A Dissertation Submitted
in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements
for the degree of
Submitted by:
Registration No.: 801422002
I wish to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Naveen Kwatra, Dr. Rafat Siddique, Dr. Prempal
Bansal, Dr. Shweta Goyal, Dr. Heaven Singh and Sh. Rajesh Pathak whose lessons have
invariably created great interest in the subject matters of Structural Engineering.
The cheerful support of my friends and colleagues is sincerely appreciated. Special words of
appreciation goes to Sh. Ram Simran and Sh. Virender Sharma.
I am indeed indebted to my parents, Mr. Balbir Singh Saini and Mrs. Renu Saini and my
younger brother Mr. Manu Saini for their encouraging words and constant support throughout
the research work.
Mortar and concrete are the main ingredients of the construction industry. To produce mortar
or concrete, cement is the building block. Cement is produced by using natural limestone.
When limestone is burned for the production of the cement, carbon dioxide gas was liberated
as a by-product which is recognised as a greenhouse gas and have harmful effects on the
environment. To minimize the harmful effects and to reduce the consumption of natural
materials, waste materials are incorporated in the production of mortar and concrete.
In research eggshells in the powdered form which passed through the 90µm IS sieve has used
as a partial replacement of cement for the production of cement mortar. Eggshells are rich in
CaO and have chemical composition equivalent to that of natural limestone.
Mix proportion of 1:3 is used for the production of the cement mortar. ESP is added in the
proportions of 0%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5% and 10% by weight of cement. The effect of ESP on the
compressive strength, flexural strength, split tensile strength, weight, bulk density, water
absorption and sorptivity are find out. SEM/EDS analysis is done to understand the micro-
structural analysis to correlate the mechanical properties.
1.2 CEMENT 1
2.1 GENERAL 13
3.1 GENERAL 39
3.2.1 Ordinary Portland Cement 39 Chemical Composition of Bangur OPC 40 Physical properties of OPC 43 grade 40
3.2.2 Fine Aggregate 41 Size of Indian standard sand 41 Properties of Indian standard sand 42
3.2.3 Water 43
3.2.4 Egg Shell Powder 43 Specific gravity and chemical composition of ESP 45
3.3.1 Samples prepared and tests conducted 46
3.4.1 Mechanical Properties 47
3.4.2 Micro structural Properties 47
3.4.3 Durability properties 47
3.4.4 Detail of Test Matrix and Nomenclature 47
3.4.5 Proportioning of Ingredients 48
3.4.6 Methodology of Casting of Specimens 50
3.5.1 Compressive Strength Test [IS: 4031 (Part 6):1988] 53
3.5.2 Flexural Strength Test 54
3.5.3 Split tensile strength test 56
3.5.4 Water absorption 58
3.5.5 Water sorption 59
3.5.6 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) 60
3.5.7 Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) 61
4.1 GENERAL 63
5.1 GENERAL 79
5.2.1 Effect of ESP on the compressive strength of the cement mortar 79
5.2.2 Effect of ESP on the flexural strength of the cement mortar 80
5.2.3 Effect of ESP on the split tensile strength of the cement mortar 80
5.2.4 Effect of ESP on the water absorption, sorption and bulk density of the cement
mortar 81
5.2.5 Effect of ESP on the micro structural properties of the cement mortar 81
Detail of samples used for finding mechanical properties
3.7 46
2.14 Compressive strength of concrete at the age of 28 days having ESP 31
(Dhnalaksmi et al., 2015)
2.15 28 days Compressive strength of concrete having Optimum ESP in 32
addition with different proportions of fly ash (Dhnalaksmi et al., 2015)
2.16 Compressive strength of concrete having different ESP content at the 36
age of 7, 14 and 28 days (Pliya and Cree, 2015)
2.17 Flexural strength of concrete having different ESP content at the age of 37
7, 14 and 28 days (Pliya and Cree, 2015)
3.1 Bangur OPC 43 grade cement 39
3.2 Indian standard sand of three grades 41
3.3 (a) Raw Eggshell 43
3.3 (b) Hand Crushed Eggshell 43
3.4 Grinding of eggshell by grinding machine 44
3.5 Sieving of ESP through 90 µm sieve obtained after grinding 44
3.6 Weighted dry Cement, Sand and ESP in a dry tray 50
3.7 Dry mixing of Cement, Sand and ESP in a dry tray 51
3.8 Mixing of Cement, Sand, ESP and Water in a tray 51
3.9 Filling of moulds with cement mortar 52
3.10 Vibration of moulds filled by mortar in vibrating table 52
3.11 Compressive strength test in UTM 52
3.12 Flexural strength test on Beam in UTM 55
3.13 Split tensile strength test in UTM 57
3.14 SEM equipment (SAI Labs, Thapar University). 61
3.15 Gold plating of the material whose EDS was to be performed 62
3.16 Energy-Dispersive Spectrometer (SAI Labs, Thapar University). 62
4.1 Compressive strength of ESP cement mortar 65
4.2 Flexural strength of ESP cement mortar 68
4.3 Split tensile strength of ESP cement mortar 70
4.4 Bulk Density of ESP cement mortar 73
4.5 Water absorption of ESP cement mortar 73
4.6 Sorptivity of ESP cement mortar 75
4.7 SEM image of M0 at the age of 7 days 76
4.8 SEM image of M5 at the age of 7 days 76
4.9 SEM image of M10 at the age of 7 days 76
4.10 SEM image of M0 at the age of 28 days 77
4.11 SEM image of M2.5 at the age of 28 days 77
4.12 SEM image of M5 at the age of 28 days 77
4.13 SEM image of M10 at the age of 28 days 77
Mortar and concrete materials are used at a large extent in the construction industries.
As per World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) concrete is
extensively used man made material, and after water it is on second position as the most
consumed material on the earth, around three tonnes used annually for each men, women
and child. Concrete and mortar are tremendously used by developing countries to develop
their infrastructure and India is one of such country in which government is utilizing most
of its resources to develop the infrastructure of the Country, hence we can say that concrete
and mortar are the building blocks of the development of any country and they are known
as backbone of the infrastructural development of a nation.
Presently, for a number of reasons, the construction industry is not sustainable. Firstly,
cement is the major component for the production of concrete and mortar, for the
manufacturing of cement lot of energy is required. Secondly, it consumes huge amount of
natural resources due to which no virgin material will be left for the future generation hence
we have to utilize some waste material which can be easily used in the production of the
cement mortar without altering the properties of the mortar. Lastly at the present time we
need structures which are durable and can carry large amount of load without undergo
successive deflection and cracking. To achieve this we need concrete of high mechanical
properties like compressive strength, flexural strength and split tensile strength. To enhance
the mechanical and durability properties we have to use other supplementary cementing
materials. Let us discuss all these factors together which make the concrete industry
Cement is the main element for the formulation of cement mortar and concrete. Cement
mortar is a mixture of cement, sand and water. Cement acts as a binder and filler which
fills the void between the fine and coarse sand particles and give a denser configuration.
It sets and hardens severally also binds alternative materials along with it.
Cement employed in construction is divided as hydraulic or non-hydraulic.
According to the CDP`s cement report 2016 (www.google.com) after China, India is on
the second position for the production of the cement in the world. In China 2482.42 Million
Tonnes of cement was produced every year and in India 285.83 Million Tonnes of cement
is produced followed by USA 80.36 Million Tonnes. China yields thirty-seven percent of
the world`s cement, followed by Republic of India with six percent and USA with five
Two different strategies of raw mix preparation were used: the minerals were either dry-
ground to make powder, or were wet-ground with added water to provide a fine suspension.
The wet method suffered the apparent disadvantage that, once the suspension was
introduced into the oven, an oversized quantity of additional fuel was employed in
evaporating the water. Moreover, a bigger oven was required for a given clinker output, as
a result of this lot of the kiln's length was exhausted for the drying method.
On the opposite hand, the wet method had variety of benefits. Wet grinding of minerals is
typically way more economical than dry grinding. Once suspension is dried within the
oven, it forms a granular crumble that's ideal for resulting heating within the oven. Within
the dry method, it's terribly tough to stay the fine powder raw combine within the oven, as
a result of the fast-flowing combustion gases tend to blow it back out. Currently dry method
is employed.
Clinker Cement
Blending Kiln Store Mill
Limestone and clay is used for the production of the Portland cement. Lime, silica, alumina
and iron oxide are the crucial ingredients for the production. The process of producing
cement consists of changing raw materials into fine powder, compounding them and
burning at a temperature of 1400º C. The resultant product is named clinker. Clinker is then
cooled, ground to fine powder with the addition of a mineral called gypsum. The product
obtained is called cement.
Raw Materials
Rotary Kiln
Lime stone Roller Grinding
1200-1450o C
Hematite Press Mill
Add Roller Clinker Cooling
Gypsum Press Storage
120o C
of Clinker Packing
Storage Despatch
(Cement Mill)
As stated earlier lot of energy is consumed for the production of cement. In the cement
industry, the cost of energy varies between 25% to 35% of total direct cost. Hence, industry
is searching for the more energy-efficient technique. Some of the plants have refused to
use less fuel-efficient wet process and started work with more energy-efficient dry process.
One of the main ingredient of cement mortar, Portland cement is costlier and emits carbon
dioxide (CO2) during its manufacturing. CO2 which is released from the cement plants are
divided into two classes named as combustion and calcination.
From a cement plant Combustion take place roughly 40% and calcination about 60% of
the total CO2 ejaculation. The combustion is accompanying with fuel use. Calcination take
place when CO2 is released by burning the limestone and clay above 2500ºF. Calcination
take place with the manufacturing of cement. Hence, for the reductions in CO2 we have to
reduce the manufacturing of the cement.
