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2022-23 PG Law Student Handbook

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Postgraduate Taught

Programmes Handbook
Academic Year 2022-2023
Welcome to the School of Law,
Postgraduate Law Programmes
Congratulations on becoming a student at the School of Law! You have joined one of the leading
post-graduate law programmes in the world. Our teaching is research-led, with a well-established
reputation for innovative work in social justice and commercial law.

We offer our students an excellent education experience in a variety of areas of law, one that
is uniquely shaped by our experience of applying law in practice. We have over 30 different
Programmes for you to choose from, underpinned by over 167 individual modules.

We also offer a wealth of extra-circular opportunities, from legal advising to mentoring, internships,
networking and career guidance, and we strongly advise you to take advantage of these

We hope you have the best of years with us and are confident that you will make friendships and
memories that remain with you forever.

Work hard and enjoy the year to come!

Professor Ioannis Kokkoris

Director of Centre for
Commercial Law Studies Jonathan Griffiths
(CCLS) Professor of Intellectual
Professor of Competition Property Law and Head of
Law and Economics. the Department of Law

This handbook should be used together The Academic Regulations are available Disclaimer
with the Academic Regulations and online at: The information in this handbook is
http://arcs.qmul.ac.uk/students/. correct as of 20 September 2022. In the
This handbook provides information https://arcs.qmul.ac.uk/policy/ unlikely event of substantial amendments
specific to Postgraduate Law Programmes, to the material, the Postgraduate Law
while arcs.qmul.ac.uk/students gives This handbook is available in large print Office will inform you of the changes.
information common to all students at format. If you would like a large print copy,
Queen Mary. The Academic Regulations or if you have other requirements for the Queen Mary cannot accept responsibility
provide detailed information on handbook, please contact pglawsupport@ for the accuracy or reliability of
progression, award and classification qmul.ac.uk information given in third party
requirements. publications or websites referred to in this
Nothing in this handbook overrides the
Academic Regulations, which always take
1. ADMINISTRATION CONTACTS .................................................................................................... 6
1.1. ROLES AND EMAILS FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING SERVICE TEAMS .................................................................... 6
1.2. BOOKING AN APPOINTMENT ........................................................................................................................ 7
1.3. TELEPHONE .............................................................................................................................................. 7
2. KEY DATES .................................................................................................................................... 8
3. MODULE SELECTION ................................................................................................................. 11
3.1. ONLINE MODULE SELECTION AND APPROVAL PROCESS ................................................................................... 11
3.2. MODULE SELECTION DEADLINES: ............................................................................................................... 11
3.3. MODULE CHANGES .................................................................................................................................. 11
3.4. CHANGE OF PROGRAMME .......................................................................................................................... 11
4. ASSESSMENT.............................................................................................................................. 13
4.1. MODULE ASSESSMENT TYPES .................................................................................................................... 13
4.2. SUBMISSION OF ASSESSMENTS .................................................................................................................. 14
4.3. DRAFT SUBMISSION ................................................................................................................................. 14
4.4. FINAL SUBMISSION .................................................................................................................................. 15
5. FORMATTING AND WORD COUNT ........................................................................................... 17
5.1. COURSE ESSAYS ...................................................................................................................................... 17
5.2. FINAL ASSESSMENT EXERCISE AND ONLINE EXAMINATION .............................................................................. 18
5.3. DISSERTATION ........................................................................................................................................ 18
5.4. NOTIFICATION OF EXAM DATES .................................................................................................................. 15
5.5. PAST EXAM PAPERS ................................................................................................................................. 16
5.6. EXAMINATION ACCESS ARRANGEMENTS ....................................................................................................... 16
6. PLAGIARISM AND REFERENCING............................................................................................ 20
6.1. HOW TURNITIN WORKS............................................................................................................................. 21
6.2. FOR EACH PIECE OF SUBMITTED WORK TURNITIN PROVIDES TWO THINGS:.......................................................... 21
6.3. HOW TURNITIN IS USED WITHIN THE SCHOOL ............................................................................................... 21
6.4. HOW WE USE THE INFORMATION PROVIDED BY TURNITIN ................................................................................ 21
6.5. HOW YOU CAN USE THE INFORMATION PROVIDED BY TURNITIN ........................................................................ 22
6.6. OTHER THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ............................................................................................................ 22
6.7. QMPLUS GUIDE TO SUBMITTING YOUR ASSESSMENTS ................................................................................... 15
7. EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES ............................................................................................ 23
7.1. FIT TO SIT POLICY.................................................................................................................................... 23
7.2. EC CLAIMS ............................................................................................................................................. 23
7.3. SELF-CERTIFICATION ................................................................................................................................ 24
7.4. EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES DEADLINES – PLEASE REFER TO KEY DATE SECTION........................................... 25
7.5. LATE SUBMISSION POLICY......................................................................................................................... 25
7.6. MARK DEDUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 25
7.7. RE-SIT REGULATIONS ............................................................................................................................... 26
7.8. RESIT PROCEDURES ................................................................................................................................. 27
8. MARKING CRITERIA AND FEEDBACK ..................................................................................... 28
8.1. VIEWING YOUR RESULTS ........................................................................................................................... 32
8.2. AWARD POSTGRADUATE TAUGHT PROGRAMMES ........................................................................................... 32
9. COLLEGE POLICIES ................................................................................................................... 38
9.1. USE OF QUEEN MARY ID CARD .................................................................................................................. 38
9.2. COMMUNICATIONS................................................................................................................................... 38
9.3. RELIGIOUS OBSERVANCE AND STUDY ........................................................................................................... 39

9.4. INTERRUPTION & WITHDRAWAL OF STUDIES ................................................................................................ 40
9.5. UPDATING PERSONAL DETAILS ................................................................................................................... 40
9.6. DEREGISTRATION .................................................................................................................................... 40
9.7. TUITION FEE DEREGISTRATION................................................................................................................... 40
9.8. REPRESENTATION .................................................................................................................................... 41
9.9. CODE OF CONDUCT.................................................................................................................................. 41
10. APPEALS AND COMPLAINTS................................................................................................ 43
11. CRITICAL THINKING AND WRITING ..................................................................................... 46
12. STUDENT SERVICES .............................................................................................................. 50
12.1. STUDENT ENQUIRY CENTRE ...................................................................................................................... 50
12.2. BURSARIES, GRANTS AND SCHOLARSHIPS.................................................................................................... 50
12.3. I.T SERVICES .......................................................................................................................................... 51
12.4. QMPLUS ................................................................................................................................................ 54
12.5. QMPLUS ONLINE SUPPORT FOR MODULES AND NOTICEBOARDS (FOR ALL) .................................................... 54
12.6. QMPLUS SUPPORT FOR MODULE TEACHING ................................................................................................ 55
12.8. QMPLUS ACCESS/LOGINS ........................................................................................................................ 55
12.9. PG LAW NOTICEBOARD ............................................................................................................................ 56
12.10. QMPLUS HELPDESK AND HELP WITH ACCESS ........................................................................................... 56
12.11. CCLS QMPLUS HELPDESK ................................................................................................................... 56
12.12. LIBRARIES .......................................................................................................................................... 58
12.13. RESIDENTIAL SERVICES AND SUPPORT .................................................................................................... 63
13. STUDENT WELFARE/SUPPORT ............................................................................................ 64
STUDENT HEALTH SERVICE .................................................................................................................................... 64
13.1. STUDENT VOICE....................................................................................................................................... 66
13.2. DISABILITY AND DYSLEXIA SERVICE ............................................................................................................. 68
13.3. FAITH AT QMUL ..................................................................................................................................... 69
14. STUDENT ENGAGEMENT ...................................................................................................... 70
15. GRADUATION AND ALUMNI .................................................................................................. 75
15.1. YOUR ALUMNI NETWORK .......................................................................................................................... 75
16. CAREERS AND ENTERPRISE ................................................................................................ 77
16.1. CAREERS .................................................................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
16.2. PG LAW CAREERS TEAM ............................................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
17. PROGRAMME OVERVIEWS ................................................................................................... 80
17.1. POSTGRADUATE LAW PROGRAMMES ........................................................................................................... 80
17.2. LAWS LLM (GENERAL LLM) ...................................................................................................................... 80
17.3. LLM PROGRAMMES ................................................................................................................................. 81
17.4. LLM ACADEMIC DIRECTORS ...................................................................................................................... 83
17.5. ART, BUSINESS AND THE LAW LLM............................................................................................................. 86
17.6. REGULATION & COMPLIANCE LLM/ MA ...................................................................................................... 87
17.7. LAW AND FINANCE MSC/PGDIP/PGCERT ................................................................................................... 88
17.8. LAW AND ECONOMICS LLM/ PG DIP/ PG CERT .......................................................................................... 90
17.9. INTERNATIONAL FINANCE LAW CERTIFICATE/DIPLOMA................................................................................... 91
17.10. LAW PG DIP ....................................................................................................................................... 92
17.11. PART-TIME ......................................................................................................................................... 93
18. DEPARTMENTAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................... 94
19. SAFETY AND EMERGENCIES................................................................................................ 95
19.2. OTHER USEFUL CONTACTS AT QUEEN MARY ................................................................................................. 97

20. APPENDIX I .............................................................................................................................. 98
20.1. APPENDIX I - GUIDELINES FOR ANSWERING EXAM QUESTIONS ....................................................................... 98
20.2. PART I: QUESTIONS ............................................................................................................................ 98
20.3. ESSAY QUESTIONS.............................................................................................................................. 98
20.4. APPENDIX II DISSERTATION ..................................................................................................................... 102
20.5. DISSERTATION WRITING GUIDELINES AND PLAGIARISM ISSUES ...................................................................... 108
20.6. WRITING THE DISSERTATION ................................................................................................................... 110

Queen Mary’s Mission Statement

The mission of Queen Mary, University of London is:

• to produce research of the highest quality which places it in the top rank of
• to teach its students to the very highest academic standards, drawing in
creative and innovative ways on its research
• to transfer the knowledge it generates to business and the community,
regionally, nationally and internationally.

QM Charter

The QMUL Charter contains a list of expectations for both staff and students to help create
a community which is mutually supportive and works to further knowledge creation and
dissemination. Click here to read the Queen Mary Charter

About the School of Law

Queen Mary, part of the prestigious University of London, is one of the top UK research
universities and a member of the Russell Group of leading UK universities.
In 2015 we celebrated 50 years of law at Queen Mary University of London.

The School of Law has as its central focus the role of law and its institutions in
contemporary international society and it is divided into two organisational units: the
Department of Law and the Centre for Commercial Law Studies (CCLS).
The Department of Law covers the full spectrum of legal studies and is based at the
University's Mile End campus.

The Centre for Commercial Law Studies (CCLS) specialises in the knowledge and skills in
commercial law that can be placed at the service of government, public bodies, overseas
institutions, the legal profession, industry and commerce. CCLS is based in the
postgraduate law centre at the Lincoln's Inn Fields campus.
In 2018 we were ranked 34th best university in the world by QS World University Rankings
by Subject 2018.

In 2017, the School of Law was voted 37th best university in the world to study law by
Times Higher Education subject ranking 2018.

Postgraduate Study at CCLS

Queen Mary, part of the prestigious University of London, is one of the top UK research
universities and a member of the Russell Group of leading UK universities.
The School of Law is comprised of the Centre for Commercial Law Studies (CCLS) and the
Department of Law. The School has more than 90 faculty members, either teaching at
postgraduate level or offering PhD supervision, whom are leading experts in almost all

areas of law and advise and act as consultants to national and international governments,
the United Nations, the World Bank, the European Commission, NGOs, legal regulatory
authorities and businesses. Our staff have a long established reputation for providing
high-quality teaching and internationally renowned research, with invaluable
contributions from respected practitioners and industry experts.

CCLS programmes

The Centre for Commercial Law Studies offers a wide range of postgraduate programmes
including: Certificate in Intellectual Property Law, Certificate in Trade Mark Law and
Practice, MSc Management of Intellectual Property, Diploma (General), Diploma in
International Dispute Resolution (arbitration and mediation), LLM in Law and
Economics, LLM in Paris, and MSc Law and Finance as well as distance learning options
including Certificate, Diploma and LLM in Technology, Media and Telecommunications
Law and Diploma in International Dispute Resolution Arbitration or Mediation.
The London-based LLM Programme is jointly offered by CCLS and the Department of Law
and is the largest in the UK, with a wide range of modules, offering students a broad and
liberal learning experience. Our diverse student body comes from more than 85
jurisdictions, which creates a lively, supportive and intellectually stimulating environment
in which to study and research.
The PhD in Law programme is offered jointly by the CCLS and Department of Law.

Global view - Distance Learning and Studying in Paris

If you are unable to attend classes in London, the Centre for Commercial Law Studies
offers distance learning courses Technology, Media and Telecommunications
Law and Arbitration and Mediation. In addition, you have the option to follow one of four
CCLS led LLM programmes in Paris, providing in-depth immersion in commercial law from
both comparative and international perspectives, within a common law framework.
Offered in block teaching and evening modes, the course is taught at the University of
London Institute in Paris (ULIP) in central Paris, led by CCLS staff, with the generous
support of leading practitioners and academics based in France.

The Teaching and Learning Services Team are based in Room 3.5 of Lincoln’s Inn Fields
campus. Staff are available to help you with general enquiries Monday to Friday (not
including bank holidays).

1.1. Roles and Emails for Teaching and Learning Service teams

Student Support and Teaching Records and Quality Assurance and Global Partnership
Engagement Timetables Assessment
pglaw- pglaw-teaching- pglaw- pglaw-
support@qmul.ac.uk records@qmul.ac.uk assessments@qmul.ac.uk global@qmul.ac.uk
• Queries on all • Record keeping for Change • Student queries • Queries relating to the
induction events. of programmes, related to exams and LLM programmes in
• Pastoral support for interruptions, withdrawals assessments. Paris; Flexible LLM and
all students. and de- • All exam board Distance Learning.
• Welfare and registrations. (Students queries. • Queries relating to the
safeguarding requiring advice on the • Submission deadlines. Online Learning
concerns. appropriate process may • Manages all PG Law Programmes and short
• Student Handbook first need to speak to the exam-related queries. course programmes,
queries student support team) • Advice and guidance European Intellectual
• Module evaluation • Queries relating to the to students and staff Property Institutes
process. module selection process on academic (EIPIN) and Pan-
• Course Rep and and checking/amending regulations. European Seal
Staff Student selections • External Examiner Programme.
Liaison committees • London Programmes - appointment process, • Queries relating to the
• Organise special module diet set up moderation packs and Associate and Visiting
events throughout including updating of external examiner Students
the academic year. available teaching modules packs. • Queries relating to
• Co-ordinate and per academic year • Appeals and partnership
organise student • Teaching Timetable Complaints programmes.
communication, management - queries and • Academic Misconduct
events and teaching allocations. process
activities. • Student tutorial allocations
• Extenuating • Prospective student
Circumstances enquiries.
• Scholarships • Admissions and related
• Dissertation supervisor
allocation and queries
• Module and Programme
Description book
• Syllabus collection
• Module Audit requests and

1.2. Booking an Appointment

If you wish to meet with a member of staff from a one of the teams you can book an
appointment or drop into the office. There are two options for appointments:

• Online via MS Teams

• Face to face at Lincoln’s Inn Field

Please email the relevant team giving a brief outline for the meeting, so that staff can have
any relevant information to hand.

1.3. Telephone

The office telephone number is Tel: +44 (0)20 7882 8223.

In case emergency you can contact CCLS main reception is +44 (0)20 7882 8100

For more detailed contact information for Programme Directors and other academics
please see the contacts section of the handbook

2. Key Dates
The dates in this table are for all full time and part time programmes.

Other key Queen Mary dates are available on the ARCS homepage (www.arcs.qmul.ac.uk)
and here: http://www.qmul.ac.uk/about/calendar/

Semester Dates

03 October – 16 December 2022 Semester 1 (A22) Teaching period

Reading Week 07 - 11 November 2022
23 January – 06 April 2023 Semester 2 (B22) Teaching period
Reading Week (no law teaching 27 February - 03 March 2023
05 June - 07 July 2023 Semester 3 (C22): Teaching period

Economics and Finance

Semester 1 (A22) Teaching period 03 October – 16 December 2022

Reading Week 07 - 11 November 2022
Semester 2 (B22) Teaching period 23 January – 14 April 2023
Reading Week 06 March – 10 March 2023
Semester 3 (C22) Teaching period NOT APPLICABLE

Teaching and Assessment Key Dates

03 October 2022 Semester 1 Teaching Begins

03 October – 04 November 2022 Teaching Block A
04 November 2022 (TBC) Deadline for the submission Exam Access
Arrangements (DDS) for Sem 1 (A22) Module
07 - 11 November 2022 Reading Week
14 November - 16 December 2022 Teaching Block B
Dissertation Title and Proposal 24 November 2022
16 December 2022 Teaching Period Sem 1 (A22) Ends
16 December 2022 Semester 1 Teaching Period Ends
19 – 22 December 2022 Study Week
24 December 2022 – 02 January 2023 University Closure
3 January - 4 January 2023 Study Period
04 January 2023 (TBC) Semester 1 (A22) Deadline for Interruptions and
Withdrawals of Studies
05 - 20 January 2023 Semester 1 (A22) Online Examination period
05 – 20 January 2023 Semester 1 (A22) Final Assessment Exercise

20 January 2023 by 10:00am Semester 1 (A22) Essay submission
23 February 2023 by 10:00am Semester 1 (A22) Extenuating Circumstances
claim request deadline
23 January 2023 Semester 2 (B22) Teaching Begins
23 January - 24 February 2023 Teaching Block C
27 February - 03 March 2023 Reading Week (no law teaching SOLMxxx)
06 March – 10 March 2023 Reading Week (no economic/finance teaching)
28 February 2023 Semester 1 (A22) Extenuating Circumstances
06 March - 06 April 2023 Teaching Block D
06 April 2023 Semester 2 (B22) Teaching Ends (Law
14 April 2023 Semester 2 B22) Teaching Ends
(Economic/finance modules)
04 May - 02 June 2023 Semester 2 (B22) Online Examination period
04 May - 02 June 2023 Semester 2 (B22) Final Assessment Exercise
26 May 2023 by 10:00am Semester 2 (B22) Essay submission
TBC Semester 2 (B22) Deadline for Interruptions and
Withdrawals of Studies
05 June 2023 Semester 3 (C22) Teaching Begins
05 June - 07 July 2023 Teaching period
22 June 2023 by 10:00am Semester 2 (B22) Extenuating Circumstances
claim request deadline
27 June 2023 Semester 2 (B22) Extenuating Circumstances
30 June 2023 Subject Examination Board
04 July 2023 Degree Examination Board
07 July 2023 Semester 3 (C22) Teaching Ends
TBC Semester 3 (C22) Deadline for Interruptions and
Withdrawals of Studies
07 August - 18 August 2023 Semester 3 (C22) Online Examination period
07 August - 18 August 2023 Semester 3 (C22) Final Assessment Exercise
07 August - 18 August 2023 Late Summer Resit period:
Semester 1 (A22) & Semester 2 (B22) Online
examinations and Final Assessment Exercises
25 August 2023. 10:00am Semester 3 (C22): Essay Submission
25 August 2023, 10:00am Semester 3 (C22): Dissertation submission
25 August 2023. 10:00am Late Summer Resit period: Essay submission for
modules Semester 1 (A22) and Semester 2 (B22)
(including accepted Extenuating Circumstances
First sits)
25 September 2023 by 10:00am Semester 3 (C22) Extenuating Circumstances
claim request deadline
28 September 2023 Semester 3 (C22) Extenuating Circumstances

04 October2023 Subject Examination Board
13 October 2023 Degree Examination Board
27 October 2023 Official Publication of results
10 December 2023 – 09 January 2024 (TBC) Winter Graduation Ceremonies
04 January - 19 January 2024 (TBC) Resit period: Semester 3 (C22) modules
January 2024 (TBC) Resit period: Essay and Dissertation submission
for modules Semester 3 (C22) (including
accepted Extenuating Circumstances First sits)

Study Skills
(may be subject to change)

October TBC Academic Integrity – Part II

21 October, 12:00 – 14:00 Effective Postgraduate Law Essay Writing
(for NON-CTW students)
November TBC Themed Dissertation session: Programme of Study
02 November, 12:00 – 14:00 Approaching your Final Assessment Exercise or Online
16 November, 12:00 – 14:00 Dissertation Title Proposal Guidance session
18 November, 12:00 – 14:00 Dissertation Title Proposal Guidance Session Online
(REPEAT Session)
18 November 2022, 12:00 – Citation Needed! OSCOLA Referencing Workshop

Student Staff Liaison Committee Meetings

(may be subject to change)

26 October 2022 by 10:00am Semester 1 (A22) Programme of Study: students to provide

their course rep with feedback
02 November 2022 (12:00 – Student Staff Liaison Committee Meeting
15 February 2023 by 10:00am Semester 2 (B22) Programme of Study: students to provide
their course rep with feedback
22 February 2023 (12:00 – Student Staff Liaison Committee Meeting
29 March 2023 by 10:00am Semester 2 (B22) Programme of Study: students to provide
their course rep with feedback
05 April 2023 (12:00 – 14:00) Student Staff Liaison Committee Meeting
14 June 2023 by 10:00am Semester 3 (C22) Programme of Study: students to provide
their course rep with feedback
21 June 2023 (12:00 – 14:00) Student Staff Liaison Committee Meeting

Selecting your modules is a highly important individual decision.
Please ensure you carefully consider the follower factors when choosing your modules:

• Ensure you have chosen the right number of credits of modules for each teaching
• You cannot take two modules that are taught at the same time as the timetable
cannot be amended to assist individual clashes.
• Timetabling of classes - you must allow sufficient travel time between any chosen
classes and their locations.
• Ensure you familiarise yourself with the assessment component for each module
as they may vary from module to module.
• Please take time to look at the submission dates of the various module
• Check whether your module has a co or pre-requisite which needs to be taken.
• Check any other restrictions that may be applied to the modules you are selecting
and carefully read the instructions as outlined.
• Check whether one of your chosen modules support your proposed dissertation
area, if you decide to opt for a dissertation.

3.1. Online module selection and approval process

To register for your modules, you will need to login to MySIS and make selections from
those modules which are available on your programme. You are required to select all
modules that you wish to take for the full year during the module selection period see

If your programme has a compulsory dissertation code, then this will be preselected.

