hist timeline
hist timeline
hist timeline
1600 – Queen Elizabeth I granted permission to set EIC to a handful of British merchants
1608 – They landed in Surat
1612 – The then Governor of Gujarat, Prince Khurram (future Shah Jahan), granted permission for
the British to begin trading in a single province only
1664 – French set up their trading company as rivals of EIC. EIC established headquarters in
1658 - Aurangzeb seizes control
1686 – EIC went to war with the then emperor Aurangzeb but were defeated easily by the Imperial
Army. EIC was then heavily fined by Aurangzeb but allowed to continue trading.
1690 – EIC’s second trading post established at Calcutta
End of 17th century/late 1600s: British planned on laying the foundation of British dominion.
Start of the 18th century/early 1700s– EIC had 3 main bases/headquarters established in Bombay,
Calcutta and Madras.
1707 - Aurangzeb dies
1740s: 10% of all British revenue came from trading in India (this constituted a huge amount and
India no doubtedly gained its position as the golden egg laying hen for Britain.)
1751 – Battle of Arcot
1757 – Battle of Plassey in which British General Robert Clive entered Calcutta to free the EIC
presidency there and avenge the Black Hole Tragedy, all carried out on orders of Nawab of Bengal
Siraj ud Daulah (provoked by the French). He defeated the Nawab's forces owing to the treachery
of Nawab's cousin and Army leader Mir Jafar. Siraj ud Daulah’s body was found in the river.
1761 – Battle of Pondicherry + Battle of Panipat
1764 – Battle of Buxar in which Mir Qasim (Mir Jafar’s son)+Nawab of Oudh Shuja ud Daulah
joined forces with the Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II’s imperial army to drive EIC out of Bengal but
Robert Clive defeated them too.
1773 – Act of Parliament introduced in India which aimed to provide her with good governance
and stop the anarchy of the EIC.
1773/4 – Suicide of Robert Clive, owing to opium overdose.
1782 – 1st Governor General of India Warren Hastings signed a peace treaty between the Marathas
and the British.
1784 – British Govt. Passed Indian Act and took direct control of Indian possessions (Pitts’ India
1799 – Governor General Wellesley invaded Mysore and killed Tipu Sultan.
Start of 19th Century/1800s– British aim changed to establishing British Dominion
1803 – British entered Delhi and forced acceptance of British protection (under the Act of
Subsidiary Alliances) by Shah Alam II.
1809 – Ranjit Singh and Amirs of Sindh signed a peace/friendship treaty with the British
1813 – 10000 European pounds were spent by the Mughal government on British education in
1818 – The end of the First Maratha War in which they were badly defeated and forced to accept
British protection.
1829 – Pardah of muslim women was banned (by B in areas where they had control)
1830 – British banned suttee too (details will follow)
1833 – The Charter Act of India was introduced which gave a chance to the Indians to become a
part of the civil services in India at that time.
1834 – English replaced Persian as the official/administrative language in India
1835 – English replaced Persian as the educational language in India too.
1839 – Death of Ranjit Singh
Start of 1840s – British feared possible Russian expansion into subcontinent via Afghanistan, so
they attempted to install a pro– British ruler in Kabul
1841 – Rebellion by Afghanis in which all British troops were massacred, deliberately leaving only
one to return and inform
1846 – Sir Charles Napier provoked the Amirs of Sindh so much that they attacked the British
presidency at Bombay but suffered defeat.
1846 – Battle of Aliwal took place between Sikhs of Punjab and British. With this attack they broke
the Treaty of Lahore, signed earlier, and had to pay a huge indemnity.
1849 – Punjab and North West Frontier annexed to the British Empire after restoring order to
growing chaos there.
1852 – Governor General Lord Dalhousie introduced the Doctrine of Lapse to seize more Indian
lands (if they did not have a legal male heir to the throne)
1856 – The lands of Oudh were seized wrongfully under Doctrine of Lapse, after the death of the
Nawab of Oudh
Jan: Greased Cartridges introduced and Mangal Pandey hanged, leading to the start of War of
March: Sepoys executed for not using the cartridges
May: uprising in Meerut
September: British regain control over Delhi and Lucknow
June: Laskmibai killed
Aug: Indian Mutiny completely defeated and official British Raj/rule in India began and continued
for the next 90 years.
During late 1870s – many societies sprang up with the aim of getting rid of british
1883 – December, a conference of the Indian National Union was called in Bombay.