Cement is manufactured near to the limestone quarries or near to other raw carbonate
minerals as these minerals are the principal raw materials which are used in the production
of the cement. Production of cement is very expensive, generally any nation has less
number of cement plants less than 100. CO2 is liberated as a by-product of clinker
production, which is an intermediate product in cement production, in which calcium
carbonate is calcinated and converted into lime, which is the main component of the
Fossil fuel combustion also generates carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is emitted during
the manufacturing of clinker, when calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is heated in a rotary kiln
chemical reactions take place carbon dioxide as a side product of CaO also generates.
At higher temperatures in the lower end of the furnace, lime (CaO) responds with silica,
aluminum and iron consisting materials to create clinker, which is a transitional result of
bond production. Clinker is then expelled from the oven to cool, ground to a fine powder,
and blended with a little part (around five percent) of gypsum to make the most well-known
type of bond known as Portland cement. The second most type of cement is masonry
cement. More lime is used in the masonry cement as compared to Portland cement hence
more CO2 emission takes place.
The cement produces about 5% of CO2 emissions of the world. 900kg of CO2 for every
1000kg of cement produced (Pliya and Cree, 2015)
Figure 1.3: Carbon dioxide liberated from the various industries (Wikipedia)
As CO2 contributes to the green-house gases so the reduction of the CO2 is a challenging
problem in front of the cement industry. World leaders of 20 significant nations including
India came together during COP-21 (conference of parties) agreement held in Paris in
February 2016 decided to reduce the CO2 emission. Hence, to minimize the use of cement
the whole construction industry is looking for some waste material that can be incorporated
in the concrete without altering its properties.
By minimizing the use of cement, energy which is used to produce the cement is reduced
and ultimately reduction of the CO2 emission and construction cost and on the other hand
at the same time utilization of the waste product take place.
As stated above to minimize the CO2 emission, manufacturing of cement should have to be
reduced. Energy is very important for the advancement of developing nations like India.
With regards to low accessibility of non-renewable vitality assets combined with the
necessities of extensive amounts of vitality for building materials like concrete, the
significance of utilizing modern waste can't under evaluated.
Hence instead of cement identifying analogous material from waste and using the same as
partial replacement or fully replacement of cement is a wise idea. Various waste byproducts
from agriculture and industry like rice husk ash, fly ash, copper slag, quarry dust, silica
fume, egg shells, saw dust ash, micro silica, granulated blast furnace slag, metakaolin,
scrap-tire, waste glass, municipal solid waste, volcanic ash, waste-foundry sand etc. shall
be used. Therefore, in the present study Egg shell powder is used as a partial replacer of
cement for the production of cement mortar.
Eggshell is basically a waste material which is produced from the egg breaking plants,
bakeries, and restaurant and also from other sources which effect the environment and
creates environmental problems like pollution. Hence proper disposal of such a waste is
very important. Lot of efforts are required to convert the waste material into the useful
The chemical composition of eggshell shows that it can be used in the concrete by
converting it in the powdered form. The composition of the eggshell is such that it contains
CaO in a large extent which resembles with the composition of the cement as cement is
also very rich in the calcium oxide.
Literature has shown that the ESP mainly composed of lime and calcium. ESP can be used
as a substitute material for the production of wall tile material, cement concrete, cement
paste and others. Eggshell also contribute to construction industry by reducing the
construction cost. Thus, eggshells can be produced a new substitute for the development
of the cement industry as a supplement for the production of conventional cement concrete
and mortar.
Egg shell is basically a poultry waste which is very rich in calcium and having composition
nearly same as that of limestone. Type of hen, strain on hen, its breed, age, diet and many
others factors are responsible for the quality of the eggshell. Generally it was observed that
white eggs are smaller, lighter and have thinner shells than Brown eggs; however, the shell
color is not a true indicator of the inner quality of an egg. In a study it was observed that,
the CaCO3 and organic matter present in brown eggs was recorded as 95% to 96% by
weight and 3% to 4% by weight respectively. In other investigation white eggs have 94%
by weight calcium carbonate and 6% by weight organic matter and other minor
compounds. Based on the facts it was concluded that, percentage of calcium carbonate in
white and brown eggs is approximately same.
Limestone rocks, chalk and sea shells are the main source of obtaining limestone. It is
basically treated as an inert material. Limestone does not possess any cementing properties
as it is not capable of producing C-S-H gel. Addition of limestone does not alter the
properties of the cement concrete at some specific replacements. On the other hand its use
in the concrete industry is beneficial as it reduces the energy produced during the
production of cement. Limestone can be used as a filler in conventional Portland cement,
in Portland-limestone cement and as a filler in self-compacting concrete.
Use of eggshell waste instead of natural lime to replace cement in mortar can have benefits
like minimizing use of cement, conserving natural lime and utilizing waste material.
Hen eggshell is made up from three different layers, first one is cuticle which is observed
on the outer surface of the egg, second one is spongy (calcareous) layer and the last one is
an inner lamellar layer also called as mammillary layer. The spongy and mammillary layers
form a matrix of protein fibers is produced by lamellar and spongy layers. This protein
fibers bond the calcite (calcium carbonate) crystals along with it.
Lot of pores are present between these two layers. These pores allows the gases to escape
from the shell.
An egg is basically consists of calcium carbonate and eggshell membrane (ESM). The
eggshell membrane is generally present between the albumen that is white portion of the
egg and inner surface of the eggshell. Two shell membranes are present in an egg, first one
is a thick outer membrane which is attached with the eggshell and second one is a thin inner
membrane. The approximate thickness of the two membranes is about 100µm.
The top five countries that produces most of the eggs in the world are:
Table 1.2: Egg production in 2015 throughout the world (FAOSTAT DATA 2015).
As stated above India is on the third position for the production of the eggs in the world
with an average egg production of 3,835,206 metric tonnes. Andhra Pradesh is the biggest
egg producer state of the India. Andhra Pradesh stands first for the maximum egg
production having daily production of 5.5 crore. Maximum poultry industry is found to be
in Hyderabad With in the Andhra Pradesh.
Predominantly India send out eggs, egg powder, solidified egg yolk and egg whites powder
to Europe, Japan and different nations. Fare of eggs from Andhra Pradesh goes to West
Asia and African nations. Day by day fare of around 20 lakh eggs in holders are being sent
to the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Muscat, Iran, Iraq and a few African nations. The
egg holders are being transported to Dubai from where they were conveyed to different
nations in the Gulf and Africa. Andhra Pradesh positions second in egg sends out, after
Tamil Nadu.
Utilization of eggs in eateries and families are minor contrasted with the greater part of
eggs used in egg breaking plants for large scale manufacturing of fluid eggs for use in
nourishment and non-sustenance related items.
The yearly measure of eggs sent to softening up plants in France and Canada is roughly 1
billion and 2.3 billion, separately. The heaviness of a normal egg is around 60 g, while the
void shell relates to 11 % by weight. Approximately, 6600 tonnes of limestone powder is
produced by 1 billion of eggs (Pliya and Cree, 2015).
According to a study eggshell waste generation in India is 1,90,000 tonnes per annum. As
India has a very high population density so the disposal of such a huge waste is always a
challenging problem.
Majority of the eggshell waste is deposited as landfills. Eggshell waste in landfills attracts
vermin due to attached membrane and causes problems associated with human health and
environment. Hence we have to find out other the alternatives through which, we can easily
dispose off eggshell waste without affecting the environment and human health.
Objective of the work is to investigate the mechanical and durability properties of the
cement mortar by partially replacing cement with the egg shell powder. In the current
scenario, structures with high compressive strength, flexural strength, split tensile strength
and durability properties are the first and last choice of the engineers.
In order to achieve the objectives, various trial mixes of cement mortar were conducted by
varying the percentage the egg shell powder as a partial replacement of cement in cement
mortar. Also many other properties have been tested in order to achieve the aforesaid
objectives, as fresh properties like consistency, setting time, unit weight variations and
hardened properties such as weight loss, water absorption, water sorption and micro
structural analysis using scanning electron microscope (SEM).
The result of these tests were compared with that of the normal mortar mixture. The use of
egg shell material in cement mortar have many advantages which are directly proportional
to the durability of the structure, along with it the quantity of the cement used in various
mix proportions was also reduced.
Scope of the present study is to limit the use of cement by replacing it partially with the
different percentages of the egg shell powder in cement mortar.
The properties of the cement mortar with ordinary Portland cement of grade 43 with
inclusion of egg shell powder were experimentally studied.
To find the effect of ESP on compressive strength, split tensile strength, flexural strength,
water absorption, and water sorption of cement mortar.
To study the micro structure using SEM analysis of phases concerning chemical
This research is very important as India is the second world producer of cement and it is
on third position in the production of eggs. A huge amount of egg shells are available in
India. As after China, India is the second world`s most populated country having very high
population density.
So the disposal off such a huge waste as a landfill becomes a challenging problem for the
India as it creates environment and health related issues. In order to reduce this burden, let
us try to use egg shell waste as a partial replacement of cement in the manufacturing of
cement mortar.
In spite of the fact that the waste measure of egg shells would not support the industry
altogether, it could be utilized as halfway supplements.
With the use of ESP, the consumption of the cement will be reduced to a certain extent.
CO2 emission will also be reduced by the less use of cement which solve the environmental
Five chapters are compiled in the thesis and each chapter has its own importance.
Chapter 1: Represent the general introduction of the study background along with
objectives, scope, significance, expected outcomes of the study.
Chapter 3: Details of experiment program, materials used and its sources, proportioning
of ingredients, specimen preparation and testing procedures are presented. This also
discusses in detail about the scanning electron microscope studies.
Chapter 5: Summarizes the test results and conclusion drawn based on findings of work,
limitations and recommendations for further research are also presented.