3.2. Module Selection Deadlines:

Module Selection opens: Wednesday 28 September 2022

Module selection closes: Sunday 02 October 2022

3.3. Module Changes

During a specific and announced period prior to each semester, students on certain
programmes of study are able to modify their choice of modules by reselecting their
choices in MySIS.

3.4. Change of Programme

As you have researched and identified your required programme in advance of enrolment,
we would not expect to receive many change of programme requests. After enrolment,
such changes will be extremely difficult and can only be considered within the first two

weeks of teaching and ideally prior to module selection. In exceptional circumstances and
with good reason, a change of programme may be considered.

Changes of programme can affect module selection processes – for this reason a change
of programme may be refused if requested after the first two weeks of teaching

Please check carefully any module restrictions or notes before making your

Each module on the PG Law programme has its own distinct method of assessment. You
should take this into account when choosing your modules and planning your study
over the academic year.

Change of status, (i.e., part-time or full time) during the exam period will not be allowed.

Modules are examined by an online examination, some by course essay, some by Final
Assessment Exercise (FAE) and some by a combination of these and other presentation
and in-class elements.

Modules assessed by an FAE or Online examination they are assessed by a set of questions
that cover topics taught during the module.

4.1. Module Assessment Types

Online exams

i. assessed by a set of questions that cover topics during the module.

ii. 4-hour time limit from the time of release.
iii. You must download, answer and upload your answers within this time period. No
late submissions are accepted.
iv. 15 credit modules have a maximum word limit of 3300 words.
v. 30 credit modules have a maximum word limit of 4500 words.


i. assessed by a set of questions that cover topics during the module.

ii. You are given 24 hours to submit your answers.
iii. Word limit and times can vary between each module; we recommend that you
check with the module convenor regarding the format. No late submissions are

Course Essays
i. Some modules are assessed in full or in part, by course essays.
ii. Course essays are always linked to specific taught modules so you will be
attending lectures.
iii. One of the academics teaching the module will automatically oversee your course
iv. Late submission with penalty may be accepted. Please refer to late penalty

Class presentations/Oral assessment
i. Some modules have a class presentation/oral element of assessment. If applicable,
this will be fully explained and managed within your class.
ii. Dates assigned for oral presentations are treated as examination dates – therefore
students are expected to attend in person on the given date.

Extenuating circumstances may apply for non-attendance – please refer to extenuating

circumstances section for further information if appropriate.

Please see the full Academic Regulations on the following link:


4.2. Submission of Assessments

(Course essay/FAE/Online Exam/Dissertation)

Electronic Submission via QMplus Noticeboard (Turnitin)

Students should submit their course essay/FAE or dissertation to the relevant QMplus
page on the specified dates / time.

When you submit your course essay/FAE or dissertation via QMplus it will automatically be
submitted to the plagiarism software service 'Turnitin'.

Draft Submission
Before submitting the final version, students may submit a draft version of their course
essay, FAE or dissertation via the link which is located on each QMplus page.

If you submit your work to the draft submission point this will not have an impact on your
final submission to the relevant QMplus page. The draft submission is not submitted into
the Turnitin student database repository. Please note that a similarity report can take
time to generate depending on the time of year, so it not advisable to rely on receiving a
report within a 24hr period.

Students may submit to the draft submission point as many times as they wish until they
are satisfied that the similarity score is as low as possible.

It is not advisable to submit your work to any other form of online checking service.

Please note: any submissions made here are not linked to a module and you must submit
on the module page.

Final Submission
A specific submission point will be added to the relevant QMplus page prior to the
deadline date.

Your final submission will be submitted into the Turnitin student database repository.
You can make unlimited submission to the Final submission point until the deadline date.
Any submission after the deadline date/time will be accepted, however, a late penalty will
be applied, please see Student Handbook, Section: Late Submission policy

4.3. Online Examinations

Students should not submit their online examination answers to the draft submission

You should submit your online examination answers to submission point via the QMplus
Module page directly related to the assessment.

No late submissions will be permitted.

Students having any problems with meeting submission deadlines should see refer to the
extenuating circumstances section.

4.4. QMplus Guide to Submitting your Assessments

Log into your QMplus account first and then copy and paste the link below to access
information about how to submit assessments:


It is strongly recommended that you submit your work at least 60 minutes before the
final deadline to ensure safe receipt. This will avoid last minute technical issues
which may affect your submission.

4.5. Notification of Exam Dates

Exams are fully governed by QM Exams Office and are in an online format this year. Exams
can be in the morning or afternoon and you will have only one exam per 24 hours. All
times are UK times, please bear this in mind. They can be spread over the entire University
examination period. Please refer to Key Date for Semester Examination period dates.

You are informed of the individual module exam dates, as set by the University via MySiS,

• November for Teaching Period A22

• March for Teaching Period B22
• June for Teaching Period C22

The University exam timetable will also be available at:

Please note that exam dates cannot be changed for any reason. The PG Law Office do not
have prior notification of dates and cannot help with individual questions in this regard.
Therefore you have a requirement to submit your exam on the date allocated. However,
extenuating circumstances may apply for non-submission – please refer to the
extenuating circumstances section for further information if appropriate.

4.6. Past Exam Papers

Examinations – format and past papers

If you have any questions about the exam paper format prior to sitting them, you should
refer them to either the teaching academic concerned or to one of the Programme

You can access past exam papers via this link:


4.7. Examination Access Arrangements

Students with disabilities, specific learning differences like dyslexia and short-term
conditions (e.g. broken limbs, pregnancy) can apply to the Disability and Dyslexia Service
for Examination Access Arrangements (EAA's).

The role of the Disability and Dyslexia Service (DDS) is to agree appropriate arrangements
with the student. This is part of QMULs legal responsibility to offer its disabled students
‘reasonable adjustments’, as outlined in the Equality Act (2010).

All applications for examination access arrangements must be accompanied by medical

evidence in the case of a disability or a diagnostic report in the case of a student with a
specific learning difference such as dyslexia. This evidence must be in the English
language and should be dated no more than two years prior to the date on the student’s
application for examination access arrangements in the case of medical evidence or after
the student’s sixteenth birthday in the case of students with specific learning differences.

To apply for exam access arrangements students should complete the application form
(available via MySIS) by the deadline stated on the EAA website. This is the latest date by
which DDS can guarantee that exam access arrangements can be implemented for the
end of Teaching Period/year examinations.

Applications can be made after this date, but it is possible that they will not be in place
until the following academic year.

Please see website for deadline for Applying for Examination Access Arrangements

5. Formatting and Word count
5.1. Course Essays

Word count
The word count for course essays will vary. You can go 10% +/- the word limit without
penalty, markers will not mark anything that is beyond 10% of the word count.

Every word submitted is counted, with the only exception is a bibliography.

Examples of items which are included in the word count are:

• table of contents
• appendices
• footnotes
• endnotes
• wording under a diagram
• abstract
• words in graphs
• tables and diagrams.

This is not an exclusive list, consequently you should keep in mind that all words count-
use them wisely.

Whilst we appreciate it is difficult to reach exactly the required word count, you should
aim to reach as close to this as possible without going over.

At Masters Level, we would expect students to be able to edit their own work to produce an
essay within the maximum word count.

There is no minimum word count. However, essays that are considerably shorter than the
maximum word count may fail to fully address the topic and will be marked accordingly.

Title page
Your submitted course essay should have a top sheet which should include the following
information only.

• Module number (i.e. SOLMxxx)

• Module Title
• Final Word count
• Student I.D number (this is not username lcxxx, check your MySiS or Student
I.D card)

There is no official style guide for the dissertation. However, although there are no
specific requirements regarding format or font size, we recommend you use a 12 point
font in a common font style, double space the main text and use margins of at least 2
cm. Footnotes should be no smaller than 10 point, normally in the same font as the main

Your name should not appear anywhere on your dissertation. There are no further rules
with regards to the title page; you may use colour or graphics if you wish.

5.2. Final Assessment Exercise and Online Examination

There is no official style guide. However, although there are no specific requirements
regarding format or font size, we recommend you use a 12 point font in a common font
style, double space the main text and use margins of at least 2 cm. Citations should be
used, no smaller than 10 point, normally in the same font as the main text.

Title page
Top sheet should include the following information only:

• Module number (i.e. SOLM001)

• Module Title
• Final Word count
• Student I.D number (this is not username lcxxx, check your MySiS or
Student I.D card)

Your name should not appear anywhere on your assessment.

5.3. Dissertation

Word count
You can go 10% +/- the word limit without penalty, markers will not mark anything that is
beyond 10% of the word count.

Every word submitted is counted, with the only exception is a bibliography.

Examples of items which are included in the word count are:

• table of contents
• appendices
• footnotes
• endnotes
• wording under a diagram
• abstract
• words in graphs
• tables and diagrams.

This is not an exclusive list, consequently you should keep in mind that all words count-
use them wisely.

Whilst we appreciate it is difficult to reach exactly the required word count, you should
aim to reach as close to this as possible without going over.

At Masters Level, we would expect students to be able to edit their own work to produce an
essay within the maximum word count.

There is no minimum word count. However, dissertations that are considerably shorter
than the maximum word count may fail to fully address the topic and will be marked

Title page
Your submitted dissertation should have a top sheet which should include the following
information only:

• Module number (i.e. SOLMxxx)

• Module Title
• Final Word count
• Student I.D number (this is not username lcxxx, check your MySiS or Student
I.D card)

There is no official style guide for the dissertation. However, although there are no
specific requirements regarding format or font size, we recommend you use a 12 point
font in a common font style, double space the main text and use margins of at least 2
cm. Footnotes should be no smaller than 10 point, normally in the same font as the main

Your name should not appear anywhere on your dissertation. There are no further rules
with regards to the title page; you may use colour or graphics if you wish.

6. Plagiarism and referencing
Queen Mary defines ‘plagiarism’ as presenting someone else’s work as one’s own,
irrespective of intention. Close paraphrasing; copying from the work of another person,
including another student; using the ideas of another person without proper
acknowledgement; and repeating work that you have previously submitted – at Queen
Mary or at another institution – without properly referencing yourself (known as ‘self-
plagiarism’) also constitute plagiarism.

Academic Misconduct Policy


Plagiarism is a serious offence and all students suspected of plagiarism will be subject to
an investigation. If found guilty, penalties can include failure of the module to suspension
or permanent withdrawal from Queen Mary.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you understand plagiarism and how to avoid it. The
recommendations below can help you in avoiding plagiarism.

• Be sure to record your sources when taking notes, and to cite these if you use ideas
or, especially, quotations from the original source. Be particularly careful if you are
cutting and pasting information between two documents, and ensure that
references are not lost in the process.
• Be sensible in referencing ideas – commonly held views that are generally
accepted do not always require acknowledgment to particular sources. However, it
is best to be safe to avoid plagiarism.
• Be particularly careful with quotations and paraphrasing.
• Be aware that technology, such as Turnitin, is now available at Queen Mary and
elsewhere that can automatically detect plagiarism.
• Ensure that all works used are referenced appropriately in the text of your work
and fully credited in your bibliography.
• If in doubt, ask for further guidance from your module convenor, dissertation
supervisor or PG Law Tutors

Turnitin Statement for the School of Law


Turnitin is a web-based plagiarism prevention system used by most universities in the UK.
This statement describes how Turnitin is used within the school and the data it creates
about your work.

6.1. How Turnitin works
A Turnitin assignment is set up by a member of staff on QMplus. You then access this
assignment online and upload your work before the due date. Turnitin will analyse the
submitted work to identify text matches with other sources and will compare the work
• the current and archived web;
• previously submitted work;
• books and journals.

6.2. For each piece of submitted work Turnitin provides two things:
• A similarity index, which indicates the percentage of the submitted paper that
Turnitin has identified as matching other sources.
• An originality report, which shows each of these matches in more detail, including
the source(s) that Turnitin has found.

6.3. How Turnitin is used within the school

Turnitin is used on the majority of post-graduate assignments that contribute towards

your final grade. Turnitin will not normally be used on the following assignments:

• formative assignments
• online exams
• final assessment exercises

For those assignments where Turnitin is used, all submissions to that assignment will be
submitted to Turnitin.

6.4. How we use the information provided by Turnitin

Only academic staff will make a judgement on whether plagiarism has occurred in a piece
of work. An academic may interpret the originality report to help but Turnitin itself does
not make this judgement.

We do not use a threshold percentage to identify whether plagiarism has occurred and
may review any originality report in detail.

Turnitin will highlight matching text such as references, quotations, common phrases and
data tables within work that has no plagiarism issues at all. Those interpreting Turnitin
reports will discount such matches and so initial percentages are often irrelevant.

Where it is suspected that plagiarism has occurred in a piece of work, the originality report
may be submitted to the Head of School and possibly to an Assessment Offences Panel for
further investigation.

6.5. How you can use the information provided by Turnitin
There will be an opportunity for you to see a Turnitin report on your work before Turnitin
is used on your assessed work. You will have access through the Draft Submission Point.

No other student will be able to see an originality report on your work.

To help you understand what the report is telling you, please ensure you have followed
the guidance on the E-Learning Unit’s website

You may find it helpful to resubmit your work after reviewing the originality report and
you will generally be given one opportunity to do this. Where this is the case, the idea is to
use the report to help you identify any potential issues you may not have spotted before,
and not to change individual words to avoid a match. You may not resubmit a piece of
work after the deadline.

If you have a question about your originality report that is not answered by the material
linked to in 2.4.3 above, please direct these to pglaw-assessments@qmul.ac.uk

6.6. Other things you should know

2.5.1 Turnitin stores a copy of most work submitted to it in its repository. This does not
affect the ownership of or any copyright in the original work.

2.5.2 Staff may configure a Turnitin assignment such that copies of submissions are not
stored in its database. This will be done for the draft submission point.

2.5.3 Staff on your course will ensure that no commercially or otherwise sensitive
documents are stored in Turnitin’s repository.

2.5.4You cannot opt out of having your work scanned by Turnitin, but if you believe that
your work should be deleted after it is scanned you should contact pglaw-

7. Extenuating circumstances
If you do not submit a dissertation/course work/FAE/online exam by the deadline, this is
considered as a fail. However, if you have extenuating circumstances to explain your
non-submission, you should submit them in line with the following procedures.

Extenuating circumstances are defined by Queen Mary as:

Circumstances that are outside a student’s control which may have a negative impact on a
student’s ability to undertake or complete any assessment so as to cast doubt on the
likely validity of the assessment as a measure of the student’s achievement.

Extenuating circumstances are usually personal or health problems. Health problems

include your emotional wellbeing and mental health, as well as your physical health.
Extenuating circumstances do not include computer problems, misreading your exam
timetable, planned holidays or events, or local transport delays.

7.1. Fit to Sit Policy

Queen Mary operates a ‘fit to sit’ policy, which covers all assessments including
coursework and exams. If you sit an exam or submit a piece of coursework you are
deemed to be fit to do so. In such instances a request for extenuating circumstances will
not normally be considered. If you do not feel you are well enough to attend an exam then
you should not submit and should submit a claim for extenuating circumstances instead.
You will need to attend a medical consultation within three days of the date of your exam
that you missed. Similarly if you get sick during an exam and have to leave you will need to
attend a medical consultation within three days.

The rule to remember is if you are unwell or have problems which you feel may have a
negative effect on your performance do not submit the exam or submit your course
essay/dissertation. Instead submit extenuating circumstances evidence.
See the first section for more information on Extenuating Circumstances.

To submit an extenuating circumstance request you must log a claim through the online
extenuating circumstances task on MySIS portal following the instructions there.
Guidance is available Extenuating Circumstances.

7.2. EC Claims
Claims must be submitted by the date provided in the Key Date section of this student

Your claim must be accompanied by relevant supporting evidence, for example:

• medical certification
• death certificate

• police report and crime number; or
• other written evidence from a person in authority

Please note that although accompanying documentation can be submitted after the
claim, claims without any evidence cannot be considered except in the limited cases
permitted for self-certification, below. It is in your best interest to provide evidence and
supporting documentation that is as comprehensive as possible.

7.3. Self-certification
You are entitled to self-certify on up to three occasions each academic year; each self-
certification can cover a period of up to seven calendar days. This means completing and
submitting the Queen Mary self-certification form in place of independent evidence.

Please note that self-certification does not mean automatic approval of a claim – your
school will consider it in the normal way and will need to be satisfied of the validity of the
claim, and satisfied that it justifies the outcome. Any claims beyond those three must be
accompanied by evidence, as described above.

When you submit an extenuating circumstance claim you will receive a formal
acknowledgement, you must keep this safe for the duration of your studies. All claims
must be received no later than three working days before the relevant EC Sub-Committee
examination board meeting, see Key Date section otherwise they cannot be considered.

All extenuating circumstances claims are kept confidential until they are considered by
the EC subcommittee of the School of Law or School of Economics and Finance Subject
Examination Board. All proceedings of the subcommittee are strictly confidential, and will
not normally be discussed at the full examination board meeting.

It is your own responsibility to submit any claims for extenuating circumstances. Please
ensure that if you have what you believe is a valid case, you complete the submission
process in accordance with the Postgraduate School of Law guidelines and deadlines.

It is not possible to make a retrospective claim for extenuating circumstances, specifically

once you know your results. Therefore claims submitted after the deadline will not be
considered by the examination board. Please refer to the full guidance notes on
extenuating circumstances from the Advice and Counselling service or online at

7.4. Extenuating Circumstances Deadlines
Please refer to Key Date section

Please click here for further guidance on Extenuating Circumstances

Please note: Students who have to re-sit assessments the following year due to
extenuating circumstances are not entitled to attend lectures or classes of any kind.
However, QMplus access is available through the QMplus Archive.

First sit awarded due to valid extenuating circumstance

If a student has an accepted extenuating circumstances claim, then an authorised
absence is awarded by the Exam Board and the student permitted a first sit at the next
available opportunity. The final grades are not capped. Students who attempt a first sit
examination, essay or dissertation at the next attempt would then still be entitled to a
further attempt should they fail and are also able to apply for extenuating circumstances,
should they need to do so.

7.5. Late Submission Policy

(course essays and dissertation)

No extensions are permitted under any circumstances for any assessment.


If a course essay/dissertation is submitted after the specified deadline, it shall be recorded

as late, and a penalty shall be applied.

7.6. Mark Deduction

For every period of 24 hours or part thereof that an assignment is overdue there shall be
a deduction of five per cent of the total marks available (i.e. five marks for an assessment
marked out of 100). If a student submits past the 7 day late period, they will receive a 0 – F
and will have to resit at the next opportunity.

A late penalty may be removed where a student provides good reason for the late
submission under the extenuating circumstances policy. A student must submit a formal
claim with supporting evidence in line with that policy in order for the circumstances to be
considered. (extenuating circumstances section)

Students who produce evidence to accompany requests for late penalty removal may be
looked at more favourably, but all cases will be considered.

A student may submit work of passing standard but fail the module because of the late
submission penalty. Where the student is eligible for a resit attempt in such a case, the
student shall not be required to resubmit the assessment; instead, the minimum pass

mark of 50 will be entered for the resit. Where a student is not eligible for a resit, this
provision does not apply.

No late submissions are permitted under any circumstances for FAEs or online exams.
Therefore if you cannot submit or be assessed by the date due then a mark of 0-NS (Non
Submission) will apply.

However, extenuating circumstances may apply for non-submission– please refer to

extenuating circumstances section for further information if appropriate.
See the Resit section for procedure on resubmission

7.7. Re-sit regulations

For failed assessments/non-attendance/non submission

You have a maximum of two attempts per element of assessment. A first attempt and one
resit attempt.

A student who has failed or who has not submitted an element of assessment may re-sit
that element at the next available occasion.

You may not resit any element of assessment within a module that has achieved an overall
pass mark. If you have not submitted or failed an element of assessment but passed the
module overall, similarly you can’t resit the failed element.

All students are automatically opted in for any resits. Deferral of resits or first sits is not
permitted without extenuating circumstances. These resits will take place at the next
available opportunity. Resits are free of charge.

Where a student has resits or first sits but does not attempt the required assessment, this
shall count as one of the permitted attempts at the module.

Capped Resit Marks

When resitting, the overall module mark will be capped at the minimum pass mark (50). In
the event of failure in all attempts, the highest mark achieved for that module (‘best fail’)
shall stand.

Condonable marks
The Examination Board will condone a marginal failure by a student who has obtained a
mark of 40-49 in up to 30 credits of assessment including dissertations, provided the
student’s average over all modules, including the failed module, and dissertation exceeds
50%. No more than 30 credits of condoned fails may be counted toward the degree award.
A student can opt-out of a resit and accept a condonable mark. They shall forfeit any
remaining attempts to pass the relevant module.

Resit dates and deadlines
(not applicable to online programmes)

See Key Date section for resit information for any assessment where you have failed or not

Important: If you are taking a resit of a failed examination or essay this could impact on
work on your required dissertation. You must plan carefully for this as the taking of resit
exams is not considered an extenuating circumstance for non-submission of dissertation
or essay.

7.8. Resit Procedures

Course essays
Students who do not submit or fail their required essay for modules in A22 or B22, the next
available opportunity to re-submit see Key Date.

Students who do not submit or fail their required essay for modules in C22, the next
available opportunity to re-submit please refer to Key Date.

Resit Oral Components

The applicable dates for resits will be circulated to those students affected nearer the time
but will be completed after the dissertation submission deadline.

Resit Dissertations

Students who do not submit their required dissertation or who fail this element, have to
resubmit at the next opportunity, see Key Date.

Information on the exact processes will be provided to those students affected nearer the

For those submitting a resit or first sit dissertation in the following academic year, you
should be aware that no further supervisory meetings will normally be
provided. However, limited emailed guidance will normally be provided by the supervisor
where possible. Where a supervisor is not available for any reason (i.e. staff sabbatical) a
new first marker will be appointed and the student will be informed. Students who feel
they require additional support due to extenuating circumstances should contact the
pglaw-support@qmul.ac.uk for guidance.

