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Statement VIII
Summary of Food Account
(In thousand M. T.) (Taka in Crore)

Budget Revised Budget Budget Revised Budget Actual

2017-18 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 2016-17 2016-17 2015-16

A. Gross Expenditure
Import Through Foreign
Rice 5 5 5 20 20 20 0

Wheat 100 98 96 284 274 296 0

Import Own Resources

Rice 600 2,187 0 0 0

Wheat 300 400 500 608 800 1,106 587

Sub Total - Import : 1,005 503 601 3,099 1,094 1,422 587

Internal Procurement

Rice 1,600 1,850 1,850 5,054 5,628 5,522 3,007

Rice Arrears 500 403 495 418

Wheat 200 200 300 541 566 848 542

Wheat Arrears 24 13 25 89

Sub Total - Internal Procurement : 1,800 2,050 2,150 6,119 6,610 6,890 4,056

Operating Expenses

Operating Expenses 844 910 893 562

Establishment and Flour Mills 459 423 449 318

Sub Total - Operating Expenses : 1,303 1,333 1,342 880

Total - Gross Expenditure : 2,805 2,553 2,751 10,521 9,037 9,654 5,523

B. Distribution
Cash Sales

Rice 1,171 990 775 980 819 874 450

Wheat 515 458 459 585 511 512 471

Sub Total - Cash Sales : 1,686 1,448 1,234 1,565 1,330 1,386 921

Non Monitised

FFW-Rice 40 25 240 156 95 890 724

FFW-Wheat 30 13 220 89 36 638 77

VGD, TR, GR & etc. -Rice 950 848 998 3,715 3,208 3,701 2,242

VGD, TR, GR & etc. -Wheat 30 30 280 89 86 812 984

Subsidy 4,546 3,721 2,821 1,419

Sub Total - Non Monitised : 1,050 916 1,738 8,595 7,146 8,862 5,446

Total - Distribution : 2,736 2,364 2,972 10,160 8,476 10,248 6,367

State Trading (Net Outlay B-A) : - 361 - 561 594 844


Statement VIII : Summary of Food Account

(In thousand M. T.) (Taka in Crore)

Budget Revised Budget Budget Revised Budget Actual

2017-18 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 2016-17 2016-17 2015-16

C. Memorandum Entries
Transfer to Foreign Aid Deposit
Transfers from Food Sale Proceeds - 225 - 342 - 298 0
for Development Activities
FFW in kind (Non-ADP) - 246 - 130 - 1,528 0

Sub Total - Transfer to Foreign Aid Deposit - 471 - 472 - 1,826

Account :

Financed From Food Aid 304 294 316 0

State Trading Shortfall/Surplus - 361 - 561 595 846

Total - Memorandum Entries : - 528 - 739 - 915 846


Statement VIII
(In Thousand M . T.)

Budget Revised Budget

2017-18 2016-17 2016-17

D. Stock Position of Food Grains

Opening Stock
Rice 424 432 543

Wheat 521 324 761

Total - Opening Stock : 945 756 1,305

Rice 2,205 1,855 1,855

Wheat 600 698 896

Total - Procurement : 2,805 2,553 2,751

Rice 2,629 2,287 2,398

Wheat 1,121 1,022 1,657

Total - Stock : 3,750 3,309 4,056

Off Stock
Rice 2,161 1,863 2,013

Wheat 575 501 959

Total - Off Stock : 2,736 2,364 2,972

Closing Stock
Rice 468 424 385

Wheat 546 521 698

Total - Closing Stock : 1,014 945 1,084

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