This chapter consists of numerous application and procedures used for finding the use of
eggshell powder in cement mortar. Very few researchers carry out their research on
eggshell powder. Research performed by the numerous researchers in the zone of strength
development of cement mortar containing eggshell powder at early age and the adverse
effect on the various properties of over addition of the eggshell powder was studied. A very
less information is present in literature of the effect of eggshell powder on the various
properties of the cement mortar like compressive strength, split tensile strength, flexural
strength, water absorption water sorption etc. so the effect of eggshell powder on cement
concrete is also studied along with the cement mortar.
In this section, the work done by the various researchers on the use of eggshell powder in
the construction world is as follows:
Amu et al., 2005 carried out the practical experiment and reported that Egg Shell Powder
(ESP) can be utilized as a supplement for modern lime on an expansive clay soil and also
reported that the combination can be used where high subgrade performance is not
necessary. Freire and Holanda, 2006 carried out the investigation on egg shell waste and
found out its use in a ceramic wall tile paste. Based on the presence of CaCO3 in egg shell
wall tiles can also be prepared from the ESP. Researchers additionally found that egg shell
can be utilized as an fabulous option for material reuse and waste reusing practices.
Lau yih bling (2010) conducted the investigation in egg albumen and reported that foamed
concrete were prepared by egg albumen which has reduce the cost and time of project.
1per cent and 5 percent egg albumen were used.
From the investigation it was concluded that 5 percent of EAFC consists of unstable
compressive strength and higher flexural strength with increased density when compared
with control foamed concrete which was 64% and 35%.
Amu and Salami (2010) carried out the experiment and stated that common salt with egg
shell on lateritic soil was the best endorsement for egg shell as an effective stabilizer for
the road works. Stabilization obtained by adding 2-10 percent of common salt with
optimum egg shell powder. The compaction and CBR properties of the egg shell used soils
was improved as marked by the results. Ngo slew kee, 2010 investigated on the topic of
“Effect of coconut fiber and egg albumen in mortar for greener environment” and reported
the effect of egg & coconut fiber on compressive and flexural strength of mortar. Three
types of samples were prepared and tested to make a comparison between the strength
developments of each sample.
The quality of mortar containing 0.1% for every coconut fiber with 1% egg whites
was higher than the control mortar while the mortar containing 0.5% coconut fiber ± 5 %
egg whites was lower quality than the control mortar. The quality of mortar containing
0.1% for every coconut fiber with 1% egg whites was higher than the control mortar though
the mortar containing 0.5% for each coconut fiber ± 5% egg white was of lower quality
than the control mortar.
Amarnath Yerramala, 2014 studied the properties of the concrete with eggshell powder
as cement replacement. Author replaced the cement partially with the percentage 0%, 5%,
10% and 15 %. Researcher finds the performance of ESP concretes in terms of strength
properties like compressive strength, split tensile strength also properties like water
absorption and sorption at an age of 1 day, 7 days and 28 days. Results derived by the
author indicates that ESP can effectively be utilized as incomplete substitution of cement
in solid creation. As per author when cement was replaced by 5% of eggshell powder the
strength of concrete was higher than the control concrete which indicates that 5% eggshell
powder was an optimum content for maximum strength. The results derived by author
further shows that expansion of fly ash alongside ESP was beneficial for enhanced
execution of cements.
Materials used
Author used OPC of 53 grade. Which has conformation from the IS:12269 and also
conforming the requirements of ASTM C 642-82 type I.
Researcher collects the eggshells from the local sources and the eggshell powder was
passed through the 90 µm IS sieve was used for the replacement of the cement with
eggshell powder.
Author used coarse aggregate of maximum size 20mm which were crushed blue granite
and well graded river sand having fines less than 2.36 mm as fine aggregate. Coarse
aggregates and fine aggregates had specific gravity of 2.65 and 2.63 respectively.
Mix proportion
Author replaced the ESP in proportions of 0%, 5%, 10% and 15%. And after that, for the
combined effect of eggshell powder and fly ash he replaces both eggshell powder and fly
ash 15% each. Water to cement ratio was taken 0.6 throughout the research.
Author used 150 mm X 150 mm X 150 mm specimens at an age of 1 day, 7 days and 28
days for finding out compressive strength with the help of CTM (Compression Testing
Machine) having capacity of 2000 kN. For this loading rate adopted was 2.5 kN/s.
It was observed that with the passage of time strength of all the concrete also increases.
Control concrete gained 31 % at 1 day and 50 % after seven days of curing over its 28 days
compressive strength. The ESP concretes gained 20-43% at one day and 56 to 61%
after seven days of curing as compared with 28 days strength. M5 mix which
contained both ESP and fly ash attained 23 % and 57 % strengths over 28 day strength at
one and seven days respectively. This observation suggests that the strength enhancement
of ESP concretes is lower than control concrete between 7 and 28 days.
Compressive strength of ESP concrete
15 1 Day
10 7 Days
28 Days
0% 5% 10% 15% 20%
% Variation
At one day curing, the compressive strength of M2 concrete was less than M1 concrete.
However, the compressive strength increased to 30 % and 7 % at 7 days and 28 days of
curing over concrete M1. The strength increase of M2 concrete was higher between
one and seven days over control concrete. One day strength of M3 and M4 was nearly
same as that of control concrete M1. However, the compressive strength of these concrete
mixes were less than control concrete at seven days and twenty-eight days of curing. The
strengths were 4% and 12% lower at seven days for M3 and M4, whereas, the strengths
were 15% and 28 % lower than control concrete at 28 days of curing.
M5 concrete had 35%, 1% and 13% lower strengths than control concrete for 1 day, 7 days
and 28 days of curing. This observation suggests that ESP replacement of 5% can give
higher strength than control concrete. However, further increase of ESP will decrease
compressive strength at all curing ages. Furthermore, addition of fly ash increases
compressive strength over its corresponding ESP replaced concrete. Split tensile strength
test was performed as per the recommendations of ASTM C 496. Cylinders of size 100
mm X 200 mm were used. Obtained results for the split tensile strength were
presented in the Figure 2.2
Split Tensile Strength of ESP repalced concrete
1.5 1 Day
7 Days
28 Days
0% 5% 10% 15% 20%
% Variation
Figure 2.2: Split tensile strength of concrete having ESP (Amarnath Yerramala, 2014)
According to the author, all the concretes failed to show enough resistance against split
tensile strength at 1 day. However, split tensile strength of the concretes attains the range
of 0.8 MPa to 1.4 MPa for the curing of seven days. However 28 days strength of control
concrete (M1) was 32%. The ESP concretes had high strength gain as compared to control
concrete at the age of 7 days. Maximum strength enhancement was for M4 concrete with
88 % over its twenty-eight days split tensile strength. M5 also had higher strength gain
at 7 days of curing than control concrete. This results implies that like compressive
strength, addition of ESP, especially above 10% will retard strength gain between 7 and 28
days. Split tensile strength of the concretes at 28 days of curing was between 1.6-2.4 MPa.
The lowest strength was for M4. Although there was good strength enhancement between
one and seven days of curing, this mix failed to maintain same enhancement between 7 and
28 days of curing. The remaining concretes did not show any major difference in split
tensile strengths with control concrete after 28 days of curing.
For the concrete to be durable, density, water absorption, water sorption and permeable
voids are the main properties. Lower the water absorption and sorption more will be the
durability of the concrete. Result of all these properties carried by the researcher were presented
in the Table 2.1
Table 2.1: Density, Water absorption, Sorption and Permeable voids result.
Figure 2.3: Water absorption of concrete having ESP (Amarnath Yerramala, 2014)
From the Table 2.1 it was noticed that water absorption for M2 and M3 was lower than
control concrete, whereas, M4 show nearly same absorption as that of control concrete. M5
concrete show higher water absorption as compared to control concrete. With the increase
in ESP content permeable voids also increases. As the permeable voids increases water
absorption also increase. Variation of the water absorption with time for the concretes was
shown in Figure 2.3. It showed that the water absorption of all the concretes was maximum
for first 3 hours and it becomes nearly constant with time. From the figure it was also be
observed that the water absorption for M2 and M3 was lower than control concrete,
whereas, M4 show nearly same absorption as that of control concrete. M5 concrete show
higher water absorption than control concrete. Sorptivity obtained for the concrete lies
between 0.106-0.17 mm/s0.5. The minimum sorptivity recorded was for M2 concrete while
the maximum obtained for M5 concrete. Like the water absorption, sorptivity also
decreases with increase in compressive strength.
Compressive strength was higher than control concrete for 5 % ESP replacement at an age
of 7 days and 28 days. Strength starts decreasing with the increase of ESP content beyond
10%. Compressive strength of eggshell powdered concrete increases with the incorporation
of the fly ash.
Split tensile strength of ESP concretes were comparable with control concrete up to
10 % ESP replacement. However, concrete with 15% ESP had lower split tensile strength
as compared to control concrete. As in compressive strength, addition of fly ash improved
split tensile strength of 15 % ESP concrete. ESP performance was nearly same as that of
lime stone filler in concrete.
The maximum absorption observed was 1.87 % for 15 % ESP and 15 % fly ash concrete.
Absorption decreases with the reduction of permeable voids.
Sorptivity of the concretes was comparable with control concrete up to 10 % ESP
replacement. However, sorptivity of 15 % ESP concrete and 15 % ESP and 15 %
fly ash concrete was higher than control concrete.
The maximum sorptivity was for ESP and fly ash replaced concrete with 0.17mm/s0.5.
Sorptivity decreased with strength and increased with water absorption.
