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Republic of the Philippines


Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan 3010

First Semester, A.Y. 2024-2025

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 Use BLACK ballpen only.

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Directions: Read the questions carefully and choose the letter that has the best answer. Write your
answer on the space before each number.

1. What is the main focus of the scientific study of language?

A. The study of written literature
B. The analysis of speech sounds
C. Understanding how language evolves over time
D. Understanding how languages function and how they are learned

2. Which of the following is a benefit of studying language scientifically?

A. Learning different dialects C. Developing new writing systems
B. Improving teaching methods D. Creating language-based technology

3. Which view on language study emphasizes language as an instinctive human ability?

A. Behaviorism C. Nativism
B. Cognitive science D. Structuralism

4. The study of language origins involves exploring:

A. The development of alphabets
B. The impact of technology on language
C. The evolutionary history of human speech
D. The relationship between language and culture

5. What teaching method is based on the theory that language is learned through imitation and
A. Behaviorist method C. Constructivist approach
B. Socio-cultural theory D. Communicative approach

6. Which of the following statements best describes the term "linguistic relativity"?
A. Language shapes thought C. Language is universal across cultures
B. Thought influences language D. Language is a neutral tool for communication

7. Which field studies the social aspects of language use?

A. Neurolinguistics C. Psycholinguistics
B. Phonology D. Sociolinguistics
8. What aspect of language is concerned with the meanings of words and sentences?
A. Phonology C. Semantics
B. Pragmatics D. Syntax

9. What distinguishes vowel sounds from each other?

A. Length and pitch C. Place, manner, and voicing
B. Nasalization and aspiration D. Tongue placement and lip rounding

10. Which of the following is an example of a consonant sound categorized by manner of

A. /a/ C. /p/
B. /i/ D. /tʃ/ (ch)

11. Which part of the tongue is involved in producing the sound /k/?
A. Tip of the tongue C. Blade of the tongue
B. Back of the tongue D. Middle of the tongue

12. The voicing of consonants refers to:

A. Whether the sound is nasal or oral
B. The manner in which air is blocked
C. The speed at which the sound is produced
D. Whether the vocal cords vibrate or not during articulation

13. Which of the following is a feature of the sound /ʃ/ (sh)?

A. Voiced, dental, stop C. Voiceless, bilabial, nasal
B. Voiced, velar, plosive D. Voiceless, palato-alveolar, fricative

14. What is the difference between consonants and vowels?

A. Vowels are voiced, while consonants are voiceless.
B. Consonants are always voiced, while vowels are not.
C. Vowels have vocal cord vibration, while consonants do not.
D. Consonants are produced with a complete closure of the vocal tract, vowels are not.

15. The term “phonemic transcription” refers to:

A. The analysis of word roots and affixes
B. The spelling of words in standard orthography
C. The writing of words according to their meaning
D. The representation of speech sounds with special symbols

16. In the International Phonetic Alphabet, which symbol represents the "th" sound in "think"?
A. /θ/ C. /tʃ/
B. /ð/ D. /k/

17. Which of the following is a place of articulation for the sound /f/?
A. Alveolar C. Palatal
B. Labiodental D. Velar

18. Which of the following is an example of a free morpheme?

A. -ed C. Un-
B. -ing D. Dog

19. The morpheme "un-" in "undo" is an example of:

A. A free morpheme C. A derivational morpheme
B. A compound morpheme D. An inflectional morpheme

20. What type of morpheme is "s" in the word "cats"?

A. Bound C. Free
B. Derivational D. Inflectional
21. Which of the following words contains an inflectional morpheme?
A. Happiest C. Teacher
B. Rewriting D. Unseen

