Sample of Daily Lesson Plan
Sample of Daily Lesson Plan
Sample of Daily Lesson Plan
VOCABULARY: New wordsSlanted eyes, pointed nose, thick lips,freckled face Educational Emphasies: Explaination, active listening,differentiate
Theme: World Of Knowledge Topic: Unit 1 Wonderfully Made Specifications: 1.3.1 Listen to key words and phrases in descriptions. 2.3.1 Name and identify things. 3.4.1 Read aloud phrases and sentences pronouncing them correctly 4.3.2 Construct simple sentences and compound sentences based on a picture stimulus. Activities : 1. Pupils look at pictures of children form other countries and state differences and similarities . 2. Pupils read responses written on the board with correct pronunciation find meaning using dictionaries. 3. Pupils describe two or more pupils(models) 4. Pupils read the description which teacher wrote on the board (drilling) 5. Write out similarities and differences between two pairs and describe themselves and a friend. Moral Values: Respectful and thankful
Objectives:By the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to : * read, say and write the similarities and differences of children *write descriptions of themselves/ a member of the family(photos) Grammar: Adjectives Reflection: 35 out of 40 pupils could write the diff. and similarities between people and describe them while 5 made some mistakes (wrong vocab) to describe. Teacher will give reinforcement work
Sample of daily lesson plan with literature component Minggu: 2nd week Kelas/Masa Mata pelajaran 6 Waja 9.15a.m. (30 mins) Hari: Wednesday Kandungan Theme; World of stories Topic : Contemporary literature Title: Clever Katya Specifications: 1.5.1 Listen to descriptions, extracts of the story 2.4.1 Ask question to gather information 3.10.1 Read aloud descriptions, fables passages or extracts of the story .4.3.1 Fill in missing words and phrases in statements and questions or stories Activities: Pre- Reading 1. Pupils listen to introduction of the features of the book and look at the book cover front and back 2. Pupils go through the pages of the book and look at the pictures 3. Listening to explaination of characters and read statements about them. 4. Pupils give their opinion about the story and predict outcome. Written work: 1., Pupils fill in the blanks and answer questions about features of the book and the characters (handouts) 2. Pupils discuss answers with teacher and keep their work in the file or folder. Moral Value; Patience Tarikh: 14Jan09 Impak/catatan Objectives; By the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to: *Talk, and write about the features of the book * Talk about the characters and predicting the story Grammar: WH ques Impact: 25 of the 40 pupils could answer the questions correctly with a few minor mistakes while 15 of them could not fill in the blanks with the correct words. Teacher will help them to do the corrections.
VOCAULARY NEW WORDS: Educational Emphasies: Active Listening, logical explaination, inferencing MORAL VALUES;
Minggu: 2nd Week Kelas/Masa/ Mpelajaran 6 Saga 10.15 a.m. to 11.15a.m. (1hr)
VOCABULARY;New words Dissatisfied Inedible Educational Emphasies: Listening Identifying main ideas,Gathering Info
Hari: Thursday Tarikh: 15 Jan09 Kandungan Theme: World of stories Topic: Unit 1 Specifications; 1.3.3 listen and understand phrases in stories and descriptions 2.2.2 Ask question to seek for information 3.3.3Read and understand simple paragraphs by answering comprehension questions 4.2.2 Complete text with the missing words without Activities: Step 1(Shared Reading) - Pupils listen while teacher reads focusing on good pronunciation, enunciation and intonations with expression. - A few pupils read few lines from the text Step 2(Focus word work) - pupils spell out the words - pupils discuss the meaning of words with teacher -Pupils list out words with prefixes and suffixes - Pupils read the sentences with these words Step 3(Guided Reading and independent work) -A few pupils read within their groups with teachers help - A few pupils do the grammar work independently. Step 4(Plenary Summing Up) Pupils reflect upon what they have learned - prefixes and suffixes and do the enrichments or remedial work. Teacher sum up with discussions
Impak/Catatan Objectives; By the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to; * read and understand the story * answer open ended questions based on the story. * say the words with correct pronunciation and intonation
Impact: 35 out of 40 pupils could answer comprehension questions corretly While 5 pupils made careless mistakes in subject verb agreement Teacher will drill them with EBR table
These standardised samples had been referred to PPK and Nazir Persekutuan based on the elements 9 in Pekeliling for SKPM Malaysia. Please refer to the the SPI (Surat Pekeliling Ikhtisas ) in front of the teachers ` record book all the time in the process of T&L. Most important the topics, objectives, specifications, activities and impact, should be stated clearly in daily lesson plan. Take note that activities are only focused on what pupils do and not what the teacher does. Try to write only the important steps, short but clear for the activities to avoid a lengthy lesson plan. Teacher should write the impact right after the lesson using different coloured pen and be clear of the follow up action to be taken for the weak pupils. (Refer to samples) A Good English teacher writes positive remarks or comments when marking their pupils exercise books . Always make sure the Yearly Scheme of work matches your daily lesson plan. THANK YOU