Gowiska et al., 2014 carried out the research on the properties of the cement concrete by
partially replacing OPC with the ESP, saw dust, fly ash and micro silica. Researchers used
mix proportion of 1:1.7:3.08 in which cement was partially replaced with ESP as 5%, 10%,
15%, 20%, 25%, and 30% by weight of cement. Water to cement ratio was taken 0.5.
Compressive strength, flexural strength and split tensile strength were found out to use the
eggshell powder in cement mortar with proportions 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25%
along with some admixtures. Admixtures used were saw dust, fly ash and micro silica.
Materials used
In their research work researchers used Ordinary Portland Cement of 53grade confirming
to IS 12269-1987. River sand confirming to grading zone III of Is 383-1970 was used as a
fine aggregate. Well graded coarse aggregate passing through 20mm sieve according to
IS 383-1970 was used. Egg shell procured from local industry. Saw dust was obtained
from sawmill and saw dust ash was obtained by incineration process and sieved before
used. Fly ash was collected from Salem steel Plant, Salem, Tamilnadu and sieved before
used confirming to IS 3812 (part I). Portable water was used in the entire research work
for different purposes. Properties of the various materials used in the research were
presented in the Table 2.2:
Cubes of size 150 mm X 150 mm X 150 mm were used for the determination of the
compressive strength. Beams of size 100 mm X 100 mm X 500 mm were used for the
determination of the flexural strength. Testing was done at an age of 28 days.
Figure 2.5: Flexural strength of eggshell powder concrete with admixtures at the
age of 28 days (Gowiska et al., 2014)
Figure 2.6: Split tensile strength of eggshell powder concrete with admixtures at
the age of 28 days (Gowiska et al., 2014)
From the Figure 2.4 it was clear that compressive strength of the concrete increases up to
addition of 5% eggshell powder. Beyond that compressive strength as well as split tensile
and flexural strength decreases. Egg shell powder acquired from modern squanders is
included various proportions for concrete substitution and it was found that substitution of
5% Egg shell powder + 20% Microsilica can be included with no decrease in compressive
quality properties of cement. Also, substitution of 5% ESP + 10% Microsilica replacement
in cement yields comparable flexural quality as in ordinary concrete. Furthermore,
replacement of 5% ESP + 10% Microsilica substitution in cement yields higher Split
Tensile strength when contrasted with different arrangements.
Okonkwo et al., 2014 concentrated on the impacts of eggshell powder on the quality
properties of the cement balanced out lateritic soil. Lateritic soil was ordered to be A-6(2)
in AASHTO rating system and reddish brown clayey sand (SC) in the Unified
Classification System. Consistent cement substance of 6% and 8% were added to the
lateritic soil with varieties in eggshell powder content of 0% to 10% at 2% interims.
Cement and eggshell were measured by weight with respect to the dry soil.
The Compaction test, California Bearing Ratio test, Unconfined Compressive Strength test
and Durability test were done on the soil-cement eggshell mix.
The expansion in eggshell powder content expanded the Optimum Moisture Content
however diminished the Maximum Dry Density of the soil-cement eggshell ash.
Additionally the expansion in eggshell powder content impressively expanded the quality
properties of the soil concrete. Eggshell ash blends up to 35% in the normal yet missed the
mark regarding the quality prerequisites except the durability necessity was fulfilled.
Lateritic soils are lingering soils and are essentially found in the tropical and sub-tropical
locations. These are soils framed by the draining of lighter minerals like silica and the
enrichment of heavier minerals like iron and aluminum oxides. The World Bank similarly
has been spending considerable measures of cash on exploration went for outfitting
mechanical waste products for further use. Eggshells are rural waste materials created from
chick incubation facilities, pastry shops; fast food eateries among others which effect the
earth and therefore constituting ecological issues/contamination which would require
appropriate handling. In the regularly expanding endeavors to change over waste to riches,
the viability of changing over eggshells to helpful use turns into a thought worth grasping.
The arrangement of eggshells indicates that the impact of its ash on bond treated materials
ought to be verbalized. It is scientifically realized that the eggshell is mostly made out of
mixes of calcium which is very like that of concrete. Eggshell was introduced as being
made out of 93.70% calcium carbonate, 4.20% natural matter, 1.30% magnesium
carbonate, and 0.8% calcium phosphate
Ordinary Portland cement, eggshell powder, lateritic soil and potable water were used in
the entire research by the researchers. The eggshells were later converted into ash by
burning at a temperature of approximately 500º C thoroughly. After that ash was cooled
and sieved through 75 µm. The soil was collected from a deposit of Oboro, Ikwuano Local
Government Area of Abia state, Nigeria.
The settled blends were set up by most importantly blending altogether dry pounded
lateritic soil with cement and eggshell powder until a uniform shading was accomplished
after which water was added. Consistent cement of 6% and 8% with varieties of eggshell
ash as 0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, 8% and 10% by weight of the dry soil in all extents of cement and
ESP were received for all the blends.
Moisture-density relationship was used for the determination of the water which was to be
added in the mix. Soil-cement eggshell ash mixtures was poured with the help of proctor
mould in three different layers and each layer recives 25 blows.
The soil was arranged to be A-6(2) soil as per AASHTO rating framework. It was genuinely
useful for street construction works. This is on the grounds that it has a group index of 2.
Furthermore from the perspective of Atterberg limits, it has liquid limit of 38% and it has
plasticity index of 28% and shrinkage limit of 8%. All the limits were satisfactory. Lateritic
soil contains illite mineral which gives less variations with the change of moisture but if
the quantity of the illite mineral was increased it gives huge variation with the change of
moisture so in such a case soil has to be stabilized with the help of cement.
Figure 2.7: OMC of the soil having different proportions of ESP and cement
Figure 2.7 represents the relation between OMC and eggshell ash content. The Optimum
Moisture Content expanded logically from 15% to 17.30% and 16.50% to 18.50% at 6%
and 8% concrete substance separately with expansion of eggshell cinder of 0% to 10%.
These additions in OMC with expansion in eggshell ash could be ascribed to the expanded
measure of calcium oxide in the mix, this increases the rate of hydration response which
quickly kept on spending the water in the framework.
The amount of water was also increased which was required for the lubrication purpose of
all the minerals of the soil-cemented eggshell ash with the increment of eggshell ash.
Hence, OMC increases continuously with the increment of the eggshell ash content.
Figure 2.8: Maximum dry density of the soil having different proportions of ESP
and cement (Okonkwo et al., 2014).
Figure 2.8 shows the variations of Maximum Dry Density with the increase in eggshell ash
content. It was observed that with the increase in the eggshell ash content dry density starts
decreasing while on the other hand OMC increases with the increases in the ESP content.
Maximum Dry Density decreases from 1.71 Mg/m3 to 1.64 Mg/m3 at 6% cement content
and from 1.74 Mg/m3 to 1.65Mg/m3 at 8% cement content. This could be as an after effect
of the response between cement, eggshell powder and fine fractions of the soil as
pozzolanic segment in which they take shape look like of coarse aggregates.
These clusters possessed bigger spaces in this way expanding their volume and
consequently diminishing the Maximum Dry Density.
40 6 % CEMENT
30 8 % CEMENT
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Figure 2.9: CBR of soil with different proportions of ESP and cement
Figures 2.9 represents the variations in CBR and Compressive Strength. The California
Bearing Ratio (CBR) increased from 26.45% to 56.19% at 6% cement content and 82% to
93% at 8% cement content by the inclusion of ESP from 0% to 10%. Also, Unconfined
Compressive Strength (UCS) increases from 370KN/m2 to 471KN/m2 at 6% cement
content the age of 7 days and 614KN/m2 and 687KN/m2 at 8% cement content at an age
of 7 days. The main conclusions drawn from the work were:
Dhanlakshmi et al., 2015 studied the properties of the concrete with partial replacement
of cement with eggshell and fly ash. In their study they use two wastes namely eggshell
powder and fly ash for the various replacements of cement in the production of concrete
and various properties like workability, compressive strength and density were determined.
The replacement of the eggshell was 0%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, 10% and 12.5%. Fly ash was
added to the optimum eggshell powder content with varying percentage as 0%, 5%, 10%,
15%, 20%, 25% and 30%. The strengths were checked for the ages of 7, 28 and 56 days.
Materials used
In their research they use OPC 43 grade cement confirming to IS 8112-1989. Fine
aggregates having size less than 4.75 mm having conformation of zone II of IS 383-1970.
Coarse of size 20 mm was used. Class F fly ash was utilized in this study and it was taken
from Udupi Power Corporation Limited. Eggshells was collected from KVG
engineering hostel mess and was sun dried. Eggshell was powdered in flour mill.
Conplast SP430 was used as a super plasticizer. Basic properties of all the materials were
presented in the Table 2.3
Concrete mix and specimen
Mix proportion used in their study was 1:1.61:2.65 (M40) conforming to IS 10262-2009
with water to cement ratio of 0.4 and super plasticizer of 0.75%. The mix proportion used
and nomenclature assigned was presented in the Table 2.4
Table 2.4: Mix proportion used and nomenclature assigned (Dhanlakshmi et al., 2015)
FA (%)
0% E 0 7.5% E + 5% F 7.5 5
For determination of compressive strength 100 mm X 100 mm X 100 mm cubes were used
and for flexural strength 100 mm X 100 mm X 500 mm beams were used. Both the
strengths were find out at the ages of 7 days, 28 days and 56 days.
With increase in eggshell powder content workability of the concrete reduces. Figure 2.10
graphically represents the result of workability on cement concrete with ESP as a partial
replacement of cement. From the graph it was noticed that, with the increase of ESP
workability decrease.
Slump of ESP Concrete
120 110
Slump (mm)
100 85
80 73
60 Slump (mm)
0%E 2.5%E 5%E 7.5%E 10%E 12.5%E
ESP Variation
Figure 2.11 graphically represents the slump test on optimum ESP + FA variation concrete.