8. Marking Criteria and Feedback
Assessment Marking Criteria
These guidelines cover the criteria for the assessment of taught modules through
examination, as well as extended written work. The criteria build upon and supplement
the Queen Mary Assessment Handbook, which is available at

These criteria also take into account the Master’s Degree Characteristics Statement
(February 2020), which was issued by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education
(QAA) and describes the distinctive features of master’s degrees in the UK. The Statement
is available at https://www.qaa.ac.uk/docs/qaa/quality-code/master%27s-degree-

Students should note that two internal examiners are involved in all assessments as
required under the Queen Mary Assessment Handbook, available via an above link. One
internal examiner grades and a second reviews the quality of the grading of assessments,
comprising Final Assessment Exercises, examinations and extended written work,
according to the criteria set out below. Modules with under 10 students and dissertations
are fully second marked, while for others the quality review involves a significant sampling
in addition to all fails under a process called moderation. External examiners further
review the assessment process as a whole.

Students should also note that examiners’ expectation regarding performance are related
to the nature of the assessment. In particular, consideration is given to the limited time
available in examinations, especially invigilated examinations.
The following is broken down into the levels of award that can be achieved under:

• Distinction (70 and above)

• Merit (60-69), Pass (50-59)
• Fail (0-49).

Distinction (70 and above)

An answer falling into the Distinction mark range shows mastery over the subject, is well
structured and displays a clear and logical argument displaying personal reflection
informed by wider reading of articles and/or other commentaries and a good grasp of
detail (as evidenced by the choice of relevant examples which are well integrated into the
answer's structure). The answer should be complete, with no errors or omissions.
Distinction-level answers are those that are exceptionally good and excel in several of the
following aspects:

• Focus, coverage of the issues and accuracy

• Clarity of argument and expression

• Integration of a range of materials
• Evidence of wider reading
• Depth of insight into the theoretical issues
• Excellent use of written English containing few, if any, grammatical errors

Excellence in several of these areas should be in addition to the qualities expected of an

upper Merit answer. A Distinction answer is generally expected to spot especially complex
or difficult points and to make use of more sophisticated analysis than an upper Merit

High Distinction (80 and above)

To obtain a high Distinction mark (i.e., 80 and above), there will usually be some evidence
of genuinely original thinking about the topic, sophisticated and intelligent critical
analysis and clear expression of a connected argument that has few, if any, weak points,
and no significant weaknesses in any of the referenced aspects.
To obtain a mark above the normal Distinction range (i.e. in excess of 80) the answer will
demonstrate exceptional qualities of originality, critical analysis and clarity of writing. In
the case of a dissertation, the writing and analysis should be at a level that generally
would be found in an article accepted for journal publication with minor revisions.

In addition to the above, Distinction answers to problem questions will also satisfy
the following criteria:
All relevant issues have been identified
The analysis and the exposition and application of any relevant rules or principles is clear,
accurate and comprehensive
The application of any relevant legal rules and principles is insightful (e.g., the candidate
demonstrates that s/he can both distinguish cases on their facts and argue by analogy)
There is a conclusion that follows logically from the preceding analysis

Merit (65 to 69)

An answer in the mark range of 65 to 69 generally shows a sound understanding of the

legal and other issues, supported by examples which are demonstrably well understood
and which are presented in a coherent and logical fashion. The answer should be well
presented and structured, display analytical ability and contain no major errors or
omissions, but it need not necessarily be excellent in any area.
Such high Merit answers are clearly highly competent and typically possess the following
• Accurate and well informed
• Reasonably comprehensive
• Well organised and structured
• Display evidence of general reading
• Evaluate the material, though these evaluations may be derivative
• Demonstrate a sound grasp of basic principles
• Demonstrate a good understanding of relevant material
• Present the argument succinctly and cogently

• Demonstrate some evidence of insight, reflection and analysis
• Demonstrate a good standard of written English with few grammatical errors

One essential aspect of an upper Merit level answer is that it must have competently dealt
with the entire question asked by the examiner.
In addition to the above, upper Merit-level answers to problem questions will also satisfy
the following criteria:
• All the major issues and most of the minor issues have been identified
• The application of the legal rules and other principles is accurate and
• The application of the legal rules and other principles shows insight (e.g., the
candidate demonstrates that s/he can both distinguish cases on their facts and
argue by analogy)
• There is a conclusion that summarises the argument

Merit (60 to 64)

An answer in this range will be a substantially correct answer, which meets a good number
of the above criteria (including evidencing mastery of the basic principles), but not all of
the criteria.
Such lower Merit answers display an acceptable level of competence, as indicated by the
following qualities:
• A generally accurate answer to the question, though with some omissions and
• An answer that is largely based on lecture material and required reading but
without much evidence of broader reading
• Clear presentation
• Some inadequate development of arguments
• May contain some material which is not relevant to the question posed
• Competent written English but may contain some grammatical errors
• In addition to the above, in this range, lower Merit answers to problem questions
will also satisfy the following criteria:
• Most of the major issues and minor issues have been identified and the application
of the legal rules and principles is generally accurate and competent
• There is a conclusion that summarises the argument

Pass (54 to 59)

Answers in this Pass range demonstrate a basic understanding of the main issues, but
these are not coherently or correctly presented.
Such answers demonstrate knowledge or understanding of the general area but tend to
be weak in one or more of the following ways:
• Overly descriptive
• Does not answer the question directly
• Misses key points or facts
• Contains significant inaccuracies

• Covers material sparsely, possibly in note form
• Contains assertions not sufficiently supported by authority or evidence
• Displays an inability to follow an argument throughout
• Is poorly structured
• Has no evidence of wider reading

In addition to the above, although there is some relevant information, an upper Pass
answer to a problem questions is one that:
• Misses some relevant issues
• Fails to apply or otherwise address all relevant legal rules and other principles
• Fails to make good use of the relevant legal and other principles

Pass (50 to 54)

This range indicates an answer that represents the minimum acceptable standard for the
award of a degree. There is just sufficient information to indicate that the student has
familiarity with the subject area. Such answers typically contain:
• Coverage of the basic material, with numerous errors, omissions or irrelevances
• Loose and disorganised structure
• Poor development of arguments
• Poor standard of English, with many grammatical errors
• In addition to the above, in a problem question, a lower Pass answer is one that:
• Fails to identify an important issue
• Fails to apply relevant legal and other rules and principles
• Fails to make good use of the relevant legal and other principles

Fail (0 to 49)
An answer in the Fail range does not meet the minimum requirements of the assessment
criteria. Such answers typically contain one or more of the following:
• Evidence of a lack of basic understanding
• Many errors or omissions
• Evidence of a lack of appropriate reading
• Failure to answer the question posed, e.g., answering a different question from
that set by the examiner
• Disorganised presentation
• Very poor use of English, such as poor grammar and spelling and incoherent
• Failure to complete the examination by answering too few questions

In addition to the above, in a problem question, the answer:

• Fails to identify several important issues
• Fails to apply relevant legal and other rules
• Fails to make appropriate use of the relevant legal and other principles

Feedback is available for modules with course essays and FAEs and will be available
through QMplus where you submit your assessment. Feedback for exams is available upon

• Feedback may be delivered in various forms according to the structure of the

• Feedback during lecture and revision session may be given through whole class
feedback, group feedback or individual feedback on tasks/mock answers.
• Feedback during tutorials may be provided in relation to individual or group
responses to particular topics

Students should ensure they reflect on class feedback and any individual feedback
It is expected that students will contribute during the session either in groups or
individually as instructed by the lecturer. The onus is on students to ensure they actively
participate in the sessions. If a student requires further feedback they should contact the
module convenor.

8.1. Viewing your Results

To view your marks for assessment, log-in to MySIS with your usual computer log-in,
where they will be listed. These are marks are provisional and subject to change until they
are agreed by the appropriate subject examination board. MySIS will indicate whether the
results are provisional or confirmed. Guides on checking your results on MySis are
available on the Student Enquiry website (http://www.arcs.qmul.ac.uk/students/mysis-

8.2. Award Postgraduate Taught Programmes

Postgraduate Degree Classifications

Award requirements for LLM/MA/MSc

To be eligible for a Master of LLM (LLM), Master of Arts (MA) or Masters of Science (MSc), a
student must meet all of the following requirements:
1) take 180 credits, including a minimum 150 credits at level 7. Any credits below level 7
must be at levels 5 or 6; a maximum 15 may be taken at level 5.
2) Either for the LLM and MA only, for the MSc all credits must be at level 7
a) pass 180 credits; or,
b) pass a minimum 150 credits and meet the requirements for condoned failure in the
remaining credits.
3) achieve a Classification Mark of 50.0 or higher.

Award requirements for PG Diploma

To be eligible for a Postgraduate Diploma a student must meet all of the following
1) take 120 credits, including a minimum 90 credits at level 7. Any credits below level 7
must be at levels 5 or 6; a maximum 15 may be taken at level 5.
2) either:
a) pass 120 credits; or,
b) pass a minimum 90 credits and meet the requirements for condoned failure in the
remaining credits.
3) achieve a Classification Mark of 50.0 or higher.

Award requirements for PG Certificate

To be eligible for a PG Certificate, a student must meet all of the following requirements:
1) take 60 credits at level 7
2) either:
a) pass 60 credits; or,
b) pass a minimum 45 credits and meet the requirements for condoned failure in the
remaining credits.
3) achieve a Classification Mark of 50.0 or higher.

Exit awards
1) Students who fail to achieve their intended award may qualify for an exit award where
sufficient credits have been passed and classification mark achieved.
2) For a PG Certificate students must pass 60 credits with a classification mark of 50% (up
to 15 credits may be condoned, with a mark of 40-49).
3) The exit award will be automatically applied where the student does not pass at
the final attempt, if they pass the required number of credits.
4) Please see the academic regulations for full details: www.arcs.qmul.ac.uk

Condoned failure
Failure can be condoned in up to 30 credits of modules of an LLM, MA, MSc and PG
Diploma award where all of the following conditions are met:
1) the module mark for each failed module is 40.0 or higher; and,
2) the mean average mark across all modules, including the failed module(s), is 50.0 or
higher; and,
3) a failed module is not designated as ‘core’ (must be passed outright) in the
programme regulations.

Failure can be condoned in up to 15 credits of modules of PG Certificate award where all of

the following conditions are met:
1) the module mark for each failed module is 45.0 or higher; and,

2) the mean average mark across all modules, including the failed module(s), is 50.0 or
higher; and,
3) a failed module is not designated as ‘core’ (must be passed outright) in the
programme regulations.

Overall Classification
Postgraduate awards are classified using the Classification Mark, as below. The
Classification Mark is the mean average mark for the full programme of study.

Classification Mark Classification

70.0 – 100.0 Distinction
60.0 – 69.9 Merit
50.0 – 59.9 Pass

Borderline Policy:

Examination boards may use a borderline policy when making recommendations for final
degree classifications. The following criteria are used:

• Students with Classification Marks within 1.5% of a borderline (except at the

pass/fail border) shall be determined to fall within the ‘zone of consideration’;

• All students falling within a zone of consideration shall be considered as

possible cases for application of the borderline policy;

• Students falling within the zone of consideration and with at least half of all
credits with marks at the level of the upper classification (or higher), shall be
raised to the higher classification. The credits at the higher level may include
the dissertation or project, but this is not a requirement. Where a student
studies on a part-time basis, all modules comprising the full-time equivalent
final year shall be used in the borderline policy.

Please view the following page which provides links to the award regulations for Queen
Mary degrees. http://www.arcs.qmul.ac.uk/policy/

Your Results
Subject Examination Boards (SEB)

Once all coursework, examinations and your dissertation has been completed, there will
be a Subject Examination Board (SEB) which will consider the provisional results in full. At
this time the SEB will also consider any recommendations made by the Extenuating
Circumstances Sub-Board and any previous related SEBs.

Department Examination Board (DEB)
The SEB will report its provisional results and recommendations to the Department
Examination Board (DEB) who in turn will confirm the official final results. These will be
available to both graduating year and continuing students via MySIS shortly after the DEB
has taken place (generally at the end of July and at the end of October/beginning of
November). In addition, all graduating year students will receive an official transcript of
results direct from the Academic Registry by post to the address held on MySIS. Please

The marks are officially confirmed by the Degree Examination Board (DEB)

Note: there can be a slight delay with the issue of transcripts due to the sheer volume
being processed at one time.

Any student in debt to the College at this time will not be permitted to receive their

On July (see Key Date), the first SEB will meet and consider all results from both
examination periods and all course essays/FAEs. At this time they will consider
recommendations from the first Extenuating Circumstances Board (EC).

The marks are officially confirmed by the Degree Examination Board (DEB) which is held
on July (see Key Date).

Official publication of results (see Key Date): This is the date from which the period
permitted for appeals, UKBA processes, etc., begins.

Late summer resits and resubmissions of course essays/FAEs will then take place as

In October (see Key Date), the second SEB will meet and consider all results including
any C22 modules, resits and your dissertation marks, if applicable. At this time they will
consider recommendations from the second EC Board.

The marks and classifications are officially confirmed by the Final Degree Examination
Board (DEB) which is held in October and awards are made.

Official publication of results (see Key Date): This is the date from which the period
permitted for appeals, UKBA processes, etc., begins).

Formal result notification/degree certificate

You can obtain your official digital transcript of marks via the HEAR system. You will
receive an email to your QM email account from Gradintelligence asking you to register
with them.

For further details, please review the Registry web page at:

HEARs will be published in March, July and October each year and will provide you with all
achievements that have been verified up to that point.

QM Extra
Students may also get recognition of the following extra-curricular activity on their HEAR
transcript under the QM Extra scheme:

• Postgraduate Law Course Rep.

• Auditing of a module (upto 30 credits)
• Programme prize winners
• Sir Roy Goode prize winner
• qLegal Innovation Projects Programme
• qLegal Law Tech Extern
• qLegal Advisory Programme
• qLegal Public Legal Education Programme
• PG Law Professional Skills Achievement Programme
• International Arbitration Award Writing

More may be added through the year so please do check the full list of QM Extras and
criteria here: http://www.arcs.qmul.acarc.uk/students/sec/gradintelligence-account-

Degree Certificate
The official Degree Certificate will be available for collection at the Graduation
ceremony. Those unable to attend graduation can ask for this to be posted instead by
emailing studentenquiry@qmul.ac.uk

Your Degree Certificate will state the name of your degree programme, for example:
“LLM in Banking and Finance Law”

If you are registered on a general the programme your Degree certificate will state for
example: “Masters of Law”

The degree certificate will not show the individual subjects taken.
Departmental prizes
The University and the School of Law have a range of prizes awarded after results are
announced. The University will offer a number of Drapers awards for excellence. The
School of Law will also offer The Roy Goode Award for the best overall PG Law student.
The School of Law will normally award a prize for the best overall student in each of the
PG Law programme. All awards are subject to the discretion of the School of Law and can
depend on the grade achieved.

9.1. Use of Queen Mary ID Card
You will receive a Queen Mary photo-identity (ID) card upon enrolment. This card is very
important, and must be carried at all times on campus. If you do not produce this card
upon request and satisfy staff that it is your card through comparison of your face and the
photograph, you may be removed from the building, or from campus. Misuse of your card
will normally lead to an investigation under the Code of Student Discipline

The card shows your student number. You must only put your student I.D on all
examinations or any assessment work.

The card also serves as your library card, and as an access card for certain buildings and
equipment (such as printers and photocopiers). Many buildings have security points at
which you must show your card, and others require you to scan your card to release the

You may also be required to present your card to confirm your attendance (e.g you may
need to touch your card on a reader in a lecture theatre).

It is vital that you keep your card safe and with you at all times on campus. If you lose your
card, or if your card is stolen, you should contact the Student Enquiry Centre
(http://www.arcs.qmul.ac.uk/students/sec/student-card/index.html), who will be able to
help you. A fee is charged to replace lost ID Cards.

If you are not able to collect your student ID card in the first semester of teaching as you
are not on campus, do not worry. Details on how to collect your student ID card at a later
date will be made available via the Student Enquiry Centre website.

9.2. Communications
QMUL will communicate with you in a variety of ways. Formal correspondence will be sent
to you by letter, and it is important that you keep Queen Mary up to date with your
personal details and address, you can do this online via the MySIS record system:

However, it is most common for the Centre for Commercial Law Studies, QM and the
Students Union to contact you by e-mail. You are assigned a university e-mail address
when you enrol, and you are responsible for checking this account on a daily basis. All
major notifications and updates will be sent to you by email first.

We will ALWAYS use your QMUL allocated email address to contact you. It is NOT possible
to use a personal email address for this purpose. You may redirect your QM email to a
personal email account. Details on how to redirect email can be found when you log in.

You can access your email account by logging on to a QM computer, or, if you are not on
campus, at: www.my.qmul.ac.uk

We CANNOT take responsibility for you missing vital information if you have not checked
your QM account.

You can also opt to have all emails forwarded to your QM email account form your
personal email account.

As with any communications we cannot guarantee that last minute cancellations of

lectures or tutorials will reach you in time.
If you are unsure of your computer username and password, please contact IT Services
email: its-helpdesk@qmul.ac.uk Tel: +44 (0)20 7882 8888.

9.3. Religious observance and study

Queen Mary is a diverse community of over 25,000 students and staff. With a variety of
faiths and beliefs represented on campus, we are committed to tolerance, understanding
and co-operation, as well as to ensuring as far as possible that our policies are consistent
across all needs. Many religions and beliefs require their members to pray at specific times
during the day, or have special festivals or spiritual observance days. We recognise
therefore that students at Queen Mary often strike a balance between their educational
and religious commitments.

One of Queen Mary’s fundamental aims is to provide an education that is judged

internationally to be of the highest quality. It would be both impractical and inconsistent
with our aims as a university to suspend teaching for reasons of religious observance, but
we will accommodate students’ religious commitments where we reasonably can do so.
This may include providing learning materials (potentially including QReview recordings)
online and permitting students to attend classes at different times where there is

Students are expected to stay engaged and up-to-date with their studies throughout their
time at Queen Mary. Schools and Institutes should make their expectations for attendance
and submission of coursework clear to students at the beginning of their studies, and
students should inform themselves beforehand about the potential implications of
missing learning and teaching activities. Students must also inform their school or
institute beforehand if they intend to miss any teaching. We will take religious
commitments into reasonable account when reviewing students’ attendance, but we
expect students to plan their studies so that they can submit coursework on time.
The following procedures apply in the event that a special festival or spiritual observance
day would result in absence from a scheduled assessment.

In the case of an in-class test, students may request permission in advance from their
Head of School or Institute to be absent on that occasion. The Head of School or Institute
will consider whether reasonable adjustments can be made, for example by permitting

late submission or rearranging the test. It is important to submit requests well in advance,
in case reasonable adjustments cannot be made.

Students may notify Queen Mary of any special festivals or spiritual observance days that
fall during formal examination periods by submitting the relevant form by the deadline
specified in the Academic Calendar. We will accommodate such requests where we
reasonably can do so. We are not able to make allowances for routine religious
observance during formal examination periods.

9.4. Interruption & Withdrawal of Studies

If you are considering an interruption or withdrawal from your Programme of Study,

please contact the Student Support and Engagement team in the first instance.

Information on interruption & withdrawal of studies, including links to the relevant forms,
found here:

Please refer to the Key Date for Registry deadlines for both forms to be signed off and
submitted. Students who sign forms after these dates will remain registered for
examinations in either the January or May examination periods and failure to attend may
result in marks of 0 being entered and being used towards progression and award

9.5. Updating personal details

It is important that Queen Mary has up to date personal details for all students. You will be
able to update your personal contact details online using MySIS, however a change in
official name must be done in person at the Student Enquiry Centre with accompanying
identification. You can find out more information on the Student Enquiry Centre website.

9.6. Deregistration
Should you not meet programme requirements for attendance or for submission of
coursework, you may be deregistered from your programme of study. You will be given
warnings before deregistration occurs, and you will have the right to represent your case
to CCLS.

9.7. Tuition Fee deregistration

When you enrol or re-enrol at the start of each academic year you agree to Queen Mary’s
Tuition Fee Regulations, https://www.qmul.ac.uk/tuition-fee-regulations/ , which set the
deadlines for paying tuition fees. Failure to pay your tuition fees by these deadlines may
lead to your deregistration from your programme of study, under College Ordinance C3

9.8. Representation
Your views are important to CCLS and Queen Mary. There are a variety of ways in which
you can tell us what you think and share your ideas for improvements. Student
representatives, elected by fellow students, also speak on behalf of the student body at
the School, Faculty and Queen Mary-wide level via various committees, groups and
meetings. More information can be found at

Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES)

The Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) is conducted every year. It is

facilitated by Advance HE, the national body that champions teaching excellence. The
PTES gives you, as a postgraduate taught student, an opportunity to give your opinions on
what you like about your time at Queen Mary, as well as those aspects that you feel could
be improved. Please do consider completing the survey; your feedback really is invaluable
and will help us make a difference for future generations of Queen Mary students.

9.9. Code of Conduct

Code of Student Discipline
The Code of Student Discipline applies to any action of misconduct whether it takes place
on or off Queen Mary premises. The Code also applies to actions that are electronic and
occur via electronic means such as (but not limited to) the internet, email, social media
sites, chat rooms or text messages. Please refer to Code of Student Discipline

Report + Support: tackling harassment, gender-based violence and hate crime

Queen Mary is committed to creating an environment for work and study where staff and
students are treated with dignity and respect. We have no place for bullying, harassment
and hate. We recognise that these behaviours can take many forms. Any allegation of
harassment, hate crime, bullying or victimisation will be treated seriously, regardless of
the seniority of those involved, and anyone found to have behaved unacceptably may be
the subject of disciplinary action subject to the processes detailed in the relevant Queen
Mary policies.

Report + Support is our secure online platform for anyone at Queen Mary to report
harassment, gender-based violence or hate crime, and find out about support options. If
you have experienced or witnessed any form of bullying, harassment, violence or hate
crime, please see reportandsupport.qmul.ac.uk.

All members of Queen Mary have a collective responsibility to: encourage a culture of
dignity and respect; to treat others fairly, with courtesy and consideration; and to

challenge inappropriate behaviour when it is safe to do so. More information can be found
here: https://reportandsupport.qmul.ac.uk/campaigns/our-commitment.

10. Appeals and Complaints


A Formal Appeal is a request to review a decision about progression, assessment or award.

Before you submit a Formal Appeal , speak to your School/Institute about the decision you
wish to appeal as many issues can be resolved without the need for a lengthy formal

Your School/Institute will be able to provide you with feedback on your marks, or degree
classification, and to answer any queries. Please note that a Formal Appeal cannot
provide feedback on academic work.

