Python for data science Day5
Python for data science Day5
Python for data science Day5
Understand Python’s purpose, how to set up your environment, and learn basic syntax,
comments, variables, and data types.
• VS Code: A lightweight code editor that provides features like debugging and extensions
to work efficiently with Python.
4. print("Hello, World!")
• Comments are used to make code more readable and are ignored by Python during
• """ This is a
• Python is dynamically typed, meaning you don’t need to declare variable types
• age = 25 # Integer
• print("Welcome to Python!")
• print(f"Hello, {user_name}!")
2. Rajaaram
3. Create variables for name, age, and city, then print them in a single statement using
string formatting:
Example code:
4. name = "Rajaaram"
5. age = 25
6. city = "Chennai"
8. Write a program that takes your favorite color as input and prints:
Example input/output:
o Their sum
o Their product
o z divided by x
Example code:
y = 10
z = 15
# Perform calculations
sum_result = x + y + z
product_result = x * y * z
division_result = z / x
Let me know how this goes, and we’ll proceed to control structures (Day 2) next!
Understand Python’s purpose, how to set up your environment, and learn basic syntax,
comments, variables, and data types.
• VS Code: A lightweight code editor that provides features like debugging and extensions
to work efficiently with Python.
4. print("Hello, World!")
• Comments are used to make code more readable and are ignored by Python during
• """ This is a
• Python is dynamically typed, meaning you don’t need to declare variable types
• age = 25 # Integer
• print("Welcome to Python!")
• Use input() to accept user input from the keyboard:
• print(f"Hello, {user_name}!")
2. Rajaaram
3. Create variables for name, age, and city, then print them in a single statement using
string formatting:
Example code:
4. name = "Rajaaram"
5. age = 25
6. city = "Chennai"
8. Write a program that takes your favorite color as input and prints:
Example input/output:
11. Create three variables: x, y, and z. Assign them values of 5, 10, and 15. Perform and print
the result of:
o Their sum
o Their product
o z divided by x
Example code:
y = 10
z = 15
# Perform calculations
sum_result = x + y + z
product_result = x * y * z
division_result = z / x
print(f"Sum: {sum_result}, Product: {product_result}, Division: {division_result}")
Let me know how this goes, and we’ll proceed to control structures (Day 2) next!