Kalyana Kalpa-Taru: Bhajana Festival Weekly Conference 9
Kalyana Kalpa-Taru: Bhajana Festival Weekly Conference 9
Kalyana Kalpa-Taru: Bhajana Festival Weekly Conference 9
Bhajana Festival
Weekly Conference 9
Srila Bhaktivinode Bhajan Boat
avidyatma-bismarana, asmityanya-bhibhavana,
abhinivesanye gadamati
anye priti ragandhata,vidvesatma bisuddhata,
panca klesa sadai durgati
(According to Patanjali's Yoga sutra, Sadhana pada, third sutra);
The affliction of these five miseries results in continuous degradation in the following ways:
1) AVIDYA: ignorance makes me completely forgetful of my nature as pure spirit soul
2) ASMITA: conceited egoistic pride causes me to be distracted from the real essence of life.
3) ABHINIVESA: I have become deeply absorbed in trivial pursuits;
4) RAGA: I've developed love and attachment to things which are averse to
pure God-consciousness; and
5)DVESA: my soul has become filthy and polluted by nasty qualities.
Sri Sri Kalyan Kalpa-taru
The Desire-Tree of Auspiciousness