Appeals against academic judgment are not permitted, this means you cannot appeal
simply because you think the mark you have received is too low.

There are two grounds for appeal:

• procedural error: Where the process leading to the decision being appealed
against was not conducted in accordance with Queen Mary’s procedure, such that
there is reasonable doubt as to whether the outcome might have been different
had the error not occurred. Procedural error shall include alleged administrative or
clerical error, and bias in the operation of the procedure.

• that exceptional circumstances, illness, or other relevant factors were not made
known at the time for good reason or were not properly taken into account.

A Formal Appeal must be received within 14 calendar days of the notification of the
decision you want to appeal and should be submitted from your Queen Mary email to

Further information about how to appeal and the appeal form can be found on the Queen
Mary website: http://www.arcs.qmul.ac.uk/students/student-appeals/appeals/index.html

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your appeal, you may submit a Final Review
for consideration by the Principal’s nominee. Once a Final Review is complete you will be
sent a Completion of Procedures letter which outlines the final decision of Queen Mary
and the reasons for the decision.

Before submitting a Formal Complaint, you are advised to speak to a member of staff in
your School/Institute as most issues can be resolved informally without the need for a

formal complaint.

If your issue is not resolved through the informal process, then you will need to complete
the Formal Complaint form and submit this to the relevant School/Institute/Professional
Services Head for investigation under the Student Complaints Policy:

Most complaints are resolved at the Formal Complaint stage but if your matter is still not
resolved then there is one review stage to the policy.

When the complaint process is finished you will be issued with a Completion of
Procedures letter explaining the final decision and the reasons for it.

Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA)

If you are unhappy with the outcome of an appeal or complaint, then you may submit a
complaint to the OIA within 12 months of receiving your Completion of Procedures letter.
The OIA is the independent body set up to review student complaints and is free to
students. For further information regarding the OIA please visit their website:
http://www.oiahe.org.uk/Use of personal data

Personal information and data protection

During application and at (re-)enrolment you provide us with personal information about
yourself such as relevant contact details and information about your background, which is
held in systems such as MySIS. It’s important that you ensure this information is accurate
and keep it up to date. Throughout your studies (or after you graduate) you may also
provide, or we may collect, other personal information and you should be aware that this
also includes any work you submit for assessment in the course of your studies. Module
tutors may occasionally use anonymised student essays (or portions from them) as part of
the teaching process. We hope you will be willing to support your fellow students by
allowing this, but you may opt out by contacting your school office. Other markers of
engagement are monitored to help support students. If you engage with your Advisor or
other support services, notes may be kept and shared with appropriate individuals.

We ensure that all personal data is held securely and not disclosed to third parties without
your consent, unless we are obliged to do so by law - for example the annual student
record that we submit to the Higher Education Statistics Agency - or other conditions

HESA requires us to collect details of our students’ ethnicities and disabilities as a means
of monitoring the success of equal opportunities policies at a national level. This
information is kept confidential and helps us to provide you with support and information
on facilities and services that may be useful.

When you enrol or re-enrol online you will be asked to read a privacy notice about the
purposes for which we use your personal data and to whom we may disclose it when
required. You must read this carefully. All personal data is maintained in accordance with

data protection legislation. For more information, visit: https://www.qmul.ac.uk/privacy/
and/or contact Queen Mary’s Data Protection Officer via data-protection@qmul.ac.uk.

The Queen Mary Critical Thinking and Writing in Law (CTWL) is a specialised series of
classes with the exclusive aim of improving the accuracy and quality of PG Law students’
writing and research in Law. CTWL classes also lay the foundations for more meaningful
participation in seminars and help students approach their exams and dissertations with
added confidence and heightened chances of success.

A Pathway to Success for all PG Law Students

Academic writing within a specific discipline at postgraduate level is a skill that needs
acquiring as student assessment is carried out in the form of exams, essays and
dissertation writing. Bearing PG Law students’ needs in mind, the Language Centre, in
collaboration with the PG School of Law, has designed two modules alongside a series of
supplementary sessions to help students improve their research and writing skills, and
provide them with the confidence necessary to succeed in their studies.

The purpose of Critical Thinking and Writing in Law is three-fold:

1. to help students who have been accepted on a conditional offer meet their language
requirement (see section 1 below).
2. to offer students with opportunities to deepen their understanding of the learning
strategies required at postgraduate study.
3. CTWL aspires to guide and assist students through the different stages of the writing
process of their essays and dissertations.

In order to achieve these three goals, the programme offers two ten-week modules,
together with some one-off sessions to assist students with the writing of their proposals
as well as sessions to help students approach their exams.

Students with In-Sessional Language Conditions

CTWL in Teaching Period A22 introduces students (who arrive at QMUL with a conditional
offer) to the skills that will be expected from them at Postgraduate level in the context of
UK higher education. A range of legal texts (such as statutes, cases, and journals) will be
analysed from a linguistic perspective and focus will be placed on raising students’
awareness of structure and argumentation in English. This is conducted with the express
requirements and standards of the postgraduate law programme in mind. Additionally,
students are introduced to research methodology in law and associated skills that can
serve their needs throughout their programme of study.

NOTE: Please ensure that you carefully read all conditions contained in your offer of study
as notified via the student web portal as any students’ claims that they were unaware of
this condition to attend the In-sessional programme will not be accepted. It is important,
therefore, that you refer carefully to your offer of study letter so that you are certain of
your status.

• All students who have attended the Pre-Sessional English Programme at QMUL
prior to joining a PG Law programme carry an automatic In-sessional condition.
• Students who have been accepted with an In-sessional condition only are required
to complete Teaching Period One of the CTWL In-sessional programme: the
condition is satisfied by attending at least 80% of Teaching Period one’s classes.
• Students, who have been accepted on to a PG Law programme, but did not satisfy
the 7.0 IELTS writing requirement, are also expected to attend the CTWL module.
The attendance and participation of these students is very carefully monitored by
the PG Law Office.

The handbook for the CTWL programme will be available on QMplus Noticeboard. Please
consult this QMPlus page for registration details, dates and the weekly topics covered in
this module. This compulsory (for students with a conditional offer) ten-week module will
introduce students to the skills that will be expected from them at PG Law level.

Additionally, it helps them meet their language requirements. Our records indicate a
strong correlation between regular CTWL attendance and high programme attainment.
Accordingly, attendance of this module is monitored assiduously, and non-attendees will
be notified to the PG Law Office. A short, individual report will provide details of student
attendance as well as broader information relating to class performance and participation
at the end of both Teaching Periods.

CTWL for all students

As stated CTWL is mandatory for students arriving with a condition. However, the
Programme is open to all PG Law students irrespective of their entry status. This extends to
native English speakers who have been regular attenders of this Programme over the

Semester 1 (Teaching Period A22) - EAL4791 CTWL: Literacy Development

Reading is a central focus of the first half of this ten-week module as students are obliged
to read extensively around their module topics. The module at this stage is designed to
help them do this constructively as well as to develop knowledge and awareness of the
layout, organisation and sequence of a variety of legal texts. The importance of reading
extensively and selecting potentially useful material for their respective needs with
greater efficiency, speed and confidence, is also addressed. The second part of the
module is concerned with the requirements of exam writing and the preparation of a
proposal for their dissertation. Both Teaching Periods provide students with an
opportunity to write and receive feedback on their work.

Semester 1 (Teaching Period A22) - Dissertation Proposal Writing

As PG Law students are required to write and submit their dissertation proposals by the
end of November/early December, the Language Centre offers a one-off supplementary
session to all students in November to cover this requirement. The session addresses the
components, approach and style of what is conventionally required for the QM proposal.
Exact date/s and time/s will be available in the CTWL section of the QMplus Dissertation
Support Noticeboard.

CTWL in Teaching Period B22 is also available to all students. The overriding purpose in
Teaching Period B22 is on the development and honing of writing for the dissertation.
Students will be given the opportunity to learn and practise the skills needed to allow
them to progress effectively and independently throughout this final, taught- stage of the
programme being studied.

Semester 2 (Teaching Period B22) EAL4792 CTWL: Dissertation Writing

Almost all PG law students are required to write a dissertation as well as submit
coursework essays. Writing papers of this length accurately, while adhering to the
formality and style required by Queen Mary, is a challenging undertaking for both foreign
and English-speaking students alike. Accordingly, this ten- week module addresses some
of the areas of dissertation writing that have regularly been a source of student difficulty
in previous years. Students are provided with the opportunity to work through the process
of planning and structuring their dissertations and apply academic writing skills for law
that were developed in Teaching Period One. For Dissertation writing classes students
attend one 2-hour class per week for 10 weeks between February and April.

Students are welcome to take up the offer of a tutorial to help with the dissertation
writing process from a member of the CTWL staff. However, this option is not continuously
open throughout all the weeks and months leading up to submission but is instead
available within carefully arranged “windows” to which you will be notified in due course.
In the first instance, students should contact their dissertation supervisors to initiate the
tutorial process.

Semester 3 (Teaching Period C22)

The CTWL tutors will provide students with tutorial support to help them with their
dissertations. This is in addition to any support that they may have from their PG Law
tutor(s). Assistance will be in accordance with relevant School of Law policy.

Registering on CTWL Modules

All CTWL classes will be delivered online. Registration for the CTWL module in Teaching
Period A22 will open on 19 September 2022. Classes, however, will begin in the week
beginning 3 October 2022.

To register for these CTWL modules please use the In-sessional Course Bookings task
available on MySIS - the online view of SIS, Queen Mary's Student Information System
available at: https://mysis.qmul.ac.uk/ A list of all classes of EAL4791 (CTWL: Literacy
Development) with times and teaching locations will be available on MySIS for students to
choose according to when they are free. Students are advised to enrol early as certain
time slots can fill up very quickly. Class sizes are limited to 20-25 students and enrolment
works on a first come first served basis.

Teaching Period B22 classes will be notified prior to the start of the Teaching Period and
registration for these classes may open in early December 2022 for Teaching Period B22
and will resume after the exam period in early February of 2023.

This programme is not administered nor run by the School of Law. Therefore, any
questions or queries need to be addressed directly with the School Of Languages, Linguistics
And Film (SLLF).

Critical Thinking & Writing Contacts

For more information, please contact the team via the email address below:

Administrative queries:
Email: sllf-progadmin@qmul.ac.uk

Academic queries:
Nicholas Lloyd, Critical Thinking and Writing in Law, Module Convenor
Tel: 020 7882 2840
Email: n.h.lloyd@qmul.ac.uk

12.1. Student Enquiry Centre

We provide support to all Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught students and we can
help with a wide variety of queries. If you are not sure about something or do not know
who to contact, ask us!

We are located on the ground floor of the Queens’ Building, CB01

Student Enquiry Centre Online (accessed via MySIS -
Email: studentenquiry@qmul.ac.uk
Telephone: 020 7882 5005
Follow us on twitter @QMULSEC https://twitter.com/QMULSEC

12.2. Bursaries, Grants and Scholarships

Student Loans
If you have applied for funds from Student Finance, then you will receive the first
instalment once you have enrolled fully for the academic year. If your payments do not
arrive and you cannot remedy the problem with Student Finance yourself, please contact
the Student Enquiry Centre, http://www.arcs.qmul.ac.uk/students/sec/ . They will be able
to assess for any actions needed by Queen Mary and advise you of the next steps.

Queen Mary Bursaries are assessed using the household income information provided to
us from Student Finance.

If you do not wish to take out student funding, such as loans, but still wish to be assessed
for a Queen Mary Bursary you will still need to apply for a household income assessment,
full details on how to do this are on our website -

Full details of the Queen Mary Bursary, including eligibility, amounts and payment dates
can be found on our website - http://www.arcs.qmul.ac.uk/students/finances/bursaries-

Queen Mary Financial Assistance Fund

If you have exceptional or unforeseen costs or you are in financial hardship you could be
eligible for help from the Financial Assistance Fund. The fund is there to help any eligible

student who has a particular financial need but we cannot meet every application we
receive and we cannot always meet all of the costs that you might apply for. Full details,
guidance and an application form can be found on our website -

Email: bursaries@qmul.ac.uk

12.3. I.T Services

Our services to support students range from email and internet access, to state-of-the-art
teaching and learning facilities and high performance computing in support of research.
There are a number of rooms around the campus that contain computers which students
can use. You sign in using your Queen Mary username and password. In general, any
computer you use will have all the applications that you need for your course available to

Your IT Account: Details of your Queen Mary username and password will be emailed to
your personal address before you enrol.

The IT Service Desk is the first point of contact for all IT help, support and advice. You can
Live Chat with the Service Desk 24/7 https://www.its.qmul.ac.uk/about/contact/ , call on
020 7882 8888 or raise a ticket via the Self Service portal https://servicedesk.qmul.ac.uk/.
Should you require in-person support then please contact us via Live Chat and we can
book you in. Our opening hours are Monday to Friday, 7am-7pm.

Find an available PC on campus: an interactive map showing which rooms have empty
seats http://availability.stu.qmul.ac.uk/

Print, Copy, Scan:

The Central Print Service has printers located across every campus for student use, with
all devices offering copying and scanning facilities alongside printing.

Web printing services are also available and more information can be found on the ITS
web page: https://www.its.qmul.ac.uk/services/students/printing/.

The cost of printing and photocopying is automatically deducted from your MyPrint
account which is linked to your student ID card. Printing and photocopying are charged
per click with one click equalling one side of printed paper.
• A4 black and white - 4 pence
• A3 black and white - 7 pence
• A4 colour - 15 pence
• A3 colour - 30 pence
These costs are for a single side of printed paper but are reduced if the printing is double-


The Copy Shop

With an on-campus location, the CopyShop offers comprehensive print services to
students, staff and external customers both locally and globally, and are always available
to give advice. The quick, professional and cost-effective service supports students
throughout their time at Queen Mary offering fast turnaround times from two hours.

The CopyShop can print a range of items, some of which include leaflets/flyers,
invitations, tickets, lecture notes, programmes, posters, theses/dissertations, display
banners and exhibition stands. We offer a range of finishing services including wire
binding, soft (Morgana) binding and booklet production. Large format posters can be
printed up to size A0 on gloss, matt or fabric materials with bespoke sizes available up to
900mm wide to any length.

Your thesis or dissertation can be printed and bound in-house with an external service
available for hard-bound copies.

Book Scanning Service: The CopyShop offers students a professional scanning service. If
you wish to retain a section of a publication for study use, the CopyShop produce a clear
image without fingers tips, black areas and poor results for you.

We can also scan materials you wish to include in your research materials in the correct
format you need, for example Research Posters for William Harvey Day….no more fuzzy

Wi-Fi: The wireless network you use to connect your devices is eduroam. Halls of
residence are fully networked with Wi-Fi and a wired socket in each study bedroom.
Access to e-mail, QMplus the online learning environment and other services relevant to
your study at Queen Mary is available from the internet as a whole.

Mobile app: Queen Mary’s mobile app is available as a native app for Android (version
2.3.3 or higher) and iOS (version 6.0 and above) devices. The app allows you to do a
number of things on the move, including: check your course timetables, log into QMplus
and your Queen Mary email, search for and renew library books directly from your phone.

Policies: The use of IT facilities is covered by University regulations prohibiting, among

other things, software piracy and unauthorised computer use. IT Services policies are
published here: http://www.its.qmul.ac.uk/governance/policies/index.html

The IT Services website contains information on a number of our services and includes a
range of self-help guides http://www.its.qmul.ac.uk/support/index.html

Contact the IT Service Desk
IT Live Chat: www.its.qmul.ac.uk
Self Service: https://servicedesk.qmul.ac.uk/
Email: its-helpdesk@qmul.ac.uk
Telephone: 020 7882 8888 (24/7)

Communications IT services and support LIF

We have an on-site support person from the IT Services department who will be able to
deal with a small category of issues and requests Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm.
Please notify the CCLS Reception about the issue who will contact the support person for
you. Support can be provided on-site at LIF for the following:

• Wi-Fi
• Printing facilities
• IT Suite computers
• Basic issues with personal laptops / tablets / phones
• QMplus support is provided locally at CCLS (see section 3.8) or by the Service Desk

The IT Service Desk based in Mile End Campus will be able to deal with everything else and
are your first point of contact if the CCLS support person is unavailable:
Tel: +44 (0)207 882 8888 (an internal-only phone can be found opposite the student printer
in the LG floor IT Suite, dial 8888).

IT Live Chat: https://www.its.qmul.ac.uk/support/

Email: its-helpdesk@qmul.ac.uk (non-QMUL addresses will be rejected)
Office hours: Monday to Friday, 7.00am to 7.00pm

Out of Hours phone support service, called NorMAN, can be reached by dialling the usual
IT Service Desk number, 0207 882 8888. They can be contacted between 7pm - 7am on
weekdays; all weekends, College Closures and Bank Holidays.

Important: Communications from QM and use of QM Email

Queen Mary will communicate with you in a variety of ways. Formal correspondence will
be sent to you by letter, and it is important that you keep QM up to date with your
personal details and address via MySIS. However, it is most common for PG Law office and
central QM departments to contact you by email. You are assigned a QM email address
when you enrol, and you are advised to check this account daily. You can access your
email account by logging on to a QM computer, or, if you are not on campus, at:

We will always use your Queen Mary allocated email address to contact you.
It is not possible to use a personal email address for this purpose. So you must ensure that
you check your QMUL email account regularly.

Email Best Practice and Etiquette
Note the following guidelines for effective communication:

• All email communications must take place using the QMUL email system (you must
use your QMUL email address).
• You must be sure to include your full name and student id number in every
• You should check your QMUL email every working day (please note Saturday,
Sunday and bank holidays are not working days) during the teaching and
examination terms.
• Emails should be written in a suitable and polite register and should not use slang
or informal abbreviations.
• The subject line should be completed.
• The email must be addressed to someone i.e. your tutor and must be signed off
with an appropriate closing phrase.
• You must not send blank emails.
• You should only email one email address, if you must copy in another person or
department for information only make sure that it is relevant but in all cases, the
person or department you require action from should be in the ‘To’ line and
anyone else in the ‘CC’ line. Copying in lots of different department may mean you
do not get a response.

We can respond more quickly to your emails if you create an email signature in outlook
containing your name, student ID and programme of study. This helps us look up your
information more efficiently and enables us to act on or to forward your enquiry to the
most relevant person. Information about how to do this can be found here

Please note that your email account will expire around two months after graduation so
please ensure that you back up any essential information for detail about email please see
this page https://www.its.qmul.ac.uk/support/faqs/

12.4. QMplus

12.5. QMplus Online Support for Modules and Noticeboards (FOR ALL)
At QMUL we extensively use the QMplus system, a Moodle based VLE, for communicating
module and other important information to students.

The Early Weeks

During the first few weeks of Teaching Period one in particular, there could be changes to
class venues or rooms. Once notified to the PG Law Office, these amendments will be
posted onto the relevant QMplus Noticeboard under the Important Announcement

Access to noticeboards and all other QMplus pages described below is via:

12.6. QMplus Support for Module Teaching

Online delivery of module materials most, if not all, PG Law programme modules are taught
through a mixture of materials that will be given to you, along with online activities. There
is also an online discussion for each module. You can access all online materials through
QMplus, including updated reading lists as appropriate and many other useful teaching

The QMplus module page is updated by the teaching academic(s) or teaching assistants
involved with the module.

12.7. Access to ALL QMplus module pages during module selection

Until your module choices have been officially registered at the end of the induction period,
you will be able to access ALL individual module QMplus pages as a guest user.

To access a module page as a guest: go to QMplus and use the search box to find the module
pages you want to view. You can simply search when ‘All Modules’ is selected for the
relevant module code, e.g. SOLM000. Clicking on the search result will prompt you to enter
a password. Please use the guest access password shown below.

QMplus Guest Access Password: PGLAW

Once guest access to ALL modules is closed down, you will ONLY have access to the QMplus
module pages for your registered modules. There can be a delay in the removal of access
so please do not worry if you continue to have access for a while - this does not mean your
module choices have not been recorded correctly.

12.8. QMplus Access/Logins

From mid-October, you will be able to login normally with your own username and
password to all available QMplus pages.

You should then use your QM allocated Username and Password to enter the QMplus
system. Please note your username consists of lowercase letters and numbers (ex. lcw123)
and is the first part of your College email address. This will then take you to the QMplus
landing page for Postgraduate Law.

You will also find many useful links on the landing page – including PGLS, past exam papers,
MYSIS, Law Library and more.

12.9. PG Law Noticeboard
This page will publish external opportunities for conferences etc. and highlight Internal QM
events which may be of general interest. (Such as student parties!)
It is also a point of contact for all PG law students, regardless of individual programme of
registration, to include taught and research students – the following link should take you to
the page but it will appear on all students QMplus dashboard

12.10. QMplus Helpdesk and help with access

Should you have problems logging into QM services generally, (for example, email issues
or unable to login to QMplus at all), please contact IT services
via: https://helpdesk.its.qmul.ac.uk/helpdesk/ or through the 'Help and Support' links at
the bottom of QMplus).

12.11. CCLS QMplus Helpdesk

Although some problems will have to be resolved centrally by IT services as above, most
other problems/questions can be resolved by our QMplus Helpdesk team based in LIF.

The QMplus Helpdesk is manned and available for assistance to students between 1pm -
5pm on weekdays during the teaching period. They can help you with any problems
accessing your modules or Programme noticeboards, finding and downloading materials,
uploading assignments, using the forums and chat features, posting messages, updating
your QMplus profile page and diagnosing problems. Please note that this academic year
these drop-in sessions may be held remotely through Blackboard Collaborate webinar links.

During induction weeks, the QMplus Helpdesk Team will be running troubleshooting drop-
in sessions for any students who are experiencing difficulty with using QMplus. Students are
particularly encouraged to see them at these times to help to solve early issues.

During term time, the team is typically stationed on the 4th floor and available on weekdays
between 13:00 - 17:00. Students wishing to see them can make contact via e-mail to book
an appointment. Please note that these one-to-one appointments will likely be held
remotely over MS Teams. Outside of teaching dates, they will still be available
between 13:00 - 17:00 on weekdays but only by email.

The contact details for the QMplus Helpdesk are listed below:
• Email Address: qmplus.cclshelpdesk@qmul.ac.uk
• Telephone: +44(0)20 7882 6182

Please make sure that when emailing you provide your full name and use your
@hss19.qmul.ac.uk e-mail address.

