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Tally 9 India Brochure

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Simplify Your Business Processes. Increase Revenues. Lower Costs...
With Unmatched Stability Reliability Speed Power Scalability

Every business has numerous processes. Some simple, others complex usual restrictive formats of most computer programs; thus making work
and cumbersome. But as your business grows, acquires new customers, a pleasure. Tally 9 gives you the flexibility to work the way you want to.
enters new markets and keeps pace with constant changes in statutory Adapting to your specific business needs - no matter how simple,
regulations you will need to maintain highly accurate and up-to-date advanced or complex they are.
accounting, inventory and statutory records. Accelerated business
growth could reduce your visibility on some areas of your business Tally 9 - For Unmatched Benefits
operations and processes. Amazing Accuracy, Blazing Speed - User-definable templates provides for
fast, accurate data entry of your transactions; thereafter all documents
This is where a business accounting software like Tally 9 helps simplify, and reports can be generated automatically, at the press of a button.
integrate, and streamline all your business processes, cost-effectively
and easily. Unmatched Scalability - Adapts to the current and future needs of your
business, irrespective of its size or style.
Tally 9 - It's Fast, Powerful, Scalable And very Reliable!
Sheer Power - Has the ability to handle huge volumes of transactions
Tally 9 is the world's most powerful concurrent multi-lingual business
without compromising on speed or efficiency.
accounting software. Tally 9, designed exclusively to meet the needs of
small businesses, is a fully integrated, affordable and highly reliable Real-time Access To Information - Allows seamless, real-time sharing of
business accounting software. Tally data across locations, amongst business associates and partners,
and with other software applications.
Built on the path-breaking proprietary technology of Tally Solutions -
C:MuLATE (Concurrent Multi-lingual Accelerated Technology Engine) Tally 9 - For Improved Business Performance
- Tally 9 is a perfect fusion between the path-breaking Concurrent Tally 9 is a highly integrated application that transforms your business
Multi-lingual Platform and an Object Oriented Database Engine. processes with its performance enhancing features which encompass
Technology on which someday all business accounting solutions will be accounting, inventory, reporting and statutory processes. This helps you
built. access information faster, and take quicker decisions. Tally 9 also
Tally 9 - It's Simple, Integrated And Feature-Rich too guarantees real-time optimisation of operations and enhanced
Tally 9 is easy to buy, quick to install, and easy to learn and use.
Tally 9 is designed to automate and integrate all your business Quick Decision Making - Generates real-time, comprehensive MIS reports
operations, such as sales, finance, purchase, inventory and and ensures access to complete and critical information, instantly.
manufacturing. With Tally 9, accurate, up-to-date business information
Performance Management - Provides live Key Ratios and Operating Figures,
is literally at your fingertips. The powerful new features, blazing speed
for monitoring performance and to aid in critical decision-making.
and amazing power of Tally 9 combine with enhanced MIS,
Multi-lingual and Data Synchronisation capabilities to help you simplify Dynamic Query And Drill Down Reporting - Summarises information for
all your business processes easily and cost-effectively. management and allows drill down into details and queries.

Tally 9 - For Total Control Complete Visibility Comparison Of Data With Multi-columnar Reports - Compares data for
Tally 9 frees you to do what you do best - run your business. Giving you multiple locations on the same screen, in a columnar format.
time to plan, increase your customer base, enhance customer Better Planning/Forecasting - Provides 'smart information' using
satisfaction With Tally 9 you will have greater visibility into your sophisticated analytical tools, helping you forecast and examine
day-to-day business operations and access to vital information possible scenarios. It also allows you to view provisional reports too.
the way you want it, when you want it. Provides Cost and Profit Centre analysis and reporting; thus making
information available on costs and profits by branches, departments,
Tally 9 - Amazing Concurrent Multi-lingual Capability geographies, groups, etc.
Tally 9 is so technologically advanced that not only can it be operated
in major Indian languages at the same time (and numerous Tally 9 - For Complete Reliability
International languages too), but it now offers you even greater Built using a path-breaking technology, which is also highly secure,
reliability! Tally 9 makes sure that your critical financial information is accurate,
With Tally 9, you can maintain accounts in any of the major Indian controlled and safe from data corruption. Tally data is protected even
language, view it in another and print it in yet another language of your from sudden power outages or system shutdown.
choice... with greater speed and power than ever before! Now, you can
transact business across the length and breadth of India (and other
Tally 9 - The Advantage
countries too) in any language, without barriers. With Tally 9 you will begin to see clear business benefits accrue from
day 1. Tally 9 is the ultimate business solution, designed to meet the
Tally 9 - For Enhanced User Experience growing information needs of today's business enterprises. Tally 9 will
Tally 9 is all about enhanced user experience, simplicity, flexibility and help you increase revenue while lowering operating costs and enhancing
versatility. It allows you to enter data in a variety of ways without the competitive advantage.

