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Kalyana Kalpa-Taru: Bhajana Festival Weekly Conference 9

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Kalyana Kalpa-Taru

Bhajana Festival
Weekly Conference 9
Srila Bhaktivinode Bhajan Boat

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
• Review of Upadesa Branch
• Second Branch Upalabdhi
• Upalabdhi Song 1- Whole Life Wasted
• Featuring: Srivani Mataji & Gauravani
• Talk on symptoms of repentance
HG Ramatulsi Mataji
• Upalabdhi Songs 2- 5 Narrations
• When will that day come?
Featuring Chris McDaniels
• Open discussion
Upadesa (spiritual advice) Review
• The souls real position CC Madhya 19.149
• Mundane Lust vs. Spiritual kṛṣṇa-bhakta — niṣkāma, ataeva ‘śānta’
Lust bhukti-mukti-siddhi-kāmī — sakali ‘aśānta’
• Madness for Wealth is
Ridiculous karmis Because a devotee of Lord Krsna is desireless,
• Bodily Beauty is Temporary he is peaceful. Fruitive workers desire material enjoyment,
• Demigod worship put into Jnanis desire liberation, and yogis desire material opulence;
Therefore they are all lusty and cannot be peaceful.
• Caste-Pride is False
• Mundane Knowledge is
Most Harmful jnanis
Anartas (weeds)
• Scientific Doubts Resolved
• Impersonal doubts vs. • Sannyasa not as important as devotion
Personal Truth • Traveling on Pilgrimage not necessary
Bhakti-rasamrta sindhu
• Scholarly Logic kicked out adau sraddha tatah sadhu sango • Austerity and Penance Defined
• Merging with Brahman is ‘tha bhajana kriya tato • Cheating Devotees are Rejectable
‘narth-nivrttih syah tato nistha • Fault-Finders of the Disciplic Succession
• Hatha yoga is unnecessary rucis tatah Rectified
Athasaktis tato bhavas tatah premabhyudancati • Bogus Ecstatic Symptoms
Sadhakanam ayam premnah pradurbhave bhavet kramah
• Lust is not Love
Upalabdhi (attainment of realization)
• Attainment of the symptoms of
heartfelt repentance
• Attainment of the symptoms of
despondent, disinterested
callousness towards material worldly
• Attainment of the realization of one’s
relationship with the Lord, actions
according to the relationship, and
realization of the final goal
• The Nature of the Misled
Siddha- Deha
• Realization of Relationship with
Krsna, Actions according to that
• Whole Life Wasted Relationship, and the Supreme
• Bereft of Devotees Association Goal of Life
• Time Wasted in Karma • Vaisnava Truth
• Poisonous Mayavada Philosophy • Imitation Model of Vaikuntha
• Remedy for Mayavada and Misery • Worship Now, Not Later
• Material life is Not Nice
• How Material Hope Increase
• Bhukti and Mukti Rejected
• Rare Human Birth Wasted
Sri Sri Kalyan Kalpa-taru
The Desire-Tree of Auspiciousness

Whole life wasted

ami ati pamara durjana
ki korinu hay hay, prakrtir dasatay,
katainu amulya jibana
Oh no! Just see my condition now! I must be the most sinful rogue of
all! Alas, alas, what have I done, what have I done? The human form of
life is very rare, but I have passed such a priceless life engaged simply
as a slave in the service of the material energy!
Sri Sri Kalyan Kalpa-taru
The Desire-Tree of Auspiciousness

Koto-dina garvbhavase, katainu anayase,

balya gelo bala-dharma-base
gramya-dharma e jaubana, miche dinu bisarjana,
brddha kala-elo abasese
How much time have I spent being packed up in the womb of my
mother? After being born, my childhood was spent simply playing
around frivolously, according to the nature of children. Then my youth
quickly passed by in executing many different obligations according to
social customs. All those days having been wasted uselessly,
I now suffer old age in the end as my only reward.
Sri Sri Kalyan Kalpa-taru
The Desire-Tree of Auspiciousness

bisaye nahiko sukha, bhoga-sakti subaimukha,

anta danta, sarira asakta
Jibana jantranamoy, maranete sada bhoy,
bolo kise hoi anurakta
I can no longer get any pleasure from sense gratification, for my power
to enjoy has now become reversed. My teeth as well as my whole body
have now become disabled and weak. Various aches and pains make
my daily life unbearable, and I am haunted by continuously hovering
fear of death. Due to all this, I don't feel as if there is any security or
protection from any quarter. Therefore to what can I
possibly remain attached to in this world?
Sri Sri Kalyan Kalpa-taru
The Desire-Tree of Auspiciousness

