MIKIYAS TEKALEGN……………..2438/12
Executive Summary
This internship report is all about my two month internship experience at Ethiopian space science
technology institute (ESSTI).
This practical attachment really helped me in a way that I could understand how the working
area really look like and understanding the work ethics.
During my time at the organization I was at the department called Satellite operation and at that
department I was developing a system along with my teammates. And after we have developed
the system we had presented what we have done for the whole member of satellite operation
As we all know that Practical Attachment has a lot of uses especially for the student which
means since a student including me we really don’t know how the work area looks like but when
we add this internship experience to our academic experience it really makes us compete in a
way of making our selves present to the market.
From this practical attachment I have gained a lot of experience from my internship experience
including interpersonal communication skill and in practical wise so it was very helpful.
This report states including all the challenges I have faced and how I tackled those challenges
and also what I have gained from this internship program and stating what I have been doing
during my experience at the organization.
chance to perform my internship program at ETHIOPIAN SPACE SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY
And I just want to thank the peoples that helped me through this internship program at the
organization (ESSTI) especially those who supervised me 1, Mr. Melaku (director general of
satellite operation) 2, Mr. Dawit (co director general of satellite operation) 3, Mr.Tesfaye
(member of satellite operation department).
And I want to thank my teammates who have been with me to do the tasks that we have been
given to perform.
And I want to thank my advisor Mr. Kibru G. for his support in the way of preparing this report.
DECLARATION ................................................................................................................................................ i
Executive Summary....................................................................................................................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................................................. iii
LIST OF ACRONYMS ...................................................................................................................................... iii
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background of the organization/company ......................................................................................... 1
1.2 MISSION OF ESSTI ......................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 VISION OF ESSTI ............................................................................................................................ 1
1.4 MAIN PRODUCTS OR SERVICES OF THE ORGANIZATION OR COMPANY ...................................... 2
1.5 Main customers or the end users of its products or services ....................................................... 2
1.6 Organizational structure ............................................................................................................... 2
1.7 Work flows .................................................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER TWO Overall internship experience and my specific work ........................................................... 4
2.1 section of the company, I have been working and why? ................................................................... 4
2.2 The work flow in SO (SATELLITE OPERATION..................................................................................... 4
2.3 work piece or work tasks i have been executing ................................................................................ 4
2.4 technical knowledge and skills from my course work that were beneficial for my assignment ........ 5
2.5 types of programming language, methods, tools and techniques I have used from course work
while performing my work tasks............................................................................................................... 5
2.6 major challenges and problems I have faced with while performing MY work tasks ........................ 6
2.7 measures i have taken (propose as a solution for the selected problems) in order to overcome
these challenges and problems ................................................................................................................ 6
CHAPTER 3 .................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 How and why our project is selected and worked out (based on identified problem): ..................... 7
3.2 Project title & short summery of the project...................................................................................... 7
3.3 Problem statement & Justification ..................................................................................................... 7
3.4 Objective of the project ...................................................................................................................... 8
3.5 Methodology....................................................................................................................................... 8
3.6 Literature review................................................................................................................................. 8
3.7 Result & Discussion ............................................................................................................................. 9
CHAPTER 4: Benefits I gained from the internship and reflection, including: ............................................ 10
4.1 practical skills that I have gained ...................................................................................................... 10
4.2 theoretical knowledge that I have gained ........................................................................................ 10
4.3 industrial problem-solving capability that I have gained .................................................................. 10
4.4 team playing skills that I have gained ............................................................................................... 10
4.5 leadership skills that I have learned.................................................................................................. 11
4.6 work ethics issues, industrial psychology and related issues that I have learned ............................ 11
4.7 interpersonal communication skills that I have gained .................................................................... 11
4.8 The relation between My career goals and practical attachment.................................................... 12
4.9 value of this internship in my opinion .............................................................................................. 12
4.10 Other Things I learned during my internship program ................................................................... 12
CHAPTER 5: Conclusion and Recommendations......................................................................................... 13
5.1 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 13
5.2 Recommendations ............................................................................................................................ 13
References .................................................................................................................................................. 14
This chapter of the report discusses background of the organization, mission and vision of the
organization, the service and users of the organization, organizational structure and work flow
of the organization. Generally this chapter is about the organization where I have been
attending my internship program.
Contribute to the development of the national economy by providing creative and social services
to our people and improving their living conditions in the field of space science and technology,
In astronomy and astrophysics, on earth view global and to provide competitive research in
aeronautics and astronomy, manpower training and international relations.
To see Ethiopia in 2017, benefiting from space science and technology development and
contributing to the development of the sector.
The main product and service of the organization is mainly related with the satellite which means
as the name indicate the organization is focused on space related issue so right now the
organizations main service is sending command or request to the satellite and gathering
information from the satellite like image or video.
Since the organization is governmental so there main customers are other governmental
organizations like Ethiopian ministry of agriculture and Ethiopian ministry of defense and so on
now when we see some of their activity for example for ministry of agriculture they provide a
satellite image like monitoring existing crop on the field and so on in the other hand for the
military they provide a satellite information like monitoring enemies activity, observing
situations around border and so on.