Salient Features Benefits

Concurrent Multi-lingual Capability Allows you to enter accounts, view them and print reports in any language of your choice... at the same time
Payroll Offers enhanced payroll management with automatic calculation of salaries and payslip generation
POS Invoicing Allows faster data entry and printing in 40 column continuous stationery. Also provides barcode support
Unlimited Companies Allows creation and maintenance of multiple companies concurrently (up to 99,999 companies)
Data Synchronisation Helps synchronise and update data across multiple locations, thus enabling fast and easy access/exchange
of business information between offices and branches, across various geographies
Consolidation of Companies Enables grouping of companies and provides consolidated reports. Changes done in any constituent or
branch company is automatically updated in the grouped information.
Tally 9 - Helps Reduce Costs And Increase Productivity
Reduces Costs

Salient Features Benefits

Receivables and Payables Management Ensures on-time collections, resulting in better cash flow and savings on interest. Generates periodic
reminder letters
Payment Performance of Debtors Identifies troublesome debtors and persistent late payers; thereby helping you take the right decisions
Inventory Management Enhances inventory management by providing accurate information; be it on stock status, item-wise
profitability or movement of items
Stock Ageing Identifies stocks based on age, helping you to dispose off old stock quickly
Reorder Levels Allows for user-defined Reorder Levels for any given period; helping you avoid excess stocking of items
while ensuring that you don't run out of essential stock.

Increases Productivity
Salient Features Benefits
Unlimited Levels of Classification Facilitates ledger classification and re-classifications as required. Enables easy viewing and analysis of
information; thus aiding you in informed decision-making
Advanced MIS Compares information in order to understand and analyse performance levels for various periods or
divisions. Helps you study and understand the buying patterns of customers, so that you can channel
your resources to specific segments, periods or customers. Also helps you analyse cash flow situations
Generate Quotations, Orders, Invoices The integrated system ensures real-time linking of accounts and inventory besides enabling
instantaneous generation of documents, which can be either printed or mailed directly to the recipient,
thus saving time and money
Flexible Units of Measure Helps in tracking stock irrespective of the units of measure. For example, when you buy in tons and sell
in kilograms or buy in crates and sell as pieces
Multi-Location Warehouse Management Helps you track stock movement; allowing you to decide which warehouse to ship from, depending on
stock position
Multiple Price Levels Allows you to pre-define item rates for specific categories of customers, enabling faster and error-free
invoicing and data entry
Drill Down Facility Helps you to drill down or instantly update from any report - starting from the Balance Sheet down to
Vouchers, or vice versa.

