chapter 3 final g- 3
chapter 3 final g- 3
chapter 3 final g- 3
improvement and better life. There are types and procedures of acquiring
have to rent a computer anymore, or go to big libraries just to look for the
answer they need. But, some educational application can be studying. Also
mobile application can be their reference without using internet because some
and loss of focus. From the research, Rosen et al. (2013) determined the
student claim the most the times their gadget remove their attention from the
Junco further concluded that student who spent plenty of time on social media
during study hour sand fallen sharply in their grades using to divided attention
Sharples, Taylor and Vavoula (2007), states that mobile learning is essential
explains how educational mobile application can affect the students day by
day in school and outside the school. Having the mobile phones in every
place can improve learning of a student in the way that students can study
Zafirakou (2018), states that there should not any hindrances for a student to
access higher quality learning. In order to have higher education, one must
(2013), ideas collide, educational application may help students to have great
learning experience.
These theories will be used in the current study, given the importance of
theory aims to prove and support the study of how we need higher
research indicate that gadget usage can be serves as tools for learning and
educational apps and online resources can educate extranous cognitive load
Sharples taylor and vavoula (2007) states that mobile learning is essential
explain how educational mobile application can effect the students day by day
Sharples taylor and vavoula (2007) states that mobile learning is essential
explain how educational mobile application can effect the students day by day
mobile phones in every place can improve learning of students in the way that
This theories will be used in the current study, given the importance of
Sharples taylor and vavoula (2007) states that mobile learning is essential
explain how educational mobile application can effect the students day by day
mobile phones in every place can improve learning of students in the way that
students can study everytime and everywhere. This theories will be used in
and academic performance. This theory aims to prove and support and the
In today’s era, students are lack of study habit faced different distraction
inside and outside the classroom, and they have negative and positive the
impact of gadget. Research indicates that heavy gadget usage can contribute
students who frequently multi tasked with their devices proper retention of
one of these is the learning, the way of educating by the mobile application.
Some mobile applications are educational that can affect the academic
1. AGE
The schematic diagram shows the independent variable which are the age, gender,
strand and the gadget usage on the other side represent the dependent variable
which is the academic performance. And how it will affect the student.
This study aims to determine the relationship between gadget usage and
A. Socioeconomic
B. Age
C. Sex
The use of mobile phones in education has a positive and negative impact to
students. This study hoped to address the influence of mobile phone use in
gadgets as at times one can prohibit the use of certain devices on specific
devices during school hours or suggest the amount of screen time of allowing
student to ram.
- For the teaching start research can show whether technology integration has
improve the methods of teaching. This would mean which tools and strategies
result in better outcomes for student and which may be a distraction or are
motivation among.
The current study opens up areas of further investigation into how complex
studies would focus on determining what kinds of gadgets use must affect
The use of gadgets not only effects the mental and physical health but can
also change sleep patterns, stress, levels, and even decreased physical
activity. Throu this study, the effects would be informed, thus trying them to
a learning environment for students will better help strategies on what most
This research will give parents and guardians knowledge as to how gadgets
what is the negative and positive effect on their academic. This study is limited
and etc to the grade 11 HUMSS students to know which among of these
application participants always use and which application can help them
his or her attentions away from his or her studies. High academic distraction
less on schoolwork.
- The difference between people in terms of access to, use of and knowledge
-This is any thing that takes away the attention of someone or t focus.