SATELLITE OPERATION has 13 members who are again grouped into two sub
departments called GAS and GCS but their main activity Is related with the SATELLITE
OPERATION for example people from GCS are focused on hardware which means
maintaining the antenna, monitoring the servers and so on, on the other hand peoples
from GAS are focused on software which can be IPS(image processing system) which
means the data that came from the satellite is row data so the row data have to be
processed so this task is done by IPS, and if there is a problem with IP it will also be
solve by GAS and another activities are done by this department.
As i have mentioned it earlier the organization has a number of departments that make the
organization visible as one organization from this departments one is the managing department
so what this department does is that generally managing the organization including finance
related issues and another task what this department does is that as I have mentioned the
organization is governmental so for example if there is a request from the government for
satellite data the managers pass the request for satellite operation department and they will
execute the required task so in this organization the work flow is much of from the manager to
department and vice versa.
CHAPTER TWO Overall internship experience and my specific work
Starting from august 1 2014(EC) around TWO months I worked in ETHIOPIAN SPACE
SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY INSTITUITE (ESSTI) as an intern along with 2 other students.
the work flow in this department of the organization is as follows there are 13 members in the
department each with a different roll and the department has 2 sub system called GAS and GCS
and those two subsystems has their own different subsystems, in a person wise there is one
general director of the department and one co director and the so each person in this department
has its own task and all the members by being two person at a time should go to ground station
controller of etress1 and they will perform their tasks there but in a day only two peoples go to
the station and the rest will be at the bureau of ESSTI performing there daily activity.
After knowing our department the next step was talking with the leaders of the department and
one other member of the department then they told us that what they wanted from us in detail.
And the thing that they wanted is that they wanted us to develop a system that helps them to
monitor the work of maintenance at the ground station controller where the antenna is
found(ENTOTO) so the task that I have been executing was developing a system for the
department of SO (SATELLITE OPERATION) with my teammates.
2.4 technical knowledge and skills from my course work that were
beneficial for my assignment
Since the system that our mentors wanted was like a website so my skill of developing a website
was very use full in developing the required system.
And another skill that helped me a lot was preparing a documentation which means after
completion of the system they wanted a technical documentation of the overall system in case if
they wanted to update the system there must be some reference so due to that at the time of
preparing the documentation it really helped me, and at the time of presenting the system that we
have developed preparing a power point was mandatory and again my skill of preparing a power
point helped me a lot at the time of presentation.
Those are the main skills that really helped me during my internship program.
as I have mentioned it earlier the system was a web based and we have used a programming
languages that helped us so the languages are HTML and CSS for developing the front end of
the system and for back end we have used PHP and for DATABASE we have used MYSQL and
at the time of development we have used XAMPP server and for writing the code or as IDE we
have used VISUAL STUDIO and since the system is web based so a browser is mandatory so for
browser we have used MICROSOFT EDGE so those are the overall programming languages
and tools we have used while performing our tasks.
2.6 major challenges and problems I have faced with while performing
MY work tasks
The major problem that I have faced is that the newness of the concept and also since we are not
familiar with some of the concepts sometimes understanding what they were saying was also a
very difficult thing those were the major challenges that I have faced during my internship
For the problems that I have faced the only way to solve that and to go forward was trying to
understand about their work gradually then I decided to ask our mentors to tell me in detail about
their work and through time I just began to understand and finally those terms became familiar to
me and helped me a lot in accomplishing my task at the organization.
3.1 How and why our project is selected and worked out (based on
identified problem):
In our case there is no selection of problem because when we met our mentors at the
organization for the first time they told us they were planning to develop a system for themselves
so they wanted us to develop that system and they gave us brief description about the required
The project title is selected by our mentors which is related with their department so the title of
According to our mentors the system will be hosted locally at the ground station controller of
ESSTI and accessed only at ENTOTO where the station is located.
The reason why they wanted the system is that sometimes there could be a problem with
different part of the antenna or the controller for example if some failure occurs let say with IPS
(image processing system) then the person that can solve the problem will come and solve the
failure but in another time if that the same problem happens again the solver must come and
solve it so each time this problem happens again and again the solver should come so they told
us that they needed a system that can avoid the repetition for the same problem.
3.4 Objective of the project
The main purposes of this project are time saving and avoiding repetition which means if one
failure occurs the user will create a ticket on the system which means there is a form on the
system and the user will fill all the required field about the specific failure including if it is
necessary uploading video and image then once a ticket is created the next step is when a solver
comes will have a form to fill all the required fields about the solution in detail including
uploading solution related image and video so in the next time when the same failure occurs
there is no need for a solver to come and solve but instead the user with the failure will go into
the system and see how the same problem was solved and without any support a user can solve
by his own so he can save the time he would have wasted by waiting for a solver to come and
also if one solver solved a specific problem there is no need to solve repeatedly since the solution
is already on the system whether the person that solved the problem exists or not.
