1. Foreword
1.2 Version
1.3 Disclaimer
The Examination Regulations relating to this course are the ‘Honour School’
regulations for PPE. If there is a conflict between information in this Handbook
and the Examination Regulations then you should follow the Examination Regu-
lations. If you have any concerns please contact the PPE administrator
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1.4 List of Contents
1. Foreword........................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Statement of Coverage............................................................................. 1
1.2 Version...................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Disclaimer................................................................................................. 1
1.4 List of Contents......................................................................................... 2
1.5 Welcome................................................................................................... 4
1.6 Useful Department Contacts....................................................................5
1.7 Buildings, Locations, Maps and Access....................................................5
1.8 Important Dates........................................................................................ 5
2. The Course Content and Structure................................................................5
2.1 Overview................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Course Aims.............................................................................................. 6
2.3 Intended Learning Outcomes...................................................................7
2.4 Course Structure...................................................................................... 8
2.5 Syllabus................................................................................................... 10
3. Teaching and Learning................................................................................ 10
3.1 Organisation of teaching and learning...................................................10
3.2 Theses..................................................................................................... 18
3.3 Supervised dissertations.........................................................................21
3.4 Expectations of study and student workload..........................................21
4. Assessment.................................................................................................. 22
4.1 Assessment Structure............................................................................. 22
4.2 Feedback on learning and assessment...................................................22
4.3 Examination Conventions.......................................................................22
4.4 Good academic practice and avoiding plagiarism..................................23
4.5 Entering for University examinations.....................................................26
4.6 Examination dates.................................................................................. 26
4.7 Sitting your in-person examination.........................................................26
4.8 Sitting your online examination..............................................................27
4.9 Submitted work...................................................................................... 27
4.10 Problems completing assessment.........................................................27
4.11 External examiner and examiners’ reports...........................................28
4.12 Prizes.................................................................................................... 28
5. Skills and learning development..................................................................28
5.1 Academic progress................................................................................. 28
5.2 Learning development and skills............................................................28
Page 2 of 68
5.3 Opportunities for skills training and development.................................28
5.4 Employability and careers information and advice................................28
6. Student representation, evaluation and feedback.......................................29
6.1 Department representation....................................................................29
6.2 Division and University representation..................................................30
6.3 Opportunities to provide evaluation and feedback.................................30
7. Student life and support.............................................................................. 30
7.1 Whom to contact for help.......................................................................30
7.2 Complaints and appeals..........................................................................31
7.3 Policies and regulations..........................................................................32
7.4 Equality and diversity............................................................................. 32
7.5 Freedom of speech.................................................................................. 34
8. Facilities....................................................................................................... 34
8.1 Libraries and museums...........................................................................34
8.2 IT............................................................................................................. 34
9. The Future................................................................................................... 34
9.1 Taking your Degree................................................................................ 35
9.2 Proceeding to Further Study..................................................................35
Appendix A: Outline of Papers.........................................................................36
A.1 Philosophy.............................................................................................. 38
A.2 Politics.................................................................................................... 54
A.3 Economics............................................................................................... 67
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1.5 Welcome
As Chair of the PPE Committee, I'm pleased to be able to welcome you to the
Final Honour School in PPE at Oxford. As you will know, PPE is a strong and en-
gaging multidisciplinary degree programme that has been in existence in Ox-
ford for just over 100 years, and successful enough to have inspired many insti-
tutions all over the world to initiate similar programmes. We are very proud of
our Finals courses which balance the empirical with the theoretical, and the
practical with the abstract. I hope that you will find yourself drawing on many of
the ideas that you study in your future careers. PPE is unquestionably a challen-
ging degree, but we believe strongly that the end result is a well-rounded intel-
lect ready to face the future with an informed, critical and questioning mind. I
very much hope you enjoy the Finals courses.
In the Examination Regulations you will find the formal rules that govern your
course choices and examinations for Prelims and Finals:
https://examregs.admin.ox.ac.uk. The Examination Conventions set out how ex-
amined work will be marked and how the resulting marks will be used to arrive
at a final result and classification of an award. You will be notified by email
when the Conventions that apply to you become available, normally one term
before the examination begins. Conventions from previous years are on PPE
Canvas at https://canvas.ox.ac.uk/courses/71230/pages/exam-information.
The Oxford Students website provides information about the services and re-
sources available to you across the University: www.ox.ac.uk/students. For gen-
eral information and guidance and formal notification and explanation of the
University’s codes, regulations, policies and procedures, refer to the University
Student Handbook:
www.ox.ac.uk/students/academic/student-handbook. For College regulations,
refer to your College Handbook.
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(paul.martin@politics.ox.ac.uk) and the PPE administrator is Violet Brand
The student representatives can be found on the Canvas site of each Depart-
ment or by contacting the relevant undergraduate administrator. The disability
contacts for each Department can be found at
2.1 Overview
PPE seeks to bring together some of the most important approaches to under-
standing the social and human world. It fosters intellectual capacities that you
can apply across all three disciplines and develops skills that you will find useful
for a wide range of careers and activities after graduation. The degree is con-
structed on the belief that the parallel study of related disciplines significantly
enhances your understanding of each discipline, bringing added dimensions of
understanding and perspective.
Page 5 of 68
The study of Philosophy develops analytical rigour and the ability to criticise
and reason logically. It allows you to apply these skills to many contemporary
and historical schools of philosophical thought and to questions concerning how
we acquire knowledge and how we make ethical recommendations.
The study of Politics gives you an understanding of the issues dividing societies
and of the impact of political institutions on the form of social interest articula-
tion and aggregation and on the character and effects of government policies.
Among the big issues considered in Politics is why democracies emerge and
may be consolidated or why states go to war or seek peace.
The UK Quality Assurance Agency is the independent body responsible for mon-
itoring, and advising on, standards and quality in UK higher education. It pub-
lishes Subject Benchmark Statements which set out expectations about stand-
ards of degrees in a range of subject areas. They describe what gives a discip-
line its coherence and identity, and define what can be expected of a graduate
in terms of the abilities and skills needed to develop understanding or compet-
ence in the subject. The statements for Philosophy, Politics, and Economics can
be found at www.qaa.ac.uk/quality-code/subject-benchmark-statements.
After successfully completing the PPE programme, which lasts three years, you
will be awarded a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy, Politics and Eco-
nomics (FHEQ Level 6).
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2.3 Intended Learning Outcomes
You will develop knowledge and understanding of:
Philosophy: Selected philosophical texts and basic philosophical issues,
concepts, theories and arguments, and the elementary techniques of
formal logic.
Politics: Key areas of the discipline, including empirical politics and
political theory, as well as sociology and international relations.
Economics: the basic principles of modern Economics, including appro-
priate mathematical techniques.
You will also develop knowledge and understanding, at a higher level, of at least
two of the following:
Philosophy: a higher-level knowledge and understanding of central
philosophical texts of different ages and/or traditions, and of the inter-
pretative controversies that surround them, and a deeper knowledge and
understanding of philosophical issues, concepts, theories and arguments,
and their application to a wide variety of different problems.
Politics: a higher-level knowledge and understanding of the philosoph-
ical, theoretical, institutional, issue-based and methodological approaches
to Politics and International Relations based on comparative study of soci-
eties, and higher-level knowledge of some of the principal sub-areas of
the discipline, different methods of data analysis, and the issues currently
at the frontiers of debate and research.
Economics: a higher-level knowledge and understanding of the prin-
ciples of modern Economics, including appropriate mathematical and
statistical techniques, a knowledge and appreciation of economic data
and of the applications of economic principles and reasoning to a variety
of applied topics.
In addition, you will acquire and develop a particular set of intellectual, prac-
tical and transferable skills:
Intellectual skills: the ability to gather, organise and deploy evidence,
data and information from a wide variety of secondary and some primary
sources; interpret such material with sensitivity to context; identify pre-
cisely the underlying issues in a wide variety of academic debates, and to
distinguish relevant and irrelevant considerations; recognise the logical
structure of an argument, and assess its validity, to assess critically the
arguments presented by others, and by oneself, and to identify methodo-
logical errors, rhetorical devices, unexamined conventional wisdom, un-
noticed assumptions, vagueness and superficiality; construct and articu-
late sound arguments with clarity and precision; engage in debate with
others, to formulate and consider the best arguments for different views
and to identify the weakest elements of the most persuasive views.
Practical skills: the ability to listen attentively to complex presentations
and identify the structure of the arguments presented; read with care a
wide variety of written academic literature, and reflect clearly and critic-
ally on what is read; marshal a complex body of information in the form of
essays, and to write well for a variety of audiences and in a variety of con-
texts; engage in oral discussion and argument with others, in a way that
advances understanding of the problems at issue and the appropriate ap-
proaches and solutions to them.
Transferable skills: the ability to find information, organise and deploy
it; draw on such information, and thinking creatively, self-critically and
Page 7 of 68
independently, to consider and solve complex problems; apply the tech-
niques and skills of philosophical argument to practical questions, includ-
ing those arising in ethics and political life; apply concepts, theories and
methods used in the study of Politics to the analysis of political ideas, in-
stitutions practices and issues; make strategic decisions with a sophistic-
ated appreciation of the importance of costs, opportunities, expectations,
outcomes, information and motivation; motivate oneself, to work well in-
dependently, with a strong sense of initiative and self-direction, and also
with the ability to work constructively in co-operation with others; com-
municate effectively and fluently in speech and writing; plan and organise
the use of time effectively; where relevant, make appropriate use of nu-
merical, statistical and computing skills.
After the first year the choices are greater. First you must decide whether to
select two branches from Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, which will make
you ‘bipartite’, or to keep going with the third as well, making you ‘tripartite’.
This choice may be easy for you, if you were originally attracted to PPE for the
sake of one or two of its branches and have not changed your priorities during
your first year; or it may be difficult. If it is difficult, go by what interests you,
provided that your tutors think you are suited to it; do not be too much affected
by your marks in Prelims, which can differ greatly from Finals marks. A few sub-
jects are available under more than one branch. Refer to the Examination Regu-
lations for lists of subjects and the combinations in which they can be taken.
Further guidance on the choice of individual subjects within the three discip-
lines is given in Appendix A. An outline of the course structure is given in the
table at the end of this section.