Bhoga-bastu-bhoga-sakti, ta'te chilo anurakti,

Je-paryanta chilo dehe bala
samasta bigata ho’lo, ki loiya thaki bolo,
ebe citta sadai cancala
My enjoyment of this body was limited to material sense objects
coupled with my drive to enjoy them. But now my attachment and
inclination to all this has faded away. Everything in life having now
passed me by, my heart is extremely worried about how to hold onto
this emaciated old life.
Sri Sri Kalyan Kalpa-taru
The Desire-Tree of Auspiciousness
samarthya thakite kay, hari na bhajinu hay,
asanna kalete kiba kori?
dhik mor e jibane, na sadhinu nitya dhane
mitra chadi' bhajilam ari
Alas! The real problem is that when I was young and fit, I have passed
this life without ever worshiping the Supreme Lord Hari. Being bereft
of the power to hold onto this body, what will I do now that the final
moment is approaching. Oh, to hell with my entire life! I never took
advantage of the actual eternal treasure. Instead, I have abandoned
my real friend (Hari) only to worship my enemy,
(this miserable material energy).
Sri Sri Kalyan Kalpa-taru
The Desire-Tree of Auspiciousness

Bereft of devotees' association

Sadhu-sanga na hoilo hay!
gelo dina akarana, kori'artha uparjana,
paramartha rohilo kothay?
Alas! Now I realize that all of my days had passed uselessly, for I never
had the great fortune of associating with the devotees of the Lord.
Therefore instead of hearing from them about the process of attaining
the topmost goal of human life, I have wasted my time simply working
hard to earn money.
Sri Sri Kalyan Kalpa-taru
The Desire-Tree of Auspiciousness

suvarna koriya tyaga, tuccha lostre anuraga

durbhagar ei to' laksana
krsnetar sanga kori', sadhu jane prihari',
mada garve katanu jibana
This is such a unfortunate calamity, for I now consider that I have
rejected pure gold simply to become attached and devoted to a small
clod of dirt. In other words, I have abandoned the bright-faced golden
devotees of the Lord to associate with filthy dirty persons who are
averse to Krsna. Thus in their company I have passed my
entire life dazed in madly intoxicated vanity.
Sri Sri Kalyan Kalpa-taru
The Desire-Tree of Auspiciousness

bhakti mudra-darasane, hasya koritam mane,

batulata boliya tahay
je sabhyata sresta gani', harainu cintamani,
sese taha rohilo kothay?
Whenever I saw someone decorated with the signs of a Vaisnava like
tilaka, neck beads and sikha, etc., I would laugh at them within my
mind, considering them to be completely insane. Regarding this
attitude of mine to be the most highly cultured behavior, I have
thereby robbed myself of the transcendental association of those
touch stone-like devotees. So now in the end I am wondering.
. . where has all this nonsense led me to?
Sri Sri Kalyan Kalpa-taru
The Desire-Tree of Auspiciousness

Ebe jadi sadhu jane, krpa kori’ e durjane,

dena bhakti-samudrer bindhu
ta' hoile anayase, mukta ho'ye bhava-pase,
par hoi e samsar sindhu
Now I have just one last hope. If only the devotees would be merciful to
this sinful rogue by sprinkling me; with one drop from the
bhakti-rasamrtasindhu, the nectarine ocean of pure devotion, then I will be
satisfied. By the sweet influence of that single drop, I will instantly and
effortlessly become liberated from the strong grip of; this material world,
and thus I will finally be able to cross over
the ocean of nescience.
Sri Sri Kalyan Kalpa-taru
The Desire-Tree of Auspiciousness

jnaner garima bale, bhakti-rupa susambale,

upeksinu svartha pasariya
dusta jadasritajnana, ebe ho'lo antardhana,
karma bho-ge amake rakhiya
On the strength of my material education, I became puffed up and
completely overlooked the most auspicious form of spiritual life, which is
available only by devotional service. Thus I have completely steered clear of
the ultimate goal of life. But now in my old age, all of this polluted material
knowledge I worked so hard for is dwindling, for my memory is gradually
fading away. Just see how I am captured and tormented
in enjoying the fruits of my previous material activities!
Sri Sri Kalyan Kalpa-taru
The Desire-Tree of Auspiciousness

