Solution state:- The solution states are those problem states S for which
the path from root to S defines a tuple in the solution space.
For the above solution space, the solution states represented in the form of
a triple i.e.,(1,3,6) (1,3,7) are the solution states.
Answer state:- Answer states are those solution states for which the path
from root to the solution state defines a tuple that is in member of set of
solution of the problem.
Live node:- A node which has been generated and all children not yet
been generated is called a live node.
This node B is live node since the children of this node are not yet
E-node:- The live node whose children are currently being expanded is
called E-node.
Dead Node:- A dead node is generated node which is not to expand
further or all of whose children have been generated.
Bounding Function:- This is a function which is used to kill live nodes
without generating all their children.
Explicit constraints:- These are rules which restrict each x i to take on
values only from a given set.
1. In knapsack problem, the explicit constraints are x i=0 or 1 and
2. In 4 queens problem, 4 queens can be placed in 44 chess board in
44 ways.
Algorithm Backtrack(n)
k: =1;
while (k0)do
if there remains an untried x[k]T(x[1], x [2] … X[k-
Bk (x(1), x(2)….x(k)) then
if (x[1], x[2], …. X[k] is a path to an answer then write
k: = k+1
K: = k-1
Answer: -
Consider a 4x4 chess board. Let there are 4 queens. The objective
is to place there 4 queens on 4x4 chess board in such a way that
no two queens should be placed in the same row, same column or
diagonal position. The explicit constraints are 4 queens are to be
placed on 4x4 chess board in 4 4
ways. The implicit constraints are
no two queens are in the same row or column or diagonal.
Let { x1, x2, x3, x4} be the solution vector where xi represents the
column number on which the queen i is to be placed.
The second queen should not be placed in first row and second
column. It should be placed in second row and in second, third
or fourth column. If we place in second column, both will be in
same diagonal, so place it in third column.
Q1 . . are
We unable
. . Q2 . . . .
it some where else
Q1 Q1
Q2 Q2 Now the fourth queen
should be placed in 4th
row and 3rd column but there will be a diagonal attack from Q 3.
So go back remove Q3 and place it in the next column. But it is
not possible, so move back to Q 2 and remove it to next column
but it is not possible. So go back to Q 1 and move it to next
column. It can be shown as follows.
Hence the solution to 4 queens problem is x 1=2; x2 = 4; x3=1; x4
i.e. first queen is placed in 2 nd column, second queen is placed in
4th column, third queen is placed in first column and fourth queen
is placed in third column.
1 1 1 1
Q2 Q2 Q2
3 3
The state space tree for the given problem is
Q) State and explain 8 queens problem? (Nov.06, July-05)
Q) Describe about 8 queens problem? (Jan -03, Q7(a)
Q) Write back tracking algorithm for 8 queens problem?
Ans: -
Consider a 8x8 chess board. Let there are 8 queens. The objective
is to place these 8 queens on the board so that no two queens are
on the same row or same column or same diagonal.
Let A [1:8, 1:8] be the 2x2 array representing the squares of chess
board. To queens are numbered 1 through 8. Each queen must be
on a different row.
Suppose (i,j) and (k,l) are the two positions for two queens. They
are on the same diagonal iff
j-l = i-k
The solution is (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8) = (4,6,8,2,7,1,3,5)
The solution space tree of 8 queens problem contain 8 8 tuple. After
imposing implicit constraints, the size of solution space reduced to
8! Tuples. Hence the time complexity is 0 (8!). For n-queens
problem, it is 0(n!).
4 1 4 3
2 3
1 2
A graph is said to be planar iff it can be drawn in a plane in such a
way that no two edges cross each other.
3 4
Fig: - A map and its planar graph representation. The above graph
requires 4 colors.
Algorithm m coloring (k)
//This algorithm was formed using the recursive
//back backing schema. The graph is represented
//by its boolean adjacency matrix G[1:n, 1:n]. All
Assignments of 1,2,….,m to the vertices of the
//graph such that adjacent vertices are assigned
//distinct integers are printed. k is the index of the
//next vertex to color.
