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All content following this page was uploaded by Piyush Gourav on 05 February 2020.
Area Area
Land-use Land-Cover Class 2
(km ) (%)
River/ Stream/ Canals/Lake/Ponds 44.4 0.7
Urban/Rural 3.1 0.1
Cropland 367.4 6.0
Fallow land 100.7 1.6
Scrub land 37.6 0.6
Evergreen/ Semi-evergreen
2338.9 37.9
Grassland/Grazing Land
Deciduous 93.2 1.5
Scrub Forest 47.2 0.8
Snow /Glaciers & Barren Rocky 3138.3 50.9
Total 6170.8 100
Identification of Flood vulnerability: Based on the Further, the flood risk index map of the study area was
various indicators, flood damage risk index map has classified into five categories using natural break
been prepared through ArcGIS by using the weighted classification method in ArcGIS, the classes were very
value (Table 7) of each parameter. In the flood index high risk (0.0133-0.049), high risk (0.049-0.074),
map, the range of vulnerability was from 0.013 to 0.168, medium risk (0.074-0.093), low risk (0.093-0.112) and
which means the lower value (0.013). Represents the no risk (0.113-0.168). The category wise risk map is
low-risk zone whereas the higher value (0.168) shown in Fig. 9.
represented the high risk (Fig. 8).
How to cite this article: Gourav, Piyush, Kumar, Rajesh, Gupta, Akhilesh and Arif, Mohammad (2020). Flood
Hazard Zonation of Bhagirathi River basin using Multi-Criteria Decision-Analysis in Uttarakhand, India.
International Journal on Emerging Technologies, 11(1): 62–71.