It was observed that optimum ESP replacement concrete slump value is lower than
control concrete. Addition of fly ash to optimum ESP content concrete has increased the
workability compared to egg shell concrete slump results.
120 110
100 85
80 65
Slump (mm)
% Variation
Figure 2.11: Slump result of concrete having Optimum ESP in addition with different
proportions of fly ash (Dhnalaksmi et al., 2015)
Figure 2.12 graphically represents the density of egg shell concrete cubes. It was observed
that increase in ESP content decreases the density of concrete cubes.
24 23.78 23.7
Density (kN/m3)
23.5 23.37
23.01 22.93
Density KN/m3
0%E 2.5%E 5%E 7.50%E 10%E 12.5%E
% variation
Figure 2.13 graphically represents the density of optimum egg shell concrete with fly ash
variation. It is observed that density increases after addition of fly ash to optimum egg
shell powder concrete in reverse order compared to egg shell powder concrete.
23.8 23.72
23.4 Density
% Variation
Researchers found the compressive strength at an age of 7 days, 28 days, and 56 days with
the varying percentages of eggshell powder and fly ash. But here am going to show the
compressive strength results of 28 days only with eggshell and flyash. According to
researchers compressive strength of egg shell powder concrete was lower to that of control
concrete mix. Maximum compressive strength is obtained at 7.5% replacement of ESP
for all ages.
40.91 39.74
40 37.81
28 days
0% 2.50% 5% 7.50% 10% 12.50%
% Variation
Figure 2.14: Compressive strength of concrete at the age of 28 days having ESP
(Dhnalaksmi et al., 2015)
By considering 7.5% ESP as optimum dosage, FA was varied in concrete mix It was
noticed that, the maximum compressive strength of optimum ESP + FA concrete is attained
at 7.5%ESP + 5%FA. Addition of fly ash at 10%, 15%, 20% and 30% to optimum egg
shell concrete has decreased the strength in all ages but addition of fly ash at 5% and 25%
to optimum egg shell concrete has increased the strength. Optimum egg shell powder with
addition of fly ash concrete result is less compared to optimum ESP concrete strength at
7, 28 and 56 days.
Compressive strength of(7.5% Eggshell +FA
Variation) Concrete at 28 days (MPa)
Compressive strength 49.5
40.91 39.71
40 37.72
30.78 31.17
% variation
Pliya and Cree, 2015 contemplated the execution of brown and white ESP as potential
substitutions of traditional quarried limestone in Portland cement mortar. Powder
amounts of 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% by weight were included in the Portland
cement. Compound arrangement, temperature, and eggshell molecule morphology were
researched. Compression and flexural quality estimations were conveyed out on mortar
samples. The outcomes indicated that eggshell contains calcite and little minerals. The
powdered eggshell particles seemed to have an unpredictable morphology because of the
grinding procedure used. The quality of the mortars were affected by the expansion of
different limestone materials. Taking everything into account, white and brown eggshells
have poor properties contrasted with regular conventional limestone even with 5 %
Portland cement substitutions.
Materials used
White and brown eggshells were acquired from two areas. White eggshells from an egg
breaking plant were gotten pre-compacted and semi-squashed as shown in Fig 2.13(a),
while brown eggs from a neighborhood incubation facility was collected. Both eggshell
wastes were converted into powders by an indistinguishable system. In isolated clumps,
the eggshells were first dry-pulverized in a steel drum containing eleven steel balls with
distances across of 47.62 mm for 60 minutes. In a brief moment step, the squashed eggshell
were immediately disturbed in water using an electric drill with stirrer and ceaselessly
washed with clean water until a reasonable fluid was noticeable.
Eggshells contain a slim inward layer which were expelled. In a modern procedure,
wastewater produced from the flushing step could be separated and re-utilized. Case in
point, recirculating the water in a constant circle could save some amount of water. The
wastewater could additionally be utilized for farming watering system. Likewise, the
separated medium comprises of the thin internal eggshell layers and could be recovered,
prepared and cleaned for its high valued collagen content (10%). A third step comprised of
drying the finely pulverized material at 105ºC for 24 hours. For better powder, a second
crushing stage was required. The powders were then sieved to three distinct sizes and
blended to a last fineness as indicated by the French standard prerequisites NF P 18-508.
Siliceous sand was used as fine aggregate having conformation to CEN EN 196-1.
Mortar specimens were prepared with and without the inclusion of limestone. Three
specimens were prepared first one was control cement mortar (M), second one was with
the inclusion of natural limestone (CN) and last one with the addition of white eggshell
powder (CW) and brown eggshell powder (CB). Water to cement ratio used was 0.5.
Authors replaces eggshell as 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%. Small mortar prisms of size
40 mm X 40 mm X 160 mm were used. Testing was done at the ages of 7 days, 14 days
and 28 days.
Pliya and Cree uses QuantechTM R3 test machine for finding the compressive strength and
flexural strength. The maximum compressive load taken by the sample was 250 kN and
flexural load was 8 kN. Tests were done as per the procedure laid by EN 196-1. The rate
of loading was adopted as 2.4 kN/s for compressive strength and 0.5 kN/s for flexural
strength. The specimens were tested at room temperature at an age of 7 days, 14 days and
28 days. Three specimens of each were prepared.
Chemical and physical properties of the natural limestone, white eggshell and brown
eggshell which were used by the researchers were presented in Table 2.6.
Table 2.6: Physical and chemical properties of the commercial limestone, White
eggshell and Brown eggshell (Pliya and Cree, 2015)
Chemical characteristics
(LOI) (g)
Particles <0.125 mm 94 80 80
Particles <0.063 mm 83 65 65
Physical characteristics
Mechanical properties
Compressive strength obtained by authors from the studies was presented in the Table 2.7
Figure 2.16: Compressive strength of concrete having different ESP content at the
age of 7, 14 and 28 days (Pliya and Cree, 2015)
Flexural strength obtained by the authors from the research was presented in the Table 2.8
Figure 2.17: Flexural strength of concrete having different ESP content at the
age of 7, 14 and 28 days (Pliya and Cree, 2015)
As indicated by the authors, compressive quality was seen to be higher than the control
when 5 % limestone was added to the blend, and all other mixes have less compressive
strength as compared to control.
The ESP concrete had strength of 43.1 MPa or we can say that 14% strength declines as
matched with the control when 5% eggshell powder was included. The least strengths were
25.4 MPa and 23.0 MPa equivalent to CW-20% and CB-20%, respectively. Likewise, for
10 % eggshell powder additions, the drop in strength for white and brown ESP were 43%
and 37%, respectively.
When the incorporation of 5% limestone flexural strength was 9.2 MPa while for white
and brown ESP were 7.5 MPa and 8.4 MPa, respectively, as equated with 9.1 MPa for the
control mortar.
At the same age, limestone powder and white & brown ESP had strengths of 8.2 MPa, 7.3
MPa and 8.6 MPa, respectively, which interpreted the strength decrement of 10%, 20%
and 6%, respectively. At an age of 28, addition of more than 10% limestone badly affect
the flexural strengths of the mortar mixes. Parallel trends were obtained for compression
The experimental program of the research was designed to investigate the effect of EGG
SHELL POWDER in different proportion as cement replacement in cement mortar. The
effect on mechanical as well as on micro structural properties were studied by varying the
proportion of ESP as 0%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, and 10 % in cement mortar. The cement mortar
was prepared by using a ratio of cement to sand as 1:3 while Water to cement ratio was
kept 0.42 in the entire research work.
Bangur OPC of 43 grade having conformation of IS: 8112- 1989 of BIS (reaffirmed
2005) was used in the research work. The cement was easily available in the local market
of the Patiala city. The Bangur cement which is used for performing out the different tests
throughout the research work is of the same batch. The chemical composition of the cement
as provided by the supplier was presented in the table 3.1. Physical properties which were
found out by performing various tests on the cement sample was presented in the table 3.2.
The physical properties of the cement were also compared with the Indian standards.
The chemical composition of the bangur cement as provided by the supplier was
mentioned in the Table 3.1
Mineral Percentage
CaO 60.50
SiO2 22.30
Al2O3 6.81
Fe2O3 4.30
MgO 2.11
Na2O 0.41
SO3 2.2
K2O 0.40
LOI 2.40
Compressive Strength
3 days 25.20 N/mm2 23 N/mm2 (minimum)
7 days 36.12 N/mm2 33 N/mm2 (minimum)
28 days 44.31 N/mm2 43 N/mm2 (minimum)
3.2.2 Fine Aggregate
Ennore sand that is Indian standard sand of three different grades obtained from
TamilNadu was used in the research work. The size specifications as well as technical
details provided by supplier are shown in table and were found compatible with the
requirements of IS: 650-1991.
Indian standard sand is available in three grades having different size, details of which is
provided in the Table 3.3
41 Properties of Indian standard sand
Various physical, chemical and petrographic properties of the Ennore sand was illustrated
in the Table 3.4
1 Physical Properties:
2 Chemical properties:
Chemical analysis
SiO2 99.30%
Al2O3 -
Fe2O3 0.10%
CaO -
Loss of Ignition -
3 Petrographic analysis:
Quarts 97.40%
Feldspar 2.50%
4 Compressive strength:
3.2.3 Water
Tab water of structural lab having pH > 6, of Thapar University that is Ordinary potable
water was used for both mixing and curing of cement mortar confirming to IS: 456-2000.
For making egg shell powder, white eggs was used and these were collected from the local
market and mess of the Thapar University Patiala. After collection egg shells were washed
in the flowing water and then dried in the air for five days at a temperature of about 25ºC
to 30ºC. The shells then hand crushed, grained in a grinding machine for obtaining a very
fine powder then sieved through 90 µm Indian standard sieve. The powder which passed
through 90 µm IS sieve was used as cement replacement in the entire research work and
the material which retained on the sieve was discarded as a waste.