Tally 9 - Simplifies All Your Statutory Processes Excise for Traders

While the concurrent multi-lingual capabilities of Tally 9 will ! Generates Excise Invoices for Traders
continuously amaze you with its immense convenience and simplicity, ! Tracks Purchase Invoices during sales, with the ability to pass on
its new winning features offer you better Statutory Compliance with VAT, Cenvat Credit
TDS, Service Tax, Excise for Traders, CST and FBT capabilities. ! Generates quarterly Returns (Form 2)
! Maintains Excise Stock Register (RG 23D).
Value Added Tax
! Simplifies every aspect of VAT Tally 9 - Affordable And Available
! Tracks VAT transactions to State specific VAT classification with Tally 9 is a simple to use, yet powerful and complete business software.
inbuilt rates of taxes What's more, Tally 9 is also available at leading IT outlets across your
! Generates VAT Computation for the desired period, along with Input city, at an unbelievable price!
VAT details, Output VAT details and nett VAT payable amount
! Helps you file regular VAT/Composite Returns for a given period. Additional Winning Features:
! Advanced Accounting and MIS
Service Tax
! Pre-defines Service Tax categories/rates and the applicability of these ! Bank Reconciliation
rates from a given date ! Cost Centres and Cost Categories
! Tracks Input Tax Credit and adjusts it against Service Tax payable ! Budgeting
! Provides information on net payable ! Multi-Currency
! Generates half yearly Returns, annual Returns and TR-6 Challans at ! Interest Calculations
the blink of an eye ! Multi-Location Inventory
TDS ! Order Management
! Allows you to configure TDS ledgers by specifying the Nature of ! Flexible Units of Measure
Payment and Assessee Types, along with the Rate of TDS ! Multiple Valuation Methods
! Determines user-defined expense/payment type with user-defined ! Purchase/Sales Order Processing
rates ! Bill of Material
! Auto-deduction of TDS, based on pre-defined rates once the ! Batch-wise Management, including expiry date handling
transaction exceeds the threshold limit ! Movement Analysis Reports
! Generates Challans and Form-16A Certificate
! Job Costing
! Generate quarterly and annual Returns
! Invoicing... and more
! Generates e-TDS files in NSDL compatible formats.
Tally Solutions - The Force Behind Tally 9 is, to continue to provide flexible and easily comprehensible business
Since its inception in 1986, Tally Solutions has worked closely with solutions, akin to the manual accounting system, while optimising
over 20 lakh small and medium businesses, across 90 countries, advances in technology.
helping them simplify their business processes and enhance their While the focus of Tally Solutions had previously been on a single
performance. Worldwide, more than 90% of Tally customers are small application - Business Accounting - today, it has moved from a single
and mid-size companies, so, we do understand your specific needs and product company to a multiple product company and is also a service
create solutions to cater to them. provider. Tally's offerings span several innovative products and service
For the last 20 years, Tally Solutions has constantly endeavoured to offerings for various business verticals and users - right from the
develop cutting-edge technology products that have practical relevance traditional small businesses, to middle and large enterprises, Chartered
to businesses. New features, new products, new services, new Accountants and Software Entrepreneurs.
technologies, and above all, the 'Power of Simplicity' have made Tally 9 is perfect for companies in manufacturing, trading and
Tally Solutions one of the leading financial accounting software professional services. To know more about how Tally 9 will increase
companies in the world. revenue while lowering operating costs and enhancing competitive
Tally Solutions was the first company in the world to introduce the advantage, call us today!
no-codes concept in accounting software. The mission of Tally Solutions

Other Products/Services available for small businesses:

! Shoper - An Integrated Retail Solution
! SoftCAAT - The Ultimate Audit Tool For Data Analysis
! Tally Value Pack - Annual Product Upgrade Assurance.

For more details call the Tally Regional Office closest to you or
e-mail us at tallydirect@tallysolutions.com

Tally (India) Private Limited

Regional Offices:
lAhmedabad: 079-32205162/64 l Bangalore: 080-30282559; 30220001 l Bhopal: 0755-3202220/599/036 l Chandigarh: 0172-3200048/68/69
l Chennai: 044-42315231/32/33/34/35 l Coimbatore: 0422-3204014/15 l Delhi: 011-26228498/99; 30822351/52 l Hyderabad: 040-32002132/37
l Kochi: 0484-3201490; 3208175 l Kolkata: 033-32593664/65/66; 22851071/72 l Lucknow: 0522-3200408/297/323
l Mumbai: 022-67032256/57/58/59 l Pune: 020-32307220/7020/7187 l Ranchi: 9334057393

TallyWeb: www.tallysolutions.com

© Tally Solutions FZ-LLC, 2006. All rights reserved. Tally, Tally 9, TallyGold, TallySilver, POWER OF SIMPLICITY, are registered trademark, or trademarks of Tally Solutions FZ-LLC.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners and are hereby recognised. Specifications are subject to change without prior notice.

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