Teaching timetable
The teaching timetable will be given to you at induction. Any changes to the teaching
timetable will be notified to you via your QMUL email account or via your individual module
QMplus pages once your modules have been chosen. A copy of the timetable will also be
available on the Joint Programmes Noticeboard on QMplus.

Class cancellations

Notification of any class cancellations or change of venue etc., will normally be notified to
you at class level OR via the QMplus page for the individual module concerned. If QMplus is
NOT used by your taught module, then the academic will usually contact you direct (via

Reading Lists
The individual module outlines given out at induction and during the initial lectures will
contain reading lists, as will most individual module QMplus pages.

Course materials (hard copies and/or books)

If you are informed during your lecture to collect course materials then this will either
be held at CCLS Reception or the PG Law Office LIF 3.5.

Centre for Commercial Law Centre reception +44 (0)20 7882 8100

Examinations – format and past papers

If you have any questions about the examination paper format prior to sitting them, you
should refer them to either the teaching academic concerned or to one of the Programme
Directors. You will automatically have access to the Past Examination Papers Library within

Postgraduate Law Programme Noticeboards

For each programmes we use specific QMplus noticeboards throughout your study year, to
post announcements specific to your studies and other events.

The early weeks

During the first few weeks of teaching period one in particular, there could be changes to
class venues or rooms. Once notified to the PG Law Office, these amendments will be
posted onto the QMplus Noticeboard under the Important Announcement heading. Only
the most urgent announcements will be added here as this will also generate an automatic
email to ALL students.

You are advised to check the QMplus Noticeboard regularly during the first few weeks of the
programme as other information may be added that does NOT generate a reminder email
but could be important. (Please note, however, that it is sometimes difficult to notify
students in advance of any last minute changes). However, please note that once your

taught modules have been confirmed, notification of any class cancellations or change of
venue etc. on an individual module will normally be notified to you at class level OR via the
QMplus page for the individual module concerned.

Dissertation Support Noticeboard

This noticeboard is used to support and notify you of issues relating to the Dissertation
element of your programme. Both the CTWL staff and the PG Law Tutor(s) will use this board
to notify you of changes/availability. It also has some useful guidance documents on
dissertation writing generally. It is also the point of submission for your dissertation
title/proposal AND the dissertation itself.

Individual Programme Noticeboards

You will automatically have access to a noticeboard which is specific to your programme of
study. For example, if you are studying LLM Intellectual Property, you will have automatic
access to the ‘Intellectual Property Law Noticeboard ’.

Note: Some programme pages are combined for related areas, please see list below. (These
combinations are largely the same as those used during inductions)

These pages will be used to send you notices and invitations which are specific to your area
of study so do remember to check them regularly.

• Art, Business and The Law

• Banking and Finance Law Noticeboard
• Comparative and International Dispute Resolution Noticeboard
• Competition Law Noticeboard
• Commercial and Corporate Law, International Business Law Noticeboard
• Criminal Justice, Human Rights and Immigration Law Noticeboard
• Environmental Law, Energy and Natural Resources Law and Public International
Law Noticeboard
• European Law Noticeboard
• Intellectual Property Law Noticeboard
• International Economic Law Noticeboard
• International Shipping Law, Insurance Law Noticeboard
• Tax Law and International Law Noticeboard
• Technology, Media and Telecommunications Law Noticeboard

If you feel that this may benefit your study, you can request to be added as a guest on ONE
additional programme page. Please email the QMplus Helpdesk at

These requests will be monitored and approved by the QMplus team.

12.12. Libraries
In this section we detail some useful general information, student contacts and facilities
that are available to you as Queen Mary Students.

Academic Skills

The Teaching and Learning Support team within Library Services works in a number of
ways with taught students at any level, undergraduate or postgraduate, from any subject
discipline, to develop the skills and practices needed to become more effective in their
academic work and excel at university.

Areas covered include: writing for academic purposes, finding and evaluating relevant
literature and sources of information, adapting to university, effective reading and note-
making, maths and statistics support, presentation skills, time management, critical
thinking, understanding marking criteria, using feedback, writing in different disciplines,
revision and exam preparation and avoiding plagiarism.

Faculty Liaison Librarians, Senior Academic Skills Advisers and Information Skills
Assistants offer support and developmental opportunities in the form of one-to-one
tutorials, workshops, drop-ins, and self-access resources. In addition, we host Royal
Literary Fund (RLF) Fellows who offer writing advice to both taught and research students.

For more information on the services and resources available, and how to access them,
visit https://www.qmul.ac.uk/library/academic-skills/

Where do I study?
We manage a range of study environments that support different modes of study,
including our three London campus libraries at Mile End, Whitechapel, and West
Smithfield; each has a character and ambience of its own. From individual silent study to
small group study, to hybrid working, our spaces are open seven days a week for long
hours to meet your needs. On our Mile End campus, we provide a number of reserved and
bookable study spaces for postgraduate use only.

Find out more about Libraries and library-managed study and research spaces

There are two main libraries for the use of PG Law students:

Queen Mary Library Services

Library Services at Queen Mary is your source for knowledgeable, helpful staff, study
environments supporting a range of modes of learning and research, and access to your
core and wider reading needs, as well as specialist support for managing and sharing your

The Queen Mary Library Services has extensive online collections, helping you to gain
access to readings from wherever you are. The online library includes many law resources
such as legal databases, e.g. Westlaw and Lexis. The online collections can be accessed
via the Library Services website.

Although the Queen Mary Library Services website itself is open access, you will need to
log-in with your Queen Mary Student Service account username and password, which you
will get from IT Services when you enrol, to access Library Services’ e-resources.

Some online resources also require your library barcode and pin number. You will find
your barcode number on the front of your Queen Mary ID card or you can check online via
MySIS. You can request your Library PIN using the PIN reset form.

Queen Mary Library Services has a team answering emails at library@qmul.ac.uk who
will help you use the e-resources and answer any general Library related questions you
may have. You can also browse FAQs and chat with a member of the team online.

For subject specific library support, check out the Queen Mary Library Services Law
Subject Guide.

The Library’s Faculty Liaison team for Humanities and Social Sciences will be pleased to
provide every opportunity to help School of Law students use the full range of Library
Services’ resources for law in the most effective and timely way, through:
• Timetabled group sessions and bookable appointments providing 1-1 advice
• Providing online supporting materials made available via QMplus and the Library
Services Website
• Answering your enquiries and questions, for example by email.

The Faculty Liaison Librarian for Humanities and Social Sciences:
Mr Richard Evans: library-hss@qmul.ac.uk
Website: https://www.qmul.ac.uk/library/
Email: library@qmul.ac.uk

Webchat: https://qmul.libanswers.com/

Telephone: 020 7882 8800

The Queen Mary Library Services’ online offer is backed up by an extensive on-campus
service based in the libraries on the Queen Mary campuses at Mile End, Whitechapel and
West Smithfield.

Mile End Campus

The library building is located in the centre of the Mile End campus and provides
resources for all taught subjects at Queen Mary. The main Law print collection is on the
first floor of the building in the south reading room. Print copies of books which feature on
course reading lists (both undergraduate and postgraduate) are kept in the Teaching
Collection, which is on the ground floor.

As well as wide-ranging print collections, the Queen Mary Mile End Library has a Welcome
Desk to assist with student enquiries, individual and group study spaces, clusters of
networked PCs, wireless access for laptops, scanning, printing and photocopying facilities
and much more.

In academic year 2022/23, the Mile End Library will be in the final stages of an extensive
Transformation Project - including the creation of two additional floors and 500 extra
study spaces – designed to bring the building into line with our students’ needs and
expectations. The Mile End Library will remain open throughout the Transformation

Whitechapel Campus
Whitechapel Library is based in the church of St Augustine with St Philip, just behind the
Royal London Hospital. The Library holds a collection of print books and journals,
focussed on the subjects of Medicine and Dentistry. A number of networked PCs are
available throughout the Library, together with printing, photocopying and scanning
facilities and wireless network access for laptops. The Library provides a range of study
spaces from silent study to more informal areas and is available for all Queen Mary
students to use, not just Medicine and Dentistry students.

West Smithfield Campus

West Smithfield Library, within the grounds of St Bartholomew's Hospital, is a traditional
library, with the building and interior dating back to 1879. The print books and journals
focus on the subjects of Medicine and Dentistry. There is silent study space, and a group
study area, networked Queen Mary PCs, printing, photocopying, and scanning facilities as
well as wireless network access for laptops. The West Smithfield Library is available for all
Queen Mary students to use, not just Medicine and Dentistry students.

In addition, at the Mile End campus, Library Services also manage study spaces at
Canalside, The Hive and on the Seventh Floor of the Graduate Centre. Details about
Study Spaces across Queen Mary Campuses can be found on the dedicated Library
Services webpage.

The Queen Mary Library Services Archives & Special Collections are also held in the Mile
End Library. The Library Services’ Archives & Special Collections Team manage
institutional and personal archives dating from the 18th Century to the present day, as
well as collections of rare or special materials. Digital Archives are accessible via the

The resources and facilities Queen Mary Library Services provide are constantly under
review and evolving and so may vary from those outlined above. You will always find up-
to-date details of the Queen Mary Library Services facilities, resources and support on the
Library Services website.

Other Libraries
While every effort is made to stock relevant material in the Queen Mary Library Services’
collections, this is not always possible, especially for periodicals or books which are no
longer in print. But there are other libraries you could potentially make use of:

British Library
The British Library is the National Library of the United Kingdom and its headquarters are
based in St. Pancras, central London. Although Queen Mary is not officially affiliated with
the British Library, it is open to the general public for free and it holds one of the largest
library collections in world.

The Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Library (IALS)

To join this library, you will have to show your QM student ID card and complete the online
IALS Library Registration Form.

The IALS Library:

• Receives funding directly from QM to enable them to provide all PG Law
students with excellent quality library support.
• Receives reading lists for all PG Law modules and undertakes to make available
all core reading and a wide and interesting variety of supplemental literature.
• Is one of the largest and broadest single subject law libraries in Europe, with
access to over a quarter of a million books and over three thousand serials,
across a wide range of legal topics and jurisdictions.
• Actively monitors circulation statistics, and purchases multiple copies of
used course books.
• Will, where possible, obtain electronic access to key resources to facilitate
students' research, and enthusiastically pursue a policy to make as many of our
electronic resources as possible available to QMUL students offsite.
• Can offer expert advice, training and assistance in your legal research.
• Offers a postgraduate only working environment to facilitate your studies.

Laura Griffiths, Assistant Librarian
Academic Services Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Library
University of London
17 Russell Square, LONDON WC1B 5DR
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7862 5820
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7862 5770
Email: ials@sas.ac.uk
Web: www.ials.sas.ac.uk

12.13. Residential Services and Support

Housing Services and Residential Services

The teams main responsibilities are:

Housing Services, based in the Housing Hub, Feilden House, Westfield Way at Mile End,
manage halls applications, room allocations, room transfer requests, summer
accommodation, residential fees as well as providing a comprehensive alternative
housing service.

Residential Services, based at the Residences Reception, France House, Westfield Way at
Mile End, look after you once you have moved into Queen Mary Halls and has three key
areas you will interact with during your stay; Residential Operations, Residential Life and
Residential Welfare and Support.

If you are a resident in College accommodation you should consult the Residents’
Handbook for comprehensive information on all aspects of living in halls including
contact details for the relevant sections of our Accommodation services:

Contact Housing Services

Email: housingservices@qmul.ac.uk

Contact Residential Services

Email: residentialservices@qmul.ac.uk



Student Health Service

The Student Health Service (SHS) is a free National Health Service (NHS) providing a
wide range of medical services. Registrations for the SHS can take place online, for all
students living in inner London unless for clinical reasons. The SHS on campus is located
in the Geography Building, Mile End (number 28 on map). If you cannot register with the
SHS for clinical reasons or because you live outside inner London or if more convenient to
register with a doctor close to where you live, you can find a list of local doctors through
the NHS website. Queen Mary students who are not registered patients may be able to use
the service in certain circumstances. Please, visit the Student Health website for further

Westfield Nursery
Queen Mary University Westfield Nursery is based on the Mile End campus and provides
full day care for up to 65 children per day aged three months to five years. The nursery
prioritises students and staff at Queen Mary, but is also available to those outside Queen

Early Years Childcare Practitioners are fully qualified with grades of level 3 in Childcare /
BA (Hons) degrees in Early childhood. Staff also receive continuous professional
development on early years practice.

It is open 48 weeks of the year, from 08.30 - 17.30 on weekdays.

The Nursery gives children a full week to settle in (even if they are part time) before their
start date and for this there is no charge.

Early application is advised as demand is high and waiting time is usually six to twelve
months. Please visit the Nursery webpage for more information and an application form.

Telephone: 020 7882 2782
Email: nursery@qmul.ac.uk
Web: www.nursery.qmul.ac.uk

Lost Property
If you have lost something at Queen Mary, please contact the Security Control Room at
your campus. If the item has not been handed in, the Security Team will assist you in
completing a lost property report that can be referred to by your insurance company if
you need to make a claim. We will keep your contact details and a description of the lost
property on file in case the item is handed in later. Please see

http://www.security.qmul.ac.uk/ for more details. Your School/Institute may also have its
own lost property store.

Parking on Campus
There are no parking facilities available for students unless you are a Blue Badge Holder.

Smoking on Campus
Only in designated areas, other than those areas which are clearly signed. QM is a smoke
free campus. You cannot smoke in the QM halls of residence or any other QM building.

Advice and Counselling Service

The Advice and Counselling Service offers confidential, professional support services to all
Queen Mary students. We have helpful advice and guidance for financial, immigration and
other practical issues as well as emotional, mental health and wellbeing support on our
website (https://www.welfare.qmul.ac.uk/). You will also find information there about our
services and how to contact us.

Money and practical advice

Managing practical and financial matters while also focusing on your studies can be
challenging. Welfare Advisers provide confidential advice and guidance about funding
your studies; planning and managing your budget; tuition fees and fee status; and the
practical implications of a change to your studies. We offer dedicated support for students
who no longer have contact with their family (estranged), and students who have
experience of local authority care, and students from a refugee background. We also
provide support for students experiencing domestic abuse or forced marriage. Check our
website (https://www.welfare.qmul.ac.uk/money/) to see the range of advice and
guidance we offer, and how to contact us.

Visa and international students’ advice

Immigration rules change frequently and can be complicated. International Student
Advisers provide confidential advice and guidance about visas for study (and visas for
dependents) as well as other immigration issues, financial advice, and practical matters
relating to life in the UK as an international student. Check our website
(https://www.welfare.qmul.ac.uk/international/) to see the range of advice and guidance
we offer, and how to contact us.

Life can seem like a struggle at times, and it is normal to sometimes feel a bit low or
anxious. Sometimes, though, emotional and psychological issues can become too
challenging, and may have a negative effect on your studies and well-being. Our
Counsellors can help you to make sense of difficult experiences and feelings by providing
the opportunity to think and talk reflectively, which can bring relief and meaningful

The first step is meeting confidentially with one of our Counsellors to discuss what type of
support might be most useful to you. This might be short term counselling, group therapy,
cognitive behavioural therapy or a referral for longer term support or specialist services
outside Queen Mary/ in the NHS. For many students, just one or two sessions can really
help. Our Counsellors are all highly experienced in working with students, and all types of

Mental Health
We also have a mental health team who can advise and support you to manage a mental
health condition while you are studying at Queen Mary. Our Mental Health advisers can
advise you about the local NHS and other support services available in Tower Hamlets and
the neighbouring boroughs as well as offering a range of interventions to help you manage
your mental health.

Sexual assault and harassment advice

The Sexual Assault and Harassment Adviser (SAHA) is a specialist adviser who provides
emotional and practical support to any student who has experienced sexual assault or
harassment, whether that’s happened recently or in the past. The SAHA can support you
whether this happened at university or not.

The SAHA can provide you with practical support, such as advice around your safety,
impartial information and support around your options for reporting both within the
University and externally, and signposting/referring you to appropriate support services
both within the University and out. The SAHA can also provide emotional support,
including supporting you to understand and manage the impact of sexual violence,
working with you to develop positive coping strategies and helping you to re-build your
self-esteem and trust in yourself and others.

Contacting the Advice and Counselling Service

For more information about available services and contact details please visit the Advice
and Counselling Service’s website:

13.1. Student voice

Your views are important to the school of law and QM. There are a variety of ways in which
you can tell us what you think and share your ideas for improvements. Student
representatives, elected by fellow students, also speak on behalf of the student body at
the school, faculty and QMUL-wide level via various committees, groups and meetings.
More information can be found at http://my.qmul.ac.uk/your-voice/feedback/

Some of these will include:

• School Staff-Student Liaison Committee and Course Representatives
• Module evaluation
• Postgraduate Taught Experience (PTE) Surveys

• Personal feedback to academic tutors
• Student Ambassadors (for open days, etc.)
• Student Representatives for the Staff Student Liaison Committee and main Course
• Health and Safety Committee

During the first weeks of the programme we will be looking for volunteer members of our
PG Law student body to act as Student representatives. We try where possible to have
volunteers from each of the Programmes/areas that we teach.

Each Queen Mary postgraduate law Programme has one or more appointed student
representatives who work with their Student Support Team/Engagement Team and the
PD Team to put on a programme of events for their cohort. The aim is to enhance
students' educational and social experience beyond their academic study during the year,
and to develop opportunities for students to experience professional growth and to give

The programme focuses on 3 areas: Social, Charitable, and Careers-related activities.

The Professional Development team works closely with Student Support/Engagement

Team and Course Representatives to organise Programme-specific career events and,
where possible, to source a limited number of exclusive work experience and mentoring
opportunities for our students, matching Queen Mary postgraduate law students with
leading legal practitioners. The PG Law Careers Team additionally organises a series of
weekend workshops that offer invaluable opportunities for you to develop your
professional skills (e.g., effective negotiation, accounting for lawyers, time management,

The Students' Union will provide full training and support for all student reps, preparing
them to make the most of their role, acting on behalf of the students they represent and
liaising with the staff in their SSLC and school. This training will be organised in co-
operation with their school and provided before the first SSLC meeting.

From these volunteers, we then ask you to nominate and confirm two main Course

As a recognition of their efforts and the contribution they have made, all Course Reps are
invited to a special Education Awards ceremony at the end of the year where they receive
a certificate. In order to qualify for a Course Rep Contribution Award, the Reps must
attend an introductory training session and at least one of their SSLC meetings. There are
also additional award opportunities, for those who make an extra achievement, which
goes beyond their core role.

Course Reps will also have an opportunity to learn and develop wide range of valuable
skills that can help them to improve their employability, through a number of additional
training sessions available during, from ‘Personal Development Planning’ and

'Communication' to 'Chairing a Meeting' and ‘Negotiation Skills’. These training sessions,
along the introductory core training, count towards the QM Skills Award, which is another
opportunity to have the skills they have developed recognised and awarded.

The student representatives are asked to meet at LIF usually once each term for the SSLC
meeting. This is your opportunity to raise areas of concern directly with programme
directors, the programmes Coordinator and certain key academic or specialised staff - it
can be used as a quick remedy for many concerns. It is also an opportunity for staff to
discuss particular areas with you perhaps with regard to current year procedures or
planned changes in the future. The meetings are very worthwhile and interesting.
The two Course Representatives may be asked to attend additional QMUL committee
groups over the year – again, not many and usually no more than two per year.

All student reps would be asked to introduce themselves to fellow classmates in their own
lectures only and be approachable, so that students can raise issues of concern with

A list of contacts for all student representatives and Course Representatives QMUL emails
will also posted on the QMplus Noticeboard. Please look out for your emailed invitations
to volunteer for this very worthwhile group.

Module and Programme Evaluation

Towards the end of each Teaching Period, you will be asked to complete an evaluation of
each of your taught modules for that period. Evaluation forms period will announced in
class and are coordinated online. Please check Class academics should give you some
time to complete these. We would be grateful if you could assist us with this, as the
information and feedback we receive from you is vital and is always carefully considered
and vital for continued improvement.

The Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES)

The Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) is conducted every year. It is
facilitated by Advance HE, the national body that champions teaching excellence. The
PTES gives you, as a postgraduate taught student, an opportunity to give your opinions on
what you like about your time at Queen Mary, as well as those aspects that you feel could
be improved. Please do consider completing the survey; your feedback really is invaluable
and will help us make a difference for future generations of Queen Mary students.

For all enquiries and to contact please e-mail: pglaw-support@qmul.ac.uk

13.2. Disability and Dyslexia Service

The university’s Disability and Dyslexia Service (DDS) offers advice, guidance and support
for students with disabilities, including specific learning differences like dyslexia and
dyspraxia, as well as mental health diagnoses, from application through to graduation.
The range of support that the DDS is able to provide includes:

• Support and guidance in applying for the Disabled Student’s Allowance (DSA)
• Support for international disabled students
• Liaison with staff in Queen Mary’s Schools and Institutes regarding ‘reasonable
• Support in ensuring that course materials are fully accessible
• Diagnostic assessments for students who think that they might have specific
learning differences
• Specialist one-to-one study skills support for students with dyslexia and other
specific learning differences
• Specialist mentoring support for students with mental health diagnoses and
• On-site DSA needs assessments
• Access to ‘non-specialist’ human support, e.g. note-taking
• Access to assistive technology
• Guidance in accessing Examination Access Arrangements, e.g. additional time

Telephone: 020 7882 2756
Web: www.dds.qmul.ac.uk/
Email: dds@qmul.ac.uk

13.3. Faith at QMUL

Queen Mary welcomes over 25,000 staff and students on its campuses in London and is
committed to encouraging religious understanding, freedom of speech and open social

Queen Mary is proud of its diverse multicultural population. With a variety of faiths among
staff and students, our facilities are designed to be places where people of all faiths are
welcome to use the spaces for contemplation, reflection, meditation and worship.

Please, visit Faith at QMUL for further information, including facilities and services,
policies and guidelines and other useful information.

14. Student Engagement
College regulations on Engagement, Retention and Success can be found here.
Below is the policy that applies to the Postgraduate School of Law

Student Engagement Policy Framework

For the timely and effective administration of support, the School wishes to use the
following markers of student engagement. This is to ensure that students are well
supported and given every opportunity to progress with their studies and to achieve to
their fullest potential whilst here.

