Ub Controller
Ub Controller
Ub Controller
Stand–alone Controller
Easy Buttons
Easy Wiring and Service
Easy Mounting
Application Reliable Field Device
Jin Xiu unitary controller offer flexibility in your Ball Valve and DCA
V- modulated ball valve
system design to achieve the customer’s
and DCA, used with Jin
demand, the following is some features:
Xiu unitary controllers,
• UB1211
not only switch control
For two pipes or four pipes constant air
for the pipeline, and its
volume PAU, supply air or return air
equal percentage flow regulation
temperature monitor and control.
characteristics enables accurate control of
• UB2204
media, so that stability in the design of
For constant air volume PAU with two-stage
medium flow, save energy, reduce noise,
heating /cooling device, or with tri-stage
to achieve accurate and reliable control.
heating/cooling device and reversing valve,
supply air and return air temperature or return CTR20 Series Wall Modules
air temperature monitor and control. The CTR20 series of room
• UB2221 temperature wall modules
For two pipes or four pipes constant air integrates seamlessly with a
volume AHU, supply air or return air wide range of controllers,
temperature and humidity monitor and control. including Jin Xiu Unitary controller.
For constant temperature and constant Count on CTR20 wall modules for the
humidity AHU, return air temperature and accurate temperature readings and
humidity monitor and control. reliability you have come to expect from
• UB4334S Honeywell sensors.
For two pipes or four pipes constant air
7080 Series duct temperature and
volume AHU, return air temp. & hum, air
humidity sensor
pressure monitor and control, CO2 monitor, 7080 Series duct
fan on/off control and speed control. Auxiliary temperature and
DO points provided. humidity sensor can
be communicating
Model I/O Application Module
UB1211 UI:1,DI:2,AO:1,DO:1 6 Optional Modules with variety of
UB2204 UI:2,DI:2,AO:1,DO:4 4 Optional Modules controllers perfectly including Jin Xiu
UB2221 UI:2,DI:2,AO:2,DO:1 5 Optional Modules
Series Unitary controller. Count on high-
UB4334S UI:4,DI:3,AO:3,DO:4 7 Optional Modules
precision sensor 7080 for the accurate
temperature readings and reliability
you’ve come to expect from Honeywell