Year 1
Introduction to Philo- Introduction to the The- Introductory Economics
sophy ory and Practice of
Examination: PPE Prelims
Years 2 and 3
Philosophy and Philosophy and Politics and Eco- Philosophy, Polit-
Politics Economics nomics ics and Econom-
Compulsory Core Compulsory Core Compulsory Core Compulsory Core
Philosophy: 103 Philosophy: 103 Politics: two of Philosophy: 103
Page 8 of 68
Year 1
plus one of 101, plus one of 101, 201, 202, 203, plus one of 101,
102, 115, 116 102, 115, 116 214, 220 102, 115, 116
Politics: two of Economics: at Economics: at Politics: two of
201, 202, 203, least three sub- least three sub- 201, 202, 203,
214, 220 jects* jects* 214, 220
Economics: at
least two sub-
Optional Optional Optional Optional
Four subjects Three subjects Three subjects Two subjects.
chosen from chosen from chosen from Certain combina-
those listed un- those listed un- those listed un- tions of subjects
der Philosophy der Philosophy der Politics and may not be
and Politics. At and Economics. Economics. At offered.
least one must be At least one must least one must be
a subject in Philo- be a subject in a further subject
sophy; at least Philosophy; one in Politics (other
one must be a but only one may than a thesis/su-
subject in Politics be a subject in pervised disserta-
(other than a Politics (see per- tion); one but
thesis/supervised mitted list in Ex- only one may be
dissertation); one amination Regu- a subject in Philo-
but only one may lations); and cer- sophy; and cer-
be a subject in tain combinations tain combinations
Economics, selec- may not be of subjects may
ted from the fol- offered. not be offered.
lowing list: 300,
301, 302, 311;
and certain com-
binations may not
be offered.
Examination: PPE Finals
*see the Options Fair page on Economics Canvas for further information on
what those courses have to be.
2.5 Syllabus
Detailed syllabus information (for example, dates and times of lectures or
classes and reading lists) is given on the Canvas site of each Department.
Page 9 of 68
your performance in the final examinations in which your degree classification
is determined. If you have any issues with teaching or supervision, please raise
these as soon as possible so that they can be addressed promptly. Details of
who to contact are provided in the complaints and appeals section.
There may changes to the delivery of your teaching as a result of the Covid-19
pandemic. For example, lectures may be delivered online or pre-recorded and
tutorials may be delivered online rather than in person.
3.1.1 Tutors
Anyone to whom you go for tutorials or College classes counts as one of your
tutors. For PPE Prelims there will be at least three of them, and over the whole
course there may well be eight or ten. Some will be tutorial fellows or lecturers
of your own College; some may be tutorial fellows or lecturers of other Colleges,
or research fellows, or graduate students. The overall responsibility for giving
or arranging your tuition will lie with tutorial fellows or lecturers of your own
College, probably one in each of Philosophy, Politics, and Economics. Behind
them stands the Senior Tutor, who must see that proper arrangements are
made if one of these people is absent through illness or on leave.
Tuition for a term is normally arranged at the end of the preceding term; so, be-
fore going down each term you should make sure that you have received read-
ing guidance and the names of your tutors for all the work you will be doing in
the following term. (In the occasional cases in which the name of the tutor is not
yet known you should make sure you have received an explanation and that you
are confident that arrangements will be in place by the beginning of term.)
Some tutors like to see their pupils at the end of the preceding term to make de-
tailed arrangements. Colleges have different rules about when term ‘begins’.
The official start is Sunday of First Week of Full Term, but you will almost cer-
tainly be required back before then, and you should try to ensure that by the
Sunday at the very latest you know who your tutors for the term will be, have
met or corresponded with them, and have been set work and assigned tutorial
times by them.
If you would like to receive tuition from a particular person in Oxford, ask the
in-College tutor concerned; do not approach the person yourself, who cannot
take you on without a request from your College. If you would like a change of
tutor, say so if it is not embarrassing; otherwise do not just do nothing, but take
the problem to someone else in your College, such as your College Adviser, the
Senior Tutor, or even the head of College, if your difficulty is serious. Most such
problems arise from a personality clash that has proved intractable; but since in
a university of Oxford’s size there are almost certain to be alternative tutors for
most of your subjects, there is no point in putting up with a relationship that is
impeding your academic progress. In these circumstances you can usually ex-
pect a change, but not necessarily to the particular tutor whom you would
In Economics, the provision of classes and tutorials for courses other than Mi-
croeconomics, Macroeconomics, and Quantitative Economics is coordinated by
the Department. Centrally nominated subject convenors will communicate with
College tutors at the end of each term on the allocation of students to particular
tutors for the forthcoming term.
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3.1.2 Tutorials, Classes, Collections and Data Labs
What you are expected to bring to a tutorial is knowledge of the reading that
was set for it (or a variant on your own initiative if some book or article proves
really inaccessible) and any written work demanded. What you have a right to
expect is your tutor’s presence and scholarly attention throughout the hour
agreed, plus guidance, e.g. a reading list, for next time. Beyond that, styles dif-
fer, depending on how many students are sharing the tutorial, the nature of the
topic, and above all the habits and personality of your tutor. You must not ex-
pect uniformity, and you will gain most if you succeed in adapting to differ-
You will nearly always have more than one tutorial a week. You should not nor-
mally be expected to write more than twelve tutorial essays a term. All written
work for a tutorial will receive either written or oral comments. Tutors submit
written reports on the term’s work as a whole, and you are entitled to see these.
Many Colleges have timetabled sessions at which College tutors discuss reports
with their students.
Work on a tutorial essay involves library searches, reading, thinking, and writ-
ing. It should occupy a minimum of three days. Read attentively and thought-
fully. As your reading progresses, think up a structure for your essay (but do not
write an elaborate plan which you will not have time to execute). Expect to have
to sort out your thoughts, both during and after reading. Use essays to develop
an argument, not as places to store information. You will learn a lot if you share
ideas with fellow students, and if you try out ideas in tutorial discussion. Re-
member that tutorials are not designed as a substitute for lectures, or for accu-
mulating information, but to develop coherent verbal arguments and the capa-
city to think on one’s feet, and to tackle specific difficulties and misunderstand-
ings. This means that note-taking, if it occurs in a tutorial at all, should be very
much incidental to the overriding dialogue. You should, however, leave time
after the tutorial to make a record on paper of the discussion.
Most Colleges will require you to sit College examinations, so-called ‘collec-
tions’, before the start of each term. Their object is to test your comprehension
of work already covered, and to give you practice in sitting examinations. Make
sure at the end of each term that you know the times and subjects of next
term’s collections.
Oxford trains you as a writer to deadlines; so equip yourself with a writer’s tools
– a dictionary, such as the Concise Oxford Dictionary, and, unless you are very
confident, a thesaurus and Modern English Usage.
Page 11 of 68
As mentioned in the intended learning outcomes section, you are expected to
develop the ability to make appropriate use of numerical, statistical, and com-
puting skills. This ability is provided for in both the economics and politics com-
ponents of the course. In economics, opportunities to develop these skills are
provided in the Prelims Quantitative Methods lectures and classes and in the
optional Finals papers 300 (Quantitative Economics) and 314 (Econometrics)
and the use of statistical techniques is examined in this paper. In politics, the
quantitative methods component of the first-year course provides students with
experience of data manipulation, data handling, and data analysis. You can go
on to further quantitative methods study in Politics if you choose either 214 (In-
ternational Relations) or 220 (Political Sociology) or 201 (Comparative Govern-
ment) as a second-year paper. Data labs are a core element of the course, espe-
cially in the first year. The labs provide you with an introduction to statistical
software packages like STATA and R.
3.1.3 Lectures
While tutorials and classes will be mainly organised by your College, lectures
are provided centrally by the University Departments and Faculties. All three
Departments also publish lecture lists, as well as provisional programmes for
lectures for the remainder of the academic year, which will help you to plan for
the future. The lists can be found via PPE Canvas at
https://canvas.ox.ac.uk/courses/71230/pages/lecture-lists. Take your copy of the
lists to your meetings with tutors: all of them will have advice on which lectures
to attend. Remember that printed lecture lists often go out of date and the most
up-to-date versions will be online.
Do not expect lectures on a subject always to coincide with the term in which
you are writing essays on that subject. Important lectures may come a term or
two before or after your tutorials, and in the case of some less popular options
they may come in your second year and not be repeated in your third year: con-
sult your tutors early about this risk.
The importance of lectures varies from subject to subject within PPE. Some lec-
tures give a personal analysis of a book or a set of books. Others provide an au-
thoritative view on a fast-developing subject, or an overview on a subject whose
boundaries are not well recognised in the literature. It is perilous to miss the
‘core’ lectures on your chosen options: although in Oxford’s system lecturers do
not necessarily set the University examinations, they may be consulted by those
who do. Policy on the recording of lectures and other formal teaching sessions
by students
1. The University recognises that there are a number of reasons why students
might wish to record lectures or other formal teaching sessions (such as sem-
inars and classes) in order to support their learning. The University also recog-
nises that in most cases copyright in lectures resides with the University or with
the academic responsible for the lecture or formal teaching session, and that
academics and students may have concerns about privacy and data protection.
This policy sets out the circumstances in which such recordings may take place;
Page 12 of 68
the respective roles and responsibilities of those involved in such recordings;
and the implications of breaches of this policy.
2. For the purposes of this policy, the term 'recording' refers to any audio or
visual recording of a lecture or other formal teaching session, made with any
type of audio or visual recorder.
3. Students who have been given permission to record lectures or other formal
teaching sessions as a reasonable adjustment on disability-related grounds do
not need to ask for permission to record from individual academics. Students
who believe they have disability-related grounds for recording should contact
the University’s Disability Advisory Service
(www.ox.ac.uk/students/welfare/disability/study or disability@admin.ox.ac.uk)
for further information on the process for obtaining such permission.
Use of recordings
9. Students may store recordings of lectures for the duration of their pro-
gramme of study. Once they have completed the programme of study, students
should destroy all recordings of lectures or other formal teaching sessions.
Page 13 of 68
10. Where a student breaches this policy, the University will regard this as a
disciplinary offence. All such breaches will be dealt with in accordance with
Statute XI (http://www.admin.ox.ac.uk/statutes/352-051a.shtml).
In Philosophy, the core subjects are 103 and one of 101, 102, 115 or 116. In
Politics, the core subjects are any two of 201, 202, 203, 214, and 220. In Eco-
nomics there are no core subjects.
