English Language
English Language
English Language
1. Fill in what is missing in this sentence - English has nine specific parts of speech: ______________, verbs,
_____________, prepositions, pronouns, _____________, adverbs, conjunctions and interjections.
A. nouns, adjectives, determiners
B. articles, degrees, clauses
C. nouns, adjectives, contractions
2. 'ed' and 'ing' are examples of -
A. Forms
B. Affixes
C. Infixes
3. A variant of a morpheme is called a/an -
A. Slipping morph
B. Liquid morph
C. Allomorph
4. Which of the following is the smallest unit within a language system?
A. phoneme
B. morpheme
C. word
5. Which of the following definitions are consistent with discourse?
A. extraordinary use of language
B. analysis of language beyond sentence level
C. stretch of natural language
6. Which of the following was the first stage of modern psycholinguistics?
A. cognitive period
B. behaviourism
C. structuralism
7. Hermann Paul (1886) argued that the most basic building block of language was which of the following?
A. phoneme
B. morpheme
C. word
8. The term psycholinguistics was first used in which period?
A. cognitive period
B. linguistic period
C. formative period
9. Who was the main contributor to the linguistic period?
A. Hermann Paul
B. Chomsky
C. F. D. Saussure
10. Which two names are often associated with the cognitive period of modern linguistics?
A. Fodor and Slobin
B. Hermann Paul and Chomsky
C. F.D. Saussure and B.F. Skinner
11. “The abstract, systematic rules and conventions of a signifying system; it is independent and pre-exists the
individual users” is description of:
A. langue
B. la langage
C. parole
12. What is a lemma?
A. a type of lexeme
B. the abstract form of a word containing information relating to the meaning of a word
C. the abstract form of a word containing information relating to the graphemes
13. What is the correct name for a physical plan of movement of the vocal tract?
A. vocal schema
B. articulator map
C. gestural score
14. Term calquing belongs to:
A. stylistics
B. morphology
C. semantics
15. The study of composition of words is called:
A. Phraseology
B. Syntax
C. Morphology
16. The study of composition of phrases and sentences is called:
A. Phraseology
B. Syntax
C. Grammar
17. The study of meaning of words, phrases and sentences is called:
A. Semantics
B. Semantic structures
C. Sememe
18. How many sounds are there in English language?
A. 44
B. 26
C. 48
19. How many consonant sounds are there in English language?
A. 24
B. 28
C. 48
20. How many vowel sounds are there in English language?
A. 18
B. 20
C. 28
21. The study of one’s intended meaning is called:
A. Discourse Analysis
B. Semantics
C. Pragmatics
22. How many monophthongs or single vowel sounds are there in English language?
A. 12
B. 14
C. 18
23. How many diphthongs or double vowel sounds are there in English language?
A. 6
B. 7
C. 8
24. How many triphthongs or tripple vowel sounds are there in English language?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
25. The smallest unit of sound which can make a difference in meaning is called:
A. Phoneme
B. Phone
C. Syllable
26. A sound or a group of sounds produced by a single chest pulse is called:
A. Phoneme
B. Phone
C. Syllable
27. The broader study of major speech sounds and their organization in a language is called:
A. Phonology
B. Morphophonemics
C. Grammar
28. How many sounds are aspirated in English language?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
29. Words formation process comes under the heading of:
A. Morphology
B. Borrowing
C. Coinage
30. Which of the following is not a branch of linguistics?
A. Phraseology
B. Anthropology
C. Lexicology
31. Which of the following is true of human languages?
A. They must have both a spoken and a written form.
B. They have a set of grammar rules called syntax.
C. They can borrow words from one another.
D. Both A and B
E. Both B and C
32. In the vocal tract, speech starts with the _________ which push air out (carbon dioxide) and pull it in (oxygen).
A. wind pipe
B. lungs
C. trachea
33. Next, we have the larynx, or voice box. It sits at the juncture of the __________ or windpipe coming up from the
lungs, and esophagus coming up from the stomach.
A. lungs
B. vocal folds
C. Trachea
34. The vocal cords can be tightened and loosened and can vibrate when air is past them, creating sounds called
________. Examples include the consonants b, d, g, v, z and r.
A. voiced
B. voiceless
C. aspirated
35. Other phonemes do not involved the vocal cords and there is no vibration, such as the consonants h, t, s, p, k, l,
and f are called _________.
A. voiced
B. voiceless
C. aspirated
36. At the top of the throat is the opening to the nasal passages called the ___________.
A. E.N.T cavity
B. Trachea
C. Nasopharynx
37. The part which we know as throat is:
A. larynx
B. pharynx
C. glottis
38. Studying how English evolved out of Latin and French will be:
A. historical study
B. synchronic study
C. diachronic study
39. Descriptive linguistics is:
A. historical study
B. synchronic study
C. diachronic study
40. Set of rules based on natives’ views about using language is:
A. prescriptive grammar
B. descriptive grammar
C. functional grammar
41. During conversation, alternating between national and official languages is code switching; alternating between
two or more dialects of mother tongue is:
A. mother tongue interference
B. also code switching
C. code mixing
42. If Urdu is one’s first and national language, and English second and official one. Then, Arabic would be one’s:
A. religious language
B. a third language
C. also second language
43. Which of the following is called literary linguistics?
A. stylistics
B. practical criticism
C. critical appreciation
44. ………… are also called frozen metaphors:
A. idioms
B. proverbs
C. conceits
45. …………is an abstract structure of knowledge, a mental representation stored in memory upon which all
information processing depends. It may represent knowledge at different levels, e.g. cultural truths, linguistic
knowledge or ideologies:
A. schema
B. presupposition
C. inference
46. What sort of lateral do you get when the back of the tongue is raised towards the velum:
A. clear
B. dark
C. heavy
47. In linguistics ………… is the relationship between two different elements of the same kind, where one element is
found in one set of environments and the other element is found in a non-intersecting (i.e. complementary) set of
A. free variation
B. complimentary distribution
C. contrastive distribution
48. In semantics, ………… refers to an interconnected system of signs such that an alteration of any of the elements
involved a change in the entire system.
A. componential analysis
B. referential theory
C. field theory
49. Stages of language acquisition occur in this order: crying, ………… , ………… , one-word utterance, two-word
utterance, and telegraphic speech:
A. babbling, cooing
B. cooing, babbling
C. stammering, gesturing
50. Theories like universal grammar and minimalist program were propounded by:
A. Noam Chomsky
B. Ferdinand de Sassure
C. Bloomfield
1a 2b 3c 4a 5c 6c 7c 8c 9b 10a 11a 12b 13c 14b 15c 16b 17a 18a 19a 20b 21c 22a 23c 24c 25a 26c 27a 28b 29a
30b 31e 32b 33c 34a 35b 36c 37b 38c 39b 40a 41b 42c 43a 44a 45a 46b 47b 48c 49b 50a