Time wasted in karma

ore mana, karmer kuhare gelo kal
svargadi sukher ase, porilam karma-phanse,
Urnanabhi-sama karma-jal
Oh my dear mind! What shall I say to you now? All my time has been
spent inside the deep pit of fruitive activities. With high hopes of
future happiness in the heavenly planets,
I have fallen into the trap of fruitive actions and reaction,
which is exactly like the entangling web of a spider.
Sri Sri Kalyan Kalpa-taru
The Desire-Tree of Auspiciousness
upavasa-brata dhori', nana kaya-klesa kori',
bhasme ghrta daliya apar
marilam nija dose, jara-maraner phanse,
hoibare narinu uddhar
Observing many different types of austere vows and fasting to achieve
some future heavenly goal, I thus performed such useless physical
labor for no real tangible result. This was just like pouring oblations of
ghee onto dry ashes only. Now I am being strangled within the noose
of karma, being destroyed by my own foolish nonsense. And the only
result is that I have not been able to deliver myself
from this predicament.
Sri Sri Kalyan Kalpa-taru
The Desire-Tree of Auspiciousness

barnasrama-dharma yaji ’, nana deba-debi bhaji’

mada-garve katainu jibana
sthira na hoilo mana, na labhinu santi-dhana,
na bhyajinu sri-krsna-carana
I conducted many sacrifices in honor of may different demigods and
goddesses, as is recommended for householders in the varnasrama-dharma
system. But by doing this I only became so puffed up that I wasted my
whole life in such delirious pride. I never got any peace of mind by doing all
this, for I completely missed out on the golden treasure of spiritual
satisfaction. So much trouble I underwent because I never
Worshiped the beautiful lotus feet of Sri Krsna!
Sri Sri Kalyan Kalpa-taru
The Desire-Tree of Auspiciousness

dhik mor e jibane, dhik mor dhana-jane,

dhik mor barna-abhimana
dhik mor kula-mane, dhik sastra adhyayane,
hari-bhakti na pailo sthana
Therefore to hell with my whole life! To hell with all my wealth and
followers! To hell with my caste-pride! To hell with all my so-called
dignity of family prestige! To hell with my studies of the karma-khanda
scriptures, for I have not become fixed up in pure devotion to Lord
Sri Sri Kalyan Kalpa-taru
The Desire-Tree of Auspiciousness

Poisonous mayavada philosophy

ore mana, ki bipada hoilo amar!
mayar duratmya-jvare, bikar jibere dhore,
taha hoite paite nistar
Oh my dear mind, just see what calamity has befallen me now! My
soul is captured in a perverted delirium due to maya’s cruel tyrannical
treatment, which burns me with material miseries just like fire. An
with a hope of becoming freed from all this. . .
Sri Sri Kalyan Kalpa-taru
The Desire-Tree of Auspiciousness
sadhinu advaita mata, jahe maya hoy hata,
bisa sebi' bikar katilo
kintu e durbhagya mor, bikar katilo ghora,
biser jvalay prana gelo
. . . I took to the path of non-dual monistic mayavada philosophy,
which finishes all of maya's troubles when one merges with the
"oneness". Thus drinking poison, I have successfully become rid of the
disturbing delirium of maya. But just see what an unfortunate mishap
has arisen now! Although the difficulties caused by the material world
have been eradicated, my life is now being vanquished by
the burning poison of that deadly mayavada philosophy.
Sri Sri Kalyan Kalpa-taru
The Desire-Tree of Auspiciousness
"ami brahma ekamatra", e jvalay dahe gatra,
ihar upay kiba bhai?
bikar je chilo bhalo, ausadha janjal ho’lo,
Ausadha-ausadha kotha pay?
By thinking "I am only spirit", one certainly burns up any attachment to
the material body. But is that the real final remedy, oh mind, my dear
brother? Certainly it is good that the disturbance of material
tribulations has been relieved, but the so-called "medicine" of the
mayavada philosophy has now become an unwanted burden, another
trouble all over again. So now tell me where you will
get the medicine which will cure this "medicine“?
Sri Sri Kalyan Kalpa-taru
The Desire-Tree of Auspiciousness
maya-datta ku-bikar, mayavada bisa-bhar,
e dui apada nibarana
hari-namamrta pana, sadhu Baidya-subidhana,
Sri-krsna-caitanya sri-carana
These two dangers: 1) nasty troubles given by maya, and 2) the
poisonous burden of mayavada philosophy, can be prevented and
curbed completely by taking the nice prescription medicine
recommended by the devotee-physicians. And that ecstatic
prescription is to drink with gusto the immortal nectar of
harinama at the divine lotus feet of Sri Krsna
Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Sri Sri Kalyan Kalpa-taru
The Desire-Tree of Auspiciousness