103 Ethics: Normative Ethics HT
103 Ethics: Metaethics HT 8 8
103 Ethics: Applied Ethics HT
Plus, one of: 101, 102, 115 or 116
M Students
101 Early Modern Philosophy: T must answer
Descartes HT in the exam-
TT ination on at
M least one of
4 Descartes,
101 Early Modern Philosophy: T
Spinoza and
Spinoza HT
Leibniz, and
TT on at least
M 8 one of Berke-
101 Early Modern Philosophy: Leib- T ley, Locke
niz HT 8 and Hume.
TT Tutorials will
M cover two or
T more au-
101 Early Modern Philosophy: Hume thors, and
HT 8
TT should attend
101 Early Modern Philosophy: Berke- M 8 lectures ac-
Page 14 of 68
Faculty College Comments
ley HT
cording to
101 Early Modern Philosophy: Locke those they
HT 8 are covering.
102 Knowledge and Reality: Meta- T
physics HT 8
102 Knowledge and Reality: Epistem- T
ology HT
115 Plato: Republic HT 8 8
116 Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics HT 8 8
Politics: TWO OF
M 7 tutorials,
T which can
201 Comparative Government HT 8 7 take place in
any term.
M 8 tutorials,
T which can
HT 8 take place in
202 British Politics and Government
8 any term.
since 1900
Colleges to
TT arrange revi-
sion classes.
M 8 tutorials,
T which can
HT 8 take place in
203 Theory of Politics (also Philo-
8 any term.
sophy option 114)
Colleges to
TT arrange revi-
sion classes.
214 International Relations M 8 7 7 tutorials,
T which can
Page 15 of 68
Faculty College Comments
HT 8 take place in
TT any term.
M 7 tutorials,
T which can
220 Political Sociology HT 8 7
take place in
TT any term.
M Any student
1 7
T taking at
HT least ONE of
papers 201,
214 and 220
should attend
Q-Step 2nd Year component.
one QS2 lec-
TT ture in MT of
2nd year,
plus a series
of 7 1-hour
Q-Step labs.
There are no core subjects, but most subjects must be taken in combination
with one or more of 300, 301 and 302.
M 6 Quantitat-
T ive Econom-
HT ics Tutorials
(arranged by
300 Quantitative Economics 6 College tu-
tors). NB:
TT 23 teaching
given in 2nd
M 8 Macroeco-
T nomics Tu-
HT 21 torials (ar-
ranged by
301 Macroeconomics 8 College tu-
tors). NB:
TT teaching
given in 2nd
302 Microeconomics M 8 8 Microeco-
T nomics Tu-
HT torials (ar-
TT ranged by
College tu-
tors). NB:
given in 2nd
Page 16 of 68
Faculty College Comments
(302: Maths and Probability lectures) HT
Optional Papers
Philosophy options papers are normally taught through a course of 8-16
lectures (provided by the Faculty) and 8 tutorials (provided by Colleges).
In some cases, College teaching may be delivered through classes rather
than tutorials, at the discretion of the Colleges.
Tutorials for a paper may not always be given in the same term as the lec-
tures for that paper.
The recommended teaching for students offering the optional thesis is 8
tutorials (provided by College).
Students taking Philosophy and Politics at FHS may take 1-3 optional
Philosophy papers.
Students taking Philosophy and Economics at FHS may take 1-3 optional
Philosophy papers.
Students taking Philosophy, Politics and Economics at FHS may take 0, 1
or 2 optional Philosophy papers.
Politics options papers usually consist 8-16 lectures (provided by the De-
partment) delivered over one or two terms, and 8 tutorials (provided by
Colleges) given in a single term.
Course providers for the papers 208 (Politics of Sub-Saharan Africa), 210
(Politics in South Asia), 225 (Comparative Demographic Systems), and
227 (Politics in China) may offer supplementary classes. For papers in-
cluding (but not limited to) 211 (Politics of the Middle East), tutorials may
be replaced by College classes.
Eight documents classes for 204 (Modern British Government and Polit-
ics) take place in HT of third year; these run instead of lectures.
Tutorials for 227 (Politics of China) are ordinarily solely available in Mi-
chaelmas Term.
Tutorials for a paper may not always be given in the same term as its lec-
The recommended teaching for students taking the optional thesis or su-
pervised dissertation paper is 8 tutorials (provided by College). Additional
support and guidance lectures and workshops are organised by the De-
The final list of Politics optional papers will be announced during a stu-
dent's second year. In the event that recommended teaching patterns of
Page 17 of 68
new options fall outside these norms, this information will be updated
and students will be informed.
Students taking Philosophy and Politics at FHS may take 1-3 optional
Politics papers.
Students taking Politics and Economics at FHS may take 1-3 optional
Politics papers.
Students taking Philosophy, Politics and Economics at FHS may take 0, 1
or 2 optional Politics papers.
The recommended teaching pattern is 16 lectures (provided by the De-
partment) and 8 tutorials (provided by Colleges).
For courses covering technical material, teaching may be given through
classes rather than tutorials.
The recommended teaching for students taking the optional thesis or su-
pervised dissertation paper is 8 tutorials (provided by College).
The final list of Economics papers will be announced at the Economics
options fair at the beginning of the fourth week of the first Hilary Full
Term of candidates' work for the Honour School. In the event that recom-
mended teaching patterns of new options fall outside these norms, this
information will be updated and students will be informed.
There may be restrictions on numbers permitted to offer some Economics
subjects in any particular year.
When choosing optional papers, it is essential that you consult both the Examin-
ation Regulations and your College tutors. Certain combinations of papers are
not permissible, and some optional papers may not be taught every year.
3.2 Theses
One of your eight Finals subjects may be a thesis: see 199, 299, and 399 in the
Examination Regulations. Begin planning no later than your penultimate Easter
Vacation, and have a talk with a tutor no later than the beginning of Trinity
Term. If your tutor thinks that your proposal is manageable, get initial sugges-
tions for reading and follow them up, so that work can be done during the Long
Vacation. Remember that tutors can only advise: the decision to offer a thesis is
your own, and so is the choice of topic. So, of course, is the work; what makes a
thesis worthwhile is that it is your own independent production.
Good undergraduate thesis topics can vary in character a great deal, but all
have two things in common: they are focused, so as to answer a question, or set
of questions, or advance an argument; and they are manageable, so that the
time available is enough for your research and reflection on it, and 15,000
words is enough for an interesting treatment.
If you decide to go ahead, submit your title and outline for approval in accord-
ance with the regulations for theses in the Examination Regulations. Do not
worry if your outline is not in the end very closely adhered to; the point of it is
to make clear the general subject of the thesis and to show that you have some
idea of how to go about tackling it.
The regulations state that you may discuss with your tutor ‘the field of study,
the sources available, and the method of presentation’. Before you start work,
go over the plan of the whole thesis very carefully with your tutor. The plan
Page 18 of 68
must be yours, but the tutor can help you make sure it is clear, coherent and
feasible. Get more advice on reading. But bear in mind that much of your read-
ing will be discovered by yourself; so, arrange to be in Oxford, or near a large
library, for some weeks of the Long Vacation.
Avoid letting your topic expand, and focus your reading on the issue you intend
to write about; 15,000 words is the length of two articles, not a book. Your tutor
‘may also read and comment on a first draft’ (in the case of Philosophy, ‘on
drafts’), and the amount of assistance the tutor may give is equivalent to the
teaching of a normal paper; so tutorial sessions can be used for trying out first
drafts of parts of the thesis. However, you have to write the finished version on
your own; make sure you allow plenty of time – almost certainly more will be
needed than you first anticipated. You must not exceed the limit of 15,000
words, excluding bibliography. That will probably, to your surprise, become a
problem; but the exercise of pruning is a valuable one, encouraging clarity and
precision which you should be aiming for in any case.
Your bibliography should list all works to which you refer, plus any others you
have used that bear on the final version. The style for references can be mod-
elled on any book or periodical in your field. The rules for format and submis-
sion, and for change of title, are in the Examination Regulations.
Page 19 of 68
Safe fieldwork is successful fieldwork. Thorough preparation can pre-empt
many potential problems. When discussing your research with your supervisor
please think about the safety implications of where you are going and what you
are doing. Following this discussion and before your travel will be approved,
you will be required to complete a travel risk assessment form. This requires
you to set out the significant safety risks associated with your research, the ar-
rangements in place to mitigate those risks and the contingency plans for if
something goes wrong. There is an expectation that you will take out suitable
travel insurance. Your Department also needs accurate information on where
you are, and when and how to contact you while you are away. The travel as-
sessment process should help to plan your fieldwork by thinking through ar-
rangements and practicalities. The following website contains some fieldwork
experiences which might be useful to refer to
Training is highly recommended as part of your preparation. Even if you are fa-
miliar with where you are going there may be risks associated with what you
are doing.
Useful Links
More information on fieldwork and a number of useful links can be found on the
Social Sciences Division website: https://socsci.web.ox.ac.uk/research-
The Examination Regulations state that ‘with the approval of the Undergradu-
ate Studies Committee, members of staff willing to supervise a research topic
shall through the Undergraduate Studies Coordinator or Courses Team of the
Department of Politics and International Relations circulate by email not later
than Friday of Fourth Week of Hilary Term a short description of an area of
Politics (including International Relations and Sociology) in which they have a
special interest, a list of possible dissertation topics lying within that area, an
introductory reading list, and a time and place at which they will meet those in-
terested in writing a dissertation under their supervision for assessment in the
following year’s [Final] examination…’
Page 20 of 68
This means Hilary Term of your penultimate year. So, if the idea appeals to you,
it is best discussed with your tutor no later than the beginning of that term; if
your interest arises too late for the Hilary Term meetings, you will need your
tutor’s advice about the practicalities too. You do not need to seek formal ap-
proval for a dissertation topic, unlike a thesis.
The rules on length, format and submission, late submission, and change of
title, are the same as for Politics theses and are set out in the Examination Reg-
ulations. The Department issues advice on supervised dissertations in the notes
of guidance on Politics theses, which you can find on Politics Canvas.
Vacations have to include holiday time; and everyone recognises that for very
many students they also have to include money-earning time. The University’s
guidance on paid work is at www.ox.ac.uk/students/life/experience. Neverthe-
less, vacation study is vital, and students are responsible for their own academic
You are said to ‘read’ for an Oxford degree, and PPE is certainly a reading
course: its ‘study’ is mainly the study of material obtained from books and other
documents. In term you will mostly rush from one article or chapter to another,
pick their bones, and write out your reactions. There are typically six to eight
lectures, and two tutorials (or one tutorial and one class) a week.