Gadgets can easily distract many students and hence reduce productivity,
- Encourage students to explore and use educational apps aligned with their
(Alexander, 2001)
– Short for mobile learning, it offer methods which decrease the limitations of
create, and test the software programs for business applications, desktop
operating system, networking, websites, and video games. In the last few
years, technology has changed the way of teaching and learning. Even the
nowadays are mostly using this type of technology which are the educational
mobile applications that can be the easy way to find or to know something in a
in the market but selecting the right one can change their mindset at the
Vazquez (2014), stated that mobile applications has been developed through
which both supports and enhances learning practices while also providing not
professors. In this generation using gadgets is very trend and one of the part
of individual's life. Using cellphone is very popular and have many benefits
according to usage like it can be used for communication, gathering data, and
that will be used. When it comes on school performance, there's an app that
can help the students to make the study easier. It can also affect the
Vazquez (2014), stated that mobile applications has been developed through
which both supports and enhances learning practices while also providing not
professors. In this generation using gadgets is very trend and one of the part
of individual's life. Using cellphone is very popular and have many benefits
according to usage like it can be used for communication, gathering data, and
that will be used. When it comes on school performance, there's an app that
can help the students to make the study easier. It can also affect the
and it can improve their self- confidence. To conclude that, students valued
the apps as their learning materials that can help to improve their studies and
As Bandalaria (2005), states on her study entitled Education for All Through
Experience "From time to time, people would want answers to some common
questions and would seek practical knowledge and bits and pieces of
information pertaining to health, for instance, language, etc. Ideally, one would
sometimes busy people could not find. Again, searching the Internet would
mean knowledge and skills on the use of the hardware and the software and
upon demand would prove to be not only convenient but cheaper as well to
the individual."The author said that from time to time, people want answers to
some common questions. Not everyone would want to have a formal degree
questions, they just want a practical knowledge to help them with their
take a lot of time, it will take time to find the book, and to get a particular topic
needed. Buying a book to get information is very costly, just like going to
internet cafes that will probably cost from Php 15 to Php 30 per hour.
Information that the users need are just on the tip of their fingers, with the help
of the technologies of our time. Most of people nowadays can afford to buy a
mobile phone that can help them to provide the information that they need. No
helps people to make their life easier, just how a mobile phone can help to get
A study of Alday and Pascual (2012), states that E-teaching is a method that
uses E-learning to educate the students. They also stated that "The teachers
imposed on the study the educators also agreed on the significant effects of
Elearning that will maximize the teaching potentials for teachers as well as
learning potentials
of the students.
Mobile learning nowadays have such a big factor around the globe for those
students wanting to learn more not only in school, but also outside of the
school. Mobile learning provides all the information a student needs, in order
to finish paper works or and assignments. There are private schools in the
Philippines that are already using tablets for schoolwork. This is good news,
but unfortunately, most of these tablets are only used for reading e-books and
most probably used by students for gaming. There are yet many things that
can be done in order to maximize the school and the parents’ investment on a
phone tablet. This is the reason why researchers would like to introduce M-
In addition, people nowadays have many ways to gain more knowledge and
have many ways to explore an easy way of learning. The easy way of gaining
knowledge in this generation now is to have a gadget that will help and
provide for gathering data, or information to people and students. Gadgets like
cellphone is one of the biggest factor that can help students to make the study
easy. Mobile phones have many uses that can help the students like using an
learnings also can help students in various ways like using a specific
generation is for the students now, as a new material that can help them
study. Many schools in the Philippines allows the students to use mobile
phone because of its impact and purposes especially, help them to study
Just an example, E-learning, which found itself into the mainstream sometime
early 2000s, is just making its way into Philippine learning circles today. In
other parts of the world, E-Learning is becoming a little outdated as more and
more people are switching from the traditional desktops to tablets or phablets
(phone + tablet); thus making M-Learning is the next big thing. The
proponents see that there are a lot of factors that can contribute to the slow
are the availability and high cost of internet, accessibility to computers, and
This study concludes that students who use mobile devices as a guide in their
study will help them have a higher frequency to gain knowledge, to improve
changes on education system (Archer, Garrison & Anderson, 1999) this may
education, he states, "In these changing times, students are more driven
towards using a mobile phone for every purpose. A smartphone they call it.
The world is at the fingertips and a student can get access to any information
from anywhere. This reduces the chance of visiting a library and searching for
the data. A mobile phone hence can be used for a number of such purposes.
mobile application has a unique feature which offers its own set of services.
Learning is a continuous process and the focus has now completely shifted to
applications, students can learn at their pace and take their time at
informations are already on the tip of our fingers. Our life have been more
find the information that they need, but there are certain mobile applications
that has a certain purpose. The different features of every applications can
help students in diffirent aspects to make their life easier. Roy also gave 5
advantages using mobile applications in room and 2 of these can affect the
mobile applications that indulge the students into a healthy thought process
and help them understand things from a different perspective.” Using mobile
can be more fun now because of the game features of mobile applications
that can also help students to learn new things and look at things in a different
make make it more fun to study because of the features added in the
educational applications.
“These days, students are generally very fond of online studying. This is
where library applications and book search applications come into the picture.