Remedy for mayavada and misery

ore mana, klesa tapad dekhi je asesa
avidya, asmita ar, abhinivesa durbar,
raga, dvesa --- ei panca klesa
My dear mind, all I can see is unlimited material miseries and
difficulties on all sides. Especially there are these five specific troubles:
1) ignorance,
2) distraction,
3) mis-concentration,
4) mis-directed love, and
5) impurity.
Sri Sri Kalyan Kalpa-taru
The Desire-Tree of Auspiciousness

avidyatma-bismarana, asmityanya-bhibhavana,
abhinivesanye gadamati
anye priti ragandhata,vidvesatma bisuddhata,
panca klesa sadai durgati
(According to Patanjali's Yoga sutra, Sadhana pada, third sutra);
The affliction of these five miseries results in continuous degradation in the following ways:
1) AVIDYA: ignorance makes me completely forgetful of my nature as pure spirit soul
2) ASMITA: conceited egoistic pride causes me to be distracted from the real essence of life.
3) ABHINIVESA: I have become deeply absorbed in trivial pursuits;
4) RAGA: I've developed love and attachment to things which are averse to
pure God-consciousness; and
5)DVESA: my soul has become filthy and polluted by nasty qualities.
Sri Sri Kalyan Kalpa-taru
The Desire-Tree of Auspiciousness

bhuliya baikuntha-tattva, maya-bhoge su-pramatta,

'ami' 'ami' koriya bedai
'e amar, se amar', e bhavana anibar,
byasta kore' mor citta bhai
Due to all these distracting troubles, I am forgetting my real home in
the spiritual world, the eternal land of no anxiety. And I have become
completely mad by frantically trying to enjoy all the so-called
enjoyments offered by maya’s illusions. Thus I surround myself with so
many misconceptions of "me, me, me". Oh mind, my dear brother, just
see how my heart has become full of so much anxiety due
to constant worries about "this is mine, that is mine".
Sri Sri Kalyan Kalpa-taru
The Desire-Tree of Auspiciousness

e roga sama-nopay, anvesiya hay hay

mlle baldya sadya yamopama
ami brahmamaya bhram-a' ei ausadher krama,
dheki' cinta hoilo bisama
I am searching for the remedy to cure this material disease of being
tortured by Yamaraja, but oh no! I've met a doctor who is no better
than Yamaraja at all. This 'doctor' has given me the prescription "I am
Brahman, maya is false", but now when I see the result of this so-called
medicine, I feel an unbearable anxiety in my conscience.
Sri Sri Kalyan Kalpa-taru
The Desire-Tree of Auspiciousness

eke to' roger kasta, yamopama baidya bhrasta,

e jantrana kise jay mor?
sri caitanya doyamoy, koro’ jadi samasroy,
par habe e bipada ghor
On one side I feel great difficult and grief from these five material miseries,
and on the other side stands the corrupted doctor (the Mayavadi who is
just like another Yamaraja). How will I ever be able to get freed from being
sandwiched in between this tormenting agony? There is only one remedy,
that is: if I would simply take complete shelter of Lord Caitanya, Who is
know to be the Most Merciful, then only I will easily cross
over this ghastly calamity.
Sri Sri Kalyan Kalpa-taru
The Desire-Tree of Auspiciousness
When will the day come when I am yours?
When will my eyes shine with tears of Love? When in my heart will your sweet mercy shine?
I want to know you’re there in everything Lighting up the darkness of my troubled mind
I want your love to flow like rain from skies Soothing rays like moonlight upon my eyes
above Cooling the fire of desire--- your love is sublime
2 4 And I Know that one day I ‘ll be with
And I Know that one day I ‘ll be You’ll see me through
with To get home to you
You’ll see me through You are the friend with in my heart
To get home to you Your giving me a brand new start
You are the friend with in my heart I never want to be apart
Krsna Krsna
Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

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