Vacations are the time for less hectic attention to complete books. Tutorials
break a subject up; vacations allow consolidation. They give depth and time for
serious thought. They are also particularly important for reading set or core
4. Assessment
Page 21 of 68
dition, students normally sit practice examinations (known as ‘collections’) in
each paper at the start of the term following the tutorials which are marked and
returned with comments.
Feedback on your Prelims and Finals is given via marks and generic feedback
on cohort performance through examiners’ reports.
Examination Conventions are published at least one term before the examina-
tion takes place, on the exams page of PPE Canvas. You will be notified by email
when they are available. The Examination Conventions from previous years are
also on the exams page of PPE Canvas.
Page 22 of 68
would not be expected. The basis on which such judgements are made is likely
to vary slightly between subject areas, as may also the style and format of mak-
ing references, and your tutor or course organiser, where appropriate, will be in
the best position to advise you on such matters; in addition, these may be
covered, along with other aspects of academic writing, in your induction. By fol-
lowing good practice in your subject area, you should develop a rigorous ap-
proach to academic referencing, and avoid inadvertent plagiarism.
Cases of plagiarism range from the culpably fraudulent to the carelessly inad-
vertent. Honesty is all you need to avoid the first, the cultivation of academic
good practice will ensure that you do not fall foul of the second.
Page 23 of 68
ular author it may well not be enough to cite his or her work once in a
footnote at the start or the end of the essay.
Source Text
Example 1
“An important argument is that from queerness. It has two parts, one metaphys-
ical and one epistemological. Metaphysically, if objective values existed, then
they would be very strange entities, unlike anything else in the universe. Epi-
stemologically, if we were aware of them, it would have to be by some strange
faculty of moral intuition, quite different from our ordinary awareness.”
Without reference of any kind to any source, this would be taken as the author’s
own words and ideas; when in fact it simply copies phrases verbatim from the
source with just a few words changed here and there.
Example 2
“It has been argued against objective values on the grounds of queerness. The
case can be made in either metaphysical or epistemological terms. If objective
values existed, they would be strange things, utterly different from anything
Page 24 of 68
else in the universe, and they would have to be known in an equally strange
way, utterly different from our ordinary ways of knowing everything else.”
This is a mixture of verbatim copying and close paraphrase. Two phrases have
been copied from the source, but no quotation marks or reference provided. The
phrase ‘It has been argued’ is insufficient for this purpose.
Example 3
“‘The argument from queerness’ (Mackie, 1977, p.38) has been stated as fol-
lows. ‘If there were objective values, then they would be entities or qualities or
relations of a very strange sort, utterly different from anything else in the uni-
verse.’ Correspondingly, if we were aware of them, it would have to be by some
special faculty of moral intuition, utterly different from our ordinary ways of
knowing everything else.”
By selective use of quotation marks and referencing this suggests that the
second point here is the writer’s own, when it is in fact just as heavily indebted
to the source as the material explicitly acknowledged. All quoted material must
be enclosed in quotation marks and adequately referenced.
Always make clear the extent of your borrowing. A text reference, such as
(Mackie, 1977, p.38), can leave it unclear whether the debt you wish to
acknowledge is with regard to a clause, a sentence, a few sentences or an
entire paragraph that you have written.
Try always to express the ideas and arguments you encounter in your
own words; this is part of what it means to really understand them.
If you need exam adjustments (for example, rest time or rest time), you must
apply for exam adjustments after matriculation and no later than Friday of
Week 4 of the term before the exam is due to take place. It is your responsibility
to request exam adjustments and provide any supporting evidence required. Re-
quests may, for urgent reasons, be considered nearer to the date of your exam.
Further information is at www.ox.ac.uk/students/academic/exams/examination-
Page 25 of 68
4.7 Sitting your in-person examination
The majority of papers in PPE are assessed by an in-person examination. Prac-
tical information and support for sitting in-person exams is provided on the Ox-
ford students website (www.ox.ac.uk/students/academic/exams/guidance).
These assessments are normally submitted online via Inspera. Ensure you are
familiar with the online submission process in advance of any deadline. Full in-
formation is provided on the Oxford students website
Page 26 of 68
4.12 Prizes
After your first year you will be eligible for a scholarship or exhibition from your
College, on academic criteria which the College decides and applies. Other
prizes for which you may be eligible include the various PPE examination prizes
which are listed on PPE Canvas. A central list of all prizes is at
Page 27 of 68
Surveys of employers report that they find Oxford students better or much bet-
ter than the average UK student at key employability skills such as problem
solving, leadership, and communication. Hundreds of recruiters visit the Univer-
sity each year, demonstrating their demand for Oxford undergraduate and post-
graduate students.
Comprehensive careers advice and guidance is available from the Oxford Uni-
versity Careers Service, and not just while you are here: our careers support is
for life. We offer tailored individual advice, job fairs and workshops to inform
your job search and application process, whether your next steps are within
academia or beyond. You will also have access to thousands of UK-based and
international internships, work experience and job vacancies available on the
Careers Service website at www.careers.ox.ac.uk. Further information can be
found at www.ox.ac.uk/students/life/experience.
The Politics UJCC comprises the Director of Undergraduate Studies, the Under-
graduate Studies Coordinator or Academic Administrator, and an undergradu-
ate representative from each college. Politics Canvas has a page with the com-
mittee membership, meeting times and further information.
The Economics UJCC has several Department members, including the Director
of Undergraduate Studies, and a student member from each College. The stu-
dent representatives must be reading for one of the Honour Schools involving
Economics. The UJCC meets once per term. It elects one of its student repres-
entatives as chair. Economics Canvas has a page with the meeting times and
further information.
The Philosophy UJCC is currently being reinstated. You will be contacted once it
is operational to invite your participation. Until then you can contact the Dir-
ector of Undergraduate Studies or the Undergraduate Studies Administrator to
raise any issues of concern.
If you need further information about one of the UJCCs please approach the un-
dergraduate administrator for the Department.
Page 28 of 68
6.2 Division and University representation
Student representatives sitting on the Divisional Board are selected through a
process organised by the Oxford University Student Union (Oxford SU). Details
can be found on the SU website www.oxfordsu.org along with information about
student representation at the University level.
You will be asked to comment on each set of lectures via questionnaires, which
will be distributed either electronically or as paper copies. Paper copies will be
handed out by the lecturer towards the middle or end of his or her set of lec-
tures, and further copies will be available from the Department. Completed
forms may either be given to the lecturer at the end of the lecture or sent to the
Department office. The results of the questionnaire are seen by the lecturer and
also by the Director of Undergraduate Studies or Teaching/Lectures Committee
or panel. The DUS and/or committee or panel are responsible for ensuring that
any problems reported through the questionnaires are addressed. These are re-
ported on to the UJCC and the Department.
You will also be asked to provide feedback on tutorial teaching to your College,
and although Colleges may differ in the exact ways in which they provide for
this, in general they will ask your views on the amount and quality of teaching,
reading materials, timeliness of comments on essays and tutorial performance,
and feedback on your progress on the course. Colleges also arrange for you to
hear or read reports written by your tutor and to make comments on them, and
also for you to submit your own self-assessment of your progress to date and
your academic goals.
Students on full-time and part-time matriculated courses are surveyed once per
year on all aspects of their course (learning, living, pastoral support, College)
through the Student Barometer. Previous results can be viewed by students,
staff and the general public at www.ox.ac.uk/students/life/feedback. Final year
undergraduate students are surveyed through the National Student Survey.
Results from previous NSS can be found at www.unistats.com. Results from the
NSS and the Student Barometer are monitored by the PPE Committee and the
Undergraduate Studies Committees in the three Departments.
Page 29 of 68
aware of the factors that have impacted your performance
The University has a range of support and advice to help you manage your fin-
ances during your studies. Please see
www.ox.ac.uk/students/fees-funding/assistance for further information, includ-
ing on hardship funding for students who experience financial difficulties.
Every College has their own systems of academic and pastoral support for stu-
dents. Please refer to your College Handbook or website for more information
on who to contact and what support is available through your College.
Details of the wide range of sources of support available more widely in the Uni-
versity are available from the Oxford Students website
(www.ox.ac.uk/students/welfare), including in relation to mental and physical
health and disability.
Where such a need arises, an informal discussion with the person immediately
responsible for the issue that you wish to complain about (and who may not be
one of the individuals identified below) is often the simplest way to achieve a
satisfactory resolution.
Page 30 of 68
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome, you may take your concern further by
making a formal complaint to the Proctors under the University Student Com-
plaints Procedure (https://www.ox.ac.uk/students/academic/complaints).
Academic appeals
If you have any concerns about your assessment process or outcome it is advis-
able to discuss these first with your subject or College tutor, Senior Tutor,
course director, director of studies, supervisor or College or departmental ad-
ministrator as appropriate. They will be able to explain the assessment process
that was undertaken and may be able to address your concerns. Queries must
not be raised directly with the examiners.
If you still have concerns you can make a formal appeal to the Proctors who will
consider appeals under the University Academic Appeals Procedure
The Equality and Diversity Unit works with all parts of the collegiate University
to develop and promote an understanding of equality and diversity and ensure
that this is reflected in all its processes. The Unit also supports the University in
Page 31 of 68
meeting the legal requirements of the Equality Act 2010, including eliminating
unlawful discrimination, promoting equality of opportunity and fostering good
relations between people with and without the ‘protected characteristics’ of
age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy
and maternity, race, religion and/or belief, sex and sexual orientation. Visit our
website for further details or contact us directly for advice:
www.edu.web.ox.ac.uk or equality@admin.ox.ac.uk.
The Equality and Diversity Unit also supports a broad network of harassment
advisors in Departments/Faculties and Colleges and a central Harassment Ad-
visory Service. For more information on the University’s Harassment and Bully-
ing policy and the support available for students visit edu.web.ox.ac.uk/harass-
There are a range of faith societies, belief groups, and religious centres within
Oxford University that are open to students. For more information visit edu.ad-
The Counselling Service is here to help you address personal or emotional prob-
lems that get in the way of having a good experience at Oxford and realising
your full academic and personal potential. They offer a free and confidential ser-
vice. For more information visit www.ox.ac.uk/students/shw/counselling.
There is a wide range of student clubs and societies to get involved in. For more
details visit: www.ox.ac.uk/students/life/clubs.