Markers of Student Engagement

1.1. Attendance: All students are expected to attend the scheduled taught weekly lecture
associated with the modules for which they are registered as part of their programme of
study. (See absence notification section for more details on how this information is
captured and the schools absence policy). Other markers of student engagement are:

1. Access to module QMplus pages

2. Assessment Submission
3. Attendance at physical classes
4. Dissertation Supervisory Meetings where applicable
5. Action Following Identification of student who may require support

2.1. Actions by Schools are designed to support students to engage or reengage with their
study programme. The underpinning principles are that the School, once it has admitted a
student to a programme of study, has a duty of care to that student, whilst in turn the
student has a responsibility to engage with the available support. In such cases, support
will be designed by the School around the needs of the individual student.

2.2. A student identified as approaching or falling below the minimum requirements of

engagement set by their School will be contacted alerting them to this, outlining support
mechanisms to deal with the issues that may be contributing to this.

2.3. Once a student is identified as in need of support in order to reengage with their
studies, they will be invited to a meeting with your Programme Support Officer/Director(s)
to discuss issues that might be affecting their studies, and for the provision of
encouragement/advice (with possible referral to QM support services if necessary). In
exceptional circumstances, a senior member of the School team, such as the Head of
Department or the Head of School, may be involved in this process.

2.4. The School will always try to help students who are experiencing problems, but we
cannot do so if we are not kept informed of them. If there are factors making a student’s
engagement with their programme difficult, it is essential that the student raise any issues
with an appropriate person in the School, at an early stage. This will give us the
opportunity to intervene and provide the necessary support.

Attendance Monitoring Procedure

Student’s engagement with their studies both online and in person will be monitored
electronically. In order for us to monitor attendance satisfactorily students must access
any online teaching via QMplus. You will find the link to access ‘live’ or ‘recorded’ lectures
via the module QM+ page. Engagement can be shown by following online lectures on
Collaborate and/or teams seminars. Use of QMPlus module pages can also show that you
are actively engaged.

It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they are actively engaging with their
programme. Students who are not engaging satisfactorily will be notified and invited to
discuss this. Failure to engage in your studies could lead to you being de-registered from
the programme. A period of continued absence for more than two consecutive weeks will
not normally be permitted.

Absence Notification – Advance Planning

If you are expecting to be absent from your course for a sustained period, (for one week or
more) you MUST inform the Teaching and Learning Services team in advance by email
giving your reasons for this absence. You will need to notify us for both in person and
online teaching sessions you miss. This will be noted as ‘Permitted Absence’. Please note
however, that this should be for unavoidable reasons only.

In such cases, please email the Student Support and Engagement team:
pglaw-support@qmul.ac.uk with the following information:

• Period of absence (giving date range)

• List all modules that you will NOT be able to engage in during your absence and
the applicable dates. (For example: SOMXXX on Tuesday 12 & 19 November 2020.)
• State whether it’s an in person or online teaching session.

Sickness, Short Term Absence or Unplanned Events

If you are unable to engage in your studies due to sickness or another short-term problem,
it is not necessary to inform the TPO team or the class academic/teaching assistant.
Please ensure you make the necessary arrangement to catch up with any teaching
activities you may have missed.

What is Learner Engagement Analytics and what does it have to do with me?
Let’s begin with the basics! Learner Engagement Analytics is a term that is used to
describe the data the University holds about your engagement with various services, as
well as your demographic data. Learner Engagement Analytics is often referred to as LEA,
so you may also have heard about it under that name. Currently, your engagement data
comes from your digital footprints that you leave when you use QMPlus and other

University systems and data about your grades and academic history. When all this data
about you is brought together in one system, it’s called Learner Engagement Analytics.
The following types of data may be used for the LEA system at Queen Mary:
• Background information: your name, identifiers used by the [University / College],
contact details, and a link to the photo we hold of you.
• Details about your course, the modules you are taking, the credits you have
achieved and your advisers.
• Details of your assessments, marks and grades obtained.
• Details of your activity in QMPlus and other digital systems: logins, resources
viewed, assessments submitted and graded, and session timeouts.
• Details about your engagement with teaching activities.
• Any extenuating circumstances that have been approved.
• As part of the ongoing development of the LEA platform we will be including some
data about your use of reading lists and may pilot the inclusion of some other data
about your library usage.
• We may link data for Statistical Purposes only to your date of birth, ethnicity,
gender, declared disabilities, entry qualifications, whether your parents were in
higher education, your socio-economic background, whether you are an overseas
student. Two of these data types are what is known as special category personal
data: Ethnicity and Disability. They are being included within our models with the
aim of improving our monitoring of equality of opportunity and to improve the
accuracy of the models. These statistical analyses will allow us to identify different
patterns of engagement between different groups. They will not be used to identify

As you can see, LEA has a lot to do with you – it’s data about you! The University has
collected this data about you for a long time, but the University has decided to create a
system that brings your data from different sources together, and this new system is going
to be used to analyse your data to better understand and support your journey through
the University.

What will my data be used for?

It’s good to be careful with your personal data, and we can assure you that your data will
only be used to improve the student experience and provide tailored support when you
need it. For example, in schools where LEA has been implemented in 2021-22, if we can
see that your engagement has decreased, your Advisor and the student support staff in
your school might reach out to you to see if you need a bit of extra support to get back on
track. Another benefit is that the engagement data from all the students in your cohort
can help academic staff to improve their learning materials. If a lecturer can see that most
students in your class aren’t opening the resources on QMPlus, it might be sign that they
need to redesign the QMPlus page, so it is easier for you to access the right resources at
the right time.

Now that you know what we do with your data, we also want to make it clear that your
data will never be used for assessment unless you have explicitly been told that this is the
case (this is only the case for a small minority of courses that have relied on engagement

data for assessment for a long time, so this isn’t a new feature of the LEA system).
Similarly, if we can see that you have disengaged, the LEA system will never be used to
make any automatic decisions about your progression. Finally, your data will never (not
now, not in the future) be used for the purpose of the Prevent scheme.
Your data – like all other kinds of data the University collects about you – will be processed
in accordance with the University’s Data Protection Policy and Student Privacy Notice.
Who will have access to my data?

We know that you probably don’t want lots of people to see your data, and only a small
group of people will have access to your data. Only two groups of people will have access
to your data. The first group is staff whose job it is to support you and your learning. This
includes your Advisers, academic staff and student support staff. Only staff that work
directly with you (so not all staff across all parts of the university) have access to see your
data. The second group is staff whose job it is to develop and maintain the LEA software.
This may include IT staff and staff from external software suppliers. When staff from both
of these groups access your data, they must adhere to strict data protection rules. Your
data will also be combined with other students’ data to find trends and enable
comparison. When your data is used this way, it will not be possible to identify you.

What will happen if my LEA data shows a lack of engagement?

Our first step will always be to try to get in contact with you to find out what is going on.
Usually, your Advisor or someone from your Schools’ student support team will contact
you. If you’re going through a difficult period or you are struggling to keep up with your
academic work, the staff member will signpost you to relevant support services and see if
any additional support needs to be put in place.
We know that all students have different study habits, so if you feel the LEA data doesn’t
accurately reflect your engagement, you can discuss this with the staff member that
contacts you.
Your LEA data will never be used to make automatic decisions about your progression – a
staff member will always reach out to you before any decisions are made!

What’s the future of LEA?

First of all, we’re working on a dashboard that will give students a simple way to see their
own Learner and Engagement Analytics. The intention is that students can choose to use
this data to monitor their progress and get an accurate idea of their progress compared to
the rest of their cohort. It will of course not be compulsory to check your LEA Analytics
data – it’s a tool you can choose to use if you find it helpful.
As the LEA system develops, the system will also be able to make predictions based on the
data that comes into the system. This feature is not available yet, but when it becomes
available, it will allow staff to identify if you might need a bit more support. It will also be a
way for you and your Advisor to discuss your expectations for your academic results and
see if you need to adjust your engagement to make it more likely that you can achieve the
results you want.

I have a concern or a question. Who can I contact?

We want to be completely transparent about the way LEA works at Queen Mary, so don’t
hesitate to get in touch if you have a concern or a question. In the first instance, please
contact your Adviser.

15.1. Your Alumni Network
As a future alumnus of Queen Mary, there are a number of ways that you can get involved
and keep in touch with your peers and the wider network whilst you are a student and
after you graduate.

We have 28 Chapters (social and professional networking groups). They are mainly
organised by geographical area and help bring students and alumni together to connect
and participate in local activities. There are also two Distance Learning Chapters as part of
the network. Find out more about the Chapters and join here.

There are various groups on LinkedIn. Join CCLS Alumni LinkedIn today.
Joining this group will provide you with an opportunity to hear news from the community,
as well as find out about upcoming conferences, seminars, and other events.

The CCLS Alumni web pages are dedicated to the CCLS community with more information
on how you can get involved and stay in touch, find out about alumni news, events and
other activities.

We are always looking for new testimonials from students and recent graduates, which
can be promoted to help future students decide to study at CCLS. See the current
testimonials here. Are you interested in sharing your testimonial in the coming months?

Later in the year, you will be contacted to be invited to submit your profile and be part of
the CCLS Yearbook. Not only is the Yearbook a memento of your studies, but it also exists
to help you stay connected with your class after graduation and learn more about your

We are always happy to hear from students and we hope to see you at different
opportunities throughout the year. Look out for us when we have a stand in the CCLS
Reception for example!

A leaflet will be shared with you during Induction, sharing the benefits of being part of the
CCLS community whilst you are a student.

If you are interested in any area of alumni engagement and getting involved, please
contact the Alumni team.

September Intake: See Key Date and Graduation website:


Queen Mary has two graduation ceremonies per year, one in summer and one in winder
(usually mid-December)

The Ceremonies office will make contact with you a few months before your graduation
and send you a form and information for booking a place at this wonderful event, both for
yourselves and hopefully some friends and family.

You may find that you will have to book a place at graduation even though you will not
have confirmation that you have successfully passed your degree. Please do not worry, as
this is normal practice due to the timing of the event. In the unlikely event of your not
passing your exams, you can obviously withdraw from that particular ceremony.

For further information about graduation please visit the graduation site

Looking for part-time work or an internship? Need help with your CV or a job interview?
Want to find out about your options when you graduate? Thinking about starting a

The QM Careers and Enterprise Team provides a range of services that enable you to
develop your employability skills, access work experience and graduate job opportunities,
network with employers and decide on your next steps after graduation.

Students in every School are able to participate in a diverse careers programme. This
might include in-curriculum lectures, lunchtime workshops, professional career options
panels, 1-to-1 careers guidance, application feedback appointments and mock interviews.
This is supported by a wealth of careers information online.

There are over 100 employer-led events on campus a year, from fairs to skills workshops.
These offer you the chance to network with recruiters and get training on self-
presentation skills for the recruitment process. We also provide a range of paid work
experience opportunities, from real life consulting projects via QConsult to part-time or
full-time internships via QInterns, as well as taster programmes that give you
understanding about different sectors and employers.

For those who are aspiring entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurs, our enterprise
programme supports students in setting up their own businesses via seed funding, 12
week Incubator programme, events, bootcamps and 1-to-1 careers guidance.

Get the latest news on social media, search jobs on our online jobs board, read our jobs
blog or website for advice and insights and use our practice interviews and psychometric
test software.

You can:
• Book an appointment for one-to-one careers guidance. Book by phone (020 7 882 8533) or
in person up to a week in advance, or drop by on the day – we may have appointments
free. We are also able to offer all our appointments to run remotely.

• Find out more about the world of work from employers and former students at our careers
events www.qmul.ac.uk/careers/events/.

• Attend workshops on job applications, interviews, assessment centre techniques and a

range of graduate skills – from leadership to commercial awareness

Find a range of part-time, and full time job vacancies on our website
• Use our work experience hub to find out about internships, temporary work or local
work experience placements www.qmul.ac.uk/careers/jobs-and-experience/.

16.1. Careers
The QMUL Careers & Enterprise service provides information, advice and guidance on
topics ranging from choosing a career to finding work experience and starting your own
You can find out more about the service on their website www.qmul.ac.uk/careers/

In addition to the above, as a postgraduate law student you’ll benefit from the tailored
support of the in-house PG Law Careers Team.

16.2. PG Law Careers Team

The Postgraduate Law Careers Team is a dedicated team of expert careers consultants,
including an experienced lawyer and law graduates, who together offer a range of
guidance, workshops and employer/alumni events to help you best position yourself for
your career, as well as enhance your professional skills and global employability. There is
also a PG Law Careers module on QMplus, which you can access using this link

Throughout the year, the PG Law Careers Team offers one-to-one career guidance
sessions and run important employability skills workshops, including how to hone your CV
and cover letter, enhance your networking skills and improve your online applications.
They also coordinate a range of employer events tailored for Queen Mary postgraduate
law students.

The team provides current PG Law students and recent alumni with careers support and a
whole range of information and resources, including regular updates about career events
and employment-related opportunities.

For all enquiries and to contact a member of the PG Law Careers Team please e-mail

PG Law Careers services

Throughout the year, you can book one-to-one 25-minute appointments to discuss
anything careers related, from career choice and planning to CV, cover letter and
application reviews. This service extends to alumni for up to 2 years after they graduate.

To book a one-to-one appointment with a PG Law Careers Consultant, please call 020
7882 8533 or email careers@qmul.ac.uk.

There is also a detailed PG Law Careers Guide on QMplus, which includes comprehensive
information about legal role opportunities and different law-based career options.

Employment-related experiences and mentoring opportunities

As demand for legal experience together with commercial understanding grows, the
expectation for postgraduate students to undertake internships or work-related

experience in the legal field has become the norm. In order to ensure students have the
opportunity to develop and harness their knowledge of their legal specialism, the PG Law
Careers Team strive to support such professional development by facilitating and
promoting opportunities for students to have career mentoring, shadowing and other
experiential learning opportunities across all our Programmes.

Starting in October, we publish a bi-weekly bulletin of available internships and other

work experience opportunities that may be of interest to our current students and recent
grads. This will be emailed to you.

With the support of our alumni, academics and other legal professionals who are closely
associated with CCLS, our Mentoring and Internships Coordinator at LIF has been able to
offer a limited number of exclusive work experience opportunities for QMUL postgraduate
law students to work in UK based and international organisations, law firms and
commercial companies.

In addition to engaging and supporting with some of these exclusive internship

programmes, we actively promote shadowing and research opportunities in both the
public and private sector, whilst further assisting our students with applications for
opportunities in the UK, at European and international level.

On an administrative level, with some international and European internships, there are
additional legal requirements that need to be met prior to students commencing these
opportunities. We are happy to provide advice and support with these where required,
including e.g., a template for Conventions de Stage in France, Luxembourg, Belgium, and

The PG Law Careers Team at CCLS is headed by Anne Flanagan, LLM Director



General Academic Support

All students are free to seek advice from academic staff on an informal basis. Academic
staff have office hours during which they are available to students. If you would like to
schedule an appointment an appointment with an Academic, please email them directly.
Check the faculty web pages for staff email addresses:
http://www.law.qmul.ac.uk/people/ or check your course QMplus page for more details.

If you are seeking advice on matters relating to your programme of study within the
School, we would suggest you first contact the Teaching and Learning Services Team.
Contact details can be found here.

17.1. Postgraduate Law Programmes

LLM Laws (General)

LLM Programmes
Art, Business and Law LLM
Part Time LLM
Regulation and Compliance LLM/MSc
Law and Finance MSc/PGCert/PGDip
Law and Economics LLM/PG Dip/PG Cert
International Finance Law PG Cert/PG Dip
International Dispute Resolution PG Dip
Laws PG Dip

Distance Learning Programmes

Technology, Media and Telecommunications Law Online Pg Dip/PgCert
International Dispute Resolution LLM/PgCert/PgDip

17.2. Laws LLM (General LLM)

Laws LLM (General LLM) This programme has a 30 credit elective dissertation. If selected,
the dissertation topic in a General LLM can be in any legal area as long as other
dissertation regulations are carefully considered.

If you registered on this programme you can take a fully taught programme of 180 credits
OR take an elective dissertation of 30 credits (10,000 words) and have free choice of 150
credits from all available taught modules as listed in the White Book. (Some module
restrictions will apply as listed in the white book)

If you are on this programme it is particularly important that you take a module directly
related to your proposed dissertation topic area. This will be a useful tool in dissertation
support and is STRONGLY recommended.

17.3. LLM Programmes

Specialised Programmes with a compulsory Dissertation

• Competition Law
• European Law
• Human Rights Law
• Public International Law
• Tax Law and International Tax
• Environmental Law
• Shipping Law
• Immigration Law
• Criminal Justice
• Insurance Law
• Energy and Natural Resources Law

The above programmes have a 30 credit compulsory dissertation requirement. This has to
be written in the legal field of your programme of registration.

Module selection Process

The requirement for a Master’s degree (LLM) is 180 credits.
Within each Programme, you have a range modules you can choose but if the module
includes a 30 credit compulsory dissertation it is a requirement for you to take it.

Your 30 credit compulsory dissertation will be preselected.

A further 150 credits of taught modules will need to be taken.
90 credits minimum must be taken from approved modules within your programme.
Applicable taught modules are identified in the
The remaining 60 taught credits required can also be taken from your programme
approved module list or can be taken from the full list of available modules this year i.e.
from ANY LLM programme although certain modules may have restrictions. (We refer to
this as your free choice element.)
We STRONGLY recommend that you select one of your taught modules in an area that
directly relates to your proposed dissertation topic. This will act as a supporting
mechanism and involve you in the teaching of legal issues directly relating to your
proposed topic.

Specialised Programmes with an ELECTIVE Dissertation

On the following programmes you can elect to do a 30 credit dissertation OR opt for a fully
taught degree.

• Laws (General LLM)
• Banking and Finance Law
• Commercial and Corporate Law
• Comparative and International Dispute Resolution
• Intellectual Property Law
• International Economic law
• International Business Law
• Technology Media and Telecommunications

Students choosing to complete an elective dissertation note that this has to be written in
the legal field of your programme of registration.

The dissertation topic in a General LLM can be in any legal area as long as other
dissertation regulations are carefully considered.

Module selection – elective dissertation

The requirement for a Master’s degree (LLM) is 180 credits.
If you choose a 30 credit elective dissertation then a further 150 credits of taught modules
will need to be taken.

90 credits minimum must be taken from approved modules within your programme.
Applicable taught modules are identified in the Module and Programme Description book.
The remaining 60 taught credits required can also be taken from your programme
approved module list or can be taken from the full list of available modules this year.

We STRONGLY recommend that you select one of your taught modules in an area that
directly relates to your proposed dissertation topic. This will act as a supporting
mechanism and involve you in the teaching of legal issues directly relating to your
proposed topic. This is particularly important for students on the Laws programme.

17.4. LLM Academic Directors
The LLM programmes (exempt LLM Law and Economics) has two main academic
directors, Anne Flanagan (based at LIF) and Angelos Dimopoulos (based at Mile End). The
LLM Directors are responsible for your academic life at Queen Mary. They can help with
specific academic issues or perhaps problems relating to an individual module which
cannot be resolved at class level. Their contact details are:

Prof Anne Flanagan,

Second floor room 2.7 LIF
Email: a.flanagan@qmul.ac.uk
Tel: 0207 882 8066

Dr. Angelos Dimopoulos,

Laws 115, Mile End Campus
Email: a.dimopoulos@qmul.ac.uk
Tel: 0207 882 3953

The Postgraduate Taught (PGT) Research Director

The PGT Research Director oversees the dissertation programme. In normal
circumstances, the previously mentioned support mechanisms will help you solve any
problems or issues you may have. However, in some cases, the PG LawTutor(s) or your
supervisor may refer you to the PGT Research Director, for example, if they feel he is best
able to advise you on a complex issue or on an issue outside of their area of
expertise. Similarly, if you have an issue with your supervisor that you wish to discuss in
confidence, it may be appropriate to make contact and ask for advice or guidance. If you
wish to raise an issue, please first email pglaw-support@qmul.ac.uk and we can forward
this as appropriate.

Dr Filip Saranovic
PGT Research Director

LLM Academic Co-ordinators

Each LLM programme has its own individual Programme academic programme co-
ordinators – they can be contacted if you feel you need assistance with unresolved issues
on their programmes.

Banking and Finance Law

Rosa Lastra and Rodrigo Olivares Caminal (joint)
r.lastra@qmul.ac.uk and r.olivares-caminal@qmul.ac.uk

Commercial and Corporate Law and International Business Law

Andromachi Georgosouli and Shalini Perera (joint)
a.georgosouli@qmul.ac.uk and s.perera@qmul.ac.uk

Comparative and International Dispute Resolution

Loukas Mistelis


Competition Law
Eyad Maher Dabbah and Maria Ioannidou (joint)
m.dabbah@qmul.ac.uk and m.ioannidou@qmul.ac.uk

European Law
Nick Bernard

Human Rights Law

Niovi Vavoula

International Economic law

Angelos Dimopoulos

Intellectual Property Law

Johanna Gibson

Public International Law

Rebecca Bates

Tax Law and International Tax Law

Bernard Schneider

Environmental Law
Malgosia Fitzmaurice

International Shipping Law

Filip Saranovic

Criminal Justice
Saskia Maria Hufnagel

Technology Media and Telecommunications

Laura Edgar

Insurance Law
Franziska Arnold-Dwyer


Energy and Natural Resources Law

Norah Gallagher and James Dallas (joint)
n.gallagher@qmul.ac.uk and j.dallas@qmul.ac.uk

17.5. Art, Business and the Law LLM
Art, Business and the Law Programme Structure
The LLM in Art, Business and Law, offered by CCLS, QMUL in partnership with the Institute
of Art and Law (IAL) http://www.ial.uk.com/ is a unique and challenging original
programme focusing on a relatively new discipline both in terms of teaching and research.

The programme will draw upon the expertise of existing members of CCLS staff and direct
the focus of this expertise towards the legal aspects of doing business in the art world.
CCLS members of staff will team up with IAL instructors (who are practitioners in this field)
to offer this exciting and learning experience.
Internationally recognised, IAL delivers, through its educational and publishing
programmes, a depth of knowledge in this area, unrivalled elsewhere.
The programme has the same credit structure as other London based LLMs in this
Handbook. The essential difference is that there are only 6 taught modules applicable
(150 credits) and ALL are therefore compulsory. Students must also complete a 10,000
word dissertation (30 credits) in an art-related field due in August.

