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Class 10th Marks Distribution Scheme

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Acadernic Division, Rehari Colony, Jammu-Tawi/ New Campus, Bemina, Srinagar
e-mail:directoracad@jkbose.co.in 0191-2952817, 0194-2494522
Marks Distribution Scheme for the Academic Session 2024-25
Subject: Maximum and Minimum Pass Marks for SecondarySchool Examination
(Class 10th) Session Annual (Regular) 2025.

The minimum No. of marks required to pass the Secondary School Examination
(Class 10th) shall be as under:
As per standing regulations "a candidate shall be deemed to have passed the
Secondary School Education (Class 1Oth) if he/she secures at-least 33% marks in each of the TIVe
Compulsory subjects i.e. 1) English 2) Mathematics, 3), Urdu or Hini, 4) Science, and 5) Social
Science under Nine (9) point grading scale as mentioned below under Table A, This doesn't include
additional/optional subject. Wherever there is practical examination, this percentage (33%) shall be
required to be obtained by a candidate in both theory as well practical. Moreover, a candidate who
fails by a deficiency of not more than six (6) marks shall also be deemed to have passed the
examination by awarding the required marks in the subjects (out of 06 statutory marks) excluding
Practicals to his/her best advantage which shall neither be added to the total marks nor to the
subject/s awarded notional marks secured by the candidate/s.

The revised scheme of assessment/weightage of marks for Secondary School Examination (Class
10th) for Annual (Regular) Examination 2025 is given as under:
S.No Subject Total Marls Theory Min. Internal Min.
Max. Pass Assessment Pass
Marks Marks
Max, Marks Marks
General English 100 80 26 20 07
2 Mathematics 100 80 26 20 07
3 Urdu/Hindi 100 80 26 20 07
4 Science 100 80 26 20 07
Social Science 100 80 26 20 07
Additional/Optional Subjects and subjects opted by CWSN students in addition to above.
S.No. Subject Total Marls Theory Min. Internal Min.
Max. Pass Assessment Pass
Marks Marks Max Marks Marks
Arabic (Additional) 100 80 26 20 07
2 Computer Science 100 60 20 40 13
3 Art and Drawing 100 30 10 70 23
4 Home Science (For CwSN) 100 60 20 40 13
5 Music (For CWSN) 100 40 13 60 20
6 Palnting (For CWSN) 100 30 10 70 23
7 Art Education 100 100 33
8 Health &Physlcal 100 100 33
9 Hindi (Additional) 100 80 26 20
80 26 20 07
10 Dogri (Additional) 100
80 26 20 07
11 Sanskrlt (Additional) 100
100 80 26 20
12 Bhoti (Additional)
80 26 20 07
13 Punjabi (Additional) 100
80 26 20 07
Perslan (Additional) 100
80 26 20 07
19 Urdu (Additional) 100
26 20 07
16 Kashmiri(Additional) 100 80

GRADING TABLE (Class 10th)

Marks Range Grade Grade Polnt
90-100 A1 10.0
80-89 A2 9.0
70-79 B1 8.0
60-69 B2 7.0
50-59 C1 6.0
4049 C2 5.0
33.39 D 4.0
21-32 E Fail
20 and below E2 Fail
Note:-Those candidates who have obtained Grade E1 or E2 in any subject/s are being considered
as not qualified and shall have to improve their performance through subsequent chances/session.
1°oreover, the candidates, under disabled category (40% and above) who have to pass the
Examination if s/he secures, atleast onlv 28% marks instead of 33% in Class 10",

Vocational Subjects Class 10th
Scheme of Examination
Details of Assessment Plan
There will be three components of Assessment and the marks allocated for each component
will be as under:
a) Knowledge/TheoryTest 60 marks
*(Further divided by 2to get marks out of 30 at the time of adding up total marks)
b) Practical Test: 50 Marks
c) Internal Assessment CCE-20 marks
S.No Method of Assessment Weightage Minimum Pass Evaluator
(Max. Marks Marks
1 Theory/Written Test 30 Marks 10 Marks @33% JKBOSE
(But paper out of
60 marks)
2 Practical Test &Oral Test/Viva 50 Marks 16 Marks @33% Sector Skill
3 School Based Assessment 20 Marks 07 Marks @33%
(This will be VT (School based)
included only if the
student Qualifies
separately in
Theory &Practical)
Total 100 Marks 33 Marks
TheoryOut of 30 Marks (paper out of 60 Marks) Conducting Agency: JKBOSE
Practical (External) 50 Marks Conducting Agency:SsC (Sector SkillCouncils)
Part 3rd
Marks weightage : Jammu & Kashmir State Open
School Education for the scsslon 2024-25 (Class 10lh) School (UK SOS) a subsidiary of J&K Board of

Theory Practicals
S. Five (05) Total Internal Assessment
No Maxlmum Minlmum Maxlmum Minlmum
Compulsory Marks Marks Pass marksMarks Pass
Subjccts Allotted Minlmum
In subject Marks Pass Marks
out of 100
1 G. English marks
100 100
2 ME!hematics 100
33 Nil Nil 33 Marks
100 33
3 Science 100
NII Nil 33 Marks
85 28 15
Social Science 05 33 Mark
100 100 33 Nil
Urdu/Hindi 100 100 33
Nil 33 Marks
Nil Nil
Note: The other 33 Marks
rules/regulations under JK SOS are same as mentioned in (Part-1") 1.e.
marks etc. statutory
No: F(Acad-C)AR-X/MD/25
Dated:- 27-01-2025

Copy to the:
1- Joint Secretary,
Secrecy/Examination KD/JD for information
2- Deputy Director Academics JD/KD for
3- Deputy/Assistant Secretary Secrecy/Examination Unit-1* KD/J.D for information.
4- Deputy/Assistant Secretary, ITSS, General, J.D/K.D for information.
5- Heads of all Govt./Private Higher secondary
information &necessary action. Schools/Institutions (affilated with JKBOSE) for
6- Oficer Incharge, Vocational Courses, SMAGRA J&K for information and n.a
7- OfficerIncharge, Central Secrecy, for Information and n.a.
8- P.S/P.A to Chairman/Secretary for
information of the Chairman/Secretary.
9- Concerned file.

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