Page 32 of 68
Inevitably, this will mean that members of the University are confronted with
views that some find unsettling, extreme or offensive. The University must
therefore foster freedom of expression within a framework of robust civility. Not
all theories deserve equal respect. A university values expertise and intellectual
achievement as well as openness. But, within the bounds set by law, all voices
or views which any member of our community considers relevant should be
given the chance of a hearing. Wherever possible, they should also be exposed
to evidence, questioning and argument. As an integral part of this commitment
to freedom of expression, we will take steps to ensure that all such exchanges
happen peacefully. With appropriate regulation of the time, place and manner
of events, neither speakers nor listeners should have any reasonable grounds to
feel intimidated or censored.
8. Facilities
8.2 IT
A wide range of IT facilities and training is available to Oxford students. For fur-
ther information see www.ox.ac.uk/students/life/it.
9. The Future
Page 33 of 68
9.2 Proceeding to Further Study
If you are considering graduate study, the beginning of your final year is the
latest time by which you should research the various degrees on offer and
choose the ones that appeal to you. At that time, you might also discuss the op-
tions with your tutors. Most applications for graduate study, particularly to in-
stitutions in the northern hemisphere, must be submitted by December or Janu-
ary. Deadlines are often strictly enforced and the competition for a place on a
particular degree may be intensive. Your initiatives are likely to fail if they are
not completed in good time. Further advice on proceeding from undergraduate
to postgraduate study is at www.ox.ac.uk/students/graduation/continuing.
Every year a number of PPE finalists apply to continue their studies at Oxford.
You will be able to find a comprehensive list of courses and application dead-
lines at www.ox.ac.uk/graduate. Graduate students must secure their own fund-
ing to cover fees and maintenance, both of which can be costly. The closing
dates for some fellowships and scholarships, especially those overseas, may fall
in advance of the application deadline for your chosen degree programme, and
the competition for funding can also be fierce, so it is important to research the
deadlines for these opportunities and to plan your applications in a timely man-
ner. Further information and advice is at www.ox.ac.uk/graduate/fees-and-
Page 34 of 68
Appendix A: Outline of Papers
For your second and third years you may continue with all three disciplines or
pursue only two of them. This is a matter you should discuss with your College
tutors. There are various requirements to take particular papers and restric-
tions on the option papers you can take. These are listed in detail in the Examin-
ation Regulations. Course outlines, teaching arrangements, and reading lists
are on the Canvas sites for each Department, which you can access via the PPE
Canvas site at https://canvas.ox.ac.uk/courses/71230.
What follows here is an outline of what the papers in each of the three branches
involve. You may well find it helpful to look at recent examination papers on
OXAM to build up a picture of these papers. If you find the examination ques-
tions interesting you are more likely to find working on the paper engaging.
A.1 Philosophy.............................................................................................. 38
Formal requirements................................................................................ 38
Normal Prerequisites (indicated by NP)...................................................38
101. Early Modern Philosophy..............................................................39
102. Knowledge and Reality..................................................................39
103. Ethics............................................................................................. 40
104. Philosophy of Mind (NP 101 or 102).............................................40
106. Philosophy of Science and Social Science (NP 101 or 102)..........41
107. Philosophy of Religion (NP 101 or 102)........................................42
108. The Philosophy of Logic and Language (NP Prelims/Mods Logic) 42
109. Aesthetics (NP 101 or 102 or 103 or 104 or 115).........................43
110. Medieval Philosophy: Aquinas.......................................................43
111. Medieval Philosophy: Duns Scotus and Ockham (NP 101 or 108) 44
112. The Philosophy of Kant (NP 101)..................................................45
113. Post-Kantian Philosophy (NP 101 or 102 or 103 or 112)..............45
114. Theory of Politics (NP 103)...........................................................46
115. Plato: Republic.............................................................................. 46
116. Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics......................................................47
120. Intermediate Philosophy of Physics...............................................47
122. Philosophy of Mathematics (NP 101 or 102 or 108 or 117 or 119 or
120)....................................................................................................... 47
124. Philosophy of Science (NP 101 or 102).........................................48
125. Philosophy of Cognitive Science (NP 102 or 104).........................48
127. Philosophical Logic........................................................................49
128. Practical Ethics............................................................................. 50
129. The Philosophy of Wittgenstein.....................................................51
Page 35 of 68
137. Plato on Knowledge, Language, and Reality in the Theaetetus and
Sophist................................................................................................... 51
138. Aristotle on Nature, Life and Mind...............................................51
139. Knowledge and Scepticism in Hellenistic Philosophy (Sextus Em-
piricus).................................................................................................. 52
150. Jurisprudence................................................................................ 53
198. Special subjects.............................................................................53
199. Thesis............................................................................................ 53
A.2 Politics.................................................................................................... 54
A. Core subjects........................................................................................ 54
201. Comparative Government.............................................................54
202. British Politics and Government Since 1900.................................55
203. Theory of Politics...........................................................................55
214. International Relations..................................................................56
220. Political Sociology.........................................................................56
B. Further Subjects................................................................................... 57
204. Modern British Government and Politics......................................57
205. Government and Politics of the United States..............................57
206. Politics in Europe..........................................................................58
207. Politics in Russia and the Former Soviet Union............................58
208. Politics in Sub-Saharan Africa.......................................................58
209. Politics in Latin America...............................................................59
210. Politics in South Asia.....................................................................59
211. Politics in the Middle East.............................................................60
212. International Relations in the Era of the Two World Wars...........60
213. International Relations in the Era of the Cold War.......................60
215. Political Thought: Plato to Rousseau.............................................61
216. Political Thought: Bentham to Weber...........................................61
217. Marx and Marxism........................................................................62
218. Sociological Theory.......................................................................62
222. Labour Economics and Inequality.................................................63
224. Social Policy.................................................................................. 63
225. Comparative Demographic Systems.............................................63
227. Politics in China.............................................................................64
228. The Politics of the European Union...............................................64
229. Advanced Paper in Theories of Justice..........................................64
230. Comparative Political Economy.....................................................65
297. Special Subject in Politics.............................................................66
297. International Security and Conflict (Special Subject in Politics). .67
298. Supervised dissertation in Politics................................................67
299. Thesis in Politics............................................................................67
A.3 Economics............................................................................................... 67
300. Quantitative Economics (FHS1)....................................................68
301. Macroeconomics (FHS1)...............................................................68
302. Microeconomics (FHS1)................................................................68
304. Money and Banking (FHS2)..........................................................69
310. Economics of Developing Countries (FHS2).................................69
311. Development of the World Economy since 1800 (FHS1)..............69
314. Econometrics (FHS2)....................................................................69
319. Game Theory (FHS2).....................................................................70
398. Special Subjects in Economics (FHS2).........................................70
399. Thesis (FHS2)................................................................................ 70
Page 36 of 68
A.1 Philosophy
Formal requirements
Students must take two core subjects: 103 (Ethics), and one of papers 101
(Early Modern Philosophy), 102 (Knowledge and Reality), 115 (Plato: Republic),
or 116 (Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics). In your choice of further subjects, you
should be guided by the Normal Prerequisites (see below). You may only take
199 (Philosophy Thesis) if you are taking at least three other Philosophy sub-
jects. You may take only one from 106 (Philosophy of Science and of Social Sci-
ence) and 124 (Philosophy of Science). You may not take both of 110 (Aquinas)
and 111 (Duns Scotus and Ockham). You may not take both of 150 (Jurispru-
dence) and 114/203 (Theory of Politics).
Bi-partite Politics and Economics students may take any one Philosophy subject
(except 199, Thesis in Philosophy), but should be guided by the Normal Pre-
The official syllabuses for subjects may be found in the Examination Regula-
tions, and it is these which form the framework within which exam questions on
a paper must be set. But to help your choices, see below brief, informal descrip-
tions of the subjects, followed in some cases by a suggested introductory read-
ing. You should always consult your tutor about your choice of options, noting
also the advice in the next paragraph.
Page 37 of 68
Berkeley and Hume developed this empiricism in the direction of a kind of ideal-
ism, according to which the world studied by science is in some sense mind-de-
pendent and mind-constructed. (Kant subsequently sought to arbitrate between
the rationalists and the empiricists, by rooting out some assumptions common
to them and trying thereby to salvage and to reconcile some of their apparently
irreconcilable insights.) Reading the primary texts is of great importance.
The examination paper is divided into two sections and students are required to
answer at least one question from Section A (Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz) and
at least one from Section B (Locke, Berkeley, Hume). NB: previously this paper
was known as ‘History of Philosophy from Descartes to Kant’ and further al-
lowed study of Kant (who remains available within paper 112).
R.S. Woolhouse, The Empiricists
J. Cottingham, The Rationalists (both O.U.P. Opus series)
In considering reality you will focus on questions such as the following. Does
the world really contain the three-dimensional objects and their properties –
such as red buses or black horses – which we appear to encounter in everyday
life? Or is it made up rather of the somewhat different entities studied by sci-
ence, such as colourless atoms or four-dimensional space-time worms? What is
the relation between the common-sense picture of the world and that provided
by contemporary science? Is it correct to think of the objects and their proper-
ties that make up the world as being what they are independently of our pre-
ferred ways of dividing up reality? These issues are discussed with reference to
a variety of specific questions such as 'What is time?', 'What is the nature of
causation?', and 'What are substances?' There is an opportunity in this subject
to study such topics as reference, truth and definition, but candidates taking
102 and 108 should avoid repetition of material across examinations. However,
if your answers are well-crafted and relevant to the specific question set, this is
unlikely to be a problem.
Jonathan Dancy, Introduction to Contemporary Epistemology (Oxford),
chs. 1-3
Page 38 of 68
Michael J. Loux, Metaphysics (Routledge)
103. Ethics
The purpose of this subject is to enable you to come to grips with some ques-
tions which exercise many people, philosophers and non-philosophers alike.
How should we decide what is best to do, and how best to lead our lives? Are
our value judgments on these and other matters objective or do they merely re-
flect our subjective preferences and viewpoints? Are we in fact free to make
these choices, or have our decisions already been determined by antecedent
features of our environment and genetic endowment? In considering these is-
sues you will examine a variety of ethical concepts, such as those of justice,
rights, equality, virtue, and happiness, which are widely used in moral and polit-
ical argument. There is also opportunity to discuss some applied ethical issues.