1885 – Formation of congress by Allan Octavian Hume in Calcutta. (First meeting in Bombay in
Viceroy at that time – Lord Dufferin
1892 – Indian Councils Act (Congress had little success, it did help the British persuade them to
increase the number of Indians in the councils; Congress was being ignored by the British)
1893 – Sir syed organised the Mohammedan Defense Alliance / Anglo–Oreintal conference
1897 – Bal Gangadhar Tilak of Poona was imprisoned for writing a provocative newspaper article.
A british officer and his companion were assassinated, british took revenge as Partition of Bengal
1898 - SSAK dies
By the start of 20th century – Congress had become demanding and aggressive
1903 – Lord Curzon suggested the idea of partitioning Bengal
1905 – Bengal partition → Swadeshi movement
1905 – Liberal government elected in Britain (M fears grew as they said that they would increase
the local participation in India through elections.)
1906 – October, Simla Deputation / Delegation (first time muslims asking for sep. Electorates)
1906 – December, 20th session of the Mohammad Educational Conference, M leaders held a
meeting. Nawab Viquar– ul– Mulk clarified that M needed a different political party to protect their
rights. → first step towards partition, first step that marks the existence of Two– Nation Theory.
1908 – British taking control of the Swadeshi movement (Tilak was imprisoned for 6 years, other
radical leaders left India to avoid getting imprisoned.)
1908 - Press Act
1909 – Morley-minto Reforms / Indian council Act of 1909 (no. of Indians increased on the councils
but no actual power given to them, Hindus not happy about the sep electorates granted)
1911 – Reversal of Bengal Partition by Lord Harding in Dec, announced by King George V. Huge
blow to sentiments of m)
1912 - Outbreak of the Balkan Wars
1913 – Jinnah joins Muslim League, initially part of Congress
1912 –– 1913 – Balkan wars
1914 –– 1918 – WWI
1916 – Lucknow Pact (plan of pol. Parties if B rewarded them; first met in bombay in 1915)
1918 – End of WWI
1919 – Montagu–Chelmsford Reforms (didnt meet the demands, aka self govt., of congress and
muslim league)
1919 – Rowlatt act (a carrot– stick approach; to keep the trouble-making Indians in line)
1919 – Amritsar Massacre / Jallianwala Bagh Incident
1919 - Treaty of Versailles
1919 – November, All India Khilafat movement / First Khilafat movement
1919 – December, All India Khilafat movement / Second Khilafat movement
1920 – Non– Cooperation Movement by Gandhi (in response to Rowlatt Act)
1920 – February, Treaty of Versailles (fate of Germany)
1920 – August (1st), Non– Cooperation Movement (in response to Khilafat Movement, by muslims)
… (before this began, an ultimatum was given to the British in june to reverse their decision to
punish Turkey or else this non– coop. Would start in August.)
1920 – Hijrat Movement to Afghanistan
1921 – July (8th) Third Khilafat movement
1921 – August, Moplah uprising (violence seeping into khilafat movement, moplahs set fire to
police station)
1921 – when the Prince of Wales visited Bombay, there were nation– wide strikes and
demonstrations in Bombay led to anti– British rioting in which 53 people were killed)
1922 – February, Chauri Chaura incident (22 British policemen were killed)
1922 – Gandhi called off the Khilafat movement / backs out since he was a non– violent leader
1922 – Sultan of Turkey dethroned / deprived of political power
1923 – Treaty of Lausanne (treaty that made turkey what it is today)
1923 – Hindu Mahasabha was founded
1923 – Swaraj party won seats in the elections.
1924 – Khilafat movement died down (1919– 1924) / finished
Phase of 1924– – 1927 proved very disastrous for Muslim League as in Congress’ absence, hindu
extremists rose and made muslims lives miserable.
1924 – Spread of communal violence / communalism
→ The concept of Hindutva and Arya Samaj was very ancient but was put in political action more
evidently in the 1920s.
→ Congress’ leadership was growing apart; i) National Liberals ii) Swaraj party
→ Therefore Muslim League was up against the forced spread of hinduism and biases of the hindu
extremist group by 1925.