Figure 3.4: Grinding of eggshell by grinding machine
44 Specific gravity and chemical composition of ESP
Specific gravity of the ESP was found out in the laboratory by using Le Chaterlier`s flask
while chemical composition was analyzed in the SAI labs of Thapar University.
A comparison is drawn between the chemical composition of cement, ESP and limestone
which is presented in the table 3.6
From the Table 3.6 it was observed that cement, ESP and limestone were rich in CaO and
have comparable amount of CaO. LOI of ESP and limestone is very high as compared to
cement. SiO2 is very less in ESP and limestone as compared to cement.
In order to investigate the properties of ESP mortar, cubes were prepared with proportion
of cement and sand in the ratio 1:3.
Specimens used for finding out the mechanical properties, micro structural analysis and
durability properties of the cement mortar are presented in the Table 3.7, Table 3.8 and
Table 3.9 respectively.
Table 3.8: Details of sample used for the micro structural analysis
Three tests were generally performed to investigate the mechanical properties of the
cement mortar by the incorporation of Egg Shell Powder as a partial replacement of cement
in different proportions. The proportions used in the research are 0 %, 2.5 %, 5 %, 7.5 %
and 10 %. The three tests which performed for finding out the mechanical properties of
cement mortar were compressive strength test, split tensile strength test and flexural
strength test at the age of 3 days, 7 days and 28 days. The rate of loading for compressive
strength test and split tensile strength test was adopted 70 kN/min and for flexural
strength test 2.65 kN/min.
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X- ray Spectroscopy (EDS)
tests were carried out by the Sophisticated Analytical Instruments Laboratories (SAI Lab)
Thapar University Patiala. SEM and EDS tests were performed on the broken pieces of the
specimens which were used earlier for the compressive strength test at the age of 7 and 28
days for the proportion of 0%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5% and 10%.
Water absorption test and Sorption test were performed for finding out the durability
properties of the cement mortar. Cement mortar cubes of proportions 0%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%,
and 10% were prepared to carry out these tests. Water absorption and sorption was done
for the samples at the age of 28 days.
The details of test matrix and nomenclature used for various additions of egg shell powder
in cement mortar by weight of cement are presented in table 3.10
Table 3.10: Designed names for the various mixes
0% (Control) M0
2.5% M2.5
5% M5
7.5% M7.5
10% M10
The proportion of cement and sand is in the ratio of 1:3 for the entire research work. Three
specimen of each were prepared and 10% extra was taken for the preparation of the mortar
cubes and 5% extra was taken for the preparation of the beams to compensate the waste.
The quantities of various constituents used in the study were presented in the Table 3.11
for compressive strength and split tensile strength and Table 3.12 for flexural strength.
Table 3.11: Mix proportion for Compressive Strength and Split Tensile Strength.
Table 3.12: Mix proportion for flexural strength.
Flow Chart
Flow chart of experimental program and test matrix of the research work is shown below.
Compressive Flexural Split tensile
strength strength 49 strength
3.4.6 Methodology of Casting of Specimens
All specimen were cast according to the mix proportions as discussed in the previous
section. For each mix, required quantities of the material were weighed. Standard cubes of
70.6mm X 70.6mm X70.6mm were used for compressive strength and split tensile strength
while for flexural strength beams of size 40mm X 40mm X 160mm were used as per
provision of ASTM standards. The mixing procedure adopted is as follows:
First of all the moulds should be properly cleaned. No lumps of mortar or any other material
should stick to the moulds. The inside surface of the moulds should be felt smoothed when
rubbed with hand. After cleaning operation, the inside surface of all the moulds should be
oiled with the de shuttering oil properly and then screws should be tightened with a great
care so that perfect dimensions of the mould can be achieved such that there should be no
gap through which mortar comes out from the mould.
In the next step, all the materials that is cement, three different grades of standard sand,
ESP and water should be weighed accurately with a great precision for the different
propositions. In a day 9 cubes and 9 beams were prepared from the same batch that is in
the first run material for the 9 cubes was prepared and in the second, for the 9 beams.
The material for each batch was mixed separately and the quantity of cement, standard
sand and water used was cement (200gm), sand (600gm each) and water (p/4 +3) % of
combined mass of cement and sand, where p is the percentage of water required to produce
a paste of standard consistency determined as describe in IS:1403 (Part 4) 1988.
After weighing all the materials should be poured into a clean and dry tray.
Figure 3.6: Weighted dry Cement, Sand and ESP in a dry tray
After that, all the ingredients should be first mixed in the dry state at least for the 10 minutes
so that a uniform mix of uniform color was obtained.
Figure 3.7: Dry mixing of Cement, Sand and ESP in a dry tray
A clean and dry trowel should be used for the mixing of the ingredients in the dry state and
all other equipment’s which have to be used should be clean and free from the traces of the
Next to that, water is added in the dry mixture and then again mixture is mixed for at least
3 minutes and maximum for 5 minutes to obtain the uniform color. If the time taken to
obtain the uniform color exceed 5 minutes then reject the mixture and entire operation was
repeated with the fresh ingredients.
Testing Machine: The testing equipment used was universal testing machine (Hung Ta
Instrument Co. Ltd.) of 1000 kN capacity which is available in the structure laboratory of
the Thapar University. The rate of loading for compressive strength test is 70 kN/min. The
permissible blunder should not be more than ± 2 % of the most extreme load. The testing
machine have two steel bearing platens. One of the platens generally which touches the
upper surface of the sample should be fitted with a ball. The second platen was plain
inflexible bearing square.
Placing of specimen in testing machine: Generally the side face of the specimen is kept
upward or direct under the load from the UTM as this face is more smoother then the upper
face of the specimen because the smoothness of the upper face of the specimen is prepared
by us and the side faces which are in touch with the walls of the mould are more smoother
hence any of the face which is in contact with the mould is kept upward and the top face
of the specimen as a front face as described in the figure.
Age at test: Tests were performed at the age of 3 days, 7 days and 28 days. The age of the
specimen shall be calculated from the time of addition of water in the dry ingredients of
the cement mortar.
Number of specimens: Three specimens of each proportion were prepared for the ages of
3, 7 and 28 days respectively.
Formula used:
As we know,
Compresive Strength = MPa − − − − − − − − − (3.1)
70.6 70.6
The flexural strength test is performed on 40mm X 40mm X 160mm mortar beams
under two point loading to determine the flexural strength at various ages of curing of
samples prepared by varying the proportions if eggshell powder. Flexure strength is
basically the measure of modulus of rupture and it is the maximum tensile stress that the
concrete can take in bending without cracking. Flexural strength of concrete is the tensile
strength of concrete in bending.
Testing Machine: The testing machine may be of any reliable type, of sufficient capacity
for the tests and capable of applying the load at the rate specified which is 2.65 KN/min
for 40×40×160 mm size of mould. The permissible blunder should not be more than ± 2 %
of the most extreme load. The testing machine have two steel bearing platens. One of the
platens generally which touches the upper surface of the sample should be fitted with a
ball. The second platen was plain inflexible bearing square.
Age at test
Tests were performed at the age of 3 days, 7 days and 28 days. The age of the specimen
shall be calculated from the time of addition of water in the dry ingredients of the cement
Number of specimens
Three specimens, preferably from different composition, were prepared made for testing
at each selected ages of 3, 7, and 28 days.
Formula used
ℎ ( )=
(P X x) X6 X 1000
ℎ= − − − − − − − − − − − (3.2)
Testing Machine: The testing machine may be of any reliable type. The machine should
have sufficient capacity to perform the tests and capable of applying the load at the rate of
5 kN/min on 70.6 mm × 70.6 mm × 70.6 mm cube size. It shall comply with the
requirements given in IS 516 as far as applicable except that the bearing faces of both
platens shall provide a minimum loading area of 12 mm x the length of the cube, as the
case may be so that the load should be applied over the entire length of the specimen.
Various test methods are available to perform the split tensile strength but only two types
are discussed here:
The split tests are well- known indirect tests which are used to determine the tensile
strength of the concrete, also referred as the splitting tensile strength of the concrete.
Due to this tensile stress, the specimen fails finally by splitting along the loaded diameter
and knowing the value of the P at failure, the tensile strength can be determined.
The same test can also be performed on the cubes by splitting either:
a) Along its middle parallel to the edges by applying two opposite compressive force through
15mm2 bars of sufficient length
b) Along one of the diagonal planes by applying compressive forces along the opposite.
In the case of side-splitting of the cubes:
Split Tensile Strength = − − − − − − − − − − − − − (3.3)
P= load at failure
Split Tensile Strength = − − − − − − − − − − − − − (3.4)
Age at test
Tests were performed at the age of 3 days, 7 days and 28 days. The age of the specimen
shall be calculated from the time of addition of water in the dry ingredients of the cement
Number of specimens
Three specimens, preferably from different composition, shall be made for testing at each
selected ages of 3, 7, and 28 days.
Formula used
Split Tensile Strength = − − − − − − − − − − − − − (3.5)
P = Load at fracture
S = Side of cube
The 70.6 mm X 70.6 mm X 70.6 mm cubes after casting were immersed in water for 28
days curing. Weight of these specimens were noted down as (W1). These specimens were
then oven dried for 24 hours at the temperature110°C until the mass became constant and
again weighed. This weight was noted as the dry weight (W2) of the cube.
= 100 − − − − − − − − − (3.6)
3.5.5 Water sorption
In 1957 John Philip introduced the term sorptivity and defined it as a measure of the
capacity of the medium to absorb or desorb liquid by capillarity.