Knowledge of major historical thinkers, e.g. Aristotle and Hume and Kant, will
be encouraged, but not required in the examination.
John Mackie, Ethics (Penguin), chs. 1-2
Paul Churchland, Matter and Consciousness (Cambridge) chs. 1-3
In the broadest sense the philosophy of science is concerned with the theory of
knowledge and with associated questions in metaphysics. What is distinctive
about the field is its focus on ‘scientific’ knowledge, and the metaphysical ques-
tions – concerning space, time, causation, probability, possibility, necessity,
realism and idealism – prompted by such a focus. This branch of philosophy is
Page 39 of 68
therefore concerned with distinctive traits of science: testability, objectivity, sci-
entific explanation, and the nature of scientific theories. Whether economics,
sociology, and political science are ‘really’ sciences is a question that lay people
as well as philosophers have often asked. The technology spawned by the phys-
ical sciences is more impressive than that based on the social sciences: bridges
do not collapse and aeroplanes do not fall from the sky, but no government can
reliably control crime, divorce, or unemployment, or make its citizens happy at
will. Human behaviour often seems less predictable, and less explicable than
that of inanimate nature and non-human animals, even though most of us be-
lieve that we know what we are doing and why. So, philosophers of social sci-
ence have asked whether human action is to be explained causally or non-caus-
ally, whether predictions are self-refuting, whether we can only explain beha-
viour that is in some sense rational – and if so, what that sense is. Other central
issues include social relativism, the role of ideology, value-neutrality, and the
relationship between the particular social sciences, in particular whether eco-
nomics provides a model for other social science. Finally, some critics have
asked whether a technological view of 'social control' does not threaten demo-
cratic politics as usually understood.
Please note: The Faculty of Philosophy permits PPE students taking this paper
to specialise in the Philosophy of Social Science. That is, students must answer
at least one question on Philosophy of Social Science in the exam, but can an-
swer up to three. This is to allow you to play to your strengths and experience
as a student not just of Philosophy but also of Politics and Economics. This pa-
per cannot be combined with paper 124 (Philosophy of Science).
Martin Hollis, The Philosophy of Social Science (Cambridge); Alexander
Rosenberg, Philosophy of Social Science (Westview).
Page 40 of 68
the knowledge and techniques which you have acquired in other areas of philo-
sophy. Among the major philosophers whose contributions to the philosophy of
religion you will need to study are Aquinas, Hume and Kant.
M. Peterson and other authors, Reason and Religious Belief, An Introduc-
tion to the Philosophy of Religion (Oxford University Press)
Mark Sainsbury, 'Philosophical Logic', in Philosophy, a Guide through the
Subject, edited by A. C. Grayling (Oxford).
Page 41 of 68
and others, are addressed directly, and also by examining classic texts, includ-
ing Plato's Republic, Aristotle's Poetics, Hume's essay ‘Of the Standard of Taste’
and Kant's Critique of Aesthetic Judgement.
Malcolm Budd, Values of Art (Penguin)
The subject will be studied in one of two sets of texts (the fathers of the English
Dominican Province edition, 1911, rev. 1920):
Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Ia, 2-11, 75-89, which will cover the follow-
ing topics: arguments for the existence of God; God’s essence and exist-
ence; God and goodness; God and time; the soul in relation to the body;
individual intellects; perception and knowledge; free will; the soul and
Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Ia IIae 1-10, 90-97, which will cover the fol-
lowing topics: natural and supernatural happiness; voluntary action; the
will; natural and universal law; human law.
Anthony Kenny, Aquinas
F.C. Copleston, Aquinas
B. Davies, The Thought of Thomas Aquinas (O.U.P.)
This paper will include an optional question containing passages for comment.
This paper may not be combined with paper 111 (Duns Scotus and Ockham). Pa-
per 116 (Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics) is a good background for this paper.
111. Medieval Philosophy: Duns Scotus and Ockham (NP 101 or 108)
Duns Scotus and Ockham are, together with Aquinas, the most significant and
influential thinkers of the Middle Ages. The purpose of this subject is to make
you familiar with some fundamental aspects of their theological and philosoph-
ical thought. As to Scotus, these include the proof of the existence and of the
unicity of God (the most sophisticated one in the Middle Ages) and the issues
about causality that it raises, the theory of the existence of concepts common to
God and creatures (the univocity theory of religious language), the discussion
about the immateriality and the immortality of the human soul, and the reply to
scepticism. As to Ockham, they include nominalism about universals and the re-
futation of realism (including the realism of Duns Scotus), some issues in logic
and especially the theory of ‘supposition’ and its application in the debate about
universals, the theory of intellectual knowledge of singulars and the question of
whether we can have evidence about contingent properties of singulars, the
Page 42 of 68
nature of efficient causality and the problem of whether we can prove the exist-
ence of a first efficient cause. These are studied in translation rather than in the
Latin original, though a glance at the Latin can often be useful. Candidates are
encouraged to carefully read and analyse Scotus’s and Ockham’s texts and to
focus on the philosophical questions they raise.
Scotus: Philosophical Writings, tr. Wolter (Hackett), chapters II-IV, pp.
13-95 (man’s natural knowledge of God; the existence of God; the unicity
of God); Five texts on the Mediaeval Problem of Universals, tr. Spade
(Hackett), pp. 57-113 (universals, individuation).
Ockham: Philosophical Writings, tr. Boehner (Hackett), pp. 18-27 (intuit-
ive and abstractive cognition); pp. 97-126 (the possibility of natural theo-
logy, the existence of God); Five texts on the Mediaeval Problem of Uni-
versals, tr. Spade (Hackett), pp. 114-231 (universals).
R. Cross, Duns Scotus; M. McCord Adams, William Ockham, vol. 1.
Immanuel Kant lived from 1724 to 1804. He published the Critique of Pure
Reason in 1781, and the Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals in 1785. The
'Critique' is his greatest work and, without question, the most influential work
of modern philosophy. It is a difficult but enormously rewarding work. This is
largely because Kant, perhaps uniquely, combines in the highest measure the
cautious qualities of care, rigour and tenacity with the bolder quality of philo-
sophical imagination. Its concern is to give an account of human knowledge that
will steer a path between the dogmatism of traditional metaphysics and the
scepticism that, Kant believes, is the inevitable result of the empiricist criticism
of metaphysics. Kant's approach, he claims in a famous metaphor, amounts to a
‘Copernican revolution’ in philosophy. Instead of looking at human knowledge
by starting from what is known, we should start from ourselves as knowing sub-
jects and ask how the world must be for us to have the kind of knowledge and
experience that we have. Kant thinks that his Copernican revolution also en-
ables him to reconcile traditional Christian morality and modern science, in the
face of their apparently irreconcilable demands (in the one case, that we should
be free agents, and in the other case, that the world should be governed by in-
exorable mechanical laws). In the ‘Groundwork’ Kant develops his very distinct-
ive and highly influential moral philosophy. He argues that morality is grounded
in reason. What we ought to do is what we would do if we acted in a way that
was purely rational. To act in a way that is purely rational is to act in accord-
ance with the famous ‘categorical imperative’, which Kant expresses as follows:
‘Act only on that maxim through which you can at the same time will that it
should become a universal law’.
Critique of Pure Reason, P. Guyer and A. Wood (CUP)
Page 43 of 68
Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, trans. M. Gregor (CUP)
Roger Scruton, Kant
Robert C. Solomon, Continental Philosophy since 1750: The Rise and Fall
of the Self (O.U.P.)
Page 44 of 68
These questions prompt discussions of the ideal city – which Karl Popper criti-
cised as totalitarian – of education and art, of the nature of knowledge, the The-
ory of Forms and the immortality of the soul. In studying it you will encounter a
work of philosophy of unusual literary merit, one in which philosophy is presen-
ted through debates, through analogies and images, including the famous simile
of the Cave, as well as rigorous argument, and you will encounter some of
Plato’s important contributions to ethics, political theory, metaphysics, philo-
sophy of mind and aesthetics. You are expected to study the work in detail; the
examination contains a question requiring comments on chosen passages, as
well as a choice of essay questions.
Julia Annas, An Introduction to Plato's Republic, Introduction and ch. 1
Set translation: Plato: Republic, trans. Grube, revised Reeve (Hackett)
You are expected to study the work in detail; the examination contains a ques-
tion requiring comments on chosen passages, as well as a choice of essay ques-
J. L. Ackrill, Aristotle the Philosopher, ch. 10
Set translation: Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics translated and with notes
by T.H. Irwin (Hackett) second edition
122. Philosophy of Mathematics (NP 101 or 102 or 108 or 117 or 119 or 120)
What is the relation of mathematical knowledge to other kinds of knowledge? Is
it of a special kind, concerning objects of a special kind? If so, what is the
nature of those objects and how do we come to know anything about them? If
not, how do we explain the seeming difference between proving a theorem in
mathematics and establishing something about the physical world? The purpose
Page 45 of 68
of this subject is to enable you to examine questions such as these. Understand-
ing the nature of mathematics has been important to many philosophers, includ-
ing Plato, Aristotle, and Kant, as a test or as an exemplar of their overall posi-
tion, and has also played a role in the development of mathematics at certain
points. While no specific knowledge of mathematics is required for study of this
subject, it will be helpful to have studied mathematics at A-level, or similar, and
to have done Logic in Prelims/ Mods.
Stephen F. Barker, Philosophy of Mathematics (Prentice-Hall).
The subject also includes the study of major historical schools in philosophy of
science. The most important of these is logical positivism (later logical empiri-
cism), that dominated the second and third quarters of the last century. In fact,
some of the most important current schools in philosophy of science are broadly
continuous with it, notably constructive empiricism and structural realism. The
syllabus for this subject contains that for Part A of 106 (Philosophy of Science
and Social Science). You cannot take both this paper and paper 106.