1927 – Delhi Proposals (an attempt of jinnah to safeguard muslims’ politial future by calling
prominent muslim leaders to a conference in delhi)
1927 – Simon commission came to India (since the next set of reforms were due soon)
1927 – Congress votes for dominion status
1928 – Nehru Report
1929 – Fourteen Points
1930 – Declaration of Indian Independence (1st jan)
1930 – Salt March begins
1930 – Simon report (after so much opposition)
1930 – 1st RTC
1930 (december) – Allama Iqbal’s Allahabad Address
1931 (march) – Gandhi– Irwin Pact
1931 – 2nd RTC
1932 – Communal Award
1932 – 3rd RTC
1933 – Rehmat Ali, Now or Never
1933 - White Paper issued
1934 – Jinnah returns and is sworn as the president if muslim league for lifetime
1935 – Government Act of India
1936 – campaign in which Jinnah talks about provincialism but offers no further explanation on
how to solve the problems of the muslims at that time (one of the reasons why ML did badly in the
1937 elections; other reasons; muslims of congress were trusted more and since congress had a
clearer aim they got more votes, image problems, muslims in majority did not feel the hindu
1937 – Congress wins election
1937 – 1939 – Congress phase of tyranny
1938 – Pir Pur report (where Muslims complained about the congress tyranny but nothing
1939 – Outbreak of WWII
The British asked for help but:
22 December 1939 – congress resigned from the government and Jinnah called for Day of
1940 – Pakistan Resolution
1940 – August offer
1941 – Atlantic Charter (Churchill agreed with the USA to liberate the non allies after the war, so
the liberal party stood up in indian favour)
1942 – Cripps Mission/Plan/Proposal (rejected, no mention of Pakistan, not trustworthy, bc B
wont stay late enough to implement this)
1942 – Quit India Movement/Resolution
1944 – Gandhi– Jinnah Talks (failed[4]; Gandhi wanted to decide the future of India after B left,
negated Two-Nation theory, central autonomy, convinced that he represented all of India, Jinnah
was opposite)
1945 – Simla Conference/Wavell plan
1945 – Elections
Executive councils sworn in
1946 – Delhi resolution
1946 – Cabinet Mission plans announced
1946 – Direct Action Day (16 aug)
1946 – Great Calcutta killing
1946 – Constituent Assembly elected
Feb: mountbatten arrives in India
March: Riots break out
June: Leaders meet last time on 3rd June (3rd june plan; date of the partition shifting)
● Borders with India finalised on 16 August (Radcliffe award/Boundary commission award)
● Dir, Swat, Chitral, Amb, Hunza, Gilgit and Bahawalpur become a part of pakistan
September: Pakistan becomes a part of UNO
October: Muslim revolt in kashmir
November: Indian troops invade Junagardh
1969-71: General Agha Mohammed Yahya Khan (President/ 2nd Martial Law Administrator)
● Removed one unit scheme
● One man, one vote
EP → Bangladesh
● 1949: Awami League formed
● 1966: Six point program
● 1967: formation of PPP
● 1969: anti-gov. Protest in pakistan
● AK replaced by YK, and elections postponed till 1970
● 1970: One unit scheme officially cancelled
● 1970 Nov: Cyclone Bhola
● 1970 Dec: Awami League wins majority in the National Assembly
● 3rd march 1971: Joi Bangla
● 25-26 mar 1971: operation searchlight
● 31st mar: India declares sympathy
● 1971 nov: Mukti Bahini
● 2 days later→ Yahya responds by asking for prep of war
● 1971 Dec: first attack on ground and civil war breaks out between EP and WP
● 1971 Dec: India declares war on Pakistan by attacking on ground, water and air
● 1971 Dec: Pakistan army in EP forced to surrender (merely 13 days, on 16th, signs
unconditional surrender)
● 1971 Dec: Yahya resigns as President
● 21 Dec 1971: Republic of Bangladesh formed
● 1972 Jan: Mujib becomes Prime Minister
1. Jinnah
2. Khwaja Nazimuddin
3. Ghulam Muhammad
4. Iskander MIrza
Prime Minister
1. LAK
2. Khwaja Nazimuddin
3. Bogra
4. 4 PM IM worked with
5. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
6. Benazir Bhutto
7. Nawaz Sharif
8. Benazir Bhutto
9. Nawaz Sharif
1. Iskander Mirza
2. Ayub Khan
3. Yahya Khan
4. Z. A. Bhutto
5. Fazal Elahi Chaudry
6. Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq
7. Ghulam Ishaq Khan
8. Leghari
9. Rafiq Tarar