Gestalt Exercises
Gestalt Exercises
Gestalt Exercises
Here is a list of popular internet art therapy activities originally posted up until a few
years ago by the School of Nursing blog, and over time more than half of the links
have become defunct or updated. I have researched the current links that reflect
the most vibrant and inspiring art therapy guidelines on the internet today, while
aiming to keep them as close to
the original list as possible.
Deal with emotions like anger and
sadness through these helpful
1. Draw or paint your emotions. In this exercise, you focus exclusively on
painting what you are feeling.
2. Create an emotion wheel. Using color, this activity will have you thinking
critically about your emotions.
3. Make a meditative painting. Looking for a creative way to relax? Having
trouble sitting still to meditate? Meditative painting could be just what you're
looking for. No painting skill or experience needed - just a desire to relax
and be more creative.
4. Put together a journal. Journals don't have to just be about words. You can
make an art journal as well, allowing you to visually express your emotions.
5. Explore puppet therapy. Puppets aren't just for kids. Make your own and
have them act out scenes that make you upset.
6. Use line art. Line is one of the simplest and most elementary aspects of
fine art, but it can also contain a great deal of emotion. Use simple line art to
visually demonstrate how you feel.
7. Design a postcard you'll never send. Are you still angry or upset with
someone in your life? Create a postcard that expresses this, even if you
don't have to ever send it.
8. Create a family sculpture. For this activity, a clay representation of each
family member is made - mother, father, siblings and other close or
influential relatives to explore the emotional dynamics and roles within their
9. Paint a mountain and a valley. The mountain can represent a time when
you were happy, the valley, when you were sad. Add elements that reflect
the specific events as well.
10. Attach a drawing or message to a balloon. Send negative emotions or
spread positive ones by attaching a note or drawing to a balloon and setting
it free.
11. Heart Collage. Collage your childhood memories into a heart formation.
Art therapy can be a great way to relax. Consider these exercises if you are looking
to feel a little more relaxed.
Art can not only help you deal with
the bad things, but it will also help
you appreciate and focus on the
good. Check out these activities all
about reflecting on your personal
Often a great way to get to know yourself and your relationships with others is
through portraits.
If you prefer cutting and pasting instead of drawing or painting, these projects are
for you.
1. Create a motivational collage. You can hang this collage somewhere you'll
see every day. Filled with images you find motivating, it'll help keep you
pushing forward.
2. Create a Face in a Mask Collage. We all wear masks of some sort. This
project allows you to showcase what is on your mask and the face you put
on in the world.
3. Create a clutter collage. Are there things cluttering up your life? In this
project, use words and images to show the clutter in your path.
4. Create a calming collage. Select images that you find relaxing, soothing or
even meditative and combine them to create an attractive collage that can
help you relax.
5. Collage of a painting. To complete this exercise, you first have to create a
simple, abstract painting on paper. Then, tear this painting up and create
another one. Think about how you felt when you had to tear up the first
painting and the one you like the most.
Examine aspects of who you are and how you see the world through these
stunning art projects.
1. Create a blot art. Much like a classic Rorschach test, fold the paper in half
with paint or ink in between and describe what you see.
2. Mind Mapping. Make a visual representation of your thoughts to
understand how your mind works.
3. Make a Dreamcatcher. Having nightmares? Create this historic tool to
capture your dreams with a few simple tools.
4. Draw your dreams. You can learn a lot from what happens in your dreams,
so keep a dream journal and use it as inspiration to draw or paint.
If you are still looking for something to authorize, help or alleviate, these projects
may fit the bill.
1. Use natural materials. Leaves, sticks, dirt, clay and other natural materials
can help you get in touch with the natural world and the most primitive part
of yourself.
2. Building an Archetype Check out this series of projects to build a set of
archetypes, or ideal examples, that can help you explore how you see the
3. Use your body as a canvas. You don't need paper when you have your
body. Paint on your hands and feet or anywhere else to feel more in touch
with yourself.
4. Carve spiritual figures. Connect with those who have passed away or your
own spiritual essence using these sculpted figures.
5. Make art from recycled items. You can reuse old items that have meaning
to you or simply repurpose something you have lying around. Either way,
you'll gain insight into how you can reshape and re-evaluate your own life.
6. Collage with old photographs. If you don't feel comfortable using old
photographs you can make copies, but with this project you will extract a
characteristic that you see in the person in the photos.
7. Create your own interpretation of a famous piece of art. How did you
paint the Mona Lisa? Using a famous piece as your inspiration, create your
own piece. It might help reveal more about your lens on the world.
8. Work collaboratively. Art can be better when two people work on it
together, so find a partner and collaborate on whatever it is.
9. Use a found or made object like a paintbrush. Whether it's something
sharp or something soft, make your own artistic tool and use it to express
what you feel.
10. Make Crayon Stained Glass Windows. Reflect on your spiritual side with
this project that allows you to create your own stained glass window.
11. Painting a Window. Windows allow you to see in and out. Paint yours
with the things you want to hide or show to the world.