Don Gillies, Philosophy of Science in the Twentieth Century (Blackwells)
James Ladyman, Understanding Philosophy of Science (Routledge)
Page 46 of 68
• Levels of description and explanation (e.g. personal vs. subpersonal, func-
tional vs. mechanistic, mind vs. brain)
• Cognitive architecture, modularity, homuncular functionalism
• Conceptual foundations of information processing: rules and algorithms,
tacit knowledge (e.g. of grammar), competence vs. performance
• Nature and format of representations: representationalism vs. behaviour-
ism, the computational theory of mind and language of thought, connec-
tionist alternatives
• The scientific study of consciousness, including the role of subjects’ re-
ports, non-verbal and direct measures; neural and computational correl-
ates of consciousness; and the problem of distinguishing phenomenal and
access consciousness empirically
The lectures will also cover philosophical issues raised by some areas of cutting-
edge research, such as: agency and its phenomenology; attention and neglect;
cognitive neuropsychology; concepts; delusions; dual-process theories; dynam-
ical systems, embodied and embedded cognition; evolutionary psychology and
massive modularity; forward models and predictive coding; imagery; implicit
processing (e.g. blindsight, prosopagnosia); innateness (e.g. concept nativism);
language processing and knowledge of language; perception and action (e.g.
dorsal vs. ventral visual systems); spatial representation; theory of mind /
mindreading; unity of consciousness. Lectures may also cover some historical
background (e.g. the cognitive revolution).
Recommended Pathways
Although there are no absolute prerequisites, it would be beneficial to
study FHS 102 Knowledge and Reality and/or FHS 104 Philosophy of
Mind in conjunction with this paper. For those doing so it would be useful
to have begun work on one or both of those papers first.
Background Reading
Martin Davies, ‘An approach to philosophy of cognitive science’, in F.
Jackson & M. Smith (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Philo-
sophy (Oxford: O.U.P., 2005). An expanded version is available online at
the Philosophy Faculty Canvas site, in the Undergraduate Section, under
‘Reading Lists’.
Clark, A. (2001), Mindware: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Cognit-
ive Science (Oxford, OUP).
Page 47 of 68
This course exposes you to logical systems that extend and enrich—or challenge
and deviate from—classical logic, the standard propositional and predicate logic
familiar from Prelims. Why depart from classical logic? Here’s one example:
classical logic has exactly two truth-values, true and false. How, then, are we to
deal with sentences like ‘Hamlet has blood type O’ which appear to defy classi-
fication with either? One systematic answer is provided by three-valued logics
which deviate from classical logic by permitting their sentences to be neither
truth nor false. Another example: classical logic only has truth-functional con-
nectives. How, then, are we to deal with connectives like ‘It must be the case
that…’ whose semantics cannot be captured with a truth-table? One systematic
answer is provided by modal logic, which extends classical logic by allowing its
connectives to be non-truth-functional.
The course has two principal aims. The first is to give you the technical compet-
ence to work with, and prove things about, a number of logical systems which
have come to play a central role across philosophy. These include non-classical
propositional logics, such as three-valued and intuitionistic systems, and exten-
sions of classical logic, such as propositional and predicate modal logic, as well
as systems for counterfactual conditionals and ‘two-dimensional’ logic. The
second principal aim is for you to come to appreciate the diverse philosophical
applications of these systems. The logic studied in this paper has important con-
nections to the metaphysics of time and existence, a priori knowledge, obliga-
tion, vagueness, and conditionals, amongst many other issues, and is often pre-
supposed in the contemporary literature on these topics. Competence with the
logic in this paper unlocks a wide range of fascinating work across philosophy.
Like Prelims logic, the paper is mostly examined through problems not essays.
The exam will require you to apply logic and prove things about it, as well as to
critically discuss its philosophical applications. Consequently, the course calls
for some technical ability but is considerably less mathematically demanding
than the Logic and Set Theory paper (B1), studied in mathematics. (B1 is also
available to be studied by philosophy students, and in very exceptional cases it
is a suitable option for them. Note, however, that there is no special teaching
provision for philosophy students taking B1: they are taught in classes alongside
mathematicians and must be prepared for the possibility that knowledge of rel-
atively advanced mathematics will be presupposed. For the very great majority
of PPE students who wish to undertake further work in logic, paper 127 will be
the better option.)
Page 48 of 68
lowing, means and side effects, partiality and impartiality, and so on are relev-
ant to the permissibility of action. Considerable engagement with normative
ethics will therefore be unavoidable in this course, though practical moral is-
sues will not be addressed solely through the mechanical application of any of
the familiar moral theories, such as consequentialism. Indeed, one of the aims
of the course is to explore and question different methods of thinking about
practical ethics, such as reasoning by reference to moral theories, reasoning on
the basis of intuitions about particular cases, or some combination of the two.
137. Plato on Knowledge, Language, and Reality in the Theaetetus and Sophist
The course covers some of the most fascinating and rewarding arguments in
Plato’s late epistemology, philosophy of language, and metaphysics on the basis
of his dialogues Theaetetus and Sophist. Starting from the Theaetetus, Plato’s
dialogue about the nature of knowledge, it discusses the claim that knowledge
is perception; being and becoming; the self-refutation of relativism; the refuta-
tion of the proposed definition of knowledge as sense perception; knowledge as
true belief; false belief; Socrates’ dream; knowledge as true belief plus an ‘ac-
count’ (logos). On the basis of the Sophist, the dialogue where Plato attempts to
define what a sophist is, the course examines the method of definition by divi-
sion; the view that it is impossible to say or think ‘what is not’; the discussion of
the number and nature of what there is; the view of the so-called ‘Late-
Learners’; the communion of kinds; the analysis of negative predication; the
‘fragmentation’ of the kind difference; negative properties; and the analysis of
falsehood. The examination for those taking the paper in Greek will involve a
compulsory question with passages for translation and critical comment, as well
as essay questions. In the translated version of the examination there will be a
compulsory question with passages for critical comment and essay questions.
You will be expected to have read both dialogues – in Greek or in translation de-
pending on the option.
Page 49 of 68
of mind (e.g. the relation between mind and body, the nature of life, perception,
thinking). For Aristotle, these questions are all related: they are all part of the
study of the natural world. This course provides an excellent introduction to Ar-
istotle’s philosophy in general. By working through these difficult Aristotelian
texts, we can shed light on Aristotle’s method, his relation to earlier philosoph-
ers, and on certain central questions that are still discussed by philosophers
In this paper we study the central Hellenistic epistemological views and debates
as they developed between (and within) these philosophical schools. We look to
some of the main sources for philosophical scepticism from the fourth
century BC to the 3rd century AD, and for the ‘empiricist’ epistemologies
of Stoicism and Epicureanism;
the variety of different positions encompassed by the term ‘Sceptic’;
the Sceptics’ attacks on ‘dogmatic’ epistemology and the various strate-
gies adopted by the ‘dogmatists’ to defend the possibility of knowledge;
the ‘dogmatic’ counter-attacks against the Sceptical positions, and the
Sceptics’ attempts to defend themselves;
how the issue of epistemology impacted ethics and moral psychology: do
we need knowledge to live a good and happy life? Is it possible and desir-
able to live one’s Scepticism in a consistent way?
Page 50 of 68
Set texts:
Sextus Empiricus, Outlines of Pyrrhonism Book I 1‐39; 164‐241; Book II
1‐204; Book III 1‐81; 168‐281 (in translation): Annas and Barnes (CUP
Cicero, Academic Books (in translation): Brittain (Hackett 2006)
Selected texts on Epicurean epistemology, Stoic epistemology, Pyrrho-
Scepticism, Academic scepticism (in translation): Long & Sedley (CUP
1987, vol. 1), sections 1‐3 (Pyrrho); 15‐19 (Epicureans); 39‐42 (Stoics);
68‐70 (Academics); 71‐72 (Aenesidemus)
150. Jurisprudence
This paper, from the Final Honour School of Jurisprudence, may be taken by
PPE FHS students as a subject in Philosophy.
The subject can be taken either as one of the PPE candidate’s (three to five)
Philosophy papers, or as the one Philosophy subject which Politics/Economics
students can elect to take. Candidates offering the Jurisprudence subject are
prohibited from combining it with Theory of Politics (i.e., with either subject
114 or 203). Jurisprudence teaching comprises two elements: core topics,
taught by means of tutorials in Hilary or Trinity Term of the second year; and
mini-options (particular subjects within the general field of philosophy of law)
taught by classes in Trinity Term of the second year. Tutorial provision will be
subject to the availability of Law tutors and will be organised on the normal Col-
lege basis; tutorials will be given at the same time as they are normally given to
Law students (in either Hilary or Trinity terms); and PPE students will normally
be included in tutorial groups of 2 or 3 with Law students. Jurisprudence is ex-
amined by means of a 3,000-4,000-word assessed essay written during the sum-
mer vacation of the second year; and a two-hour timed examination at the end
of the student’s third year. The essay is written on one of a number of questions
relating to the particular mini-option undertaken by the student. Because of the
timing of the essay, Jurisprudence can only be taken in the second year. The
PPE administrator will send an email to second year students in Michaelmas
Term asking you to sign up if you would like to take Jurisprudence.
199. Thesis
As specified in the regulations for Philosophy in All Honour Schools including
Philosophy in the Examination Regulations. You cannot combine this paper with
298 (Supervised Dissertation in Politics), 299 (Politics Thesis), or 399 (Econom-
ics Thesis).
Page 51 of 68
Return to list of subjects
A.2 Politics
You should choose your core subjects with care. The choice of two from five
core subjects is deliberately permissive. In the first year, you acquire the basic
tools of political analysis, but the discipline of Politics consists of several dis-
tinct schools of analysis, none of which is self-evidently more fundamental than
the others. The core papers are each designed to enhance your ability to con-
ceptualise, to compare, and to develop analytical skills. In a joint honours de-
gree, to require you to take papers covering all approaches would leave no
space for choice and specialisation. Your choice of core subjects will however
have a bearing on your subsequent work in Politics, and you are strongly ad-
vised to consult your College tutor and option-paper tutors before selecting any
optional subject. For a number of options, it is helpful, though not essential,
already to have taken a related core subject. Thus the study of political systems
in particular areas or countries is based on issues that are raised in 201 (Com-
parative Government) and 220 (Political Sociology); several subjects in the area
of political theory are most readily tackled with the background provided by 203
(Theory of Politics); the two optional subjects in 214 (International Relations)
follow most naturally from the core paper, as to a lesser degree, do those in So-
ciology from the core paper in 220 (Political Sociology).
A. Core subjects
Three of the five core papers contain a further Political Analysis component.
These are papers 201 (Comparative Government), 214 (International Relations)
and 220 (Political Sociology). Candidates taking these papers are expected to
complete the course of study in Political Analysis and submit a methods essay or
take-home exam (this should be thought of as the equivalent of a tutorial essay).