According to C Hall and W D Hoff, the sorptivity expresses the tendency of a material to
absorb and transmit water and other liquids by capillarity.
The sorptivity is widely used in characterizing soils and porous construction materials
such as brick, stone and concrete.
Calculation of the true sorptivity required numerical iterative procedures dependent on soil
water content and diffusivity. John R. Philip (1969) showed that sorptivity can be
determined from horizontal infiltration where water flow is mostly controlled by capillary
The sorptivity can be determined by the measurement of the capillary rise absorption rate
on reasonably homogeneous material. Water was used as the test fluid. The cubes after
casting were immersed in water for 28 days curing. The specimen size
70.6 mm X 70.6 mm X 70.6 mm after drying in oven at temperature of 100 + 10 °C were
drowned in water with water level not more than 5 mm above the base of specimen and
the flow from the peripheral surface is prevented by sealing it properly with non-absorbent
The quantity of water absorbed in time period of 30 minutes was measured by weighting
the specimen on a top pan balance weighting upto 0.1 mg. surface water on the specimen
was wiped off with a dampened tissue and each weighting operation was completed within
30 seconds. Sorptivity (S) is a material property which characterizes the tendency of a
porous material to absorb and transmit water by capillarity. The cumulative water
absorption increases as the square root of elapsed time (t).
S=I/ t1/2 ---------------------------------------- (3.8)
S= sorptivity in mm,
d= density of water
SEM is conducted to study the micro-structural properties of the samples. The samples
which are already casted and cured for 3 days, 7 days and 28 days are used for the
compressive strength test. This test is used to identify the changes which had occurred
inside the micro-structure and also the formation and deformation of the phases. By SEM
we got the images of the sample at the Nano scale level. In which formation of C-S-H gel,
pores and cracks are easily shown, by which we can easily judge the strength and durability
parameters of the specimen.
Figure 3.14: SEM equipment (SAI Labs, Thapar University).
An electron from an outer, higher-energy shell then fills the hole, and the difference in
energy between the higher-energy shell and the lower energy shell may be released in the
form of an X-ray. The number and energy of the X- rays emitted from a specimen can be
measured by an energy-dispersive spectrometer. As the energies of the X-rays are
characteristic of the difference in energy between the two shells and of the atomic structure
of the emitting element, EDS allows the elemental composition of the specimen to be
measured. Before doing EDS, gold plating of the material was performed and then that
gold plated material was put inside the energy-dispersive spectrometer.
Figure 3.15: Gold plating of the material whose EDS was to be performed.
Figure 3.16: Energy-Dispersive Spectrometer (SAI Labs, Thapar University).
This chapter represents the details of the results and analysis of the experimental work
carried out in the study by replacement of cement partially with the eggshell powder in
cement mortar for the various percentages of cement by weight as discussed earlier. In this
chapter results which were obtained from the test results of various properties were
discussed. The properties which were discussed under this chapter are compressive
strength, flexural strength, split tensile strength, bulk density, water absorption, water
sorption along with micro structural analysis using SEM. All these properties were
discussed and analyzed for control mortar and cement replacements of 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%
and 10% by weight with eggshell powder. Let us discuss the effects of eggshell powder on
all these properties one by one.
After construction moulds were cured in the water and tested under the uniaxial
compression testing machine at the age of 3 days, 7 days and 28 days. The rate of loading
adopted for carrying out the compressive strength test was 70 kN/min. Three samples of
each replacement for the different ages were prepared and tested under the UTM one by
one. After that average of these three specimens was considered as average value of the
load which a specimen can carry just before the collapse. Next to that compressive strength
was found out by dividing the average load with the area of the specimen. The load which
were taken up by the each sample at the respective age were presented in the Table 4.1
Table 4.1: Compressive load taken up by the specimens at different age of curing.
After load the compressive strength of the different mix was presented in the Table 4.2
Table 4.2: Compressive strength of different mortar mix at different age of curing.
Note: (+) sign indicates increase in compressive strength and (–) sign shows decrease in
compressive strength.
1.5 3 day
7 day
28 day
0.00% 2.50% 5.00% 7.50% 10.00% 12.50%
From Table 4.1 & 4.2 and Figure 4.1 following observations are made:
It is clear that the compressive strength of the cement mortar increases with increase in
eggshell powder content in the cement mortar upto 5% at all the ages.
At 3 days of curing with 2.5% replacement of cement with ESP, compressive strength
increases by 6.25% with respect to M0. With 5% replacement 14.83% increase in
compressive strength was observed with respect to M0. If we further increase the ESP
content beyond this limit then decrease in compressive strength was observed. With 7.5%
replacement 12.45% strength was reduced and with 10% replacement 18.35% strength was
At the age of 7 days, M0 gives the compressive strength of 26.911 MPa with 2.5%
replacement compressive strength of the mortar increases by 4.61% of the control mortar
and with 5% replacement of cement with ESP strength increases by 14.86% and beyond
this value compressive strength tremendously decreases 12.41% and 15.21% with 7.5%
and 10% replacement of cement with ESP respectively.
Similar trend was noticed at the age of 28 days also. With 2.5% replacement of cement the
compressive strength of the mortar was increased by 4.75%, and with 5% replacement of
cement with ESP maximum gain of strength was noticed having a value of 36.85 MPa
which is 13.14% more than the M0. If we further increase the ESP content in the cement
mortar decrease in compressive strength was noticed and maximum reduction take place
by replacing the cement with 10% of the eggshell powder which is 24.79% of M0.
The increase in compressive strength upto 5% replacement is probably due to the formation
of more uniform C-S-H gel and less voids that is denser configuration as compared to M0
and other mixes which is verified by the micro structural analysis.
The decrease in compressive strength beyond 5% replacement is probably due to the
presence of excess amount of ESP in the cement mortar due to which improper mixing and
crystallization of the ESP take place and hence more voids and lack of formation of C-S-
H gel take place in the cement mortar.
Optimum replacement level for ESP in cement mortar for compressive strength is 5%.
Flexural strength of control sample and of ESP replaced samples of the cement mortar was
carried out at the age of 3 days, 7 days and 28 days. The load taken up by the samples under
two point loading was presented in the Table 4.3
Table 4.3: Flexural Load taken up by the specimens at different age of curing.
After loading flexural strength of the cement mortar was calculated by using the formula
as illustrated in chapter 3. The flexural strength of the various cement mortar was presented
in the Table 4.4
Table 4.4: Flexural strength of different mortar mix at different age of curing.
Note: (+) sign indicates increase in compressive strength and (–) sign shows decrease in
compressive strength.
1.5 3 day
1 7 day
28 day
0.00% 2.50% 5.00% 7.50% 10.00% 12.50%
From Table 4.3 & 4.4 and Figure 4.2 following observations are made:
The flexural strength of the cement mortar with inclusion of eggshell powder increases
upto 5% and beyond that it starts decreases. Maximum reduction takes place at a
replacement of 10% ESP at all the ages. While maximum increase was shown at a
replacement of 5% at all the ages.
At the age of 3 days, the flexural strength of M2.5 and M5 increases 7.58% and 9.41%
respectively. Mix proportion M7.5 and M10 shows reduction of 2.87% and 5.49% in the
flexural strength.
At the age of 7 days, again M2.5 and M5 shows increment of 6.001% and 8.39% while
M7.5 and M10 shows reduction of 1.92% and 4.94% respectively as compared to M0.
Similarly at the age of 28 day again M2.5 and M5 shows increment of 5.765% and 9.323%,
while M7.5 and M10 shows reduction of 2.89% and 4.383% respectively as compared to
M0 .
The increase in compressive strength upto 5% replacement is probably due to the
formation of more uniform C-S-H gel and less voids that is denser configuration as
compared to M0 and other mixes which is verified by the micro structural analysis.
The decrease in compressive strength beyond 5% replacement is probably due to the
presence of excess amount of ESP in the cement mortar due to which improper mixing
and crystallization of the ESP take place and hence more voids and lack of formation of
C-S-H gel take place in the cement mortar.
Optimum replacement level for ESP in cement mortar for flexural strength is 5%.
Split tensile strength of the control as well as replaced cement mortar was found out on the
standard cubes of size 70.6 mm X 70.6 mm X 70.6 mm at the age of 3 days, 7 days and 28
days by using the UTM. The rate of loading was kept 5 kN/min during the split tensile
strength test. The split tensile strength of control cement mortar and the mortar which is
prepared by replacing the cement partially with different proportions of eggshell powder
were presented in the Table 4.5
Table 4.5: Split tensile strength of different mortar mix at different age of curing.
Note: (+) sign indicates increase in compressive strength and (–) sign shows decrease in
compressive strength.
1.5 3 day
7 day
28 day
0.00% 2.50% 5.00% 7.50% 10.00% 12.50%
From Table 4.5 and Figure 4.3 following observations are made:
It is clear that the split tensile strength of the cement mortar increases with increase in
eggshell powder content in the cement mortar upto 5% at all the ages.
The test results obtained by mix M5 gives the maximum split tensile strength at all the ages
as compared to control and other mixes. After addition of 5% of ESP in cement by weight
the split tensile strength increased by 16.04%, 16.01% and 17.94% at the age of 3 days, 7
days and 28 days as compared to M0.
The increase in compressive strength upto 5% replacement is probably due to the formation
of more uniform C-S-H gel and less voids that is denser configuration as compared to M0
and other mixes which is verified by the micro structural analysis.
Beyond 5% if we further increases the ESP content in the cement mortar then adverse
effect on the strength took place.
With 7.5% replacement of cement with eggshell powder the split tensile strength decreases
by 3.09%, 2.25% and 1.895% at the age of 3, 7 and 28 days respectively. If we further
increase the eggshell powder content then more decrement in the strength was noticed. The
strength reduced by 13.49%, 9.80% and 9.22% at the age of 3, 7 and 28 days respectively.