3.5 Methodology
Since the whole idea of the project is arrived from the organization and they also know all what
they want due to that the methodology that we have used is that Waterfall model since all of
the functional requirement of the system was pre known.
Since the whole idea of the system arises from the existing problem at their organization so we
were unable to find previously solved or related problem so due to that the only thing that we
have used as literature was our mentors suggestion and comment since they are very familiar
with the problem.
3.7 Result & Discussion
After we have completed developing the system the next stage was result and discussion which
means since the system is developed we needed to show what we have done to the whole
member of SO(satellite operation) department so for that preparing a power point was necessary
so after we have completed preparing the power point and technical documentation we have
presented our work for members of the department so the presentation was very useful for us
because they told us a lot of thing that we will use in our work life not only for internship
program so after completing the presentation after considering the comments that we have told
and by making some changes to the system the next thing was since they wanted the system to be
hosted locally and previously we are not familiar with hosting a system the only thing that we
were doing was watching them host our work locally at the ENTOTO ground station controller
so finally the system was hosted and since it was our first work being hosted I was very happy
and our internship program at ESSTI was completed after two months.
CHAPTER 4: Benefits I gained from the internship and reflection,
since we have been developing a web based system so the main skill that I have developed was
improving my web developing skill which is when developing a website it have to be more user
interactive so in that manner I have gained a very useful skill.
THE one thing that I have learned in theoretical aspect was about preparing a power point and a
technical documentation which is I have been straggling for a long period of time but after my
practical attachment experience I have improved my skill of developing a power point and a
During my internship program at the organization I have been able to see what the real work
space looks like so in real life which is different from being a student the difference is in school
we develop a system or a website for a grade purpose but in industrial life all the things that are
done are to solve the real time problem and from this internship program I have gained a lot of
since at the time of developing the system that we have developed for the organization I was
working with another 2 teammates so at that time I was very cooperative with my teammates so
that is why we did a really good job so I have learned team playing skill is a very useful thing
while working as a group.
4.5 leadership skills that I have learned
The leadership skill that I have learned from the leaders of the department that I was in is that as
a leader a really good personal communication with all workers equally is very necessary and
having a good relationship with all members is a key to success and one main thing that I have
learned is that motivation is a key for everything which means when a leader is motivated and
dedicated to his work peoples who are below will also be motivated.
4.6 work ethics issues, industrial psychology and related issues that I
have learned
according to my observation at ESSTI almost all of the workers are committed to their work and
to their daily task and being late at work is almost impossible so based on that for my future
being on time and completing my task earlier and respecting my work, my bosses and all of the
people who are around me is must do kind of thing so my internship program at the organization
was very useful in understanding work ethics and related things.
one of the things this practical attachment gave me was knowing that interpersonal
communication is the base in the work world which means without having a good
communication skill I couldn’t be a good worker because how could one person proceed on his
work without having a good communication with his boss , with his work partners ,with his
customers and so on so I have learned that interpersonal communication skill was very important
and also I had a good time with my mentors this was because of my interpersonal
communication skill.
4.8 The relation between My career goals and practical attachment
Since I had been developing a system and also my intention was like system and software
development so since my intention and my work was similar so this practical attachment made a
great influence in a way that my desire to be a system developer was a good choice and to
become what I want it gave me more motive to continue my dream and to achieve it.
as one student who have been at the practical attachment the value of the internship program is
very good which means let’s say one student may be good at his class performance and in grade
but before joining the work area he need to know what is waiting for him so for that internship
program is very must thing so it should be continued.
I have learned a lot of things from my internship program at ESSTI one of the things that I
learned is that I learned a lot about how to communicate with people in the community who are
very different from me like persons who are more experienced and talented.
And another important thing that I have learned is that knowing two or three programing
language only is not enough in the current world of competition but instead making an effort to
discover a new programming language and frame works is so important for one programmer so
throughout my internship our mentors advised me a lot about developing different skills and it
was very useful.
And the next thing that I have learned is about real time work and about its atmosphere which
means being a university student and being worker has very different situation so I have gained
good experience about how it looks like being a worker since I am also going to be one so it was
very helpful.
CHAPTER 5: Conclusion and Recommendations
5.1 Conclusion
ETHIOPIAN SPACE SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY Institute is working all the time to make
ETHIOPIA to benefit from her space science technology.
According to my own experience the working environment at the organization looks very fresh
and interesting to be able to be a part of it and there are a lot of young and power full peoples
who can really make a difference in our space related issues.
And also according to my observation for one country satellite related issues are a very must
thing Since Ethiopia right know has only one satellite which is called ERESS1 when we see it as
a country it is not enough for one country with a lot of peoples in it and also so I think in coming
years our country could have more than one satellite.
So after completion of our time at the organization and based on what we did all of the members
at the department they were satisfied and they also gave a lot of advice that really will help for
our future so personally all the challenges I have during my internship are worth it for being able
to be the part of this organization.
5.2 Recommendations