{//generate all legal assignments for x[k]
nextvalue (k); //assign to x[k] a legal color
if (k=n) then //atmost m colors have been used
//to color the n vertices
write (x[1:n]);
else mcoloring (k+1);
Algorithm next value (k)
//x[1], …., x[k-1] have been assigned integer values in
//the range [1,m] such that adjacent vertices have
//district integers. A value for x[k] is determined in
//the range [o,m]. x[k] is assigned the next
//highest numbered color while maintaining
//distinctness from the adjacent vertices of vertex k
//if no such color exists, then x[k] is o.
x[k]: - (x[k]+1) mad (m+1); //next highest color
if (x[k]=0) then return; //all colors have been used
for j:-1 to n do
//check if this color is distinet from adj.colors
if ((G[k,j]0) and (x[k]=x[j]))
//if [k,j] is an edge and if adj.vertices have
//the same color
Then break;
if (j=n+1) then return; //new color found
} until (false); //otherwise try to find another color
q) Generate all possible 3 coloring for the following graphs with 4-
nodes using a state space. (feb.2004)
1 2
4 3
Hamiltonian Cycles: - (HC)
Q) Explain what is a Hamiltonian cycle? (Jan.2006)
Q) Briefly explain about Hamiltonian cycle? (Jan. 2003)
Q) What is a HC? Give an example? (July 2005)
Q) What is a HC? Give an example for the same? (Oct.99)
Q) Write a recursive back tracking algorithm to find all the HC’s of
a given graph? (Nov.2006, July 2005)
Q) Write an algorithm for finding HC of a graph? (Feb. 2005)
Q) What is a HC? Write a recursive back tracking algorithm to find
all the HC of a given graph? (Feb.2004)
Q) Develop an algorithm for finding minimum cost HC in a given
connected graph using back tracking porinciple? (Apr/May 2007)
Q) Develop a recursive backtracking algorithm to find the least
cost HC in a given connected graph? (April 2000)
Q) Define the term HC and explain the back tracking algorithm for
finding all the HC in a given graph? (April 1998)
Ans: -
Let G = (V,E) be a connected graph consisting of n vertices. A HC is
a round trip path along n edges of G that visits every vertex once
and returns to its starting position.
2 3
4 5
Let [X1, X2, …., Xn] be the solution vector where X i is the ith visited vertex of
the proposed H.C. We have to determine how to compute the set of
possible vertices for Xk if X1, X2, …. Xk-1 have been already chosen.
If k=1, the X1 can be any of the n vertices. To avoid printing same cycle n
times, we require that X1 = 1 (i.e. the vertex is selected). If 1<k<n, then X k
can be any vertex v which is distinct from X 1, X2, …. Xk-1 and v is connected
by an edge to Xk-1. The vertex Xn can only be the one remaining vertex and
it must be connect5ed to both Xn-1 and X1.
The solution space consists of the “2” distinct ways to assign zero and one
values to the x’s. Bounding functions are used to kill those live nodes which
are not to be expanded. A good bounding function for this problem is
obtained by using an upper bound on the value of the best feasible solution
obtainable by expanding the given live node and any of its descendents. If
this upper bound is not higher than the value of the best solution
determined so far then that live node may be killed.
Function Bound (cp, cw, k) determines an upper bound on the best solution
obtainable by expanding any node Z at level k+1 of the state space tree.
The object weights and profits are w[i] and p[i]. It is assumed that
, 1 i <n
FIFO: - BFS like state space search will be called FIFO search because the
list of live node is a first in first out.
LIFO: - A d-search like state space search will be called LIFO search
because the list of live node is last in first out list.
LC: -
2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9
10 1 12
B 1B
Assume that node 12 is the answer node.
In FIFO search first we will take node 1 as e-node. Then we generate the
children of node 1. All these live nodes are placed into a queue.
2 3 4
Delete an element from queue i.e. node ‘2’. Generate the children of
node two and place it on to the queue.
3 4 5 6
Delete node ‘3’ and generate its children. The children of ‘3’ -7 and 8
are killed by the bounding functions (since they do not lead to answer
node). So they are not placed into the queue.
4 5 6
Delete node ‘4’ and the child of ‘4’ is ‘9’. ‘9’ is killed by the bounding
function and hence is not added into the queue.
5 6
Delete node ‘5’ children of 5 are 10 & 11. They are killed by bounding
The last node is ‘6’ and its child 12 satisfied the condition of the problem
which is the answer node. So the search terminates.