Compulsory Taught modules – Teaching Period A22

SOLM225 Art Transactions
SOLM226 Art and Governance
SOLM227 Art, Cultural Values and Ethics

Compulsory Taught modules – Teaching Period B22

SOLM228 Art Disputes and Their Resolutions
SOLM229 Art and Intellectual Property Law
SOLM230 Art and Money

For full time study, you must take 75 credits per Teaching Period as outlined above.
For part time study, you must take 75 credits of taught modules per academic year. For
part-time students, we strongly recommend that the dissertation is completed in year
two, along with the final two modules (one module per Teaching Period) that were NOT
taken in year one.
All other deadline dates and processes contained in this handbook apply.
You will have your own Induction timetable and have the following student support

The Academic Director for the Art, Business and the Law Programme is as follows:
Dr Debbie de Girolamo
Office: LIF, fourth floor
Email: d.degirolamo@qmul.ac.uk

17.6. Regulation & Compliance LLM/ MA
The dates for this programme follow the Key Date with the exception of the Dissertation.
See below

In addition, submission dates specific to this programme are as follows:

Dissertation Submission Dates:

5,000 word case study due 26 May by 10:00am
5,000 word essay due 25 August by 10:00am

Module Selection
On this programme you have compulsory taught modules 75 credits, students must take a
further 75 credits from the elective modules within the programme or free choice of 60
credits from all available taught modules as listed in the Module and Programme
Description White Book (some restrictions will apply and are listed there) It is strongly
recommended that you take a module directly related to your proposed dissertation topic
area. This will be a useful tool in dissertation support.

Dissertation Requirement
This programme has a 30 credit dissertation requirement. The dissertation comprising of a
specialist 5,000 word case study (50%) and a 5,000 word essay (50%).

Communication relevant to this programme will be posted on the LLM and PG Diploma
Noticeboard on QMplus as well as the general PG Law noticeboard.

Academic Programme Directors

Dr Garry Gabison
Lincoln’s Inn Fields
Email: g.gabison@qmul.ac.uk
Tel: 0207 882 2947

17.7. Law and Finance MSc/PGDip/PGCert

The dates for this programme follow the Key Date

Module Selection

On this programme you have a free choice of modules - 90 credits from all available taught
modules as listed in Module and Programme Descriptions Book. 45 credits must be
chosen from law and 45 credits must be chosen from finance. A further 60 credits should
be chosen from the elective modules within the programme or a free choice from all
available taught modules as listed in the Module and Programme Description book (some
restrictions will apply and are listed there). For the School of Economics and Finance
please see website.
If wish to take elective modules that are not listed in the Module and Programme
Description book, ‘free choice’ you must discuss your choices with the Programme
Additionally, if the further 60 credits is not equally chosen between law and finance and
you wish to take more credits in one of the subject areas then your dissertation focus
should be in the subject area where you have taken less credits.
It is strongly recommended that you take a module directly related to your proposed
dissertation topic area. This will be a useful tool in dissertation support.

Dissertation Requirement

This programme has a 30 credit dissertation requirement.

Other Information

Students may wish to specialise in a pathway, if so then students will be expected to take
the compulsory modules as outlined in the Module and Programme Description book.

• Banking and Financial Regulation

• Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Finance Law

Certificate Programme

Student must take 60 credits of taught modules outline as above (no dissertation).

Diploma Programme

Student must take 120 credits of taught modules outline as above (no dissertation).


Communication relevant to this programme will be posted on the LLM and PG Diploma
Noticeboard on QMplus as well as the general PG Law noticeboard.

Academic Programme Directors

Professor George Walker

Lincoln’s Inn Fields
Email: g.a.walker@qmul.ac.uk
Tel: +44(0)20 7882 8087

17.8. Law and Economics LLM/ PG DIP/ PG CERT

The dates for this programme follow the Key Date

Module Selection

On this programme you have 60 credits of compulsory taught modules. A free choice of
modules – 30 credits from all available taught modules as listed in Module and
Programme Descriptions Book. A further 60 credits should be chosen from the elective
modules within the programme or a free choice from all available taught modules as
listed in the Module and Programme Description book (some restrictions will apply and
are listed there). For the School of Economics and Finance please see website.
If wish to take a ‘free choice’ outside of the programme elective modules you must discuss
your choices with the Programme Director.
It is strongly recommended that you take a module directly related to your proposed
dissertation topic area. This will be a useful tool in dissertation support.

Dissertation Requirement

This programme has a 30 credit dissertation (10,000 words) requirement.

Other Information

Certificate Programme (no dissertation)

Student must take 60 credits of compulsory taught modules outline as above.

Diploma Programme (no dissertation)

Student must take 120 credits of taught modules – 60 credits of compulsory and further 60
credits from the elective module list outline in the Module and Descriptions book.


Communication relevant to this programme will be posted on the LLM and PG Diploma
Noticeboard on QMplus as well as the general PG Law noticeboard.

Academic Programme Directors

Professor George Walker

Lincoln’s Inn Fields
Email: g.a.walker@qmul.ac.uk
Tel: +44(0)20 7882 8087

17.9. International Finance Law Certificate/Diploma

The dates for this programme follow the Key Date

Module Selection

On this programme you have 60 credits of elective taught modules as listed in the Module
and Programme Descriptions Book. All credits must be taken within Semester 1.

On this programme you have 120 credits of elective taught modules as listed in the
Module and Programme Descriptions Book. Diploma students are advised to take 60
credits in Semester 1 and 60 credits in Semester 2, although an imbalance of credit across
semesters may be permitted.

Dissertation Requirement


Communication relevant to this programme will be posted on the LLM and PG Diploma
Noticeboard on QMplus as well as the general PG Law noticeboard.

Academic Programme Directors

Professor Rosa Lastra
Lincoln’s Inn Fields
Email: r.lastra@qmul.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)20 7882 8070

17.10. Law PG Dip
To qualify for the award of a Postgraduate (PG) Diploma, students must complete 90
credits of taught modules plus submit a 10,000 word dissertation within a two-year
period. Students are required to attend 60 credits taught in their first year and then take
the final 30 credits and submit their dissertation in their second year. Taught modules for
a general Diploma may be selected from any of the wide range of courses offered and the
dissertation may be in any area of law.

Students who want their Diploma award to carry a specialisation (e.g. PG Diploma in Tax
Law or PG Diploma in Medical Law) must select both their taught modules from within the
same subject grouping as those available on the LLM and produce a dissertation within
the same area of law. (See the White Book for the full list of available subject Groupings
and Modules but note that Group C Comparative and International Dispute Resolution is
not available as it has its own specialised Diploma.

All other deadline dates and processes contained in this handbook apply and particular
note should be taken of the part time section which runs in a similar way to the part-time
Diplomas, with the exception of the total number of credits taken.

17.11. Part-time
(Over two years)
Part-time students usually select 90 credits of taught modules in their first year - any
dissertation element for your specific programme will normally be taken in your second
year, along with the remaining taught credits due. This can vary depending on your
programme of registration.

You will only be requested to choose your modules per academic year, as they are based
on the current year’s teaching timetable and module availability.

Students wishing to do their dissertation in year one OR to do an additional dissertation IN

PLACE of taught credits will need to discuss this with the administration team as you are
unable to select this automatically on MYSIS. This may be possible in some circumstances.
In all cases, part-time students who fail any element of their year one examinations will
take their re-sit(s) in line with all other students. They cannot be deferred until year 2
unless there are extenuating circumstances.

The guidance and deadlines in this Handbook apply to all other areas of part time study.
Please note though, that should any of the guidelines or procedures for LLM students
change substantially, such changes may be incorporated into your second year of study.
You will of course receive notification of any such changes.
You will be sent online enrolment instructions from the Queen Mary Registry prior to your
second year of study. Your current student ID card will then be reactivated.

All PG Law Programmes are administered from the Lincoln's Inn Fields building (LIF).
Teaching and Learning Team will be pleased to assist you with any questions or problems
during your year at QMUL. Contact details for the Team can be found here

General information and facilities

The Centre for Commercial Law Studies occupies the lower ground, ground and five upper
floors of the property situated on the northwest corner of Lincoln’s Inn Fields at the
junction of Remnant Street and Gate Street.

LIF Building - Opening Hours

We are open Monday to Friday from 8.45am until 9.30pm. Please note that after 5pm
Teaching and Learning staff will not be available. Students are required to always have
their ID passes with them when on QMUL premises.

Academic staff - office hours

Apart from the time spent in class, most of the academic teaching staff will offer regular
times when they will be available for students. For the majority this may be for one hour
prior or after class, but this may vary. Some may offer additional times by appointment.
You should check this with the academic concerned - all email and phone contacts for
staff are available on the School of Law / QMUL website.
Academic staff offices are located at LIF or in the Department of Law Building, Mile End.

Student study area

Situated in the lower ground floor of CCLS is the WI-FI enabled computer area with PCs for
student use and access to printing and photocopying facilities.
This facility will be available from 09:00am – 09:00pm Monday to Friday.

Student Common Room

There is a small common room (LG.3) located in the Lower Ground Floor level of the

Multi-faith Room
We have a multi-faith prayer/contemplation room in the Lower Ground Floor level of LIF.
The Reception staff also have information on multi-faith prayer facilities in the local area.

You should familiarise yourself with emergency procedures for all areas in which you work
and study, noting the location of emergency exits, assembly points and equipment. On
hearing a fire alarm in the building, you should immediately leave through the nearest
emergency exit, unless redirected by a Fire Marshal. Do not go to any other part of the
building for any reason. Proceed to the designated emergency assembly area and report
to the Fire Marshal. Do not leave the assembly area or re-enter the building until
instructed to do so.
In an emergency, dial 8100 or 3333 from any internal phone and clearly state the nature
and location of the problem, your name, and the number you are calling from (if known). If
there is no internal phone available, call 999 and follow the normal procedure.
First aid assistance for minor accidents can be obtained by dialling 8100 from an internal
phone, or 020 7882 8100 from any other telephone.

Fire - On Hearing the Fire Alarm at LIF

The fire alarm is tested every Wednesday at 10am – you will need to leave the building if
the alarm sound continues for more than a few seconds. If you hear the alarm sound at
any other time:
• Leave the room immediately, taking any visitors and ensuring the door is closed.
Do not waste time by taking personal belongings with you. Do not use the lift
• Follow the arrow signs to the nearest fire exit and proceed to the designated
assembly point outside of the building at 3,4,5,6 Lincoln’s Inn Fields
• Anyone who cannot self-evacuate should proceed to the nearest Refuge Point and
follow instructions on the refuge system panel
• Do not re‐enter the building until told that it is safe to do so by the Fire Brigade or
the CCLS Fire Coordinator.

Fire - On Discovering a Fire at LIF

• Raise the alarm first by shouting “FIRE” and then by activating the fire alarm
system by breaking the glass on the red box manual call point. These are located
by the exits to the stairs or final exits from the building. Do not use the lift
• Leave the room immediately, taking any visitors and ensuring the door is closed.
Do not waste time by taking personal belongings with you
• Follow the arrow signs to the nearest fire exit and proceed to the designated
assembly point outside of the building
• Anyone who cannot self-evacuate should proceed to the nearest Refuge Point and
follow instructions on the refuge system panel
• Once outside the building call the fire service on 999 giving the following address
and request fire service attendance:
67-69 Lincoln’s Inn Fields London
• Do not re‐enter the building until told that it is safe to do so by the Fire Brigade or
the CCLS Fire Coordinator.

Emergency Refuge Points
LIF building is supplied with an emergency refuge system. On activation of the fire alarm
system, persons with mobility impairment should proceed to the nearest available refuge.
On reaching the refuge, they should operate the press to talk button. This will register on
the refuge master station that is situated adjacent to the fire alarm panel. The first
responders on arrival will check the refuge master station and contact the refuge
outstation that has been activated by using the two-way communication equipment. The
person at the refuge must ensure that they hold the press to talk button to talk and
release when they have finished. Our staff will also check the location of the fire alarm
actuation in respect of how close it is to the person seeking assistance who is located at
the refuge outstation and make a dynamic risk assessment of whether they need to be
immediately evacuated. If the person seeking assistance is in a place of relative safety
away from the incident, then they will be informed that there is no need to be evacuated
at this time using the two- way communication equipment. This will be due to the incident
being remote from the refuge location and there being a substantial degree of fire
resistance and separation between the actuation area and the refuge outstation. If the
actuation is close to the occupied refuge outstation, with no fire resistance or separation
between the point of actuation and the disabled person, then the first responder will
instigate evacuation of the person. This will be effected by way of an Evacuation Chair.

Accident / Incident Reporting Procedure

You should report all accidents and near misses, injuries, sudden illnesses and first aider
attendances using the below University online accident / incident reporting system or ask
from advice from Reception:

Emergency Contacts
In case of an incident requiring immediate attendance of emergency services, you should
always dial 999.
CCLS Reception – 020 7882 8100/8125
QMUL Security - 020 7882 3333
Health and Safety Helpdesk: hs-helpdesk@qmul.ac.uk or 020 7862 8968/5701
Student Health Service: 0207 882 8710 (term time only)

Centre for Commercial Law Studies Safety Coordinators:

Edith Furlong
e.furlong@qmul.ac.uk or 020 7882 5104

Gbemisola Adedoyin-Adeniyi
g.adedoyinadeniyi@qmul.ac.uk or 020 7882 8125

19.2. Other useful contacts at Queen Mary

Advice and Counselling Service

Ground Floor, Geography Building Mile End Campus +44 (0)20 7882 8717

Disability and Dyslexia Service

Room 3.06, The Bancroft Building, Mile End Campus E: dds@qmul.ac.uk

Student Enquiry Centre – regarding all aspects of your studies at QM

CB01 Queens' Building Mile End Campus +44 (0)20 7882 5005

Fees office (Finance Department)

W117 Queens' Building Mile End Campus +44 (0)20 7882 7676 Email: fees@qmul.ac.uk

Students' Union
329 Mile End Campus +44 (0)20 7882 8030

Student Health Centre

Ground floor, Geography Building Mile End Campus

Careers Service
WG3 Queens' Building Mile End Campus +44 (0)20 7882 8533 Email: careers@qmul.ac.uk

Residences Office
The Housing Hub, Fielden House, Mile End Campus +44 (0)20 7882 6473

IT Help and General Information


A fuller list is included in your main student guide available online at:

20.1. APPENDIX I - Guidelines for answering exam questions
Part I of this appendix provides brief guidance on the types of questions that students may
be asked to complete in respect of an examination or a final assessment exercise
(collectively referred to as ‘examinations’) and suggested good practice when answering.
Elements of this guidance will also be relevant to students completing a course essay or
dissertation (collectively referred to as ‘extended written work’), although further guidance
will be given by the applicable Module Convenor or assigned Academic Supervisor.
Part II outlines the assessment criteria that examiners will use when grading student


Questions are designed to give students the opportunity to display their knowledge and
understanding of the subject matter detailed in the module syllabus and imparted to them
through teaching and study on the module. Students will not be expected to answer
questions outside the designated scope of the module.
The rubric at the front of the paper will clearly specify the number of questions in the paper
and the number of answers a student is required to answer (e.g. ‘three out of nine
questions’). Unless clearly stated otherwise, each question is given equal credit. As such,
students should endeavour to divide their time equally between each answer.
Different types of exam questions call for different approaches/techniques. A basic
distinction is made between ‘essay’ type questions and ‘problem’ style questions.
Some assessments will use a mixture of both; others may rely exclusively on one question
type. The following outlines how these might differ in terms of how students are expected
to respond.


These questions generally involve being asked to critically discuss some form of statement,
such as a quotation from a judgement or an academic commentator about the relevant
area of law.
The question may then specify the jurisdiction to which the answer should relate (e.g.
‘under UK law’) or it may ask you to compare two or more jurisdictions (e.g. ‘under UK and
US law). In other questions the issue of jurisdiction may not be specified. Where the
question contains no express or implied jurisdictional link, students may refer to any
relevant jurisdiction of which they have knowledge, although the expectation is that the
jurisdictions examined in class will form the basis of a response.
As this is a post-graduate programme, students are expected to critically engage with the
subject matter of the module, and not simply describe the laws and regulations without
further comment. A question may sometimes be ambiguous or deliberately provocative.
Students should respond appropriately to such an approach, explaining the nature of the
ambiguity or taking a position on the issue, whether in agreement with the statement,

opposing it or identifying arguments from both perspectives as applicable. As such,
students are expected to respond directly to the statement in its different parts and not
simply write down everything they know about the topic, hoping that the examiners will be
able to pick out the relevant analysis!


Long introductions; lots of historical background; lengthy descriptions of individual cases,
statutes, institutions, procedures etc.; long explanations of legal terms (unless required by
the introduction); overwhelming the examiner with complex detail; losing sight of the main


• Regurgitate everything you know about “X” because “X” happens to be
mentioned in the question;
• Wander into related but irrelevant areas of law, hoping the examiner will be
happy to be led away from the question asked and dazzled into giving you points
for your interesting but totally irrelevant discussion;
• Be consistent and do not contradict yourself (nothing wrong with changing your
views but not in the same answer); inconsistent statements should be
rationalised (e.g., as exceptions, limitations on application, etc.)
• Make wild and sweeping generalisations or assertions, unsupported by evidence
(e.g. decided cases, statutes);
• Get emotional or angry.

• Answer the question asked – all parts of the question but only the question.
• Be analytical, evaluative, and critical.
• Appropriately analyse authorities on the topic.
• Discuss relevant controversial issues surrounding a topic.
• Express your own opinion on a topic (supported by evidence).
• Structure your answer in a logical and comprehensible manner (e.g. make a brief
plan before you commence writing and/or break the answer into distinct


Briefly set the scene or environment and identify the area of law addressed by the question
and state how you intend to deal with the question. If you think the question is ambiguous,
say so and state how you intend to interpret it. If you only partly agree with the
proposition/statement, say so and indicate very briefly but generally why and how you will
address that in your answer.


Specifically address the question, by taking your key points one by one and discussing them
logically, critically and analytically. Avoid lengthy descriptions of cases, statutes.

Not get trapped in irrelevant details of cases or statutes. That wastes time and words and
adds nothing to your answer. Try to keep a wider perspective, focusing on the arguments
you want to make. Essay questions usually require you to evaluate, compare, explain or
comment on specific topics/issues.
Offer minimum descriptive detail – only enough to clarify your answer and support your


Draw together the threads of your arguments. A conclusion should follow logically from
what has gone before. It can also reflect on issues/developments going forward.

Problem questions generally present you with a scenario or series of facts and asks you to
provide advice or commentary to someone, e.g. your client.
Before answering, review the problem and identify the significant facts and each of the
issues you consider deserves a comment. Analyse the facts and assess them with reference
to the relevant rules of law. Any advice or comment should endeavour to be even-handed
and consider different aspects of the problem.
Be aware of any information that has not been supplied in the question and state how your
answer may be affected by the absence of this information. However, do not make up your
own missing facts and provide an answer to them unless you are told to do so.
Depending on what is requested, offer a solution and/or advice to the parties. Advise the
parties of the strengths and weaknesses of any argument being asserted. Support your
solution and/or advice with reference to decided cases and/or statutes.
In general, the structure of your answer should reflect the logical sequence suggested by
the scenario or series of facts in the problem (e.g. is the proposed conduct a regulated
activity; if so, what conditions are applicable).

If advising a party, do not say:

“Dear Mr. X, I think that you should do A, B, and C …”.

Instead, phrase your advice in this form:

“Mr. X should be advised that …”, i.e. give the advice in the form of an ‘opinion’.


Do NOT waste time by doing any of the following:
• Copying out the question in your answer;
• Repeating the same points over and over or including irrelevant material;
• Listing large numbers of cases to show the examiner what a brilliant memory
you have (only discuss cases relevant to the question/issue and for these give
only brief, material facts).
• Dispute the facts or scenario given (e.g. making comments such as: “No one
would ever be so stupid as to do …”).

• Respond in a manner designed to avoid addressing clearly relevant issues (e.g.
“Mr. X should not take legal action because it is too costly”), unless you are asked
to evaluate options or consider issues such as alternatives to litigation. Your job
is to identify and apply the relevant law.
• Deny existing law (e.g. simply stating that the law is wrong!). Some questions
positively invite you to disagree, dispute, suggest and provoke: in this case, go
ahead, but provide support!
Do make sure to:
• Write simply and legibly. While you will not be specifically marked-down for
messy writing, an unclear answer makes it more difficult for examiners to
identify and assess points being made. Similarly, poor spelling and grammar can
undermine the clarity of your answers and thereby affect grading.
• Aid clarity by setting out your answer using separate paragraphs, headings or
sections, where appropriate, to deal with separate issues. You may underline key
cases, names or legislation to emphasize them in your answer.
• Discuss relevant authority for your arguments. Many examinations may be
closed-book, however (i.e. you are not permitted to take any materials into the
exam room). In closed book exams, you will not generally be marked down if you
cannot remember the correct name of a case or the precise section number of a
statutory provision, unless it is considered indicative of a broader
misunderstanding of the question being asked.
• Answer the question asked, not the one you hoped would be asked!
• Give yourself time to review your answers just in case you have omitted a vital
word or two (e.g. a crucial “not” …).


These guidelines cover the criteria for the assessment of taught modules through
examination, as well as extended written work. The criteria build upon and supplement
Queen Mary’ Assessment Handbook, available at: http://www.arcs.qmul.ac.uk/policy/
These criteria also consider the Master’s Degree Characteristics Statement (September
2015), which has been issued by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA),
and describes the distinctive features of master’s degrees in the UK. The Statement is
available at:
Students should note that in all cases two internal examiners carry out the summative
assessment of examinations and extended written work, according to the standards set out
below, while external examiners review the examination process as a whole.

20.4. Appendix II Dissertation

The dissertation provides an opportunity to undertake in-depth research on a legal topic
of your choice. This will contribute to the development of a wide range of transferable
skills such as writing, research and project management skills. Producing a clearly
structured and well written piece of work can be highly rewarding from an academic and a
personal perspective, and demonstrating the ability to do so is important professionally,
for both future practitioners and academics

There is no pre-set formula for writing a dissertation. These guidelines provide some
information on the standard expected and general advice on how to plan and write your

Part-time students should note that while you are not expected to write your dissertation
until your second year, it is your responsibility to ensure that you are aware of the relevant
deadlines, as announced at the beginning of the year.