Page 52 of 68
way also prepares them for the more specialised study of specific regions or
single countries that follow as options later in the PPE syllabus. While the main
instruction is via the usual mixture of lectures and tutorials, students should
note that the range of knowledge covered makes the lectures even more vital
than they might be for some courses. The lecture course is formed of sixteen
lectures, and students are expected to treat it as a commitment running right
through the academic year.
Page 53 of 68
field with a development of their own interests within the wide choice of avail-
able concepts and ideologies. The literature to which they are directed is there-
fore diverse, encompassing classical texts, seminal philosophers and theorists,
significant journal articles, and typical examples of ideological debate. Both sub-
stantive arguments and methodological issues are consequently aired. By ex-
tending the initial understanding of political thought gained by students in the
first-year introduction to politics, or by building on other related introductory
lectures and subjects, the course provides the basis for specialization in political
theory, as well as tools that other specializations may draw upon. It will enable
students to reflect on the principles underlying politics, to make reasoned as-
sessments of political discourse, and to develop their own arguments at a re-
quisite degree of sophistication.
Note: this paper cannot be combined with paper 150 (Jurisprudence) or paper
114 (Theory of Politics taken as a Philosophy subject).
Page 54 of 68
culture theory, and the historical and comparative perspective as such, as well
as studying the application of these to the specific topics mentioned. Thus, by
the end of the course students should have an understanding of recent sociolo-
gical explanations of political processes and events, a grasp of the competing
approaches in the field, an understanding of the main methods of data collec-
tion and analysis, and an appreciation of the role of models and theories in soci-
ological knowledge.
B. Further Subjects
Page 55 of 68
206. Politics in Europe
This paper is a comparative study of the national party and institutional systems
of Europe, and of comparative issues in European politics, including democrat-
isation, institutional relations, political economy and party politics. Candidates
are expected to show a broad knowledge of European politics, and may where
appropriate include reference to the UK in answers, but should not answer any
questions mainly or exclusively with reference to the UK.
Page 56 of 68
of the historical and cultural contexts of Latin American politics, and the main
issues are placed in context by reference to the politics of particular countries,
including Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela. In this
way topical questions can be studied with reference to the enduring character-
istics of the politics of the region.
Page 57 of 68
couraged to bring their knowledge of political concepts to bear in the course.
Inter-regional comparisons are also encouraged, with students who have stud-
ied other parts of the developing world especially welcome. The course has
been designed both for the generalist, who may go on to work in business, gov-
ernment, journalism or the professions, and for the budding specialist who may
then proceed to a Masters in Middle Eastern studies. Please note that demand
sometimes outstrips teaching supply on this paper.
Page 58 of 68
215. Political Thought: Plato to Rousseau
The objective of this paper is to introduce students to some of the canonical
texts in political thought and to help them to develop an appreciation of the sig-
nificance of these texts for their own time and for contemporary political theory.
The subject is designed to enhance students’ skills in reading and interpreting
texts and to develop their appreciation of the richness of the traditions of polit-
ical thought in the West and their significance for a broader understanding of
the discipline. The subject allows students to choose from a range of classical
texts in the history of political thought and also offers a number of supplement-
ary topics which encourage students to examine issues raised by these texts in
the context of related discussions in the wider canon of political thought. In
both cases, the subject encourages students to develop skills in reading and
critically reflecting on the arguments of complex works of political philosophy.
It offers students the opportunity to develop an appreciation of the intellectual
context in which the texts were written and/or to discuss the arguments of the
texts in relation to issues in contemporary political theory. The subject permits
students to take either a narrow focus, concentrating on a few thinkers in
depth, or aiming for a wide coverage of many. Either approach, however, relies
on developing the capacity to grasp both the way particular texts work as argu-
ments, and to gain some independent critical purchase on the arguments them-
Page 59 of 68
Return to list of subjects
Page 60 of 68
and ethnic groups, generations and genders. A key framework for analysis is the
‘mixed economy of welfare’ – the shifts over time in the relative importance of
the state, the market, the voluntary sector and the family. Students will be re-
quired to show both theoretical and substantial knowledge of how these issues
and themes play out in a number of substantive policy areas. The course focuses
on the UK but seeks to set this experience in comparative perspective, in order
to provide context and to ask further questions about British arrangements.
Page 61 of 68
urban culture, and gender. China’s new status as a regional power in interna-
tional relations will also be examined, as well as its relations with Taiwan and
Hong Kong, two very different Chinese societies. This course will allow students
to develop a strong knowledge of one of the world’s most important countries,
and could serve as stimulation for further work in and about China in journal-
ism, business, government, NGOs and academic research. Please note that de-
mand sometimes outstrips teaching supply on this paper.
i. global politics and justice (What principles of justice, if any, apply at the
global level? In a globalized world, goods and services cross borders.
This raises the question as to what are just terms of trade. What would
constitute 'fair trade'? People also often cross borders. This raises the
question: Is there a human right to free movement? Or may states per-
missibly limit migration, and, if so, on what grounds? In addition to this,
environmental hazards (like climate change, biodiversity loss, ocean acid-
ification) transcend borders. This raises the question of who should bear
the burdens of addressing global environmental degradation, and what
would be a fair share of the world's natural resources.)
ii. historic injustice (How should we respond to past injustice? Are repara-
tions required, and if so, when? Is it fair to make those alive today pay
for the actions of earlier generations? Do current generations have duties
to rectify the situation because they have benefited from injustice? What
implications do these principles have given histories of colonialism, im-
perialism, and racial and other kinds of historic injustice?)
iii. future generations (Do we have duties of justice to those who have not
yet been born? If so, why? Many conventional theories of justice hold
that there are duties not to harm individuals or violate individual rights;
some emphasize duties of justice among those engaged in schemes of co-
operation. What implications, if any, do such ideals have for intergenera-
tional justice? If we do have duties of justice to future generations, what
principles of justice apply? What implications does this have for environ-
Page 62 of 68
mental sustainability, economic growth, and the future of the welfare
iv. disability and justice (Mainstream theories of justice often assume agents
who lack any disability. How should we conceptualize disability? Should
it be understood as a 'mere difference' or in some other way? In addition
to this, are mainstream theories well-equipped to provide a plausible and
attractive account of what those with disabilities are entitled to? What
kinds of policies are demanded by a commitment to treating all fairly, and
what limits, if any, are there to the demands which may be required by
such policies?)
v. children and justice (Conventional theories of justice tend to focus on
adults. What rights, if any, do children have? And, who is obligated to
pay for the welfare and education of children? Should it be parents, be-
cause, and to the extent that, they brought them into existence? Or soci-
ety at large on the grounds that children are a public good?)
The course is centred around these five sets of normative issues. The aim of the
course is to develop students’ knowledge and understanding of the content and
scope of principles of justice, and allow them to assess the normative underpin-
nings of key policy debates (such as those surrounding climate change and en-
vironmental degradation; trade, development, migration; the legacy of colonial-
ism, imperialism and past injustice; disability rights and the demands of justice;
and, the future of the welfare state and state support for families with children).
Students are not required to have taken Theory of Politics (but it is recommen-
Page 63 of 68
Labour Markets, The Interests of Business and Organised Labour, Financial
Systems and Corporate Governance, Economic Crisis, Classic Theories of Polit-
ical Economy, Public Sector Growth and the Rise of the Welfare State, Institu-
tional Change and Changing Approaches to Capitalism.
The teaching provided for a Special Subject will be equivalent to the teaching
provided for a normal Politics paper. Some special rules apply to the Special
Subject and these are set out in full in the Examination Regulations. Depending
on the availability of teaching resources, not all Special Subjects will be avail-
able to all candidates in every year. There might be other further subjects which
it would not be possible to offer alongside it. For example, if there were a Spe-
cial Subject on the U.S. Supreme Court, it might be restricted to candidates not
taking paper 205 (Government and Politics of the USA). Any such restrictions
would be announced at the same time as the Special Subject’s introduction.
There may also be restrictions on the numbers of students permitted to take a
given Special Subject. These restrictions would also be announced in advance,
and a fair means of deciding who could take the Special Subject (e.g. a ballot)
would be used in the event of excessive numbers.
Page 64 of 68
298. Supervised dissertation in Politics
See separate entry in this Handbook.
A.3 Economics
Students are no longer required to take what used to be called the core Eco-
nomics papers (302 Microeconomics, 301 Macroeconomics, and 300 Quantitat-
ive Economics). Instead, all Economics finals papers are optional, although pa-
pers are split into two groups, FHS1 papers, taught in the second year of the
degree, and FHS2 papers, taught in the third year of the degree. Papers in
FHS2 may only be taken by students who have taken relevant pre-requisite pa-
pers from FHS1.
During Trinity Term all first-year students receive an email with a link to an on-
line survey in which they are asked to submit their Economics paper choices for
the second year (the FHS1 year). Also during Trinity Term, second year stu-
dents receive an email with a link to an online survey in which they are asked to
submit their Economics paper choices for the third year (the FHS2 year).
First year students making their paper choices for the second year should think
ahead to the kinds of courses they would like to study in the third year and en-
sure that they cover the necessary pre-requisites in the second year (detailed
information on the topics covered in each paper, and the pre-requisites, is avail-
able on Economics Canvas).
The list of FHS2 papers will only be confirmed at the time of the Economics op-
tion fair held in Week 4 of Hilary Term of the second year.
The papers that are guaranteed to always be available in the third year
(provided that prior notice of their not being available has not been issued in
the first year) are: 304 (Money and Banking), 310 (Economics of Developing
Countries), 314 (Econometrics), 319 (Game Theory), 399 (Thesis). Descriptions
of these papers are given below.
At the options fair one of the tutors teaching each option will be available to
give an introduction to the content of the course, and answer questions on its
organisation and teaching arrangements.
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pretation of current and recent literature in a number of areas of empirical eco-
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opment. Familiar topics which have to be adapted to the situation in developing
countries also include monetary and fiscal issues; inflation; foreign trade and
payments; foreign and domestic capital; the role of economic aid. An overarch-
ing theme is the role of government in development and the operation of mar-
kets. While the approach taken in the course is analytical, you will be expected
to have an interest in the problems and policies of particular regions or coun-
tries, and use knowledge of actual situations to inform and illustrate the ana-
A descriptive list of the topics will be published on the Economics Canvas site
before the beginning of the year in which the course is taught and examined.
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398. Special Subjects in Economics (FHS2)
Special subjects will be announced at the options fair. Two special subjects cur-
rently available are Finance and Environmental Economics and Climate
Change. See Economics Canvas for further details.
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