22. Morphological analysis involves breaking down words into:

A. Their parts of speech C. Their meaning and context
B. Their pronunciation rules D. Their basic units of meaning

23. Which of the following is an example of a compound word?

A. Bookshelf C. Happiest
B. Childhood D. Unhappiness

24. The suffix "-ly" in the word "quickly" is an example of:

A. Free morpheme C. Inflectional morpheme
B. Bound morpheme D. Derivational morpheme

25. Which of the following is an example of a derivational morpheme?

A. -s in "cats" C. -ing in "writing"
B. -ed in "walked" D. -ness in "happiness"

26. Which of the following is an example of a derivational morpheme?

A. Bound and free C. Free and inflectional
B. Bound and compound D. Derivational and inflectional

27. Which word is an example of a base morpheme?

A. Quickly C. Teacher
B. Rewriting D. Unhappiness

28. What is the purpose of inflectional morphemes?

A. To form compound words
B. To give words additional semantic meaning
C. To create new words with different meanings
D. To change the grammatical function of a word

29. Which of the following is a process that combines two or more morphemes to form a new word?
A. Assimilation C. Derivation
B. Compounding D. Inflection

30. Which of the following represents a plural form using an inflectional morpheme?
A. Dog C. Unhappy
B. Dogs D. Teachers

31. Which of the following is NOT a morphological process?

A. Clipping C. Derivation
B. Compounding D. Pragmatics

32. In the sentence “She is running fast,” the word "running" is a:

A. Adjective C. Noun
B. Adverb D. Verb

33. Which part of speech is the word "quickly" in the sentence "She runs quickly"?
A. Adjective C. Noun
B. Adverb D. Verb

34. Which sentence is syntactically correct?

A. She quick runs. C. She runs quickly.
B. Quick she runs. D. She quickly runs quickly.
35. What is the syntactic rule that allows the phrase “big house” to be formed?
A. Verb tense C. Subject-verb agreement
B. Noun phrase structure D. Object-complement structure

36. Which of the following is a complex sentence?

A. I like tea. C. She is reading the book.
B. The cat sleeps. D. I will go to the store if I have time.

37. Which of the following is a compound sentence?

A. She likes tea. C. If it rains, we will stay inside.
B. He enjoys reading. D. She likes tea, and he likes coffee.

38. The function of a determiner in a sentence is to:

A. Modify the noun C. Introduce a noun phrase
B. Connect two clauses D. Show the tense of the verb

39. Which sentence contains a subject-verb agreement error?

A. He runs C. The cats eat.
B. The cat eats D. The dog run.

40. Which of the following is an example of a direct object?

A. He sleeps. C. They are happy.
B. She runs fast. D. She reads books

41. Which of the following is the study of meaning in language?

A. Phonology C. Semantics
B. Pragmatics D. Syntax

42. What is the difference between literal meaning and figurative meaning?
A. Literal meaning is based on context, while figurative meaning is universal.
B. Literal meaning refers to grammar, while figurative meaning relates to phonetics.
C. Literal meaning is the dictionary definition, while figurative meaning involves
metaphor or symbolism.
D. Literal meaning is concerned with syntax, while figurative meaning focuses on

43. Which of the following sentences contains a pragmatics error?

A. Pass the salt. C. Can you pass the salt?
B. Please pass the salt. D. Could you please pass the salt?

44. Which is an example of a metaphor?

A. He ran fast. C. I don’t believe he knows.
B. She ate an apple. D. The dog barked loudly.

45. What is an example of a presupposition in a sentence?

A. They have a dog. C. I don’t believe he knows.
B. He stopped smoking. D. She will return tomorrow.

46. Which of the following refers to the implied meaning of a sentence?

A. Connotation C. Phonology
B. Denotation D. Syntax

47. What does the term "speech act" refer to?

A. The structure of sentences C. The grammatical rules of a language
B. The way sounds are produced D. The function of an utterance in communication
48. Which type of meaning refers to the relationship between the language and its context of use?
A. Lexical meaning C. Pragmatic meaning
B. Denotative meaning D. Grammatical meaning
49. The phrase "It’s a piece of cake" is an example of:
A. A simile C. A metaphor
B. An idiom D. A hyperbole
50. What does the term "deixis" refer to in pragmatics?
A. The pronunciation of words
B. The study of sounds in speech
C. The study of meaning in sentences
D. Words or phrases that rely on context for meaning

Prepared by:

Agulto, Menchie M.
Dimacale, Vivien Felize G.
Soliman, Yasmine T.
Valdesotto, Ellisha D.

Submitted to:

Jan S. Del Rosario

EDUC 109

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