Choosing a Topic
We encourage you to start thinking about your dissertation early in your first term. The
primary questions to address in choosing a topic are: ‘What question really interests me?’
and ‘Does it provide sufficient scope for a dissertation?’ In general, you should explore a
legal question which you find interesting, important or puzzling, and one which you feel
you have the knowledge and understanding, or can acquire the knowledge and
understanding, to tackle well.

The dissertation topic must be within your specialism but is otherwise up to you.

Selecting Modules That Support Your Dissertation

We strongly recommend that you select a taught module in an area that directly relates to
your proposed dissertation topic. This will support your dissertation research and expose
you to legal issues related to your proposed topic.

Topic Overlap with Taught Modules

Your dissertation cannot substantially discuss or explore a topic which is covered
extensively in any taught module, whether or not you have taken or will take the module.
This is not usually a problem, as generally speaking the dissertation covers a topic in
much greater depth than it would be in a module. However, if you think your topic may
overlap significantly with a taught module, please discuss this with the module convenor.

Topic Overlap with Dissertations
You may find that you have a similar idea for your dissertation topic to one of your fellow
students. This is not a problem. However, you may not work with or borrow material of
any kind from any other student. Please familiarise yourself fully with Queen Mary’s
plagiarism policy.

Dissertation Title and Proposal Submission and Plagiarism Statement

Once you have chosen your topic you will need to decide on your dissertation title and
prepare a 200-word topic proposal outlining your dissertation area and research plans.
You will need to complete a form and submit it via the QMplus Postgraduate Dissertation
Support Noticeboard by the deadline. No extensions will be granted.

By submitting, you are confirming that you have read and understand the regulations
regarding plagiarism. The plagiarism statement will also be viewable at the point of

Please note that the submission provides us with the information necessary to allocate a
supervisor. The more detailed the information, the more likely we are to be able to
allocate a suitable supervisor.

Please keep a copy of your proposal as you will need it when contacting your supervisor.

Changes to Title and/or Topic Area

It is quite normal to amend the focus and title of the dissertation as your research
progresses. You should discuss any such changes with your supervisor. Please note that it
will not be possible to allocate a new supervisor, even if he or she is not an expert in the
new area. Also, major changes in research focus may mean that time is spent on work that
is not ultimately included in the dissertation.

‘Queen Mary defines “plagiarism” as presenting someone else’s work as your own,
irrespective of intention. Close paraphrasing; copying from the work of another person,
including another student; using the ideas of another person without proper
acknowledgement; and repeating work that you have previously submitted – at Queen
Mary or at another institution – without properly referencing yourself (known as “self-
plagiarism”) also constitute plagiarism.’

Academic Misconduct Policy,

(2022-23).pdf , paragraph 6.

Plagiarism is a serious offence and all students suspected of plagiarism will be subject to
investigation. For students found guilty of plagiarism, the possible penalties include a
formal reprimand, failing the module, the module mark being capped at the minimum

pass mark, suspension from the programme or expulsion from Queen Mary. For further
information, see Queen Mary’s Academic Misconduct Policy at

It is your responsibility to ensure that you understand plagiarism and how to avoid it.

Avoiding Plagiarism
Most cases of plagiarism are inadvertent; ie they were not intended to plagiarism.
However, intent does not matter; inadvertent plagiarism is still plagiarism. Fortunately, it
is quite easy to avoid inadvertent plagiarism – ensure that all works used are referenced
appropriately in the dissertation. Proper citation not only avoids plagiarism, it
demonstrates that you have done the necessary research, provides the reader with the
opportunity to check your sources and fulfils your obligation to give credit to the original

Be sure to record your sources when taking notes, and to cite these if you use ideas or,
especially, quotations from the original source. Be particularly careful if you are cutting
and pasting information between documents, and ensure that references are not lost in
the process.

Direct quotations for the published or unpublished work of another must always be
clearly identified as such by being placed inside quotation marks, and a full reference to
their source must be provided in the proper form. Paraphrased ideas of others must also
be credited properly.

Examples of external sources which must be referenced to avoid plagiarism include:

• direct quotations;
• arguments or conclusions from other authors which you have summarised or
• extracts from external sources which you have reproduced or adapted anywhere in
the dissertation (in appendices as well as the main body of the work);
• images or graphical depictions which you have reproduced or adapted anywhere in
the dissertation (in appendices as well as the main body of the work); and
• ideas which you have presented in an earlier work.

As a general rule, if you have discussed or referred to an idea, conclusion, quote or piece
of data which is not original to your dissertation, even if it is your own idea, conclusion,
quotation or item of data from another work, it should be referenced.

Be sensible in referencing commonly known facts; these do not generally require

acknowledgment to particular sources.

Since the dissertation is such an important component of your programme, we have
designed several support mechanisms to assist you. These include:
• the dissertation guidance in the Postgraduate Taught Programmes Handbook
• Dissertation Overview Sessions
• Dissertation Research Sessions
• Your supervisor
• Postgraduate Law Tutors
• Taught Programmes Dissertations Director
• Critical Thinking and Writing in Law Programme

Dissertation Overview Sessions

Led by the Taught Programmes Dissertations Director, these sessions will give you a solid
grounding in how the dissertation process works, including selecting a topic, the support
mechanisms in place, plagiarism and other issues. They are generally held in October for
students beginning in September and in February for students beginning in January.
Attendance is mandatory for all students writing a dissertation.

More information on these sessions will be posted on the QMplus Postgraduate

Dissertation Support Noticeboard and emailed to you.

Dissertation Research Sessions

Writing a dissertation can be a confusing, difficult task, especially if you have not written
one before and do not know where to begin. As you begin to explore possible legal
questions, it is important to have some guidance. To assist you, specialisms with
mandatory dissertations have sessions that will give you the opportunity to discuss
possible topics and ask questions of academic staff in the area of law that interests you.
This should assist you in finalising your dissertation topic.

More information on these sessions will be posted on the QMplus Postgraduate

Dissertation Support Noticeboard and emailed to you.

Your Supervisor
The function of the supervisor is to discuss with you the structure of your dissertation and
provide guidance on legal research and writing.

You are reminded that a dissertation is an assessment completed by a written submission.

Consequently, the work is to be done by the student and the expectation that the
supervisor will edit, provide detailed feedback and/or assist in basic research is not
consistent with the expectations of the dissertation.

Dissertation supervisors will be allocated after the Dissertation Title and Proposal Form
has been submitted. The form is crucial as it provides us with the necessary information
to allocate an appropriate supervisor. We attempt to match students to a supervisor who
is familiar with the research topic, but this cannot be guaranteed and should therefore not
be relied upon.

You will be notified of your allocated supervisor by email or through QMplus. It is your
responsibility to contact your supervisor and arrange the initial and subsequent meetings.
When you first make contact with your supervisor, you should include the dissertation
title, proposal, a suggested outline and a suggested work schedule. It is also your
responsibility to ensure that you schedule all supervision meetings in good time and plan
your time appropriately to be able to make best use of the feedback and guidance offered
by your supervisor.

You are entitled to meet your supervisor three times to discuss your dissertation.
Typically, you would expect to meet once at the outset to discuss how your dissertation is
to be structured, once for an update and review and once on completion of an advanced
draft of the dissertation. Generally speaking, the first two meetings should occur in your
second term and the third meeting should occur early enough before the submission
deadline to allow you to incorporate any suggestions. Note that some supervisors prefer
to hold a group meeting (ie for all students under their supervision) for the initial meeting.
You should arrange supervisor visits in advance, in particular any meeting after the end of

If you have difficulty contacting your supervisor, please inform the PG Law Office at the
earliest opportunity.

Postgraduate Law Tutors

You can also receive individual assistance on academic matters from the Postgraduate
Law Tutors. The tutors can offer support and advice on many areas of dissertation writing
and can also advise on:
• study skills;
• exam techniques;
• dealing with essay and exam questions; and
• course essays.

You can schedule an appointment or ask a question by emailing them at


Taught Programmes Dissertations Director

The Taught Programmes Dissertations Director is the academic lead for the postgraduate
law dissertation programmes. The director is Dr Bernard Schneider. In normal
circumstances, the previously mentioned support mechanisms should allow you to
resolve any problems or issues you may have. However, in some cases, the Postgraduate

Law Tutors or your supervisor may refer you to the Taught Programmes Dissertations
Director if, for example, they feel the Taught Programmes Dissertations Director is best
able to advise you on a complex issue or on an issue outside of their areas of expertise.
Similarly, if you have an issue with your supervisor that you wish to discuss in confidence,
it may be appropriate to make contact with the Taught Programmes Dissertations
Director and ask for advice or guidance. If you wish to raise an issue, please first email the
PG Law Office: pglaw-qmul.ac.uk so that it can be forwarded as appropriate.

20.5. Dissertation Writing Guidelines and Plagiarism Issues

Planning the Dissertation

Steps in Researching and Writing the Dissertation

A good dissertation poses an interesting question and provides a reasoned answer to that
question or identifies a problem and proposes a solution to that problem.

Keeping in mind that researching and writing a law dissertation is a dialectical process,
not a linear one, these are the basic steps:
• Choose a topic of interest both to yourself and potential readers. Know your target
• Narrow the scope of the topic down to a discrete issue that can be dealt with well
within the word limit. You should avoid being too broad and descriptive and at the
same time avoid being so narrowly focussed that the dissertation is unlikely to
interest potential readers.
• Know and cite the existing literature relevant to your issue.
• Make sure the structure of the dissertation follows the logic of the argument and
maintains the focus of that argument throughout the dissertation.
• Include your analysis and, where relevant, recommendations.

Choosing a Topic
Finding a topic of particular interest can be like a treasure hunt – you pick up an
interesting idea, perhaps from something you have read or discussed in class and follow it
up through various materials until you fix on a particular aspect which you feel needs to
be addressed.

Choose a topic you are interested in. You will be spending a lot of time on the
dissertation, and you will be happier if you are interested in the subject matter.
Furthermore, you are more likely to invest the time necessary, and the quality of your
research, writing and arguments will be much better if you are interested in the area and
the specific topic. Never let someone pressure you into writing about a certain topic.

Be creative and choose an issue that stands out as original and innovative. Also keep the
following points in mind:
• Is the topic of academic significance and not trivial? It would be possible to find
out whether Shakespeare used the word ‘and’ more often in his comedies than in
his tragedies, but who would be interested in knowing?
• Is the topic really manageable in the available time and word count? It is a
common mistake to imagine that you can cover far more than is actually feasible,
so keep a suitably narrow focus. Do not ask too big a question. Make sure that you

take advice from your supervisor on this and remember that, generally speaking,
the narrower and more specific your topic the better.
• Will you have access to the necessary information? Some students choose to write
about a certain area or jurisdiction only to discover half way through their
dissertation that they do not have access to the necessary material or that there is
insufficient material available to complete the dissertation.

Some indicators of topics suitable for a dissertation:

• controversial legal, political, economic, social, cultural or moral implications of
particular rules or judgements;
• divided doctrine and/or unsettled case law relating to the interpretation of a
particular legal concept, the scope of its application, the standard of review to be
applied etc;
• inconsistencies within the legal system such as duplication of or contradiction
between norms, incoherent use of regulatory strategies, overlapping institutional
authority etc; and
• divergence between regulatory objectives and outcomes, eg lack of efficiency or

Conducting a Literature Review

A literature review entails a comprehensive examination of the published material
relevant to your topic, including books, journal articles, working papers and government
reports. The scope of the review should be sufficiently extensive to ensure that no
significant material is left out. Remember to look for relevant classic texts relating to
underlying issues but also for up to date materials in the area.

Although a formal literature review does not have to be included in the dissertation, the
process, that is engaging with the material that already exists on your topic, is crucial.
Reviewing the literature should also enable you to provide evidence of wider reading and
of your capacity to integrate a wide range of materials. Note that you should consider and
if necessary mention all relevant material, not just material aligned with your way of

As you read, ask yourself if the material is relevant to your dissertation. Does it help to
address the research question(s) raised? Should you decide to use the material, you
should take notes to review at a later stage, otherwise you risk forgetting what have you
read or where have you read it.

There is a wide range of research resources available to you, including in the QMUL Library
in Mile End, the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Library in Russell Square and online
databases. You can also discuss with your supervisor the nature and availability of
relevant sources of material.

20.6. Writing the Dissertation

Structure and Content of the Dissertation

A dissertation needs to have a central integrating argument. The argument should be
logically developed, building up a case point by point and displaying a critical and
analytical approach to the subject. The sections or chapters of the dissertation should be
logically structured and help the flow of the argument, and their length should be
proportionate to their relevance for the development of the main argument.

There is no specific, mandatory way to arrange the sections or chapters of the

dissertation. The nature of the problem, the way in which you decide to address it and
your level of expertise on the topic are some of the factors that may influence the way you
decide to structure your dissertation. There are, however, common elements that you
may want to include.

The abstract is a concise, clear outline of your core argument. It should convey your
research question and research findings in not more than about 200 words. It is the hook
with which you pull in the reader. Although the first thing to appear after the title, the
abstract is usually the last thing to be written, upon a thorough reflection of the purpose,
content and conclusions of the dissertation. A good abstract can be very useful for the
reader, but it is by no means essential. Do not write an abstract if you do not feel
comfortable doing so. If you do, avoid the common mistake of using the abstract to
outline the structure of your dissertation; this should go in the introductory section or

The introduction should provide an answer to the following questions:

What is the purpose of the dissertation?

The introduction should clearly state the purpose of the dissertation and the main
analytical tasks you plan to undertake.

Why is the issue relevant?

Demonstrate why the issue is being discussed in the dissertation. If you are making
comparisons with another area or legal system, you need to explain why the comparison
is pertinent and your rationale for using the chosen comparator.

How is the dissertation structured?

Outline for the reader the structure and content of the dissertation so that he or she
knows what to expect. In the final paragraph of your introduction, outline the sections or
chapters and briefly explain what each of them covers.


It is always useful to provide some historical background to the problem you aim to
examine, for instance by identifying the relevant law, regulations or cases. You can also
refer to the doctrinal debate on the topic, highlighting, wherever pertinent, areas of

While placing your topic in its wider context is mainly a descriptive action, you should
make an effort to go beyond the description of a particular topic and engage in some

However, it is in the analytical section of the dissertation that you have the chance to
demonstrate your ability to think independently, make an argument and engage in
original analysis of your topic. This is the opportunity to analyse legal concepts, examine
the scope of their application and normative consequences and discuss how the law is
applied in practice.

A strong dissertation will contain well-argued conclusions which are supported by
preceding analysis and descriptive materials. The conclusions should form a substantial
part of the dissertation, rather than being confined to a few sentences at the end.

Because you are expected to include full footnotes, a bibliography is not required. If you
choose to include a bibliography, it is not included in the word count.

The dissertation must be fully referenced. There are several approaches to citing
authorities, but the standard in legal writing is footnotes or endnotes, not in-text citation.
Many UK journals use the Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA).
Guides to and examples of OSCOLA and other full footnote citation systems are widely
available, online and in print. You can choose any system you like, but you must be
consistent throughout the dissertation.

The purpose of citation is three-fold: to acknowledge the source of an idea, an argument,

a quotation or other material; to demonstrate that you have done the research; and to
make it easy for the reader to check the source, either for accuracy or to read further. For
these reasons, regardless of the referencing system used, a number of pieces of
information should be included in each reference.

When citing a book, you should include:

• the full name(s) of the author(s);
• the title and edition of the work;

• the publisher and year of publication; and
• the page(s) from which the idea, information or quotation is taken.

When citing a journal, you should include:

• the full name(s) of the author(s);
• the title of the article;
• the title, publication year, volume and issue number of the journal; and
• the page(s) from which the idea, information or quotation is taken.

When citing a law or regulation, you should include:

• the full title and/or official reference;
• the publication and/or effective date; and
• the article(s) or section(s) from which the information is taken.

When citing a case, you should include:

• the full title of the case;
• the year of judgment;
• the volume number of the reporter or the case number (if there is one);
• the judge, where relevant; and
• the page(s) or section(s) from which the idea, information or quotation is taken.

When citing a report, you should include:

• the full title;
• the publication date;
• the report number;
• the author and/or institution issuing the report; and
• the page(s) or section(s) from which the idea, information or quotation is taken.

When citing a webpage, you should include:

• the name of the author and/or organisation publishing the webpage;
• the title of the website and the page;
• the date on which the information was published (if available);
• the full web address (URL); and
• the date on which the webpage was last viewed.

In general, URLs should only be included for materials and information available only on
the internet; use the general citation formats above wherever possible, as these facilitate
searches across platforms.

Writing Style, Spelling and Grammar

When writing:
• use the correct tense and avoid switching from one tense to another without
• make sure that nouns and verbs agree in number;

• avoid repetitious and informal language;
• remember the difference between descriptive and normative language (subjective
or judgmental). When making value judgments, make sure they flow from your
argument and are backed up by evidence;
• make use of all the tools and resources available for improving your spelling and
grammar, including the Critical Thinking and Writing in Law Programme; and
• edit and proofread your draft.

Foreign Language Materials

You may use relevant foreign language materials, whether primary or secondary, for their
dissertation; in fact, many dissertations would not be possible without foreign language
materials. However, you are responsible for the accuracy of any quotation or
paraphrasing, whether you do the translation yourself or rely on an existing translation,
official or unofficial. The materials themselves must be provided in English (with inclusion
of the original language text optional), even if the supervisor can read the language in
question, as the postgraduate law programmes are English language programmes.

Foreign language materials should be cited in both English and the original language,
using the original script, not transliterated.

Word Count
The maximum word count for your dissertation depends on your specialism. You should
not exceed this word limit, +/- 10%, as supervisors will not mark any section of your
dissertation that is over this word limit.

Everything except the bibliography is included in the word count. This includes among
other things the abstract, table of contents, appendixes, footnotes and endnotes and the
titles of diagrams and words in graphs, tables and diagrams. Inclusion of an abstract, a
table of contents or a bibliography is not mandatory but may be suggested by your

There is no minimum word count. However, dissertations that are considerably shorter
than the maximum word count may fail to fully address the topic and will be marked

Research Ethics Approval

Some dissertation projects may involve methodologies that require research ethics
approval. This is any methodology that ‘involves’ human subjects, even if the individuals
are involved in their work capacity. Typically for Postgraduate Law this would be
conducting interviews of civil servants, legislators, businesspeople etc.

Low-risk research methodologies such as standard interviews are generally eligible for
expedited approval. Details can be found at http://www.jrmo.org.uk/performing-


The Standard Expected of the Dissertation

In General
The dissertation is required to be either a record of original work or an ordered and critical
exposition of existing knowledge in the field. While this is not a definitive list for marking
purposes, in general examiners are looking for the student:
• to have identified a relevant topic;
• to demonstrate the ability to discuss, analyse and criticise the law and literature on
the relevant topic;
• to demonstrate an advanced understanding of the issues and the difficulties they
• to demonstrate knowledge of the relevant law and literature relating to the topic;
• to demonstrate acceptable writing skills, including proper spelling, punctuation
and grammar and the clear use of English.

The dissertation should be of publishable quality, ie broadly equivalent to the quality that
would be expected by a reputable law journal with little further editing.

A key requirement for success is that your dissertation contains a high degree of
originality. The nature of originality means that it is impossible to define what constitutes
it but, by way of illustration, originality may be achieved in one or more of the following
• by drawing on your own professional experience;
• by drawing together for the first time diverse sources of information on a particular
topic in order to present a coherent and novel treatment of the subject; and
• by relating an aspect of your topic to wider legal, political, economic or ethical
considerations in a way that has not previously been done.

The key test that will be applied is whether or not the dissertation treats the chosen topic
in a way not previously published.

Analytical Content
It necessarily follows from the requirement for originality that a successful dissertation
will contain a high degree of analytical content. This must be distinguished from
descriptive content. Whilst some descriptive content will be necessary, for example to
explain the current or previous legal position or practice, the analytical content should
provide, among other things, commentary on and critique of the current or previous legal
position or practice, together with your own opinions (and recommendations, if

appropriate). Dissertations consisting mainly of descriptive content are less likely to
achieve a high mark than ones with a high degree of analytical content. However, the
analytical content must not be achieved at the expense of thorough research into your

Breadth versus Depth

The requirement for a high degree of analytical content means that you should consider
carefully the scope of the dissertation. The dissertation is more likely to achieve a high
mark if it covers a relatively narrow area in depth, rather than a broad area superficially.

At the same time, your dissertation should involve a comprehensive treatment of your
topic, meaning that all relevant aspects need to be analysed, unless the dissertation topic
has been reasonably defined to exclude them.

Dissertation Presentation and Layout

Title Page
The dissertation should include a title page that lists your Student ID number, full
dissertation title, supervisor’s name and final word count. Your name should not appear
on the title page or anywhere else in the dissertation, including the file name and the file

There is no official style guide for the dissertation. However, we recommend you use a 12-
point font in a common font style, double space the main text and use margins of at least
2 cm. Footnotes should be no smaller than 10 point, normally in the same font as the
main text.

Dissertation Submission
Your dissertation must be submitted electronically via QMplus. Please see the Key Date
section for the applicable submission deadline. Part-time students are reminded that
your deadline is the one for the academic year which coincides with your second year of

It is strongly recommended that you submit your dissertation well before the deadline to
avoid any last minute issues with the electronic submission process. For this reason, we
will normally accept completed dissertations 7 days in advance of the deadline.
Computer problems and technical issues are not acceptable reasons for late or non-
submission. Guidance on how to submit your dissertation is available on the
Postgraduate Dissertation Support Noticeboard on QMplus.

Please also note that in submitting your dissertation electronically, you consent to its
submission to the Turnitin plagiarism software service.

If you cannot submit the dissertation on time, a late submission penalty may be applied.
Non-submission will automatically result in a fail. However, extenuating circumstances
may apply. If you think you may have extenuating circumstances, please contact the PG
Law Office in advance of the deadline.

For further information contact:
Postgraduate Taught Programme Office
Queen Mary University of London
School of Law
67/69 Lincoln’s Inn Fields
London WC2A 3JB Any section of this publication is available upon
request in accessible formats (large print, audio,
etc.). For further information and assistance,
Tel: +44 (0)207 882 8223 please contact: Diversity Specialist,
email: pglawoffice@qmul.ac.uk hrequality@qmul.ac.uk, 020 7882 5585

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