Generate children of node ‘1’ and place them into stack.
Remove the top most elements from the stack and its child ‘9’ is
generated and killed by the bounding functions.
Remove the next top most element i.e. 3 and its children 7 and 8 are
generated and killed by the bounding functions.
Pop 2 from stack and push its children 5 and 6 into the stack.
Delete top element ‘6’ and generate its child 12 which is the answer
node. So the search process terminates.
In this we use ranking function or cost function which is denoted by .
we generate the children of E-node and among those line nodes we select
a node which has minimum cost.
Node ‘1’ is the e-node. The children of node 1 i.e. 2,3 and 4 are
We select node 2 because its cost is minimum.
The children of ‘2’ i.e. 5 and 6 are generated.
Node 6 is selected because its cost is minimum.
The children for node ‘6’ i.e. 12 and 13 are generated and the cost of 12
is minimum and it is the answer node. The search terminates.
Q) Give the state space tree generated in the process of FIFO branch and
bound search method for 4-queens problem. (November 2007)
Ans: -
Initially there is only one live node, node 1. This represents the case in
which no queen has been placed on the chess board. This node becomes
the e-node. It is expanded and its children nodes 2,3,4,5 are generated.
Fig: -
The only live nodes now are 2,3,5 and 5. If the nodes are generated in
this order, then the next e-node is node 2. It is expanded and nodes 6,7
and 8 are generated. Node 6 is immediately killed using the bounding
Nodes 7 and 8 are added to the queue of live nodes.
Node 3 becomes the next E-node.
Nodes 9,10 and 11 are generated.
Nodes 9 and 10 are killed as a result of the bounding functions.
Node 11 is added to the queue of live nodes and soon.
Ans: -
In Branch and bound method the basic idea is selection of E-node. In FIFO
& LIFO methods the selection of E-node is very complicated. The search for
live nodes.
Each time the next E-node is selected on the basis of this function.
For this ranking function additional computation is needed to reach to
answer node from the live node.
For any node cost could be the no. of levels the nearest answer node is
from x.
The difficulty with using either of these ideal cost function is that
computing the cost of a node usually involves a search of the sub tree x
for an answer node.
answer node from x and h(x) be the cost of reaching x from root and
f(x) be any non-decreasing function, such that
= f(h(x)) +
node would always choose for its next E-node a live node with least
C(t) is the cost of min. cost answer node in t. Usually it is not possible to
A LCBB search of tree uses two functions least () and add (). Begin with
an upper bound with and node 1 as the first node. When node 1 is
expanded nodes 2,3,4… are generated in the order. Add a live node to
the list of live nodes if the function least () finds least cost node and the
node is deleted.
From the list of live nodes and returned. The output of least cost search is
tracing the path from the answer node to the root node of the tree.
Algorithm LC search (t)
if (t is an answer node) then
write (t);
for (each child x of E) do
if (x is answer node) then
output the path from x to t;
X parent E //pointing the path from x to root;
If (no more live nodes) then
write (“No answer node”)
Eleast ();
} outil(false);
4) When the estimate () for a node is less than cost c() then a slight
The 0/1 knapsack problem states that, there are n objects given and
capacity of knapsack is m. Then select some objects to fill the knapsack in
such a way that it should not exceed the capacity of knapsack and max.
Profit can be earned.
Min Z =- P1 X1 - P2 X2 + …. - Pn Xn
W1X1+W2X2+ … + WnXn m
Xi = 0 or 1.
Let and are the two cost functions such that c(x) ,
The c(x) is the cost function for answer node x, which lies between two
functions called lower and upper bounds for the cost function c(x). The
search begins at the root node. Initially we compute the lower and
((1) = min { , }
The path from root to the leaf node whose height is max. is selected and is
the solution space for the knapsack problem.
Algorithm LU bound (p, w, rw, rp, n, k, LBB, UBB)
//p is array of profit values, w is array of weights
//rw is remaining weight, rp is remaining profit
//n is no. of objects, k is object
//LBB is lower bound, UBB is upper bound
LBB rp; c rw
for i k to n do
if (c<w(i)) then
UBB LBB+c*p(i)/w(i);
for j i+1 to n do
if (cw(i)) then
c c-w(i);
LBB LBB+p(j);
Q) Distinguish between fixed tuple sized and variable tuple sized state
space tree organizations?