Maximum reduction take place with replacement of 10% ESP. Split tensile strength
decreases by 13.49% , 9.80% and 9.22% at the age of 3 days, 7 days and 28 days
respectively as compared to M0.
The decrease in compressive strength beyond 5% replacement is probably due to the
presence of excess amount of ESP in the cement mortar due to which improper mixing and
crystallization of the ESP take place and hence more voids and lack of formation of C-S-
H gel take place in the cement mortar.
Optimum replacement level for ESP in cement mortar for split tensile strength is 5%.
Water absorption test and water sorption test were performed to found out the durability
requirements of the mortar. Bulk density was found for the control cement mortar and for
the various replacements of the cement by eggshell powder. Water can penetrate into the
capillary voids of the mortar. If the cement mortar has more number of voids then water
penetration in these voids will be more and hence strength of the mortar reduces. If the
voids are less, mortar have denser configuration thus less penetration of water take place
hence strength of that mortar will be more.
Bulk density and water absorption of the control and of the various mixes were presented
in the Table 4.6
2.355 2.352
0% 2.50% 5% 7.50% 10%
1.091 1.095
0% 2.50% 5% 7.50% 10%
From the Table 4.6 and Figure 4.4 & 4.5 following observations are made:
The weight of the mortar cube decreases with increase in the eggshell powder content.
Decrease in weight take place because eggshell powder has lower specific gravity as
compared to cement. Specific gravity is indirectly related with the weight. More the
specific gravity more will be the weight and vice versa.
That is light weight mortar can be obtained by using ESP.
Bulk density is related with the weight, less the weight lower will be the bulk density of
the cement mortar. As the weight decreases bulk density of the mortar also decreases.
Water absorption for the mix M2.5 and M5 decreases while for all other mixes it increases.
Water absorption of the cement mortar was related to the voids present in the mortar. As
with the incorporation of the ESP, voids present in the cement mortar decreases upto a
replacement of 5% as shown by SEM images hence water absorption was less for mix M2.5
and M5 as compared to M0 while for mix M7.5 and M10 C-S-H gel formation was not smooth
and voids present was also more as compared to other mixes hence water absorption for
mix M7.5 and M10 was more as compared to other mixes.
Sorptivity of the cement mortar cube having size 70.6 mm X 70.6 mm X 70.6 mm was
determined for the elapsed time of 30 minutes for each mix. Samples were cured for 28
days then they were oven dried at a temperature of 105±10º C after that cubes were
immersed in water such that only 5 mm from the bottom of cube get immersed in the water.
0.25 0.219 0.219
0% 2.50% 5% 7.50% 10%
From Table 4.7 and Figure 4.6 it was concluded that as like absorption, sorptivity was also
water will penetrate through one surface and hence more was the sorptivity. On the other
hand if the gel was uniformly present, voids present was less hence sorptivity was also less.
Sorptivity for mix M2.5 and M5 was less as compared to M0 this is because C-S-H gel
formed in these mixes has more uniform surface and hence voids were less as compared to
other mixes as verified by the micro structural analysis. Mix M7.5 has same value of
sorptivity as of M0 but mix M10 has more sorptivity as compared to all other mixes because
as per micro structural analysis M10 has more voids and less uniform C-S-H gel that’s why
M10 has more sorptivity.
Ettringites Ettringites
From the Image 4.7 it was clear that plenty of ettringites (pores) were present in the mix
M0 and C-S-H gel formation was not uniform that’s why M0 has lesser strength as
compared with other mixes.
From Figure 4.8 it was observed that ettringites formed are less and C-S-H gel formation
was more uniform in mix M5 as compared to M0. This was the basic reason of increasing
strength of mix M5.
Figure 4.9
Figure 4.9: SEM image of M10 at the age of 7 days.
From the Figure 4.9 it was observed that the formation of the C-S-H gel reduces and pores
increases due to which strength of the cement mortar decreases as compared with other
Figure 4.10: SEM image of M0 at the age of 28 days.
From image 4.10 it was observed that M0 at the age of 28 days contain some voids while
on the other hand image 4.11 which represents mix M2.5 contains less voids as compared
to M0 but more voids if we compare it with mix M5. That’s why mix M2.5 gains more
strength as compared to mix M0 and lesser than mix M5. Mix M5 have uniform C-S-H gel
that’s why its strength was higher than other mixes but on the contrary crack was also seen
in the SEM image due to which load carrying capacity of the mortar decreases means
strength decreases to a certain extent. Mix M10 contain voids and gel formation was not
uniform as shown in the image that’s why its strength was less as compared to other mixes.
High potential has been predicted for the use of eggshell powder in the various applications
of the concrete industries as very less work had been done on this topic. Minor
improvements in this material could bring large accumulated benefits to the construction
industry as this material has similar properties as that of natural limestone. In the whole
study, various tests had been performed on the various mix proportions like compressive
strength, split tensile strength, flexural strength, water absorption, sorptivity etc. the
various results which we get from all these studies had already been reported in the
previous section. In this section we are going to summarize all the results which we
obtained during the studies. The present study aims to improve the fresh and hardened state
properties of the cement mortar by replacing the cement partially with the various
proportions of the eggshell powder. The present experimental study was conceived to the
general purpose of testing new sustainable building processes and modern production
system aimed at saving natural raw materials and reducing energy consumption.
Based on the scope, materials, techniques, procedure and other parameter associated with
this work the following conclusions and recommendations can be stated as under:
5.2.1 Effect of Eggshell Powder on the compressive strength of the cement mortar
With increase in the dosage of ESP the compressive strength of the cement mortar
increases upto an optimized value and beyond that of we further increases the quantity of
eggshell powder then strength starts reducing.
In our studies the optimized value of ESP was 5%.
With 5% replacement of ESP, 13.14% increase in compressive strength was noticed at the
age of 28 days and below this age near about 14% increase in strength was noticed.
By replacing cement with 7.5% and 10% of ESP 6.775% and 24.79% reduction in
compressive strength was observed at the age of 28 days.
The maximum compressive strength obtained was 36.85 MPa at the age of 28 days.
5.2.2 Effect of Eggshell Powder on the flexural strength of the cement mortar
Flexural strength shows progressive increase in the strength with the addition of eggshell
powder in the cement mortar for mix M2 that is for the replacement of 5% at every age that
is for the age of 3days, 7 days and 28 days.
The optimum dosage for the flexural strength was 5%.
The 3 day strength increased by 9.41%, 7 day increased by 8.39% and 28 days increased
by 9.323% at optimum dose.
The addition of more percentage that is 10% of ESP in cement mortar reduces the 3 day
strength by 5.49%, 7 day by 4.94% and 28 day strength by 4.383%.
5.2.3 Effect of Eggshell Powder on the split tensile strength of the cement mortar
Split tensile strength shows progressive increase in the strength with 5% addition of ESP
in cement mortar at the age of 3, 7 and 28 days. At the age of 3 days the strength was
increased by 16.04%, at 7 days strength increased by 16.01%, and at the age of 28 days the
strength was increased by 17.94%.
If we increases the dosage of the ESP by more than 5% then the strength of the mortar
Hence the optimum dosage of ESP was 5%.
At 10% replacement the split tensile strength was reduced by 13.49%, 9.80% and 9.22%
at the ages of 3day, 7 day and 28 days respectively.
5.2.4 Effect of ESP on water absorption, sorption and bulk density of the cement mortar
Water absorption for the mix M1 and M2 was lower than the control mix as these mixes
have less voids and more uniform C-S-H gel as compared to the control and other mixes.
With 2.5% replacement of cement with ESP water absorption was 1.091% which was
9.610% less than the control mix and for 5% replacement it was 1.095% which was 9.280%
less than the control mix and with further increments water absorption was higher than the
control cement mortar. It was 1.219% and 1.223% for replacements of 7.5% and 10%
As like water absorption, sorptivity also follows the same criteria. Sorptivity for 2.5% and
5% replacement was 0.183 mm/min0.5 and 0.146 mm/min0.5 which was lower than the
control mix. While for 7.5% and 10% replacement it was 0.219 mm/min0.5 and 0.256
mm/min0.5 respectively which was higher than M0.
Bulk density of the cement mortar was reduced as the ESP content was increased as ESP
had lower specific gravity and lower weight as compared to cement hence by reducing the
cement content and by increasing the ESP content, bulk density decreases.
5.2.5 Effect of ESP on the micro structural properties of the cement mortar
SEM micrographic shows that the microstructure is appeared quite dense, compact which
can be explained by great surface area.
With the help of SEM images, correlation with the mechanical properties was observed at
the age of 7 days and 28 days. The surface area of the C-S-H formed at the age of 28 days
with mix proportion of 5% is more among all other mixes and number of pores were also
reduced for the mix M5 as compared with all other mixes at the age of 7 days.
There are certain limitations in the present study as the study of cement mortar with partial
replacement of cement with ESP is a very broad topic and lot of research is required in this
field to explore the properties of the cement mortar with ESP. Certain limitations are
explained below:
ESP is available in a very limited quantity.
Lot of eggs are required to produce ESP.
Grinding of egg to the required size is a difficult process.
Instead of mortar, concrete have to be used as the concrete is more widely used than mortar.
The replacements in the present study was done upto 10% only which can be increased in
the future studies.
The study is limited to the mixes without using super plasticizer. In future studies
plasticizer can be used which decreases the water requirement of the cement and hence
strength increases by using super plasticizer.
Some of the test employed in this study such as SEM are not common in the construction
industry. Which made it difficult to compare against reference data.
Nondestructive tests can also be performed which provides more realistic approach.
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