knowledge does not give liberation.
• Knowledge removes the notion - I was bound by Ahamkara
• I am Nitya Mukta Sakshi
• Knowledge helps us to claim Moksha as our eternal Nature.
Verse 61 to 82 - Most Important :
• Part of condensed Vivekachudamani (22 Verses) 1074
• Read again and Again till it is clear.
Topic iv : Verses 83 to 101 :
• Jnana Phalam
Jnana Phalam
Intellectual Emotional
• Dialogue concludes
Next Project :
• 40 Meditation verses
• Nididhyasanam technical