TLE Drafting 10 Q2M8
TLE Drafting 10 Q2M8
TLE Drafting 10 Q2M8
Capsulized Self - Learning
COMPETENCY: Draft Elevations and Sections
Let’s Practice!
To find out how much you have learned from our lesson, sketch the given drawing with prescribe
height measurement for elevations in reference for ceiling plan.
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6. Set the floor plan parallel to your drawing
7. Project the lines base on the given drawing
8. Use the given measurement appropriate to the elevation.
9. Draft the 4 elevations (front, rear, right-side and left side)
10. Use 1 drawing paper per elevation drawings.
11. Draw the 4 elevation based on the given floor plan
12. Submit the drawing.
Key Points
A. The door for entrance and exit must always put to a priority as this gives clearance and
easy access with in the house.
B. In the modern design, windows exceeds with the measurement up to 2. 00 meters height.
C. Consider the orientation of house once designing the door and windows.
D. It is very important to indicate detailed features in the plan to give more and better
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Let’s see how much have you learned today!
Directions: Read the questions carefully and understand. Write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.
___________1. The standard height of a single window?
___________2. Based on the illustration, W4 is located at what part of the house?
___________3. The standard width of a door for bedrooms.
___________4. The standard height of a door.
___________5. The minimum size of a window on the toilet and bathroom.
___________6. The suggested width of measurement of a door on a toilet and bathroom.
___________7. The suggested vertical height of floor line to window sill.
___________8. On the illustrations above, what kind of window is indicated on plan?
___________9. What is the suggested width of a single panel window?
___________10. An architectural working drawing that shows the side of something.
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Developed by:
Teacher I
Don Pablo Lorenzo Memorial High School
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Topic: Project doors and windows in all elevations
Learning Competency: Draft Elevations and sections
1. 1.20 meters 6. 0 .70 meters
2. Toilet and Bathroom 7. 0 .90 meters
3. 0 80 meters 8. sliding window
4. 2 .10 meters 9. 0. 60 meters
5. 0. 50 meters 10. Elevation
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Zamboanga City
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