Ans: -
Variable tuple sized Fixed tuple sized organization
1) The tuple size is variable in this 1) The tuple size is fixed in this type
type of state space tree of tree organization
organization 2) Edges can have the weights zero
2) Edges can have different or one.
weights. 3) It is independent of the problem
3) It is dependent of the problem instance being solved. Fixed tuple
instance being solved variable sized organization.
tuple sized organization 4) The tree organization is
4) The tree organization is determined statistically as the
determined dynamically as the solution space is being searched.
solution space is being searched.
Q) Draw a portion of the state space tree generated by LCBB for the
following knapsack problem. n = 5, (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5) = (10,15,6,8,4)
(W1, W2, W3, W4, W5) = (4,6,3,4,2) and
m = 12. Assume fixed-size tuple formulation?
(March 2001, May/June-07, August 04)
Ans: -
Hence, the solution is (X1, X2, X3, X4, X5) = (1,1,0,0,1)
Q) Draw the portion of state tree generated by LC knap for the knapsack
n =4; (P1, P2, P3, P4) = (10,10,12,18)
(W1, W2, W3, W4) = (2,4,6,9) and m = 15
Ans: -
Knapsack is a maximization problem, but branch and bound technique is
applied for minimization problem only. To convert the problem into
minimization, take – ve signs for profits.
= -32
= 32
= -10-10-12- = -38
= -10-10-12 = -32
= -10-12- = - 32
= -10-12 = - 22
X1 =1 X1 =0
2 3
32} =
= -38 =
= -10-10-12- = -38
= -10-10-12 = - 32
= -10-12- = -36
= -10-12 = - 22
Node 4 is selected
Second object is selected i.e. X2 = 1
X1 =1 X1 =0
22 3
X2 =1 X2 =0
44 5
= -10-10-12 = - 32
= -10-10-12- 6 = - 38
FOR NODE -7: - X3 = 0
= -10-10-18 = - 38
= -10-10-18 = - 38
Since the lower bounds are same, select the minimum of upper bounds.
= -10-10 = - 20
= -10-10 = - 20
1 2 3 4 5
1 20 30 10 11
2 15 16 4 2
3 3 5 2 4
4 19 6 18 3
5 16 4 7 16
Row reduction:
20 30 10 11 10 20 20 0 1
15 16 4 2 2 13 14 2 0
3 5 2 4 2 1 3 0 2
19 6 18 3 3 16 3 15 0
16 4 7 16 4 12 0 3 12
Row reduction:
10 20 0 1 10 17 0 1
13 12 2 0 12 11 2 0
1 3 0 2 0 3 0 2
16 3 15 0 15 3 12 0
12 0 3 12 11 0 0 12
1 - 3 - - =4
1 25
53 5 31
3 4 25
Consider the path (1,2)
Change all entries of 1st row and 2nd column of reduced matrix to , & set A
(2,1) =
11 2 0
0 0 2
15 12 0
11 0 12
Apply row reduction and column reduction
= + A(1,2)+r = 25+10+0 = 35
= + A(1,3)+r = 25+17+11 = 53
= + A(1,5)+r = 25+1+5 = 31
Since the minimum cost is 25, select node 4. The matrix obtained for r path
(1,4) is considered as reduced cost matrix
A= 12 11 0
0 3 2
3 12 0
11 0 0
11 r = 2+11 =
13 = 25+12+13 = 50
= + A(4,3)+r
1 0 r= 11+0 = 11
0 3
0 0
= + A(4,5)+r = 25+0+11 = 36
2 3 5
3 5
35 53 25 31
28 50 36
The matrix obtained for path (4,2) is considered as reduced cost matrix.
11 0
A= 0 2
11 0
0 r = 2+11 = 13
= + A(2,3)+r = 28+11+13 = 52
= + A(2,5)+r = 28+0+0 = 28
= + A(25,3)+r = 28+0+0 = 28
35 53 25 31
2 3 4 5
2 3 5
28 50 36
3 5 52 28
The Path is 1 4 2 5 3 1
Min. Cost = 10+6+2+7+3 = 28