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Fourth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, December 2011
Applied Thermodynamics
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marlcs:100
Note: /. Answer any FIVE full questions, selecting
at least TWO questions from eoc/t port.
2. Use oft/termodynomic data /tondbook/c/tortsltob/es is permitted.
3. Any missing data may be ossunud suitably.

a. Distinguish between: i) Theoretical air and excess air
ii) Higher calorific value and lower calorific value. (04 Marks)
b. Define the terms: i) Enthalpy of formation ii) Enthalpy of combustion
iii) Adiabatic flame temperature iv)Combustion efficiency (04 Marks)
c. Find the stoichiometric air for the combustion of gaseous propane (C3H1) on mass basis and
molar basis. (04 Marks)
d. 4.4 leg propane gas is burnt completely with 3.0 kmol of air. Find the excess air and the
molar analysis of the dry combustion products. (08 Marks)

2 a. With the help of p.y and T-S diagrams, derive an expression for the air standard efficiency
of a diesel cycle. (08 Marks)
b. Compare the Otto and Diesel syclcs, on the basis of same compression ratio and same heat
inputs, with the help ofT-S and P-V diagrams. (04 Marks)
c. A four stroke, four cylinder petrol engine of 250mm bore and 375mm stroke worlcs on the
Otto cycle. The clearance volume is 0.01052m3. The initial pressure and temperature arc
1 bar and 4 7°C. If the maximum pressure is limited to 25bar, find the following:
i) Air standard efficiency ii) Mean effective pressure. (08 Marks)

3 a. Derive an expression for the optimum pressure ratio. for the maximum network output, in an
Brayton cycle. What is the corresponding cycle efficiency? (06 Marks)
b. What arc the methods of improving the efficiency of Brayton cycle? (02 Marks)
c. In a reheat gas turbine cycle, comprising one compressor and two1Urbincs, air is compressed
from 1 bar, 27°C to 6 bar. The highest temperature in the cycle is 900°C. The expansion in
the first stage turbine is such that the work from it just equals the work required by the
compressor. Air is reheated between the two stages of expansion to 850°C. Assume that the
isentropic efficiency of the compressor, the first stage and the second stage turbines arc 85%
each and that the working substance is air. Calculate the cycle efficiency. (ll Marks)

4 a. Discuss the effect of i) Boiler pressure and ii) Condenser pressure, on the performance of a
Rankine cycle. (04 Marks)
b. Explain the working of the regenerative Rankine cycle with one fccd•water heater. (04 Marks)
c. In a reheat cycle, steam at 500°C expands in a HP turbine till it is saturated vapour. It is then
0 reheated at constant pressure to 400°C and then expanded in a LP turbine to 40°C. If the
z maximum moisture content at the turbine exhaust is limited to 15% find, i) the reheat

pressure, ii) the pressure of steam at the inlet to the HP turbine. iii) the net specific work
output iv) the cycle efficiency v) the steam rate. Asswne all the ideal processes. (ll Marks)

I of2
5 a. What arc the drawbacks of a single stage compressor for producing high pressure? How arc
these overcome by multistage compression? (05 Marks)
b. Derive an expression for the condition for the minimum work input, required for a two stage
compressor. with perfect intercooling. (07 Marks)
c. A two stage, single acting reciprocating air compressor, with complete intercooling
atmospheric air at I bar and 15°C, compresses it polytropically (n • 1.3) to 30 bar. If both
cylindcn have the same stroke, calculate the diameter of the HP cylinder. The diameter of
the LP cylinder is 300mm. (08 Marks)
6 a. Explain the effect of superheat and subcooling on the vapour compression cycle with the
help ofT-S and p-h diagrams. (06 Marks)
b. With a neat sketch, explain the working of vapour absorption refrigeration system. (07 Marks)
c. In a saturated vapour compression refrigeration cycle operating between an evaporator
temperature of -1 o•c and a condenser temperature of 40°C, the enthalpy of the refrigerant ,
Frcon-12 at the end of compression is 220 kJ/kg. Show the cycle on T-S and p-h planes.
Calculate i) COP ii) refrigerating capacity and compressor power assuming a refrigerating
flow rate of I kg/min. (07 Marks)

7 a. Define: i) Relative humidity ii) Specific humidity iii) Dew point temperature
iv) Enthalpy of humid air v) Degree of saturation. (05 Marks)
b. With a schematic diagram, explain the summer air conditioning system, for hot and wet
weather. (07 Marks)
c. For a hall to be air-conditioned, the following conditions arc given:
Outdoor conditions: 40° DBT, 20"C WBT, required comfort condition - 20°C WBT,
600/4 RH. Seating capacity of the hall is 1500, amount of outdoor air supplied = 0.3 m3/min
per person. If the required condition is achieved first by adiabatic humidification and then by
cooling, estimate i) the capacity of the cooling coil in tones and ii) the capacity of the
humidifier in kg/h. (OS Marks)

8 a. Describe the principle of conducting Morse test on IC engines. (<M Marks)

b. A single cylinder four stroke diesel engine works on the following data:
Cylinder bore • 15cm, stroke • 25cm, speed • 250 rpm, area of indicator diagram • 6 cm3,
length of the indicator diagram • 9 cm, spring constant = 7.5 bar/cm, brake specific fuel
consumption • 0.24 kg/kWbr, calorific value • 42000 kJ/kg, diameter of brake
wheel = 70cm, rope diameter = 3.5cm, brake load = 40kg. Calculate i) brake power
ii) indicated mean effective pressure iii) Indicated power iv) Mechanical efficiency
v) Indicated thermal efficiency. (08 Marks)
c. The following data were obtained from a Morse test on a 4-cylinder, 4-stroke cycle SI
engine coupled to a hydraulic dynamometer, operating a constant speed of 1500 rpm.
Brake load with all four cylinders firing • 296 N
Brake load with cylinder No. I not firing • 20 I N
Brake load with cylinder No.2 not firing • 206 N
Brake load with cylinder No.3 not firing = 192 N
Brake load with cylinder No.4 not firing • 200 N
The brake power in kW is calculated using the equation BP • WN/42300, where W is the
brake load in Newtons and N is the speed of the engine in rpm. Calculate
i) Brake power ii) Indicated power iii) Friction power iv) Mechanical efficiency.
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