These applications make it easy for the students to search the appropriate
keeps them closer to the study material and helps them in segregating their
studying materials over the web.” Nowadays, going to libraries are not
through our mobile phones. There are mobile applications like library
applications or book search application that make it easy to get the study
application can offer different content material adjusted to the student’s. The
applications are more helpful to the students to exhibit less stress and anxiety
addition, as the
study of Klimova (2019) revealed that the students who use the mobile
can help students to gain learning easily and to have better performance than
gathered ideas and resources from experiences, students can show and or
present what they have learned through cognition, which may also apply for
apps does help children learn. For example, education researcher Maya
Lopuch found that elementary and middle school students who used various
domains. Students raised their performance nine percentage points, from the
51st to the 60th percentile after using iPads for just three months. University
test scores improved just over 15 percent, compared with a control group,
after playing a fractions game app for 20 minutes each day over a five-day
understanding algebra using the app rather than a textbook. In addition using
the students and can boosts the learnings of the students. Mobile educational
apps can motivate students to study proficiency and gain more knowledge. It
Basham, Marino, Rice and Xie (2010), asserted that mobile technologies hold
a great deal of potential for all learners but especially those with disabilities.
reviewed current studies to find the overall research trends regarding the
with benefits. Those people with disabilities are most benefited when it comes
phones with educational mobile application comes with many good effects
disabilities are said to be less than to the normal one. According to the
Learning capabilities of people with disabilities are said to be less than to the
provides plans for learning plans for learner’s disabilities. According to the
According to Sharples, Taylor and Vavoula (2005), learners can get regular-
continually. With the use of portable technologies, students can gather ideas
and many knowledge in a specific location. The students also can merge their
knowledge gained earlier from different academic context like books and
findings students also learned from topic to topic though mobile learning as
questions in more practical way like using mobile and cellular phones as it is
in demand now around the globe. Cellular phones can get any information
In addition to what Roy (2017), states students nowadays can just click their
are five new benefits can someone have when using mobile phone especially
the researcher will use the 3 types of research decision this study will be
using the quantitative research because it dealing with the numbers. this type
2011) found that students who utilized mobile device for educational purpose
study by ( karspinski and Duberstein 2009 ) noted that students who spend
used in this study conducting survey is also one of the approaches that will be
determine the relationship of (2) or more variables, this study will also be
The research will be conducted their study in lingig National high school
Poblacion, Lingig Surigao Del sur. compared of a year level from 7th to 12
and encounters the same issue which is the impact of using Gadget in
Academic performance.
The respondent of the researcher will be the grade 11th senior high school in
themselves, the main tool in gathering data for the whole duration of the
study. the questionnaire it divided into 3 parts. for the part 1, the researchers
will ask for the profile of respondents in terms of age, sex grade level. for part
||, the researcher will utilize, a tool for the frequency level of the addition of
gadgets among the students. for the last part. the researcher will be utilized a
The respondent of the researcher will be the grade 11th senior high school in
themselves, the main tool in gathering data for the whole duration of the
study. the questionnaire it divided into 3 parts. for the part 1, the researchers
will ask for the profile of respondents in terms of age, sex grade level. for part
||, the researcher will utilize, a tool for the frequency level of the addition of
gadgets among the students. for the last part. the researcher will be utilized a
The researcher will be using SOP " what is the profile of the students in terms
of ?" the researcher will be using frequency. Also for the SOP 2 and 3 which is
the "What is the level of gadget usage and Academic performance among
used the mean as a statistical tool to assess the gadget usage among senior
high school students of the LNHS for the SOP 4, the researcher will utilize the
person or their.
The researcher will use the purposive sampling because they specify their
students. Including Humss 11- A with 33 Female and 9 Male with the total of
42 Students, and Humss 11- B with 20 Female and 22 Male with the total of
SEX:___ M
1. Do you use your phone or tablet to take notes
during lecture or classes?
2.How many hours do you spend on gadget for personal
3. How frequently do you check your social media account
in a day?
4. How often do you play games on your gadget?
5. How often do you find yourself using gadget
when you should be studying?
6. How hard do you use your gadget fer research and
7.How often do you use gadget to collaborate on group
8. How often do you use gadget to prepare for exam?
9.How often do you feel that using gadgets improve your
academic performance?
10. How frequently do gadget distract you from school
11. How often do gadgets reduce your motivation to