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ChatGPT-Web Development Exam Questions

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Web Development Exam Questions

Give me questions from first two images topics in 3rd image

sample paper format for the exam

Here is a set of questions designed in the style of the provided sample paper
based on the topics from the first two images:

M.Sc. (I.C.T.) (Sem.-1) EXAMINATION

101: Web and Frontend Development Fundamentals and CSS Basics

Time: 03 hours
Max. Marks: 70

1. All questions are compulsory.

2. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q-1 Answer the following Questions. (Any Seven) (14


(a) Explain client-server architecture with a suitable diagram.

(b) What is the difference between semantic and non-semantic elements in
(c) Write the advantages of using CSS linked stylesheets.
(d) What is XHTML? Explain its features.
(e) Define inline, embedded, and linked CSS stylesheets with examples.
(f) Explain the structure of a basic HTML document.
(g) What are HTML5 input types? Provide examples.
(h) Describe the importance of SEO in web development.

Q-2 Answer the following questions. (Any Two) (14 Marks)

(a) Write a short note on XML and JSON, and explain their differences with
(b) What is a list box in HTML? Write HTML and CSS code to create a styled list
(c) Explain HTML media tags (audio, video, embed, track, and source) with

Q-3 Answer the following questions. (Any Two) (14 Marks)

(a) Explain stylesheet precedence in CSS with an example.

(b) Write a note on margin, padding, and border properties in CSS with a suitable
(c) How does the HTML `<form>` tag work? Discuss its attributes and provide a
complete form example.

Q-4 Answer the following questions. (Any Two) (14 Marks)

(a) What is the difference between HTML tables and CSS grid-based layouts?
Illustrate with examples.
(b) Write a note on color and background properties in CSS. Provide examples.
(c) Explain HTML `<image>` tag and image maps with syntax and examples.

Q-5 Answer the following questions. (Any Two) (14 Marks)

(a) Explain CSS transforms and provide examples for translate, rotate, and scale.
(b) Write a note on using classes in CSS. Provide an example of applying a class
to HTML elements.
(c) How does a dropdown list work in HTML? Write a CSS-styled dropdown

Let me know if you'd like adjustments or additional questions!

give me more from different chapters

Here’s an extended set of questions covering more chapters and topics in the
style of the sample paper provided:

M.Sc. (I.C.T.) (Sem.-1) EXAMINATION

101: Web and Application Development Fundamentals

Time: 03 hours
Max. Marks: 70

1. All questions are compulsory.

2. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q-1 Answer the following Questions. (Any Seven) (14


(a) What are the differences between frontend, backend, and full-stack
development? Provide examples.
(b) Explain the concept of virtual DOM and how it is used in ReactJS.
(c) List and explain different types of CSS stylesheets (inline, embedded,
(d) Write a short note on client-side storage and its types.
(e) What is the role of Bootstrap in web development? Explain with an example.
(f) Describe the `<audio>` and `<video>` tags in HTML5. Provide examples.
(g) What is the difference between REST API and AJAX?
(h) Explain the importance of responsive design in web applications.
Q-2 Answer the following questions. (Any Two) (14 Marks)

(a) Explain the features and advantages of the Bootstrap framework.

(b) Write a note on React Hooks and their types.
(c) Explain the difference between classes and functions in JavaScript. Provide

Q-3 Answer the following questions. (Any Two) (14 Marks)

(a) Write a note on JavaScript variables and explain the differences between
`var`, `let`, and `const` with examples.

(b) What is the concept of a JavaScript object? Explain with a suitable example.
(c) Write a note on template strings and their advantages in JavaScript.

Q-4 Answer the following questions. (Any Two) (14 Marks)

(a) Explain event handling in ReactJS with an example.

(b) Write a note on component lifecycle methods in ReactJS.
(c) What is AJAX? Explain its working with an example using `XMLHttpRequest` or
the `fetch` API.

Q-5 Answer the following questions. (Any Two) (14 Marks)

(a) Explain the role of Git in version control. Illustrate commands like `git init`,
`git push`, `git pull`, and `git merge` with examples.

(b) Write a short note on CSS properties for creating shadows and
transformations. Provide examples.
(c) How does conditional rendering work in ReactJS? Provide code examples to
Additional Topics for Variety:

If you'd like more diversity, questions can be drawn from the following:

CSS Animations and Transitions: Explain with examples.

UI/UX Design Principles: What are the principles of user-centric design?

React Props and State: Explain their differences with examples.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Why is it important? List strategies.

JavaScript ES6+ Features: Explain the spread and rest operators with

Let me know if you want further customization!

give me some more imp

Here’s another set of important questions covering diverse and critical topics
from your syllabus. These are designed to cover foundational as well as advanced
areas likely to be prioritized in exams:

Q-1 Answer the following Questions. (Any Seven) (14


(a) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using XML and JSON in web
(b) Describe HTML5 semantic elements and their significance. Provide examples.
(c) What are ReactJS components? Differentiate between functional and class
(d) Explain the importance of using media queries in responsive design.
(e) What is the difference between JavaScript client-side and server-side
(f) Write a note on `<link>` and `<style>` tags in HTML. How are they used to
include CSS?
(g) What is the purpose of the `getElementById()` and `querySelector()` methods
in JavaScript?
(h) Explain the concept of "state management" in ReactJS. Why is it important?
Q-2 Answer the following questions. (Any Two) (14 Marks)

(a) Write a detailed note on the role of React Props. Explain with examples.
(b) Explain the `<form>` tag in HTML and list some of its most commonly used
attributes. Provide a complete example.
(c) What is JSX in React? Discuss its features and write a sample React component
using JSX.

Q-3 Answer the following questions. (Any Two) (14 Marks)

(a) Explain the working of CSS box model. Include an example to illustrate
margin, border, padding, and content.
(b) Write a short note on 2D and 3D transforms in CSS. Provide examples using
`translate`, `rotate`, and `scale`.

(c) What are JavaScript arrays? Explain array methods like `map()`, `filter()`,
and `reduce()` with examples.

Q-4 Answer the following questions. (Any Two) (14 Marks)

(a) Describe the importance of virtual DOM in ReactJS. How does it differ from the
real DOM?
(b) What is AJAX? Explain how it enhances user experience in web applications.
(c) Write a note on event bubbling and event delegation in JavaScript. Provide

Q-5 Answer the following questions. (Any Two) (14 Marks)

(a) What is Git? Explain version control concepts and demonstrate common Git
commands with examples.
(b) How does CSS Flexbox work? Provide examples to show its alignment
(c) Explain conditional rendering in ReactJS. Write code to demonstrate `if/else`,
ternary operator, and logical AND approaches.
Key Topics Covered in These Questions:

HTML5 semantic elements

CSS (Box model, Flexbox, Transforms)

JavaScript (ES6 features, arrays, DOM manipulation)

ReactJS (Components, Props, State, Conditional Rendering)

AJAX and Responsive Design

Git (Version Control)

This set prioritizes fundamental concepts and practical applications. Let me know
if you’d like more advanced or specific questions!

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