Unique Liaqatabad 26-11-24-1
Unique Liaqatabad 26-11-24-1
Unique Liaqatabad 26-11-24-1
Price: The above prices are inclusive of currently applicable GST. Any change in taxes will affect prices, Income tax will not be deducted.
Delivery: Above prices are ex-bilty stand. Prices are ex-clusive of bilty charges.
Price Validity: 07 Working Day.
Delivery Time: As per mutual understanding, after 100% advance payment deposit in our bank and approved quotation/Purchase order. We must receive the approval
(signed & stamped) in writing through email or courier with a copy of the bank deposit slip. The delivery time is only approximate and there maybe delays due to
various reasons. Company will not be held liable for any such delays in any way. Goods will not be shipped before full payment deposit in our bank.
Liability: Novalon Polymers (SMC Pvt) Ltd accepts no liability for any damages arising out of the quality or delivery of its products. In no case, shall the company be
liable for any incidental damages.
Payment Terms: Payment to be made in favor of Novalon Polymers (SMC PVT) Ltd.
Force Majeure: Supplier shall not be liable for delay due to force majeure such as fire, flood, earthquake, energy loadshedding, strike, lockout and any other
circumstance beyond its control.